Library System Plans of Service
2021-2026 Library System Five-Year Plan of Service:
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Five-Year Library System Plan of Service
- Public Library Systems: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2026
- Reference and Research Library Resources Systems: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026
- School Library Systems: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2026
December 19, 2019
To: Directors of Library Systems in New York State
From: Lauren Moore, State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries
Subject: Five-Year Library System Plan of Service (2021-2026) Format and Instructions Are Now Available
The approved 2021-2026 Five-Year Library System Plan of Service format with instructions is now available on the State Library’s website. The State Library has also posted general information about the new Plan of Service and deadlines for submission.
I encourage you to share this information with your staff, member library directors, trustees/advisory councils and others as you engage them in developing the new Plan of Service for your library system.
As a reminder, the special plans listed below, which are required in law and/or regulations, are integrated into the overall format of the Plan of Service and should cover the same time period. Please revise and update these special plans as part of the development of the new 2021-2026 Plan of Service.
Public Library Systems
- Central Library Plan
- Direct Access Plan
Reference and Research Library Resources Systems
- Cooperative Collection Development for Academic Libraries Plan
School Library Systems
- Cooperative Collection Development (CCD) Plan
- School Library System Member Plan Template
If you have questions or need additional guidance, please contact your regional liaison at the State Library’s Division of Library Development.
The State Library anticipates that the 2021-2026 Plan of Service online product will be available for your use through Bibliostat CollectConnect in Spring 2020. The State Library will notify all system directors once the new online product is available.
Once again, I want to express my appreciation to those system directors who shared their thoughtful improvement suggestions with us on the content for the Plan of Service. I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the members of the State Library’s internal 2021-2026 Plan of Service Team: Amy Heebner (Team Leader), Jeffrey Kirkendall, Katy Kukulich, Natalie McDonough, Jane Minotti, Holly Peacock, Ivy Poitras, Frank Rees, and Mary Anne Waltz.
cc: PLS Central and Co-Central Library Directors
PLS Outreach Coordinators
PLS Youth Services Consultants
The system Plan of Service is a planning document which identifies, organizes, and provides an overview of the library system’s service program including intended changes in services or priorities. The Plan emphasizes what the library system proposes to accomplish and whom the library system serves. The Plan demonstrates how the library system anticipates it will fulfill the major roles expected of library systems. The major recommended roles for library systems are:
- Support and strengthen member libraries
- Facilitate equitable access to library services and resources directly to patrons/customers
- Facilitate resource sharing among libraries
- Provide leadership for improving library services for all
The purpose of the Plan of Service for all types of systems is to:
- Articulate the basic agreement between the State and the governing board of the system, which makes possible the payment of state aid to the system
- Enumerate the mutual commitments, responsibilities and obligations of the system and its members
- Share the system’s mission, goals, intended results and evaluation methods with its members
- Determine how the system meets the service needs of its community, region, and the State
The system Plan of Service integrates current ongoing services and plans for the next five years. It should provide a picture of the intended results of its services for both member libraries and individual users. The Plan of Service includes:
- System Mission (purpose of the organization)
- Goals
- Intended Results
- Evaluation Methods
The mission statement broadly describes the purpose of the library system. Mission statements should:
- Articulate the purpose for which the library system exists.
- Provide a focus for the library system’s activities.
- Motivate the Board of Trustees, staff, volunteers, and donors.
- Educate users about the library system’s importance and value.
- Act as a public relations tool.
Goals are broad statements that describe a desired condition toward which a library system will work.
Intended results
Intended results are the expected user benefits of the goals.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation methods are the tools that indicate if intended results were achieved. Examples include surveys, numerical statistics, anecdotal reports, focus groups, questionnaires, observations, pre- or post-test scores, etc.
Sections and Elements
The Library System Plan of Service consists of the following four sections:
- Section 1 – General Information
- Section 2 – System Governance & Membership
- Section 3 – Description of the Planning, Approval, Evaluation and Revision Process for all Sections of the Plan of Service
- Section 4 – Mission Statement, Goal Statements, Intended Results and Evaluation Methods (Section 4 for each of the three types of library systems differs slightly based on legal and regulatory requirements). Certain elements in Section 4 have specific requirements that must be addressed.
