Organizational and Functional Roster
- Organizational Roster
- Roster of Staff by Job Title
- Functional Roster
- State and Federal (LSTA) Aid for Libraries and Systems
- System Liaisons
Organizational Roster
Assistant Commissioner for Libraries and State Librarian
Lauren Moore, State Librarian; (v) 518-474-5930
Division of Library Development, New York State Library
General phone: 518-474-7196
Mailing address: 10B41 Cultural Education Center, Albany NY 12230
Administrative Assistants
Athena Small; (v) 518-486-2753
Margaret Weis; (v) 518-474-7196
Operating Teams
(Some staff are on more than one team)
Public Library System Services Team
Natalie McDonough (Team Leader); (v) 518-486-2194
Lauren C. Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479
Estralita Cromartie-Collesides; (v) 518-473-6941
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883
Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189
Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864
Julia Maxwell; (v) 518-474-4734
Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Library Aid Coordination, Resource Sharing and Preservation Services
Barbara Lilley (Team Leader); (v) 518-486-4864
Estralita Cromartie-Collesides; (v) 518-473-6941
Lisa DeNovio; (v) 518-402-0119
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189
Adriana Mastroianni; (v) 518-486-2810
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Technology, Reporting and Federal Aid Services
Amy Heebner (Team Leader); (v) 518-474-4883
Lauren C. Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189
Julia Maxwell; (v) 518-474-4734
Roster of Staff by Job Title
Library Development Specialists/Librarians
Lauren C. Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883
Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864
Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189
Natalie McDonough; (v) 518-486-2194
Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Education Program Assistants
Estralita Cromartie-Collesides; (v) 518-473-6941
Lisa DeNovio; (v) 518-402-0119
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Adriana Mastroianni; (v) 518-486-2810
Julia Maxwell; (v) 518-474-4734
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Administrative Assistants
Athena Small; (v) 518-486-2753
Margaret Weis; (v) 518-474-7196
Functional Roster
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (Federal)
Amy Heebner (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-4883
Annual Reports:
Public Libraries
Adriana Mastroianni; (v) 518-486-2810
Julia Maxwell (backup); (v) 518-474-4734Public Library Systems
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330Reference and Research Library Resources Councils
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
School Library Systems
Lisa DeNovio; (v) 518-402-0119
Bibliostat Products
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Broadband Initiatives for Libraries
Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883
Central Library Services Aid
Frank Rees (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-1565
Central Library Directors Association Liaison
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
See Also: State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Chartering of Public Libraries
Conservation/Preservation Program
Barbara Lilley (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4864
See also: State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Construction Aid for Public Libraries
Natalie McDonough (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-2194
Lauren Cardinal (backup); (v) 518-474-1479
See also: State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Coordinated Collection Development Aid
Coordinated Outreach Services Aid
Correctional Facilities, Aid to Public Library Systems
Digital Inclusion Initiatives
Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883
Lauren Cardinal (backup); (v) 518-474-1479
E-Rate (Universal Service Telecommunications Discount Program for Schools and Libraries)
Lauren Cardinal (E-rate Coordinator); (v) 518-474-1479
Amy Heebner (backup); (v) 518-474-4883
Early Literacy Initiatives
Empire State Library Network (formerly New York 3Rs Association) Liaison
Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864
Federal Aid for Library Services / LSTA Coordinator / ARPA
Amy Heebner (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-4883
Free Direct Access Plans
Hospital Library Services Aid
Indian Libraries Aid
Institution Library Services (County Jails)
Legislative Planning and Regulations
Lauren Moore; (v) 518-474-5930
Barbara Lilley (backup); (v) 518-486-4865
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Program Coordination (Federal)
Amy Heebner (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-4883
Library Trustees Association of New York State (LTANYS) Liaison
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Literacy and Libraries
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
Local Library Services Aid Program
Love Your Library Programs
Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863
Mailing list information
Athena Small; (v) 518-486-2753
Medical Information Services Program
Minimum Public Library Standards
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
NOVELny (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library)
NOVELny Project
Amy Heebner (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-4883
NOVELny Databases Help Desk
E-mail the NOVELny Databases Help Desk; (v) 518-486-6012 in the Albany area; toll-free in NY (877) 277-0250
NOVELny website
Sarah McFadden; (v) 518-474-8541
NYLINE and other e-mail lists
Outreach Services, Public Library Systems
Mary Beth Farr (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4927
Plans of Service for Systems
SEE: System Liaisons
Public Librarian Certification
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Public Library Districts Initiative
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Public Library System Directors Organization (PULISDO) Liaison
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Public Library System Services
Frank Rees (Program Manager); (v) 518-474-1565
See also Public Library System Liaisons; State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Athena Small; (v) 518-486-2753
Ready to Read at New York Libraries (early literacy initiative)
Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863
Reference and Research Library Resources (3Rs) Council Services
Barbara Lilley (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4864
See also System Liaisons; State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Registration of Public Libraries
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Amy Heebner (backup); (v) 518-474-4883
School Library System Association, Inc. Liaison
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
School Library System Services
Mary Beth Farr (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4927
See also System Liaisons; State Aid for Libraries and Systems
State Aid for Libraries and Systems (Coordinator)
Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864
See also: State Aid for Libraries and Systems
State Aid for Library Construction Program
Natalie McDonough (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-2194
Lauren Cardinal (backup); (v) 518-474-1479
See also: State Aid for Libraries and Systems
Summer Reading at New York Libraries Program
Sharon Phillips (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4863
System Annual Reports
SEE: Annual Reports
Systems Plans of Service
SEE: System Liaisons
Teen Services
Sharon Phillips (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4863
Trustees and Public Libraries
Trustees -- Library Trustees Association of New York State (LTANYS) Liaison
Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565
Universal Service Telecommunications Discount Program for Schools and Libraries
SEE: E-Rate
Website for Division of Library Development and NOVELny
Sarah McFadden; (v) 518-474-8541
Workforce Development and Libraries (Outreach)
Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927
Youth and Family Services
Sharon Phillips (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-4863
State Aid Programs for Libraries and Systems
Please contact the following staff with questions about State Aid program requirements and payments.
