This is a finding aid (see Guides and Finding Aids) to the speeches of Ewald B. Nyquist (Deputy Commissioner of Education 1957-69 and Commissioner of Education 1969-77) that are held by the New York State Library. More information is available from the Library's online catalog.
Year | Day | Title | Copy |
1958 | December 12 | Some aspects of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 of interest to school administrators | C.1 |
1961 | April 22 | To take the most furthest and the best highest in the University of the State of New York: or, being both equal and excellent in the state of New York | |
1961 | May 18 | Before the gates of excellence, sweat or, being both amateur and excellent | |
1962 | September 26 | New York State's cup of TV, or time's winged chariot | C.1 |
1962 | December 8 | Rheum at the top | C.1 |
1963 | January 14 | To affect the quality of the day | C.1 |
1963 | March 28 | The role of Catholic colleges in the state's plans for higher education: some comments | C.1 |
1963 | April 19 | Our library affairs and federal legislation: calculated interdependence and reliable complexities | C.1 |
1963 | May 23-24 | Equality, New York State, and the foreign student advisor | C.1 |
1963 | June 2 | How are you doing, wise-wise? | C.1 |
1963 | June 18 | The debit column is the one nearest the window | C.1-2 |
1963 | July 10 | Hemidemisemiquavers | C.1-2 |
1963 | November 8 | Clay should be choosey of its potters | C.1-2 |
1963 | November 8 | Some factors characterizing excellence in faculty | C.1 |
1964 | January 22-24 | Go forward in the way as it opens, or "Don't never look back--something may be gaining on you" | C.1-2 |
1964 | February 1 | The wing wherewith we fly to heaven, or, the real function of accreditation | |
1964 | February 13 | Education is a many-splintered thing, or Putting secondary things first in the State of New York | C.1 |
1964 | February 22-23 | Putting your best foot forward, or Podiatry is a many-splintered thing | C.1-2 |
1964 | April 16 | Your public servants serve you right | C.1-2 |
1964 | April 30 | You can take it with you | C.1-2 |
1964 | May 16 | I love my wife, but oh, Euclid! | C.1 |
1964 | May 22 | A mighty oak is just a little nut that held its ground | C.1 |
1964 | June 11-12 | Issues in the art of putting two skills into one skull | C.1-2 |
1964 | June 30 | Some remarks on the need for review of HEAC's loan program: a brief report to the New York Higher Education Assistance Corporation | C.1 |
1964 | July 14 | Room at the top, or Educational leadership in New York | C.1-2 |
1964 | July 15 | Demisemiquavers, or The second time around | C.1 |
1964 | August 4 | Rx: a prescription for the pharmacy profession | C.1 |
1964 | October 4 | Education for the future in wholesale lots: a message to the retail merchants of New York | C.1-2 |
1964 | November 2 | A triumvirate in a new alliance, or A bright future for complexity | C.1 |
1964 | November 6 | "Schoolmasters will I keep within my house fit to instruct ... youth," or 3 flaws in the ointment | C.1-2 |
1964 | November 10 | Bene merens ... *a well-deserving man | C.1 |
1964 | December 5 | Hoisting a state on its own canard, or Room at the top | C.1-2 |
1965 | January 21 | The dilemma of quantity and quality in the social work profession | C.1-2 |
1965 | February 5 | From two to toothless, or Educational quality and pre-kindergarten programs | C.1-2 |
1965 | February 5 | IBM, anyone? | C.1-2 |
1965 | March 19 | Tentative plans for strengthening the New York State Education Department | C.1 |
1965 | March 20 | New Jersey higher education in the mid-sixties: a time for reform and cooperation | C.1 |
1965 | May 18 | The efficiency of freedom: Rhode Island's opportunity | C.1 |
1965 | June 9 | As long as you're up, get me a grant | C.1 |
1965 | June 22 | Food for thought for home economists, or Education is too important to be left solely to educators | C.1 |
1965 | June 22 | The role of educational communications in state leadership, or More audio than visual | C.1 |
1965 | July 14 | Semiquavers, or the third time round | |
1965 | August 27 | A glitch in time | C.1 |
1965 | September 22 | Learning how to live under water | C.1-2 |
1965 | October 7 | Museums as an educational resource: the position of the Regents | C.1 |
1965 | October 13 | The Economic Opportunity Act: displacement instead of shared responsibility, or Should New York only coo while Washington operates? | C.1-2 |
1965 | October 23 | Room at the bottom, too, or The question of quality in the two-year college | C.1-2 |
1965 | November 10 | Local-state-federal relationships in education | C.1 |
1965 | November 16 | The richer meaning of the migrant labor program | C.1 |
1965 | December 7 | Regionalization's challenge to administration in education | C.1 |
1966 | January 20 | How to get into college without really trying, or Some myths about college admissions | C.1-2 |
1966 | January 31 | Integration: doing what should come naturally | C.1-2 |
1966 | March 31 | Integration: why we can't wait | C.1-2 |
1966 | April 4 | It takes more than two to tangle, or Problems of the new local-state-federal partnership | C.1-3 |
1966 | April 14 | State education departments: barriers or brokers? | C.1-2 |
1966 | May 10 | Assuming the mantle of leadership responsibility for educational television, or Putting a toga in your tank | C.1 |
1966 | May 12 | Teachers are more important than parents | |
1966 | June 7 | There are two ways to get to the top of an oak tree, or Learning how to live under water | C.1 |
1966 | June 14-16 | Pre-school education: a first priority | C.1 |
1966 | July 7 | A universal system of education is ultimately tested at its margins, or, putting a tiger in your tank | |
1966 | July 12 | The three R's in New York: color them green | C.1 |
1966 | July 13 | Take me to your lieder | C.1 |
1966 | July 20 | The unfinished business of the Civil War | |
1966 | August 8 | New York State has everything--why not you? or The returned Peace Corps volunteer and New York State | C.1 |
1966 | September 28 | Inauguration of the archdiocese of New York Instructional Television Fixed Service Operation: the State's interest | C.1 |
1966 | November 4 | The misbehavioral sciences and the State Education Department | C.1 |
1966 | December 3 | Is man's best friend really a dog? | C.1 |
1966 | December 6 | Multum in Parvo | |
1967 | April 3 | Why Johnny is going to read | C.1-2 |
1967 | June 1 | Prescription for a profession | C.1 |
1967 | July 5 | The schools and a cultural democracy | C.1-3 |
1967 | August 2 | Poverty, prejudice, and the public library | |
1967 | September 21 | The redistribution of decision-making power in education, or, old superintendents never die--- | |
1967 | October 31 | Where the action is, or, the cutting edges in guidance | |
1967 | November 8 | Turning on with EDP, or GI = GO | C.1-2 |
1967 | November 11 | A hot line to tomorrow | C.1 |
1968 | January 10 | The opportunities and obligations of our schools in integrated education, or "We have met the enemy--and he is us" | C.1-2 |
1968 | February 28 | New directions in correcting racial imbalance, or Two women under one roof | C.1 |
1968 | March 10 | New dimensions in school personnel administration | |
1968 | March 26 | Toward a more viable merit system, or Your public servants serve you right | C.1 |
1968 | September 10 | Hemisemidemiquavers, or The extension of literacy through music and the arts | C.1 |
1968 | November 8 | Creative service and constructive change in the nutrition of the young | C.1 |
1969 | January 26 | [Barriers to equal and adequate educational opportunities] | C.1 |
1969 | May 7 | Accountability in education | C.1 |
1969 | July 21 | Reprise on state accreditation | C.1 |
1969 | August 1 | Points to ponder for a new school board member | C.1 |
1969 | August 26 | The revolting student | C.1 |
1969 | September 17 | A caul to vision: long-range planning in education | C.1 |
1969 | September 23 | Our intellectual estates and the state: some thoughts | C.1 |
1969 | September 28 | Raising the quality of discontent | C.1 |
1969 | September 29 | Community service, involvement, and human relations | C.1 |
1969 | October 9 | The young, the poor, and the black | C.1 |
1969 | October 20 | The future of Catholic higher education, or Question, believe, and build tomorrow | C.1-2 |
1969 | October 27 | School board leadership and the quality of discontent | C.1 |
1970 | January 8 | The eel in the barrel | C.1 |
1970 | January 17 | New York City and the State Education Department in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | January 25 | Some reflections on education in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | February 10 | Some questions in the 1970's for higher education | C.1 |
1970 | April 13 | Some reflections on higher education in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | May 13 | The age of humanity, or, Aquarius and the rebirth of love | |
