Use Boolean operators between two search terms to broaden or narrow a search. Boolean operators are:
AND | terms must be in the same record (narrows search) Example: Alcohol AND Abuse$ (the $ sign is the truncation symbol) |
OR | either one or both terms must be in the same record (broadens search) Examples:
NOT | the first term must be in the record, and the second term must not be in the record (narrows search) Example: Alcohol NOT Drug |
XOR | one or the other term must be in the record, but both terms cannot be in the same record (narrows search) Example: Narcotics XOR Alcohol |
If two or more terms are typed in a text input box without using a Boolean operator between them, the system understands the positional operator SAME (the terms must be in the same field) and requires all the terms to appear in the same field.
Use positional operators between two words to retrieve records in which the two are in a particular physical relationship to each other. Positional operators are:
SAME | terms must be in the same field Example: Revolution SAME Claims |
WITH | terms must be in the same sentence in a field Example: Investigation WITH Informants |
NEAR | terms must be adjacent to one another, in any order Example: Delinquent$ NEAR Juvenile$ |
ADJ | terms must be adjacent to one another and in the order in which they were entered |
Note: If stop words or operator words are part of a search string, put them in double quotes. For example, to search for the phrase NEAR EAST, type "NEAR" ADJ EAST.
Use parentheses to refine a search by grouping words with two or more operators, for example:
When doing a Power Search, search limits are at the bottom of the screen. When doing a Quick Search, the search can only be limited after results are retrieved. On a screen of brief records, scroll to the bottom of the screen to view the limits. Type in or select the limits, scroll up, and resubmit the search.
Limit a search by publication year, format, language, location, etc.
Limiter | Example |
> (greater than) | > 1990 |
< (less than) | < 1950 |
a range of years | 1990-1994 |
exact year | 1999 |
From the WORDS OR PHRASE option in the quick search
To search by OCLC number, enter the OCLC number. For older OCLC numbers with fewer than eight digits, you may need to type the 3-character prefix "OCM" in upper case followed by one or more zeros to bring the OCL number up to eight digits, e.g., if the OCLC were "123456", which has only six digits, enter "OCM00123456".
To search by ISSN, type the number exactly. For example:
To search by ISBN, type the number without hyphens. For example:
To search by Archives series number, type the number and then be sure to select New York State Archives for the LIBRARY. For example:
To search by MARC tags, use the { } brackets. For example: