New York State Library
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World War I Posters (SC23360) - United States (General Posters)

Thumbnail Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) Item Number
  National Headquarters/Girl Scouts/Presents/The Golden Eaglet/The/Story of a/Girl Scout/Directed by/P.D. Hugon/Scenario by Josephine Daskam Bacon/Chancellor's Hall, Sat., Jan. 25, 3 p.m./Tickets on sale at Girl Scout Headquarters, Education Building, and at Cluett's Music Store (Names of buildings seem to indicate this took place in Albany, N.Y.)

Image of a young woman in a Girl Scout uniform (knickers/bloomers?) tending to a young man who has a head wound and is sitting in a chair next to a cluttered desk

Acme Litho.

Girl Scouts

106 x 70
US WWI poster (general): For a Better Womanhood For a Better/Womanhood Girl/Scouts/Campaign/Oct. 25th to Nov. 1st/1919/We Work/for/Home,/Town/and/Nation/Send Contributions/to Local/Headquarters

(The image and layout of the text on the New York State Library's poster are similar to the image and layout of the text in the poster shown in the thumbnail.)

Lestor Ralph

Girl Scouts

57 x 41
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs Leaders of Boys Uncle Sam Needs/Leaders of Boys/450,000/275,000/Boy Scouts/Now Giving/Organized/Service/to the/Nation/8,000,000/Boys/Need This/Leadership/Men/Not Eligible for Army or Navy/Here Is Your Chance/Become Scoutmasters/Boy Scouts of America/(Chartered by Congress)/Apply to/Scout Headquarters/25 Washington Ave.

Image of a Boy Scout leader shaking hands with a boy wearing knickers; the scout master is pointing to the background where, near a pup tent, Boy Scouts are cooking over an open fire, carrying wood, and standing next to a bicycle and a canoe; in the valley below that scene are a mass of boys rushing toward the boy and the man.

The New York State Library copy includes the line "Apply … Washington Ave."

Boy Scouts of America, 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
104 x 70

small pieces of the poster lettering have been worn away; two tiny pieces in a pink envelope in folder
US WWI poster (general): Dedicated to the Boys Scouts Dedicated to/the/Boys Scouts/of/America/"We'll Help You to/Win the War, Dad,"/with/War Savings Stamps

Image of a father, in a military uniform, kneeling next to his son, in a Boy Scout uniform, looking at book of savings stamps

Urquhart Wilcox

Boy Scouts of America

70 x 45
US WWI poster (general): We Want You for Our Scoutmaster We Want You/for Our/Scoutmaster/We Need 400 Scoutmasters/and $100,00000/Campaign February 15th to 21st/Boy Scouts of America/Apply 59 Wall St. or Borough H'd'q'trs/Will You Help?

Three boys, one dressed in a Boy Scout uniform with a bugle hanging from a strap across his chest, are appealing to a man dressed in a vested suit and wearing a fedora.

Ernest F[-----?]

Lutz & Scheinkman, Litho.

Boy Scouts of America

59 x 45
  We Want You for Our Scoutmaster

(smaller version of US GEN 05)

Ernest F[-----?]

Lutz & Scheinkman, Litho.

Boy Scouts of America

35 x 27

cardboard; tears

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Make the Next Generation Make the Next/Generation Safe/Help the/Boy Scouts/of America
(dated: 1917)

Image of a grandmotherly woman knitting and looking out a window as a group of six Boy Scouts, one carrying a Boy Scout flag and one carrying a hiking stick, walk by.

Franklin Printing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Boy Scouts of America

62.5 x 48

US WWI poster (general): Set 'em up! Set 'em up!/"Here's How –" "Every nation depends for its future upon the/proper training and development of its youth."/Woodrow Wilson.

Service Series – Boy Scouts' Day

Image of a Boy Scout leader standing in front of a group of Boy Scouts, leading them in calisthenics

"Harry S. Mueller, Capt. Inf., from sketch by Gordon Grant, Capt., U.S.A."

Boy Scouts of America

28 x 35.5


Box 1
US WWI poster (general): USA Bonds Third Liberty Loan USA Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan/Campaign/Boy Scouts/of America/Weapons for Liberty

Image of a Statue of Liberty draped in American bunting and holding a shield in her left hand; kneeling in front of her is a Boy Scout who is either handing to or receiving from her a sword on which is inscribed "Be prepared." The woman is standing on and the boy is kneeling on a pedestal on which is inscribed: "Weapons for Liberty"

J.C. Leyendecker

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

Boy Scouts of America

29.5 x 19.5
  Boost! Boy Scout Week June 8th to 14th

(black and white)

Print of a poster that incorporates an image by Norman Rockwell of the face of a Boy Scout, including his hat and neckerchief

Norman Rockwell

Boy Scouts of America

35.5 x 22

Box 1
  "Do a Good Turn Daily"/Boy Scout/Campaign/Do It for/Albany/Feb./4-5-6/An Investment/Not an Expense/3/Year Budget in/3/Days/Send Checks to/Mr. Carl H. Graf, Treas./124 State Street/It/Pays

(text only; no images)

Boy Scouts of America

61 x 30
  We/Belong/to the/Boy/Scouts

Image of a Boy Scout standing at attention and saluting

Boy Scouts of America

28 x 17.5

Box 1
  Why Not Continue to/Serve Your Country/Keep Up Your Life in the Open/Volunteer as a Leader/in the/Boy Scouts of America …/This Opportunity Open Alike/to Soldiers, Sailors and Civilians/Red-blooded Men Needed …

(text only; no images)

Boy Scouts of America

71 x 55.5

US WWI poster (general): Scouting for Real Men Scouting/for/Real Men/Men/Who/Are/Leaders/For/Boys/Who Need/Leaders …/Thousands of Boys Wish to Become Scouts/Red-blooded Men Needed as Volunteer Scoutleaders …

Includes text of a letter from Peyton C. March, General, Chief of Staff, dated December 23, 1918 (Circular No. 168 to Scoutmasters for the Boys Scouts of America)

(text only; no images)

Boy Scouts of America

71 x 56

US WWI poster (general): Stand Behind the Country's Girlhood Stand Behind the/Country's Girlhood/Y.W.C.A./New York's Share $1,750,000/January 7th to 14th

Image is a reproduction of a charcoal portrait of a young woman

[Wladyslaw Teodor] W.T. Bendix


75 x 50
US WWI poster (general): Back Our Girls Over There/YWCA Back Our/Girls Over There/Y.W.C.A. United War Work Campaign

Image of a young woman in a military uniform, including a hat, seated at a switchboard; soldiers in the background as seen through windows; Y.W.C.A. logo on wall

Clarence F. Underwood


70 x 52
US WWI poster (general): For Girls Must Work For Girls Must Work/That Men May Fight/Y.W.C.A./War Work Council

Image of a nurse leaning through blue triangle emblem of the Y.W.C.A.



75.5 x 54
US WWI poster (general): Soldiers-Sailors Soldiers-Sailors/and Women Guests/Welcome/to the Y.W.C.A./Hostess House/30 East 52nd St., New York[;] 245 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn[;]/375 Lexington Ave., New York[;] 48 Boylston St., Boston

Image of a soldier and a sailor shaking hands, as a woman looks on; other women and servicemen in the background

On the New York State Library poster, the phrase "A bit of Home within the Camps" is covered with a strip of paper that lists four addresses as noted above.

Walter Tittle

Rotoprint Gravure Co.


95 x 69.5
  For Every Fighter a Woman Worker

Ernest Hamlin Baker

United States Printing & Litho. Co.


105 x 69

[not in box or folder]
  Y.W.C.A. [logo]

(letters only; no images)


87 x 80
  Y.W.C.A. [logo]

(letters only; no images)

(smaller version of US GEN 20)


58 x 42
  Y.W.C.A. [logo]

(letters only; no images)

(smaller version of US GEN 20)


24 x 28

Box 1
  Y.W.C.A. [logo]

(letters only; no images)

(smaller version of US GEN 20)


10.5 x 11.5

Box 1

(letters only; no images)


15.5 x 20

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Soldiers-Sailors For/Every/Fighter/a Woman/Worker/Care/for/Her/through the YWCA/United/War/Work/Campaign

Image of a woman worker in brown coveralls, holding aloft a biplane in her right hand and an artillery shell in her left hand; she is posed in front of the blue triangle emblem of the Y.W.C.A.

Ralph Treidler


98 x 73.5
US WWI poster (general): Help Our Wartime Help Our Wartime Work with/Girls in and near Military Cantonments/[Girls] in Munitions Plants and Uniform Factories/[Girls] in Devastated France and Bewildered Russia/[Girls] in Training for Filling Men's Jobs/YWCA/(New York's Share $1,750,000)/January 7th to 14th/Campaign Headquarters: 680 Fifth Avenue, New York City/Stand Behind the/Country's Girlhood

Same image as US GEN 15

W.T. Bendix


28 x 53.5

cardboard;tears; missing upper-right corner
US WWI poster (general): A Message A Message to the American People/We at the front are doing our best – we are willing to give our all … /Coningsby Dawson, Lieut./C.F.A./The Battlefield/Aug. 14, 1918/United War Campaign

Photograph of Lieut. Coningsby Dawson, C.F.A.; also images of British and U.S. flags and a Y.W.C.A. triangle


56 x 35.5

cardboard;in two pieces plus another tear
US WWI poster (general): Patriotic League Patriotic League
(dated: 1918)

Image of a young woman holding the staff of an American flag in her right hand and the edge of the flag in her left hand so that the flag forms a frame behind her

Howard Chandler Christy

The United States Printing & Lith. Co.


70.5 x 51
US WWI poster (general): The Girl on the Land The Girl on the Land/Serves the Nation's Need/Apply Y.W.C.A./Land Service Committee

Image of four young women dressed in wide-brimmed hats, three-quarter-length coats, pants and knee-high boots, all khaki-colored; one is leading a team of two horses, one carries a rake, one carries a hoe and one carries a bushel basket of vegetables

Edward Penfield


63 x 76
US WWI poster (general): United for America United for America/YWCA Division/for/Foreign Born Women
Published Jan. 1919

Image of a female figure holding large standards bearing 40 shields emblazoned with national flags of 40 nations

C. Howard Walker

Carey Print, Lith.


100 x 69.5
US WWI poster (general): News from Paris News from/Paris/for Those Who Have Their Passports/Hotel Petrograd/ "In and out, different uniforms every little/while – and everyone you know"/33 Rue Caumartin, Paris/Welcomes War Workers/American Comforts/Established by the American Y.W.C.A./A Hotel for women working in France during/period of war./Social headquarters for men and women/in War Service in Paris./For details write National Board Y.W.C.A./600 Lexington Avenue, New York City/Moderate Rates.

Text superimposed on a view of Paris with a biplane flying near the Eiffel Tower.


35 x 28

Box 1
  How the Y.W.C.A./Used $5,000,000/Last Year
(printed on both sides; facts-and-figures item; not a poster)

Includes black-and-white copy of US GEN 25

Ralph Treidler


20 x 28

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): What the W Stands For What/the/W/Stands/For/Y.W.C.A./Welfare of Women/in War Work

(text only; the W in Y.W.C.A. is circled; the letters "Y.W.C.A." are superimposed over the blue triangle)


34 x 27

small tears

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): How the Blue Triangle How the Blue Triangle/Helps in France/Homes – for American/War Workers/Recreation – for American/Nurses/Rest Rooms – for French/Munition Workers

(text only; the W in Y.W.C.A. is circled; the letters "Y.W.C.A." are superimposed over the blue triangle)


34 x 27

Box 1
  Capitol District/Welcome/Home/War Camp/Community Service

Image of a shield resting on some laurel leaves; at the head of the shield: "Capitol Distict"; on the shield "Welcome Home" with the logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

33 x 25

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Welcome Soldiers Sailors Welcome/Soldiers/Sailors/Marines/Your Uniform Is Your Pass/Let Us/Tell/You/What to Do/What to See/Where to Eat/Where to Sleep/Also how to get in touch with/Y.M.C.A., K. of C., J.W.B. and other war-work organizations/Headquarters Unit No. 5/55 West 27th Street/Phone Farragut 6247/New York War Camp/Community Service/Get our Weekly Pocket Calendar of New York Events for Enlisted Men.

Image of a sailor, a soldier and a marine walking toward and saluting a man looking like Benjamin Franklin dressed in colonial-era clothing; in the background is the skyline of New York City; War Camp Community Service logo in lower right-hand corner of poster

New York War Camp Community Service

55 x 35
  Community Service War Camp Community Service Community Service Incorporated National Headquarters 4 Madison Avenue, New York

(Community Service logo; verso: text shows the piece was clipped from a larger piece)

War Camp Community Service

16 x 3.5

Box 1
US GEN 36a
US WWI poster (general): The Spirit with Which The Spirit with Which/Our Soldiers Leave America/and their/efficiency on the/battle fronts of/Europe will/be vitally/affected/by the/character/of the en-/vironment/surround-/ing our mili-/tary training/camps."/– Woodrow Wilson/Local Campaign for the/War Camp Community Recreation Fund/War Department and Navy Department/Commissions on Training Camp Activities/Officially Represented in/War-Camp Community Work by the/Playground and Recreation Association of America

Image of soldiers on and climbing gangplank onto a troop carrier

The NYSL/MSC copy was trimmed a little too closely.

Ethridge Posters

War Camp Community Recreation Fund

49 x 35
US WWI poster (general): Welcome Soldiers Sailors Welcome/Soldiers/Sailors/Marines/Your Uniform Is Your Pass/Let Us/Tell/You/What to Do/What to See/Where to Eat/Where to Sleep/Also how to get in touch with/Y.M.C.A., K. of C., J.W.B. and other war-work organizations/Headquarters Unit No. 5/55 West 27th Street/Phone Farragut 6247/New York War Camp/Community Service/Get our Weekly Pocket Calendar of New York Events for Enlisted Men.

(larger version of US GEN 36; only difference is that the bottom line on US GEN 36 is not on US GEN 38)

War Camp Community Service

105 x 70
US WWI poster (general): Home Hospitality Home Hospitality/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service/United War Work Campaign/War Camp/Community Service

Image is a photograph of four American soldiers sharing a supper with four civilians (one man and three women); the image is a print of a hand-colored photograph; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

Heywood Strasser & Voigt, Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

War Camp Community Service

75 x 50
US WWI poster (general): Home Hospitality Home Hospitality/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service/War Camp/Community Service

(smaller cardboard version of US GEN 39)

Black-and-white image of the image on US GEN 39; this cardboard version does not have the line "United War Work Campaign."

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Invitations to Homes Invitations to Homes/and Entertainments/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service/United War Work Campaign/War Camp/Community Service

Image of an older woman, wearing a hat, sitting at a table surrounded by a group of soldiers and sailors; table is littered with letters/invitations; a couple of the servicemen are looking at letters; the image is a print of a hand-colored photograph; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

Heywood Strasser & Voigt, Litho., Co.

War Camp Community Service

74.5 x 50
US WWI poster (general): Invitations to Homes Invitations to Homes/and Entertainments/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service/War Camp/Community Service

(smaller cardboard version of US GEN 41)

Black-and-white image of the image on US GEN 41; this cardboard version does not have the line "United War Work Campaign."

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Songs of Today Songs of Today/& Yesterday/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service/United War Work Campaign

Image of an elderly woman playing a piano; behind her, looking at the sheet music are a group of American sailors; the image is a print of a hand-colored photograph; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

Heywood Strasser Voigt, Litho., Co.

War Camp Community Service

75 x 50
US WWI poster (general): Songs of Today Songs of Today/& Yesterday/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service

(smaller cardboard version of US GEN 43)

Black-and-white image of the image on US GEN 43; this cardboard version does not have the line "United War Work Campaign."

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Encircle the Camps "Encircle the Camps/with Hospitality"/Soldiers/and Sailors/Ever Welcome/Where You See/This Emblem/War Camp/Community Service/War Recreation/Board of Illinois/120 West Adams Street, Chicago

Silhouetted figures of servicemen with brightly illuminated symbol of War Camp Community Service above (as if they are entering a door from the dark to the light). Under artist's name is a large symbol of unclear derivation.

Lawrence Kennedy

War Camp Community Service

79 x 55.5
US WWI poster (general): Keep 'Em Smiling! Keep 'Em/Smiling!/Help/War Camp/Community Service/"Morale Is Winning the War"/United War Work Campaign
(dated: 1918)

Image of three smiling men: a marine with his arms around a sailor and a soldier; includes War Camp Community Service logo

M. Leone Bracker

War Camp Community Service

104 x 69
US WWI poster (general): Hey, Gobs! Hey, Gobs!/New York Welcomes You Through/[logos for Y.M.C.A., Salvation Army, Y.W.C.A., Red Cross, J.W.B., American Library Association, Knights of Columbus]/and Offers You Its Hospitality/… Dances … Theatre Tickets … Seeing New York … Gala Entertainment … Vaudeville … Dinners with New York Folks … Club Dances … Visit Home State Folks …/New York War Camp Community Service/55 W. 27th St., Unit No.--Far. 6247.…

(text only; no images except for three War Camp Community Service logos and logos of organizations listed above)

T.J. Hayes Printing Co., New York, N.Y.

War Camp Community Service

103.5 x 72
US WWI poster (general): Come to the Club War Come to the Club/War Camp Community Service/Central Soldiers' & Sailors' Club/207 W. Washington St., Chicago/Conducted by the War Recreation Board of Illinois/120 W. Adams St. Chicago

Motherly-looking woman extends arms toward two sailors and two soldiers

Juanita Hamel

War Camp Community Service

105 x 70
US WWI poster (general): Keep Smiling Keep Smiling/Welcome Home/Let Us Tell You about/Community Service/for Soldiers, Sailors/and Marines/War Camp/Community Service
(dated: 1918)

Same image as US GEN 46

M. Leone Bracker

War Camp Community Service

102 x 66.5
US WWI poster (general): Keep Smiling Keep Smiling/Welcome Home/Let Us Tell You about/Community Service/for Soldiers, Sailors/and Marines/War Camp/Community Service
(dated: 1918)

(smaller version of US GEN 49)

M. Leone Bracker

War Camp Community Service

55 x 35
US WWI poster (general): American Godmothers American/Godmothers League/for the American Soldiers/in France

Poster dominated by a looming female figure wearing a hooded cape and cradling in her arms, like babies, bundles tied with string and stamped with red crosses; in the foreground is a tiny figure of a soldier holding a rifle with a bayonet; in the background are the lights from buildings on a distant shore

53.5 x 33
US WWI poster (general): Spread a Little Joy Spread a Little Joy/in the Trenches/The Army and Navy Field Comfort Committee/appeals to your loyal American hearts and asks you to respond with that/generous warmth which has already won for you the gratitude of the world …/Will You Help Our Boys Hustle the Huns Out of Belgium? …/The Army and Navy Field Comfort Committee …/Hotel McAlpin New York City

Photographs of soldiers and sailors in posed "casual" settings plus photograph of items contained in "each field comfort box"; also head-and-shoulders line drawings of a soldier, a sailor, a marine and a Red Cross nurse.

Army and Navy Field Comfort Committee

88 x 58.5
US WWI poster (general): Will You Supply Will Your Supply/Eyes for the Navy?/Navy Ships Need Binoculars and Spy-glasses./Glasses will be returned at the termination of war, if possible./One dollar will be paid for each one accepted./Tag each article with your name and address and express or mail to/Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ass't. Sec'y. of Navy./c/o Naval Observatory – Washington D.C./Will You Help Us "Stand Watch" on a Destroyer?

Image of a captain on deck at sea, blindfolded and reaching out; other sailors on deck are dressed in rain gear; ocean looks choppy

Gordon Grant

U.S. Navy

72.5 x 51
US WWI poster (general): Now for Some Music Now for/Some/Music/Draft Your/Slacker Records/They will go to camp/or overseas through/the National/Phonograph-Records/Recruiting Corps

Image of two soldiers looking at each other, one standing in combat dress, one holding a record and squatting next to a record player

National Phonograph-Records Recruiting Corps

72 x 47
US WWI poster (general): Send Sammy Smileage Send/Sammy/Smileage/$1.00/Patriotic Stores Sell "Smileage Books."/Let Your Solider See Camp Shows/as Your Guest. Send Him "Smileage."/Distributed by Connecticut State Council of Defense.

(text only; no images)

Calhoun Show Print, Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense

74 x 49
  The Soldier/Who Smiles/Is the Soldier Who Wins/Send Your Soldier/a Smileage Book To-day/Smileage Book Headquarters in Albany – The Ten Eyck

(black and white)

(all text except for a facsimile of a Smileage Book in the upper-lefthand corner of poster)

Smileage Book Headquarters, Albany, N.Y.

43.5 x 61
  The Soldier/Who Smiles/Is the Soldier Who Wins/Send Your Soldier a Smileage Book To-day/For Sale Here

(black and white)

(all text except for a facsimile of a Smileage Book at the top of the poster)

Smileage Book

28 x 17

Box 1
  War/Department/"Smileage"/Commission on/Training Camp Activities.

(text only; no images)

Ed Usoskin Inc. Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

War Department

34.5 x 56
US WWI poster (general): Be a War Daddy! Be a War Daddy! Subscribe to War Camp Community Fund New York Treasurer Ernest Stauffen, Jr. Vice. Pres. Liberty National Bank Adopt a Soldier!

(text only; no images)

War Camp Community Fund

61 x 46
US WWI poster (general): Buy Him a Memory Kit Buy Him a Memory Kit/Book Before He Goes/There are 64 pages/for recording his daily/life "over there" –/A record for his family/Price 50 cents
(dated: 1917)

Image of a woman slipping a "memory kit book" into a soldier's knapsack, which he is wearing; he shoulders a rifle over his right shoulder; includes image of the book, pen to a page, where the soldier would write in some personal information which is opposite a page containing Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

[Chy? Cay?] Hoff

The American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

70 x 51
  Be a War Daddy

War Camp Community Fund

90 x 142

[not in folder or box]
US WWI poster (general): Let Us Tell You What To Do Let Us Tell You/What to Do – Where to Eat/What to See – Where to Sleep

(text only; no images)

16 x 70

US WWI poster (general): Giving Men in Uniform Giving Men in Uniform/a Lift/The Spirit of War Camp Community Service

Image of a photograph of five men in a convertible; the driver is a civilian and the others are sailors; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Writing Home Writing Home/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service

Image of a photograph of about 20 soldiers and sailors sitting around an ornately carved wooden table, writing; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): A Club Dinner A Club Dinner/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service

Image of a photograph of about 40 sailors sitting at tables in a restaurant decorated with Chinese [?] paintings and writing on the walls, eating; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Lining Up for a Bed Lining Up for a Bed/and a Bath for 25¢ in a/W.C.C.S. Club and Hotel/ The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service

Image of a photograph of about 20 soldiers and one sailor standing in line in an office; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
  Happy Recreation/The Spirit of/War Camp/Community Service

Image of three men playing baseball: umpire, catcher and batter; the batter is a sailor and the catcher appears to be a soldier; large two-and-a-half-story houses are in the background; includes logo of the War Camp Community Service

War Camp Community Service

34 x 27.5

Box 1
  Canteen/for/Officers/Excellent Menu/Moderate Prices/Expert Service/Privileges Extended to Ladies Accompanied by Officers/All Canteen and Club Privileges to Nurses of A.N.C./Pershing Club/Madison Avenue at/44th Street/New York City/ Phone Vanderbilt 3556/Canteen Operated by National League for Woman's Service/Canteen Hours/12 to 2 p.m.—6 to 8 p.m./Other Hours—Cafeteria Service

(all text except for War Camp Community Service logo and National League for Woman's Service logo)

War Camp Community Service

34 x 26.5

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Officers' Service Officers'/Service/of the/New York War Camp Community Service/15 East Fortieth Street (near Fifth Avenue) Telephone Murray Hill 4482/A Department opened for Officers in all services;/Information as to Hotel Concessions, Club Privileges,/Theatres, Dances, Sight-seeing Trips, Apartments/and Rooms, Discounts in Stores, Hotess Houses, etc./…

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

35 x 28

Box 1
  "A Good Time for the Returning Soldier"/by Miss Grace Parker/Third Comrade Rally/for/Girls of Chelsea/Wednesday, February 5th – at P.S. 45 – 225 W. 24th Street/… Come and Hear about/Comrade Parties for/Soldiers, Sailors and Marines/Comrade Service for Men/in Hospital, Camp or Overseas …

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service (Girls Division)

35.5 x 28

Box 1
  Pershing Club for Officers/of the United States and Allied Services/Club Rooms Theatre/Canteen Dances/Special Tea Dances Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons …/New York War Camp Community Service … Officers' Service Department …/Army Nurses invited to use this Service.

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

35 x 28

Box 1
  Pershing Club for Officers/United States/ and/Allied Services/Madison Avenue/at 44th Street/Vanderbilt 3556/Club Rooms Theatre/Canteen Dances/Vaudeville Program and Dance/Every Evening/Special Tea Dances Every Afternoon …

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

35.5 x 28

Box 1
  Special/Holiday/Bulletin/Extra/New York War Camp Community Service/Welcome Dance to Fleet/ … 71st Regiment Armory …/Where to Sleep in New York City …/How to "Get Next" … Your Uniform Is Your Pass

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

35.5 x 28

Box 1
  Just Like Home!/Get the Glad Hand from Home Folks/and Hear the Home News at/Hall of States/27 West 25th Street/near Broadway/Information Entertainment/State Newspapers Refreshments/New York War Camp/Community Service

Cartoon image of a soldier sitting in an over-stuffed chair holding a doughnut and a cup of coffee that has been offered to him by a civilian male holding a plate of doughnuts and a cup of coffee and is just about to sit on a wooden chair

War Camp Community Service

28 x 17.5

Box 1
  The Soldier/Who Smiles/Is the Soldier Who Wins/Send Your Soldier/a Smileage Book To-Day/For Sale Here

(black and white)

Image of a Smileage Book

28 x 17.5


Box 1

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

22 x 28

Box 1
  New York/War Camp Community Service/announces/a Victory/Pageant/in Williamsburg Plaza/Washington's Statue)/on Saturday, May 34th, 1 p.m./Everybody/Welcome/Admission Free

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

23 x 15

Box 1

Logo of War Camp Community Service superimposed on the image of three servicemen used in US GEN 50

War Camp Community Service

24 x 17.5

Box 1
  Join!/American/Legion/September 15-20/Enroll at "United" Stores and/"War Camp"/Booths and/Clubs

(all text except for logo of the War Camp Commumity Service)

War Camp Community Service

23 x 18

Box 1
  War Camp Community Service

(logo cut from a poster)

War Camp Community Service

Round – diameter: 21 cm

Box 1
  Hotel for Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines/New York War Camp Community Service
(post card)

Images of three photographs: soldiers and sailors sitting in front of a fireplace reading; one soldier sitting at a piano while about a dozen soldiers hold kazoos to their mouths; six soldiers and one sailor, sitting at two small tables, eating

War Camp Community Service

14 x 9

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Stand By "Stand By"
(post card)

Image of a painting by Albert Herter of a female allegorical figure of Liberty standing behind a soldier and helping him hold up the American flag (Library of Congress)

War Camp Community Service

14 x 7.5

Box 1
  Welcome/Soldiers, Sailors/and Marines/of the United States/and Allies/Let Us Tell You/What to Do to See/Where to Eat to Sleep …

Pocket-sized card printed on both sides providing information on how to contact War Camp Commumity Service

War Camp Community Service

12 x 7

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Smileage Book Smileage Book/The coupons in this book will be accepted in/purchase of admission and seat tickets at Liberty/theatres, Liberty tents and auditoriums under/the management of the Commission on Training/Camp Activities in national army cantonments/and national guard camps.
(with tickets)

The New York State Library copy is stamped "Sample/Void"

Globe Ticket Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Military Entertainment Service

5 x 11

Box 1
  Community Service
(printed on both sides; not a poster)

War Camp Community Service

16 x 9

[not in folder or box]
  How to Make the/Party a Success/Suggestions Invitations … Arrival … General Entertainment … Duties of Girls Committees …

(printed on both sides; not a poster; front: bas relief of a soldier dancing with a woman with a dress down to her ankles)

New York War Camp Community Service (Girls' Division)

16 x 9

Box 1
  Soldiers and Sailors!/Club Rooms/Reading and/Writing Rooms/Canteen, Pool/Information about Lodgings, Shower/Baths, Entertainments and Trains …/[addresses of the locations of the National Service Club and three National Service Home Clubs in New York City]

(text only; no images)

The American Lithographic Co.

National Service Club

30 x 27

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Soldiers & Sailors Soldiers & Sailors/while on leave or in town are invited to/St. Bartholomew's Club/of Saint Bartholomew's Parish House/209 East 42nd Street, bet. 2nd & 3rd Ave., New York/Dormitories accommodate/100 men : Card Room/Writing Room : Pool and Billiards : Library/and Reading Room : Shower Baths and Lockers (War-Camp Community Service)

St. Bartholomew's Press

War Camp Community Service

26 x 33.5

Box 1
  Sweeten the Road/to Berlin/Your Boy, Friend or Sweetheart/Over There – or In Camp/Will Appreciate His/Gift of Chocolate/27 Cents Buys One Pound of Chocolate/One Pound Supplies Six Boys/Baltimore Overseas Committee, 1103 Fidelity Building/The Adrienne de Lafayette Chocolate Fund

(text only; no images)

Lafayette Chocolate Fund

36 x 27.5

Box 1

[Too fragile to handle; may be restorable]

US WWI poster (general): The success of The success of the war/will depend more and more on/the Women of America and/already they are working nobly/side by side with the men./Vote for/Woman/Suffrage/November 6th
(sealed in plastic)

Image of a woman and a man working in a factory; captioned: Women Helping Men in Boiler Shop

28 x 53

(trolley-car cardboard; broken and torn)
  There is work to be done and the women will do it Vote For Woman Suffrage November 6th
(sealed in plastic)

Image of two women, one of whom is watching a woman driving a tractor pulling a tiller; captioned: Women Working on Farms

(style is similar to US GEN 91)

28 x 53

(trolley-car cardboard; broken and torn)
US WWI poster (general): Eat Cane Syrup Eat Cane/Syrup &/Molasses/Save Sugar/by Using Best/Louisiana Molasses/and Sugar Cane Syrup/United States Food Administration

Image of a scale weighing a bowl of sugar against a pitcher of syrup; in the background, in silhouette, is a line of soldiers marching with bayonetted rifles on their shoulders


Magill-Weinsheimer Co., Chicago, Ill.

U.S. Food Administration

70 x 52
US WWI poster (general): We are ready to Work We are ready/to Work beside you,/Fight beside you and/Die beside you –/Let Us Vote Beside You/Vote for/Woman/Suffrage/November 6th

Image, labeled "After Photograph," of a man and a woman working on some large pieces of metal; caption: "Women [sic] working in munition factory"

Includes logo of "Allied Printing Trades Council New York City, Union Label"

WG [GW?]

103.5 x 73

pieces of poster have peeled away from backing
US WWI poster (general): The Salvation Army The/Salvation Army/Help Them/to Help/Our Boys

Image of a female member of the Salvation Army emerging from a bunker, bringing two bowls of hot food to a soldier coming off the battlefield; his bayonetted rifle is slung over his left shoulder and he is saluting her; in the background, in silhouette, are men coming off a battlefield; includes a circular logo: U.S.A./Soldiers/and Sailors/Restroom/Welcome/S.A.

Scott Ethridge

Illinois Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

Salvation Army

105 x 70
US WWI poster (general) [Large image of photograph of a three-quarters portrait of a woman in uniform; unidentified; no text]

(black and white)

(Identified by Library of Congress as Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army)

Copyright Ira L. Hill

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp.

72 x 51.5
  Evangeline Booth Commander of the Salvation Army in United States of America

"Supplement New York Sunday World" (See Other Side – [text covered by linen])

Portrait of Evangeline Booth wearing a hat with a very large bow

Alco Gravure Inc.

Salvation Army

35 x 25

Box 1
US WWI poster (general): Hand It to 'Em Hand It/to 'Em/The Salvation Army/Gets It to the Boys/in the Trenches/Over There

Image of a woman of the Salvation Army wearing a helmet carrying a tray of food and a cup of hot coffee; in the background are posts and wires of a fence

J. Allen St. John

Illinois Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

Salvation Army

101 x 70

chips of color are gone from the backing
US WWI poster (general): The Salvation Army The Salvation Army/Gives/Doughnuts and Coffee/to the Boys/Over There –/Have You Made Your Contribution Yet?

Image of a woman with white hair, wearing a khaki-colored greatcoat with "S.A." on her lapel and a knapsack hanging from a strap around her neck and carrying a cup, is talking to two soldiers; a man in a uniform is helping a wounded soldier drink from a cup; a soldier with a bloody bandage around his head is in the foreground; includes logo: The Salvation Army U.S.A. War Service

William Meade Prince

Illinois Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

Salvation Army

103 x 70
  A Man May Be Down,/But He's Never Out!/The Salvation Army

(text only; no image except for the Salvation Army logo)

Salvation Army

17 x 95
US GEN 100
US WWI poster (general): Soldiers Homecoming Soldiers/Homecoming/Campaign/"Help her to help Them"/Over There – Over Here/The/Salvation Army/Million Dollar Fund/Jan. 19-25/First to Serve/Last to/Appeal

Image of two Salvation Army women outside a bunker; one of them is using a rolling pin on dough as she is working on preparing a pie; each woman is wearing a helmet and greatcoat and around her neck is a pack, probably containing a gas mask; image captioned: "An Actual [black-and-white] Photo of Salvation Army Girls from the Front Lines."

Salvation Army

35 x 55
US GEN 101
US WWI poster (general): Always on the Job Always on the Job/Interborough men, now back on the job after service in/the war, tell us the Salvation Army was always on/the job in France … Theodore P. Shonts, President
(dated: May 16, 1919)

(black and white)

(text only except for the cartoon of people in two Interborough Rapid Transit Company cars that form part of the "newspaper" banner)

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, [New York City]

40 x 53
US GEN 102
US WWI poster (general): In Peace or War In Peace or War, We Serve/Help Us/The Salvation Army

Image of a woman in a Salvation Army uniform handing out groceries to downtrodden masses in front of a silhouette of factory; logo of Salvation Army

Salvation Army

70 x 51
US GEN 103
US WWI poster (general): Oh, Boy! That's the Girl Oh, Boy!/That's the Girl!The/Salvation/Army/Lassie/Keep Her/on the/Job/Nov. 11th-18th/1918/United War Work Campaign

Image of smiling soldier in foreground holding a doughnut in his left hand and gesturing to the Salvation Army woman holding a plate of doughnuts in the background; farther back are images representing a church and town/city

(Includes logo found on several other posters: Committee on Public Information Division of Pictorial Publicity)

Sackett & Wilhelms Corporation, New York, N.Y.

Salvation Army

100 x 74
US GEN 104
  Self-Denial/Week/April 6 to 13 1919/for/Home and Heathen/Missions/You Are Asked to/Contribute Generously

(text only except for images of the Salvation Army shield in each of the four corners of the poster)

Salvation Army

103 x 70

chips of poster flaking off backing
US GEN 105
US WWI poster (general): $1,000,000 National $1,000,000/National Campaign/for Work among Our Soldiers and Sailors/December 2-9, 1917/The Consoler/War Work Committee/The Salvation Army/General Headquarters, 122 West 14th Street, New York City

Image of a woman wearing a Salvation Army bonnet and a Red Cross on her arm holding a glass in her hand as she looks at a man sleeping in a bed; a large American flag is draped over his blanket; a life-sized image of Jesus looking down on and gesturing toward the man is in the background

Albert Dick

Salvation Army

56 x 34.5

(cardboard; torn or breaking in two spots)
US GEN 106
  Rest Room Welcome

Salvation Army

Round – diameter: 55

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 107
US WWI poster (general): Turn Your Dollars Turn Your Dollars/to Doughnuts/thru the/Salvation/Army/ U.S.A./Soldiers/and Sailors/Rest Room/Welcome/S.A.

Image of a soldier eating a doughnut and holding several doughnuts in his other hand; he is standing in front of the Soldiers and Sailors Rest Room sign

Hazel Frazee

Salvation Army

70 x 52
US GEN 108
  "A Man May Be Down … "
(dated: May 1919)

Frederick Duncan

Sackett & Wilhelms Corporation

Salvation Army

102 x 76

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 109
  $1,000,000 National Campaign
(Secretary of War Baker)
(dated: Dec. 1917)

(black and white)

Salvation Army

35 x 28

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 110
  Official/Salvation Army Drive/Doughnut/May 19th/1919/May 26th/1919/Your Doughnut Is Your Receipt/Official 10¢ Doughnut/Received the sum of 10¢ from holder as contribution/to the Salvation Army Drive May 19th-26th 1919/Joseph P. Day, Chairman/By __________ Worker

(all text except for an image of a doughnut (frycake) in the center of the sheet)

Salvation Army

20 x 14

Box 1
US GEN 111
  Helpless Little Children


Globe Litho., Co.

Jewish War Relief Committee

112 x 70

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 112
US WWI poster (general): Civilians When We Go Civilians/When We Go/Through This/We Need All the/Help and Comfort/You Can Give/The Jewish Welfare Board/United War Work Campaign-Week of November 11, 1918

Image of a soldier reaching out with his left hand to the viewer as he points, with his other hand, to the chaos of the battle scene behind him; includes logo of the Jewish Welfare Board

Sidney Riesenberg

Alco Gravure Inc.

Jewish Welfare Board

83 x 54
US GEN 113
US WWI poster (general): Jewish War Sufferers Jewish/War/Sufferers/Shall/They/Plead in Vain?

Image of a woman and a child sitting amid rubble in an area destroyed by war; both are shoeless and their clothes are rags

Lou Mayer

Latham Litho. & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Jewish Welfare Board

76 x 52
US GEN 114
US WWI poster (general): Welcome to the Heroic Welcome/to the/Heroic 77th Division/America Admires You/The Jew Is Proud of You/Welcome Committee/for the/Jewish Boys Returning from the War/Headquarters of Committee: 229-231 East Broadway, New York

Mainly text except for American flags in the two upper corners, a line drawing of the Statue of Liberty and a small white flag with two blue stripes at the top and bottom of the flag and four Israeli letters in the center; union label at bottom of poster

Grayzel Press, Inc.

Jewish Welfare Board

70 x 53
US GEN 115
  Welcome/to the/Heroic 77th Division/America Admires You/The Jew Is Proud of You/Welcome Committee/for the/Jewish Boys Returning from the War/Headquarters of Committee: 229-231 East Broadway, New York

(text only; no images)

Jewish Welfare Board

27 x 35

Box 1
US GEN 116
US WWI poster (general): New York Jews New York Jews Will Raise $5,000,000/for/Jewish/Sufferers/in the/War Zones/for Jewish Board/for Welfare Work/in the/U.S. Army & Navy/The Jewish War Relief Committee/New York Campaign, Dec. 3-Dec. 16

Image of the head and shoulders of a woman with a shawl over her head and shoulders reaching her arms out in a supplicating gesture; includes union label logo

Jewish War Relief Committee

28 x 53.5
US GEN 117
  While We Pray/in Comfort and/Security They/Tremble in Misery and/Fear. What of Their Fast –/Will It End with the Night!/The American Jewish Relief Committee 20 Exchange Pl. New York

Image of a boy, wearing a cap, in the foreground, reading a book; behind him a man, wearing a kippah/yarmulke and prayer shawl, rests his head and arms on a book; behind him can be seen the heads of other men praying; two lines of Hebrew script are at the top of the poster

Abel Pann

A.Pann Poster Studio 220 Lenox Ave., New York, N.Y.

American Jewish Relief Committee

96 x 63
US GEN 118
US WWI poster (general): 3,000,000 Starving 3,000,000/Starving Jews/Cry Out for/Your Help/In This the Darkest Tragedy of Our Race/An Appeal by Jacob H. Schiff/…/You Saved Them in1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now? … The American Jewish Relief Committee/for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street/New York …

Mainly text; small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication

American Jewish Relief Committee

48 x 30
US GEN 119
  [Hebrew version of US GEN 119]

(black and white)

American Jewish Relief Committee

49 x 32
US GEN 120
US WWI poster (general): You Saved Them in 1917 You Saved Them in 1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now?/"The Shadow of Shame"/Do Not Let It Darken Your Door/Starving women and children are/pleading to you for food/Will They Plead in Vain? In Lithuania women are concealing deaths of their children in order to retain bread/cards, thus spreading disease and pestilence in houses. Conditions in the war zone/are worse today than ever before. A great and solemn duty confronts you – Act at Once/Starving People Cannot Wait!/American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street, New York …

Image of an allegorical female figure and the refugee she is protecting, spurning a male figure labeled "War Relief Slacker" whose shadow is labeled "Shame"; at the bottom of the mailer is a small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication


American Jewish Relief Committee

48 x 31.5
US GEN 121
US WWI poster (general): You Saved Them in 1917 You Saved Them in 1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now?/"In Their Name I Plead"/I plead for this mother,/I plead for this babe at her breast,/I plead for thousands of starving children/Starvation is winning-while you wait./I plead for your generosity, so that they may live. …/American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street, New York …
(dated: 1918)

Image of a female allegorical figure looking pleadingily out to the viewer as she stands next to a mother holding a baby and a little girl looking at the baby; at the bottom of the mailer is a small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication

Cozzy Gotsdanker

American Jewish Relief Committee

48 x 32
US GEN 122
US WWI poster (general): You Saved Them in 1917 You Saved Them in 1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now?/"The Wolves of Hunger"/American Jewry! The wolves of hunger are still attacking/Will we protect our own from starvation? …/Shall We Save them?/What Will You Do?/ American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street, New York …

Image of a female allegorical figure holding a shield labeled "American Jewry" in her left hand and a sword in her right hand; behind her a downtrodden people sitting or laying on the ground; at her feet is a dead wolf; another wolf is closing in on her and the people; at the bottom of the mailer is a small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication

Cozzy Gotsdanker

American Jewish Relief Committee

48 x 32
US GEN 123
US WWI poster (general): You Saved Them in 1917 You Saved Them in 1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now?/Helpless/Little/Children/Shall They/Live or/Die?/Here is the beginning of American Jewry's 1918 answer:/[names of eight cities, including Rochester, N.Y., and how much each city has pledged] …/Scores of Other Communities Have Also Doubled Their 1917 Subscriptions/American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street, New York … / They appeal to You for your answer – in Bread

Image of two little girls dressed in rags; the taller girl has an arm around the shorter girl and is patting her on the head; in the background is smoky destruction; at the bottom of the mailer is a small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication


American Jewish Relief Committee

48 x 32
US GEN 124
  You Saved Them in 1917/Will You Let Them Starve Now?/Look/[image of many Jewish people walking in snow]/Read/[image of a cablegram to Felix M. Warburg from Secretary of State Robert Lansing]/Act/[image of a blank check made payable to Arthur Lehman]/Let the voice of the suffering Jewish women and children/in Europe ring in your heart!!/American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers from the War/15 East 40th Street, New York …

At the bottom of the mailer is a small line drawing of a crowd of people with arms uplifted in supplication

American Jewish Relief Committee

47 x 25.5
US GEN 125


Johnstone Studio

Jewish Relief Campaign

106 x 76
US GEN 126
  "Life for Those in/the Shadow of Death!"/Share/We Have Given/Jewish Relief Campaign

Image of a female allegorical figure carrying a large tray laden with food; four people, dressed in rags, are in the foreground; one of them is reaching toward the woman; behind the woman is the word "Share"; in the background is the cityscape of New York City, including the Statue of Liberty

Jewish Relief Campaign

32 x 23

Box 1
US GEN 127
  "Life for Those in/the Shadow of Death!"/Share/Jewish Relief/Campaign

Image of a loaf of bread bearing the word SHARE

Jewish Relief Campaign

21 x 23

Box 1
US GEN 128
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys Freed Them Our Boys Freed Them –/Won't You Feed Them?/Jewish/War/Sufferers/Shall/They/Plead in Vain?/We Have Given

The copy in the New York State Library is sepia and white and has text above and below the image

Image of a forlorn-looking woman sitting on a rock; a young boy kneels in front of her with his head in her lap

[Lou Mayer]

Jewish Relief Campaign

31 x 20

Box 1
US GEN 129
  American/Jewish/War Relief/Fund/Give/In the Name of Humanity

The word "give" is in the center of a Jewish star

American Jewish War Relief Fund

21 x 21

Box 1
US GEN 130
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys Freed Them Our Boys Freed/Them Won't You/Feed Them?/Jewish War/Sufferers

Image of a female allegorical figure dressed in a Stars-and-Stripes gown emptying a cornucopia of coins on poor people, emulating the manna-from-heaven story; in the foreground is a woman holding an infant in one arm and, with the other, urging a little shoeless girl dressed in rags toward the coins

Lou Mayer

Grinnell Litho. Co., Ne[w York, N.Y.]

Jewish War Relief

70 x 51

several bad tears
US GEN 131
  What Smileage Books Are/There are 16 National Army camps and 16 National Guard camps in this country. … In all the National Army camps a large theatre is being erected or has been completed … At each National Guard camp large tents have been put up … Good, snappy stuff will be shown there …/The Cover [of the Smileage Book] Looks Like This. The Coupons Are in Strips of Four./They Look Like This …/Military Entertainment Council/War Department Comission on Training Camp Activities/Washington, D.C.