1970 | July 9 | Accountability in elementary and secondary education | C.1 |
1970 | July 10 | The states' role in supporting higher education community service and continuing education | |
1970 | July 20 | A swan-song on state accreditation | C.1-3 |
1970 | August 1 | Points to ponder for a new school board member the second time round | C.1 |
1970 | September 17 | The role of the private vocational schools in the University of the State of New York | C.1 |
1970 | September 20 | The forces shaping our future | C.1 |
1970 | October 6 | The idea of the University of the State of New York -- Some facts and issues. | C.1 |
1970 | October 8 | Reflections on public school education in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | October 9 | Issues in higher education | C.1 |
1970 | October 15 | Some reflections on public school education in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | October 17 | Ithaca College: a tribute to Howard Dillingham | C.1 |
1970 | October 21 | Issues in the reform of higher education | C.1-2 |
1970 | October 25 | Mission, goals, and priorities in public school education | C.1 |
1970 | October 26 | Evaluation and the individual in unconventional study | C.1 |
1970 | November 6 | Accreditation in the public interest | C.1 |
1970 | November 8 | The role of the secondary school principal: a stranger in paradox | C.1 |
1970 | November 10 | Some giant steps in education in the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | November 11 | New York's library development program for the 1970's | C.1 |
1970 | December 5 | The two-way partnership | C.1 |
1970 | December 7 | The British primary school approach to education: time for reform in the elementary schools | C.1 |
1970 | December 7 | Some comments on the financial problems of private colleges | C.1 |
1970 | December 20 | Student alienation and the schools | C.1 |
1971 | January 7 | The new three R's for the district superintendency | C.1-2 |
1971 | January 22 | Thoughts on the future of private higher education | C.1-2 |
1971 | January 28 | A profit need not be without honor | C.1-3 |
1971 | January 29 | A report of progress and plans to the school district administrators of New York State | C.1-3 |
1971 | February 2 | Engineering education and the effluent society | C.1-3 |
1971 | February 3 | Open education: its philosophy, historical perspectives and its implications | C.1-3 |
1971 | February 11 | The role of the state in urban education | C.1-3 |
1971 | February 23 | New directions for education in New York City | C.1-3 |
1971 | March 10 | Education's new life style: humanization | C.1-3 |
1971 | March 10 | The humanistic school of the future | C.1-3 |
1971 | March 19 | The College of St. Rose and Vision 2020 | C.1-3 |
1971 | March 23 | The Regents external degree | C.1-2 |
1971 | March 31 | Comments on Wisconsin's Kellett Commission Report | C.1-3 |
1971 | April 26 | The role of the college and university in a political world | C.1-3 |
1971 | May 4 | All the isms are wasms, or Self-renewal in an age of discontinuity | C.1-3 |
1971 | May 10 | Imperative--a redesign for health education | C.1-3 |
1971 | May 18 | Planning for continuing education in the 70's | C.1-3 |
1971 | June 6 | Taboo or not taboo--that is the question, or Sacred cows make good hamburger | C.1-2 |
1971 | July 15 | All the isms are wasms, or Self-renewal in an age of discontinuity | C.1 |
1971 | July 31 | Points to ponder for a new school board member: the third time round | C.1-2 |
1971 | September 10 | Humane ends and the Adirondack Ecological Center | C.1-3 |
1971 | September 16 | A Vassar-Union-Syracuse proposal for a Mid-Hudson Center: time for decision | C.1-2 |
1971 | October 3 | The elementary school principal: leader or follower? | C.1 |
1971 | October 25 | "... the people who will stand up for what is right." | C.1 |
1971 | November 1 | The external degree: challenge and opportunity | C.1 |
1971 | November 30 | Music as communication | C.1-3 |
1971 | December 1 | Some reflections on expanding higher education in the in the 1970's | C.1 |
1971 | December 13 | James E. Allen, Jr.: his contribution to education | C.1 |
1972 | January 6 | Adversity, leadership, and the district superintendent | C.1 |
1972 | January 20 | The importance and method of evaluating agency programs | C.1 |
1972 | January 27 | Take me to your leaders | C.1-3 |
1972 | January 28 | Progress and prospects: a report to the New York State Council of School District Administrators | C.1-3 |
