Bibliographies of NYS Library Resources on Selected Topics
A bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents about a particular subject or written by a particular author.
- Items are arranged alphabetically by author's last name or, when there is no author, by the first word of the title.
- If the State Library has a copy of the item listed, the citation may be followed by its call number, in parentheses, e.g., (R,929,qD23m), to help you identify the book in our collection.
- A citation may also be followed by a brief annotation, or description, usually intended to evaluate the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the source cited.
The State Library has also created a series of Internet Bibliographies, which are lists of citations for Web resources.
- Biotechnology: Selected titles available from the New York State Library
- Genealogy
- Maps: Annotated bibliography of selected New York State Maps: 1793-1900 (from Manuscripts and Special Collections).
- Nanotechnology: Selected titles available from the New York State Library
- Native American Language and Culture Preservation Project Reel Contents Guide (from Manuscripts and Special Collections).
- Newspapers: Research guide to published newspapers in the US and New York State (from New York State Newspapers).
- Rensselaerwyck Manor Papers: Background information on the Rensselaerwyck Manor, or translations and/or transcriptions of materials in the collection that may not be used because they are in very fragile condition.
- Roosevelt, Theodore: Selected bibliography of his works held by the New York State Library.
- September 11th, 2001: Selected information resources available at the New York State Library.
- Shaker Bibliography: Selected bibliography includes the titles of original copies of Shaker publications in the State Library's book collection as well as the titles of the microform copies of the holdings of the Western Reserve Historical Society's Shaker Collection.
- War of 1812 primary source bibliography : A guide to selected primary documents related to the War of 1812, including diaries, letters, orderly books, pension claim documents, personal papers, broadsides, maps, printed ballads and songbooks, prints, and newspapers, as well as contemporary published memoirs and histories of the conflict.