(black and white)

Mainly text with small images of the cover of a Smileage Book and one of the coupons

Military Entertainment Council, War Department Comission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, D.C.

43 x 28
US GEN 132
(Governor of New York State: Charles S. Whitman)
(dated: May 1918)

(black and white)

State of New York – Governor

86 x 66

[not in folder]
US GEN 133
US WWI poster (general): Your President Your President and Your Governor/Endorse the Children's Year … [facsimiles of typed letters signed by Woodrow Wilson and Connecticut Governor Marcus Holcomb] … /What will you do to help/save 1056 babies/in Connecticut in 1918?/Woman's Committee, Connecticut State Council of Defense,/Room 66, State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut

(black and white)

Calhoun Show Print, Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense (Woman's Committee)

72 x 52.5

US GEN 134
  [blank form]

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 135
  An Appeal/to the/American People … One year ago, in compliance with resolutions passed by the Senate and by the House of Representatives … for the aid of the stricken Armenian and Syrian peoples … 29 October, 1917 [signature of] Woodrow Wilson

Image is a facsimile of a typed letter signed by President Woodrow Wilson; small head-and-shoulders portrait of Wilson at top of poster

47 x 31
US GEN 136
  Proclamation/by the Mayor/Whereas, I am credibly informed upon the most reliable authority that there are at the present moment more than 2,500,000 men, women and children in Armenia, Syria and Palestine who are the verge of starvation; and …designate November 10 and 11, 1917, as days which all citizens should observe in special remembrance of the sufferings of the people of Armenia, Syria and Palestine … this the thirtieth day of October, 1917/(Signed)/John Purroy Mitchel/Mayor of New York City

(text only except for the seal of the City of New York)

Armenia, Syria, Palestine Relief

34 x 25

Box 1
US GEN 137
US WWI poster (general): Facts of Interest Facts of Interest to the/Disabled Soldier or Sailor/The military and naval authorities will provide him, not only with ordinary medical care, but also …

Text listing the opportunities that are provided by the Federal Board for Vocational Education and by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance which are available to disabled servicemen.

Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men, New York

42 x 26

Box 1
US GEN 138
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/Bulletin No. 1 March 1, 1918/Do You Know/1.That the Woman's Committee coordinates women's organizations for war service/2.That it is a means of communication between Washington and the women of Ohio/3.That it was appointed by the government, each member serving without pay/4.That every woman is expected to get in touch with a local unit/Find Your Place/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Woman's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

87 x 56

several bad tears
US GEN 139
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus Bulletin No. 2 March 15, 1918/To Serve Your Country –/Follow Directions!/In the Use of Food –/Planning, Buying, Serving –/Follow Directions!! At Your Family Meal –/When Guests Are in Your Home –/Three Times a Day –/Every Day –/Follow Directions!!!
(blue and white)

(text only; no images; includes Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86.5 x 56

several tears
US GEN 140
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 10 July 15, 1918/Do You Know the Life of Childen/in Your Town?/The children of today will be the makers/of the nation tomorrow. They must be/physically, mentally, morally healthy to meet/their coming responsibilities./They must work and play/They must eat and sleep/They must grow and expand/under fair conditions/and/careful observation/Consider the Children/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 141
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 11 August 1, 1918/Wanted in Ohio/2230 Young Women/Intelligent, Responsible/Of Good Education Of Sound Health/The Pick of the Country/Enroll Now/in the/U.S. Student Nurse Reserve/at the Stations of the Woman's Committee/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 142
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 15 October 1, 1918/Thrift Again!/The War Industries Board says: "There must be conservation of wool and all things made of wool to prevent serious shortage and real distress for a long time to come." Therefore, make the most of the wool on hand. This is no time for idle garments. Clean, repair, remodel./Press Old Clothes into New Service/Save a Suit/and/Buy a Bond/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 143
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 16 October 15, 1918/Keep the Home Fires Burning/But Guard Them Well/He who wastes coal reduces the efficiency of the man on the firing line, lowers the temperature of the cantonments at home and of hospitals abroad, slackens the speed of submarine destroyers, delays the production of munitions./Save electric and gas lights./Heat as few rooms as possible./Never let your thermometer go above 68°./Foresight Now/Means Anthracite Later/ Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 144
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 17 November 1, 1918/A War Time Christmas/Let Santa Claus Help Uncle Sam/Shop Early/War industries need all extra clerks./Buy Useful Gifts/Give, but select with more care./Carry Your Parcels/Delivery boys are carrying guns./Send Packages Early/Gifts must not block war supplies./At the request of the Government/Mail and Express before December 5/ Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 145
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 18 November 15, 1918/"In a Comon Cause We Eat at a Common Table"/120,000,000 Allies/Must Be Fed/17,500,000 Tons of Food/Must Be Shipped/5,000,000 Tons More Than Last Year/We Can Do It/If We Waste Nothing/and Eat Only What Is Necessary for/Health and Strength/Think Before You Eat/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 146
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 19 December 1, 1918/Armistice Not the End/ Our first thank-offering for victory must be new sacrifice in the use of food. The spectre of famine abroad haunts the abundance of our tables at home. Help America maintain her standards of self-denial and service./Stay on Call/The Government Asks It/Watch This Bulletin Board for News of/Women's War Activities
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears
US GEN 147
  Woman's Committee/Ohio Branch/Council of National/Defense/State House Columbus/News Poster No. 21 January 1, 1919/Announcement/The State Council of Defense was formally disbanded December 31st, but its office and executive staff, including the Woman's Committee will be maintained in the State House. Local Units of the Woman's Committee are requested to maintain a similar organization and their Speakers' Bureaus, in order to cooperate effectivey with such Federal Agencies as the Food Administration and the Children's Bureau, and to meet after-the-war obligations.
(blue and white)

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

Council of National Defense – Ohio Branch – Woman's Committee

86 x 56

several tears; one piece torn off
US GEN 148
  The Work That You Do Every Day

(black and white)

Conference Committee on National Preparedness

69.5 x 55

[not in folder]
US GEN 149
  What Doth It Profit/a Man?/Germany is working, by every scheme that ingenuity can devise and money can put into operation, to make American workingmen traitors to their country in its hour of need …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Conference Committee on National Preparedness … New York City

56 x 35
US GEN 150
US WWI poster (general): Eat More Fish! Eat More Fish!/Fish is meat and has a high food value …/Eat Fish – Cultivate the Taste – Get the Habit!/For advice, information, recipes, etc., write/U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Division F.,/Washington, D.C.

At head of title: Please Post Conspicuously/Department of Commerce/U.S. Bureau of Fisheries/Washington

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Department of Commerce – U.S. Bureau of Fisheries

53 x 31.5
US GEN 151
  [blank form] 152
  Save Sugar

(black and white)

[too fragile to handle to determine size]
US GEN 153
  How Can I Help My Country?

[not in folder]

Minnesota Commission of Public Safety

71 x 56
US GEN 154
US WWI poster (general): A Message to the Men A Message to the Men and Women of Connecticut: - /No chain is stronger than its weakest link … Remember, if even one man out of ten fails to do his utmost, this slows up the winning of the war by far more than 10 per cent of delay …/[signed]
Franklin D. Roosevelt/Assistant Secretary of the Navy/Issued by Connecticut State Council of Defense

(black and white)

Line-drawing image of head and shoulders of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Calhoun Show Print., Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense

57 x 36

cardboard; tears
US GEN 155
  Why Are We At War

(black and white)

Louis F. Dow & Co.

Minnesota Commission of Public Safety

56 x 45

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 156
US WWI poster (general): The U.S. Government The U.S. Government/Has Asked Us to Help/We Ask the Public to Help/Us Help the Government/It is Important That You/Buy Carefully – Not Thoughtlessly./Return as Little as Possible./Take Small Parcels with You./Will You Please/Shop in the Morning Hours./Avoid Making Hurried Purchases./Avoid Special Deliveries//Delivery and Distributing Waste/Must Be Eliminated/Avoid Asking for Unnecessary Service/that May, if Continued, Result in With-/drawal of Privileges to which the Public has been accustomed. Copyright 1917 by Brentano's

NYSL copy is red, white and blue

(text only; no images)


60 x 40

cardboard; small tears
US GEN 157
US WWI poster (general): Proclamation! Proclamation! To the Citizens of New York: Upon just grounds and after long and patient forbearance, the President and the Congress of the United States have declared that by the act of the autocratic government which rules in the Empire of Germany war exists between the two countries, and the free people of America are about entering into the great World Conflict …
[signed: New York City] Mayor John Purroy Mitchel

(black and white)

(all text except for small image of the seal of New York City at top)

46 x 30
US GEN 158
US WWI poster (general): Proklamation! Proklamation! An die Einwohner New York's! Mit gerechten Gründen und nach langem, geduldigem Aushalten …

(black and white)

(German version of US GEN 158)

46 x 30
US GEN 159

(black and white)

(Greek version of US GEN 158)

46 x 30
US GEN 160
US WWI poster (general): Department of Justice Department of Justice/Office of the United States Marshal/Southern District of New York …/Notice to/Enemy Aliens/"Enemy aliens" must not under any/circumstance pass/EAST/[image of an arrow]/beyond this line./"Enemy aliens" will be immediately arrested if/they violate the above rule./It is the duty of all good citizens to notify this office/of any violation of the foregoing rule./Thomas D. McCarthy,/U.S. Marshal, Southern District of New York./New York, November 28, 1917.

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Justice

56 x 35

cardboard; tear
US GEN 161
US WWI poster (general): Department of Justice Department of Justice/Office of the United States Marshal/Southern District of New York …/Notice to/Enemy Aliens/"Enemy aliens" must not under any/circumstance pass/WEST/[image of an arrow]/beyond this line./"Enemy aliens" will be immediately arrested if/they violate the above rule./It is the duty of all good citizens to notify this office/of any violation of the foregoing rule./Thomas D. McCarthy,/U.S. Marshal, Southern District of New York./New York, November 28, 1917.

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Justice

56 x 35

cardboard; cracked piece close to falling off
US GEN 162
US WWI poster (general): Justiz-Abteilung Justiz-Abteilung/Büro des United States Marshals/Südlicher Bezirk von New York …/Warnung für Feindliche Ausländer/Solchen Ausländern (also Feindesange-/hörigen) ist der Übergang oder Aufent-/halt verboten:/ÖSTLICH …

(black and white)

(German version of US GEN 161)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Justice

56 x 35

cardboard; tear
US GEN 163
US WWI poster (general): Justiz-Abteilung Justiz-Abteilung/Büro des United States Marshals/Südlicher Bezirk von New York …/Warnung für Feindliche Ausländer/Solchen Ausländern (also Feindesange-/hörigen) ist der Übergang oder Aufent-/halt verboten:/WESTLICH …

(black and white)

(German version of US GEN 162; arrow appears to be pointing in the wrong direction)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Justice

56 x 35

cardboard; tear
US GEN 164
US WWI poster (general): Department of Justice Department of Justice/Office of/United States Marshal,/Eastern District of New York, Post Office Building, Brooklyn, N.Y./Stop!/"Alien Enemies"/Take Notice/"Alien Enemies" Must Not/Pass Beyond This Sign./Violation of this rule will mean/immediate arrest and internment./Citizens of the United States are called/upon to assist the Government in/carrying out this order./Report all/violations to the United States Marshal,/Post Office Building, Brooklyn, N.Y./Telephone Main 2541/ James M. Power,/United States Marshal

(text only; no images except for Union Label)

Brooklyn Eagle Press

U.S. Department of Justice

55.5 x 36

cardboard; tears
US GEN 165
US WWI poster (general): The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments of/Womanhood/Nineteen Hundred and Eighteen/Thou Shalt Not Waste Time, …/Thou Shalt Not Waste Substance, …/Thou Shalt Not Waste Bread, …/Thou Shalt Not Bedeck Thyself Lavishly, …/Thou Shalt Not Be Fain and Self-Seeking, …/Hearten Thy Men and Weep Not, … Bind Up the Wounds of Thy Men and Soften Their Pain, …/Keep Thou the Faith of Thy Mothers, …/Keep Thou the Family Fruitful and Holy, …/Serve Thou the Lord Thy God with Diligence, …/Prepared by the President of the Connecticut Congress of Mothers

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

54 x 35
US GEN 166
  Thrift and Economy

Connecticut State Council of Defense

41 x 53

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 167
US WWI poster (general): Why Germany Wants Why Germany Wants Peace Now/Kaiser's 'Intrigue for Peace' a Menace to America and the World/The Kaiser's Dream Comes True/A Vast Pan-Germanic/Empire from Berlin to/Bagdad …/President Wilson says: … "From Hamburg to the Persian Gulf the net is spread"/Can America Be Safe in/a World Which the/Kaiser Rules? …/Germany Thinking About/"The Next War"/Prepared by the Connecticut State Council of Defense

(Mainly text except for a map labeled The Prussian Blot showing, in red, the area conquered by Germany)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

71 x 106
US GEN 168
US WWI poster (general): Why Germany Wants Why Germany Wants Peace …/Every American ought to know WHY we entered this war./Every American ought to know WHY this conflict must con-/tinue until our aims are achieved./The Publications listed below will give YOU this information./Publications of the Committee on Public Information/(Established by Order of the President, April 14, 1917)/10 Jackson Place, Washington, D.C. …

(Mainly text except for a map labeled The Prussian Blot showing, in red, the area conquered by Germany; lists 34 publications)

(Includes reference to "The Pan-German Plan as realized by war in Europe and in Asia March 16, 1918")

Committee on Public Information

77 x 51
US GEN 169
US WWI poster (general): Your Liberty Bonds Your Liberty Bonds Build/and Maintain These Camps/Money from Liberty Loans has already trained and equipped/two million men in American camps and forts for service overseas./Liberty bonds must continue to provide food, clothing and munitions for those now at the front and must also train and equip millions/more at home. Lend Your Money/to the Government/Hasten Victory for/Our Fighting Men

Includes a map of the United States with a key showing locations of national army cantonments; national guard camps; aviation training stations and fields; officers' reserve training schools; army posts, forts, barracks and hospitals; war prisoner and enemy alien internment camps; and naval training stations, marine corps, barracks and hospitals

Liberty Loan Committee

85 x 70
US GEN 170
US WWI poster (general): Military Map Military Map of the U.S.A. Military Map of the United States of America Showing Location of All Forces in Training. Issued by the Union Pacific System …

New York State Library copy has, across the top, a strip with a Union Pacific System logo in each corner and, across the bottom, a list of national army cantonment camps; national guard concentration camps; reserve officers' training camps; aero training stations; increment camps; naval training stations; navy yards; and naval radio stations

Union Pacific System (railroad)

61.5 x 84

several bad tears; part of text missing because of a tear
US GEN 171
US WWI poster (general): Subject Nationalities Subject Nationalities of the German Alliance

The map illustrates the cultural disbursement of a number of ethnic grops impacted by the war including Lithuanians, Sorabians, Jews in Palestine, Nestorians, Armenians, Kurds, Turks and Greeks.

Dangerfield Printing, Co. Ltd.

Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London, England

76 x 101
US GEN 172
  Fighting in France for Freedom! [map]
(dated: July 1918)

(black and white)

Illustrated Current News, New Haven, Conn.

Maine Committee on Public Safety

40.5 x 48

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 173
  Iowa State Fair and Exposition/August 21-30, 1918 Des Moines/"The Battle Ground/of Freedom"/Where Our Boys Are Fighting/Kenyon's Map/of the/Western Battle Front … Remember the Dates – Plan to Visit the Iowa State Fair and the Boys at Camp Dodge …

A map of the western battle front dominates the page; a photograph of the state fair grounds, looking south from the amphitheatre stretches along the bottom of the sheet. Verso: "An Index of Towns on the Map of Western Europe" dominates the page; a photograph of "A Late View of Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa" stretches along the top of the sheet; photographs at the bottom of the sheet: (1) German Soldiers in a Prison Camp at Soissons, France; (2) General John J. Pershing; (3) American Troops Marching through London

Iowa State Fair

89 x 65

several tears
US GEN 174
US WWI poster (general): Lest We Perish Lest We Perish/Campaign for $30,000,000./American Committee/for Relief in the Near East/Armenia – Greece – Syria – Persia/One Madison Ave., New York Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer

Image of Near Eastern girl, with arms outstretched, looking at the viewer; includes logo of Committee on Public Information Division of Pictorial Publicity

E.F. Bettsbains

Conwell Graphic Companies, New York, N.Y.

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

70.5 x 50
US GEN 175
US WWI poster (general): Avez vous place Avez vous place/dans votre cœur/pour nous?/"Have you room in your heart for us. [sic]"/Fatherless Children of France, Inc.

Attached to the bottom of the New York State Library copy of the poster: Meeting in Chancellor's Hall, Education Building/Tuesday Evening, April 1st, 1919 at eight o'clock/Senator Henry M. Sage, Presiding/Reading by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews/Captain Delport, Member of French High Commission, Speaker/Admission Free/Fatherless Children of France

Image of two children sitting on rocks; one of them, a girl, is comforting the other and reaching out with her right hand in supplication to the viewer; that child is wearing wooden shoes; in the background is fire and the remants of houses that have been bombed.

Walter De Maris

Fatherless Children of France, Inc.

93 x 49
US GEN 176
  General Pershing/cabled:/"I wish on behalf of the troops/under my command, to thank the/Knights of Columbus/for the substantial service it is/rendering the Army in France –/[John J.] "Pershing"/United War Work Campaign/National Catholic War Council/Knights of Columbus

(all text except for the Knights of Columbus logo)

Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co.

Knights of Columbus

70.5 x 52.5
US GEN 177
US WWI poster (general): See Him Through See Him Through/Help Us to/Help the Boys/National Catholic War Council/Knights of Columbus/United War Work Campaign – Week of November 11, 1918
(dated: Nov.1918)

New York State Library copy is not torn

Image of a member of the Knights of Columbus gesturing toward a line of soldiers marching into battle

Burton Rice

National Catholic War Council (Knights of Columbus)

75 x 49.5
US GEN 178
US WWI poster (general): The campaign The campaign which the/Knights of Columbus are/undertaking to raise a/special fund for their/work should meet with/a generous response/from all our people./Woodrow Wilson/Long Island Chapter-Knights of Columbus/Knights of Columbus/War Camp/Activities Fund/Coney Island Week/Aug. 26th to 31st/(inclusive)

At top of poster is a small photograph of Woodrow Wilson flanked by two American flags and flags from four other countries; at the bottom of the post is the Knights of Columbus logo

Long Island Chapter – Knights of Columbus

52.5 x 34.5
US GEN 179
  Knights of Columbus They do not ask the faith or creed … Edgar A. Guest Under the shells in tortured France, … John B. Kennedy

Verso: The Knights of Columbus …

(printed on both sides; not a poster)

The side with the Guest and Kennedy pieces includes an image of a member of the Knights of Columbus ministering to a wounded soldier amid stumps of trees behind which is the glow of fire burning from a battle. Verso: Twenty thumb-sized photographs of officers of Knights of Columbus chapters in cities in the U.S. and Canada, including William P. Larkin and William J. McGinley, both of New York City

Lee Cowrey

Alco Gravure, Inc.

Knights of Columbus

36 x 25

Box 1
US GEN 180
US WWI poster (general): Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus/Three Million War Fund

Image of a Roman Catholic priest blessing soldiers and sailors kneeling around him; he is looking up to heaven; in his right hand is a crucifix; in the background are American flags, a burning city, boats in a body of water and a wooden sentinel tower


Knights of Columbus

56 x 37
US GEN 181
  Knights of Columbus/Three Million War Fund

(duplicate of US GEN 181)


Knights of Columbus

56 x 37
US GEN 182
  Knights of Columbus/Three Million War Fund

(larger version of US GEN 181)


Knights of Columbus

75 x 50
US GEN 183
US WWI poster (general): Where Is My Boy Where Is My Boy Tonight?/Knights of/Columbus/War Camp/Activities Fund/Coney/Island/Week/ Aug. 26th to 31st/(inclusive)/Tickets/One Dollar/including/Steeplechase/Luna Park/and 15 Other/Attractions

Image in the foreground of an American soldier putting on a jacket; in the background, soldiers standing near a Knights of Columbus building on which is painted "K of C/Everybody/Welcome." Another image of an elderly woman with her hands on the shoulders of a sailor and a soldier who flank her; also, Knights of Columbus logo; includes Union Label logo

J.H. Tooker Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Knights of Columbus

101 x 70

piece of color chipped off poster; in envelope
US GEN 184
US WWI poster (general): Helping Your Boy Helping Your Boy through No Mans [sic] Land/Knights of Columbus/War Camp/Activities Fund/Coney Island Week/Aug. 26th to 31st/(inclusive)

Image of a soldier, with a KC insignia on his sleeve, carrying a stretcher; barbed wire fence in background; also Knights of Columbus logo

J.H. Tooker Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Knights of Columbus

102 x 70

some pieces of ink peeling off top line of poster
US GEN 185
  New York Catholic War Camp Fund

Sweeney Sign Ptg. Co.
Knights of Columbus

69 x 105

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 186
  New York Catholic War Camp Fund

National Ptg. & Eng. Co.

Knights of Columbus

104 x 71

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 187
  New York/Catholic/War Fund/The/Knights of Columbus

Mainly text except for the crucifixes and the Knights of Columbus logo

Knights of Columbus

25.5 x 18

Box 1
US GEN 188
  United/War Work Campaign/Honor Roll/Name of Firm or Corporation Here/When 75% of our people have/subscribed, we receive United/War Work Campaign honor sign./For each additional 5% we/receive a separate insignia to/be attached.

Sheet for 100 names; at top of sheet the words United War Work Campaign are printed on a red circle; in the center of the circle are a star and the numeral 7.

United War Work Campaign

68 x 51
US GEN 189
  United War Work Campaign/November 11-18, 1918/Our Gift to Our Boys/Model for a Combined Honor Roll and Score Board; to be enlarged three or/four times this size by a local artist and posted in the Industrial Plants./"No sacrifices we can make are/comparable to theirs."/Woodrow Wilson/Roll of Honor

Framing the honor roll and the score board are the logos of the Y.M.C.A., the Y.W.C.A., the National Catholic War Council, the Jewish Welfare Board, the War Camp Community Service, the Salvation Army and the American Library Association

United War Work Campaign

30 x 45
US GEN 190
  Keep 'Em Smiling/United War Work Campaign/for the Boys Over There

Line drawing of the face of a smiling man wearing a helmet; border is made by the repetition of the phrase KEEP 'EM SMILING

Greer Printing Company, Duluth, Minn.

United War Work Campaign

60 x 45
US GEN 191
US WWI poster (general): New York Will Give New York Will Give/"One/Day's/Pay"/to the/United/War Work/Campaign/"Leave it to Little Old New York!"/New York's Share is $35,000,000/The share of the men/and women who work is/"One Day's Pay"/New York Never Fails/Campaign November 11 to 18

Image of a soldier and a sailor looking ecstatically at a poster on a brick wall; the poster reads: "New York Will Give 'One Day's Pay' to the United War Work Campaign."; includes logo of the United War Work Campaign

R.G. Morgan

Rogers & Company Inc., Chicago and New York

United War Work Campaign

70 x 51
US GEN 192
US WWI poster (general): United We Serve YMCA United/We/Serve/Y.M.C.A. Y.W.C.A./National Catholic War Council K.of C./Jewish Welfare Board/War Camp Community Service/American Library Association/Salvation Army/United War Work/Campaign $17,000,000

(text only; no images)

United War Work Campaign

75.5 x 50
US GEN 193
US WWI poster: The church is behind the United War Work Campaign... This Church/is Behind/the United/War Work/Campaign/for the Boys/Over There

(text only; no images)

United War Work Campaign

62 x 46
US GEN 194
US WWI poster (general): Benefit United War Benefit/United War Work Fund/Teams of the/Harvard Radios vs./Princeton Aviators/Nov. 23rd at Polo Grounds/Tickets for Sale at all Ticket Agencies

Image of one football player tackling another; includes logo of the United War Work Campaign

J. Liello

United War Work Campaign

66 x 48
US GEN 195
US WWI poster (general): When the Boys Come When the Boys Come Home/While I was Over There/What Were You Doing Here?/Students of America/How Will You Answer Him?/United War Work Campaign – Nov. 11-18

Image of a student in a cap and gown facing a soldier with a rifle on his shoulder

W.T. Benda

United War Work Campaign

70 x 53
US GEN 196
US WWI poster (general): Every Girl Pulling Every Girl Pulling/for Victory/Victory Girls/United War Work Campaign

Image of a young woman, wearing a sailor-style blouse and skirt, pulling the oars on a rowboat named Victory

E.P. [initials only]

United War Work Campaign

70 x 55
US GEN 197
  Four Years in the Fight

L. Tonay [?]

United War Work Campaign

105 x 69.5

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 198
  By James Cardinal Gibbons "They are our sons and brothers; flesh of our flesh. We have sent them across the sea to fight – but we are determined that they should know that the people at home are fighting with them, standing with them, shoulder to shoulder" … Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before! … United War Work Campaign

Mainly text; at top of poster is a line drawing of a head-and-shoulders image of James Cardinal Gibbons; across bottom of poster: logos of Y.M.C.A., National Catholic War Council, Jewish Welfare Board, United War Work Campaign, Salvation Army, American Library Association, War Camp Community Service, and Y.W.C.A.

63.5 x 48
US GEN 199
US WWI poster (general): They Shall Not Perish "They Shall Not Perish"/Campaign for $30,000,000/American Committee/for Relief in the Near East/Armenia – Greece – Syria – Persia
(dated: 1918)

Image of a female allegorical figure of America dressed in a white gown and wearing a red-white-and-blue cap; in her right hand she holds a sword over her head; a very large American flag is wrapped around her left arm, flowing out behind her and protecting a child who is clinging to her legs

Douglas Volk

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

101 x 72
US GEN 200
US WWI poster (general): Starving Help Now Mi Starving/Help Now/Millions Are Starving in Bible Lands!/Armenia – Syria – Caucasus/Egypt – Persia – Palestine/Ten cents per day will save a life/Send money to your local treasurer or/to Chas. R. Crane, 70 Fifth Ave. Treasurer/Armenian, Syrian Relief Committee/General Office 1 Madison Ave. N.Y./All money goes for relief, none for expense/Relief Work Not Stopped by War

Image of a woman and a child in agony; the child is laying on his back reaching up to his mother; the mother is on her knees with her left hand covering her face and her right hand reaching toward the sky; both are dressed in rags and are barefoot


Sinson Litho, New York, N.Y.

Armenian, Syrian Relief Committee

44 x 27
US GEN 201
US WWI poster (general): Lest They Perish Lest They/Perish/Campaign for $30,000,000/American Committee/for Relief in the Near East/Armenia – Greece – Syria – Persia/One Madison Ave., New York Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer

Image of a woman carrying a baby on her back; in the background is the rubble of destroyed buildings

[William Gunning] W.G. King

Conwell Graphic Companies, New York, N.Y.

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

46.5 x 30
US GEN 202
US WWI poster (general): 2½ Million Starving 2½ Million/Starving/Armenian-Syrian-Women-Children/17 cents a day will/save a life!/Send contributions now to/Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer/American Committee for/Armenian and Syrian Relief/One Madison Avenue New York

(text only; no images)

American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief

30.5 x 47
US GEN 203
US WWI poster (general): The Child at Your Door "The Child at Your Door"/400,000 Orphans Starving/No State Aid Available/Campaign for $30,000,000/American Committee/Relief in the Near East/Armenia – Greece – Syria – Persia/1 Madison Ave. New York – Cleveland H. Dodg Treas.

Image of child with a scarf on her head; her head is slightly bowed and her eyes are looking up sorrowfully; her fingers are intertwined

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

51 x 34
US GEN 204
  Language Unites the World/French – Spanish – Italian/Free Trial Lessons/No Obligation/30 Lesson Courses/Approved by business men and women/Very Reasonable rates/"Language Is a Business Asset"/Come/A-top the Tribune Building/Language Institute, Inc./154 Nassau Street New York Tel. Beekman 3693/Free Tuition to All Men in Uniform

(all text except for a row at the top and a row at the bottom of the poster showing the French, Spanish and Italian flags)

Language Institute Inc.

25 x 17

Box 1
US GEN 205
US WWI poster (general): Saving Daylight! "Saving/Daylight!"/Gain an Hour/of Daylight/"Just set the clock AHEAD one hour,/Uncle – No longer working day for/anybody – but all of it in daylight./Use this EXTRA HOUR of daylight/for your country."/United Cigar Stores Company

At bottom of poster: Saving Daylight Poster No. 2

Image of Uncle Sam with a rifle slung over his left shoulder; he holds a hoe in his left hand and, with his right hand, he is moving the hands on a pocketwatch; the oval that surrounds the stem of the pocketwatch has a face and wears an army hat; the pocketwatch also has two legs

N.B.H. [initials only]

United Cigar Stores Company

101 x 50.5
US GEN 206
US WWI poster (general): Saving Daylight "Saving Daylight"/A Longer Day of Daylight for the Man with the Gun and the Man with the Hoe/Help Make It a National Law to Set the Clock One Hour Ahead/United Cigar Store Companies

Image of a soldier with a bayonetted rifle ready to charge and of a farmer hoeing the earth; in the background is a red sun

At bottom of poster: Saving Daylight Poster No. 1

N.B.H. [initials only]

United Cigar Store Companies

64 x 100
US GEN 207
US WWI poster (general): Saving Daylight! "Saving Daylight!"/Sign and Mail one of these Post Cards to Your Congressman at Washington/and help make it a National Law to SET THE CLOCK ONE HOUR AHEAD/United Cigar Stores Company

In the upper left-hand corner: "One of These Post Cards Free Inside" with facsimile of front and back of post card

Image of a man in a business suit sitting at a desk using a fountain pen to fill out a post card like the one pictured on the poster; in the background is an image of the U.S. Capitol framed by a red sun.

At bottom of poster: Saving Daylight Poster No. 3

N.B.H. [initials only]

United Cigar Stores Company

67 x 100
US GEN 208
US WWI poster (general): Saving Daylight! An Hour of Light for an Hour of Night! "Saving Daylight!"/An Hour of Light for an Hour of Night!/Add an Extra Daylight Hour Each Day to National Service and Efficiency/United Cigar Stores Company

Two images: (1) On the left side of the poster is a daylight image of a farmer using a hoe to dig in the earth; in the background is an army officer standing before a row of soldiers holding their rifles in front of themselves; a red sun is in the background. (2) On the right side of the poster is a nighttime image of a farmer on one knee holiding a lantern in his left hand while he digs in the earth with a trowel; in the background is an army officer and a row of soldiers marching; a crescent moon is in the background

At bottom of poster: Saving Daylight Poster No. 4

N.B.H. [initials only]

United Cigar Stores Company

67 x 103
US GEN 209
US WWI poster (general): Saving Daylight Ends Saving Daylight/Ends/for 1918,/Sunday, Oct. 27th/"Good-bye, Uncle,/see you next Spring"/Set Your Clock Back One Hour/at 2 a.m. Sunday, October 27th

Image of Uncle Sam shaking hands with a clock-headed figure. The clock face reads "One hour of extra daylight," and the figure, dressed in an army uniform, wears a "War service medal" and carries a satchel labeled "S.D./U.S.A."

Logo on poster: Cigars/United

N.B.H. [initials only]

[United Cigar Stores Company]

68.5 x 38

very brittle; almost torn in half
US GEN 210
US WWI poster (general): Victory! Victory!/Congress Passes/Daylight Saving Bill/"Get Your Hoe Ready!"

Image of Uncle Sam turning a clock to Daylight Savings time as a clock-headed figure dressed in an army uniform throws his hat in the air as he jumps for joy. The clock face of the figure reads "One hour of extra daylight."

N.B.H. [initials only]

[United Cigar Stores Company?]

96 x 53

very brittle; one piece has torn off and is in an envelope; another piece is close to tearing off
US GEN 211
  Somewhere in France/Hurrah, the folks/at home have/learned English! To Persons of Foreign Birth/Write Your Soldier Boy a Letter in the Language/of the United States./He may understand your language when spoken, but he cannot read and write it. He does know the American language. Make him proud of you by learning to speak, read and write this language in the Public Evening School nearest your home …/Connecticut State Council of Defense …/Published in Italian, Polish,/Lithuanian, Bohemian,/Hungarian and Yiddish

(same image – a soldier in a fox hole looking at a letter from home and smiling – and design as in US GEN 216)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

63 x 47
US GEN 212
  Somewhere in France/Hurrah, the folks/at home have/learned English!
[the rest of the text is in Bohemian and Lithuanian]

(Bohemian and Lithuanian version of US GEN 212)

(same image – a soldier in a fox hole looking at a letter from home and smiling – and design as in US GEN 215)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

63 x 47
US GEN 213
  Somewhere in France/Hurrah, the folks/at home have/learned English!
[the rest of the text is in Polish]

(Polish version of US GEN 212)

(same image – a soldier in a fox hole looking at a letter from home and smiling – and design as in US GEN 216)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

63 x 47
US GEN 214
US WWI poster (general): Somewhere in France Somewhere in France/Hurrah, the folks/at home have/learned English! [the rest of the text is in Hungarian and Yiddish]

(Hungarian and Yiddish version of US GEN 212)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

63 x 47
US GEN 215
US WWI poster (general): Somewhere in France Somewhere in France/Hurrah, the folks/at home have/learned English! [the rest of the text is in Italian]

(Italian version of US GEN 212)

New York State Library copy is in red, white and blue

Connecticut State Council of Defense

63 x 47

bad tear
US GEN 216
US WWI poster (general): America first Learn English America first/Learn English./Imparate l'Inglese./Ucz sie jezyka angielskiego./[Yiddish text]./Uc se anglicky./Tanuljon angolul./Makykis Angliskai./Attend night school ... Become a citizen .../It means a better opportunity/and a better home in America./It means a better job./It means a better chance for your children./It means a better America./Ask the nearest public school about classes .../[repeated in the languages indicated above].
(In English and six other languages)

Image of Uncle Sam shaking hands with a laborer holding a pickaxe; in the background is a large two-story house with a mother, father and child out front; a judge [?] handing a man his citizenship papers; and a school with two boys out front

The New York State Library copy does not have the phrases in German.

81 x 51
US GEN 217
US WWI poster (general): To All Aliens To All Aliens/If the war has affected your living or/working conditions,/If you want to learn the American lan-/guage and become a citizen,/If you wish employment, advice or information,/without charge,/apply to –/Room 1820, Municipal Building/Mayor's Committee on National Defense/Committee on Aliens

(In English, German, Hungarian, Slovak [Czech? Polish?], Hebrew, Italian)

(all text except for a small American flag at top of poster)

Mayor's Committee on National Defense

35.5 x 28

Brittle cardboard; large break that will cause a large piece to come off; also a second tear

Box 1
US GEN 218
US WWI poster (general): Better Babies Better Babies "I wish my mother had a vote to keep the Germs away."

At bottom: Permission of the "Woman Voter."

Image of a baby looking warily at many, many germs (which look like bugs) squeezing in through a partially open door; the advance forces of the germs have already taken over her milk bottle

Includes Union Label logo

National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc., 171 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.

70.5 x 52
US GEN 219
US WWI poster (general): Home Problems Home Problems/Public Health/Pure Food/Milk/Water Supply/Schools/Sanitation/Cost of Living/Women Want the Vote to Help Solve These Problems

(text only; no images except for Union Label logo)

National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc., 171 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.

60 x 48
US GEN 220
US WWI poster (general): The Woman's Hour The Woman's Hour Has Struck/Woman's/Suffrage/Is/Coming
(dated: 1917)

Image of a woman in 1917 dress and shoes and gloves, wearing a tri-corner-style hat, pulling on a cord that is ringing a large bell


National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.

102.5 x 69.5
US GEN 221
US WWI poster (general): Give Mother the Vote Give Mother the Vote/We Need It/Our Food Our Health/Our Play Our Homes/Our Schools Our Work/Are Ruled by Men's Votes/Isn't it a funny thing/That Father cannot see/Why Mother ought to have a vote/On how these things should be?/Think It Over/Printed for National Woman Suffrage Publishing

Image of a baby carrying a "Votes for Our Mothers" flag; behind her march four other babies.

Image on the New York State Library poster is similar but there is more text on the State Library's item.

Rose O'Neill [?]

National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company, Inc., 171 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.

116 x 74.5
US GEN 222
US WWI poster (general): Extract from Speech Extract from Speech of/President Wilson/"All have a right to a voice in the government under which we live." – "When men and women are equally admitted to those rights, we have the best safeguard of justice and of peace that the world affords. There is no other safeguard."/Vote For/Woman Suffrage/Nov. 6

Mainly text except for a head-and-shoulders photographic portrait of Woodrow Wilson and the framing of the text in American-flag bunting.

McConnell Printing Co., New York, N.Y.

60 x 48
US GEN 223
  War Books That Tell Facts …/[list of titles and authors, plus prices, of 15 books] …/Published by Charles Scribner's Sons

Silhouette of a soldier holding his bayonetted rifle in front of him is in the background of the list of books

Chas. Scribner's Sons

65 x 30.5
US GEN 224
  Bedros K. Apelian, B.D., A.M./An Americanized Armenian Who Knows the Tragedy/of Armenia by Experience/The Martydom of My Race/ A/Thrilling/Story/Told/Most/Effectively/Time/Place/American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief

Time and Place are blank on this poster

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of Bedros K. Apelian

American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief

36 x 25

Box 1
US GEN 225
  Introduction by/Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood/U.S.A./Petain, The/Prepared/A Message to/American Manhood/by/Edward Earle/Purinton/50c. net/For Sale Here
(advertisement for a book)

Image is a full-length photographic portrait of Marshal Philippe Petain

33 x 25.5

Box 1
US GEN 226
  A Soldier's Drill Book/Information and Advice/Not in the Manual/Taps/A Book/for the Boys/in Khaki/by/J. Gregory Mantle D.D./A Call/to/Clean/Conduct/in the/Fight/ "For/Christ/and/Freedom"/"Quit You Like Men/– Be Strong"/Fleming H. Revell Company, Publishers/Price $1.25 net
(advertisement for a book)

Image of a soldier holding a bugle to his lips

Fleming H. Revell Company, Publishers

34 x 24.5

Box 1
US GEN 227
US WWI poster (general): Cover Design Cover Design of the Book of the Hour/The Defenders of Democracy/to be sold by the Militia of Mercy for the benefit/of the needy families of our soldiers of the sea/Portraits … Writers … Illustrations [i.e., Illustrators]
(advertisement for a book)

Image of a wounded sailor and a wounded soldier facing each other and clasping the same sword, with a nurse standing behind and between them

Wm. De Leftwich-Dodge

Otis Litho Co., Cleveland, Ohio

53 x 35

US GEN 228
US WWI poster (general): Read: A Flying Fight Read:/A Flying Fighter/ by Lieut. E.M. Roberts, R.F.C./He was:/Lorry Driver/Despatch Rider/Bomber/Observer/Air Pilot/Ace/Illustrated/Post 8vo./$1.50/Harper & Brothers, Established 1817
(advertisement for a book)

Image of a photograph of E.M. Roberts and a line drawing of German soldiers dragging one soldier away; another man is falling backward; behind the scene is a crucifix

Dealton Valentino

Harper & Brothers

49 x 33.5
US GEN 229
  "Who you shovin', you big slob!"/The Tough Guy/by Edna Ferber/Don't miss the best war story of the year!/In the April/Metropolitan
(advertisement for a book)

Black-and-white image of a painting of an American soldier on the brink of jabbing his bayonet into the neck of of a German soldier who appears to be strangling another soldier; the second soldier holds a pistol in his right hand and is trying to remove the hand of the German soldier with his left hand.

Metropolitan (magazine)

55 x 34
US GEN 230
  [Advertisements for Facing the Hindenberg Line by Burris A. Jenkins and German Atrocities by Newll Dwight Hillis]
(printed on both sides; not a poster)

Fleming H. Revell Company, Publishers

16 x 9

Box 1
US GEN 231
  A Book of Inspiration/Carry On: Letters in Wartime/by Lieut. Coningsby Dawson/Author of "The Garden Without Walls," "Slaves of Freedom," etc. Cloth, $1.00 Net/The spirit of a new religion, of a/new literature, and a compre-/hensive interpretation of war/Nineteenth Edition
(advertisement for a book)

Image is a photograph of a a portrait of Lieut. Coningsby Dawson

56 x 35
US GEN 232
  Just One of 'Em/Drawn for Leslie's Weekly by C. Le Roy Baldridge,/a soldier in the U.S. Army, whose battle-front pictures/have made an obscure artist famous the world over.
(advertisement for the newspaper)

Image of a head-and-shoulders portrait of an American soldier wearing a soft-brim hat; a cigarette dangles from the soldier's mouth; the image is superimposed over red-and-white stripes and a band of white stars on a blue stripe

C. Le Roy Baldridge

Leslie's Weekly

33 x 22.5

Box 1
US GEN 233
  What the War Means to You
(printed on both sides; not a poster; incomplete advertisement)

Images of George Washington (The Revolution 1776), Abraham Lincoln (Civil War 1861), William McKinley (Spanish War 1898) and Woodrow Wilson (The Great War 1917)

23 x 15

Box 1
US GEN 234
US WWI poster (general): We Are Ready to Work We Are Ready/to Work Beside You, Fight/Beside You and Die Beside You/Let Us Vote Beside You/Vote for/Woman/Suffrage/November 6th

Image of a woman and a man working on either side of a piece of equipment; Caption: Women Working in Munition Factory

Same layout as US GEN 91; same image as US GEN 94

28 x 53.5

cardboard; several tears
US GEN 235
US WWI poster (general): Woman Suffrage Woman/Suffrage/Give Her of the Fruit/of Her Hands and Let/Her Own Works Praise/Her in the Gates

Image of an ethereal, almost celestial figure emerging from the earth like a tree, an allegorical representation of the Tree of Knowledge, with her hands outstretched and her fingers the tree branches bearing ripe fruits Behind her is an image of the Buffalo History Museum building (at that time the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society building) as it looked when it was the New York State Building during the Pan-American Exposition of 1901.

Copyrighted by Evelyn Rumsey Cary

Munro & Harford Co.

105 x 59
US GEN 236
US WWI poster (general): The Final Inspector The Final/Inspector/Instruction Laboratory/Sgt. W.G. Thayer

Image of an American soldier with gas mask in hand falling to the ground choking on gas; his helmet and rifle are on the ground near him; in the background are a line of soldiers aiming their rifles

W.G. Thayer

Alco-Gravure Inc., New York, N.Y.

75 x 50
US GEN 237
US WWI poster (general): We Give Our Work We Give Our Work,/Our Men,/Our Lives/If Need Be/Will You Give Us the Vote?/Vote for/Woman/Suffrage/Nov. 6th

Image of a woman flanked by a soldier and a marine; she has a hand on the arm of each man; image of the a reversed-type image of the union label of Local No. 1, Amalgamated Lithographers of America, New York

Greenwich Litho Co., New York, N.Y.

J.V. Ritchey

102 x 69
US GEN 238
US WWI poster (general): Side By Side Side By Side –/Britannia!/Britain's Day Dec. 7th 1918/Mass Meeting Hippodrome/Sunday, December 8th, 3 p.m.

New York State Library's copy includes place and time of meeting

Image of Uncle Sam arm-in-arm with Britannia, accompanied by an eagle and a lion; in the background is the ocean and skylines of cities

James Montgomery Flagg

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

75.5 x 50
US GEN 239
US WWI poster (general): And They Thought And They/Thought We/Couldn't/Fight/He Can Work As Well As Fight!/Send him a job to the/Re-Employment Bureau of New York City/Phone Worth 9250 505 Pearl Street

The copy "He Can Work … Pearl Street" covers up the phrase "Victory Liberty Loan"

Image of a smiling American soldier with a head wound and a wound on his arm carrying his bayonetted rifle and three German helmets

Clyde Forsythe

Ketterlinus, Philadelphia, Pa.

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

76.5 x 51
US GEN 240
US WWI poster (general): Sure! We'll Finish Sure!/We'll/Finish/the Job/Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1918)

Image of a man in soft-brimmed, beat-up hat and overalls reaching into his pocket; he wears buttons from previous Liberty Loan campaigns

Gerrit Beneker

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago

Victory Liberty Loan

96 x 65
US GEN 241
US WWI poster (general): The Fatherless Child The Fatherless/Children of France/Headquarters 665 Fifth Avenue, New York./Branch of the American Society for the Relief of French War Orphans, Inc./10¢ keeps a child in its mother's home 1 day/$3.00 … 1 month/$36.50 … 1 year/Ask for Name and Address of Child/[blank space] Local Treasurer

Image of allegorical figure of Lady Liberty [United States?] dressed in variation of the American flag stands with arms outstretched and eyes looking down on silhouettes of two children in rags with arms lifted toward Lady Liberty and a woman kneeling bent down holding a handkerchief to her face; all three are standing in a graveyard

Erie Lithograph Company, New York, N.Y.

American Society for the Relief of French War Orphans

106 x 70
US GEN 242
US WWI poster (general): Save Serbia Our Ally Save/Serbia/Our Ally/Send Contributions to/Serbian Relief Committee of America,/70 Fifth Avenue, New York
(dated: 1916)

Image of Serbian soldiers and civilians as they migrate into the mountains.

[Théophile Alexandre] Steinlen

Serbian Relief Committee of America

91 x 60
US GEN 243
US WWI poster (general): Left Behind in Serbia Left Behind/in Serbia/Send Money for the Women/and Children to the Serbian Relief/70 Fifth Avenue New York

Image, in charcoal, of a man, a boy, two older women, a younger woman and a girl; all are war victims in need of help

Boardman Robinson

Serbian Relief

85 x 60
US GEN 244
US WWI poster (general): Serbia Serbia

(black and white)

Image of a woman wearing Serbian national dress; her hand is raised to her head in an expression of despair; a boy, with tears running down his cheek, huddles next to her

Estelle M. Kerr

Serbian Relief

76 x 55
US GEN 245
US WWI poster (general): Food millions starving Food/millions starving/400,000 orphans/$5 a month saves a life/suffering intense – winter/increases distress -/war does not stop relief -/all gifts reach destitute/expenses met privately/send money to Cleveland H./Dodge – treasurer – American/Committee – Armenian, Syrian/Relief. One Madison Ave. N.Y./How Much Will/You Supply

(text only; no images)

Same text and layout as US GEN 504

American Committee – Armenian, Syrian Relief

43 x 25
US GEN 246
US WWI poster (general): A Million Boys A Million Boys Behind/a Million Fighters/Every American Boy/Should Enroll in the/Victory Boys/Earn and Give to Help Keep Our Fighters Happy/United War Work Campaign – November 11 to 18

Image of a soldier moving toward battle in a crouched position; behind him is an image of a young boy in overalls; includes logo for Victory Boys

United War Work Campaign – Victory Boys

50 x 31
US GEN 247
US WWI poster (general): Morale Hastens Victory Morale/Hastens/Victory/Back up the Boys Over There/Y.M.C.A. – Y.W.C.A. – National Catholic War Council – K.of C. -/Jewish Welfare Board – War Camp Community/Service – American Library Association – Salvation Army United War Work Campaign November 11th-18th

Image of a cavalry soldier on horseback; behind him are other soldiers, all facing the ruins of a city/village.

F. Luis Mora

United War Work Campaign

27 x 52
US GEN 248
US WWI poster (general): United War Work Camp United War Work Campaign/Military-Trapshooting /Exhibition/Polo/ Grounds/Nov./ 13.Aerial/Shooting/Trick/Shooting/Machine/Guns/Trench/Guns/John Philip Sousa/with his Band Battalion/World's/Champion Shooters/Admission $1.00/Buy Tickets Now/United War Work Campaign

Image of a man dressed in trap-shooting regalia with his open shotgun in his left hand; his right hand is in his pocket

United War Work Campaign

62 x 44
US GEN 249
US WWI poster (general): America's Gift America's Gift/to France/Contributions/received at/HERE [stamped-in]/from March/22nd to 27th
(dated: 1920)

Image of an allegorical female figure; her hands are on the shoulders of a boy and a girl who are holding a laurel wreath; a woman, kneeling in a garden of day lilies is looking back at and gesturing to them; in the background are the ruins of a city

Albert Sterner

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

National Committee of America's Gift to France

75 x 50.5
US GEN 250
US WWI poster (general): Give or We Perish Give or We Perish/American Committee/for Relief in the Near East/Armenia – Greece – Syria – Persia/Campaign for $30,000,000

Image of a head-and-shoulders portrait of a woman clutching a shawl around her shoulders

W.T. Benda

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

83.5 x 55
US GEN 251
  The Defenders of Democracy (advertisement for a book)

Duplicate of US GEN 228

Wm. De Leftwich-Dodge

Otis Litho. Co., Cleveland, Ohio

Militia of Mercy

52 x 34
US GEN 252
US WWI poster (general): 7 in 1 United 7 in 1 United War Work Campaign

(text only; no images)

Carey Print Litho.

United War Work Campaign

50 x 71

severe tear
US GEN 253
US WWI poster (general): Give United War Work Give United War Work Campaign

(text only; no images)

Carey Print Litho.

United War Work Campaign

50 x 71

severe tear
US GEN 254
US WWI poster (general): Knit A Bit Knit A Bit/for Our First Line of Defense/ Wool, Needles and Directions/Militia of Mercy Unit/Comforst Committee of the Navy League/of the United States/4 West 49th Street, New York City

Images, in roundels. (top) a sailor and (bottom) a woman knitting; in background are two ships

Jessie Banks

Navy League

55 x 36
US GEN 255
US WWI poster (general): Women Awake! Women Awake!/Your Country/Needs You/Learn to be of National Service – Join the Navy League/Help the Navy – Local Headquarters Court of Appeals Building
(dated: 1916)

On the New York State Library copy, "Court of Appeals Building" is hand-lettered at the bottom as the Local Headquarters; probably for Albany, N.Y.

Profile three-quarters image of a woman in uniform cradling a semaphore flag in her left arm and holding a megaphone up to her mouth with her right hand.

Hazel Roberts

Navy League

63.5 x 48
US GEN 256
US WWI poster (general): Wanted 15,000 Navy Wanted/15,000 Navy Relief Members/in the U.S.N.R.F./The Navy Relief Society, founded/by Admiral Dewey, cares for the/Navy's widows and orphans;/gives immediate aid to families/in need/Funds derived solely from contributions and/memberships of officers and men and/friends of the service/Will You Help?

(text only; no images)

Navy Relief Society

68 x 54
US GEN 257
US WWI poster (general): Help the Wings Help the Wings/of the U.S. through the/Treasure and Trinket Fund/Send Jewelry, Silverware, Gold, and odd bits/to the Aviation Committee/of the/National Special Aid/259 Fifth Avenue [New York City?]/Endorsed by/Aero Club of America – National Aerial Coast/Patrol Commission – The Aerial League of America – The Conference Committee on/National Preparedness – The Patriotic/Education Society and/the National Institute/of Efficiency/Purpose of the Fund/providing necessary equipment/and comforts not as yet/furnished by the/government

(text only; no images)

Aviation Committee of the National Special Aid

71 x 56

cardboard; broken in two spots
US GEN 258
  Garden Fete/for/War Relief /at/Castle Grounds, Saturday June 2, '17/… May Pole, Greek and/Natural Dancing/Admission – Adults 50 cents/Children 25 cents
(printed on both sides; to hang from a string)

(text only except for a Red Cross in each corner)

War Relief

17.5 x 17.5
US GEN 259
US WWI poster (general): United Behind the Service Star United/Behind the Service Star/United War Work Campaign/Young Men's Christian Assoc./National Catholic War Council/Jewish Welfare Board/Salvation Army/War Camp Community Service/American Library Assoc./Young Women's Christian Assoc.

Image of representatives of the seven organizations mentioned standing in parade formation; each person holds a flag on which is a logo for one of the organizations

Ernest Hamlin Baker

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

United War Work Campaign

99 x 70
US GEN 260
US WWI poster (general): A Girl from This Home A Girl from This Home/Has Enrolled in the/Victory Girls/to Earn and Give/to Make Our Fighters/Fit/United War Work Campaign

Text in a shield surmounted by an eagle with outspread wings; piece was meant to be displayed in a window

Similar to US GEN 276

United War Work Campaign

28.5 x 20
US GEN 261
  A Girl from This Home/Has Enrolled in the/Victory Girls/to Earn and Give/to Make Our Fighters/Fit/United War Work Campaign

Same was US GEN 261 except the colors are reverse

United War Work Campaign

34 x 27
US GEN 262
US WWI poster (general): Keep Them Smiling Keep Them Smiling/This Home Is Helping/Our Boys Over There/United/War-Work/Campaign

Includes logos of Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., National Catholic War Council, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Community Service, Salvation Army, and American Library Association

Image is three smiling faces: a soldier, a marine and a sailor

United War Work Campaign

27 x 17.5

Box 1
US GEN 263

Same portrait, same logos and same layout but there are only three words on the poster and the background, instead of being light tan, is red

United War Work Campaign

31 x 20

Box 1
US GEN 264
US WWI poster (general): Service Surgical Dressings Service/Surgical Dressings/for/War Relief/Drains/Compresses/Bath Mitt/Elbow Rest/Tampon/Bed Sock/Bandages/Fracture Pillow
(dated: 1917)

Image of a nurse above the flags of the Allies; border features medical supplies, labeled

Thomas Tryon

Niagara Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

104 x 69
US GEN 265
US WWI poster (general): Where the Victims Are Where/the/Victims/Are/Save the/Survivors –/3,950,000/Starving People/American Committee/for Relief in the Near East/Baltimore Campaign/February 9th to 17th/Campaign for $30,000,000 …[map]

Text printed over map of the region

Baltimore address on the New York State Library covers the original New York City address

American Committee for Relief in the Near East

54 x 71

several very bad tears
US GEN 266
US WWI poster (general): Give the Boy a Chance Give the/Boy a/Chance/249,999/Other/Homeless/Orphans/Like Him/Near East Relief/1 Madison Ave. New York City

Image of a barefoot forelorn-looking boy wrapped in a blanket

Alco-Gravure Inc., New York, N.Y., Baltimore

Near East Relief

84 x 56

several very bad tears; plus Scotch tape was used on one of the tears
US GEN 267
US WWI poster (general): You Won't Let Me "You Won't Let Me Starve, Will You?" I am little Shushan, from Armenia/My home has been destroyed/Father was taken away/Mother starved because she gave me all the food/I am so hungry and cold/Thousands of other children are hungry and cold, too/The Opportunity for Our Sunday School/17 cents a day - $5.00 a month - $60.00 a year will save a life!/Make contributions to American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief/Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer, One Madison Avenue, New York

Image of the head and shoulders of a little girl

American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief

47.5 x 31.5
US GEN 268
  Hunger Knows No Armistice

M. Leone Bracker

Alco-Gravure, Inc.

Near East Relief

80 x 55

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 269
US WWI poster (general): Hunger Knows No Armistice Hunger Knows No Armistice
(lost in the tatters of paper)
(dated: 1919)

[Image of a woman and children, cowering in distress – based on pieces that can be seen since the poster is in several pieces]

M. Leone Bracker

Near East Relief

100 x 70

poster is in several pieces
US GEN 270
US WWI poster (general): Don't Let Them Die Don't Let Them Die/You Can Save Them/Send Contributions to the/Women's Apparel Association/132 West 42nd Street New York City/J. Wise, Treasurer/Women's Apparel Unit/of/Women's Oversea Hospitals, U.S.A.

Image of a woman with a shawl over her head sitting; she holds a girl who is either dead or sleeping; a little boy cuddles next to her; in the background are the ruins of a city/village

M. Leone Bracker

Women's Oversea [sic] Hospitals, U.S.A. (Women's Apparel Unit)

75 x 54

several bad tears
US GEN 271
US WWI poster (general): Stand By Us "Stand By Us a Little Longer"/The Golden Rule Orphans/Near East Relief/151 Fifth Avenue/New York City

Image of Uncle Sam holding a little girl in his arms; several children stand around them; mountains and ruins of a building in the background

New York State Library copy is in color but the color register is off; also, NYSL copy is vertical instead of horizontal in orientation

Dan Smith

Near East Relief

55 x 38

several tears
US GEN 272
  United War Work Campaign Supplies Rush Delivery – Not Subject to Embargo …
(shipping tag; not a poster)

Shipping label that includes the logos of the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., National Catholic War Council, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Community Service, American Library Association, and Salvation Army

United War Work Campaign

23 x 15

Box 1
US GEN 273
  [Not on typed list] US GEN [274]
  7/Behind/7/the Service Star /United War Work Campaign

(text only; no images; the letters "United War Work Campaign" are printed in a red circle that surrounds a white circle; all the other words, the digits "7" and a blue, five-pointed star are printed on the white circle)

United War Work Campaign

20 x 20

Box 1
US GEN 275
US WWI poster (general): A Boy from This Home A Boy from This Home/Has Enrolled in the/Victory Boys/to Earn and Give/to Make Our Fighters/Fit/United War Work Campaign

Text in a shield surmounted by an eagle with outspread wings; piece was meant to be displayed in a window

Similar to US GEN 261

United War Work Campaign

29 x 21.5

Box 1
US GEN 276
US WWI poster (general): United War Work Camp United War Work Campaign/7/Subscribed/House to House Division

(text only; no images; the letters "United War Work Campaign" are printed in a red circle that surrounds a white circle; all the other words, the digit "7" and a blue, five-pointed star are printed on the white circle)

United War Work Campaign

34.5 x 25.5

Box 1
US GEN 277
US WWI poster (general): Industries Division Industries/Division/United War Work Campaign

New York State Library copy has the words "Woolen and Worsted Com." Stamped between "Division" and "United War Work Campaign"

(text only; no images; the letters "United War Work Campaign" are printed in a red circle that surrounds a white circle; all the other words, the digit "7" and a blue, five-pointed star are printed on the white circle)

United War Work Campaign

25.5 x 34

Box 1
US GEN 278
  "Hands Off -- !"/Belgian Relief/Administration/Pillage

(black and white)

Editorial cartoon image of Uncle Sam standing guard over boxes and sacks labeled "Belgian Relief"; on the rifle he holds in his left hand is the word "Administration"; facing him is an overweight German soldier holding a sword in his left hand; the sword is labeled "Pillage"; in the background is smoke and destruction of a battle scene


Belgian Relief

32.5 x 24

Box 1
US GEN 279
  "Hope!" "Belgium Shall Not Starve" – Canada's Promise
(dated: 1916)

(black and white)

Editorial cartoon image of a woman wearing a shawl and cradling a baby; next to her, holding on to her shawl, is a little boy; both are wearing wooden shoes and they are looking at a poster reading "'Belgium Shall Not Starve' – Canada's Promise" pasted on a fence; in the background are the remains of destroyed buildings and a German soldier, with a rifle, on patrol


Belgian Relief

31.5 x 24

Box 1
US GEN 280
  "Balked!" Belgian Relief Fund Belgium Starvation

(black and white)

Image of a female allegorical figure with wings labeled "Belgian Relief Fund" with her hand on the shoulder of a female figure, dressed in rags, kneeling next to her; a German soldier faces the two with a look of astonishment on his face; in his right hand he holds a sword labeled "Starvation"; in the background is the rubble of a destroyed building


Belgian Relief Fund

31.5 x 24

Box 2
US GEN 281
US WWI poster (general): Millions of homeless Millions of homeless and penniless Belgians urgently need our assistance. It is our sacred duty to aid these innocent victims until their cowardly despoilers have been put in their proper place, and Belgium restored to her people and to her brave King. If your wives, your brothers and your children were in a similar plight, how would you feel? Let your response be generous.

(black and white)

Image of a woman and four children, a baby, two girls and a boy, all looking forlorn; the woman is holding the baby in her arms; the two girls have shawls over their heads.

Belgian Relief Fund

31.5 x 24

Box 2
US GEN 282
  Trench Comfort Packets/for US and the Allies/…/A/Call/for/Men, Women and Children/to Furnish Supplies for/2,000,000 Packets each containing one warm garment and six small articles/for/the Allies/Everything Illustrated on This Card Needed Send Donations Quickly to the Committee Headquarters 2-14 West 39th Street 5th Floor Lord & Taylor Come Help Wrap Them and you will receive a letter from the man in the trenches you have cheered and comforted

Text is framed by small images of items that could be in a trench comfort packet: socks, pipe, safety pins, soap, etc. In each of the two upper corners of the poster is an image of a woman handing a packet to a man in uniform; in each of the two bottom corners are images of soldiers at the front

Stacy H. Wood

Trench Comfort Packets Committee

35 x 27

Box 2

cardboard; broken in half vertically
US GEN 283
  What Are You Doing?/The Architects Are Working Their Patch/Architectural League Food Battalion/215 West 57th Street/Donated by the Climax Press, 33 Sullivan St., New York, U.S.A.

Image of a farmer wearing overalls and a slouch hat; he is holding a hoe as he stands in a tilled field.

Climax Press

Architectural League Food Battalion

33 x 22

Box 2
US GEN 284
  Help Win the War For Wheatless Meals Use Schupp Victory Bread Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Rye, Graham

(text only; no images)

28 x 18

Box 2
US GEN 285
  Register of Foods. A Graphic Study of Eatables/by the Comparison of the Percentages of Their Principal/Chemical Elements Designed for Students of Dietetics/Copyright by P.W. Goldsbury M.D.

Chart showing the amount of mineral matter, water, protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories in meat, eggs, milk, fish, grains, vegetables and fruits, etc.

Whitcomb & Barrows Publishers, Boston, Mass.

34 x 48

cardboard; two corners broken off
US GEN 286
US WWI poster (general): We Eat Because We Eat Because We Work/We Belong to the/U.S. School Garden Army/Issued by the U.S. School Garden Army Bureau of Education, Department of Interior,/Washington, D.C.

Image of a little boy digging in the dirt with a pitchfork and of a little girl sprinkling plants with a watering can; a basket of vegetables is on the ground behind her; a banner on a flagpole is behind them; the banner has the letters USSG and a picture of crossed hoe and rake; in the background are the buildings of a small community

American Lithograpic Co., New York, N.Y.

School Garden Army. U.S. Dept. of Interior

76 x 51

several tears
US GEN 287
  [blank form]

US GEN 288
US WWI poster (general): Free Milk for France Free Milk for France Reproduced by/The W.F. Powers Co./Lithographers/New York
(advertisement for a calendar using F. Luis Mora's poster "Free Milk for France")

Includes facsimile of note from F. Luis Mora on National Arts Club stationery to W.F. Powers Co.; facsimile serves as a cover for a 1921 calendar

F. Luis Mora

W.F. Powers Co. Lithographers, New York, N.Y.

78 x 54
US GEN 289
US WWI poster (general): Free Milk for France Free Milk for France

Image of a soldier ladling milk from a two-foot-tall metal milk can to children and a man on a crutch with a bandage on his head and neck

F. Luis Mora

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

83.5 x 58
US GEN 290
  I'm a Milk-fed Kiddie. Don't I Look It?

Poster is dominated by a head image of a little girl wearing a hat; image has a moiré pattern

See US GEN 328 for a fourth poster related to this style.

50 x 40
US GEN 291
  My Daddy Says:/Milk Is as Good as a/Liberty Bond./It Pays 99% in Health.

Poster is dominated by a head image of a little girl wearing a hat (not the same image as US GEN 291); image has a moiré pattern

See US GEN 328 for a fourth poster related to this style.

50 x 40
US GEN 292
  Every Bit of Milk/You Use Saves So/Much Meat for the/Boys "Over There"

Poster is dominated by a head image of a little girl; image has a moiré pattern

See US GEN 328 for a fourth poster related to this style.

50 x 40
US GEN 293
  To Win the War/Keep This/Full/Keep This/Empty

Image of a pail with a handle and a cover labeled DINNER next to a larger pail with a handle and a cover labeled GARBAGE. Across the top of the poster: To Win the War; under the dinner pail: Keep This Full; under the garbage pail: Keep This Empty

49 x 43.5
US GEN 294
  Liberty/Bread/Bread Without Wheat/Will Win the War

Image of a loaf of bread labeled LIBERTY BREAD; below the bread, which is enclosed in a circle is the rest of the text of the poster

49 x 43.5
US GEN 295
  Liberty/Bread/Bread with Little/Wheat Will/Win the War

Image of a loaf of bread labeled LIBERTY BREAD; below the bread, which is enclosed in a circle is the rest of the text of the poster; bread and circle on this poster are a little different from those on US GEN 295

49 x 44
US GEN 296
  Let's/Save the Bean Crop!/Buy Beans/Eat Beans/Use Beans/to Save Beef/We can make the old-fashioned/bean pot a new weapon against/the Kaiser./Get the bulletin, "What to do/with Beans" at the "War Kitchen,"/79 County Court House,/Albany, N.Y./Boost The Bean

(text only; no images)

56 x 35.5
US GEN 297
US WWI poster (general): Eat More Cottage Cheese Eat More/Cottage/Cheese/You'll Need/Less Meat/One/Pound [photos of cottage cheese]/Supplies/More Protein/Than/one pound of beef, or/one pound of pork, or/one pound of lamb, or/one pound of veal, or/one pound of fowl./A Postal Card Will Bring Recipes/for using this meat substitute/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C./Cottage Cheese/or Meat/?/Ask Your/Pocketbook/!

Images of cottage cheese, a cow, a pig, a lamb (sheep?), a calf and a chicken

U.S. Department of Agriculture

60.5 x 41
US GEN 298
  Potatoes for/Patriotism/Let Us Consume the Last Year's/Crop and Encourage the/Farmer to Raise More/Make Every Day Potato Day!/We Can Make Potatoes/Save Wheat/Let's All Help!/The Potato is a Native American./Enlist/it to fight against the Kaiser!

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

46 x 30.5
US GEN 299
US WWI poster (general): New York State Food New York State Food Supply Commission/ Headquarters/Food Conservation/Selection/Preparation Preservation …/"Every Ounce of Food You Save/Is Ammunition to Win the War."

New York State Food Supply Commission

(text only except for two American flags on flagpoles flanking the text)

50 x 37
US GEN 300
US WWI poster (general): Farmers! Housewives! Farmers! Housewives! Children! The President of the United States Appeals to You Personally ... extracts from the address of President Wilson …

Six black-and-white photographic images of farmers, using horse-drawn equipment, working in fields

U.S. Department of Agriculture

75.5 x 49
US GEN 301
US WWI poster (general): Spilled Milk! Spilled Milk! Don't Cry Over It – Stop It! Save This Tremendous Loss of Valuable Food for the Nation … What Is Your Share of This $18,000,000 Loss? … You Can Lessen These Wastes in Your Business … More Losses in the Plant … Keep Down Losses from Sour Milk … Don't Throw Away Any Dairy Products … Watch the Spigots Also … Demonstrate Thrift in Your Milk Plant, Creamery, Cheese Factory, or Condensery … Make Every Employee a Home Guard to Prevent Waste … U.S. Department of Agriculture Dairy Division/Bureau of Animal Industry/Washington, D.C./Please Post in Workrooms

(text only except for seals of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the lower two corners of the poster)

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dairy Division

61 x 31
US GEN 302
US WWI poster (general): Dairy Farmers Dairy Farmers/It's Your Patriotic Duty to/Stop Milk Wastes, Now! … /Help by Keeping Your Milk from Spoiling … Sterilize All Milk Utensils on the Farm … Cool Milk and Cream and Keep Them Cool …/ Don't Let What You Produce Be Wasted!/Demonstrate Thrift on Your Farm/U.S. Department of Agirculture/Please Post Conspicuously for Your Patrons

Two black-and-white photographs: milk cooler and storage tank; man using a "steam sterilizer for dairy utensils"

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dairy Division

71.5 x 40
US GEN 303
US WWI poster (general): Keep Good Food Keep Good Food Out of Your Garbage Pail and Kitchen Sink/Don't Feed High-priced Human Food to Hogs or Chickens/Waste No Food!/Household Waste about 700 Million Dollars …/Food Is Wasted/when anything edible is allowed to go to the garbarge pail or allowed to/spoil for lack of proper handling …Food Is Wasted/when we eat more than our bodies need for growth and repair and to supply energy for our work …/ Demonstrate Thrift in Your Home/Make Saving, Rather Than Spending, Your Social Standard …/ U.S. Department of Agriculture/Washington, D.C.

(text only except for images of the U.S. Department of Agriculture seal in each of the two bottom corners of the poster)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

60.5 x 40
US GEN 304
US WWI poster (general): The President The President of the United States to Farmers/ … April 10, 1917/Special Appeal/to/Farmer Patriots/"Soldiers of the Commissary"/Farmers Must Feed the Nation and Its Fighting Men …/Our Food Crops Must Be Increased to the Maximum …/Plant Good Seed and Give It Every Chance to Yield …/ Can, Preserve, or Dry All Perishable Vegetables and Fruits You Do Not Market …/In the South: "The Variety of Their Crops the Measure of Their National Duty."/Raise More Meat …/ Market More Milk and Eggs …/You Are Helping the Country Fight When You Help Feed Its Fighting Men … U.S. Department of Agriculture …

Four black-and-white photographs: Men harvesting a grain crop using a harvester pulled by four horses; men working with a thresher; men with hoes standing in a corn field; men in a cart feeding ears of corn to pigs

U.S. Department of Agriculture

78.5 x 40

Pieces of lettering has peeled off some words
US GEN 305
US WWI poster (general): Help Feed Yourself Help Feed Yourself/Make Back Yards and Vacant Lots Productive/Work a Garden – Raise Chickens/Grow Vegetables and Fruits …/ Can or Preserve Surplus Perishables … /Keep a Flock of Hens … / Somebody Has to Raise or Pack Everything You Eat/Do Your Share! …/Make Every Jar Help Feed Your Family …/ Demonstrate Thrift in Your Home/Make saving, rather than spending, your social standard/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C./Cooperating with State Agricultural Colleges

Four black-and-white photographs: Children working in a fenced-in garden; woman feeding a flock of chickens; boy with a hoe in a backyard garden; row of vegetables labeled: "Children canned and saved these perishables for winter use." Seals of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in each of the two lower corners of the poster

U.S. Department of Agriculture

60 x 40
US GEN 306
US WWI poster (general): Hang This in Your Camp Hang This in Your Camp./Win the War/by/Saving Food/Eat More/corn, oats …/Eat Less/wheat, meat …/Meatless Tuesdays …/Wheatless Wednesdays …/ Sugar and Fats …/ Vegetables …/ United States Food Administration/A.D. Wilson, Minnesota Representative, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. ….

Standard, St. Paul, [Minn.]

U.S. Food Administration

105 x 70
US GEN 307
US WWI poster (general): We Violated We Violated/the Regulations of the /Food Administration/But Have Pledged/Full Obedience/in the Future/Posted by Direction of the U.S. Food Administration

(text only; no images; NYS Library poster includes the phrase "Posted by Direction of the U.S. Food Administration")

The Atkinson Press, Ithaca, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

60.5 x 40
US GEN 308
US WWI poster (general): Do Not Be Fooled Do Not Be Fooled/by the Lies of the/Enemy/The United States Government is not taking away from the people … /All reports to the contrary are false, and come originally from the enemy or friends of the enemy … /Hoarding, however, is another matter, and is wrong … /United States Food Administration

(text only; no images)

U.S. Food Administration

55 x 35
US GEN 309
US WWI poster (general): Defeat the Kaiser Defeat the/Kaiser and/His U-boats/Victory Depends on/Which Fails First,/Food or Frightfulness/Waste Nothing/United States Food Administration

Image of a dark figure [Kaiser?] in the foreground; a U-boat and a burning, sinking vessel in the distance


U.S. Food Administration

55 x 35

Printed on cardboard; torn in half; missing piece
US GEN 310
US WWI poster (general): Defeat the Kaiser Defeat the/Kaiser and/His U-boats/Victory Depends on/Which Fails First,/Food or Frightfulness/Waste Nothing/United States Food Administration

Duplicate of US GEN 310; has muslin backing; in good shape

U.S. Food Administration

54 x 35
US GEN 311
US WWI poster (general): Heroic Women of France Heroic Women/of France/Toiling to Produce Food/… [quote from] Alonzo Taylor …/[quote from] Herbert Hoover …/ [quote from] Woodrow Wilson/Are Your Doing Your Part?/United States Food Administration

Photograph of three women wearing long skirts and kerchiefs over their hair; they are standing in chain-link traces, like horses, to pull a piece of cultivating equipment

Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford Co., New York

U.S. Food Administration

55 x 35
US GEN 312
US WWI poster (general): The GARBAGE The GARBAGE that comes from your Kitchen, even after you have eliminated all possible human food, contains materials needed in the manufacture of nitro-glycreine, soaps, fertilizers and other War Necessities or makes excellent food for Pigs. Do not place broken crockery, glass or other household wastes in the garbage pail. Keep the Garbage Clean and see that it is utilized./United States Food Administration

U.S. Food Administration

53 x 35
US GEN 313
  United States Food Administration/New York Federal Food Board/General Orders/in the War Program for Public-Eating Places/For the purpose of the following general orders public eating-places shall be defined to include … No public eating-place shall serve or permit to be served bread or toast as a garniture or under meat … No public eating-place shall serve or permit to be served to any one person at any one meal more than one-half ounce of Cheddar, commonly called American cheese …
(This card must be conspicuously posted in the/dining rooms of all public eating-places)

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Food Administration

55 x 40
US GEN 314
  Ten Thousand/Apple Pickers/Wanted/in Western New York to Help Harvest/the Five Million Barrel Crop/Average Wages/20 Cents a Barrel and Board/An inexperienced man can pick from 15 to 30 barrels a day/Steady Work from September 16th to about November 1st …

(text only; no images)

The Atkinson Press, Ithaca, N.Y.

U.S. Employment Service
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
N.Y. State Food Commission
County Farm Bureaus

45 x 30
US GEN 315
  food will win the war

(text only; no images)

6 x 55
US GEN 316
US WWI poster (general): Fighting with Food Fighting with Food/War-time/Conservation/Exhibit/New York State Fair/at Syracuse/September 9-15/Experienced Housewives Will Demonstrate/War-winning Dishes/New Victory Bread – Meatless Dishes – Sugarless Canning and desserts/Exhibit under Auspices of/New York State Food Commission/Department of Home Economics, State College of Agiculture

(text only; no images)

J.B. Lyon Company, Printers, Albany, N.Y.

New York State Food Commission

70 x 55
US GEN 317
US WWI poster (general): Hurry!! Hurry!!/Cull Your Hens/Reduce Feed Bills/Learn How to Cull/Non-laying Hens/A Poor Layer/Quits/Early/A Good Layer/Lays Late/Come!!/to Demonstration in/Culling Non-layers … N.Y. State Food Supply Commission in cooperation with/N.Y. State Federation of Poultry Associations

Image of a poor-laying chicken and image of a good-laying chicken

New York State Food Supply Commission

70 x 49
US GEN 318
US WWI poster (general): Women of Maine Women of Maine Are You Helping? Heroic women of France./These women are not only taking the place of the able bodied men who have all been called into service, but they are filling the places of work animals as well. Uncomplaining, with high devotion, the women of France bear the burden./America's women must assume a part of this food burden just as America's men are doing their part on the firing line./Relieve transportation - eat home grown foods - save wheat./Obey administration orders as cheerfully as our soldiers obey the orders of their officers./Swat the lies of German propagandists. We must win this war!/Maine Committee on Public Safety

(black and white)

Photograph of three women wearing long skirts and kerchiefs over their hair; they are standing in chain-link traces, like horses, to pull a piece of cultivating equipment. Same image as the one in US GEN 312.

Maine Committee on Public Safety

63 x 47
US GEN 319
  Emergency/Patriotic Community/Agricultural Conferences/Are to Be Held in About/Fifty Communities/in Chenango Co./and in Some 2500 Communities in New York State/Saturday, April 21/A serious food shortage confronts America. We are at war. Our Allies as well as our own people must be fed/Every individual should rally to the cause. This is the farmer's opportunity for service. Every farmer man and woman should make sure to attend the nrarest [i.e., nearest] meeting which will be held …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Chenango (N.Y.) County Agricultural Agent

45 x 30
US GEN 320
US WWI poster (general): Win the Next War Now Win the Next War Now/For free book on/Home Canning/and/Home Drying/write to/National War Garden/Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack/President/P.S. Ridsdale/Secretary
(dated: 1918)

An allegorical image of Columbia stands behind bottles and jars of preserves and assorted farm produce; she holds one jar in her hand; she wears a blouse that is blue with white stars and a skirt that is red and white stripes; a red-white-and-blue Phrygian cap is on her head

Same image used in US GEN 395, US GEN 1612 and US GEN 1613

G. Leonebel Jacobs

F.M. Lupton, Publisher, Inc.

National War Garden Commission

40 x 28
US GEN 321
US WWI poster (general): Our Flags Beat Germany Our Flags/Beat Germany/Support Every Flag/that Opposes Prussianism/Eat less of the food Fighters need/Deny yourself something/Waste Nothing/United States/Food/Administration

Image of flags on staffs, the one in front being that of the United States; below them, in silhouette, are the tops of a couple helmets and tips of a few rifles, with bayonets, resting on the shoulders of soldiers

Adolph Treidler

Heywood Strasser & Voight Litho. Co.

U.S. Food Administration

53 x 35

cardboard; easy to crack
US GEN 322
US WWI poster (general): Our Flags Beat Germany Our Flags/Beat Germany/Support Every Flag/that Opposes Prussianism/Eat less of the food Fighters need/Deny yourself something/Waste Nothing/United States/Food/Administration

Same image, text and layout as US GEN 322; not cardboard

Adolph Treidler

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago

U.S. Food Administration

53 x 35
US GEN 323
US WWI poster (general): Fats Are Fuel Fats Are Fuel for Fighters/Bake – Boil – and Broil/More – Fry Less/United States Food Administration

Image of five soldiers in a trench; one is using a pair of binoculars; in the background is a barbed-wire fence

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53
US GEN 324
US WWI poster (general): Help Your Boy Help Your Boy/at the Front./Use less wheat and/meat./Send more to him./United States Food Administration

Image of a soldier with a backpack carrying an American flag (with tassels) on a staff; in the background, in silhouette, is a battle scene

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53
US GEN 325
US WWI poster (general): Save a Loaf a Week Save a Loaf a Week - / - Help Win the War

Image of a loaf of bread with the end piece sliced off by a transparent knife; seal of the United States Food Administration in the upper-left-hand corner

The U.S. Print & Litho. Co.

United States Food Administration

28 x 53
US GEN 326
US WWI poster (general): Follow the Pied Piper Follow the Pied Piper/Join the United States/School Garden Army

Image of Uncle Sam, without his top hat, playing a fife, leading a group of five children; each child carries a gardening item: bag of seed, labeled U.S.S.G; a trowel; a hoe; a rake; a shovel; in the background are plots of cultivated land and the buildings of a community

[Maginal Wright Barney?]

The Graphic Company, Washington, D.C.

U.S. School Garden Army

56 x 40.5
US GEN 327
  Hey!/Join the Milk Patriots/"A Quart a Day" is the Password

Poster is dominated by a head image of a little girl with her hands raised in the air over her head; image has a moiré pattern

See US GEN 291-293 for three other posters in the same style

50.5 x 40

Lower left-hand corner is cracked off; piece in envelope in the folder
US GEN 328
US WWI poster (general): Corn Saved the Pilgrims Corn Saved the Pilgrims and Fed Our Pioneers/Corn Will Help Us Feed the World/Eat More Corn/Corn Meal-Hominy Grits-Samp/The Nation's Most Abundant Cereal/Palatable and Nutritious in Itself/The Best and Most Available Substitute for Wheat/Mushes … Hot Breads … /Hearty Dishes … Desserts …/Yeast Bread … Fifty Ways of Cooking Corn … Eat Some Corn To-day … For Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner …/Write To-day for Farmers' Bulletin 565 …/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C./Try a Wheatless Meal To-morrow
(dated: July 1917)

Photographic images of a loaf and a slice of yeast bread; corn-meal fish balls; and homemade hulled corn, or lye hominy

U.S. Department of Agriculture

74 x 41
US GEN 329
  She Is Doing Her Part to Help Win the War
(dated: 1918)

Howard Chandler Christy

132 x 101

[not in folder]
US GEN 330
US WWI poster (general): Food and the War! Food and the War!/ American Wheat to Win!/"If food fails, we cannot hold out"/"Send food and we will win through" .../Wheat is the Test! …/Thus Far We Have Not Saved Enough …/ Wheat Is the Test …/Follow Directions …/Save Wheat, Meat, Sugar and Fats! Conserve All Foods! Waste Nothing!/Wheat Is The Test!/U.S. Food Administration US GEN 331
US WWI poster (general): Little Americans Little/Americans/Do Your Bit/Eat Corn meal mush -/Oatmeal – Corn flakes/Hominy and rice with/milk. Eat no wheat/cereals./Leave nothing on your plate/United States Food Administration

Head-and-shoulders image of a little boy with a napkin tied around his neck; he is saluting and, because of the position of the bowl of corn flakes with a spoon, it appears that he is saluting the bowl of corn flakes. Includes logo of the United States Food Administration

Cushman Parker

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53.5

cardboard; lower left corner gone; one tear
US GEN 332
  Little/Americans/Do Your Bit/Eat Corn meal mush -/Oatmeal – Corn flakes/Hominy and rice with/milk. Eat no wheat/cereals./Leave nothing on your plate/United States Food Administration

Same image as US GEN 332; orientation of text and image is horizontal instead of vertical, with the image of the little boy and the bowl and spoon on the right and the text on the left

Cushman Parker

U.S. Food Administration

56 x 36

cracks in cardboard
US GEN 333
US WWI poster (general): Little Americans Little/Americans/Do Your Bit/Eat Oatmeal-Cornmeal mush-/Hominy – other corn cearels -/and Rice with milk./Save the wheat for our soldiers./Leave nothing on your plate/United States Food Administration

Same image as US GEN 332

Cushman Parker

U.S. Food Administration

53 x 35
US GEN 334
US WWI poster (general): Sir – Don't Waste Sir –/Don't Waste While/Your Wife Saves/Adopt the Doctrine/of the Clean Plate/Do Your Share/United States Food Administration

Image of a portly man with a mustache and wearing glasses at a table in a restaurant; he is smoking a cigar, indicating he has finished eating; there is a lot of food left on the plates in front of him; in the background are two waiters, one of whom is looking askance at the diner

[William?] Crawford Young [?]

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 52
US GEN 335
US WWI poster (general): War Rages in France War/Rages in France/We Must Feed Them/They cannot/fight & raise/food at the/same time/Denying our-/selves only a/little means/Life to them/United States Food Administration

Image of refugees – men, women and children plus one nun – leaving a scene of destruction (bombed-out buildings) in the background

[Harry Everett] Townsend

U.S. Food Administration

74 x 50
US GEN 336
US WWI poster (general): Il Cibo Vincerà Il Cibo Vincerà La Guerra!/ Venite qui a cercare la libertà/Dovete ora qiutare a conservarla/Il PANE è necessario agli alleati/Non sprecate nulla/Amministrazione Viveri degli Stati Uniti /
[Food will win the war!/You came here seeking freedom/You must now help to preserve it/Wheat is needed for the Allies/Waste nothing./United States Food Administration]

Image of refugees on the right side of the painting; on the left side is part of a pier and the bow of a boat; in the background is the Statue of Liberty and the skyline of New York City with a red-white-and-blue rainbow stretching across the skyscrapers.

English-language version: US GEN 362

[Charles Edward Chambers]

Rusling Wood, Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

76 x 50
US GEN 337
US WWI poster (general): [Yiddish-language [Yiddish-language version of text of US GEN 337; same image]

Rusling Wood Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

76 x 50
US GEN 338
US WWI poster (general): Will You Help Will You Help the Women of France? Save Wheat They are struggling against starvation and trying to feed not only themselves and children; but their husbands and sons who are fighting in the trenches.

Image of three women, two younger and one older, pulling a plow across a field

Edward Penfield

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

U.S. Food Administration

91 x 141
US GEN 339++
US WWI poster (general): The Spirit of '18 The Spirit/of '18/The World Cry/Food/Keep the Home Garden Going/United States Food Administration

Image of three men, of three distinct ages, mimicking Archibald MacNeal Willard's painting of "The Spirit of '76"; one is carrying a sheaf of wheat, one carries a bushel basket of produce, one carries a wooden box of produce; in the background is a silhouette of a corn field

William McKee

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

U.S. Food Administration

74.5 x 49.5
US GEN 340
US WWI poster (general): Will You Help Will You Help the Women of France?/Save/Wheat./War Time Wheat Saving Campaign/Reproduced for the United States Food Administration by/The W.F. Powers Co./Lithographers/New York

(advertisement for a calendar using Edward Penfield's poster "Save Wheat")
(dated: 1920)

Includes facsimile of note from Edward Penfield of Pelham Manor, New York to W.F. Powers Co.; facsimile serves as a cover for a 1920 calendar

Image of painting created by Edward Penfield that is based on the photograph of three women wearing long skirts and kerchiefs over their hair, who are standing in chain-link traces, like horses, to pull a piece of cultivating equipment. See US GEN 312 and US GEN 319

Edward Penfield

W.F. Powers Co. Advertisement

78 x 54

Paper is very brittle; tears
US GEN 341
US WWI poster (general): Wholesome – Nutritious Wholesome – Nutritious/Food From Corn/Corn Products/Are Plentiful/Use Them/In Cakes, Candies, Puddings and Preserving/For Salads, Shortening and for Frying/United States Food Administration

Image of containers labeled "Corn Oil," "Corn Starch," and "Corn Syrup," plus an assortment of foods made with those products (doughnuts, fudge, bread, etc.)

Lloyd Harrison

Harrison-Landauer Inc., Baltimore, Md.

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 49.5
US GEN 342
US WWI poster (general): Notice to Hang in Kitchens Notice to Hang in Kitchens and Working Departments/Notice to All Employees/United States Food Administration/War Program for Public-Eating Places …/General Plan/Bread and Butter …/Cereals …/Meats …/Fats …/Sugar …/Fresh Vegatables and Fruits …/Coffee …/Cheese …/Ice …/Suppers and Teas …/Lunches and Banquets …/Service …/General Orders … [12 orders listed]

(text only; no images)

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 49.5
US GEN 343
US WWI poster (general): America's Food Pledge America's/Food Pledge/20/Million/Tons/we have promised to/feed the hungry millions/of Europe – the Allies/and liberated nations/Save food/two-thirds more than last year/from stocks no larger/United States Food Administration

(text only; some of text is enclosed in seal of the United States Food Administration)

U.S. Food Administration

76 x 50
US GEN 344
US WWI poster (general): United States Food United States Food Administration/War/
Conservation Program/The Task Ahead/Germany's greatest ally is the false belief in the United States/that the war will be short. Face the grim facts. Prepare in your/own home, in your business, and in your community./Business efficiency …/Conserve …/Prevent waste …/Stocks …/Fair profits only …/Avoid speculation …/Service …/Transportation …/Salesmen …/Home economics …/U.S. Food Administration Controlled Commodities …/Member of the United States Food Administration, and Licensed Thereunder

U.S. Food Administration

72.5 x 50
US GEN 345
US WWI poster (general): To Serve Our Country To Serve Our Country/We Have Enlisted in the/United States/Food Administration/U.S. Food Administration Controlled Commodities/Apples, dried/Beans, dried and canned …/We pledge ourselves to give/our customers the benefit of/Fair and Moderate Prices,/selling at no more than a/Reasonable Profit above Cost/to Us … Member of the United States Food Administration

(text only; no images)

U.S. Food Administration

48 x 30
US GEN 346
US WWI poster (general): Save food two-thirds Save food/two-thirds more than last year/United States Food Administration/America's/food pledge/20/million/tons

(text only; some of text is enclosed in seal of the United States Food Administration)

U.S. Food Administration

25 x 96
US GEN 347
US WWI poster (general): Save Food Don't Waste It Save Food/Don't Waste It/The President says/"Hunger does not breed/reform; it breeds madness/and all the ugly distemper/that makes an ordered life/impossible … The future/belongs to those who prove themselves the true friends/of mankind"/America's/food pledge/20/million/tons/United States/Food Administration

Includes head-and-shoulders painted portrait of Woodrow Wilson; NYS Library's copy is not clipped as this one is

Adolph Treidler

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53

tears; corner piece missing
US GEN 348
US WWI poster (general): The President The President says/"Hunger does not breed/reform; it breeds madness/and all the ugly distemper/that makes an ordered life/impossible … The future/belongs to those who prove/themselves the true friends/of mankind"/America's/food pledge/20/million/tons/ Save Food/Don't Waste It/United States Food Administration

Includes head-and-shoulders painted portrait of Woodrow Wilson

Adolph Treidler

Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio

U.S. Food Administration

74.5 x 49
US GEN 349
US WWI poster (general): Lincoln Said Lincoln Said/"With malice toward none;/with charity for all; … /let us strive on to finish/the work we are in; … to bind/up the nation's wounds; …/to do all which may achieve/and cherish a just and/lasting peace."/America's/food pledge/20/million/tons/Save food/for world relief/United States Food Administration

Image of Abraham Lincoln

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 50
US GEN 350
  Save Food And Defeat Frightfulness


Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio

U.S. Food Administration

90 x 142

[not in folder]
US GEN 351
US WWI poster (general): Don't Stop Saving Don't/Stop/Saving/Food United States Food Administration

(text only; no images)

M.B. Brown P'T'G & B'D'G, New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 50
US GEN 352
US WWI poster (general): Food Control Food Control Is/a War Measure/Allied Strategy Shapes the Food Conservation Campaign/Military Urgency Gives Force to Every Food Regulation …/Our Aims … Food Control in America/is of and for the People/Europe's Needs …/America's Record …/Nations at war have been learning and doing these things through three/terrible years. America also is learning and doing/United States Food Administration

(text only; no images)

The Carey Printing Company, New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

95 x 63
US GEN 353
  Are You Doing Yours?

Alpha Litho. Co.

U.S. Food Administration

34 x 102

[not in folder]
US GEN 354
  Will You Send Them Wheat?
(dated: 1918)

Harvey Dunn

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

U.S. Food Administration

91 x 140

[not in folder]
US GEN 355
US WWI poster (general): New York State Food New York State Food Supply Commission/for Patriotic Agricultural Service/Wanted/at once, men and boys who have had actual farm/experience for work on farms. Also, women for/work in farm homes. Show your patriotism by/helping to increase your country's food supply/Farmers/Do you need additional labor on the farm? …/To Enroll for Farm Work or to Obtain Help on Any of the foregoing or Other Matters,/Apply to the Commission's County Representative./New York State Food Supply Commission, Albany, N.Y./ "It is clearly recognized that the man who tills the soil and produces the food for the soldier in the field and his family at home is rendering a patriotic service, as truly as is the man who bears the brunt of battle." – Charles S. Whitman

At the top of the poster is the seal of New York State flanked by two American flags; at the bottom of the poster are two images: (1) a man plowing a field with a hand plow pulled by three horses, with a barn, shed and house in the background; (2) a soldier, in profile, with a rifle on his shoulder; behind him are three tents, a U.S. flag on a staff, and groups of soldiers marching in formation

New York State Food Supply Commission

60.5 x 43
US GEN 356
US WWI poster (general): Don't Waste Food Don't Waste Food While Others Starve! United States Food Administration

Image of a gaunt mother and children, one of whom is a baby, with others, among ruins

L.C. Clinker & M.J. Dwyer

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

75.5 x 50
US GEN 357
US WWI poster (general): U.S. Food Administration U.S. Food/Administration/Eat More/Corn, Oats and Rye/Products – Fish/and Poultry – Fruits,/Vegetables and Potatoes/Baked, Boiled and/Broiled Foods/Eat Less/Wheat, Meat, Sugar and Fats/to Save for the Army/and Our Allies

Image of cornucopia-style collection of the foods mentioned in the text

L.N. Britton

U.S. Food Administration

72 x 51.5
US GEN 358
US WWI poster (general): Can Vegetables Can/Vegetables/Fruit and/the Kaiser Too/Write for Free Book to/National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President; P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary
(dated: 1918)

Image of the Kaiser scrunched into a canning jar with a helmet perched on the cover of the jar and a military sword hanging from the jar; the jar, labeled "Monarch Brand/Unsweetened," is flanked by a jar labeled "Tomatoes" and another jar labeled "Peas"

See cardboard version: US GEN 391

J. Paul Verrees

National War Garden Commission

52.5 x 36
US GEN 359
US WWI poster (general): Be Patriotic Be Patriotic/Sign Your Country's/Pledge to Save the Food/U.S. Food Administration

Image of a woman with her hands extended toward the viewer. She is wearing a dress that appears to be made from a draped U.S. flag, and a Phrygian cap with a stars-and-stripes motif.

Paul Stahr

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

72 x 51
US GEN 360
US WWI poster (general): Save Seed Corn Now! Save/Seed/Corn/Now!/An alarming/shortage exists!/The quality is poor/The situation is every-/where the same -/Very little SEED can/be purchased./1.Save every good ear./2. Test each ear./3. Cure in a dry place./4. Plant seed grown near home./5. Save your surplus./If you buy seed, insist on a statement/showing county and state where/grown, and percentage of germination/Unless small supplies can be collected from numerous farmers,/many counties in the Northwest will have nothing to plant in/the spring. Report any surplus to your bank, which will/arrange for its sale at a good price, or write to the/Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Image of Uncle Sam with his arm on the shoulder of a farmer wearing a Stetson hat and a vest; the farmer holds several ears of corn in his hands; there are several ears of corn at the feet of the two men.

Scott Printing Company

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

77.5 x 54
US GEN 361
US WWI poster (general): Food Will Win the War Food Will Win the War/You Came here seeking Freedom/You must now help to preserve it/Wheat Is Needed for the Allies/Waste Nothing/United States Food Administration

Image of refugees on the right side of the painting; on the left side is part of a pier and the bow of a boat; in the background is the Statue of Liberty and the skyline of New York City with a red-white-and-blue rainbow stretching across the skyscrapers.

See also: US GEN 337 (Italian version) and US GEN 338 (Yiddish version)

Charles Edward Chambers

Rusling, Wood Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

75.5 x 50
US GEN 362
US WWI poster (general): This Is What God Gives Us This Is/What God Gives Us/What are you giving/so that others may/live?/ Eat less/whest/meat/fats/sugar/ Send more to Europe/or they will starve/United States Food Administration

Text box is surrounded on three sides by a bounty of fall fruits and vegetables; image and layout same as US GEN 393


U.S. Food Administration

72 x 52
US GEN 363
US WWI poster (general): Food Is Ammunition Food Is/Ammunition – /Don't waste it./United States Food Administration

Image of fruits and vegetables in a basket; silhouette of soldiers on horseback and an American flag in background

J.E. Sheridan

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 51
US GEN 364
US WWI poster (general): Sow the Seeds of Victory Sow the Seeds of Victory!/Plant &/raise/your own/vegetables/Write to the/National/War Garden/Commission – /Washington, D.C./for free books on/gardening, canning/& drying./ "Every Garden a Munition Plant"/Charles Lathrop Pack, President
(dated: 1918)

Female allegorical figure of Columbia wearing a red Phrygian cap and a dress made from the American flag; she is carrying a basket from which she scatters seed into a plowed field

James Montgomery Flagg

National War Garden Commission

84 x 56
US GEN 365
US WWI poster (general): Food – Don't Waste Food – Don't Waste It/1- use less wheat and meat/2- buy local foods/3- serve just enough/4- use what is left/United States Food Administration

(text only; no images)

[fgc ? F.G. Cooper]

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53
US GEN 366
US WWI poster (general): Save 1- wheat use Save/1- wheat/use more corn/2- meat/use more fish and beans/3- fats/use just enough/ 4- sugar/use syrups/and serve the cause of freedom/U.S. Food Administration

fgc [F.G. Cooper]

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

72.5 x 51.5
US GEN 367
US WWI poster (general): Food 1- buy it Food/1- buy it with thought/2- cook it with care/3- use less wheat & meat/4- buy local foods/5- serve just enough/6- use what is left/Don't Waste It/U.S. Food Administration

(text only; no images)

fgc [F.G. Cooper]

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

72.5 x 51
US GEN 368
US WWI poster (general): Hunger For three years Hunger/For three years America has/fought starvation in Belgium/ Will you Eat less – wheat/meat – fats and sugar/that we may still send/food in ship loads?/United States Food Administration

Image of a starving mother and three children, one of which is a baby


U.S. Food Administration

73 x 52
US GEN 369
US WWI poster (general): Victory is a Question Victory is a/Question of Stamina/Send – the Wheat/Meat – Fats – Sugar/the fuel for Fighters/United States Food Administration
(dated: 1917)

Image of two soldiers, carrying rifles with bayonets, running into battle

Harvey Dunn

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 52
US GEN 370
US WWI poster (general): El Cardenal Mercier El Cardenal Mercier [Cardinal Desiderio José Mercier]/ha solicitado de la/Administración de Alimentos/más comestibles para los/millares de victimas del hambre./Consuma menos trigo-carne-/grasas y azúcar./Embarque más para las/víctimas de la Guerra de/Francia – Bélgica – Italia

(Spanish version of US GEN 372)

Portrait image of the face of Cardinal Mercier

[George?] Illion

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

71.5 x 52
US GEN 371
US WWI poster (general): Cardinal Mercier Cardinal Mercier has appealed to the Food Administration for more food for starving millions. Eat less wheat – meat – fats and sugar. Ship more to the war-stricken people of France-Belgium-Italy

Portrait image of the face of Cardinal Mercier

[George?] Illion

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

70 x 51
US GEN 372
US WWI poster (general): Ko?ciuszko Pulawski "Kościuszko/Pulawski/walczyli o wolność w Ameryce./Czy ty pomoźesz Ameryce walczyć/o wolność w Polsce?/Jedz Mniej/Pszenicy-miesa-tłuszczy-cukru/abyśmy mogli pomodz naszym/braciom walczacym w Armiach/Alianckich/Zarząd Spoźywczy Stanów Zjednoczonych
(in Polish)

Portrait image of the face of Kościuszko

[George?] Illion

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

71 x 51
US GEN 373
US WWI poster (general): L'Italia ha bisogno L'Italia/ha bisogno/di/Carne-frumento-grasso & zucchero/Mangiate poco di questo cibo/perché deve andare al nostro/popolo, e le truppe/d'Italia/Amministrazione dei cibi stati uniti
(in Italian)

Portrait image of an Italian army officer

[George?] Illion

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

70 x 51
US GEN 374
US WWI poster (general): Why Is It Necessary Why/Is It Necessary to Eat Less/Meat and Less Wheat Bread? …/What the Food Situation Is … Why It Is Necessary to Eat Less Wheat Bread … Why It Is Necessary to Eat Less Meat … Why It Is Necessary to Eat Less Fats …Why It Is Necessary to Eat Less Sugar … How You Can Help/Eat Less Wheat Bread … Eat Less Meat … Eat Less Fats … Eat Less Sugar … Burn Less Coal …/Eat plenty, wisely, without waste, and help win the war/United States Food Administration/No. 7. Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 50
US WWI poster (general): Why Loyal Americans Why Loyal Americans Are Keeping the Pledge to Eat Less Wheat and Meat …/What the Food Situation Is …Why We Must Help/Why We Must Eat Less Wheat … Why We Must Eat Less Meat …/Why We Must Eat Less Fats …/Why We Must Eat Less Sugar …/How You Can Help/Eat Less Wheat Breat …/Eat Less Meat …/Eat Less Fats …/Eat Less Sugar …/United States Food Administration/No. 7 – Revised. Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 50
US GEN 376
  Sugar Sends the Blue Bird of Happiness/to Europe

Image of an allegorical figure of Sugar, wearing a sugarcone hat, sitting on a chair made from a large sugar cube, holding strips of sugar cubes; Uncle Sam is cutting up the strips of sugar cubes and putting them on plates which are held by a boy in a Boy Scout uniform and a girl in a Girl Scout uniform, who are taking the plates to boys and girls sitting off to the side; images of bluebirds are used as decoration

15 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 377
US WWI poster (general): Save Products Save /Products of the Land/Eat More Fish –/They Feed Themselves./United States Food Administration

Image of three large fish swimming amid underwater foliage

Charles Livingston

U.S. Food Administration

75 x 49.5
US GEN 378
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs That Uncle Sam/Needs/That/Extra/Shovelful/Help Uncle Sam to Win the War/by following these directions: 1. Fire small amounts of coal often. 2. Keep fuel bed even by putting coal on thin spots. Avoid raking and slicing. 3. Keep fuel bed about six inches thick. 4. Look out for air leaks in brickwork. 5. Increase or decrease steam pressure by opening or closing draft damper in uptake. 6. Clean fires well when the demand for steam is small, and while cleaning have the draft damper partly closed./United States Fuel Administration

Image of Uncle Sam taking hold of a man's arm as the man shovels coal into a furnace

F. Sindelar

Latham Litho. & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

U.S. Fuel Administration

70 x 50
US GEN 379
US WWI poster (general): Blood or Bread Blood or Bread/Others are giving their blood/You will shorten the war –/save life if you eat only what/you need, and waste nothing./United States Food Administration/No. 16

Image of a man lifting an injured man

[Henry] Raleigh

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 52.5
US GEN 380
US WWI poster (general): Feed A Fighter Feed A Fighter/Eat only what you need –/Waste nothing –/That he and his family/may have enough/United States Food Administration

Image of a soldier, holding a cup, sitting in a trench; other soldier, also in the trench, in the background

W. Morgan

U.S. Food Administration

73.5 x 22
US GEN 381
US WWI poster (general): Keep It Coming Keep It Coming/"We must not only/feed our soldiers/at the front but/the millions of/women & children/behind our lines."/Gen. John J. Pershing/Waste Nothing/United States Food Administration/No. 14

Image of a winter scene in which a soldier is directing a convoy of U.S. Army trucks; each of the trucks is labeled "food"

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

73 x 52.5
US GEN 382
US WWI poster (general): Jan. 30th Tag Your Jan. 30th/Tag/Your/Shovel/Day/Has your Coal shovel/been tagged yet?/United States Fuel Administration

Image of a coal shovel, positioned at an angle, its handle labelled with the U.S. Fuel Administration's tag "Save that Shovelful of COAL a day for Uncle SAM"; also image of the seal of the U.S. Fuel Administration Save That Shovelful program

United States Fuel Administration

47 x 31
US GEN 383
US WWI poster (general): Order Your Coal Now Order Your Coal/Now/Get it out of/Uncle Sam's way/– he needs/the railroads/for the war/United States Fuel Administration

(text only; no images)

fgc [F.G. Cooper]

The United States Prtg. & Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Fuel Administration

71 x 51
US GEN 384
US WWI poster (general): Order Coal Now Unite Order Coal/Now/United States Fuel Administration

Image of two draft horses hitched to a wagon; a man is shoveling coal from the wagon unto the ground

J.C. Leyendecker

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

U.S. Fuel Administration

74 x 50
US GEN 385
US WWI poster (general): Mine More Coal Unite Mine More Coal/United States/Fuel Administration/Stand by the Boys in the Trenches!/ Sostenete i soldati nelle trincee!/Estraete sempre pui' carbone!/Pomogni našoj mladosti u rovovima!/Kopaj više ugljevlja!/Podpiraj vokaje v strelnih jarkih!/Koplji vec premoga!/Wspomagajcie wiernie tych ktorzy s? na linii bojowej!/Starajcie si? powi?kszy? produkcj? w?gla!/Segitse a fuikat a lövészárokban!/Aknázzon több szenet!/Unterstuetzt die Jungen in den Schuetzengraeben!/Foerdert mehr Kohle!

At the top of the poster is an image of an eagle, with wings outspread, flanked by two American flags

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Fuel Administration

76 x 50.5
US GEN 386
US WWI poster (general): Stand by the Boys Stand by the Boys in the Trenches/Mine More Coal/United States/Fuel Administration
(dated: 1918)

Image of a miner with a pick-axe standing beside a soldier with a rifle; at the feet of the miner are large chunks of coal; beside the soldier is a barbed-wire fence

Walter Whitehead

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

U.S. Fuel Administration

74 x 50
US GEN 387
  This Must Be Posted in a Conspicuous Place Where Coal/Is Sold in Bags.Bag Coal/Until Further Notice/Do Not Pay More/for Bag Coal than the Following … Report Promptly to the Undersigned anyone Overcharging or Selling Short Weight./Guy D. Hills, Deputy Administrator [and] Gerrit Y. Lansing, U.S. Fuel Administrator for Albany County, 82 State Street, Albany, N.Y./Sept. 1, 1918

(text only; no images)

U.S. Fuel Administrator for Albany County

35.5 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 388
US WWI poster (general): Mine More Coal Mine More Coal/President Wilson Demands Coal to Win the War/ "The existing scarcity of coal is creating a grave danger -- in fact the most serious which confronts us -- and calls for prompt and vigorous action on the part of both operators and minors. [three stars] The only worker who deserves the condemnation of his community is the one who fails to give his best in this crisis; not the one who accepts deferred classification and works regularly and diligently to increase the coal output. A great task is to be performed. The operators and their staffs alone can not do it; but both parties, working hand in hand with a grim determination to rid the country of its greatest obstacle to winning the war, can do it. It is with full confidence that I call upon you to assume the burden of producing an ample supply of coal."/-Woodrow Wilson./United States Fuel Administration

(black and white)

Image of an eagle with outstretched wings standing on a shield with the stars and stripes of the U.S. flag; the eagle holds nine arrows in its left claw and an olive branch in its right claw.

Government Printing Office

United States Fuel Administration

61 x 48
US GEN 389
US WWI poster (general): Liberty Sowing the Seeds of Victory Write for Free Books to/National/War Garden/Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack/President/Liberty Sowing the Seeds of Victory

Image of a female allegorical figure of Liberty, in a long white gown and wearing a red-white-and-blue liberty cap, soaring with a rainbow over a fertile landscape; in her left arm she is carrying a sword and a palm [?] branch; from her right hand she is scattering seeds; at the bottom of the poster is a village and a farm with men and women doing various agricultural chores

Frank V. Dumond

National War Garden Commission

84 x 56
US GEN 390
US WWI poster (general): Write for Free Books Can/Vegetables/Fruit and/the Kaiser Too/Write for Free Book to/National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President; P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary
(dated: 1918)

Image of the Kaiser scrunched into a canning jar with a helmet perched on the cover of the jar and a military sword hanging from the jar; the jar, labeled "Monarch Brand/Unsweetened," is flanked by a jar labeled "Tomatoes" and another jar labeled "Peas"

Cardboard; one piece missing; corner ready to break off; one tear

See also: US GEN 359

J. Paul Verrees

National War Garden Commission

52.5 x 36
US GEN 391
US WWI poster (general): Emergency Poster Emergency Poster Bulletin 8 January, 1918/Just One Extra Litter/The United States/Food Administration … /Help Wisconsin/Do Her Share/An Army of Porkers? … Help? …/Feed? …/Market? …/Help Increase/Wisconsin's Army of Porkers/It Will Pay and Be Patriotic/Prepared under the direction of the State Council for Defense by the/Agricultural Experiment Station, The University of Wisconsin, Madison

(black and white)

Image of six piglets walking away from their mother down to join the ranks of marching pigs.

University of Wisconsin

U.S. Food Administration

63 x 45

small tears
US GEN 392
US WWI poster (general): Eat less Eat less/and let us be/thankful that/we have enough/to share with/those who fight/for freedom/United States Food Administration

Text box is surrounded on three sides by a bounty of fall fruits and vegetables; image and layout the same as US GEN 363


U.S. Food Administration

72 x 52
US GEN 393
US WWI poster (general): Eat More Cornmeal Eat More/Cornmeal – Rye Flour/Oatmeal and Barley/Save the Wheat/for the/Fighters/United States/Food/Administration

Adolph Treidler

The U.S. Print. & Lith. Co., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

28 x 53.5

cardboard; corner with artist's name ready to break off; one large tear
US GEN 394
US WWI poster (general): The Fruits of Victory The Fruits/of Victory/Write for Free Book to/National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President; P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary
(dated: 1918)

An allegorical image of Columbia stands behind bottles and jars of preserves and assorted farm produce; she holds one jar in her hand; she wears a blouse that is blue with white stars and a skirt that is red and white stripes; a red-white-and-blue Phrygian cap is on her head

Same image used in US GEN 326

G. Leonebel Jacobs

F.M. Lupton, Publisher Inc.

National War Garden Commission

57 x 36
US GEN 395
US WWI poster (general): Sow the Seeds of Victory Sow the Seeds of Victory!/Plant &/Raise/Your Own/Vegetables/Write to the/National/War Garden/Commission –/Washington, D.C./for free books on/gardening, canning/& drying/"Every Garden a Munition Plant"/Charles Lathrop Pack, President

Image is a female allegorical figure of Victory wearing a red Phrygian hat and a dress with a bodice of white stars on a blue background and a skirt of red and white stripes; she is carrying a basket in one arm and is scattering seeds with the other

James Montgomery Flagg

National War Garden Commission

30.5 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 396
  Pork/Production/Is Both/Patriotic and Profitable … To Raise Pork Is Patriotic Service/and Good Business/Raise Pigs This Year/Raise More Pigs Next Year/We Need Pork/Write for further information to New York State Food Commission, Albany, N.Y.

Photograph of sow with suckling piglets superimposed on a fenced-in field; in the background is an A-frame hut and a barn with a silo

Goodwin Lith., Albany, N.Y.

New York State Food Commission

63 x 47
US GEN 397
US WWI poster (general): Cut Wood Cut Wood - Burn Wood/Every Stick Burned Saves Coal to Send Munitions Over There

Three images: (1) Man swinging an axe in process of felling a tree; second man lifting up a log that has been squared off; (2) Woman in a room stirring food in a pot on a coal-burning stove; a wood box filled with pieces of wood chopped to fit into the stove; a dog resting on the floor near the stove; a shotgun, the head of a buck and a framed photograph of a soldier with a blue-star banner hang on the wall; (3) Below those two images is an image, in silhouette, of a flotilla of ships sailing past the Statue of Liberty on the right toward a battle scene on the left

New York State Conservation Commission in Cooperation with U.S. Fuel Administration

62 x 79
US GEN 398
US WWI poster (general): Save A Loaf a Week Save A Loaf/a Week/Help Win/the War/U.S. Food Administration

Image of a hand holding a knife that has just cut a slice of bread from a loaf

W.F. Powers Co. Lith., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Food Administration

70.5 x 51.5
US GEN 399
US WWI poster (general): Save Your Coal Save Your Coal/to Fire the Kaiser/Here's How!/1. Keep boiler tubes clean from soot and scale both inside and outside …/12. Work your fire by your automatic damper, not your steam gauge/Thomas W. Russell,/Connecticut Fuel Administrator

Image of Uncle Sam and a man dressed in overalls; Uncle Sam has his hand on the man's shoulder and is gesturing over his own shoulder as the men talk

Sam Brown

Connecticut Fuel Administrator

35 x 25.5

Box 2
US GEN 400
  A Destroyer a Day/Keeps the Subs Away/Beat the Building Schedule/Sink the Submarines/An Hour Wasted on the Job/by You To Day May Mean/a Day Lost in Getting a/Destroyer over the Water./Speed the Work/Win the War/It's Up to You!

Image at the top of the poster is a silhouette of a destroyer at sea

J.M. White

The Norris Peters Co. Photo-Litho, Washington, D.C.

55 x 42
US GEN 401
  Send Her Off to/the War Zone/Ahead of Schedule/to Guard Our/Boys on the/Transports/Are You on the Job?/Your Bit Counts Don't Waste It

Image of a man wearing work clothes (boots, vest, rolled-up sleeves on his shirt), with a sledge hammer in his left hand; his right hand, holding his cap, is raised in a good-bye salute to a ship, in silhouette, sailing out of port

J.M. White

The Norris Peters Co. Photo-Litho., Washington, D.C.

55.5 x 42
US GEN 402
  $1000 in Prizes/for the Best Posters/to Speed up Our Ship-building/Somebody is going to win one of these/prizes/Why not try for one? YOU have a chance/Ask foreman for folder of rules for the contest/This Competition is held by/National Service Section United States Shipping Board/Emergency Fleet Corporation/and National Committee of Patriotic Societies/Co-operating with The New York Sun/Competition Closes July 25, 1918

Image is a cartoon of a man smoking a cigar, wearing a pair of overalls labeled "Ship/Worker" holding, in his right hand, a paint brush that came out of a bucket of red paint; he is smiling at the cartoon he just painted of Kaiser Wilhelm entitled "Soak/This/Guy." The ship worker is saying: "That may not get first prize but anyway folks'll know how I feel about you, Bill!"

United States Shipping Board

41 x 25.5

Box 2
US GEN 403
  Take Notice!/United States/Shipping Board/Emergency/Fleet Corporation/National Service Section/will conduct a/Mass Meeting/at this plant on [space for inserting date]/the speakers will be [space for inserting names of speakers]/Don't Miss It!

(all text except for logo of the United States Shipping Board)

United States Shipping Board

47 x 30
US GEN 404
US WWI poster (general): Our Country Needs Our Country/Needs Ships/to carry our boys "Over There" and keep/them well supplied with Food, Clothing/and the Munitions of War./The product made in this plant is used for/building ships. The ships can be completed/only as fast as the material and equipment/for each ship arrives at the shipyard./If every man does a better day's work every/day, the ships can be built faster./Be True to the Boys Who Are/Giving Their lives for You/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation/Issued by Publications Section, Philadelphia.

Image of a plant/construction yard with men working; in the foreground is a U.S. flag and the flag of the United States Shipping Board

Herbert Meyer

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md. [and] New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board

59.5 x 44
US GEN 405
US WWI poster (general): To Everyone in To Everyone/in This Plant:/This Plant Is Engaged/Upon Government Work/Every Person Here Owes/the United States/a Duty to Do His Utmost/to Make Material for/Our Ships Carefully/and Speedily/Let This Be Your Part/Our Country Is/Depending on You/Emergency Fleet Corporation/Issued by Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia

Image of a shipyard with men working at various tasks

L.N. Britton

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.; New York, N.Y.

Emergency Fleet Corporation

58 x 45
US GEN 406
US WWI poster (general): Are You Working Are You Working/with Schwab?/Charles M. Schwab/Director General of the Emergency Fleet Corporation/says/ "I want everyone in the yards to/understand that when we succeed in/building these ships, the credit will/belong to the men who actually built them./I want all the men in the shipyards/to feel that they are working with me,/not for me."/Issued by Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia.

Image is a black-and-white photograph of a man, wearing a derby, in a business suit, with a vest, looking at three men at work overseen by a foreman

Thomsen Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.; New York, N.Y.

Emergency Fleet Corporation

78.5 x 54
US GEN 407
US WWI poster (general): The Ships Are Coming The Ships/Are Coming/United States Shipping Board/Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of a huge angry-looking eagle flying above a flotilla of ships setting sail from the United States toward a flaming-red orb; in the lower right-hand corner of the poster is an image of a shipyard.

James H. Daugherty

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

75 x 50
US GEN 408
US WWI poster (general): The Tidal Wave The Tidal Wave/July 4, 1918/95 Ships Launched/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image from front to back: Angry-looking eagle flying toward battlefront; row of ten battle ships cresting a wave; faded-out image of cavalry soldiers rushing into battle; airplanes

[Joseph Clement] Coll

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

74 x 50
US GEN 409
US WWI poster (general): Pershing Cables Pershing Cables:/"The support of the United Army of/Shipbuilders at Home is essential to/the success of the United Armies at/the Front./"Extend the Army's heartiest congratu-/lations alike to the workmen and/management for the splendid results/already accomplished by American/Shipbuilders."/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of face of General John J. Pershing

[William] Oberhardt

[Emergency Fleet Corporation], Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

80 x 54.5
US GEN 410
US WWI poster (general): Shoot Ships to Germany Shoot Ships to Germany and/Help America Win – Schwab/At this Shipyard are being built ships to carry to/our men "Over There" – Food, Clothing, and the Munitions of War. … /Delays mean danger./Are you doing your bit?/Are you giving the best that is in you to help your/son, brother, or pal who is "OVER THERE"?/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of two ships sailing side by side, one a battle ship [?] painted in camouflage, the other a destroyer [?] or destroyer escort [?]; masts of one or two other ships in background

Adolph Treidler

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

62 x 46.5
US GEN 411
US WWI poster (general): The Ships Are Coming The Ships Are Coming/YOU can help send this good news to our boys "Over There" by giving your employer a full day's work every day …/Stick to your job … Let all be/On the Job for Victory

Image of two ships sailing side by side, one a battle ship [?] painted in camouflage, the other a destroyer [?] or destroyer escort [?]; masts of one or two other ships in background

(Same image as US GEN 411

Adolph Treidler

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

62 x 46.5
US GEN 412
US WWI poster (general): Pull Together, Boys! Pull Together, Boys!/ Edward N. Hurley/Chairman of the United States Shipping Board, says:/"Make every working minute count in the ship-/yards and you men will put over the shipbuild-/ing program …/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Edward N. Hurley

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

Lasher Print, Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

80 x 55
US GEN 413
US WWI poster (general): Make Every Minute Make/Every/Minute/Count/for/Pershing/United States Shipping Board/Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of a man working on the rivets on plates of a ship; in the background is a shipyard

Adolph Treidler

United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

70 x 56
US GEN 414
US WWI poster (general): Ships Are Needed Ships/Are Needed to/Win the War/The U.S. Shipyard Volunteers/Are Calling for/Acetylene and Electrical Welders/Asbestos Workers …/Ship fitters/Structural Iron Workers: Riveters. Erectors. Bolters Ups./Other Trades: Cementers. Crane Men./Help Build Ships/Enroll Now. Then Wait/Until You Are Called to Work/Apply to Local Enrollment Agent of the/U.S. Public Service Reserve/or/State Council of Defense …

(text only; no images)

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Public Service Reserve

74 x 53
US GEN 415
US WWI poster (general): Your Work Means Victory Your/Work/Means/Victory/Build Another One/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

"This poster design received an honorable mention (Citizen's Class) in the poster contest conducted by The New York Sun"

Image of men working on a ship's smokestack in the foreground; in the background are other ships and a shipyard

Fred J. Hoertz

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publications Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board

95 x 70
US GEN 416
US WWI poster (general): Together We Win Together We Win/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of three smiling men: a laborer wearing overalls and carrying a sledge hammer flanked by and marching forward arm-and-arm with a soldier and a sailor; in the background is a ship in a shipyard

James Montgomery Flagg

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publication Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

W.F. Powers Co., Litho., New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board.

98 x 71
US GEN 417
  [2 Inspiring Cablegrams]
(John J. Pershing; Edward N. Hurley)
(dated: July 1918)

Hoff [?]

Thomsen-Ellis Co.

United States Shipping Board

108 x 81

[not in folder]
US GEN 418
US WWI poster (general): Rivets Are Bayonets Rivets Are Bayonets/Drive Them Home/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of a laborer, wearing a derby hat and a vest, using a rivet gun; in the background is a silhouette of a soldier, with a rifle, moving into battle; behind the soldier are the stripes of the U.S. flag

J.E. Sheridan

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publication Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

United States Shipping Board

96 x 63
US GEN 419
US WWI poster (general): Team Work Wins Team Work Wins/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of men working on and around steel girders in a shipyard; in the background is an American flag

Hibberd V.B. Kline

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publication Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

United States Shipping Board

102 x 65.5
US GEN 420
US WWI poster (general): If You Can Use Tools If You Can Use Tools/You Are Wanted/Your country needs ships/and men to build them./Armies, munitions and sup-/plies are useless in this war/without ships to transport/them. Go to the nearest/shipyard and offer your ser-/vices.You can thus help to/win the war and make the/world safe for Democracy.

Image of a workman in overalls and holding a sledge hammer facing the viewer and motioning behind him to men working in a shipyard; behind them are the partially completed keels of three ships

Mac Kinnon

Chamber of Commerce of the United States. War Shipping Committee

102.5 x 70
US GEN 421
US WWI poster (general): On the Job for Victory On/the/Job/for/Victory/United States Shipping Board/Emergency Fleet Corporation

Image of a man holding a riveting gun signaling for attention; in the background are men on and around scaffolding for a ship under construction

Alpha Litho Co. Inc., New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board

69.5 x 51
US GEN 422
  On the Job for Victory

Jonas Lie

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board

97 x 138

[not in folder]
US GEN 423
US WWI poster (general): On the Job for Victory On the Job for Victory/United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation

(smaller version of US GEN 423)

Image of a busy shipyard, showing the keels of three ships in various stages of completion

Jonas Lie

Emergency Fleet Corporation, Publication Section, Philadelphia, Pa.

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board

74 x 98
US GEN 424
US WWI poster (general): On the Job for Victory On the Job for Victory

(smaller version of US GEN 423)

Verso: Article on "Our New Merchant Marine" from Edward F. Hurley, chairman of the United States Shipping Board

Jonas Lie

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

United States Shipping Board

37 x 48

small tears
US GEN 425
  "On the Job for Victory"/Reproduced by/The W.F. Powers Co./Lithographers/New York
(advertisement for a calendar using Jonas Lie's poster "On the Job for Victory")

(smaller version of US GEN 423)

Includes facsimile of note from Jonas Lie on his personal letterhead to W.F. Powers Co.; facsimile serves as a cover for a 1920 calendar

Jonas Lie

W.F. Powers Co. Lithographers, New York, N.Y.

78 x 54
US GEN 426
  Nothing Stops These Men
(dated: 1918)

H. Giles

John H. Eggers Co. Inc.

United States Shipping Board

97 x 135

[not in folder]
US GEN 427
  Teamwork Builds Ships

W. Stevens

Forbes Printers, Boston, Mass.

United States Shipping Board

90 x 124

[not in folder]
US GEN 428
  Put the Pennant Beside the Flag

Carey Print Lith.

United States Shipping Board

100 x 142

[not in folder]
US GEN 429
  Another Ship – Another Victory

G. [George Hand?] Wright

Forbes Printers, Boston, Mass.

United States Shipping Board

148.5 x 100

[not in folder]
US GEN 430
  Launching Another Victory Ship
(July 1918)

Joseph Pennell

Ketterlinus (Printer), Philadelphia, Pa.

United States Shipping Board

107 x 141

[not in folder]
US GEN 431
  Send The Eagle's Answer

James Daugherty

Forbes Printers, Boston, Mass.

United States Shipping Board

150 x 100

[not in folder]
US GEN 432
  Shipbuilding and Paper/Every steel, wood or concrete ship is a paper ship/first of all. Plans must be set down on paper before/her keel can be laid. Every rivet, bolt and plate must/be specified, ordered[,] shipped, billed, accounted for – on/paper. And after she glides down the ways, to sail/the seven seas, paper alone can make her a factor in/the commerce of the world./Forward!/1919/Hammermill/Bond/"The Utility Business Paper"/Hammermill Paper Company/Erie, Pennsylvania

Image of a shipyard with two men lifting boxes in the front, a train engine and coal car running on a track between two ships, and factories in the background

Includes three calendar pages: December 1918 and January and February 1919


Erie Litho. & Ptg. Co., Erie, Pa.

Hammermill Paper Company, Erie, Pennsylvania

68.5 x 28
US GEN 433
US WWI poster (general): Emergency Fleet Emergency Fleet Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., July, 1918 No. 1/Greatest Launching Day in History/ News from/the Shipyards …/Hog Island/Coming Strong …/Another Race …/Seeking a World's Record …/Pacific Coast/ "Cleaned Up" …/No Jealousy Here …/New Posters

(black and white)

Mainly text except for two photoimages: (1) "Launching the 12,500-ton 'Indianapolis' at Gloucester, N.J."; (2) "The 'Alcona' taking the water at the Submarine Boat Corporation Yard"

"The Emergency Fleet Bulletin is distributed for posting in the Industrial Plants. Any plant may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 434
  Emergency Fleet Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., August, 1918 No. 2/They Are Off at Hog Island/Stick to Your Job! …/Assemble Engine/in Record Time …/New World Ship/Record Claimed …/Western Yards/Take All Honors …/Largest Shipyard/Gets into Action …/Keep on Plugging/We Need Ships …/Help Our Boys in France

(black and white)

Mainly text except for one photoimage of the launching of a ship

"The Emergency Fleet Bulletin is distributed for posting in the Industrial Plants. Any plant may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 435
  Emergency Fleet Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., October, 1918 No. 5/17½-Day Vessel Built on Pacific Coast …/Ships Needed to/Take Food Abroad …/Barge Built in/15 Working Hours …/It's Not Over Yet;/Keep on Plugging …/Nail the Lies …/Build Lifeboats/at Grafton, Ill. …/Coast Turns Out/First Million Tons …/New Yard Floats/Ship in Jig Time

(black and white)

Mainly text except for three photoimages: "Three view of the wonder ship, 'Aberdeen,' the world's record wood ship. (1) Left, on the stocks 14 days after keel laing; (2) center, ready for launching; (3) right, view of superstructure"

"The Emergency Fleet Bulletin is distributed for posting in the Industrial Plants. Any plant may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 436
  Emergency Fleet Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1918 No. 8/American Shipyards Get/Into Their Stride …/Turn Out Eleven/Engines a Month …/November Output/Sixty-one Vessels …/Launch Last Ship/of Big Conflict …/Coast Works Sets/Up Boilers Fast …/Sun Plant Does/Rush Engine Job …/Shipyard Honors/Brazilian Nation …

(black and white)

Mainly text except for reproduction of an image of a blacksmith at work, the original of which was drawn by Lucius W. Hitchcock

"The Emergency Fleet Bulletin is distributed for posting in the Industrial Plants. Any plant may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 437
  Emergency Fleet Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for Auxiliary Plants Manufacturing Material for Merchant Ships/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., January, 1919 No. 9/Fabricated Ships Put/Into Service …/Happy New Year! …/Get Ship Out by/Floating on Side …/Wood Craft Does/Speedy Trial Trip …/Seattle Manager/Shipbuilding Lion …/Baltimore Plant/Does Its War Bit …/Build 181 Ships/on Great Lakes …/War's Last Ship/Has New Claimant …

(black and white)

Mainly text except for two photoimages: "Here are the first two fabricated ships to be accepted, the 'Quistconck,''/(right), built at Hog Island, and the 'Agawam' (left), built at Newark."

"The Emergency Fleet Bulletin is distributed for posting in the Industrial Plants. Any plant may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 438
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Washington, D.C., May, 1918 No. 3/World's Launching Record/Made at Camden …/News Will Fly!/Says Mr. Schwab …/Set Swift Pace … for Wood Yards …/Give Nation a/Full Dday's Work …/So Speedy It'll/Make You Dizzy …/Shipyards Back/Men in France …/ "On the Job for Victory"

(black and white)

Mainly text except for one photoimage: "Tuckahoe Taking the Water, May 5, 1918," showing a ship leaving the shipyard; sailors on the ship are waving to the people on shore; a rowboat is in the background

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 439
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Washington, D.C., May [sic], 1918 No. 4/Shipworker: "I'm with You, Boy!"/Men in France Send Thanks/to Shipworkers …/Newspaper Will/Give Cash Prize …/Hog Island Sets/Piledriving Pace …/30 Steel Ships/Done in April …/New Wood Hull/Record Claimed …/Harlan Riveters/Do Speedy Job …/Fast Time Made/on Great Lakes …/Ships Are the Key to Victory

(black and white)

Mainly text except for one image: Pen-and-ink drawing of a man using a riveting gun to put rivets on a steel plate on a ship; in the background is a soldier, with a rifle, running toward a trench of German soldiers; the pose of the shipworker mimics that of the soldier

F.G. Cooper (originally printed in Collier's)

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 440
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Washington, D.C., June, 1918 No. 6/Throttle Him!/July 4th Will Be Launching/Day in Yards …/Pacific Coast/Leads Riveters …/Make Speed at/Wood Shipyard …/Workers Adopt/French Orphans …/Steel Program/Gathers Speed …/Show Class at/Downey Plant …/Swift Pace Set/for Pile Driving …/Every Rivet Helps Beat the U-Boat

(black and white)

Mainly text except for one cartoon image: A man labeled "U.S. Shipbuilders" has grabbed a shark, wearing a German soldier's helmet, labeled "Submarine Menace" by the throat and is shaking it; ships are falling out of the shark's mouth

Harry Murphy (originally printed in New York American)

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 441
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., June [sic], 1918 No. 7/The First of Her Kind …/First Fabricated/Ship Launched …/Donate Holiday/to Government …/Show Speed in/Placing Steel …/President Hits/Hot Rivet Home …/Delaware Turns/Out Wood Ships …/Philadelphia Is/New Fleet Home …/

(black and white)

Mainly text except for two photoprints of the Agawam, "the first 'fabricated' ship," which was launched at the Newark Bay yard of the Subarmine Boat Corporation on Decoration Day.

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 442
US WWI poster (general): Shipyard Bulletin Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., June [sic], 1918 No. 8/World's Greatest Shipyard/Near Completion …/May Launchings/Smash Records …/Lay New Keel in/Ninety Seconds …/First Composite/Ship Launched …/Make New Steel/Placing Record …

(black and white)

Half the page is text; the other half consists of a comic strip entitled "The Ship That Jack Built," a parody of the nursery rhyme "The House That Jack Built."

Hubert Chapin

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 443
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Shipworkers/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., August, 1918 No. 13/Michigan Yard Floats/Ship in 14 Days …/First Launching/at Downey Yard …/We Lead World/in Shipbuilding …/Skinner & Eddy/Still Set Pace …/Supervisor Puts/up Silver Cup …/Just Moralize a Moment Here on Busy Bob the Riveter …Moral – The Nation Gives a Rare Degree to Those Who Toil , - it's A-A-B ('at-a-bo!!)

(black and white)

Half the page is text; the other half consists of a comic strip entitled "Just Moralize a Moment Here on Busy Bob the Riveter," which contrasts two shipyard workers, Lazy Luke and Busy Bob.

Louis Hanlon

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 444
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Men in the Shipyards/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1918 No. 15/Shipyards Strive for/Honor Pennants …/Hog Island Men Meet President …/Sun Plant Makes/Assembling Mark …/Speedy Delivery/Made at Ecorse …/Hog Island Crew/Does Record Job …/To Have 846 Ways/in 171 Shipyards …/Deliver Eight;/Launch Nineteen …/Do Planking Fast/at Jacksonville
(black and white)

Mostly text except for a drawing of a United States Shipping Board "honor pennant" and a photoprint of President Woodrow Wilson with John McGlynn, erector; Lester Macht, foreman; and Charles M. Schwab

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

United States Shipping Board

64 x 48
US GEN 445
US WWI poster (general): Shipyard Bulletin Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Men in the Shipyards/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1918 No. 16/Eastern Yards Capture/First Pennant …/Spirit Like This/Means More Ships …/Merchant Floats/Its Second Ship …/Maine Hangs Up/New Framing Mark …/All Shipbuilding/Records Broken …/River Piave Gives/Name to Vessel …/Do Planking Fast/at Western yard …

(black and white)

Most of the page is text; includes an image of a boy showing a model ship he built to his father, who works in a shipyard; the father is wearing overalls; a dog sits between the two, looking at the father; the conversation between the two: I built a whole ship to-day Dad./Can you beat that record?/I don't know Son, but I'll try.

W [single initial]

United States Shipping Board

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

64 x 48
US GEN 446
US WWI poster (general): Shipyard Bulletin Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Men in the Shipyards/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., October, 1918 No. 17/Destination Berlin/Launch Wood Ship in/17½ Working Days …/French Army Band/Will Tour Yards …/Cow Pasture Last/Year, Now Shipway …/32 Ships Launched/in Last 2 Years …/Look for Millino/Rivets Each Day …

(black and white)

Image of Uncle Sam as a giant pulling a fleet of ships across the ocean; the caption of the image is "Destination Berlin"; the water is up to his knees; the ships look like toys in comparison to his size

C.T. Gibson [?] (Originally published in the July 5, 1917 issue of Life)

United States Shipping Board

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

64 x 48
US GEN 447
  Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Men in the Shipyards/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., October [sic], 1918 No. 18/Double Launching Honors Allied Nations …/Nail the Lies and/Stop the Rumors …/Float Third Ship/at Harriman, Pa. …/Drive Piles Fast/at Liberty Works …/Yards Challenged/to Equal Record …/Delivery Honor to/Federal Shipyard …/It's Not Over Yet;/Keep on Plugging …

(black and white)

Mostly text except for two photoprint images of the launchings of the Consort and of the Allies.

United States Shipping Board

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

64 x 48
US GEN 448
US WWI poster (general): Shipyard Bulletin Shipyard Bulletin/Published by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for the Men in the Shipyards/Vol. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1918 No. 19/Shipbuilding Future Assured, Says Hurley …/Warning! … Stick to Your Job. It Will Pay You …/Beat All Records/for Single Week …/Sun Plant Floats/Largest Ship Yet …/New Shipyard Sets/Fast Launch Pace …

(black and white)

Mostly text except for an image of a man with a rivet gun putting the last rivet in the seventh of the seven letters that spell "Victory," thus affixing it to a steel plate; the caption of the image is "Spell It – Boys"

Clyde Forsythe

United States Shipping Board

"The Shipyard Bulletin is distributed for posting in the shipyards. Any yard may obtain additional copies from the Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corporation, Philadelphia."

64 x 48
US GEN 449
  Nearest/Enrollment/Station/for/Shipbuilding/Volunteers/Is Located at/22 East 22nd St./New York City

All text except for the logo of United Cigar Stores Co.

United Cigar Stores Co.

48 x 25
US GEN 450
  U.S.Shipyard/Volunteers/Public Service/Reserve/Certificate of Enrollment/This is to certify that [fill in the blank] of [fill in the blank] has enrolled in the United States Shipyard Volunteers of the Public Service Reserve to aid the Nation in its imperative need for merchant ships with which to overcome the submarine menace and maintain our forces at the front. The World War will be won or lost in the American shipyards. Every rivet driven is a blow at the Kaiser. Every ship turned out brings America nearer to victory. Those who give their strength and their influence to the speedy construction of ships render service that is patriotic and highly essential to the successful termination of the war. [signed by] Edward N. Hurley, Chairman United States Shipping Board

United States Shipping Board

21.5 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 451
US WWI poster (general): The World Cannot Live The World Cannot Live/Half Slave, Half Free/
President Wilson Says of the Germans: … /The Kaiser Proclaims: …/While Germany Dreams of/Dominating the World by Force/There Can Be No Peace

Mostly text; includes a map of Europe labeled "The Prussian Blot" showing, in red, that part of Europe where "100,000,000 People Already [Are] Enslaved by Germany"; on either side of the map is an image of German soldier's helmet with an eagle imprinted on it

State Council of Defense

76 x 50
US GEN 452
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam's Birthday Uncle Sam's Birthday/1776 July 4th 1918/142 Years Young/and Going Strong

Image of Uncle Sam, carrying a bayonetted rifle, running into battle as bombs burst all around him

United Cigar Stores Co.

87 x 53

tears and corner missing
US GEN 453
US WWI poster (general): Why Germany Wants Why Germany Wants Peace/The Secret of/Germany's/Peace Offers …/The/Pan-German/Plan …/Every American ought to know WHY we entered this War./Every American ought to know WHY this conflict must con-/tinue until our aims are achieved./The Publication listed below will give YOU this information./Publications of the Committee on Public Information/(Established by Order of the President, April 14, 1917)

Mostly text, with some items dated 1918; includes a map developed by C.S. Hammond & Co. of Europe, Asia and northern Africa color coded to show which countries are controlled by which entitities

Committee on Public Information

78 x 52

US GEN 454
US WWI poster (general): Welcome 77th Argonne Welcome 77th/Argonne Conquerors/Illustration from Official History, Designed/and Written in the Field, France. – Published/by77th Division Association

Image of soldiers fighting in the Argonne; behind the battle scene is a male allegorical figure of Mars (Ares), the god of war; the image is entitled "The Spirit of the Argonne"; someone wrote on the poster: "a typical war picture by the artists who never were there"

Lt. Augustus Kaiser

Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford Co., New York, N.Y.

77th Division Association

56 x 35
US GEN 455
US WWI poster (general): Lie Warning! Rumor Lie/Warning!/Rumor/Rumors on subjects connected with the War have been put out orally and/in some newspapers./Many of these rumors are false. They are sent out to keep this Country from/putting its whole strength into the War. The following are samples:/The Rumor … [list of six rumors]/ The Fact … [list of facts about its corresponding rumor]/Don't Let the Germans Fool You with Their Lies/Do Your Part – Report the names of persons circulating such rumors to/National Committee of Patriotic Societies, Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D.C.

All text except for a running dog labeled "Rumor"; to his tail is tied a can labeled "Lie"

National Committee of Patriotic Societies

74 x 53
US GEN 456
US WWI poster (general): A Reminder from France A Reminder/from France/Austria, without consulting her ally, Italy, presents an ultimatum to Serbia without parallel in modern times, and declares war on her … 6th April, 1917. The United States declare [sic] the existence of a state of war with Germany./If the War had been forced upon Germany, would she have declined the invitation to a Conference in July, 1914? Would she continually resort to crime against civilians as a means to victory? The invasion of Belgium and the sinking of the Lusitania are typical./It is important for the lasting peace of the world that the beginning of the War should be remembered.

Mostly text providing a mostly undated chronology of the war from 1914 to to April 6, 1917, except for a vertical display of flags of the nations that had united against Austria and Germany.

Johnson Riddle & Co. Ltd., London, England

76 x 56
US GEN 457
US WWI poster (general): Which? Which?/Third Issue/Liberty/Bond

Image of Uncle Sam's hat filled with Third Issue Liberty Loan bonds next to a German soldier's helmet

NBT [?]

United Cigar Stores Co.

58 x 55
US GEN 458
(Woodrow Wilson)
(dated: Feb. 1918)

J.J. Henner

Alco-Gravure Inc.

121 x 83.5

[not in folder]
US GEN 459
  Welcome Noble Belgium

100 x 50

[not in folder]
US GEN 460
US WWI poster (general): George Washington George Washington/Born/February/22d/1732 –/"The Spirit/Still Lives"

Image of a World War I soldier shaking hands with a Revolutionary War soldier; George Washington's hand rests on their clasped hands

NBT [?]

United Cigar Stores Co.

80 x 54

US GEN 461
US WWI poster (general): New Jersey Must Fight On New Jersey Must Fight On/That These Shall Not/Have Died in Vain/That These Shall Not/Be Born in Vain
(dated 1919)

Image of soldiers rushing into battle and of a woman holding an infant, a child standing next to her, and the faces of infants behind her

Department of Health of the State of New Jersey

57 x 73

US GEN 462
  "Good-Bye, Doggie" (Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, April 12, 1917, page 404)

(black and white)

Image of an eagle swooping down on a swimming Dachshund

Charles Sarka

Leslie's Illustrated Weekly

35.5 x 26

Box 2
US GEN 463
US WWI poster (general): Harmless! Harmless! By J.H. Cassel/This Is Not a Joke, But a Stern Reality./Copies may be obtained from the Business Men's National Service League,/96 Water Street, New York City
(dated: 1917)

(black and white)

Cartoon sketch of a German soldier laughing at a decrepit American tank, labeled "Volunteer System," with weeds growing out of the hole in the gun, a broken wheel and a missing wheel, and cobwebs

J.H. Cassel

New York Evening World

Businessmen's National Service League

30 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 464
  Mayor's Advisory Committee/and/Citizens Committee/Headquarters/City Hall, Albany, N.Y./April 10th, 1917/Sir:/You are invited to attend the Patriotic Mass Meeting to be held at Harmanus Bleecker Hall on Sunday, April 15th, at three o'clock/ … Very Respectfully,
Joseph W. Stevens,/Mayor of the City of Albany

(all text except for an image of a ship and a shield of the United States)

27.5 x 21

Box 2
US GEN 465
  To the Beast of Berlin/Here's to the Kaiser/The Sauer-kraut Hun,/We'll annihilate him/And his Hun of a Son./We'll smash back his herd/Of Hindenburg swine,/And feed them, by gad,/To the Carp in the Rhine
(dated: 1918)

The poem is bordered on three sides of the card by images, beginning at the upper left-hand side by a female allegorical figure of America standing behind a silhouette of an American soldier using the bayonette of his rifle to repel German soldiers who are falling, along with pigs, into the water where carp await them

Campbell Art Co., Elizabeth, N.J.

17.5 x 12.5

Box 2
US GEN 466
  A Roast to the Kaiser/Here's to the Kaiser/The Limburger cheese/May the swell in his head/Go down to his knees – /May he break his damn neck/on the Hindenburg line/And go to Hell croaking/"The Watch on/the Rhine"!
(dated: 1917)

The poem is bordered on three sides of the card by images, beginning in the upper left-hand side by a man holding his nose with one hand and tipping a champagne glass upside down with his other; German soldiers are starting to topple into the flames of Hell where devils are reaching up with pitchforks

Campbell Art Co., Elizabeth, N.J.

17.5 x 12.5

Box 2
US GEN 467
  Our/Fighting Mayor/John Purroy Mitchel/Keep Him on the Job!

(black and white)

Political poster with photoprint of John Purroy Mitchel

[Photo by] Brown Bros., New York, N.Y.

57 x 35.5

cardboard; almost broken into two pieces
US GEN 468
  Our Fighting Mayor/John/Purroy/Mitchel/Keep Him on the Job!
(political poster)

Image of John Purroy Mitchel

31 x 24

Box 2
US GEN 469
  [John P.] Mitchel – Our Fighting Mayor – Keep Him on the Job … Fusion Committee of 1917 Keep Mitchel on the Job!
(political poster)

(black and white)

Image is a photoprint of Mitchel standing at a podium making a speech

Fusion Committee of 1917

56.5 x 46
US GEN 470
US WWI poster (general): Remove this Menace Remove this Menace/from the Greatest City/on Earth –/Vote for Mitchel
(political poster)

Image of a growling tiger wearing a collar labeled "Tammany" casting a shadow that is the profile of a man with a double chin and wearing glasses

NYS Library poster advocating for election of John P. Mitchel is in color with text above and below the image


Greenwich Litho

101 x 68
US GEN 471
US WWI poster (general): Don't Vote for a Puppet Don't/Vote for a/Puppet/Vote for Mitchel
(political poster)

Image of a man labeled "Murphy" and a man labeled "Hearst" pulling on the strings of a silhouette of a puppet wearing a hat labeled "Hylan"; behind the puppet is an image of New York City Hall

NYS Library poster advocating for election of John P. Mitchel is in color with "Vote for Mitchel" below the image


Greenwich Litho. Co., New York, N.Y., J.V. Ritchey, Pres.

102 x 67.5
US GEN 472
  "Eddie and Charlie and Joe" Elect as Your District Attorney William L. Ransom
(political poster)

Image of a very large man wearing glasses and a top hat labeled "Murphy" flanked by two smaller men, one with a derby labeled "Swann" and the other with a derby labeled "Corrigan"; behind them is a smiling tiger


100 x 70
US GEN 473
  "The leading spirit of German propaganda in the United States to-day is William Randolph Hearst. He is not the friend of peace and liberty. He is not the friend of America. He is the friend of America's and the World's enemy, Germany."
Samuel Hopkins Adams has written a series of daringly illuminating articles on the pro-Germanism of Hearst for the New York Tribune … Sept. 16th Sept. 23rd Sept. 30th [1917]
(advertisement for the New York Sunday Tribune)

(black and white)

(text only except for a heraldric eagle perched on the H of Hearst; includes list of Hearst's newspapers and magazines

The New York Tribune

28 x 46
US GEN 474
US WWI poster (general): Books Wanted Books Wanted/Give All You Can from/Your Book Case for Our/Soldiers and Sailors/Leave at Any Public Library

Image of a copy of the poster hanging on the front of the table on the steps of the library, where a line of women are waiting to hand books over to a soldier (marine?) in a dress uniform

42 x 100

cardboard; several pieces broken off; pieces in envelope
US GEN 475
US WWI poster (general): They Signal Send Books They Signal/"Send Books"/Good Books left at The/Public Library will be sent/"Over There" and to Our/Men in Camp Everywhere

Image of soldiers and sailors signaling with semaphore flags


95.5 x 58.5
US GEN 476
US WWI poster (general): Yanks in Germany Yanks in/Germany/Want More/Books/Take good live fiction to the/Public Library/for immediate shipment/American Library Association

Image of a soldier sitting on the ground with his legs extended straight out; he is reading a book and three more books sit on the ground next to him

American Library Association

83 x 70
US GEN 477
US WWI poster (general): Camp Library Week Camp Library Week Sept. 24-30/Banish Lonely Hours in Camp/Help Provide Libraries Filled with/Books For Soldiers/A Million/Dollars/for a/Million Books/for a/Million Men/The War Library Council –/appointed by the War Department through the Ameri-/can Library Association – is raising One Million Dollars/during Camp Library Week, Sept. 24-30 [1917?], to build and/maintain A LIBRARY at every Training Camp and/Cantonment for Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen at home/and abroad./Leave Your Dollar/at/Any Public Library

Eagle Job Printing Dept., Brooklyn, N.Y.

War Library Council

103 x 71.5
US GEN 478
US WWI poster (general): Books Wanted Books/Wanted/for Our Men/"in Camp and/Over There"/Take Your Gifts to/the Public Library

Image of a soldier with a rifle slung over his shoulder and wearing a helmet and a backpack is carrying a pile of books almost as tall as he is

F [lone initial: Charles Buckles Falls (?)]

106 x 70
US GEN 479
US WWI poster (general): Load Him Up Again! Load Him Up Again!/ Books/Wanted/for Our Men/"in Camp and/Over There"/Take Your Gifts to/the Public Library/Emergency Call!/New Magazines, Too, Urgently Needed in Hospitals,/on Transports, in France and on the Rhine

Image of a soldier with a rifle slung over his shoulder and wearing a helmet and a backpack is carrying a pile of books almost as tall as he is

F [lone initial: Charles Buckles Falls (?)]

106 x 70
US GEN 480
US WWI poster (general): [15 images of libraries [15 images of libraries or people using libraries on U.S. military bases]/American Library Association/Library War Service

Photoprints of images from: "somewhere in France"; Camp Funston, Kansas; Walter Reed Hospital; Camp Sheridan, Alabama; Vancouver Barracks; Camp Custer, Michigan; Camp Lewis, Washington; Kelly Aviation Field, Texas; the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes; Camp Kearny, California; Camp Beauregard, [Louisiana?]; Camp Meade, Maryland; Camp MacArthur, Texas; and Camp Dodge, Iowa

American Library Association

75 x 49.5
US GEN 481
US WWI poster (general): [7 images of libraries [7 images of libraries or people using libraries on U.S. military bases]/American Library Association/Library War Service

Photoprints of images from Camp Devens, Massachusetts (2 images); Camp Beauregard, Louisiana; Camp Gordon, Georgia; Camp Sherman; and army school at Portland, Oregon

American Library Association

50 x 37
US GEN 482
  Library War Service
(dated: Nov. 1918)

American Library Association

52 x 65

[not in box or folder]
US GEN 483
  [4 images of people using libraries on U.S. military bases]/American Library Association/Library War Service

Photoprints of images from the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes; Camp Lee, Virginia; Camp Kearny, California; and "in the lumber camps"

American Library Association

38 x 25.5

Box 2
US GEN 484
  Library War Service

American Library Association

38 x 25.5
[not in box or folder]
US GEN 485
US WWI poster (general): Library War Service Library War Service/of the American Library Association/Every Dot on the Map Means a Special War Library for Our Fighting Men/41 Camp Library Buildings in Operation/43 Large Camp Libraries Established …/5,000,000 Gift Magazines Distributed/United War Work Campaign – Week of November 11, 1918

Key shows "camps with library buildings" and "libraries in other buildings"

New York State Library map is in better condition than this copy

American Library Association

51 x 38

US GEN 486
US WWI poster (general): Books for the Soldiers Books for the Soldiers/America/will raise One Million Dollars/for Libraries at the Army Camps/during Camp Library Week/September 24th-29th./How shall our Soldier Boys Occupy their Leisure?/Help with your Dollars to substitute a Book for a/Pack of Cards, a Bottle of Rum, or a Set of Dice./One Dollar pays for One Book/and keeps it going./Subscribe at the Nearest Library/or Pay the Collector When You Meet Him

(black and white)

Image, in partial silhouette, of a soldier sitting, leaning against a rock and reading a book; in the background are army tents and a soldier walking in the field between the reading soldier and the tents

De Gogorza

56 x 35.5

US GEN 487
US WWI poster (general): Books for the Soldiers Books for the Soldiers/America/will raise One Million Dollars/for Libraries at the Army Camps/during Camp Library Week/September 24th-29th./How shall our Soldier Boys Occupy their Leisure?/ Help with Your Dollars to Abolish Idleness, Home-/Sickness and the Blues. Do It Now./One Dollar pays for One Book/and keeps it going./Subscribe at the Nearest Library/or Pay the Collector When You Meet Him

(black and white)

Same image and text as US GEN 487 except for the answer to the question "How Shall Our Soldier Boys Occupy Their Leisure?"

De Gogorza

56 x 35.5
US GEN 488
US WWI poster (general): Back to the Job! Back to the Job!/What Job?/There are books on all jobs/at the/Camp Library/Pick Yours Out and/Get Busy/American Library Association

(text only; no images)

American Library Association

63 x 51
US GEN 489
  Your Money Brings the Book
(dated: Nov. 1918)


American Lithographic Co.

American Library Association

75 x 49.5

[not in folder]
US GEN 490
  Knowledge Wins

Dan Smith

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

American Library Association

71 x 48.5

[not in folder]
US GEN 491
US WWI poster (general): The Camp Library The Camp/Library/Is Yours/Read to Win/the War/You will find popular books for/fighting men in the recreational/buildings and at other points in/this Camp. Free. No red tape. Open/every day. Good reading will help/you advance./Library War Service/American Library Association

American Library Association

84 x 71

NYSL copy in really bad shape; pieces missing; tears; has been Scotch-taped
US GEN 492
US WWI poster (general): No Days Are Bookless No Days Are Bookless Days!/Poughkeepsie asks you to do your part/and part with your books for our boys.
(dated 1918)

Image of books pouring out of the Adriance Memorial Library, flanked by a soldier and a sailor saluting.

F.R. Booth

Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie N.Y.

73 x 52.5

US GEN 493
US WWI poster (general): A Million Dollars for a Million Books for a Million Soldiers Camp Library Week A Million Dollars for a Million Books for a Million Soldiers Camp Library Week Sept. 24-30 Leave Your Money at the Public Library, or at any Bank

54 x 35.5
US GEN 494
  Branch of an/American Library Association/Camp Library/The Main Library Building/Books: Military, Technical and Historical/on your work "back home" and "over there"/Also Novels/Daily, Weekly and Monthly Magazines/Do That Studying You Promised Yourself/A Comfortable Chair – Quiet – a Good Book

(text only; no images)

American Library Association

44 x 33
US GEN 495
US WWI poster (general): A Necessary Part A Necessary Part/of Your Equipment/Knowledge/Gained from/Books Telling/Why/How/Where/You Are to Fight/at Your Camp Library/American Library Association/Free to Every Man in Camp/Open Every Day and Evening

(text only; no images)

American Library Association

34 x 27

Box 2
US GEN 496
US WWI poster (general): Why Not Advance Why Not Advance/Books will help – especially those about/the war and the training necessary to/win it./Ask for them. If they are not in, leave/your requests at the desk. These books/are supplied free of charge by the/Library War Service/American Library Association/Headquarters: Library of Congress/Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

American Library Association/Library War Service

29 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 497
US WWI poster (general): Soldiers and Sailors Soldiers and Sailors/in Camp, Field and Hospital/Need Your Books/Take them to any Library or/Public or Parochial School/March 18 to 23/Telephone A.L.A. Library War Service, State Library, Main 4700, where to call for them

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

American Library Association

32 x 48
US GEN 498
  How Much –/$450. in Norwich –/This Week –/for Soldiers Libraries –/Giving is Golden –

(text only; no images)

35.5 x 37.5
US GEN 499
  War Service/Render it this week/Give Your Share/for Camp Libraries, - Subscriptions/Received at Guernsey Memorial Library

(text only; no images)

Guernsey Memorial Library

35.5 x 57.5
US GEN 500
  Given Your "Bit"?/Give Plus/for Soldiers Libraries in Cantonments & Camps/Give To-day

(text only; no images)

35.5 x 57.5
US GEN 501
  Books/for Our/Soldiers and Sailors/Leave Them Here/or Take Them to/the Public Library

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

27.5 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 502
  Give Now/Guernsey Library will receive/Your Share of the Million/for Camp Libraries …/All This Week

Guernsey Library

35.5 x 57.5
US GEN 503
US WWI poster (general): Food millions starving Food/millions starving/400,000 orphans/$5 a month saves a life/suffering intense – winter/increases distress -/war does not stop relief -/all gifts reach destitute/expenses met privately/send money to Cleveland H./Dodge – treasurer – American/Committee – Armenian, Syrian/Relief. One Madison Ave. N.Y./How Much Will/You Supply

(text only; no images)

Same text and layout as US GEN 246

American Committee – Armenian, Syrian Relief

42 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 504
  [22 cards related to 22 professions/
occupations]: Bookkeeping and Accounting … Business Books … Banking … Automobiles … Applied Drawing … American Merchant Marine Needs Men … Your Job at Home … Toolmaking … Steam Engineering … Ships – And Yet More Ships … Sheet Metal Work … Salesmanship … Rapid Communication … Railroad Engineering … Picking the Job That Fits … Machine Shop Work … The Lure of the Land … Journalism … Electrical Work … Carpenters and Builders Needed! … Foreign Trade … The Choice of a Profession
(printed on both sides)

American Library Association

15 x 8 (each card)

Box 2
US GEN 505
  At Home and Abroad/They Use/Wells Fargo Checks/Paris Liverpool London
(dated: 1917)

Image of a soldier and a sailor in the foreground; behind them are images of a village, a cathedral, the Eiffel Tower and biplanes

[Charles Buckles Falls?]

Seiter & Kappes Litho Co., New York, N.Y.

Wells Fargo & Company

88 x 138
US GEN 506
US WWI poster (general): Washington A Capitol Washington A Capitol City Served by Wells Fargo
(dated: 1918)

Image of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., at night

Adolph Treidler

Seiter & Kappes Litho Co., New York, N.Y.

Wells Fargo & Company

89 x 140
US GEN 507
US WWI poster (general): Keep 'Em Going! Keep 'Em/Going! "Every bad order Locomotive/is a Prussian soldier./Every live Locomotive is/an American soldier./Let us get on top of the Prussian Locomotives and/make American soldiers out of them" [signed] W.G. McAdoo/Director General of Railroads

Image of a German soldier fleeing from an oncoming locomotive bearing a shield labeled "US"

Ketterlinus Printer, Philadelphia, Pa.

Director General of Railroads

75.5 x 50
US GEN 508
  E pluribus unum/[One Out of Many]

Image of an eagle with wings spread standing on a shield with white stars on a blue background attached to red and white stripes; the shield and eagle are flanked by six American flags, three on each side

64 x 100
US GEN 509
US WWI poster (general): Hands Off! Hands Off!

Image is a photoprint of a head-and-shoulders portrait of President Woodrow Wilson; behind him is a shield with white stars on a blue background above red and white stripes; over his head is an eagle with arrows and an olive branch (laurel branch?) held in each of its claws

Joseph Hoover & Sons, Company, Philadelphia, Pa.

51 x 40.5
US GEN 510
  The Argus/Introduces/Kaiser Bill/in His/Latest Pose/Kamerad

Image of a German soldier with his arms raised in a symbol of surrender; his right hand is bloody, and blood is dripping from the hand; there is a bandage on one of his cheeks


The Albany Argus [Albany, N.Y.]

70 x 55.5
US GEN 511
US WWI poster (general): Official Sketch Official Sketch of the Temporary Memorial Arch/The Arch of Freedom/Help Build a Permanent Memorial to Our Boys Who Made the Great Sacrifice/Rodman Wanamaker/Chairman Mayor's Committee/Send Contributions to:/F.A. Wallis, Financial Executive/240 Centre St., New York
(dated: 1918)

(black and white)

Image of the arch with soldiers marching through it; a crowd of people is in the foreground; skyscrapers in the background

Chesley Bonestell

Thos. Hastings

Alco-Gravure Inc., New York, N.Y.

54 x 73
US GEN 512
US WWI poster (general): The Harriman National Bank The Harriman National Bank/Urges/Faith Courage and Patience
(dated: 1918)

Image of a woman leaning, in a mourning position, on a gravestone almost as large as she; she is dressed in a blue blouse and a white-and-red skirt; to her right is a battle scene; in the background, on the other side of a large body of water, are the skyscrapers of a city (or a fleet of ships?) from which emanate red and white stripes; behind the stripes is the face of Uncle Sam minus his hat and with his eyes closed

M. Waddell

Metro Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Harriman National Bank

68.5 x 50
US GEN 513
  Our Resolution/Our New Year's resolution is to continue to/aid the Government in every/possible way in the struggle for the/only kind of peace that will make the/world a better place in which to live./Happy New Year/[signed] Theodore P. Shonts/President/Interborough Rapid Transit Company

(text only except or a line drawing of a transit car labeled "Interborough"; text is black on white stock with a red and blue stripe running through the center of the poster)

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, [New York City]

34 x 52
US GEN 514
  "I pledge allegiance to my Flag,/And to the Republic for which it stands;/One Nation, indivisible,/With liberty and justice for all."

Image of the American flag unfurling in the breeze with the words at the bottom of the poster

Prudential Press

72.5 x 56
US GEN 515
US WWI poster (general): American Field Service American Field Service

Image of a man on the running board of a truck identified as Transport Americain, with missiles exploding in the sky above

Same image and text as US GEN 590

[Josef Pierre] Nuyttens

Merchants Press, Chicago, Ill.

American Field Service

82 x 56.5
US GEN 516
US WWI poster (general): Reproduction Saturday Reproduction Saturday Evening Post/Advertisement – November 10th [1917?] Issue/Union Pacific "A Military Necessity"/General Dodge …

Mostly text with a map of the Union Pacific System-through Service Routes; behind and below the text box dozens of train cars and engines; in the distance are the shops of a railyard
Union Pacific System [Railroad]

39 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 517
US WWI poster (general): Patriotic Service Patriotic Service/League/The Third Line of/Defense/Join To-day and Confound Prussia!/Headquarters/of the League/509 Fifth Avenue/42nd St./or/2745 Broadway/105th St./New York

Image of a 48-star American flag dominates the poster; below it is an image of the U.S. Capitol in front of which stand hundreds of people, most with their right arms raised in salute; slightly different layout regarding addresses as in US GEN 519

Erie Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y.

Patriotic Service League

103 x 69.5
US GEN 518
US WWI poster (general): Patriotic Service Patriotic Service/League/The Third Line of/Defense/Join To-day and Confound Prussia!/Headquarters of the League 509 Fifth Avenue 42nd St./or 2745 Broadway 105th St. New York

Image of a 48-star American flag dominates the poster; below it is an image of the U.S. Capitol in front of which stand hundreds of people, most with their right arms raised in salute; slightly different layout regarding addresses as in US GEN 518

(larger version of US GEN 518; slightly different lay-out)

Erie Lithograph Co.

Patriotic Service League

56 x 36
US GEN 519
US WWI poster (general): Beware of Female Spies Beware/of/Female Spies/Women are being employed by the enemy/to secure information from Navy men, on the/theory that they are less liable to be suspected/than male spies. Beware of inquisitive women/as well as prying men./See Everything/Hear Everything/Say Nothing/Concerning any matter bearing upon the work of the Navy/Silence Is Safety

(text only; no images)

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 520
US WWI poster (general): Don't Talk Don't Talk/The Web/Is Spun/for You/with/Invisible/Threads/Keep Out of It/Help to Destroy It/Stop = Think/Ask Yourself If What/You Were About to Say/Might Help the Enemy/Spies Are Listening

Image of the head of Kaiser Wilhelm as the body of a spider sitting in its web

Walker Lith. & Pub. Co., Boston, Mass.

U.S. Army Intelligence Officer Northeastern Dept.

70.5 x 52
US GEN 521
US WWI poster (general): Stand Fast America! Stand Fast America!/Beware the Soft Pedal!/The German Propaganda Is Still Busy/Frightfulness Having Failed, The Whimper Follows/ Solf is using his diplomatic notes …/Justice, But No Flowers.

(text only; no images)

Calhoun Show Print, Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense

71 x 106.5

many, many tears
US GEN 522
US WWI poster (general): Well Done, 77th! Well/Done,/77th!/Official Poster/77th Division Association
(dated: 1919)

Image of a smiling soldier, with rifle slung over his shoulder, walking as if in a parade; a couple roses on the ground near his feet; in the background is a cheering crowd, the Statue of Liberty, the memorial arch and a couple American flags

Lawrence Wilbur

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

77th Division Association

50 x 33
US GEN 523
US WWI poster (general): If Ye Break Faith If Ye Break Faith with Them Who Die/They Will Not Sleep,/Tho Poppies Grow in Flanders Fields

"Supplement to American Machinist, April 24, 1919"

Image of female allegorical figure of Liberty reaching out to those looking at the poster; behind her are rows of white crosses in a cemetery; in the distance is a rising sun

Z.P. Nikolaki

McGraw-Hill Company Inc.

30 x 21.5

Box 2
US GEN 524
US WWI poster (general): If Ye Break Faith If Ye Break Faith with Them Who Die/They Will Not Sleep,/Tho Poppies Grow in Flanders Fields
(dated: 1919)

Verso: Label attached: McGraw-Hill Company … To Every Employer and/Every Employee Everywhere:/Liberty has a message for all of us when she tells us that we must keep faith with those who sleep in Flanders' Fields./How Can We Keep the Faith? …/Sincerely yours/Engineering News-Record/Power/American Machinist/Electrical World …

(larger version of US GEN 524)

Z.P. Nikolaki

McGraw-Hill Company Inc.

63.5 x 45
US GEN 525
US WWI poster (general): Wake Up America Day Wake Up/America/Day
April 19/1917

Image of a woman as a town crier carrying a lantern and an American flag

James Montgomery Flagg

103 x 70
US GEN 526
US WWI poster (general): Wake Up, America! Wake Up, America!/Civilization Calls/Every Man Woman and Child!/Mayor's Committee 50 East 42nd St.

Image of an allegorical figure of America asleep; she is sitting in a wicker chair and leaning against a pillow

James Montgomery Flagg

Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

Mayor's Committee (Wake Up America Day)

105 x 70
US GEN 527
  Let Us Carry on This War Until We End All War Newell Dwight Hillis
(dated: 1917)

Albert Sterner

Ketterlinus Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.

150 x 100

[not in folder]
US WWI poster (general): Let Us Carry on Let Us Carry on This War Until We End All War/Newell Dwight Hillis
(dated: 1917)

(smaller version of US GEN 527a)

Image of a portrait of Newell Dwight Hillis in his ministerial garb with his right hand raised in a oratorical gesture; behind him is a cathedral; below his upraised arm is a cannon ball that has split open and is spewing fire and black smoke

Albert Sterner

Ketterlinus Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.

101 x 65
US GEN 528
US WWI poster (general): Will You Supply Eyes Will You Supply/Eyes for the Navy?/Navy Ships Need Binoculars and Spy-glasses./Glasses will be returned at Termination of War, if possible/One Dollar will be paid for Each One Accepted./Tag each Article with your Name and Address and express or Mail to/Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ass't. Sec'y. of Navy./c/o Naval Observatory – Washington D.C./Will You Help Us "Stand Watch" on a Destroyer?

Image of a captain, blindfolded and reaching out, on the deck of a ship at sea; in the background are sailors dressed in rain gear; one of the sailors is trying to help the captain by pointing

Gordon Grant

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., New York, N.Y.

72 x 51
US GEN 529
  Will You Supply/Eyes for the Navy?/Navy Ships Need Binoculars and Spy-glasses./Glasses will be returned at Termination of War, if possible/One Dollar will be paid for Each One Accepted./Tag each Article with your Name and Address and express or Mail to/Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ass't. Sec'y. of Navy./c/o Naval Observatory – Washington D.C./Will You Help Us "Stand Watch" on a Destroyer?

Image of a captain, blindfolded and reaching out, on the deck of a ship at sea; in the background are sailors dressed in rain gear; one of the sailors is trying to help the captain by pointing

(smaller, green monotone version of US GEN 529)

Gordon Grant

25 x 18

Box 2
US GEN 530
  New York Military Training Camp The corps of cadets, State of New York, consists of all boys in the State of New York, over sixteen and under nineteen years of age … The cadet training camp will be held at the New York Infantry School of Application, Peekskill, New York … June 30 …July 28, 1917 … To Physical Instructors and Male Teachers … Military Secretary of the Commission … New York City …

(mainly text except for two full-length profile images, one of a cadet standing at attention and one of an officer [?] with a backpack and a rifle; the officer is standing at ease

48 x 35.5

cardboard; 2 pieces broken off; in envelope
US GEN 531
US WWI poster (general): Boys Who Would Be Boys Who Would Be Army Officers/The Federal Government Wants Young Men Prepared/for College to Go to College/The War Department Wants College/Men to Train for Officers/It Is Establishing in Every College in September 1918/Reserve Officers' Training Units … Enlist in the Army through College/The Women Are Wanted Also for Special Service/They Are Helping to Win the War/Give Yourself to Your Country at Your Best/Go to College This Fall/Issued by the Maine Public Safety Committee, Augusta, Maine
(dated: 1918)

(text only; no images)

Maine Public Safety Committee

63.5 x 48
US GEN 532
  The Meaning of America/Creed/I believe in America because …/When You Say "An American," What Do You Mean? …/Why Then Do We Fight?/Because We Have Been Attacked … /A Prayer for the Flag of Freedom …/by Robert McNutt McElroy, Educational Director/The National Security League, 19 West 44th Street, New York City

(all text except for small photoprints of "Liberty Enlightening the World [i.e., Statue of Liberty], Bedloe's Island, New York" and "Armed Freedom, Dome of Capitol, Washington"

National Security League

56 x 36.5
US GEN 533
US WWI poster (general): Men and Women Men and Women of America!/Will You Sign?/To the President of the United States:/As an American, faithful to American/ideals of justice, liberty and humanity,/and confident that the Government has/exerted its most earnest efforts to keep/us at peace with the world, I hereby/declare my absolute and unconditional/loyalty to the Government of the United/States and pledge my support to you in/protecting American rights against unlaw-/ful violence upon land and sea, in guarding/the Nation against hostile attacks, and/in upholding international right./Sheets Available for Signature

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

35.5 x 28

cardboard; piece broken off (in envelope in folder); cracked

Box 2
US GEN 534
US WWI poster (general): Lest We Forget Lest We Forget to Do Our Part/"They say, who have come back from Over There, that at night the troubled earth between the lines is carpeted with pain. They say …"/(Signed) Citizen Soldier No. 258/--th District, National Draft Army/Commended to the earnest attention/of its office and field forces/The J.G. White Engineering Corporation/New York

J.G. White Engineering Corporation

42.5 x 30.5
US GEN 535
US WWI poster (general): American Guard American Guard/"The Third Line of Defense"/For Boys – 14 to 18 yrs./A Military Training Corps …/Summer Camp …/Full Particulars from/The Adjutant General/70 Wall Street, New York

Image of a boy of about 14 dressed in a uniform and holding a bayonetted rifle; behind him is an American flag; in the background is the Statue of Liberty and a skyline of factory buildings and smokestacks

Military Training Corps (for Boys 14-18)

36 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 536
US WWI poster (general): No War Talk! No War Talk!/Attorney General Gregory, says:/"Obey the Law/Keep Your Mouth Shut!"

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

19 x 36

Box 2
US GEN 537
US WWI poster (general): American Defense American/Defense/Society/Americans! Serve at the Front or Serve at Home/This certifies that [line to be filled in]/rendered [space] country patriotic service and financial aid by/becoming a member of the American Defense Society while/the United States of America was engaged in the world/war for Freedom and Democracy/R.M. Hurd/Chairman Board of Trustees/H.D. Craig/Secretary
(dated: April 6, 1917)

The certificate has an ornate border around it with a vignette of two eagles with wings outspread flanking the organization's name; below the name is the slogan "Americans! Serve at the Front or Serve at Home"

The copy in the New York State Library's collection has New York State Library typed on the line and the date April 6th 1917 typed in at the bottom of the certificate. Above the text is typed: Specimen Copy for

American Defense Society

21.5 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 538
US WWI poster (general): Á Maréchal Foch Á Maréchal Foch/Généralissimo des Armées Alliées/présenté par des Amis Américains aux Etats Unisle 11 Novembre 1918/The Marshal Foch/Victory-Harmony Banner …Victoria Concordia Crescit, means "Victory Grows with Harmony."/This Banner Comprises/Forty-eight All Flags …

Copyright 1919 by William Albert Lorenz, Hartford, Conn.

American Lithographic Company, New York, N.Y.

61 x 43
US GEN 539
US WWI poster (general): Welcome Home Our Fighting 27th Welcome/Home/Our Fighting/27th/O'Ryan's/"Roughnecks"/You Cracked the/Hindenburg Line./We Open Our Hearts/and Our Hands/to You./U.S.A.

Text box is surrounded in three sides by laurel leaves; below the text are two crossed American flags with the letters U.S.A. superimposed on them.

Acme Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

71 x 53

US GEN 540
  Proclamation for Industrial Peace
(Woodrow Wilson)
(dated: April 1918)


National War Labor Board

128 x 51

[not in folder]
US GEN 541
US WWI poster (general): Proclamation of War Proclamation of War/April 6th 1917/Whereas, the Congress of the United States, in the exercise of the constitutional authority vested in them have resolved … [signed] Woodrow Wilson

(text only except for a stylized image of an eagle with outstretched wings at the top of the poster)

Cheltenham Press, New York, N.Y.

96 x 60.5
US GEN 542
US WWI poster (general): President Wilson President Wilson's Great Message/An Historic Document Which Should Be Preserved/Gentlemen of the Congress: I have called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made …/
Read at the joint session of The Congress, at Washington, April 2, 1917
(dated: April 2, 1917)

Image of a head-and-shoulders portrait of President Woodrow Wilson; the image is flanked by eagles with outstretched wings; the text and portrait are within a border of red-white-and-blue bunting

The New York State Library's copy does not have the banner from the New York American at the bottom if the poster

59.5 x 48
US GEN 543
  President Wilson's War Address to Congress/
April 2, 1917/I have called Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made …

Face of President Woodrow Wilson in an oval, flanked by four American flags on each sice of the oval

58.5 x 36
US GEN 544
US WWI poster (general): President Wilson President Wilson's Reply to/the Pope's Proposal/"Peace based on Justice and Fairness/and the Common Rights of Mankind."/An Historic Document Which Should be Preserved/August 27, 1917/To his Holiness Benedictus XV., Pope:/In acknowledgment of the commmunication of your Holiness to the belligerent peoples, dated August 1, 1917, the President of the United States requests me to transmit the following reply:/Every heart that has not been blinded and hardened by this terrible war must be touched by this moving appeal of His Holiness, the Pope; …/[signed] Robert Lansing,/Secretary of State of the United States of America

Face of President Woodrow Wilson in an oval; oval and text are framed by red-white-and-blue bunting; at bottom of poster is the banner of the New York American

60 x 48
US GEN 545
US WWI poster (general): Proclamation! Proclamation!/To the Citizens of New York:/Upon just grounds and after long and patient forbearance, the President and the Congress of the United States have declared that by the act of the autocratic government which rules in the Empire of Germany war exists between the two countries … I advise you all that full and timely preparation has been made adequate to the exigency which exists for the maintenance of order throughout the City of New York … The punishment … death or … imprisonment for not less than five years and a fine of not less than $10,000 …/[signed New York City Mayor] John P. Mitchel
(black-and-white negative photostat)

(text only except for a small copy of the seal of New York City at the top of the proclamation)

38 x 29
US GEN 546
  Important Notice To All Employees Subject to the Federal Military Service Law … "All exemptions and discharges made prior to noon on December 15th, 1917, and all certificates in evidence thereof are hereby revoked from and after noon on December 15th, 1917, and all such certificates heretofore issued shall have no further validity." … New York Telephone Company

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

New York Telephone Company

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 547
US WWI poster (general): Now You'll Know Them Now You'll Know Them When/You See Them/Army Insignia as Returning Soldiers/Wear Them/Munter Bros./Established 1881/491-493 Broadway New York/The Symbols of Our Fighting Armies …/In addition to the Above We Carry a Complete Line Such as: Hat Cords, Hat Straps, Canvas Leggings,/Chevrons and Service Stripes, French and American Overseas Caps, Medals and Badges, Citations,/Campaign Ribbon Bars,/Military Jewelry and Sourvenirs of the World War …
(advertisement for Munter Bros.)

Images of division insignia (from First Division through Ninety-third Division) and of insignia worn by men in the various special branches of service in the war zone (from Artillery throughTank Group); also an image of a soldier standing on a rock outcropping and holding an American flag plus a battle scene

Munter Bros., New York, N.Y.

75.5 x 45
US GEN 548
US WWI poster (general): A Chevron of Honor A Chevron of Honor

"Service Series No. 37"

Image of a woman admiring a chevron on the arm of a soldier who is proudly showing it to her

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA from sketch by Pvt. E.E. Baldwin, Co. F., 67th U.S. Inf.

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 549
US WWI poster (general): First In War First In War,/First In Peace,/First in the Hearts of His Countrymen

"Service Series No. 38"

Image is two portraits: George Washington and a World War I soldier

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 550
  Down to/Earth/Let's/Go!

"Service Series No. 41"

Image of a smiling soldier carrying a suitcase labeled The Old Kit Bag; in his pocket is a slip of paper labeled The Old Job; in his right hand is a strip of paper labeled Ticket Home. Above his heads are several clouds with a sketch of the soldier in various positions on each cloud; clouds labeled: Amusement Cloud; Blow the Bonus Cloud; S.O.L. Cloud; Wait a While Cloud; Something Will Turn Up Cloud

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA after sketch by Corpl. Walter Wilhelm, Camp Lee, Va.

36 x 28

Box 2
  May 30/"The world will never forget what they did – It is for the living/to consecrate themselves to the unfinished task." - Lincoln

Image of an angel in a cemetery; she is kneeling next to a gravestone that is decorated with an American flag and awreath; in the background is a church

Harry S. Mueller

27.5 x 35


Box 2
US GEN 552
  Ask the Clerk/for a Copy of/Army & Navy/Insignia/Folder/Giving Practically All/the Insignia of the/Army, Navy & Marines/Copies Free/to Our/Customers

(text only; no images)

49 x 25
US GEN 553
US WWI poster (general): While You Wait While You Wait/Books Are Friends/That Never Go Back on You./Ask the Librarian for the One You Want

"Service Series No. 36"

Image of two men; one is sitting at a table, reading; the other is browsing book shelves

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 554
US WWI poster (general): What's the MatteH "What's the Matter Harry?/That's the second officer you passed without saluting."

"Service Series No. 39"

Image of a woman walking with a soldier who is smoking a cigarette; an officer has passed them and is walking away

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 555
US WWI poster (general): To Them That Star To Them/That Star Stood for One Hundred/Percent American Soldier./The Best Soldiers Make the Best/Citizens.

"Service Series No. 40"

Image of an older couple, with their backs to the viewer, looking at a blue star on white background framed with a red border

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 556
US WWI poster (general): Honor the Uniform Honor the/Uniform./Is This the Way to Do It?

"Service Series No. 42"

Image of two men wearing parts of army uniform mixed with civilian clothing

Gordon Grant, capt. USA

36 x 28.5

Box 2
US GEN 557
US WWI poster (general): The Discharged Soldier The Discharged Soldier/Who Salutes Honors the Uniform He Wears

"Service Series No. 43"

Image of a soldier saluting an officer

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 558
US WWI poster (general): Hot Air Rumors Hot Air/Rumors/Idle Talk/Propaganda/Choke 'Em!

"Service Series No. 44"

Image of a soldier letting the air out of a figure labeled "Hot Air. Rumors"; behind them is a figure labeled "Idle Talk. Propaganda"

[Gordon Grant, Capt. USA?]

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 559
US WWI poster (general): Meals at All Hours Meals at All Hours/How about some dinner, Jim?/Not in that joint: I learned in the Army to eat in clean places

"Service Series No. 45"

Image of two soldiers; one is pointing at a sign on a building that says "Meals at All Hours"; the other is waving off his offer.

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 560
US WWI poster (general): Whereas The Army Whereas/The Army taught me/how a healthy man/feels and thinks,/and whereas, as a/result, I am now in/perfect physical/condition/Resolved/That I shall do every/-thing in my power/to keep myself well/and strong in mind/and body, and shall/pass on to others/the good things I/have learned

"Service Series No. 47"

Image of a man in shorts and an armless T-shirt pointing at the words in the resolution

36 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 561
  The American Soldier/"In War Brave and Invincible"/In Peace Gentle and Courteous

"Service Series No. 48"

Two images side by side: (1) Image of an American soldier with bayonetted rifle charging German soldiers in a trench; in silhouette behind him are other American soldiers and a biplane; (2) image of an American soldier, carrying a suitcase and tied-up bundle, in a city helping an elderly lady cross the street; behind him are line drawings of men and women in civilian clothes

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 562
  We Have with Us Tonight

28 x 35

[not in box]
US GEN 563
US WWI poster (general): If These Men Can Smile If These/Men Can/Smile/So Can/the Rest/of Us.

"Service Series No. 50"

Image of three soldiers: one in a wheelchair with a bandaged arm in a sling; one in a wooden chair with a foot and leg heavily bandaged and a bandaged arm in a sling; one with no apparent injury; the two injured men are holding a book in their uninjured hands.

28 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 564
US WWI poster (general): One Flag One Country One/Flag/One Country

"Service Series No. 51"

Image of a soldier saluting a flag which is floating over a map of the United States showing political divisions

Harry S. Mueller, Captain Infantry

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 565
US WWI poster (general): Set 'Em Up! Set 'Em Up!/"Here's How"/ "Every nation depends for its future upon the/proper training and development of its youth."/Woodrow Wilson

"Service Series – Boy Scouts' Day"

Image of a soldier/civilian leading Boy Scouts in some calisthenics.

Harry S. Mueller, Capt. Inf. From sketch by Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 566
US WWI poster (general): July 4th 1776 July 4th /1776 1919/ The Same Flag,/Same Soldier,/Same Ideals.

"Service Series – July 4th"

Image of a female allegorical figure of America holding the staff of an American flag in her right hand and a laurel wreath in her left hand; in front of her stands a soldier at a form of parade rest

Harry S. Mueller, Captain, Infantry

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 567
US WWI poster (general): I've had a great time "I've had a/great time on/my furlough/buddy. Now/we'll get down/to business/together."/Bring Back a "Bunkie" with You

"Recruiting Series No. 5"

Image of a soldier carrying a suitcase, walking side-by-side with a man in a civilian suit and hat; beind them are buildings of a military post.

Harry S. Mueller, Captain, Infantry + Col. L.H. Hedrick

28 x 35.5

Box 2
US GEN 568
US WWI poster (general): I am a soldier I am a soldier of the United States. I know my trade/and am learning something more every day. I perform/my duties smartly and cheerfully and have no use for/kickers. I shall stick until I am told that I am no/longer needed and until I receive an honorable discharge.

"Service Series No. 12"

Image of a soldier saluting

35.5 x 27.5

Box 2
US GEN 569
US WWI poster (general): The Better the Soldier The Better the Soldier/the Better the Salute

"Service Series No. 13"

Image of a soldier saluting an officer

Gordon Grant

28 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 570
US WWI poster (general): These Boys Will Look These Boys Will/Look Up to You/Tell Them What It Means to Be/an American Soldier

"Service Series No. 14"

Image of a soldier talking to three boys, one of whom is wearing a Boy Scout uniform; the other two are wearing suit jackets and hats

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 571
US WWI poster (general): For Your Own Sake For Your Own Sake/For the Sake of Those You Love/Hold on to Uncle Sam's Insurance/It is good after you are back in civil [sic] life. Pay Your Premiums Every Month

"Service Series No. 17"

Image of a soldier flanked by a young woman and an older woman; his arms are around their shoulders; they are holding and looking at a piece of paper

Gordon Grant, Capt. U.S.A.