1972 | February 14 | Regionalism: a modern metaphor of collective excellence | C.1-3 |
1972 | March 1 | Newspapers--a valuable teaching tool | C.1-3 |
1972 | March 13 | "Where no counsel is ..." | C.1-3 |
1972 | March 14 | In tribute to Jim Hester | C.1-2 |
1972 | March 16 | Statement by Ewald B. Nyquist ... before Subcommittee No. 5, Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, Thursday, March 16, 1972, 10:00 a.m. EST, Room 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. | C.1 |
1972 | March 24 | The crisis in school finance | C.1-2 |
1972 | April 3 | Reading and humaneness in the schools | C.1-3 |
1972 | April 17 | Full state funding and local school board policy-making | C.1-3 |
1972 | April 21 | We have nothing to fear but atmosphere itself | C.1-2 |
1972 | April 22 | Some thoughts on a silver anniversary | C.1-3 |
1972 | May 15 | A state board gets the agenda it deserves | C.1-3 |
1972 | May 17 | Education's financial dilemma: planning for change or reacting to crisis | C.1-3 |
1972 | May 22 | Values for responsible freedom | C.1-3 |
1972 | May 31 | Where there is no bread, there is no torah | C.1 |
1972 | June 13 | The wing wherewith we fly to heaven | C.1-3 |
1972 | June 16 | Giving things trade and technical pride of place | C.1-3 |
1972 | July 29 | Points to ponder for a new school board member: the fourth time round | C.1-3 |
1972 | August 14 | The performance movement in teacher education and certification | C.1-2 |
1972 | September 5 | Going by contraries | C.1 |
1972 | September 21 | The George Junior Republic: a salute to an educational community | C.1 |
1972 | September 27 | Public mission and accountability | C.1-2 |
1972 | October 1 | The governance of education | C.1-3 |
1972 | October 10 | School districts, regionalism, and the future | C.1-3 |
1972 | October 19 | The Y and our builders | C.1-3 |
1972 | October 29 | Outreach to our builders | C.1-3 |
1973 | January 4 | Instructional technology and educational support systems: the role of boards of cooperative educational services | C.1-3 |
1973 | January 25 | The Fleischmann Report and four priorities | C.1-2 |
1973 | February 10 | The place and purpose of interscholastic athletics in the modern secondary school program | C.1-3 |
1973 | February 26 | Freedom of information and accountability, or Jack Chen and the Inspector General | C.1-3 |
1973 | February 28 | The Regents external degrees | C.1-3 |
1973 | March 9 | The new federalism: how will it influence education? | C.1-3 |
1973 | March 13 | Business and industry and the reform of education | C.1-3 |
1973 | April 6 | Humanism and accountability: contradictory or complementary? | C.1-2 |
1973 | April 9 | Industry and education: partners or competitors? | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 3 | Reflections on three issues in higher education | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 7 | The unexamined life is not worth living | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 10 | Alternative schools and optional learning environments | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 11 | "Like, you know, I mean, right?" | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 30 | The gifted: the invisibly handicapped, or "There's no heavier burden than a great potential" | C.1-2 |
1973 | May 30 | New York City and the State Education Department | C.1-3 |
1973 | May 31 | The Polytechnic Institute of New York and the prospects for engineering | C.1 |
1973 | June 3 | Non-traditional approaches to higher education | C.1-3 |
1973 | June 11 | Education's dilemma | C.1-3 |
1973 | July 3 | Equity in athletics, or A Ms. is as good as a male | C.1-3 |
1973 | July 5 | Reschooling society, or Optional learning environments | C.1-3 |
1973 | July 18 | Optional learning environments, or What have we learned from H. G. Wells? | C.1-3 |
1973 | July 27 | Points to ponder for a new school board member: the fifth time round | C.1-3 |
1973 | September 11 | On priorities | C.1 |
1973 | October 7 | Optional learning environments, or Toward a new equilibrium in education | C.1-3 |
1973 | October 24 | Education and the arts, or Another way of looking at the Tower of Babel | C.1-3 |
1973 | October 29 | What's right with the schools | C.1-2 |
1973 | October 31 | Non-traditional studies, or Alternatives to the Bed of Procrustes | C.1-3 |