Plan of Service Due Dates and Effective Dates:
System | Due Date | Effective Date |
Reference and Research Library Resources Systems | April 1, 2021 | July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 |
School Library Systems | April 1, 2021 | July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 |
Public Library Systems | October 1, 2021 | January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2026 |
Plan of Service Revision Due Dates (for years 2-5):
System | Revision Due Date |
Reference and Research Library Resources Systems | On or before April 1st for implementation July 1st of the same year |
School Library Systems | On or before April 1st for implementation July 1st of the same year |
Public Library Systems | On or before October 1st for implementation the following January 1st |
See also Outline of Major Changes
System Key:
- A=All Systems
- P=Public Library Systems
- R=Reference and Research Library Resources Systems
- S=School Library Systems
Note: Pre-filled (but not locked) fields can be changed by the system. Requests to change items in locked fields can be placed in the Note field.
Question | Description | System |
1.1 | SYSTEM NAME - The legal name of the library system. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | A |
1.2 - 1.5 | ADDRESS - The complete street address of the system. Do not report a post office box. Include 4-digit postal zip code extension (if unknown, enter N/A). (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.6 | TELEPHONE NUMBER - The phone number of the system, including area code. Enter 10 digits only; data will automatically format when you hit the Tab key. (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.7 | FAX NUMBER - The phone number for sending fax messages to the system, including area code. Enter 10 digits only; data will automatically format when you hit the Tab key. (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.8 | NAME OF SYSTEM DIRECTOR - The name of the system director. (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.9 | E-MAIL ADDRESS OF THE SYSTEM DIRECTOR - The e-mail address for sending electronic mail messages to the system’s director. (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.10 | SYSTEM HOME PAGE URL - The URL of the system’s home page. A link to the system’s full approved five-year Plan of Service must be provided on the system’s home page. (Note: this is a pre-filled field) | A |
1.11 | URL OF CURRENT LIST OF MEMBERS - The URL of the current list of members on the system’s web site.
A |
1.12 | DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT - The date the library system was first established. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | A |
1.13 | DATE OF ABSOLUTE CHARTER (Public and Reference and Research Library Resources Systems only) - The date the library system was granted its absolute charter. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | PR |
1.14 | NAME(S) OF CENTRAL LIBRARY/CO-CENTRAL LIBRARIES - Enter the name of the system’s central library. Systems with co-central libraries should enter the names of both libraries. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | P |
1.15 | SQUARE MILEAGE OF THE SYSTEM SERVICE AREA - Final Square Mile Count issued March 2011 by U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | A |
1.16 | POPULATION OF THE SYSTEM SERVICE AREA - The official population counts given in the Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Populations and Housing Characteristics, New York issued March 2011, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | PR |
1.17 | TYPE OF SYSTEM - Enter the type of system. (Note: this is a pre-filled, locked field) | A |
Question | Description | System |
2.1 | URL OF CURRENT GOVERNING BYLAWS - The URL of the current governing bylaws on the system’s website. | A |
2.2 | APPOINTMENT/ELECTION OF SYSTEM BOARD/SYSTEM COUNCIL - Indicate whether the System Board or System Council Members are appointed or elected. If “Other” is selected on Question 2.2, specify using the note. | A |
2.3 | INDICATE BY WHOM THE SYSTEM BOARD/SYSTEM COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE APPOINTED/ELECTED - For example, county board, member libraries, etc. | A |
2.4 | ADVISORY GROUPS - Indicate the groups that advise the System Board or System Council. Check all that apply. If “Other” is selected, specify using the note. | A |
2.5 | MEMBERSHIP LEVELS - Describe each Reference and Research Library Resources System membership level, if applicable, using the repeating groups. | R |
2.6 | URL OF MEMBERSHIP LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS - If applicable, provide the URL for Reference and Research Library Resources System’s membership level descriptions (i.e. associate, full, collegiate, retiree, personal, etc.). | R |
Question | Description | System |
3.1 | SUMMARY OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT - Describe the processes used to assess member needs in the development of the system’s Plan of Service. | A |
3.2 | GROUP INVOLVEMENT AND ROLES - Indicate the groups involved, and their roles, in the development of the system’s Plan of Service. Include member libraries, advisory groups, special purpose groups or meetings (such as those for developing federal and state grant proposals), director’s advisory groups, and/or other types of advisory groups required in Education Law or Regulations of the Commissioner.
A |
3.3 - 3.5 | CENTRAL LIBRARY PLAN - The Central Library Plan describes the services funded by state aid programs: Central Library Development Aid and Central Book Aid. (Note: This is not the Central Library’s Long-Range Plan pursuant to Commissioners Regulation §90.2, Minimum Public Library Standards). Required items in the Central Library Plan are goals, activities, intended results, evaluation methods and approval dates. Other items that are often included and that may be helpful to shape the plan are a list of mandated central library services, list of current core central library services, timeline, and elements from the Plan of Service that align with central library services. Approval process: The central library advisory group or committee provides input. The group may vote to approve the plan, but it is not required. After the plan is developed, the central/co-central library board(s) must approve the plan. After the central/co-central board(s) approve the plan, the system board must approve the plan. Each approval date must be included in the plan. | P |
3.3 | CENTRAL LIBRARY PLAN – Development - Describe how the system works with the Central Library (or Co-Central Libraries) and the member libraries to develop the Central Library Plan. | P |
3.4 | CENTRAL LIBRARY PLAN – Member Participation - Pursuant to Education Law §273(1)(b) and Commissioners Regulation §90.4, indicate the groups involved, and their roles, in the development of the 2022-2026 Central Library Plan. | P |
3.5 | CENTRAL LIBRARY PLAN – System Plan of Service Integration - Describe how the 2022-2026 Central Library Plan is integrated with the system’s Plan of Service. | P |
3.6 | CENTRAL LIBRARY PLAN URL - Provide the URL of the 2022-2026 Central Library Plan. This is the Plan approved by the system board and the central library board. A link to the system’s approved Central Library Plan must be provided on the system’s home page. | P |
3.7 | DIRECT ACCESS PLAN - Describe the planning process for the 2022-2026 Direct Access Plan. [Commissioner’s Regulations (CR) § 90.3]. Guidelines are available. Approval process: If there is an advisory group or committee (it is optional), the group or committee provides input. The group or committee (if applicable) may vote to approve the plan but it is not required. After the plan is developed, a simple majority of all member library boards in the system must approve the plan. After the member library boards approve the plan, the system board must approve the plan. Each approval date must be included in the plan. Note: The Direct Access Plan is not required for The New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library or Queens Borough Public Library. | P |
3.8 | DIRECT ACCESS PLAN URL - Provide the URL of the 2022-2026 proposed Direct Access Plan. A link to the system’s approved Direct Access Plan must be provided on the system’s home page. | P |
3.9 (new) | MEMBER PLAN TEMPLATE URL - [Commissioner’s Regulations (CR) § 90.18 (f) (4)] Provide the URL of the 2021-2026 proposed Member Plan template. | S |
3.10 (new) | COOPERATIVE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT PLAN URL - [Commissioner’s Regulations (CR) § 90.18 (c) (1) (ix)]. Provide the URL of the proposed 2021-2026 Cooperative Collection Development Plan. Suggested items to be included in the Cooperative Collection Development Plan (CCD) are statement of goals, objectives, activities, outcomes or intended results, evaluation methods, and approval dates. Other items that are often included and that may be helpful to shape the plan are mission statement, school library system responsibilities, participating school responsibilities, timeline, and elements from the Plan of Service that align with cooperative collection development. Approval process: The SLS Coordinator develops the Cooperative Collection Development Plan with participation from the (required) CCDP advisory committee. The SLS advisory council then approves the plan as a component of the Plan of Service. The approval date must be included in the plan. More information on CCD Plans. | S |
3.11 (new) | COOPERATIVE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT FOR ACADEMIC LIBRARIES (CCDA) PLAN URL - Provide the URL of the 2021-2026 proposed Cooperative Collection Development for Academic Libraries (CCDA) Plan. [Regulation §90.15 Coordinated Collection Development Aid] | R |
3.12 | EVALUATION - Provide a brief description of the information that will be collected to evaluate members’ satisfaction with the system’s services. | A |
3.13 | EVALUATION FORMS - Provide the URL of the proposed annual evaluation form(s) to be used by members. The results must be posted on the system’s website annually and the link must be included in the system’s annual report. | A |
3.14 | EVALUATION PLANNING - Provide a brief description of how the information on customer satisfaction will be used to shape the system’s Plan of Service in the next year or in the following planning cycle. | A |
3.15 | REVISION PROCESS - Provide a brief description of the process for revising the system’s Plan of Service for submission to the New York State Education Department/New York State Library. | A |
Public Library Systems
Question | Description | System |
4.1 | MISSION STATEMENT - Provide the mission statement for the system. Refer to the Introductory section of these Plan of Service Instructions for the definition of the mission statement. | P |