28 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 572
US WWI poster (general): The Best SouvenirA The Best Souvenirs/Are Not Picked Up/on the Battlefield

"Service Series No. 32"

Image of a smiling soldier with three bags, one labeled "New Ideas"; one labeled "Self-confidence/Self Respect"; and one labeled "Health/Determination/Good Citizanship"

Gordon Grant, Capt. USA

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 573
US WWI poster (general): First Division First Division/To Glory

"Service Series – Special"

Image of a female allegorical figure of [Victory?] and a smiling soldier; she has a fern-like frond in her right hand and she is pointing forward; behind them are sketches of other soldiers marching

28 x 35

Box 2
US GEN 574
US WWI poster (general): First Division First Division/First – Last –/and All the Time

"Service Series – Special"

Image of a clock in the center of which is an image of soldier standing at attention with his rifle on his shoulder

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 575
US WWI poster (general): Yes Sir – I Am Here! Yes Sir – I Am Here!/Recruits/Wanted/Motor Corps/of America

Image of a woman in uniform standing and saluting; in the background is another woman in uniform and a vehicle labeled "Motor Corps of America"

Carey Print Litho

Motor Corps of America

100 x 67.5
US GEN 576
US WWI poster (general): The Motor Corps The Motor Corps of America

Image of a woman in uniform carrying a stretcher; above her head is the insignia of the Motor Corps of America

Howard Chandler Christy

Motor Corps of America

107.5 x 80
US GEN 577
US WWI poster (general): The Motor Corps The Motor Corps of America

Image of three women dressed in the uniform of the Motor Corps of America; the woman in the foreground is kneeling beside a first-aid bag and is unrolling a bandage; the woman behind her is holding an American flag; next to her sits a German shepherd and on the ground next to them is a stretcher; in the background is a woman in a vehicle (ambulance?) on which is the Motor Corps of America logo and the words "Motor Corps of America"

Hélène Jones, M.C.A.

Motor Corps of America

100 x 75
US GEN 578
US WWI poster (general): 4 Minute Men 4 Minute/Men/A Message from Washington Committee on Public Information

Image of the head and shoulders of a man dressed in American Revolutionary clothes ringing a bell and yelling something; he stands in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia

H. Devitt Welsh

Committee on Public Information

105.5 x 70.5
US GEN 579
US WWI poster (general): You Drive a Car Here You Drive a Car Here/– Why Not a Transport/in France?/American/Field Service/40 State Street, Boston/14 Wall Street, New York/425 Monadnock Block, Chicago

Image, in silhouette, of two men in a canvas-top truck with a man standing next to the truck

H. Blyleven Esselen

American Field Service

69 x 49
US GEN 580
US WWI poster (general): Stenographers Wanted Stenographers/Wanted/For Duty in the Gun Division of the Ordnance/Department at Washington, D.C. …It is necessary to take a Civil Service Examination which has been very much simplified./Salary – Minimum - $1100.00 per year … /Proper and reasonable living accommodations are positively assured./Act At Once and Show Your Patriotism

(text only except for a small American flag in the upper left-hand corner of poster)

Gun Division of the Ordnance Department

62.5 x 48
US GEN 581
US WWI poster (general): The Mayor's Committee The Mayor's Committee on/National Defense/Committee on Aliens/Wants/Good American Volunteers/for/American Service Among New Americans/in cooperation with schools, clubs,/settlements, churches, synagogues, and other agencies/Kind of Service/Community Visiting/Club Leading/Civic Guidance/Speaking/Teaching/Entertaining/Register with Secretary for Volunteers, Hall of Records, Room 613, Chambers St. [New York City?] …

(text only; no images)

Mayor's Committee on National Defense Committee on Aliens

69 x 53.5
US GEN 582
US WWI poster (general): Can You Drive a Car? Can You Drive a Car? Will You Drive One in France? Immediate Service at the Front! American Field Service/4 Wall Street, New York City/Tel. Rector 7253

Image of a female allegorical figure of Liberty fending off a skeleton representing Death as she protects a wounded soldier sitting in the back of a truck

C.D. [Charles Dana?] Gibson

American Field Service

57 x 35

cardboard; piece broken off; tears
US GEN 583
US WWI poster (general): Can You Drive a Car? Uncle Sam Needs Help/The war has seriously affected this country's supply of pig tin and steel sheets from which tin containers are manufactured …/Be Careful with Tin!/The Price of Milk, Cream and Ice Cream Cans Is High and/Going Higher. It May Soon Be Impossible to Secure More/Milk, Cream or Ice Cream Cans Until After the War./Save the Milk Cans! …/Farmers Can Help …/Milk and Cream Buyers and/Ice Cream Dealers Can Help …/Transportation Agents Can Help …/We Can All Help …/Approved August 3rd, 1917/Frank O. Lowden,/Governor State of Illinois.Chs. Adkins, Director/Illinois Dept. of Agriculture/John B. Newman, Superintendent,/Division of Foods and Dairies

Illinois Department of Agriculture

61 x 45.5

paper is very brittle; several tears
US GEN 584
  What Our Men Are Doing/Our Companies have nearly 2,000 men on their way/to the front. Those left behind/are doing their part./The members of/the Interborough/Brotherhood have just/presented to the Government a/fully equipped ambulance./Theodore P. Shonts/President/Interborough Rapid Transit Company

Image is a photoprint of about fifty marching soldiers, carrying dufflebags; also a pen-and-ink sketch of an IRTC car with the word Interborough superimposed on it

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, [New York City]

34 x 53.5
US GEN 585
  Proclamation/State of New York/Executive Chamber/Whereas, Chapter 25 of the Laws of 1918 provides that at any time during the pendency of the present war with Germany … public exigency requires that every able-bodied male person between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, inclusive, shall be habitually and regularly engaged in some lawful, useful and recognized business, profession, occupation, trade or employment, until the termination of such war …/ Given under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State, at the Capitol in the city of Albany, this first day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. (Signed) Charles S. Whitman

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

State of New York – Governor

61 x 30
US GEN 586
US WWI poster (general): Spruce Production Spruce Production Division – U.S. Signal Corps/Spruce/for the/Air/Fir for/the/Sea/"The Strength/of Your Blows/and the Loyalty/of Your Hearts/Will Win This War"/
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen
(dated: 1918)

Image of a logger cradling an ax labeled LLLL; behind him is a hilly landscape and a body of water; in that image is a silhouette of a logger, a fir tree, a ship and a biplane; Uncle Sam's arm is pointing toward the logger

Adrian Brewer

Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen (LLLL)

45 x 35
US GEN 587
US WWI poster (general): Our Country First Our Country First/If/Spruce/Will Win/the War, the/Kaiser's Licked./It's/Up to/You/Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen Inland Empire Division

Image in a circle; above the circle is a banner on which is printed Spruce for the Air – Fir for the Sea; also above the circle is an arm holding the staff of an American flag; in the circle are the letters LLLL and the phrase Authorized by the Secretary of War; the images in the circle are a two-handled saw crossed with a double-headed ax with the letters US; behind the saw and the ax are some logs and some coniferous trees; in the water behind the land is a ship; flying overhead is a biplane

E.T. Allen

Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen (LLLL)

52 x 31

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 588
US WWI poster (general): Help Win the War Help Win the War/by/Steady Work Six Days a Week/Monday: Work to Win the War!/Tuesday: Work to Win the War!/…/Sunday: Pray to Win the War!/U.S. Department of Labor/W.B. Wilson,/Secretary of Labor

(text only except for the U.S. Department of Labor seal)

U.S. Department of Labor

38 x 25.5

Box 2
US GEN 589
US WWI poster (general): Transport Americain Transport Americain/American Field Service

Image of a man on the running board of a truck identified as Transport Americain, with missiles exploding in the sky above

Same image and text as US GEN 516

[Josef Pierre] Nuyttens

Merchants Print, Chicago, Ill.

American Field Service

87 x 57
US GEN 590
US WWI poster (general): Eternal Vigilance "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty"/American Defense Society/Vigilance Corps/Americans!/Serve at the Front/or Serve at Home/This is a call to the Vigilant Men and Women in every community./You are the constructive patriots of America …/The American Defense Society/National Headquarters 44 East 23d Street, New York

Image of a silhouette of a man, in profile, looking through a spyglass; he is illuminated by a moon which is flanked by the skyscrapers of a cityscape

American Defense Society

55.5 x 35
US GEN 591
US WWI poster (general): To Win This War To Win This War/German Spies Must Be Jailed/Through the courtesy of the management/of this building, the American Defense/Society has a booth in the lobby for distri-/bution of important literature./You are invited/to visit this booth and secure without/charge as much literature as you wish/Every person in this office should become a/member of the American Defense Society/Help us in our fight against the widespread/campaign of disloyalty being waged by/Pro-Germans, Socialists, Pacifists, Anti-/Militarists, Conscientious Objectors,/Anarchists, I.W.W.'s, so-called Friends of/Irish Freedom and all the forces of treason./Serve at the Front – or Serve at Home/If you are an American citizen, help to put an end to/German activities in this country by joining/The American Defense Society/National Headquarters, 44 East 23d Street, New York

(text only; no images)

American Defense Society

35.5 x 28

Box 2

cardboard; may crack
US GEN 592
  Men in Uniform/Welcome/As Far As We Go

"Donated by Shapiro & [can't read] Fourth Ave., New York"

"Paste This on Your Wind Shield"

(windshield sticker)

Image of four flags, including the British and American flags

16 x 24.5

Box 2
US GEN 593
US WWI poster (general): Earn While You Learn Earn While You Learn/Wanted/Machinists (All-round men) - $30 to $35 per week/Machinists … Blacksmiths … Electricians … Auto Ignition … Auto Repairmen … Engine Assemblers … Truck Body Builders … Chauffeurs …/These are the wages being paid/expert mechanics in your town today/The/Motor Transport Corps/will train you to fill one of these/Jobs/Ask the nearest/Recruiting Officer

Image is a photoprint of a man working in a machine shop; below the image is a list of several occupations with their salaries

Engineer Reproduction Plant U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.

Motor Transport Corps

63 x 48
US GEN 594
US WWI poster (general): Motor Transport Corps Motor/Transport/Corps/Training School/Earn While You Learn/Become/an/Expert/Mechanic/Learn/the/Auto/Trade
(dated: 1919)

Image consists of three panels; the center panel shows two U.S. M.T.C. trucks driving toward the viewer; on the left is an image of a man working at a piece of machinery; on the right is an image of a man repairing an automobile tire; included are images of the insignia of the Motor Transport Corps

E.R. Euler

Engineer Reproduction Plant U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.

Motor Transport Corps

63 x 48
US GEN 595
  Earn While You Learn/We Want You/Motor Transport Corps Training Schools/Apply to

Dominating the poster is an image of the insignia of the Motor Transport Corps: a contemporary spoked truck wheel with Mercury's winged hat

Engineer Reproduction Plant U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.

Motor Transport Corps

64 x 48
US GEN 596
US WWI poster (general): Half a Million Miles Half a Million Miles of/New Telephone Wire!/…/New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2295 – Week of June 17th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 597
US WWI poster (general): Help Save 57 Years Help Save 57 Years/Every Day!/…/New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2299 – Weeks of August 5th and 12th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 598
US WWI poster (general): Twenty-Five Telephone Calls Twenty-Five Telephone Calls Every Second!/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2300 – Weeks of August 19th and 26th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 599
US WWI poster (general): Save a Minute "Save a Minute a Call in the Interest of All"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2298 – Weeks of July 22nd and 29th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US WWI poster (general): New Telephone Plant New Telephone Plant for War Time Service"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2294 – Week of June 10th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 601
US WWI poster (general): How You Can Do Your Bit How You Can "Do Your Bit"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2297 – Weeks of July 8th and 15th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 602
US WWI poster (general): We Are Ready! We Are Ready! "/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2290 – Week of May 13, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 603
US WWI poster (general): The Largest Machine "The Largest Machine/in the World"/Is Ready for War Service"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2296 – Week of June 24, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 604
US WWI poster (general): Our Army of Telephone Workers Our Army of/Telephone Workers/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2292 – Week of May 27th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 605
US WWI poster (general): This Is the Time "This Is the Time for/America to Correct Her/Unpardonable Fault of/Wastefulness and Extravagance." – Woodrow Wilson/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2289 – Week of May 6th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 606
US WWI poster (general): Your Commercial Signal Your Commercial/Signal Corps/In that great industrial army that is/rapidly mobilizing for war service, the/Bell System serves in the Signal Corps/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2291 – Week of May 20th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 607
US WWI poster (general): Save Time and Serve "Save Time and Serve the Nation" /… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2301 – Week of September 2nd and 9th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 608
US WWI poster (general): The Supreme Test "The Supreme Test of the/Nation Has Come. We Must/All Speak, Act, and Serve/Together." – Woodrow Wilson/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2288 – Week of April 20th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 609
US WWI poster (general): Sinews of War "Sinews of War"/Money has been called the "sinews of war"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2293 – Week of June 3rd, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 610
US WWI poster (general): On the Good Ship On the Good Ship/"Recruit"/ Wherever you chance upon men or women engaged in naval or military activities, there you will find the TELEPHONE … /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2305 – Week of October 7th and 14th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 611
  "On The Job = On Time"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2309 – Week of November 11th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 612
US WWI poster (general): Signal Stations Signal Stations"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2308 – Week of October 28th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 613
US WWI poster (general): O.K. – Signal Officer "O.K." – Signal Officer"/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2310 – Week of November 18th, 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 614
  "On Guard" "/… /New York Telephone Co.

Black-and-white advertisement slick: Copy No. 2307 – Week of October 21st , 1917 – New York and Brooklyn papers.

Same layout as US GEN 597

In upper left of ad: Image of eagle with out-stretched wings: "Doing Our Bit/Bell Telephone System and Associated Companies

New York Telephone Co.

31 x 23

Box 2
US GEN 615
US WWI poster (general): Wanted 500 Chauffeurs Wanted 500/Chauffeurs/for the Quartermasters Corps/U.S. Army/ No Military duty except in an emergency/Registered Men may enlist before called for examination/Chauffeurs will be accepted/for a limited time only/Act Quickly/Recruiting Station/357 Broadway, New York City/Near Franklin Street

(text only; no images)

Quartermaster Corps U.S. Army

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 616
US WWI poster (general): The Woman's Land Army The/Woman's Land Army/of America/Women Enlist Now and Help the Farmer/Fight the Food Famine
(dated: 1918)

Image of two female wartime farm laborers carrying a basket of vegetables; one woman also carries a hoe and the other a pail; a third woman follows on horseback, holding an American flag

Herbert Paus

Woman's Land Army of America

75.5 x 50
US GEN 617
US WWI poster (general): Get Behind the Girl Get Behind/the Girl He Left Behind Him/Join the Land Army
(dated: 1918)

Image of a young woman working in a garden; behind her, like a shadow, is a half-silhouette of a soldier rushing into battle


American Lithographic Co.

New York State Land Army Membership Committee

75 x 50
US GEN 618
US WWI poster (general): Help! Help!/The Woman's Land Army/of America/Until the Boys/Come Back/New Jersey Division/State House, Trenton

"Reprinted from Life of May 23, 1918"

Image of Uncle Sam shaking hands with a woman holding a hoe; in the background, in monochrome is a scene of men going into battle; two of the men are looking admiringly at the young woman

C.D. Gibson

Greenwich Litho Co., New York, N.Y.

Life Pub. Co., New York, N.Y.

Woman's Land Army – New Jersey Division

102.5 x 68
US GEN 619
US WWI poster (general): Farm To Win Farm/To Win/"Over There"/Join/the U.S. Boys' Working Reserve/Young Men 16 to 21/The Army behind the Army/U.S. Department of Labor

Image of a boy in silhouette pushing a plow; in the background is a battle scene of two soldiers manning a cannon and the runis of a church amid smoke and fire

Adolph Treidler

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Dept. of Labor – U.S. Boys Working Reserve

100 x 75
US GEN 620
US WWI poster (general): Take My Place Take My Place/Your Country/Needs You/on the/Farm!/Apply to any representative/New York State Food Commission/or the/State Public Employment Bureau

Image of a soldier holding a rifle in his left hand and gesturing, with his right hand, to two horses harnessed to a plow

J.B. Lyon Co., Albany, N.Y.

New York State Food Commission

47.5 x 29.5
US GEN 621
  Patriotic Farm Census/The Oklahoma State Council of Defense, through assessors and other patriotic citizens, is obtaining a complete crop, seed, labor and breeding stock census of Oklahoma, The Purpose is to … /Do Your Part/Give a Full Report on Your Farm/Help Win the War/Oklahoma State Council of Defense/State House, Oklahoma City

(text only; only image is a flag)

Trave-Trammell Co., Oklahoma City

Oklahoma State Council of Defense

57 x 36
US GEN 622
  Do You Want/Farm Labor?/Do You Want/a Job on a Farm?/See your local postmaster or rural carrier to-day. They are authorized by the/Post Office Department to be labor agents for the U.S. Employment Service of/the Dapartment of Labor …/The Government Wants Each Farm to/Produce Its Utmost/under the guidance of the Department of Agriculture, and it will render all possible/assistance in bringing farm workers and farmers together this year …/Farm Service Division/U.S. Employment Service, Department of Labor/Washington, D.C./Postmasters, Railway Agents, General Stores: Please Post Most Prominently
(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office

U.S. Department of Labor

60.5 x 49
US GEN 623
  2nd Patriotic Sheep Meeting Exhibition and Sale under the Auspices of the New York State Agricultural Society the Albany Chamber of Commerce … Albany November 12, 13, 14 … Old Congregational Church, Eagle Street opposite Medical College … Governor Whitman and other speakers … Moving Picture Films … Small Flocks on Many Farms – To Revive New York's Sheep Industry …

(text only; no images)

Brate Quick Print, Albany, N.Y.

New York State Department of Farms and Markets

61 x 45.5

torn in half; Scotch tape
US GEN 624
US WWI poster (general): Do Your Bit Do Your Bit/Help Win the War/Grow A Garden/The man who eats vegetables shipped into his town when/he can raise them is not a true patriot./The owner of a vacant lot who allows it to grow to weeds/when others want to grow a garden on it is a slacker./Oklahoma State Council of Defense/Garden Bureau

(text only except for a small American flag)

Oklahoma State Council of Defense

35.5 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 625
  Farm Help Must Be Secured at Once If you have ever worked on a farm, you can do no greater service for your country now than to help in the production of food. RIGHT NOW …/Your Country Calls/There Must Be Patriots on the Farm as Well as in the Trench/Apply to Any Representative of the/New York State Food Commission/or the/State Public Employment Bureau

(text only; no images)

J.B. Lyon Company, Printers, Albany, N.Y.

New York State Food Commission

56 x 35

cardboard; broken corner
US GEN 626
  Wanted!/500 Men and Boys/on Farms/for Haying and Harvest/Enquire at the Post Office or write/Herkimer County Farm Bureau Office/Herkimer, New York

(text only; no images)

Herkimer County Farm Bureau

36 x 48

cardboard; bad breaks; Scotch tape
US GEN 627
US WWI poster (general): Fight World Famine Fight World Famine/Enroll in/the Boys' Working Reserve/U.S. Employment Service/Department of Labor

Image of a boy using a pitchfork to keep vultures away from hay

Same image and text as US GEN 720

Thomsen Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md./New York, N.Y.

U.S. Employment Service – Boys' Working Reserve Dept. of Labor

70.5 x 48

several bad tears
US GEN 628
US WWI poster (general): Farm For Freedom Farm For Freedom/Young Men of America/between Sixteen and Twenty-one Years/Earn a Badge of Honor/Join the/United States/Boys' Working Reserve/Now! … or Write United States Boys' Working Reserve, Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

United States Boys' Working Reserve

61 x 48

one bad tear
US GEN 629
US WWI poster (general): Boys! Serve Your Country Boys!/Serve Your/Country/on the Farms/Join the U.S. Boys' Working Reserve …/Earn a Badge of Honor

Text is printed over an image of a man using a plow being pulled by two horses

United States Boys' Working Reserve

18 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 630
US WWI poster (general): Raise More Poultry Raise More Poultry/Our meat supply is short and more poultry will help solve the problem … On Farms and Back Yards …/More Eggs and Poultry Will Save Beef and Pork/For published information and individual advice on poultry raising/write to your County Agent, State Agricultural College, or to the/U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D.C.

Includes extensive captions for eight black-and-white photoprints: [1] A Good House for the Farm Flock; [2] Disposing of Male Birds – Producing the Infertile Egg; [3] Barred Rock Pullet. Hatched March 8, Laying in September; [4] Green Food for Winter Feed; [5] Brood Coop for Hen and Chicks; [6] Sour Milk Produces Rapid Growth; [7] Shade and Free Range for the Flock; [8] Preserving Eggs for Winter Use

U.S. Department of Agriculture

71.5 x 41
US GEN 631
US WWI poster (general): … Help A Farmer Get … Help A Farmer/Get Out to Work To-day/The President of the United States to You …/Retired Farmers, Husky Young Men, College Students,/City Men from the Country – Not Called for Military Service …/Just a Part of Your Vacation?/A Few Days Spared from Your Business?/The Farms Need You/Women/to help farm women cook the extra food …/Boys and Girls/to pick, sort and pack fruit and vegetables …/A Farmer Expects You …/U.S. Department of Agriculture/Washington, D.C.
(dated: June 1917)

(mainly text except for a black-and-white photoprint of a large crowd of men)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

71 x 41
US GEN 632
  War Garden Lectures/Subject/Farming for Women/to Be Given at the/Brooklyn Botanic Garden … Speakers/Miss Sophia Carey …/Miss Elizabeth Cleveland, A Bedford Farmerette …/The Lectures will be Illustrated with Lantern Slides … Free to the Public

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

35 x 28

Box 2
US GEN 633
  University of Missouri College of Agriculture/Agricultural Extension Service/Make Pork on Forage/Hogs use forage profitably. When used with bluegrass and other native grasses the following crops will reduce the cost of making pork. Grain is necessary for profitable returns from forage. Hogs on forage must receive at least one-third ration of grain …

'Extension Poster Bulletin – 5/April 1917"

Includes four black-and-white photoprints related to making pork on forage

Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Missouri

63.5 x 48
US GEN 634
US WWI poster (general): Service Fall In! Service/Fall/In!/National League for Womans Service/25 Madison Avenue, New York

Image of a woman in uniform astride a horse that has a blanket with the National League for Womans Service logo; the woman is holding an American flag in her right, gloved hand; around the horseback rider are women representing various jobs, including one carrying a rake and one carrying home-canned food

Lucile Patterson [sic]

National League for Womans [sic] Service

62.5 x 44
US GEN 635
US WWI poster (general): Help Her Carry On! Help Her Carry On!/"Miss America/Reports for Service, Sir"/National League/for Woman's Service/The Woman Army/$200,000/needed for Vital War Work/September 17-28/What/We Do/[lists nine things the National League for Woman's Service does to help servicemen]

Image of a woman in uniform saluting Uncle Sam who has taken off his hat to her

Charles Dana Gibson

National League for Woman's Service

110 x 70

needs humidification and flattening
US GEN 636
  Women/Are Needed for/Patriotic Service/Paid While You Work/for Your Country/A Chance for Pleasant, Outdoor Work, with/Agreeable Surroundings, Raising Crops/Which Are So Much Needed This Year/Join a Farm Unit/The State is forming units or groups of women for this service./They will be housed and cared for by experts. It is health-/giving work, in the great outdoors, with good pay. If you wish/to come back home in the fall healthy, sunburned and strong,/and with money in your pocket, apply to/Women Farm Labor Specialists/New York State Food Commission …New York City … Albany … Buffalo … Syracuse … Rochester … Binghamton …/Join the/Woman's Land Army

(text only; no images)

J.B. Lyon Company, Albany, N.Y.

New York State Food Commission

50.5 x 30.5
US GEN 637
  Patriotism for Women/A Call to the Colors/Red for Sacrifice!/White for Purity! Blue for Heavenly Strength!/Women serve your Country by Industry, Thrift,/Watchfulness over Children, Care of the Sick and Wound-/ed; by Courage, Endurance, Hope and Good-Will/Girls Remember in work and play, that you and the/Soldiers are Comrades …

"Pencilled in: "Written for the Syracuse Y.W.C.A. June 1917"

(text only; no images)

Cornell Show Printing Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

35.5 x 26.5

Box 2
US GEN 638
  Women's Wireless/School/Specially arranged courses for WOMEN ONLY/A patriotic service to meet an emergency demand, providing an honorable vocation for which women are especially adapted/Five Months' Course/Expert Instructors/Modern Equipment/Complete Course Fifty Dollars …/Best Radio School in New York

Image of a woman wearing headphones; she is flanked by jagged lines representing electricity/airwaves

Woman's Division Hunter College

18.5 x 15.5

Box 2
US GEN 639
US WWI poster (general): 1776 [-] 1917 Liberty Loan 1776 [-] 1917/Liberty Loan/of 1917/Does the Spirit of '76/Live Again in '17/Yes!!/Buy a Bond

Basically text except for an image of the Liberty Bell

W.M. Phillips

106.5 x 73
US GEN 640
US WWI poster (general): Invest Your Money Invest Your Money with Uncle Sam!/Join the Crowd – Buy a Liberty Bond!/The Safest Investment in the World – Pays 3½ per cent and is Non-Taxable

Image of Uncle Sam, wearing glasses and standing at a table, selling Liberty bonds to civilians, including a woman holding a book enitled Study of English; a long, long, long line of people snakes its way across the background of the scene

NBT [?]

64 x 101
US GEN 641
US WWI poster (general): Don't Put Off Don't Put Off/Till To-morrow/The Bond/You Can/Buy To-day/Buy Your/Government Bond/To-day at Any Bank/The/Liberty/Kind

(text only; no images)

Eagle Job Printing, Brooklyn, N.Y.

105 x 75
US GEN 642
  Mr. Farmer/The Government Has Placed/a Price of $2.20 on Wheat./This assures/your prosperity. The Government has helped/you!/You Help the Government./Buy Liberty/Bonds.

(text only; only image is a small American flag)

106 x 70.5
US GEN 643
US WWI poster (general): If You Can't Enlist If/You/Can't/Enlist –/Invest/Buy Liberty Bonds/See Your Bank Today

(mainly text; image of the Statue of Liberty on right side of poster)

71 x 53
US GEN 644
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs Money Uncle Sam Needs Money as Well as Men/Join the/Liberty War Loan Club/…/Become an Investor and Help Your Country Fight/The New York State National Bank/Albany, N.Y.

Image of Uncle Sam sitting with right arm resting on his knee; his chin rests on his fist; he is flanked by a cityscape on his right and a factory scene on his left; in front of the cityscape are civilians offering money; in front of the factory scene are soldiers and sailors, including a cavalry soldier

(Image and layout is the same but text is somewhat different; see also US GEN 652)

[H.F. Rawll]

103.5 x 71

in really, really bad shape; several tears; pieces missing
US GEN 645
US WWI poster (general): Have You Bought Have You/Bought Your/Bond/?/Liberty Loan/LEND Freely your money. You can do no less. …/YOUR …/MONEY …/TO-DAY …/NEWARK [N.J.] Must Do Its Duty Loyally,/through you, for your Country.

Mainly text except for an image of the Statue of Liberty

Text from LEND through "for your Country" is on a piece that has been appended to the main folder

Adolph Treidler

104 x 52
US GEN 646
US WWI poster (general): Have You Bought Have You/Bought Your/Bond/?/Liberty Loan/Subscriptions Received Here

Mainly text except for an image of the Statue of Liberty

Adolph Treidler

71 x 53.5
US GEN 647
  Have You/Bought Your/Bond/?/Liberty Loan/Subscriptions Received by Wells Fargo

Basically same layout as US GEN 646 and US GEN 647 except more horizontal

Adolph Treidler

M. Rusling Wood Litho, New York, N.Y.

Wells Fargo & Co.

89.5 x 139
US GEN 648
US WWI poster (general): You Buy a Liberty Bnd You/Buy a/Liberty Bond/Lest I Perish

Image of a scowling Statue of Liberty pointing a finger at the viewer; in each lower corner is a logo that reads: Get Behind the Government. Liberty Loan of 1917

G.R. Macauley

Liberty Loan of 1917

102 x 75
US GEN 649
US WWI poster (general): You Buy a Liberty Bond You/Buy a/Liberty Bond/Lest I Perish

(smaller version of US GEN 649)

G.R. Macauley

Liberty Loan of 1917

75.5 x 50.5
US GEN 650
US WWI poster (general): You Buy a Liberty Bond You/Buy a/Liberty/Bond/Lest I Perish

Image of a smiling full-length Statue of Liberty pointing a finger at the viewer; also a logo that reads: Get Behind the Government. Liberty Loan of 1917

Liberty Loan of 1917

75.5 x 51
US GEN 651
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs Money Uncle Sam Needs Money as Well as Men/Join the/Liberty Loan Partial/Payment Plan/…/Become an Investor and Help Your Country Fight/Liberty Loan Partial Payment Plan now open for membership/at Any Bank/Plan devised and offered by Christmas Club, a corporation, 303 [?] Hudson Street, N.Y.
(dated: 1917)

Image of Uncle Sam sitting with right arm resting on his knee; his chin rests on his fist; he is flanked by a cityscape on his right and a factory scene on his left; in front of the cityscape are civilians offering money; in front of the factory scene are soldiers and sailors, including a cavalry soldier

H.F. Rawll

Liberty Bond Drive

49.5 x 34.5
US GEN 652
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs Money Uncle Sam Needs Money as Well as Men/Join the/Liberty War Loan Club/…/Become an Investor and Help Your Country Fight/Liberty War Loan Club now open for membership/Plan devised and offered by Christmas Club, a corporation, 303 Hudson Street, N.Y.

(Image and layout is the same but text is somewhat different from US GEN 652)

H.F. Rawll

Liberty Bond Drive

50.5 x 35.5
US GEN 653
  "Invest Your Money/with Uncle Sam!"/Liberty Bonds/The World's/Best Investment Security/Liberty Bonds pay 3½ per cent. and are non-taxable/Subscriptions Received Here/United Cigar Stores Company

"Liberty Bond Poster No. 2"

Image of the Statue of Liberty in front of the U.S. Treasury building

United Cigar Stores Company

102 x 52
US GEN 654
  If You Can't Enlist – Invest

Winsor McCay

Star Co.

New York American for Liberty Loan Committee

207 x 102

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 655
US WWI poster (general): If You Can't Enlist If You Can't Enlist – Invest/Buy a/Liberty Bond/Defend Your Country/with Your Dollars/Donated to the Liberty Loan Committee/by the/New York American

(smaller version of US GEN 655)

Image is a male allegorical figure of America with a shield labeled Liberty Loan; he's swinging his red-white-and-blue sword, fighting against figures labeled Devastation, Starvation, War, Pestilence, and Death.

Winsor McCay

Star Co.

New York American for Liberty Loan Committee

106 x 71
US GEN 656
US WWI poster (general): We Sell $10 Liberty We Sell/$10/Liberty Loan/Certificates/Five of These Buy a $50 Bond/An Easy Way to Save/for a Liberty Bond/Subscriptions Taken Here/U.S. Government/3½ %/Liberty Bonds/Do YOUR Part to/End the War!

(text except small image of the Statue of Liberty)

70 x 55
US GEN 657
US WWI poster (general): Make Your Dollars Make Your Dollars/End the War/Your Liberty Your/Forefathers Died for/Is at Stake/If You Can't Fight/Your Money Can/Buy a Liberty Bond/and/Uncle Sam Will Do the Rest
(dated: 1917)

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

96 x 60.5
US GEN 658
US WWI poster (general): Not Only Your Duty Not Only/Your Duty/But a/Privilege/Buy a/Liberty/Bond/Now
(dated: 1917)

(marginal note written in: "1st Bond sale")

Image of an American red-white-and-blue shield upon which is an image of the Liberty Bell; the text is inscribed over the images.

Wallace W. Page

44 x 34
US GEN 659
US WWI poster (general): Every Man and Woman "Every Man and Woman in the Country/must get behind this Loan"/W.G. McAdoo/Make Your Dollars End the War/Your Money must make Sure/that Democracy shall Endure/and Your Freedom be Preserved/Buy a Liberty Bond TO-DAY/3½%/Interest/A Liberty Bond is a Mortgage/on the United States/Exempt/from/Taxes
(dated: 1917)

(U.S.Treasury Secretary William G. McAdoo)

Mainly text except for the image of the logo that reads: Get Behind the Government. Liberty Loan of 1917

28 x 54
US GEN 660
US WWI poster (general): Every Real American Every Real American/Will Want to Join the/Liberty War Loan Club/ … /New York State National Bank/Albany, N.Y.

The copy in the New York State Library has, as the bank, "New York State National Bank, Albany, N.Y." at the bottom

(text only; no images)

Copyright 1917 by H.F. Rawll

New York State National Bank for Albany, N.Y.

27.5 x 20

Box 2
US GEN 661
  Every Real American/Will Want to Subscribe to the/Liberty Loan Partial Payment Plan/ … /… Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank/Worcester, Mass.

(text only; no images; layout similar to US GEN 661)

Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank, Worcester, Mass.

28 x 20

Box 2
US GEN 662
  Where the Money Goes/To the War Department, for/Ammunition and guns …/Clothing and supplies …/To the Navy Department, for/Ammunition and guns … Increase of the Navy …/To the Shipping Board for/Construction of ships … Purchase and requisition of ships, plants … Liberty Loan of 1917 …

(text only except for small image of Statue of Liberty)

Liberty Loan of 1917

30 x 22.5

Box 2
US GEN 663
  United States Government/Liberty Loan of 1917/The Secretary of the Treasury has announced the offering of these bonds. The terms are summarized as follows: …/Liberty Loan Committee …/120 Broadway, New York …/Subscription Blank on Other Side

(black and white)

(not a poster; printed on both sides)

(marginal note written in: "1st lib loan")

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee

26.5 x 20

Box 2
US GEN 664
US WWI poster (general): Civilization's Demand Civilization's/Demand/Buy a/Liberty/Bond/Now
(dated: 1917)
(marginal note written in: "2nd Bond Sale")

Image of the Statue of Liberty; behind her is an image of the Liberty Bell printed on wide swatches of red, white and blue; the text is printed on the images

Wallace W. Page

46 x 33
US GEN 665
US WWI poster (general): The Hand of Abraham The Hand of Abraham Lincoln/"It is … for us here to be dedicated to the great task/remaining before us …/Citizen of the United States of America – you, who read this: your Govern-/ment lays before you its Bonds of the Second Liberty Loan./Yours is the most wonderful privilege that has been reserved for any man/ - for, as your hand signs your application for one of these Bonds, it becomes/the hand of Abraham Lincoln, helping to guard your own hearthstone, to/wipe away the agonies of Nations, and to preserve for all time the liberties/of the Peoples of the World

(black and white)

Image of the hand of Abraham Lincoln.

"The drawing is from the cast made from Abraham Lincoln's hand in 1860, by Leonard W. Volk."

"This advertisement contributed to the Liberty Loan campaign by the National Bank of Commerce in New York. Published in Leslie's, October 20th, Literary Digest, October 20th, The Evening Post (New York), October 20th."

National Bank of Commerce in New York for Liberty Bond Drive

54.5 x 41
US GEN 666
  Uncle Sam Is Worth $225,000,000,000
(dated: 1917)

Liberty Bond Drive

49 x 37

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 667
US WWI poster (general): Subscribers' Roll Subscribers'/Roll of Honor/1917/Second Liberty Loan/Name of Corporation/The following officers and employees have subscribed to the Second Liberty Loan of 1917./"To Make the World Safe for Democracy"

Chart on which to write the name of the company and the names of the employees who subscribed to the loan drive

61 x 45
US GEN 668
  Shall We Be More Tender with Our Dollars
(dated: 1917)

Dan Sayre Groesbeck

Illinois Litho Co., Chicago, Ill.

2nd Liberty Loan

74.5 x 49.5

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 669
US WWI poster (general): Before Sunset Buy Before Sunset/Buy a U.S. Government Bond/of the/2nd Liberty Loan of 1917

"No. 2"

Image of the Statue of Liberty with a cityscape skyline in the distant background; a hazy image of the American flag emulates sunset

Eugenie De Land [DeLand?]

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp.

2nd Liberty Loan
73 x 49
US WWI poster (general): Before Sunset To-day Before Sunset/To-day/Buy a/Liberty Bond

Image of the Statue of Liberty with the tips of ships, smokestacks and skyscrapers in the background; a hazy image of the American flag emulates sunrise

27.5 x 53.5

cardboard; part is near cracking
US GEN 671
US WWI poster (general): Ring It Again Ring It Again/Buy a/United States Government Bond of the/Second/Liberty Loan/of 1917/Help Your Country and Yourself

"No. 3"

Image of the Liberty Bell

Ketterlinus Printer, Philadelphia, Pa.

75.5 x 50
US GEN 672
US WWI poster (general): Shall we be more "Shall we be more tender with/our dollars than with the/lives of our sons?"/W.G. McAdoo/Secretary of the Treasury/Buy a United States Government Bond/of the/2nd Liberty Loan/of 1917

Image of a soldier and a sailor; the soldier is holding an American flag in his left hand and waving his hat with his right; the sailor is holding a knife in his right hand and a poster showing an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "We Depend on You" in his left hand

Edwards & Deutsch Litho Co., Chicago, Ill.

76 x 50
US GEN 673
US WWI poster (general): Our Daddy Is Fighting Our Daddy Is Fighting/at the Front for You/Back Him Up – Buy a/United States Gov't Bond of the/2nd Liberty Loan/of 1917

"No. 6"

Pencilled note: #7 is large; #5 is small card

Image of a little boy dressed in a sailor suit with his arm around the shoulders of a little girl; in that hand he holds an American flag


T.F. Moore Co., New York, N.Y.

74.5 x 49.5
US GEN 674
US WWI poster (general): Lend Your Money Lend Your Money to Your Government/Buy a United States Government Bond/Second Liberty Loan of 1917/U.S. Treasury will pay you interest every six months

Image of the U.S. Treasury Building in Washington, D.C.; in the foreground are people walking and a single car

American Lithographic Co.

87 x 121
US GEN 675
US WWI poster (general): The Time Has Come "The Time Has Come to/Conquer or Submit."/"For Us There Is But One/Choice. We have Made It."/President Wilson./Buy a Bond of the/2nd Liberty Loan/and/Help Win the War/A Liberty Bond Is a United States Government Bond.

Image is a portrait of Woodrow Wilson flanked by shields consisting of the stars and stripes of the American flag

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

76 x 50.5
US GEN 676
US WWI poster (general): Remember Your First Remember Your First Thrill of/American Liberty/Your Duty – Buy/United States Government Bonds/2nd Liberty Loan of 1917

"No. 9"

Image of immgrants and their belongings on the deck of a ship sailing past the Statue of Liberty

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., Chicago, Ill.

74.5 x 49
US GEN 677
US WWI poster (general): Buy a Liberty Bond Buy a/Liberty/Bond/of the U.S. Government/and Wear This Button –/It Is a Badge of Honor

Image is a button with an image of the Statue of Liberty backed by red, white and blue concentric circles; in the center of the blue circle is printed: I Own A/Liberty Bond

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

74.5 x 50
US GEN 678
US WWI poster (general): Women! Help America's Sons Women!/Help America's Sons/Win the War/Buy/U.S. Government Bonds/2nd Liberty Loan/of 1917

Image of an older woman with white hair, dressed in a skirt and blouse, with outstretched hands; behind her is red-white-and-blue bunting; behind her, on the left, is an image of a burning, sinking ship plus men in rowboats and one man in the water; behind her, on the right, is a land-battle scene involving infantry and cannon

R.H. Porteous

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

75 x 50
US GEN 679
US WWI poster (general): SWAT SWAT/Military/Autocracy/Make the World/SAFE for/Democracy/Every/Liberty Bond/You Buy Helps/Win the War./Buy More/Liberty Bonds/Second/Liberty Loan/of/1917

Image of a hand about to pitch a red-white-and-blue ball labeled "Second Liberty Loan of 1917" at a sheet tacked to a wall on which is painted the face of Kaiser Wilhelm with the caption "Swat military autocracy."

Same as US GEN 698

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 680
US WWI poster (general): Every Liberty Bond Every Liberty Bond/Is a Shot/at a U Boat/Fire Your Shot/To-day/Buy a/Liberty Bond/Second/Liberty/Loan

Image of a shell labeled "Second Liberty Loan" being shot from a cannon toward a German U-boat

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 681
US WWI poster (general): We Will Gladly Make We Will Gladly/Make Arrangements/to Enable Our/Employees to/Subscribe on/Partial Payment Plan/to the/Second Liberty Loan/For Details See ……

All text except for two small crossed American flags at the top of the poster; the flags and the words "Second Liberty Loan" are in strong colors; all the other lettering and the boarder are in muted colors

50.5 x 61

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 682
US WWI poster (general): United States United States Government/2nd Liberty Loan of 1917/Buy Your Liberty Bond Today/at Any/Bank/U Means You/S Means Subscribe/A Means At Once/$50 - $100 - $500 - $1,000/Installments/or Cash/Buy a Bond and Get This Button

All text except for a small image of a button with an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "I Own a Liberty Bond"

36 x 56

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 683
US WWI poster (general): Make A Sacrifice Make A Sacrifice/Every man who shoulders/a gun risks his all for/his country. What are YOU/sacrificing to back him up?/Every/Liberty Bond/you buy helps win the War!/Owners of Second/Liberty Loan Bonds/wear this button

Image of the backs of rows and rows of soldiers carrying rifles; superimposed on the image is an image of an "I Own a Liberty Bond" button which features an image of the Statue of Liberty

27.5 x 53

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 684
US WWI poster (general): Second Liberty Loan Second Liberty Loan/The Textile Industries/A Grand/Mass Meeting/of Every Lover of Liberty will be held at/69th Regiment Armory/Lexington Avenue and 25th Street/Tuesday-Oct. 23/12 to 1:30 p.m./It is proposed that each house in these trades will close during these hours in order to give their employees an opportunity to attend./Prominent speakers/Music-69th Regiment Band/Everybody Welcome

Image, in silhouette at top of poster, of soldiers climbing out of trenches and running toward a barbed-wire fence

Phillips & Van Brunt Printers, New York, N.Y.

71 x 56

several bad tears
US GEN 685
US WWI poster (general): By the President By the President of the United States of America/A Proclamation/The second Liberty Loan gives the people of the United States an opportunity …/Wednesday, the 24th of October, as/Liberty Day/and urge and advise the people to assemble …/Woodrow Wilson …
(dated: 1917)

(text only; no images)

61 x 45
US GEN 686
US WWI poster (general): Our Biggest Gun Our/Biggest Gun/Is Our/Liberty/Bond/Do Your Bit/Now
(dated: 1917)

Image of the Liberty Bell printed on a red-white-and-blue shield emulating the American flag; the text is printed on the image

Wallace W[rest is covered]

46.5 x 34
US GEN 687
US WWI poster (general): U.S. Treasury U.S. Treasury, Washington, D.C. Second Liberty Loan of 1917 Buy a Bond
(dated: 1917)

Image emulates a bronze plaque that would be affixed to a building; includes a line drawing of the U.S. Treasury Building in Washington, D.C.

Second Liberty Loan

36 x 27

Box 2
US GEN 688
US WWI poster (general): You buy a Liberty Bond You/buy a/Liberty Bond/To-Day/I'll Do the Rest!

