New York State Library

Standards and Specifications

Standards and specifications are rules and guidelines by which methods, manufactured items, linkages, and so on, are made more compatible, safer, replaceable or connectable. They impose a certain minimum quality level for products and services. The State Library has a large collection of standards, specifications, and related publications.

Major Types of Publications Held

  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards
  • ANSI-approved standards from many industry groups
  • Standards, not ANSI-approved, issued by industry groups
  • U.S Federal and military standards, specifications, and other quality control publications
  • Standards from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards), including Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and Voluntary Product Standards (VPS)
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards

U.S. Industry Group Publications

  • Aerospace Industries Association, National Aerospace Standards
  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standards
  • American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Standards
  • American Gear Manufacturer's Association Standards
  • American Petroleum Institute Standards
  • American Society of Agricultural Engineers Standards
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standards, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, and Performance Test Codes
  • American Society for Testing and Materials Standards
  • Compressed Gas Association Standards
  • Electronic Industries Association Standards
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards
  • Instrument Society of America Standards
  • National Electrical Manufacturers Association Standards
  • National Fire Protection Association Standards
  • Society of Automotive Engineers J Section Vehicle Standards, Recommended Practices, and Information Reports
  • Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Standards
  • Complete file of building products standards

Standards of many other groups are also received.

Access to the Literature

Most of the Library's thousands of standards and specifications are readily available in paper or micro format on the Library's public floor. Generally they are not listed in the Library's catalog but may be located using indexes. Librarians will provide assistance in locating these publications.

Specifications and standards have unique alpha-numeric document numbers which generally include the year of issue. The number is sufficient when requesting a publication, but it is helpful to have the title or subject also, for verification. If the number is not available, the name of the issuing group and title or subject should be provided. The year should be given when not part of the number.

Unless otherwise specified, the latest version will be supplied.

Last Updated: July 6, 2021