1973 | November 13 | The emerging state role in urban education, or Cities are no longer "pie for the hayseeds" | C.1-3 |
1974 | January 10 | Remarks on the silver anniversary of BOCES | C.1-3 |
1974 | January 24 | Governance, state and local | C.1-3 |
1974 | February 22 | New York and its commitment to law-related education | C.1-3 |
1974 | April 23 | Postsecondary education for service personnel and veterans | C.1-3 |
1974 | September 10 | Declining enrollments and expanding opportunities | C.1-2 |
1974 | September 19 | Some thoughts on higher education--serious and otherwise--from Alexander Hamilton to Yogi Berra | C.1-3 |
1974 | October 5 | Union and USNY | C.1-3 |
1974 | October 16 | Business, industry, and the Wildwood Center | C.1 |
1974 | October 18 | Women in education: a "Burr's-eye" view | C.1-3 |
1974 | November 12 | The role of independent schools within an interdependent system of education | C.1-3 |
1975 | January 13 | "For now sits Expectation in the air ..." | C.1-3 |
1975 | January 23 | Issues in sports and physical education: some thoughts for nice hoppers | C.1-3 |
1975 | January 23 | The management of decline | C.1-3 |
1975 | February 2 | Without bread there is no Torah, or Vocationalism in the higher learning | C.1-3 |
1975 | February 5 | Articulation and learning options in education | C.1-3 |
1975 | February 13 | British teacher centres and New York's experience with competency-based teacher education | C.1-3 |
1975 | February 13 | A time for leadership and a time for opportunity | C.1 |
1975 | February 27 | Public and nonpublic education: a seamless garment | C.1-3 |
1975 | March 11 | The external high school diploma | C.1-3 |
1975 | March 13 | The role and prospects of universities in urban affairs | C.1-3 |
1975 | March 31 | New departures in American higher education (and some problems and issues) | C.1-3 |
1975 | April 14 | The independent residential school and a sense of community | C.1-3 |
1975 | April 14 | A universal system of education is ultimately tested at its margins | C.1-3 |
1975 | April 25 | Going from one ex-stream to another | C.1-3 |
1975 | April 27 | Optional learning environments: diversifying the curriculum to humanize the system | C.1-3 |
1975 | April 30 | Anti-intellectualism and the uses of intelligence | C.1-2 |
1975 | May 1 | ... one unbroken flow ... | C.1-3 |
1975 | May 6 | The liberal arts and the multanimous society | C.1-3 |
1975 | May 7 | Creating law-related education programs | C.1-3 |
1975 | May 26 | Four priorities | C.1-3 |
1975 | June 14 | I like the dream of the future better than the history of the past of the past | C.1-3 |
1975 | June 30 | Education and the state: "crusade against ignorance" | C.1-3 |
1975 | July 17 | Evaluation (and termination) of degree programs in the context of statewide planning | C.1-3 |
1975 | September 10 | Olé | C.1-3 |
1975 | September 12 | The school board presidency ... unless one is in love | C.1-3 |
1975 | September 23 | The role of colleges in communities: a New York perspective | C.1-3 |
1975 | September 30 | Of Ms. and men: equity in education | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 9 | Four priorities for 1975-76 | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 10 | Saint Elizabeth Ann and the University of the State of New York | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 15 | Women and what's right about education | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 20 | "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women" | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 21 | Some high priorities | C.1-2 |
1975 | October 22 | Statement by Ewald B. Nyquist ... before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives, Wednesday, October 22, 1975, Washington, D.C. | C.1 |
1975 | October 27 | He who has the gold makes the rule | C.1-3 |
1975 | October 28 | New York's leadership in the assessment of life and work experience | C.1-3 |
1975 | November 12 | Another view of effective middle management in higher education | C.1-3 |
1975 | November 20 | In tribute to John Crittenden Sawhill | C.1-3 |
1975 | November 22 | Social fraternities should become social fraternities | C.1-2 |
1975 | December 4 | School-college articulation and New York practice | C.1-3 |
1976 | January 8 | An ill wind that nobody blows good | C.1-3 |
1976 | January 9 | The purpose of education and the involvement of students | C.1-3 |
1976 | January 15 | New directions for lifelong learning: some developments in New York State | C.1-3 |