Center for Jewish History, Inc. Library Aid
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Central Libraries Services Aid (Public Library Systems)
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Conservation/Preservation Grants
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Construction: State Aid for Library Construction
Natalie McDonough (Program Manager); (v) 518-486-2194
Lauren Cardinal (backup); (v) 518-474-1479
Construction: State Aid for Library Construction Closings
Estralita Cromartie-Collesides; (v) 518-473-6941
Lisa DeNovio; (v) 518-402-0119
Coordinated Collection Development Aid (Academic Libraries)
Adriana Mastroianni; (v) 518-486-2810
Coordinated Outreach Services Aid (Public Library Systems)
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Mary Beth Farr (backup); (v) 518-486-4927
County Jails Library Aid (Public Library Systems)
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Mary Beth Farr (backup); (v) 518-486-4927
Hospital Library Services Aid (3Rs)
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Indian Libraries Aid
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Mary Beth Farr (backup); (v) 518-486-4927
Local Services Aid (Public Library Systems)
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
The New-York Historical Society Library Aid
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
The New York Public Library, Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library Aid
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
The New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture Library Aid
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
New York State Medical Information Services Program for Libraries
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
Public Library System Aid
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
Reference and Research Library Resources System Aid
Holly Peacock; (v) 518-486-2197
School Library System Aid
Lisa DeNovio; (v) 518-402-0119
State Corrections Aid (Public Library Systems)
Jeffrey Kirkendall; (v) 518-486-1330
System Liaisons
Jump to: Public Library Systems | School Library Systems
Reference and Research Library Resources System Services[See also Reference and Research Library Resources System page for links to the Systems] |
Capital District Library Council for Reference and Research Resources: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Central New York Library Resources Council: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Long Island Library Resources Council, Inc.: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 |
Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO): Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Northern New York Library Network: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Rochester Regional Library Council: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 |
South Central Research Library Council: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Southeastern New York Library Resources Council: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Western New York Library Resources Council: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 |
Public Library System Services[See also Public Library System page for links to the Systems] |
Brooklyn Public Library: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Buffalo and Erie County Public Library: Natalie McDonough; (v) 518-486-2194 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System: Natalie McDonough; (v) 518-486-2194 Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library System: Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883 Finger Lakes Library System: Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863 Four County Library System: Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863 Mid-Hudson Library System: Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565 Mid York Library System: Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189 |
Mohawk Valley Library System: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Monroe County Library System: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 Nassau Library System: Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565 The New York Public Library: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Nioga Library System: Natalie McDonough; (v) 518-486-2194 North Country Library System: Amy Heebner; (v) 518-474-4883 Onondaga County Public Library: Tor Loney; (v) 518-486-2189 OWWL Library System: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 |
Queens Borough Public Library: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 Ramapo Catskill Library System: Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565 Southern Adirondack Library System: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Southern Tier Library System: Sharon Phillips; (v) 518-486-4863 Suffolk Cooperative Library System: Frank Rees; (v) 518-474-1565 Upper Hudson Library System: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Westchester Library System: Barbara Lilley; (v) 518-486-4864 |
School Library System Services[See also School Library System page for links to the Systems] |
Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga (Capital Region) BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Broome-Tioga BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Buffalo City: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washington BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Dutchess BOCES: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 Erie #1 BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Erie #2 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Genesee-Livingston-Steuben-Wyoming BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 |
Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-Oneida BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Madison-Oneida BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Monroe #1 BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Monroe #2 - Orleans BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Nassau: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 New York City: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Onondaga-Cortland-Madison-Oswego BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Orange-Ulster BOCES: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 Orleans-Niagara BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Otsego - Delaware - Schoharie - Greene (Otsego-Northern Catskills) BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Putnam-Westchester BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene (Questar III) BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 |
Rochester City: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Rockland BOCES: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Suffolk, Eastern, BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Suffolk, Western, BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Sullivan BOCES: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 Syracuse City: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Ulster BOCES: Lauren Cardinal; (v) 518-474-1479 Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Wayne-Finger Lakes (Ontario - Seneca - Yates - Cayuga - Wayne) BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Westchester, Southern, BOCES: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 Yonkers City: Mary Beth Farr; (v) 518-486-4927 |