4.2 - 4.23 | Elements 1-10 - Provide the goal statements, indicate the year(s) in which the system intends to achieve the goal, and describe the intended results and evaluation methods. Refer to the Introductory section of these Plan of Service Instructions for information about goal statements, intended results and evaluation methods. For example, please see your system’s previous plan and other systems’ plans. | P |
4.2 - 4.7 | Element 1 - Resource Sharing – For each year, identify services and programs that will be provided. | P |
4.2 | Element 1 - Cooperative Collection Development – Include methods by which the system and its members build strong collections throughout the system as well as for each library and its own community. | P |
4.3 | Element 1 - Integrated Library System (ILS) – An ILS is defined as a suite of software programs that support all standard library operations, including acquisitions, cataloging, inventory and serials control, circulation, the online public catalog, and union catalog, and may also include electronic resource management, digital collections management, media booking and community information. Library systems may not implement all of these functions, but cataloging, circulation, and public catalog are considered minimal components of the ILS. | P |
4.4 | Element 1 - Delivery – Indicate methods used for delivery of Interlibrary Loan materials and other items e.g. system vehicle, commercial delivery service, etc. | P |
4.5 | Element 1 - Interlibrary Loan – Indicate how the system coordinates and facilitates Interlibrary Loan and expected changes or improvements to the process. | P |
4.6 | Element 1 - Digital Collections Access – Explain how system-purchased and system-created collections are accessed by or shared with member libraries (i.e. via a website, search engine, database, etc.) | P |
4.7 | Element 1 - Other (Optional) | P |
4.8 - 4.13 | Element 2 - Special Client Groups – For each year, identify Special Client Groups that will be served. | P |
4.8 | Element 2 - Adult Literacy – services for adults age 16 and over who are not enrolled in school. | P |
4.9 | Element 2 - Coordinated Outreach – system services for persons who are educationally disadvantaged or who are members of ethnic or minority groups in need of special library services, or who are unemployed and in need of job placement assistance, or who live in areas underserved by a library, or who are blind, physically disabled, have developmental or learning disabilities, or who are aged or confined in institutions (Education Law §273 (1) (h) (1) ). | P |
4.10 | Element 2 - Correctional Facilities (State and County) – services for people who are incarcerated in state or county correctional facilities (Education Law §285) | P |
4.11 | Element 2 - Youth Services – services for youth to age 18 exclusive of early literacy programming | P |
4.12 | Element 2 - Early Literacy – services for birth to school-age children with their families/caregivers | P |
4.13 | Element 2 - Other (Optional) | P |
4.14 | Element 3 - Professional Development and Training - Programs initiated and sponsored by the system, including online professional development that the system has facilitated or offered. | P |
4.15 | Element 4 - Consulting and Development Services – Programs or services that provide expertise to member libraries and branches and local communities in areas such as program content, grant writing, library governance, operation and sustainability, budgets, grants administration, legal issues, facility planning and technology. | P |
4.16-4.18 | Element 5 - Coordinated Services for Members– Programs or services that are initiated and coordinated through the system for member libraries and branches. Examples include coordinated print purchases, non-print purchases, negotiation of pricing for licensed electronic collection purchases, digitization services, cataloging services, materials processing services, office supplies, computer services/purchases, etc. | P |
4.16 | Element 5 - Virtual Reference – Services or programs maintained or supported by the system. | P |
4.17 | Element 5 - Digitization Services – Digitization of member and system collections, metadata services, maintenance and storage of files and digital collections. Includes creation of digital collections and long-term storage of digital collections. Access to digital collections is covered in 4.6 (Digital Collections Access). | P |
4.18 | Element 5 - Other (Optional) | P |
4.19 | Element 6 - Awareness and Advocacy – Includes system networking and programs which help member libraries increase public awareness of the value and benefits of libraries and library services. | P |
4.20 | Element 7 - Communications Among Member Libraries and/or Branches - Explain how the system communicates with its members and/or branches and how the system facilitates library to library communications – for purposes of resource sharing, direct access, and all other purposes. | P |
4.21 | Element 8 - Collaborative Efforts with Other Library Systems - Explain how the system collaborates with other public library systems, school library systems, and reference and research library resources systems. | P |
4.22 | Element 9 - Other (Optional) – Any other elements not identified in Elements 1-8 or 10. | P |
4.23 | Element 10 - Construction – Describe the process the system uses to publicize the State Aid for Libraries Construction Program (Education Law §273-a), assist members, assess construction needs, determine priorities, and review and approve applications. Include methods by which the system and its members will ensure that residents of the system’s service area have access to modern, accessible library buildings and high speed broadband. | P |