1976 | January 29 | Disgruntleness, or Education is no longer a money-splendored thing | C.1-3 |
1976 | February 11 | Work, business, and education (with comments on immorality and inefficiency) | C.1-3 |
1976 | February 20 | Education is a Jacob's ladder | C.1-2 |
1976 | February 27 | Education-to-work linkages | C.1-3 |
1976 | March 9 | An evening with some friends | C.1-3 |
1976 | March 15 | The City University of New York: crisis and cure | C.1-3 |
1976 | March 27 | The American "no-fault" morality | C.1 |
1976 | April 23 | The place and purpose of two-year colleges | C.1-2 |
1976 | April 30 | "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees" | C.1 |
1976 | May 18 | An evening twilight and school business officials | C.1-2 |
1976 | May 18 | Triage and the talented in American education | C.1-2 |
1976 | May 24 | Law-related education and American no-fault morality | C.1 |
1976 | May 26 | The great American dream: education for work? | C.1-3 |
1976 | June 25 | Tossing a few dead cats into the accrediting sanctuary | C.1-2 |
1976 | July 4 | American education, the Bicentennial, and the Swedish connection | C.1-3 |
1976 | July 20 | The American no-fault morality | C.1-3 |
1976 | September 11 | The school board members' fiduciary obligation to posterity | C.1-2 |
1976 | September 17 | A school board president and moral leadership | C.1 |
1976 | September 24 | Place and purpose of athletics in higher education | C.1 |
1976 | September 30 | The international baccalaureate and global interdependence | C.1 |
1976 | October 1 | Dentistry and the hallmarks of a profession: a view from another bridge | C.1 |
1976 | October 6 | Concinnity and the age of the querulous (or the false dawn of the age of Aquarius) | C.1-3 |
1976 | October 11 | Maintaining excellence in the management of decline | C.1-3 |
1976 | October 12 | The calculated interdependence of the University of the State of New York | C.1 |
1976 | October 18 | New York's educational system: attacks and facts | C.1 |
1976 | October 23 | Bilingual education, TESL and ethnicity in New York State | C.1 |
1976 | October 24 | Rural education, regionalism, and the future | C.1-3 |
1976 | November 7 | In tribute to Norman Lamm | C.1 |
1976 | November 9 | HEOP and hope | C.1-2 |
1976 | November 10 | The changing role of a school board member (and some other thoughts) | C.1-3 |
1976 | November 11 | Criticisms of education in New York made without fear or research | C.1 |
1976 | November 30 | Statement made to the staff of the State Education Department | C.1 |
1976 | December 1 | New York State student assistance programs | C.1 |
1976 | December 9 | Educational prostitution and accreditation | C.1-3 |
1977 | January 7 | NYSSSSO as walkabout | C.1 |
1977 | January 11 | Testimony of Ewald B. Nyquist, Commissioner of Education, before the Temporary State Commission on the Future of Postsecondary Education | C.1 |
1977 | January 31 | Why not the best? New York State and its schools in the age of the querulous | C.1 |
1977 | February 16 | The states & the manna from uncle | C.1 |
1977 | March 2 | Growth in the New York economy and interdependence with world trade | C.1 |
1977 | March 2 | A seamless garment | C.1 |
1977 | March 10 | Priorities for postsecondary education in New York | C.1 |
1977 | March 16 | Metropolitan desegregation and New York | C.1 |
1977 | March 17 | Education is a slipping priority (and some expectations) | C.1 |
1977 | March 22 | "The compleat lawyer" (and some other thoughts on law-related education) | C.1 |
1977 | March 31 | The future of universities | C.1 |
1977 | April 4 | Changing policy attitudes and moods at the state and local levels with respect to the improvement in the education of minorities | C.1 |
1977 | April 5 | Avenues for implementing global perspectives in education in a state's schools: the New York experience | C.1 |
1977 | April 12 | Nontraditional learning, taking the road less traveled by | C.1 |
1977 | April 16 | Critical problems for community colleges in New Jersey | C.1 |
1977 | April 20 | Education in a time of changing social values and fiscal austerity | C.1 |
1977 | April 21 | Some things which should happen in New York | C.1 |
1977 | April 25 | Developments in education for the handicapped | C.1 |
1977 | April 26 | The role of social studies in fostering more informed and responsible citizenship | C.1 |
1977 | May 9 | Public involvement and a bad idea whose time has come | C.1 |