Image of Uncle Sam's scowling face and his hand as he points a finger at the viewer

"Card B"

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could break
US GEN 689
US WWI poster (general): You buy a Liberty Bond You/buy a/Liberty Bond/To-day/I'll Do/the Rest/Only Buyers/of Liberty/Bonds Wear/This Button

"Card E"

Image of the face of Uncle Sam, who is looking at the reader seriously; his one hand holds a piece of paper which he is pointing at with his other hand; off to the side is an image of a button that includes an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "Get Behind the Government; Liberty Loan of 1917"

The New York State Library's copy is not torn

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could break
US GEN 690
US WWI poster (general): Every Man and Woman "Every Man and Woman in the Country/must get behind this Loan"/W.G. McAdoo/"You Wear the Button – We'll Do the Rest"

"Card D"

Image of the button that includes an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "Get Behind the Government; Liberty Loan of 1917" is in the center of the poster

28 x 53.5
US GEN 691
US WWI poster (general): Every Man and Woman "Every Man and Woman in the Country/must get behind this Loan"/W.G. McAdoo/$1 Down Starts the Purchase/of a $50 bond/"Liberty Loan"/of 1917/3½%/interest/A Liberty Bond is a Mortgage/on the United States/Exempt/from/Taxes
(U.S.Treasury Secretary William G. McAdoo)

(all text except for an image of the button that includes an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "Get Behind the Government; Liberty Loan of 1917")

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 692
US WWI poster (general): Safest Investment Safest Investment in the World/3½%/interest Exempt from Taxes/Strike Your First Blow! Buy a Liberty Bond TO-DAY/"Liberty Loan"/of 1917

Image of the dome of the U.S. Capitol over which is printed the text

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 693
US WWI poster (general): Where's Your Liberty Where's Your/"Liberty Bond"/Button/?/Your Money Must Win the War

Image of the heads of two men: Uncle Sam wearing his traditional hat and a civilian wearing a straw hat; Uncle Sam has grasped the lapel of the suit of the civilian; includes an image of the button that includes an image of the Statue of Liberty and the words "Get Behind the Government; Liberty Loan of 1917"

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 694
US WWI poster (general): You Help My Boy Win "You/Help My Boy/Win the War"/Buy a/Liberty/Bond

Image of a soldier standing behind his mother; she is holding the hand he is resting on her shoulder

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 695
US WWI poster (general): Safest Investment Safest Investment in the World/Uncle Sam is worth 225 Billions/A Liberty Bond is His Promise to Pay/"Liberty Loan"/of 1917/3½% Interest – Exempt from Taxes/Strike Your First Blow! Buy a Liberty Bond TO-DAY

Image of the dome of the U.S. Capitol over which is printed the text

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 696
US WWI poster (general): Strike Two! Strike Two! Help Strike Out Military Autocracy! Every Liberty Bond You Buy Helps Win the War

Image of a hand about to pitch a red-white-and-blue ball labeled "Second Liberty Loan of 1917" to Kaiser Wilhelm, who holds a bloody sword as a bat; at Wilhelm's feet is a skull

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 697
US WWI poster (general): SWAT SWAT/Military/Autocracy/Make the World/SAFE for/Democracy/Every/Liberty Bond/You Buy Helps/Win the War./Buy More/Liberty Bonds/Second/Liberty Loan/of/1917

Image of a hand about to pitch a red-white-and-blue ball labeled "Second Liberty Loan of 1917" at a sheet tacked to a wall on which is painted the face of Kaiser Wilhelm with the caption "Swat Military Autocracy."

Same as US GEN 680

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 698
US WWI poster (general): Owners of Liberty Owners of/Liberty Loan Bonds/of the Second Liberty Loan of 1917/Wear/This –/[image of "I own a Liberty Bond" pin]/Badge of Honor

Image of red-white-and-blue concentric circles on which is an image of the Statue of Liberty and of the words "I Own a Liberty Bond"

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 699
US WWI poster (general): 3½% Interest 3½% Interest – Backed by the U.S. Government/The "Liberty Loan"/of 1917/– gives every Man and Woman a chance/to help end this war – while making/the Safest Investment in the World./$1.00 starts/purchase of/$50 bond/A Liberty Bond is a Mortgage/on the United States/Exempt/from/Taxes

(all text except for the Allied Printing Trades Council, New York City, union label)

In pencil on verso: Street Railway Adv. Co.

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 700
  What Does the "Liberty Loan" Mean?/It means YOUR Country wants/YOUR money to help OUR allies/hasten the coming of Victory; when YOU buy a Liberty Bond YOU join the noble/legion behind the man behind the gun./$1.00 starts/purchase of/$50 bond/A Liberty Bond is a Mortgage/on the United States/Exempt/from/Taxes

(all text except for the Allied Printing Trades Council, New York City, union label)

In pencil on verso: Street Railway Advertising Co.

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 701
US WWI poster (general): Two Souls "Two Souls with/But a Single/Thought/Two Hearts/That Beat/the Hun"/Buy/More/W.S. Stamps/Here/Now!

Two images: (1) a woman, dressed in rags, reaching up to a soldier who is coming out of the sky; at the woman's feet is a dead woman; in the background is a village and a battle scene; (2) Uncle Sam with a bass drum; on the drum's skin is an image of a German soldier holding his hands over his ears; the drum sticks in Uncle Sam's hands are shaped liked Valentine's Day hearts; on one heart: W.S. Stamps; on the other heart: Thrift Stamps

Arthur E. Rice

J.B. Lyon Co., Albany, N.Y.

28 x 53.5

Trolley-car card; cardboard; could crack
US GEN 702
  Patriotism and Wise Finance
[signed] Frank A. Munsey

(black and white)

The text is from an editorial Frank A. Munsey wrote for Munsey's Magazine, Volume 61, [June [?] 1917], page 249

(text only; no images)

28 x 53.5
US GEN 703
US WWI poster (general): Buy U.S. Gov't. Bond Buy/U.S. Gov't./Bonds/of the/Second/Liberty Loan/of 1917

"Moisten and apply to windshield – Water will easily remove it."

(window sticker)

Image of the Statue of Liberty

14.5 x 15

Box 3
US GEN 704
US WWI poster (general): Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy! "You Certainly Made Good!"

Image of a soldier with a rifle on his shoulder flanked by Father Knickerbocker and Uncle Sam who are jumping for joy and waving their hats in the air

United Cigars

82 x 49.5

upper right-hand corner gone; tears
US GEN 705
US WWI poster (general): My boy, you certainly made good! Welcome Home! "My Boy, You Certainly/Made Good!"/Welcome Home!

Image of Uncle Sam shaking hands with a soldier; behind the two is a red-white-and-blue Service Flag upon which is inscribed: Four Million


United Cigars

84 x 46

US GEN 706
US WWI poster (general): Buddies Proud of It "Buddies" Proud of It Join a Post Veteran Soldiers Sailors & M[arines] National Headquarters 19 West 44th St. Ne[w York]

Image of Uncle Sam leaning on the insignis of the American Legion

Adolph Treidler

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

American Legion

101 x 71

bad tears; pieces missing; almost torn in half
US GEN 707
US WWI poster (general): 4,800,000 of Us 4,800,000/of Us/Let's Stick Together/in/the American Legion/Veteran Soldiers Sailors Marines/National Headquarters, 19 West 44th St., New York

Image: "Over There" and "Over Here" chevrons

Adolph Treidler

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

American Legion

101 x 71

several bad tears; two pieces completely torn off
US GEN 708
US WWI poster (general): Law Not War Law/Not/War

Image of a man in a judge's robe; he cradles a law book in his left arm and one foot is on a broken sword under which is a Roman-period shield; with his right hand he is vanquishing a soldier dressed in Roman military garb; he is walking toward a field of crosses

[Charles E.?] Rochon Hoover

National Council for Prevention of War

61 x 46

very bad tear; almost torn in two
US GEN 709
  Armistice Celebration/Closed Armistice Day

Image of a shield; in the shield are a clock set at 11:00 and the words: Remember 1918 11 Hour 11 Month Signing of Armistice

"Order these cards from Armin "RN", 3529 Woodburn, Cincinnati"

The Hennegen Company, Cincinnati

37 x 29
US GEN 710
  Welcome/Home/Our Heroes
(cloth flag with grommets to hang in a window)

Images of a five-pointed star and of the American shield; text is inscribed on the images

33 x 22.5

Box 3
US GEN 711
US WWI poster (general): All For One All/For/One/–/One/For/All

American eagle with ribbon in its beak; on ribbon is writte E Pluribus Unum; in one talon the eagle clutches an olive branch; in the other talon it clutches 13 arrows; in a circle over the eagle's head are 13 stars; behind the eagle are the flags of Cuba, Montenegro, Roumania, Russia, England, Italy, America, France, Belgium, Japan, Portugal and Servia

Copyrighted by Richard Cornin, N.Y.

38 x 51
US GEN 712
US WWI poster (general): 1917 – Distinctive Insignia 1917 – Distinctive Insignia – 1919/American Expeditionary Forces/Headquarters/Armies/Corps/Divisions/Special Units/Office Chief of Engineers – U.S. Army – Troop Division

Images of the patches soldiers wore during World War I

Engineer Reproduction Plant, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Army Chief of Engineers

87 x 43
US GEN 713
US WWI poster (general): Battles Give Way Battles Give Way to Sports in A.E.F./How would you like to be with Uncle Sam's privileged tourists?/Why worry about the hot weather or a job? Take a cool and comfortable ocean voyage. See Hawaii, Panama, or the Philippines, and better yourself by attending the Vocational School. Earn-Learn-Travel./Enlist in the U.S. Army./High School Graduates: Investigate Uncle Sam's Schools. Say "18-40-3" to the nearest Recruiting Officer. He'll explain.

Nine black-and-white photoprints of soldier's engaged in non-combat activities

Government Printing Office

U.S. Army Recruiting (post-war)

45.5 x 48
US GEN 714
US WWI poster (general): 50,000 Going Over! 50,000 Going Over!/Will You Be One of Them?/Those American Tourists – 1919 Model/…/Do You Want to See Paris, Too?/…/50,000 for A.E.F.!/Are You "On"?/…/Here's Your Chance …

Nine black-and-white photoprints of soldiers engaged in non-combat activities

Photos by Keystone View Co.

U.S. Army Recruiting (post-war)

48.5 x 61

US GEN 715
  [Amateur black-and-white snapshot of the scene at the railroad station in Sherburne, N.Y., on April 25, 1919, when ten men who had enlisted were leaving on the train]

Several cars and many people are visible in the area next to the train. The photo was donated by Geo. L. Sholes of Sherburne. The men who enlisted were Lawrence Benedict, Paul Jeffrey, Paul Lambert, Harold Gaines, Lynn Stillman, Harold Gaines, Curtis Janes, Leo Giladetts, Donald Refferty and Lewis Van Horn.

The information was taken from the back of the photoprint

11 x 16.5

Box 3
US GEN 716
  What Our Men Are Doing/Our Companies have nearly 2,000 men on their way/to the front. Those left behind/are doing their part./The members of/the Interborough/Brotherhood have just/presented to the Government a/fully equipped ambulance./Theodore P. Shonts/President/Interborough Rapid Transit Company

Image is a photoprint of about fifty marching soldiers, carrying dufflebags; also "L" (shaded and italicized) with the word Interborough superimposed on it

Same text and image as US GEN 585

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, [New York City]

34 x 50

tears and pieces missing
US GEN 717
  Naval/Aircraft Factory/Poster No. 29/November 11, 1918/Victory

The word Victory is spelled out by a fleet of biplanes that have taken off from a factory labeled N.A.F. The rest of the text is laid out to simulate the banner of a newspaper

C. Linke

42 x 34
US GEN 718
  The Bird That Will Wing the Kaiser

Evans-Winter-Hebb Printing, Detroit, Mich.

Cadillac Motor Car Company

95 x 62

[not in folder]
US GEN 719
US WWI poster (general): Fight World Famine Fight World Famine/Enroll in/the Boys' Working Reserve/U.S. Employment Service/Department of Labor

Image of a boy using a pitchfork to keep vultures away from hay

Same image and text as US GEN 628; this copy is in good condition

Thomsen Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md./New York, N.Y.

U.S. Employment Service – Boys' Working Reserve Dept. of Labor

U.S. Department of Labor (Boys' Working Reserve)

69 x 46.5
US GEN 720
US WWI poster (general): Not Just Hats Off Not Just/Hats Off/to the Flag/But Sleeves/Up for It!

Image of a factory worker wearing a leather apron and rolling up his sleeves; at his feet are some large shells; in the background, in silhouette, is a crowd waving hats in the air and an American flag fluttering from a staff; in the upper left-hand corner is the insignia of the U.S. Army Ordnance

A.H. Palmer

Alpha Litho Co. Inc., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Army Ordnance

105 x 69
US GEN 721
US WWI poster (general): The Combination The Combination/That Will Win the War/Every piece of work done in this plant has a/direct bearing on the outcome of the war./Our finished product goes to France./The men who face for us weariness, hardships, death, depend upon us./Our work here, fits their work over there, like/a cog in a giant machine./Without our product they are helpless. With it/they are invincible./They fight with what we make. We are their resource/and reliance, the American workman and the/American soldier, the combination that will win the war./Issued by/Ordnance Department/U.S. Army

Two images: (1) face of a factory worker and (2) face of a soldier
Every piece of work done in this plant has a direct bearing on the outcome of the war. Our finished product goes to France. The men who face for us weariness, hardships, death, depend upon us. Our work here, fits their work over there, like a cog in a giant machine. Without our product they are helpless. With it they are invincible. They fight with what we make. We are their resource and reliance, the American workman and the American soldier, the combination that will win the war.Every piece of work done in this plant has a direct bearing on the outcome of the war. Our finished product goes to France. The men who face for us weariness, hardships, death, depend upon us. Our work here, fits their work over there, like a cog in a giant machine. Without our product they are helpless. With it they are invincible. They fight with what we make. We are their resource and reliance, the American workman and the American soldier, the combination that will win the war.Every piece of work done in this plant has a direct bearing on the outcome of the war. Our finished product goes to France. The men who face for us weariness, hardships, death, depend upon us. Our work here, fits their work over there, like a cog in a giant machine. Without our product they are helpless. With it they are invincible. They fight with what we make. We are their resource and reliance, the American workman and the American soldier, the combination that will win the war. Every piece of work done in this plant has a direct bearing on the outcome of the war. Our finished product goes to France. The men who face for us weariness, hardships, death, depend upon us. Our work here, fits their work over there, like a cog in a giant machine. Without our product they are helpless. With it they are invincible. They fight with what we make. We are their resource and reliance, the American workman and the American soldier, the combination that will win the war.
Adolph Treidler

U.S. Army Ordnance Dept.

105 x 71
US GEN 722
US WWI poster (general): Help Win the War Help Win the War with Your Brain & Brawn Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y.
(dated: 1918)

Image of men working on cannon at the Watervliet Arsenal

Edward Buyck

Burleigh Litho. Co., Troy, N.Y.

U.S. Army Ordnance (Watervliet Arsenal)

94.5 x 62
US GEN 723
  "Essential" Work for Everyone/War industries need more men. If you are engaged in/win-the-war work, STICK. If not, Uncle Sam has a job/for you in one of his great war-work plants./Every Able-bodied Man Must Work or Fight … United States/Employment Service/U.S. Dep't of Labor/W.B.Wilson Sec'y/Apply at/Albany … Amsterdam … Gloversville …/Schenectady … Troy …

Image of a serious-looking Uncle Sam pointing one finger at the viewer and one finger at a battle scene over his left shoulder; over his right shoulder are ships in an ocean

Bonnet (?) Brown

U.S. Department of Labor

63.5 x 45.5
US GEN 724
US WWI poster (general): You May Be Needed You/May Be Needed to Help/Win the War/Skilled Mechanics & Trained Workers/Wanted/Millions of Men will be needed/in American War Industries/Patriotic Service/Entirely Voluntary – Good Wages/Enroll Now/Go when asked, only if Satisfied/with wages and conditions/Apply at/U.S. Public Service Reserve/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

New York State Library copy is not signed

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

U.S. Department of Labor

74 x 53

several tears
US GEN 725
US WWI poster (general): Department of Education Department of Education/The City of New York/Mechanics!/Hammer Out Victory!War/Department/Trade School Courses/Free/for Mechanics./Full information at these schools/Borough of Manhattan … Borough of Brooklyn … Borough of Queens … Borough of Richmond …

Image of a horseshoe on which has been stamped the word Victory; the horseshoe sits on an anvil which sits on a pedestal to which has been fastened the information about classes for mechanics; scattered around the pedestal are tools; behind the pedestal and anvil is a large, spoked wooden wheel rimmed in metal

Printed by the Vocational School for Boys, 138th Street and Fifth Avenue, [New York, N.Y.]

Department of Education – City of New York

108 x 57
US GEN 726
US WWI poster (general): You Who Build Liberty You/Who Build Liberty Motors –/keep thinking of the man who is going to drive them, and build them with the spirit of the fighting man! Keep thinking of that man in the air, you fellows with both feet on the ground, and remember that his fight depends on the weapon you furnish him! Keep thinking of the horrors of the hell on the Wesern front, and build the motors as tried and true as the brave boys who ride behind them! Bend your muscles till they creak, and pray God that every bolt and cotter pin you put into the Liberty Motor may do its part in bringing our brave boys back to their own line!/Cadillac Motor Car Company/ What the/Liberty Motor/Will Do to the Hun

Image of a pilot in a biplane strafing a group of marching German soldiers; the soldiers in the foreground have fear in their faces and are running away from the bursts of fire; the engine of the plane is the focal point

Evans-Winter-Hebb Printing, Detroit, Mich.

Cadillac Motor Car Company

95 x 62.5
US GEN 727
US WWI poster (general): Mechanics Wanted to Mechanics Wanted to/Volunteer, As Needed, for/Government Shipbuilding/"Ships, Ships/and –/More Ships!"/"Ships Will Win the War!"/Descriptive Circular Inside

(no "descriptive circular")

Image of Uncle Sam standing behind a mechanic, dressed in overalls and holding sledge hammer; Uncle Sam is pointing toward a fleet of ships, in silhouette, on a large body of water; all the ships are flying the American flag; three of the ships are named: Democracy; America; Liberty

68 x 55
US GEN 728
US WW1 poster (general):Men Wanted to Build Aeroplanes for Government Service Men Wanted/to Build Aeroplanes/for Government Service/Apply The Curtiss Aeroplane Co., Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.
(date: 1917)

Two stamps on the poster listing jobs available "at once," which include Assemblers – Expert; Bench Machinists; Boat Builders; …Welders –Exy. Acet.; Wire Splicers; Wood Working Mach. Operators

Image of a hanger in which several men are working on two airplanes; from the rafters hang American flags

E.W. Pirsot (?)

The Curtiss Aeroplane Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

62 x 49

US GEN 729
US WWI poster (general): Team Work Team Work/It ain't the individual or the army/as a whole,/BUT the everlastin' TEAM WORK/of every bloomin' soul./Kipling

Autographed by the artist

Image of laborers building a cannon in the foreground; soldiers using a cannon on a battlefield in the background

Edward Buyck

Burleigh Litho Co., Troy, N.Y.

88.5 x 61

US GEN 730
US WWI poster (general): Men in the Draft! Men in the/Draft!/Your Country Provides/I-War Risk Insurance/…/Facts about It/…/It Protects You/It Protects Your Dependents/It Is a Good Investment/II-Family Allowance/…/Oklahoma State Council/of Defense/State House, Oklahoma City
(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Oklahoma State Council of Defense

56 x 35
US GEN 731
  Hold on to Uncle Sam's Insurance

James Montgomery Flagg

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

U.S. Treasury Department

75 x 50.5

[not in folder]
US GEN 732
US WWI poster (general): Public Notice No. 1 Public Notice/No. 1/Congress has decided that the/Government of the United States/will issue regular forms of Insur-/ance Policies to which the present/War Risk Term Policies may be/converted./The policies already authorized are …/U.S. Treasury Department/Bureau of War Risk Insurance/Washington, D.C./R.G. Cholmeley-Jones, Director

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Treasury Department

80.5 x 53
US GEN 733
  Information on War Risk Insurance/May Be Had Here!

(text only; no images)

10 x 77
US GEN 734
US WWI poster (general): Public Notice No. 1 Public Notice/No. 2/Premium rates for/all forms of govern-/ment insurance may be/secured from any of/the following agencies:/Army/Navy/Marine Corps/U.S. Post Offices/State Insurance Commissioners/Red Cross/War Camp Community Service/Salvation Army/Knights of Columbus/Jewish Welfare Board/Y.M.C.A./All insurance companies and their agents/or from/U.S. Treasury Department/Bureau of War Risk Insurance/R.G. Cholmeley-Jones, Director/Washington, D.C.

Government Printing Office

U.S. Treasury Department

82 x 51.5

several tears; pieces missing
US GEN 735
US WWI poster (general): Public Notice No. 3 Public Notice/No. 3/All Premium Payments for/War Risk Term Policies or/for the new Government/Insurance Policies may be/made/by Cash - Check/Post-Office/Money Order …/U.S. Treasury Department/Bureau of War Risk Insurance/R.G. Cholmeley-Jones, Director/Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office

U.S. Treasury Department

79 x 53.5

several tears; pieces missing
US GEN 736
US WWI poster (general): Help Her Fill a Pipe Help Her Fill a Pipe for a Fighting Man in France/Send Your Money to/The Morning Telegraph/Official Organ in New York City for/"Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund"

Image of a soldier sitting in a brown wicker chair having his pipe lit by a Red Cross nurse; his left arm is in a sling

Clarence F. Underwood

Atlantic Litho. Co., N.Y.

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

115 x 74.5
US GEN 737
  Official Collection List/for/"Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund"/25 West 44th Street/New York City/Help Her Fill a Pipe/for an American Fighting Man/Use this official collecting list to secure contributions in your office, shop,/home, club, lodge, church. This plan gives all a chance to do their "bit."/He needs tobacco just as much as bandages and socks/So use this list to get the cash to fill his "baccy" box.

Verso: Text notes that "The War Department approves of their enterprise … and thanks them in behalf of many a homesick soldier or sailor who will be cheered not merely by the kindly gifts themselves, but still more by the spirit of cordial and homely sympathy which inspires them."

(same image as US GEN 737)

Clarence F. Underwood

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

35.5 x 25

Box 3
US GEN 738
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys in France "Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund"/Headquarters: 25 West 44th Street, New York City/"Come on with the Tobacco/And We'll Smoke the Kaiser Out"/Each Soldier Who Receives a Package Promises to send a Message to the Person Who Bought It for Him./You Get Your Thanks by Mail from the Men in the Trenches./Every Dollar you give buys $1.80 worth of Tobacco for Our Fighting Men Abroad.

Image of a charcoal head-and-shoulders portrait of a soldier

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

65 x 49.5
US GEN 739
US WWI poster (general): $100,000 Sun Tobacco $100,000/"Sun" Tobacco Fund/We did our "bit" to reach the/first One Hundred Thousand/mark – Now we are going to/help reach the TWO Hundred/Thousand mark./On Friday, Nov. 9/Saturday, Nov. 10/5%/of our total recipts will be given/to the "Sun" Tobacco Fund to help/"our boys" get smokes.

(text only; no images)

"Sun" Tobacco Fund

70.5 x 48.5
US GEN 740
US WWI poster (general): Send Smokes To Sammy "Send Smokes To Sammy!"/Mail Your Contributions to/"Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund"/25 West 44th Street New York City/Endorsed by/War Department

Image of two soldiers in a trench; one soldier is offering the other half a cigarette. The caption reads; "Fifty-fifty on my last smoke, Bill!"

James Montgomery Flagg

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

40 x 27

Box 3
US GEN 741
US WWI poster (general): Empty! Sammy's S.O.S. Empty!/Sammy's "S.O.S." –/"Send Over Smokes!"/Mail Your Contributions to/"Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund"/25 West 44th Street, New York City/Endorsed by War Department/Endorsed by Navy Department/15c/Keeps a Fighting/Man Happy for a/Week/$1.00/Sends a Month's Supply of Tobacco/Act!

Image of a soldier looking at an empty cigarette case

O. Steward Imhof

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

40.5 x 27

Box 3
US GEN 742
US WWI poster (general): Subscriptions Received Subscriptions Received Here./Sister Susie's Sending/Smokes to Soldiers/And so are Father and Mother, and everyone else./It's the real thing to do./…/Tobacco Record/Tobacco Fund … Here is what they will get:/2 packages of Lucky Strike retails at 20c/3 packages of Bull Durham … 15c/3 books Bull Durham Cigarette Papers/1 tin of Tuxedo retails at 10 c/4 books of Tuxedo Cigarette Papers …Contribute! Organize your club, your church, your town, your office,/your factory and give the boys just a little comfort – their favorite smoke/Tobacco Record Tobacco Fund/38 Park Row, New York – 175 Shepherd Avenue, Brooklyn … Get a Message from the Trenches

Image of a smiling soldier sitting on a foot locker and looking at a box of tobacco products; in the background are soldiers, tents and, in the air, an airplane

Tobacco Record Tobacco Fund

55 x 35
US GEN 743
US WWI poster (general): An Army Girl's An Army Girl's/"Transport Tobacco Fund"/for Our Over-seas Troops/on Their Voyage to France/… Tobacco on the Transports/…/Give Our Fighters the "Makings"/An Army Girl "Smokes Up" the Transports! Other Funds "Take the Trenches!"

Image of a young lady handing a variety of tobacco products to a soldier; smoke from a cigar, a cigarette and a pipe frame part of the text; in the background is a ship

Transport Tobacco Fund

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 744
US WWI poster (general): I Need Smokes I Need/Smokes/More Than/Anything Else

Image of a soldier pointing a finger at the viewer

67 x 49
US GEN 745
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys Need the Makins Our Boys Need the Makins [sic]/on Their Way/"Over There"/An Army Girl's/Transport/Tobacco Fund/Does It/This is the only fund that supplies "smokes" to our troops/on their way to France – Send your contribution –/to Captain Samuel Frothingham, U.S.R. Treasurer, 25 Pine Street, N.Y. City.

"This poster is a contribution from the employees of the American Lithographic Company"

Image of three soldiers on a ship; one soldier is lighting up a cigarette; the other two, one of whom holds a lit cigarette in his hand, are waving to people who are not visible

American Lithographic Company

75 x 50
US GEN 746
  $1.00 Sends Four Packages Like This … [list of "favorite brands" of cigarettes and names of companies that supply tobacco at cost for the program] The Postcards Come Back to You with Messages Like the Following: … [six messages]
(not a poster; printed on both sides)

Includes a poem entitled "Pay Your Debt to 'Sammy'!" by Daniel M. Henderson

Image of a box labeled "This 'Smoke' Is Our Treat" with several packs of cigarettes and packages of tobacco plus a postcard

American Lithographic Company

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund

36.5 x 25

Box 3
US GEN 747
  Uncle Sam's Best!/Union/Leader/Redi Cut/The First/Smoke on/Land and/Sea/Quality and Quantity/Combined in/New/Size/10¢ Tin

Image of the head of a Marine smoking a pipe; also an image of a tin with an image of Uncle Sam smoking a pipe labeled "Union Leader Redi Cut Tobacco"

United Cigar Stores Co.

68 x 32
US GEN 748
  [Torn off]s and Certificates/deposited in our/Tobacco Fund Boxes/will be used to provide/Smoking/Supplies/ffor the/Wounded/Soldiers/in the/Hospitals of/Greater/New York/Distribution will be made by the American Red Cross

Image of a soldier, smoking a cigarette, on crutches

United Cigar Stores Co.

75 x 50

missing corner; tears
US GEN 749
  He Protects Your Liberties You Can Protect His Dependents Sailor's Week Sept. 1st to 7th Remember by Giving

Image, in a blueprint style, of a sailor standing next to two cannon on a ship; another ship is in the background

52 x 34
US GEN 750
  You Rely/on Him/Can He Rely on You/to Protect/His Dependents?/"Sailors Week"/Sept. 1st to 7th

Image of a sailor reaching out toward the viewer; in the background are men in a rowboat reaching out to a man who is in the water

34 x 26

Box 3
US GEN 751
US WWI poster (general): 140th Flag Day 140th/Flag/Day/1777-/1917/The/Birthday/of the/Stars and/Stripes/June/14th/1917/ "'Tis the/Star/Spangled/Banner,/Oh, long/may it/wave,/O'er the/Land of the/Free and/the Home/of the/Brave!"

Image of two men dressed in American Revolution-era clothes standing next to a relatively small cannon; one man is hoisting an American flag with 13 stars up a flagpole; the other is holding a rifle and waving his tri-cornered hat in the air; an eagle flies above the flag

NBT [?] - monogram

100 x 65
US GEN 752
US WWI poster (general): Memorial Day May 30 Memorial Day/May 30, 1917/Honor the Brave/In Memory of/American Soldiers of the/Wars of/1775-1783/1812-1814/1846-1847/1861-1865/1898

Image of a small parade; leading the parade are two boys in Boy Scout uniforms, one playing a fife and the other a drum; behind them are two Civil War veterans: a Confederate veteran carrying a bouquet of flowers and an American flag and a Union veterans carrying an American flag; behind them are three World War I servicemen, one carrying a large American flag flanked by a soldier and a sailor carrying rifles

NBT [?] - monogram

64 x 100
US GEN 753
  American/Defense Week/See Newspapers for Schedule of/Seven Star Events/October 1st to 7th

Image of female allegorical figure of America

42 x 106.5

cardboard; broken in two
US GEN 754
US WWI poster (general): All for One All for One and One for All!/Vive la France!/Allied Tribute to France: July 14, at 8 p.m./Mass Meeting on the French National Holiday/to show we all stand together till we win Peace by Victory

Image of a female allegorical figure of France holding a sword; American, French, English and Italian soldiers hold crossed swords over her head; behind the swords are the national flags of the four countries; at their feet are soldiers on a battlefield

James Montgomery Flagg

Carey Print Lith., N.Y.

100 x 69
US GEN 755
  King Marko/Returns to Lead/His People/Serbia's Flag Day/Sept. 22nd

Image of a war scene with injured people and troops all turning their attention to a man arriving on a horse

Johnson Riddle & Co., Ltd.

100 x 74
US GEN 756
US WWI poster (general): President Wilson President Wilson's Memorial Day Proclamation … Woodrow Wilson …
(dated: May 11, 1918)

(all text except for an image of the face of Woodrow Wilson and a red-white-and-blue bunting-style border

Star Co.

New York American (newspaper)

61 x 48
US GEN 757
  Idle Record Day/Friday, November 15/"Draft Your Idle Records"/Think how much pleasure our men in the/Service would get from talking machine records/Why not send them some of yours?/ This movement has the approval of the U.S. Government and is known as National Phonograph Records Recruiting Corps. The Albany committee in charge of the drive is Charles S. Stedman, chairman/Miss Dorothy T. Arnold …/Don't Forget Friday, 15th Idle Record Day

(text only; no images)

National Phonograph Records Recruiting Corps

23 x 15

Box 3
US GEN 758
US WWI poster (general): President Wilson And They/Thought We/Couldn't/Fight/He Can Work as Well as Fight – Send Him a Job to the/Re-Emploment Bureau of New York City/Phone Worth 9250/505 Pearl Street

Image of a wounded soldier standing in a battlefield with his rifle over his shoulder; he has a bloody bandage around his head and around his arm; he is carrying three German helmets as trophies

The New York State Library copy has "He Can Work …505 Pearl Street" printed on a strip pasted over the original "Victory Liberty Loan."


Re-employment Bureau of New York City

103 x 76
US GEN 759
US WWI poster (general): For Home and Country For Home and Country/He Wants Work to Support These/Send a Job for Him to the/Re-Employment Bureau of New York City/Phone Worth 9250/505 Pearl Street

Image of a soldier holding a child in one arm and embracing a young woman with the other; he has a German soldier's helmet hanging from a cord around his neck; she is admiring the medal pinned to his jacket

The New York State Library copy has "He Can Work …505 Pearl Street" printed on a strip pasted over the original "Victory Liberty Loan."

Same as US GEN 1009

Alfred Everitt Orr

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

100 x 75
US GEN 760
US WWI poster (general): For Home and Country For Home and Country/He Wants Work to Support These/Send a Job for Him to the/Re-Employment Bureau of New York City/Phone Worth 9250/505 Pearl Street

Image of a soldier holding a child in one arm and embracing a young woman with the other; he has a German soldier's helmet hanging from a cord around his neck; she is admiring the medal pinned to his jacket

The New York State Library copy has "He Can Work …505 Pearl Street" printed on a strip pasted over the original "Victory Liberty Loan."

Smaller version of US GEN 760; same as US GEN 1009

Alfred Everitt Orr

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

75 x 50
US GEN 761
US WWI poster (general): Straight from Germany Straight from Germany/A Poster originated and produced for the/Victory Liberty Loan by members of the/American Expeditionary Force./To the Folks Back Home –/We are finishing/our job./Are You finishing/yours?/Private A.E.F./On the Rhine/1919/To Private A.E.F.: We WILL finish the job, with a job/for every Soldier, Sailor and Marine./Folks Back Home/Send Jobs to the/Re-employment Bureau of New York City/Phone Worth 9250/505 Pearl Street

Image of a soldier leaning on his rifle

In the New York State Library copy, the words "Invest/Victory Liberty Loan" have been covered with a strip with the text: "To Private A.E.F. … 505 Peral Street"

Sketched by C. LeRoy Baldridge, Pvt, AEF

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

74 x 50
US GEN 762
US WWI poster (general): Americans All! Americans All!/Honor Roll/Du Bois/Smith/O'Brien/Cejka/Haucke/Pappandrikopolous/ Andrassi/Villotto/Levy/Turovich/Kowalski/Chriczanevicz/Knutson/Gonzales/
Mr. American/Put Fighting Blood into Your Business/Hire Trained Men and fit Them into Your Work/Send Jobs for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines/to the Re-employment Bureau of New York City/505 Pearl Street (near Municipal Bldg.) Phone, Worth 9250

Image of a female allegorical figure of America holding a laurel wreath in her uplifted left hand and the edge of the American flag behind her

The New York State Library copy has, below the picture, the text: "Mr. American … Phone, Worth 9250"

Howard Chandler Christy

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

88.5 x 68
US GEN 763
US WWI poster (general): Bureau for Returning Bureau/for/Returning/Soldiers/and/Sailors/Walk In/U.S./Employment/Service/and/Co-operating/Agencies/Honorable Discharge/The U.S. Employment Service/with the cooperation of the Council of National Defense and many other/organizations, is opening a/Bureau for Returning Soldiers and Sailors/in every community throughout the country. This is for your use/without charge. Ask for the address at the local Post-office.

Image of a soldier, holding his "Honorable Discharge" paper, crossing a welcome mat to pass through the door of the "Bureau for Returning Soldiers and Sailors."

The New York State Library copy has, below the picture, the text: "The U.S. Employment Service with … at the local Post-office."

Gordon Grant Capt. USA

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

U.S. Department of Labor

56 x 37
US GEN 764
US WWI poster (general): After the Welcome Home After the Welcome Home –/A Job!/U.S. Employment Service Dep't of Labor

Image of a soldier taking off his jacket as he looks down and behind him at factories, the smokestacks of which indicate they are full of work

E.M. Ashe

Heywood, Strasser & Voight Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

United States Employment Service – Department of Labor

104 x 70
US GEN 765
US WWI poster (general): Sure! We'll Finish Sure! We'll Finish the Job with a Job for Every Soldier Sailor and Marine Send Jobs to Re-employmenet Bureau/505 Pearl Street/Phone Worth 9250

Image of a man in overalls and a beat-up, soft-brimmed hat reaching into his pocket; he wears buttons from Liberty Loan campaigns

The New York State Library poster has been modified from the original; the "Victory Liberty Loan" line has been cut off and the words "with a Job … Phone Worth 9250" have been added

Gerrit Beneker

Re-employment Bureau of New York City

89 x 66

tears; piece missing
US GEN 766
US WWI poster (general): Every Star Means Every Star Means/a Fighter/Hire a Fighter/for Every Star/United States/Employment Service/Dep't. of Labor

Image of a blue star with a white circle in the middle of it.

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

United States Employment Service – Department of Labor

72 x 56.5
US GEN 767
US WWI poster (general): United Men of the 27th "United" Men of the/27th /Your Former/Positions Welcome/You/The/27th /"New York's/Own Division"/(Breakers of the Hindenburg Line)

Image of a man dressed in Revolutionary War-era clothes and waving a tri-corner hat over his head is greeting a soldier who is carrying a rifle over his shoulder; a line drawing in the background shows the soldier when he was a civilian waiting on a customer in a cigar shop; includes insignia of United Cigar Stores Co. and of the 27th Division. The insignia of the 27th Division is labeled "Constellation/of O'Ryan/Divisional Insignia/of the/27th"

United Cigar Stores Co.

96 x 64

in very bad condition, with many tears and pieces missing
US GEN 768
  After the Welcome Home – A Job A Bureau for Returning Soldiers, Sailors and War Workers Is Located at 44 Chapel Street Albany, N.Y. Conducted by U.S. Department of Labor/United States/Employment Service/and Co-Operating Agencies/ "A Government Service Free to All"

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Labor – Employment Service

57.5 x 36

torn in 2 places; also almost broken into 3 pieces
US GEN 769
  "He Made Good for Uncle Sam!/He'll Make Good for You!"/Hire Soldiers, Sailors and Marines/through/U.S. Department of Labor/U.S. Employment Service/and Co-operating Agenices/"A Government Service Free to All"

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor – Employment Service

28 x 35.5

Box 3
US GEN 770
  A Government Service/Free to All/A Bureau for Returning/Soldiers and Sailors/in Every Community/Nearest Office Located at/44 Chapel St. U.S. Department of Labor/U.S. Employment Service

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor – Employment Service

35.5 x 20.5

Box 3
US GEN 771
  The Future of/Our Nation/depends upon the Patriotism/of ALL our Citizens/…/Let Us Have Good Times/All the Time!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor – Employment Service

35.5 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 772
US WWI poster (general): After the War After the War/Are we giving/our best efforts/to the country/…/Buck up!/Let's keep in the push!/Keep the wheels turning!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

36 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 773
  By Pulling/Together/Labor/and/Capital/Made Possible the/Winning of the War/U.S. Department of Labor

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 774
  The Nation Owes/a great debt of gratitude to the/soldiers in France who fought in/the first line of attack/…/Peace has imposed new duties upon us all/…/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 775
US WWI poster (general): The Fruits of Victory The Fruits of Victory/Would Turn Bitter if We Failed to/Harvest Them Now!/…/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 776
  Cooperation/Increases/Production/Increased/Production/Means/Better/Wages/U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38.5 x 25.5

Box 3
US GEN 777
US WWI poster (general): To Reach the Top To Reach the Top We Must Climb the Stairs. There is no elevator to leadership/ …/U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38.5 x 25.5

Box 3
US GEN 778
  We Want the Boys Happy/When They/Come Home/How?/By keeping industry going, opening/up jobs for soldiers …/ U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 25.5

Box 3
US GEN 779
  An Appeal!/To Secure the Fruits of Victory/we must all be patient and generous while/changing from war work to peace work/…/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 780
  The Same Qualities/Self-Control/Co-operation/Industry/and Patience/Which Won the War/are Needed After the War/is Over/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 25.5

Box 3
US GEN 781
  The Same Qualities/of/Self-Control/Co-operation/Industry/and/Patience/Which Won the War/are Needed After the/War is Over/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24

Box 3
  The/New Era/of Peace and Good Will/will be real only if we/among ourselves prac-/tice good will./ … /Let Us Prove Our Patriotism./ U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24.5

Box 3
US GEN 783
  Get The Habit/of Doing Things Right/…/Work for Good Times All the Time/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24.5

Box 3
US GEN 784
  Settle Down!/Get the kind of job you want/and then –/Stick!/That is what makes for success in/the long run. And the man who/settles down is the patriot today./He keeps industry humming./U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

35.5 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 785
  To/Raise Food/Make Goods/Build Homes/Requires Labor/Therefore/Don't Waste Labor/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

36 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 786
  Work as Skilled/Mechanics/to Keep Times Good/Work as Farmers/to Keep Times Good/Work as Unskilled/Laborers/to Keep Times Good/Think! Think! Think!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24.5

Box 3
US GEN 787
  The Quality/of Work in/the Factory/Determines/the Price/Which Must be Paid/in the Stores!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38 x 25

Box 3
US GEN 788
  Let's Cooperate/for/Greater/Production/and/Greater/Prosperity!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor

38.5 x 26

Box 3
US GEN 789
  Let's Continue/The war was won by good soldiers/doing their best for honest officers/…/Prosperity Will Follow/by good wageworkers doing their/best for honest employers …!/U.S. Department of Labor …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

36 x 25.5

Box 3
US GEN 790
  "United We/Stand/Divided We/Fall"/This is as true to-day/as during/Revolutionary times./U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 791
  Cooperation/Cooperation between/wage earners and/their employers is/as necessary for/prosperity at home/as for victory abroad/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24

Box 3
US GEN 792
  Our Children/We must all do our best to make/the change from war work to peace/work as easy as possible/…/Our children will judge us by what we did during the war …/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24.5

Box 3
US GEN 793
US WWI poster (general): You Can Tell a Real Patriot You Can Tell/a Real Patriot/by the Way He Cooperates!/Cooperation/between employers and wage/earners makes Good Times/U.S. Department of Labor …

(text only; no images)

U.S. Dept. of Labor Employment Service

38 x 24.5

Box 3
US GEN 794
  Coughs and Colds Are Spread/by Careless Sneezing,/Spitting and Coughing.


Image of four soldiers eating a chicken; one of the soldiers is coughing or sneezing over the chicken and in the faces of the other men

JD [James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 795
  Measles Can Be "Caught"/from the Man Who Spits/and Coughs without/Regard for Others


Image of three soldiers; one man is coughing in the faces of the other two

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 796
  Pneumonia Is Caused by Germs/Scattered in Coughing,/Sneezing and Spitting.


Image of soldiers in a billiards room; one man is bent over a pool table; another man is spitting.

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
IS GEM 797
  Tuberculosis Germs Become/Active When the Body Is/Weak and Vitality Is Low.


Image of wan and weary soldiers getting dressed.

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 798
  Syphilis and Gonorrhea Are/Spread by Intercourse/with Infected Women.


Image of a soldier and a "lady of the evening"; the soldier is smoking a cigar

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 799
  Turn Away to Cough./It Will Help to Prevent/Many Diseases.


Image of four soldiers in a room; three are looking at a booklet; one has turned his back to the group and put a handkerchief over his mouth to cough

JD [James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 800
  Covering the Mouth in Cough-/ing and Sneezing Prevents the/Spread of Colds, Measles,/Pneumonia, Meningitis, etc.


Image of four soldiers huddled together outdoors; one man is smoking a pipe; another a cigarette; a third man is cradling a rifle in his right arm and covering his mouth with a handkerchief

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 801
  Spitting in the Proper/Place Prevents the/Spread of Disease.


Image of a soldier in the foreground spitting into a rectangular box; in the background are other soldiers

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 802
  Use Your Own Cup, Razor,/Towel, Comb, Brush, etc., as/a Protection Against Syphilis/and Other Diseases.


Image of a man drying his arm; in front of him are a wash basin, a bucket, a shaving brush, etc.; in the background are tents

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 803
  Report Suspicious Symptoms/to the Proper Officer/Immediately


Image of two men being examined by two doctors; in the background is a line of men waiting their turns.

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 804
  The Best Fighter Is/the Fit Fighter


Image of a line of soldiers with bayonetted rifles moving forward on a battlefield

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 805
  Your Country/Demands Fitness


Image of a female allegorical figure of America [?] with a sword in her right hand pointing forward; the figure stands behind soldiers on a battlefield

Daugherty [James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 806


Image of a soldier holding a bayonetted rifle in his right hand; his left hand is motioning the soldiers behind him to follow him

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 807
  The/Unfit Fighter


Image of a weary soldier sitting on a rock, leaning forward; his rifle is resting against his leg; behind him a troop of soldiers march by; at least one of them doesn't look too fit either

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 808
  Fitness Depends/Upon You


Image of two soldiers doing calisthenics

[James Henry Daughherty?]

National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis

69 x 54
US GEN 809
  Healthy Children Are/Ammunition Against Disease/A Healthy Baby Is the Country's/Most Valuable Asset …/Give the Baby a Chance – It Has Rights …/The Baby's Birth Should Be Registered …/Flies Carry Disease – Flies Live in Filth/The Mosquito Transmits the Germ of Malaria/Do You Know All Communicable Diseases Must Be Reported? …/Children Our Last Line of Defense

At top of poster: United States Public Health Service/Rupert Blue, Surgeon General/co-operating with/Louisiana State Board of Health/Oscar Dowling, President

Image of four children in a pastoral setting with a dog and some geese; the boy has a kite; behind the children is a silhouette of soldiers manning a cannon; also included are six vignettes illustrating points discussed in the text


United States Public Health Service

Louisiana State Board of Health

73 x 57
US GEN 810
US WWI poster (general): The Health of the Child The Health of the Child/Is the Power of the Nation/April 1918 Children's Year April 1919/United States Children's Bureau of Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense

Image of 15 boys and girls of various ages walking joyfully across a grassy area; some of the children are barefoot

F. Luis Mora

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

United States Children's Bureau and Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense

49 x 75
US GEN 811
US WWI poster (general): Medical Science Medical Science – Clean Living/When You Go Home –/"Carry On"/the Army's Fight against/Venereal/Diseases/Be a Soldier of Health

Image of two soldiers; one soldier is planting a flagpole with a flag with a caduceus on it next to a flagpole with the American flag on it; the other soldier, holding a bayonetted rifle, is crouched in an attack position; in the background is a crowd of people

The New York State Library's copy is in very good condition; that is, no pieces of the poster are missing


The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

105 x 58
US GEN 812
US WWI poster (general): You Kept Fit You Kept Fit/and Defeated the Hun/Now/Set a High Standard/A/Clean/America!/Stamp Out Venereal Diseases

Image of a smiling soldier with an spread-winged eagle on his shoulder; in his right hand he holds a bayonetted rifle; in his left hand he holds his helmet; at his feet are several German soldier helmets; in the background are the remains of a large building (a village?)

E. Fuhr [Ernest Fuhr]

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

69.5 x 50
US GEN 813
US WWI poster (general): We've Fought We've Fought in the Open – Bubonic Plague Yellow Fever Tuberculosis Now Venereal Diseases Issued by the Surgeon General of the Army

Image of emaciated human figures, representing "The Black Plague," "The White Plague" and "Yellow Fever," cower beneath a partially nude female allegorical figure, representing venereal disease, chained to a vulture.