4.24 | ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Board. | P |
4.25 | APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | P |
4.26 | REVISION ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Board. (Note: this is a locked field) | P |
4.27 | REVISION APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | P |
Question | Description | System |
4.1 | MISSION STATEMENT - Provide the mission statement for the system. Refer to the Introductory section of these Plan of Service Instructions for the definition of the mission statement. | R |
4.2 - 4.18 | Elements 1-9 - Provide the goal statements, indicate the year(s) in which the system intends to achieve the goal, and describe the intended results and evaluation methods. Refer to the Introductory section of these Plan of Service Instructions for information about goal statements, intended results and evaluation methods. For example, please see your system’s previous plan and other systems’ plans. | R |
4.2 - 4.7 | Element 1 - Resource Sharing – For each year, identify services and programs that will be provided. | R |
4.2 | Element 1 - Cooperative Collection Development - Include methods by which the system and its members build strong collections throughout the system as well as for each library and its own community. | R |
4.3 | Element 1 - Catalog services - Describe all services that contribute to the discovery and sharing of member resources. These may include union catalogs, online catalogs, encoded archival description (EAD), metadata, etc., maintained or supported by the system. | R |
4.4 | Element 1 - Delivery - Indicate methods used for delivery of Interlibrary Loan materials and other items e.g. system vehicle, commercial delivery service, etc. | R |
4.5 | Element 1 - Interlibrary Loan - Indicate how the system coordinates and facilitates Interlibrary Loan and expected changes or improvements to the process. | R |
4.6 | Element 1 - Digital Collections Access– Explain how system-purchased and system-created collections are accessed by or shared with member libraries (i.e. via a website, search engine, database, etc.) Digitization services are covered in 4.13. | R |
4.7 | Element 1 - Other (Optional) | R |
4.8 - 4.9 | Element 2 - Special Client Groups – Identify target groups that will be served in the appropriate years. | R |
4.8 | Element 2 - Hospital Library Services – Describe services and programs that support and enhance Hospital Library Services. | R |
4.9 | Element 2 - Other (Optional) | R |
4.10 | Element 3 - Professional Development and Training – Programs initiated and sponsored by the system, including online professional development that the system has facilitated or offered. | R |
4.11 | Element 4 - Consulting and Development Services - Programs or services that provide expertise to member libraries and branches and local communities in areas such as program content, grant writing, budget, grants administration, legal issues, facilities planning and technology. | R |
4.12 - 4.14 | Element 5 - Coordinated Services for Members– Programs or services that are originated and coordinated through the system for member libraries and member systems. Examples include coordinated print purchases, non-print purchases, negotiation of pricing for licensed electronic collection purchases, digitization services, cataloging services, materials processing services, office supplies, computer services/purchases, etc. | R |
4.12 | Element 5 - Virtual Reference – Services or programs maintained or supported by the system. | R |
4.13 | Element 5 - Digitization Services – Digitization of member and system collections, metadata services, maintenance and storage of files and digital collections. Includes creation of digital collections and long-term storage of digital collections. Access to digital collections is covered in 4.6 (Digital Collections Access). | R |
4.14 | Element 5 - Other (Optional) | R |
4.15 | Element 6 - Awareness and Advocacy – Include the system networking and programs which help member libraries increase public awareness of the value and benefits of libraries and library services. | R |
4.16 | Element 7 - Communications among Member Libraries and/or Member Library Systems - Explain how the system communicates with its members and how the system facilitates library to library and library system communications – for purposes of resource sharing, direct access, and all other purposes | R |
4.17 | Element 8 - Collaborative Efforts with Other Library Systems - Explain how the system collaborates with other reference and research library resources systems, public library systems, and school library systems. | R |
4.18 | Element 9 - Other (Optional) – Include here any other elements not identified in Elements 1-8. | R |
4.19 | ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Board. | R |
4.20 | APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | R |
4.21 | REVISION ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Board. (Note: this is a locked field) | R |
4.22 | REVISION APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | R |
School Library Systems
Question | Description | System |
4.1 | MISSION STATEMENT - Provide the mission statement for the system. Refer to the Introductory section of these Plan of Service Instructions for the definition of the mission statement. | S |
4.2 - 4.17 | Elements 1-9 - Provide the goal statements, indicate the year(s) in which the system intends to achieve the goal, and describe the intended results and evaluation methods. Refer to the introductory section for information about goal statements, intended results and evaluation methods | S |
4.2 - 4.7 | Element 1 - Resource Sharing – For each year, identify services and programs that will be provided. | S |
4.2 | Element 1 - Cooperative Collection Development - Include methods by which the system and its members build strong collections throughout the system as well as for each library and its own community. | S |
4.3 | Element 1 - Union Catalog – A union catalog is an accessible list of the combined catalog holdings of all the libraries in a library system or of the collections of a group of independent libraries. These may include virtual or online catalogs, union lists of serials, etc., maintained or supported by the system. This list indicates by name and/or location symbol which libraries own at least one copy of each item. | S |
4.4 | Element 1 - Delivery - Indicate methods used for delivery of Interlibrary Loan materials and other items e.g. system vehicle, commercial delivery service, etc. | S |
4.5 | Element 1 - Interlibrary Loan - Indicate how the system coordinates and facilitates Interlibrary Loan and expected changes or improvements to the process. | S |
4.6 | Element 1 - Digital Collections Access – Explain how system-purchased and system-created collections are accessed by or shared with member libraries (i.e. via a website, search engine, database, etc.). | S |
4.7 | Element 1 - Other (Optional) | S |
4.8 | Element 2 - Special Client Groups – Identify targeted groups that will be served in the appropriate years. Groups may include students with a disability (individuals who, because of mental, physical or emotional reasons, have been identified as having a disability and who require special services and programs). Examples of disability categories include, but are not limited to, speech/language impairment; deaf or hearing impairment; orthopedic impairment; traumatic brain injury; other health impairment; emotional health; learning disability; blindness or visual impairment; autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD); multiple disabilities; and developmental disability. Examples of special client group categories include, but are not limited to, culturally and ethnically diverse; mentally impaired; gifted, talented or advanced; those with substance use disorder; LGBTQ; homeschooled; incarcerated or previously incarcerated youth/adults; truants; and speakers of English as a second language. | S |
4.9 | Element 3 - Professional Development and Training – Programs initiated and sponsored by the system, including online professional development that the system has facilitated or offered. | S |
4.10 | Element 4 - Consulting and Development Services – Programs or services that provide expertise to member libraries and branches and local communities in areas such as program content, grant writing, budget, grants administration, legal issues, facilities planning and technology. | S |
4.11 - 4.13 | Element 5 - Coordinated Services for Members– Programs or services originated and coordinated through the system for member libraries. Examples include coordinated print purchases, non-print purchases, negotiation of pricing for licensed electronic collection purchases, digitization services, catalog services, materials processing services, office supplies, computer services/purchases, etc. These may include, but are not limited to, CO-SERS. | S |
4.11 | Element 5 - Virtual Reference – Services and programs maintained or supported by the system. | S |
4.12 | Element 5 - Digitization Services – Digitization of member and system collections, metadata services, maintenance and storage of files and digital collections. Includes creation of digital collections and long-term storage of digital collections. Access to digital collections is covered in 4.6 (Digital Collections Access). | S |
4.13 | Element 5 - Other (Optional) | S |
4.14 | Element 6 - Awareness and Advocacy – Include the system networking and programs which help members increase public awareness of the value and benefits of libraries and library services. | S |
4.15 | Element 7 - Communications Among Members – Explain how the system communicates with its school districts and non-public schools and participants (buildings), and the role of communication coordinators - for purposes of resource sharing, direct access, and all other purposes. | S |
4.16 | Element 8 - Collaborative Efforts with Other Library Systems - Explain how the system collaborates with other school library systems, public library systems, and reference and research library resources systems. | S |
4.17 | Element 9 - Other (Optional) – Include here any other elements not identified in Elements 1-8. | S |
4.18 | ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Council. | S |
4.19 | APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | S |
4.20 | REVISION ASSURANCE - Enter the date the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and accepted by the Library System Council. (Note: this is a locked field) | S |
4.21 | REVISION APPROVAL [For NYSL Use Only] - The date that the Library System’s revised Plan of Service was reviewed and approved by the New York State Library. | S |
The "General Information" on this page, also including the Timetable, in .PDF format [233k]