H. Devitt Welsh

H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Surgeon General of the Army

52 x 69
US GEN 814
  War Program/of a/Course of Free Lectures/by/Public Health Education Committee/of/the Medical Society of the County of New York …/at the/New York Academy of Medicine …/Physical Defects Found through the Draft and Their Remedies …/Civil and Governmental Aid for Our Boys "Out There" …/The Blind Soldier of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow …/Women, Work and the War …/Physical Re-education of the Disabled Soldiers … Illustrated by Lantern Slides and Motion Picture
(dated: 1918)

Includes three small images: (1) a soldier carrying a rifle on his shoulder; (2) a soldier saluting; and (3) soldiers next to a Red Cross ambulance

George Harses Co., [New York], N.Y.

Public Health Education Committee of Medical Society of County of New York

46 x 30.5
US GEN 815
  The War Department/Commission on Training Camp Activities/asks the aid of women in controlling venereal diseases for the sake of our Army and of our Country/Women Have Not Known/the Truth about Venereal Diseases and How They Occur …/Some Facts About Venereal Diseases … For free information, write to/State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y./Adapted from poster of War Department, Commission on Training Camp Activities
(dated: Sept. 1918)

(text only; no images)

J.B. Lyon Co., Albany, N.Y.

U.S. War Department

State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y.

40 x 28.5
US GEN 816
  The War Department and Council of National Defense/ask the aid of all citizens in combating the menace of venereal diseases to help keep our Army fit to fight/Venereal Diseases …/ How To Prevent Them …/Beware of Advertising Doctors …/Free information or advice and any of the following pamphlets may be obtained from/State Department of Health/Albany, N.Y./1. Venereal Diseases. 2. Facts for Parents. 3 Facts for Young Men./4. Facts for Young Women. 5. Facts for Business Officials.

(text only; no images)

U.S. War Department

40 x 28.5
US GEN 817
  In order to be a good fighting man you/must be -/1. Loyal/2. Obedient/3. Physically Fit/Without these qualities you will be in the way/and a source of weakness to the service/Accurate knowledge of Sex Hygiene and the/Venereal Diseases will help you to keep physic-/ally fit./Study each of these placards carefully.

Image of a soldier and image of a sailor, each of whom is holding a rifle

Images: Courtesy of Leslie Judge Co.

56 x 35.5

cardboard; cracked
US GEN 818
  National League for/Woman's Service/Health Training Service/What Could You Do If Your/Country Needed You?/Come in to Headquarters, Central High School Building,/Court and Franklin Streets, and Talk It Over.

Image of a female allegorical figure holding a torch over her head; she is kneeling on the back of a flying eagle

"The Elm Vocational School for Boys are 'Doing Their Bit' – They Printed This Poster"

National League for Woman's Service

55 x 43
US GEN 819
  Children's Year/April 6, 1918 – April 6, 1919/A Letter from President Wilson to the/Secretary of Labor …/March 29, 1918 …

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office

United States Department of Labor Children's Bureau

Council of National Defense Woman's Committee

53 x 40.5
US GEN 820
  War Measure Sign/Here Is What Uncle Sam Says to You …
[advertisement for Stonehouse Steel Sign Co.]

Images of signs with prices and with information on what federal and state laws say about signage. The sign advising "No Smoking, Matches or Open Lights" shows the same message in 16 languages.

Stonehouse Steel Sign Co., Denver, Colorado

53 x 35
US GEN 821
US WWI poster (general): When the Boys Come Home When the Boys Come Home/Will they be disappointed/In their towns? In their friends?/The Army Teaches Our Soldiers …/The Government Asks You …/Will You Face the Facts? …/For Free Information, write to/State Department of Health/Albany, N.Y. …
(dated: Sept. 3, 1918)

(text only; no images)

New York State Department of Health

30.5 x 28

cardboard; corner broken off

Box 3
US GEN 822
US WWI poster (general): To you from failing hands "To you from failing hands we throw/The torch; be yours to hold it high!" - In Flanders fields by Lt. Col. John McRae

(black and white)

Image of a soldier, with helmet in one hand, looking at a cross with a helmet on the ground in front of it

C. LeRoy Baldridge, Pvt. Inf. A.E.F.

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 823
US WWI poster (general): What Kind of Parents What Kind of/Parents Will/Your Children/Have?

(black and white)

Image of a young girl

C. LeRoy Baldridge, Pvt. Inf. A.E.F.

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 824
US WWI poster (general): He Took a Chance He Took a Chance

(black and white)

Image of a distraught looking soldier

Pvt. C. LeRoy Baldridge, A.E.F. France

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 825
US WWI poster (general): 100% She Deserves The Same 100%/She Deserves The Same
(dated: 1919)

(black and white)

Image of a young woman sitting in a chair

Pvt. C. LeRoy Baldridge/France – '19

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21
US GEN 826
US WWI poster (general): Steady Buddy Steady Buddy –/There's a Come-back

(black and white)

Image of a prostitute trying to seduce a soldier

Pvt. C. LeRoy Baldridge, A.E.F.

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US Gen 827
US WWI poster (general): Is Your Mind Diseased? Is Your Mind Diseased?

(black and white)

Image of the the head and shoulders of a soldier; he is blindfolded; images of "bad" behavior a pictured in the area where his brain is

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 828
US WWI poster (general): He Still Needs Your Best He Still Needs Your Best

(black and white)

Image of Uncle Sam pointing his finger at the viewer

Social Hygiene Division - Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 829
US WWI poster (general): Not in Line of Duty Not in Line of Duty

(black and white)

Image of a distraught soldier in bed; he is propped up by pillows

Lt. W.T. Schwarz/Vichy

Social Hygiene Division - Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 830
US WWI poster (general): Go Back to Them Go Back to Them Physically Fit and Morally Clean

(black and white)

Image of an elderly woman, wearing an apron, surrounded by three children; she is putting berries on a cake

Lt. W.T. Schwarz/Vichy

Social Hygiene Division - Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 831
  "The men owe it to themselves to lead clean lives; they owe it to their sweethearts and future wives and to the children who are to come after them; they owe it to the respect they feel for their mothers and sisters; and as soldiers they owe it to the army to which they belong and the nation they represent." Theodore Roosevelt

(black and white)

[Social Hygiene Division - Army Educational Commission]

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 832
US WWI poster (general): Will You Be a Free Man Will You Be a Free Man or Chained?

(black and white)

Image of the legs of a man; each leg has an iron cuff connected by a chain to an iron ball; on one ball: "Venereal Disease"; on the other: "Enslaving Habits"

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 833
US WWI poster (general): Will You Go Home Will You Go Home/with Your Outfit?/G.O. 215: "Officers and enlisted men returning to the United States will be subjected to a physical examination previous to embarkation and all those found to be affected with venereal disease in a communicable stage will be detained and placed in segregation camps."

(black and white)

Image of a ship on the ocean, near land as evidenced by a seagull flying by

Lt. W.T. Schwarz/Vichy

Social Hygiene Division – Army Educational Commission

27 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 834
  [Letter regarding social hygiene posters – Items 823-834; not a poster)
(Lt. Col. M.E. W.F. Snow)
(dated: April 14, 1919)

(black and white)

27 x 21

Box 3
  Carry On!/Buy Liberty Bonds/to Your Utmost

(text only; no images)

Heywood, Strasser & Voight Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

64 x 96
US GEN 836
US WWI poster (general): Drive the Wedge Drive the/Wedge Again/Hammer/the Hun!/Lend/the way they/Fight/Buy Bonds/to Your Utmost/Buy Bonds/to Your/Utmost/Buy To-day

Poster designed to give 3-D look to the wedge; stapled to the poster is a calendar with a separate page for each day between and including September 26 and October 19; each day includes a brief encouraging comment

21 x 55
US GEN 837
US WWI poster (general): To-day Buy That Liberty Bond To-day/Buy That/Liberty Bond

Image of a sun rising above mountains; the sun's eyebrows and half its eyes can be seen

70 x 55.5
US GEN 838
US WWI poster (general): To-day Buy That Liberty Bond To-day/Buy That/Liberty Bond
(smaller version of US GEN 838)

Image of a sun rising above mountains; the sun's eyebrows and half its eyes can be seen

53 x 34.5
US GEN 839
US WWI poster (general): To-day Buy That Liberty Bond To-day/Buy That/Liberty Bond
(cardstock version of US GEN 839)

Image of a sun rising above mountains; the sun's eyebrows and half its eyes can be seen

56 x 35.5
US GEN 840
US WWI poster (general): To-day Buy That Liberty Bond To-day/Buy That/Liberty Bond
(cardstock version of US GEN 838)

Image of a sun rising above mountains; the sun's eyebrows and half its eyes can be seen

71 x 55.5

cardboard; cracked
US GEN 841
US WWI poster (general): A Good Part A Good Part of the/Proceeds of This Farm Have/Gone into Liberty Bonds

[Looks like a service flag; to be hung in a window or on a wall]

(text only; no images)

33 x 72
US GEN 842
US WWI poster (general): Honor Roll Honor Roll/The Following Patriotic Men and Women/in This Organization Have Bought Bonds of the/4th Liberty Loan

Image of a flag of four blue vertical bars on a white field with a wide red border, and numbered spaces for listing bond purchasers

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

50.5 x 50.5
US GEN 843
US WWI poster (general): Think – Have You Bought Think – Have You Bought Your Limit?/Fourth Liberty Loan

(text only; no images)

17 x 151.5
US GEN 844
  [Billboard size – 8 sheets; too big and fragile to unfold to read and to measure]

Fourth Liberty Loan

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 845
US WWI poster (general): Must Children Die...Liberty Bonds Must/Children Die/and Mothers/Plead in Vain?/Buy More/Liberty Bonds

Image of a woman and two infants; the woman is kneeling on the ground/floor of a cluttered area; she is holding one infant in her right arm; her left arm is reaching out in a supplicating manner; the second infant is tugging at her skirt

The Sackett & Wilhelms Corporation, New York, N.Y.

100 x 75
US GEN 846
US WWI poster (general): That Liberty Shall That Liberty Shall Not/Perish from the Earth/Buy Liberty Bonds/Fourth Liberty Loan

Image of the Statue of Liberty in ruins and the New York City skyline in flames; overhead, flying toward the city, are a fleet of biplanes

Ioseph [sic] Pennell del.

Heywood, Strasser & Voight Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

102 x 70.5
US GEN 847
US WWI poster (general): That Liberty Shall Not Perish from the Earth That Liberty Shall Not/Perish from the Earth/Buy Liberty Bonds/Fourth Liberty Loan

(smaller version of US GEN 847)

Image of the Statue of Liberty in ruins and the New York City skyline in flames; overhead, flying toward the city, are a fleet of biplanes

Joseph [sic] Pennell del.

Alco-Gravure Inc.

81 x 54.5
US GEN 848
US WWI poster (general): Beat Back the Hun with Liberty Bonds Beat Back the Hun/with/Liberty Bonds

Image of a German soldier with menacing eyes and bloody fingers, holding a bayonetted rifle in one hand; the bayonette is almost totally covered in blood; it looks as though he's climbing out of a trench; the foreground is blue, making it look like water

F. Strothmann

75 x 50.5
US GEN 849
US WWI poster (general): That Liberty Shall That Liberty Shall Not/Perish from the Earth/Buy Liberty Bonds/Fourth Liberty Loan

(smaller version of US GEN 848)

At top of poster: The New York Herald Art Supplement, Sept. 29, 1918

Image of the Statue of Liberty in ruins and the New York City skyline in flames; overhead, flying toward the city, are a fleet of biplanes

Joseph [sic] Pennell del.

Alco-Gravure Inc.

25.5 x 20

Box 3
US GEN 850
US WWI poster (general): The Hun – His Mark The Hun – His Mark/Blot It Out/with/Liberty/Bonds

Image of a bloody hand print

J. Allen St. John

Manz Engraving Co., Chicago, Ill.

76 x 49.5
US GEN 851
US WWI poster (general): The Hun – His Mark The Hun – His Mark/Blot It Out/with/Liberty/Bonds

Image of a bloody hand print

(larger version of US GEN 851)

J. Allen St. John

Brett Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

105.5 x 69
US GEN 852
US WWI poster (general): Keep These Off Keep/These/Off/ the U.S.A./Buy More Liberty Bonds

Image of a pair of boots with the German imperial eagle on each boot; the boots and the one visible spur are covered with blood from the sole to well above the ankle

John Norton

Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and New York, N.Y.

100 x 76
US GEN 853
US WWI poster (general): Remember Belgium Remember/Belgium/Buy Bonds/Fourth/Liberty/Loan

Image, in silhouette, of a German soldier with a thick Kaiser mustache dragging a young girl away while the ruins of a city burn in the background

Ellsworth Young

The United States Prtg. & Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

76 x 51

several tears
US GEN 854
US WWI poster (general): Remember Belgium Remember/Belgium/Buy Bonds/Fourth/Liberty/Loan

Image, in silhouette, of a German soldier with a thick Kaiser mustache dragging a young girl away while the ruins of a city burn in the background

(linen-backed duplicate of US GEN 854)

Ellsworth Young

The United States Prtg. & Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

76 x 50.5
US GEN 855
US WWI poster (general): For Victory For Victory, Buy More Bonds/Fourth Liberty Loan

Image of a female allegorical figure of America, with sword, shield, and U.S. flag; the figure appears to be riding on an eagle; in silhouette below that image is a line of marching soldiers

J. Scott Williams

Karle Litho. Co., Rochester, N.Y.

90.5 x 140
US GEN 856
US WWI poster (general): Come On! Buy More Come/On!/Buy More/Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1918)

Image of soldier carrying a bayonetted rifle and moving toward the viewer; his leg is bandaged; a dead German soldier lies on the ground behind him

Walter Whitehead

Ketterlinus Printing, Philadelphia, Pa.

76 x 50.5

several tears
US GEN 857
  (Billboard size – 24 sheets; too large and fragile to unfold to read and measure)

Liberty Bond Drive

[not measured]
US GEN 858
US WWI poster (general): Come On! Buy More Come/On!/Buy More/Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1918)

Image of soldier carrying a bayonetted rifle and moving toward the viewer; his leg is bandaged; a dead German soldier lies on the ground behind him

Duplicate of US GEN 857

Walter Whitehead

Ketterlinus Printing, Philadelphia, Pa.

76 x 50

several tears
US GEN 859
US WWI poster (general): Hun or Home? Buy More Hun or Home?/Buy More/Liberty/Bonds

Image of a woman clutching an infant as a German soldier with bloody hands approaches.


Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

75.5 x 50
US GEN 860
US WWI poster (general): Clear The Way!! Clear The Way!!/Buy Bonds/Fourth/Liberty Loan

Image of a female allegorical figure of America above a naval gun crew in action aboard a ship

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

75 x 51
US GEN 861
US WWI poster (general): Double The 3rd Double/The/3rd
(dated: 1918)

Words are printed in white on a blue circle; the blue circle is surrounded by a white circle, which is surrounded by a red circle; blue and white lines reach from the circles to the edge of the paper

Buffalo Liberty Loan Committee

62 x 62
US GEN 862
US WWI poster (general): Double The 3rd Double/The/3rd
(dated: 1918)

Words are printed in white on a blue circle; the blue circle is surrounded by a white circle, which is surrounded by a red circle; blue and white lines reach from the circles to the edge of the paper

(smaller version of US GEN 862)

Buffalo Liberty Loan Committee
31 x 31
US GEN 863
US WWI poster (general): Double The 3rd Double/The/3rd
(dated: 1918)

Words are printed in white on a blue circle; the blue circle is surrounded by a white circle, which is surrounded by a red circle; blue and white lines reach from the circles to the edge of the paper

(smaller version of US GEN 863)

Buffalo Liberty Loan Committee

20 x 20

Box 3
US GEN 864
US WWI poster (general): Double The Third! Double/The/Third!
(dated: 1918)

Words are printed in white on a red circle

Lutz & Sheinkman Litho., New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

62 x 62
US GEN 865
US WWI poster (general): Lend! Lend! Lend! Lend! Double the Third!

(text only; no images)

Buck Printing Co., Boston, Mass.

115 x 74
US GEN 866
US WWI poster (general): Lend! Lend! Lend! Lend! Double the Third!

(smaller version of US GEN 866)

(text only; no images)

54 x 36.5
US GEN 867
US WWI poster (general): Lend! Lend!

(text only; no images)

42.5 x 106
US GEN 868

(text only; no images)

49 x 67
US GEN 869
US WWI poster (general): Lend – The Way They Lend –/The Way They/Fight/Buy/Liberty Bonds/to Your/Utmost

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Sheinkman Litho., New York, N.Y.

103 x 71
US GEN 870
US WWI poster (general): Lend The Way They Fight Lend/The Way They/Fight/Buy Bonds/to Your Utmost

Image of an American soldier at the edge of a trench filled with German soldiers; in his left hand he holds a rifle; in his right hand is a hand grenade; the sleeves of his shirt are torn to shreds

E.M. Ashe

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

102 x 67
US GEN 871
  Lend The Way They Fight [on outside of card] Buy Bonds to Your Utmost [on inside of card]

On back of card: "With unflinching courage, with sacrifice, with persistency, with resourcefulness and power, with their whole hearts - that is the way they fight."

(copy of US GEN 871; not a poster but a folding card with, when one opens the card, a moving arm throwing a grenade)

16 x 18 (unfolded)

Box 3
US WWI poster (general): Straight from the Trenches Straight from the Trenches. Originated and Produced for the Liberty Loan Committee Entirely by Members of the American Expeditionary Force/Pvt. Treptow's Pledge/He had almost reached/his goal when a machine/gun dropped him./In a pocket of his blouse/they found his pledge:/"I will fight cheerfully/and do my utmost as if/the whole issue of the/struggle depended on me/alone."/You who are/not called upon to die -/Subscribe to the/Fourth Liberty Loan
(dated: France, Sept. 1918)

Image of a soldier, presumably dead, on the ground leaning against a broken fence

Liberty Loan Committee

"Sketch by C. Leroy Baldridge, Pvt. Inf. (Stars and Stripes). Story from Stars and Stripes, Official Publication of the A.E.F."

Printed and donated by Robert Gair Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.

76 x 50
US GEN 873
US WWI poster (general): Straight from the Trenches Straight from the Trenches. Originated and Produced for the Liberty Loan Committee Entirely by Members of the American Expeditionary Force/The A.E.F. to the/President:/"If the folks back/home fall short on/the billions you/need, Mr. President,/call on us for the/balance. We like our/pay – but if we have/to we can go/without it./Yours for Victory,/A.E.F./4th Liberty Loan
(dated: France, Sept. 7, 1918)

Image of a soldier standing in a relaxed manner.

"Sketch by C. Leroy Baldridge, Pvt. Inf., on duty with The Stars and Stripes, Official Publication of the A.E.F."

Printed and donated by Robert Gair Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Liberty Loan Committee

76 x 50
US GEN 874
US WWI poster (general): We Clear the Way We Clear the Way/for Your Fighting Dollars/Buy 4th Liberty Loan/U.S. Government Bonds

Image of a grim-faced sailor carrying a bayonetted rifle; in the background are several ships

Scott Ethridge

70.5 x 52
US GEN 875
US WWI poster (general): Stop Have You Gone Stop/Have You/Gone Your/Limit in/Liberty/Bonds?/Fighting 4th Liberty Loan

(text only; no images)

71 x 33
US GEN 876
  Ready/This is what the Navy did in the FIRST loan/This is what the Navy did in the SECOND loan/This is what the Navy did in the THIRD loan/Make It a Super-dreadnaught/for the/Fourth Liberty Loan/Get Ready Now/The Loan Campaign Opens September 28/Watch for the "AIM" Poster/Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

Includes images of three ships, each labeled with a number: 3,000,000 [First Loan]; 11,000,000 [Second Loan]; 18,500,000 [Third Loan]

(Items US GEN 877, US GEN 878, and US GEN 879 are presented as a group: Ready, Aim, Fire)

Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

55 x 42

US GEN 877
  AIM/This Is the/Kiel Canal/Do You Want to Get It/and/Smash the German Fleet?/Liberty Bonds/Will Do the Trick/The Fourth Liberty Loan/Starts Sept. 28th and lasts 3 weeks/Think About Buying Your Bonds Now/Watch for the "FIRE" Poster/Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

Image is a hand-drawn map showing Kiel and the Kiel Canal

(Items US GEN 877, US GEN 878, and US GEN 879 are presented as a group: Ready, Aim, Fire)

Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

55 x 42

US GEN 878
  Fire/The Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign Is Launched To Day/The Campaign Is Short/Only Three Weeks/Buy Your Bonds/Right Away/Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

Image is a photoprint from International News showing sailors standing next to a cannon on a ship; the cannon has just been fired

(Items US GEN 877, US GEN 878, and US GEN 879 are presented as a group: Ready, Aim, Fire)

Press U.S. Navy Recruiting Bureau

54 x 42
US GEN 879
US WWI poster (general): Buy Liberty Bonds Buy/Liberty Bonds/for War Business/Buy/Liberty Bonds/to Your Utmost/These Men Fought for You/Lend/the Way They/Fight/Lumber is a/War Essential/Liberty Bonds/Will Buy It

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Furniture – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image is a hospital room of a dozen beds in which nurses are tending to wounded soldiers; (2) the image on the left panel is soldiers working in an office through the window of which can be seen several two-story army buildings;(3) the image on the right panel is of soldiers moving a six-wheeled cart loaded with lumber

Robert Gair Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

68 x 100 (unfolded)

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 880
US WWI poster (general): Feed Our Fighters Feed/Our Fighters/Feed Our Fighters/Buy/Liberty Bonds/to Your Utmost/Feed/Our Fighters

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Food – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image is a chow line on a battlefield; in the foreground a cook stands on a wagon that serves as a mobile stove and ladles out food to the soldiers who are sitting and standing near the wagon; a long line of soldiers stretches into the background where can be seen a bombed-out building; overhead a biplane flies; (2) the image on the left panel is soldiers relaxing and eating in a trench which includes a bunker; (3) the image on the right panel is soldiers in a trench receiving something being distributed by a soldier standing in a bunker

L.N. Britton

Lutz & Scheinkman Litho., New York, N.Y.

68 x 98 (unfolded)

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 881
US WWI poster (general): Lend The Way They Fight Lend/The Way They/Fight/Buy Bonds/to Your Utmost

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Hardware – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image is soldiers in a trench using machine guns, rifles with bayonettes and hand grenades to repel attacking forces who are trying to breech a barbed-wire fence; (2) the image on the left panel is an airfield where men in civilian clothes work on planes under the eye of a soldier with a rifle on his shoulder; overhead two biplanes fly;(3) the image on the right panel is cannon and soldiers guarding a strip of land

E.J. King

Heywood, Strasser, Voight Litho., New York, N.Y.

67 x 99

cardboard; could crack; right-hand corner cracked off
US GEN 882
US WWI poster (general): Music Makes for Morale Music Makes/for Morale/Lend the Way They Fight/Buy Bonds to Your Utmost/A Singing Army Is/a Fighting Army

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Music – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image is a soldier holding a rifle in his left hand; in his right hand is a grenade which he is about to toss into a trench of German soldiers; (2) the image on the left panel is a full-length portrait of a bugler; behind the bugler are soldiers raising/lowering an American flag; (3) the image on the right panel is a soldier playing a piano as two other soldiers enjoy the music


Latham Litho. & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

67.5 x 99 (unfolded)

cardboard; right panel separated; left panel almost separated
US GEN 883
US WWI poster (general): Our Men Need Drugs Our Men Need/Drugs and/Bandages/Lend the Way They/Fight/Buy Bonds to Your/Utmost/Our Men/Need/First Aid Kits

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Drugs – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image is three soldiers, with bayonetted rifles, in a trench; the soldiers are wearing gas masks and there are waves of gas in the background; (2) the image on the left panel is two soldiers carrying a stretcher on which is a soldier with bandages around his head and neck; (3) the image on the right panel is a soldier, with a first-aid kit, bandaging the arm of another soldier; in the background are the remains of a bombed building


Latham Litho. & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

68 x 99 (unfolded)

cardboard; both side panels separated from center panel
US GEN 884
US WWI poster (general): Machines Are Needed Machines/Are Needed/to Win/the War/Lend/the way they/fight/Buy Bonds to your utmost/Liberty Bonds/Will Buy/Fighting Motors

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Garages – See US GEN 896)

Unlike the other triptychs in this series, the three panels in this triptych almost fit together in telling a story; the scene is a battlefield with soldiers, trucks, cannons, a biplane and fire from bombs/shells that are hitting the field; in the background are a couple bombed buildings

O. Bierhals

Oberly & Newell Printer, New York, N.Y.

67 x 98

cardboard; right panel is partially separated
US GEN 885
US WWI poster (general): A Fighting Army Needs A Fighting/Army Needs/Lots of/Shoes/Lend/the Way They/Fight/Buy Liberty/Bonds/to Your/Utmost

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Shoes – See US GEN 896)

Three battlefield images: (1) center image is soldiers pushing and pulling a cannon on a caisson out of a muddy ditch; (2) image on the left panel is soldiers on a hill overlooking a valley across which is flames and smoke; one soldier is sitting in a tree firing a machine gun as another soldier guides ammunition up to him; (3) image on the right panel is soldiers moving into battle; one is cutting barbed wire ; another is getting ready to lob a grenade and others are climbing out of a trench


The T.F. Moore Company, New York, N.Y.

68 x 99 (unfolded)

cardboard; both end panels are separating from the center panel
US GEN 886
US WWI poster (general): Lend the Way They Fight Lend/the Way They/Fight/Our Soldiers/and Sailors Need/Warm Clothes/Buy Bonds/to/Your/Utmost/Lend/the Way They/Fight

(printed on three pieces of cardstock and taped on the back to create a triptych that can stand on a table; Window Display Screen re: Clothes – See US GEN 896)

Three images: (1) center image, on a bright yellow background, is civilian workmen loading boxes labeled "Warm Clothes" on to a ship; the two side panels are on grey backgrounds; (2) the image on the left panel is soldiers in a trench warming themselves around a fire; in the background is a barbed-wire fence; (3) the image on the right panel is a sailor wearing a hood, a life preserver vest and mittens; he is holding a pair of binoculars; in the background is an ice-coated ship in turbulent water

William Gassner

H.L. Litho. Service, New York, N.Y.

68 x 99 (unfolded)

cardboard; side panels partially separated from center panel; pieces of Scotch tape were used in an attempt to hold panels together
US GEN 887
US WWI poster (general): President Wilson President Wilson's Appeal for the/Fourth Liberty Loan/An Historic Document Which Should Be Preserved
(dated: 1918)

(all text except for a small face portrait of Woodrow Wilson and a red-white-and-blue-bunting-style border around text; text of appeal purportedly in Wilson's handwriting)

New York American [newspaper]

Star Co. [newspaper]

Fourth Liberty Loan

63 x 48

several bad tears
US GEN 888
US WWI poster (general): [No words [No words on this poster except artist's name]
(dated: 1918)

Image of a female allegorical figure of America with a sword in her right hand and the American flag in her upraised left hand; she is running forward into battle beside a soldier; an eagle overhead is flying toward the battlefront; in the background are images of soldiers also moving toward the battlefront

Edwin Howland Blashfield

129.5 x 97

very bad condition; many pieces have flaked off the image
US GEN 889
US WWI poster (general): Wear Your Fourth Wear Your/Fourth/Liberty Loan/Honor Button/4th Liberty Loan/Bonds

Image of the 4th Liberty Loan button, featuring a pin on which is stamped a flag with four vertical blue stripes on a white background, the whole bordered in red, and the words "Fourth Liberty Loan"

The Commercial Prtg. & Litho. Co., Akron, Ohio

36 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 890
  Honor/Emblem/75%/of This Firm's Employees Have/Bought Bonds of the/4th Liberty Loan
(same message printed on both sides)

Image of a flag with four vertical blue stripes on a white background, the whole bordered in red

The Commercial Prtg. & Litho. Co., Akron, Ohio

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 891
US WWI poster (general): We Own a US Government Bond We Own a/US/Government Bond

Image of Statue of Liberty above text

29 x 25

Box 3
US GEN 892
US WWI poster (general): Subscriber Honor Subscriber/Honor Emblem/4th/Liberty/Loan

Image of a flag with four vertical blue stripes on a white background, the whole bordered in red

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

21 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 893
  Flags of Freedom/United for Liberty
(half of a folder; printed on both sides)

Image of a bronze sculpture of soldiers representing the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy; behind the soldiers is a female allegorical figure with wings [model for a sculpture that was never built?]

Contributed to the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive by the United Cigar Stores Co.

24 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 894
US WWI poster (general): Police Department Police Department/City of New York/Fourth/Liberty/Loan/Uncle Sam: - / We have/pledged you/$50,000,000

Image of rows and rows of policemen and a grim-looking Uncle Sam

Geo M. Unger

A.E. Richardson Printing Co.

Metropolitan Canvass Committee

Liberty Loan Committee

76.5 x 50.5

several bad tears; one piece torn off
US GEN 895
  [Packet of 8 cards; miniatures of window display screens, US GEN 880-886]

8.5 x 13 (each card)

Box 3
US GEN 896
  Buy Bonds 4th Liberty Loan

(text only except for an eagle with spread wings at top; embossed on cardboard to simulate a bronze plaque)

Collins Publicity Service, Philadelphia, Pa.
(embossed on thick cardboard)

Fourth Liberty Loan

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 897
(in Greek)

(text only; no images)

The International Press, New York, N.Y.

92 x 71

several bad tears; top portion missing
US GEN 898
  "Americani ed Italiani Combattono Spalla a Spalla per un Unico Scopo." Compriamo/Liberty Bonds/Aiutiamoli a Vincere!
(in Italian)

(text only; no images)

107 x 71

several tears
US GEN 899
(in Russian)

(text only; no images)

The International Press, New York, N.Y.

106.5 x 71.5

several bad tears; upper right-hand corner missing
US GEN 900
US WWI poster (general): Over The Top for You Over The Top/for You/Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds/Third Liberty Loan

Image of a soldier clutching and American flag

Sidney Riesenberg

Ketterlinus Printer, Philadelphia, Pa.

75 x 50
US GEN 901
US WWI poster (general): Fight or Buy Bonds Fight/or/Buy Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan
(dated: 1917)

Image of an allegorical female figure in white waving the American flag, as row upon row of soldiers march behind her

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printer, Boston, Mass.

100 x 76
US GEN 902
US WWI poster (general): Fight or Buy Bonds Fight/or/Buy Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan
(dated: 1917)

(smaller version of US GEN 902)

Image of an allegorical female figure in white waving the American flag, as row upon row of soldiers march behind her

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printer, Boston, Mass.

76 x 50
US GEN 903
US WWI poster (general): Ring Me Again Ring Me Again/Third/Liberty/Loan/Buy U.S. Government Bonds
(bell-shaped card with opening to push over door knob)
(3 pieces; duplicates)

Image of bell replicates the Liberty Bell

Another copy in US GEN 931

R.E. Devney Co., Cleveland, Ohio

29 x 20

Box 3
US GEN 904 a/b/c
US WWI poster (general): Buy Bonds Third Buy Bonds Third Liberty Loan
(window stickers)
(3 pieces; duplicates)

"Moisten and apply to glass – Water will easily remove it."

14 x 14

Box 3
US GEN 905 a/b/c
US WWI poster (general): Fight or Buy Bonds Fight/or/Buy Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan
(dated: 1917)

Image of an allegorical female figure in white waving the American flag, as row upon row of soldiers march behind her

(smaller version of US GEN 903)

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printer, Boston, Mass.

76 x 51

US GEN 906
US WWI poster (general): Fight or Buy Bonds Fight/or/Buy Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan
(dated: 1917)

(duplicate of US GEN 902)

Image of an allegorical female figure in white waving the American flag, as row upon row of soldiers march behind her

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printer, Boston, Mass.

101 x 76

US WWI poster (general): Halt the Hun! Halt the Hun!/Buy U.S. Government Bonds/Third Liberty Loan

Image of an Allied Forces soldier pushing a German soldier away from a frightened woman who is holding a small child in her lap; the German soldier has blood on his hands; the Allied Forces soldier has a sword, not a rifle; flames rise from the ground in the background

[Henry Patrick?] Raleigh

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

73.5 x 50
US GEN 908
US WWI poster (general): To Make the World To Make the World/a Decent Place to Live In/Do Your Part – Buy U.S. Government Bonds/Third Liberty Loan

Image of soldiers, partially silhouetted, climbing out of a trench to move forward in battle; an American flag is highlighted against a red sky

Herbert Paus

Niagara Litho. Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

87 x 140
US GEN 909
US WWI poster (general): Remember! Remember!/The Flag of Liberty/Support It!/Buy/U.S. Government Bonds/3rd. Liberty Loan

Image of immigrants newly arrived in America; behind them is an American flag; behind the flag, a rough sketch of the steamboat that carried them to the United States

Heywood, Strasser, & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

74 x 50
US GEN 910
US WWI poster (general): Provide the Sinews Provide the Sinews of War/Buy Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1918)

(black and white)

Image of a shipyard with cranes and a ship covered in rigging

Joseph Pennell, del.

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co.

50 x 52
US GEN 911
US WWI poster (general): Ring It Again Ring It/Again/Buy/U.S. Gov't/Bonds/Third Liberty Loan

Image of the Liberty Bell, and of a crowd of people dressed in American Revolution-era clothes standing in front of Independence Hall

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., New York, N.Y.

75 x 50
US GEN 912
US WWI poster (general): Good Bye, Dad "Good Bye, Dad, I'm Off/to Fight for Old Glory,/You Buy U.S. Gov't/Bonds"/Third Library Loan

Image of a soldier, with rifle, shaking hands with an elderly man with white hair and a white mustache and beard; in the background is a rural scene showing farm buildings and fields

Laurence S. Harris

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., New York, N.Y.

75 x 49.5
US GEN 913
US WWI poster (general): Are You 100% American Are You 100%/American?/Prove It!/Buy/U.S. Government Bonds/Third/Liberty Loan

(mainly text except for, centered at top, a design consisting of an eagle, U.S. flags, and cannons; centered at the bottom is a blue shield with white text: U.S. Treasury Will Pay Interest Every Six Months)


Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., New York, N.Y.

75 x 49.5
US GEN 914
US WWI poster (general): My Daddy Bought Me a My Daddy Bought Me a Government Bond/of the/Third Liberty Loan/Did Yours?

Image of a little girl with a ribbon in her hair, clutching a Liberty Loan bond.

The United States Printing & Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y.

74 x 50
US GEN 915
US WWI poster (general): Buy Liberty Bonds Buy/Liberty Bonds/"That Government of/the People, by the People,/for the People Shall Not/Perish from the Earth"/A. Lincoln

Image is a profile portrait of Abraham Lincoln as if it were a bronze bas relief

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

74.5 x 50
US GEN 916
US WWI poster (general): Help Crush the Menace Help Crush the/Menace of the Seas/by Buying Liberty Bonds/Buy Quickly – Buy Freely/Liberty Bond Committees/of the/Ready-to-Wear Industries

At bottom of poster: "Produced especially for the Ready-to-Wear Trades/Contributed by the American Cloak and Suit Review in conjunction with O'Connor-Fyffe Advertising, New York/Drawn by Joseph L. Grosse of the Staff"

Image of a hand holding a knife emerging from a body of water; the arm and the knife are drenched in blood and there is blood in the water; in the background is a ship flying an American flag

J.L. Grosse

Powers Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Committees of the Ready-to-Wear Industries

71 x 46.5
US GEN 917
US WWI poster (general): Help Crush the Menace Help Crush the/Menace of the Seas/by Buying Liberty Bonds/Buy Quickly – Buy Freely/Liberty Bond Committees/of the/Ready-to-Wear Industries

At bottom of poster: "Produced especially for the Ready-to-Wear Trades/Contributed by the American Cloak and Suit Review in conjunction with O'Connor-Fyffe Advertising, New York/Drawn by Joseph L. Grosse of the Staff"

Image of a hand holding a knife emerging from a body of water; the arm and the knife are drenched in blood and there is blood in the water; in the background is a ship flying an American flag

J.L. Grosse

Powers Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Committees of the Ready-to-Wear Industries

71 x 47

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 918
US WWI poster (general): Tired of Giving? Tired of Giving?/We Don't Know What It Is to Be Tired/We Have Not Made Such Sacrifices as the Women of Belgium and France/We Shall Never Have to, If We All Buy/Liberty Bonds

(black and white)

Image of a woman and child sitting amid the ruins of a bombed-out building; the woman is bent over, resting her head on the top of her hand; the child is huddling, as if very cold; in the background are three crosses

J.N. Ding

(Courtesy New York Tribune)

63 x 47.5
US GEN 919
  Tired of Giving?/You Don't Know What It Is/to Be Tired!/Issued by/Connecticut State Council of Defense

(black and white)

Same image as US GEN 919 but the text is not exactly the same

J.N. Ding

(Courtesy of New York Tribune)

Connecticut State Council of Defense

44 x 35
US GEN 920
US WWI poster (general): Buy To-day at Any Bank Buy To-day/at Any Bank/Buy/Liberty/Bonds

(text only; some of the text is in a red-white-and-blue design that emulates a shooting target)

S.L. Bush

70 x 56
US GEN 921
US WWI poster (general): Buy To-day at Any Bank Buy To-day/at Any Bank/Buy/Liberty/Bonds

(smaller version of US GEN 921)

(text only; some of the text is in a red-white-and-blue design that emulates a shooting target)

S.L. Bush

52 x 35
US GEN 922
US WWI poster (general): Crush The Prussian Crush The Prussian/Buy a Bond/3rd Liberty Loan

Image of a battle; in the foreground American soldiers are attacking German soldiers who are in a trench; the Germans are surrendering; in the background is a tank that is being destroyed by an explosion

106 x 70.5
US GEN 923
US WWI poster (general): Help Uncle Sam Help Uncle Sam/Stamp Out/the Kaiser!/Buy U.S. Gov't Bonds

Image of Uncle Sam's boot, with the words "3rd Liberty Loan" on the sole, about to step on a German soldier, who is fleeing in fear

Harry S. Bressler

United States Printing & Lithograph Co. Inc., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 924
US WWI poster (general): If You Can Buy "If You Can Buy Liberty/with Money, for God's/Sake, Buy It!/If Money Will Bring Back/Your Boy, Invest It in the/Third Liberty Loan"/Harry Lauder

Image of a man in a kilt pointing at the text

"Contributed to the Liberty Loan Campaign by Harry Lauder"

J.H. Tooker Print Co., New York, N.Y.

72.5 x 103
US GEN 925
US WWI poster (general): Third Liberty Loan Third Liberty Loan/The Facts/Liberty Bonds are engraved certificates of the United States Government/promising to pay back with interest the money loaned the Government by the/purchaser of the Bond. They are backed by all the wealth of the United States./1. The Government is asking for/$3,000,000,000 …/7. The Government terms of pay-/ment are: …/Our boys in khaki are standing shoulder to shoulder beside the soldiers of England and France in the fiercest fighting the world has ever seen …/Lend Them a Hand/Buy Your Liberty Bonds Now

(text only; no images)

60.5 x 45.5
US GEN 926
US WWI poster (general): Help Our Town Help Our Town/Win the Right/to Fly This Flag/Third/Liberty Loan/Honor Roll/These are the people of Our Town who/are helping to win the war by investing in/Government Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan

Image of a flag of three vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border; the flag is attached to a staff with the caption "Honor Flag Third Liberty Loan/Awarded by the/U.S. Treasury Department"

W.F. Powers Co., Litho., New York, N.Y.

71 x 52.5
US GEN 927
US WWI poster (general): Help Our Town Help/Our Town/Win the Right/to Fly This/Flag/Third/Liberty Loan Honor Roll/These are the people of Our Town/who are helping to win the war by investing in/Government Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan

Image of a flag of three vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border; the flag is attached to a staff with the caption "Honor Flag Third Liberty Loan/Awarded by the/U.S. Treasury Department"; the words "Third Liberty Loan Honor Roll" are on a blue ribbon

R.C. Boswell

Capital Pub. Inc., Washington, D.C.

62 x 96
US GEN 928
US WWI poster (general): By the President By the President of the United States of America/A Proclamation/An enemy who has grossly abused the power of organized government and/who seeks to dominate the world …/
Friday, the 26th day of Aprill 1918/Liberty Day …/ Woodrow Wilson

(all text except for a small blue-and-white copy of the Lend-Him-a-Hand-Buy-Liberty-Bonds poster; text was also printed in magazines, image shown is how it appeared in the United Mine Workers Journal, Vol. 28, April 25, 1918

103 x 69.5
US GEN 929
  3rd/I Own a/Liberty/Bond

Image of the Statue of Liberty

28 x 22

Box 3
US GEN 930
US WWI poster (general): Ring Me Again Ring Me Again/Third/Liberty/Loan/Buy U.S. Government Bonds
(bell-shaped card with opening to push over door knob)
(3 pieces; duplicates)

Image of bell replicates the Liberty Bell

Duplicate of US GEN 904

R.E. Devney Co., Cleveland, Ohio

29 x 20

Box 3
US GEN 931
US WWI poster (general): Third Liberty Loan Third/Liberty Loan/Subscriber

Image of a flag of three vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border; the flag is attached to a staff; also image of a Liberty Bell on a pin on which are the words "Third Liberty Loan"; also space of "Name of Owner of Third Liberty Loan Bond to be Written Here"

23 x 18

Box 3
US GEN 932
US WWI poster (general): Honor Flag Honor Flag/of the/Third Liberty Loan/Awarded by the United States/Treasury Department to Every/Town Subscribing Its Quota/Supplement to The Argus April 7, 1918/Published by arrangement with the United States Treasury Department/
See Other Side

Verso consists of an explanation of the Honor Flag of the Third Liberty Loan, of what bonds of the loan are and why one should buy Liberty Bonds

Image of a flag of three vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border; the flag is attached to a staff

The Argus (Albany, N.Y.)

23 x 18

Box 3
US GEN 933
US WWI poster (general): Help New York Help New York/win the right to fly/this Flag by helping the/Rainbow Division/Third/Liberty Loan Honor Roll/These are the people of the Rainbow Division/who are helping to win the war by investing/in Government Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan

Image of a flag of three vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border; the flag is attached to a staff with the caption "Honor Flag Third Liberty Loan/Awarded by the/U.S. Treasury Department"

W.F. Powers Co., Litho., New York, N.Y.

72 x 53.5

several tears
US GEN 934
US WWI poster (general): Buy Bonds Buy Bonds/Third/Liberty/Loan/Moisten and apply to glass – Water will easily remove it
(window sticker)

(text only; no images)

14.5 x 14

Box 3
US GEN 935
US WWI poster (general): My Soldier My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./Buy United States Government Bonds/Third Liberty Loan

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

H.H. Green

The Matthews- Northrup Works, Buffalo, Cleveland, and New York

106 x 71

US GEN 936
  "The Supreme Test of the Nation Has Come./We Must All Speak, Act and Serve Together."/Woodrow Wilson/Make Your Money Help Win the War!/You Can Own a United States Bond by Saving!/Any Bank in Albany Will Help You Pay for It!/Buy a Liberty Bond Now! … Woman's Liberty Loan Committee/176 State St., Albany/Do Your Share Now

(text only; no images)

Woman's Liberty Loan Committee (Albany, N.Y.)

28 x 21.5

Box 3
US GEN 937
US WWI poster (general): Ships for Uncle Sam Ships for Uncle Sam/Official/United States/War/Film/ Produced by Signal Corps, U.S.A./and/Committee on Public Information

Image of a shipyard with two ships under construction; scaffolding around and between the two ships

Ioseph Pennell [i.e., Joseph Pennell], Del.

Ketterlinus, Philadelphia, Pa., Imp.

Signal Corps, U.S.A.

Committee on Public Information

105 x 68
US GEN 938
  Lexington/Theatre/51st St. & Lexington Ave./The New York Division/Presents/a Three Act Musical Farce, Entitled/You Know/Me, Al!/Now/Cast: All Soldiers Selected from 25,000 Men of the/27th Division, U.S. Army …

(text only; no images)

The National Printing and Engraving Co., New York, N.Y.

102 x 69
US GEN 939
  New York Division (27th U.S.A.)/Presents/"You Know Me/Al"/a Farce with Music/Lexington Theatre/Fifty-first Street and Lexington Avenue/April 11th to 20th, 1918

Image is a person with too much make-up in an after-the-party scene

Same as US GEN 999

C.C. Beall [Cecil Calvert Beall]

55 x 35
US GEN 940
US WWI poster (general): Official US War Films Official/United/States/War Films/Now/Being/Shown

Image of a biplane and a patrol boat; the plane, at the top of the poster, is shining a searchlight on the water near the patrol boat; two sailors are in the boat, one of whom is using binoculars

The Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 941
US WWI poster (general): Official US War Films Official/United States/War/Films/Produced by Signal Corps USA and/Committee on Public Information

Image of a ship using searchlights to scan the sky

H. Dewitt Welsh

The Morgan Litho. Co., Cleveland, Ohio

Signal Corps USA

Committee on Public Information

103 x 70
US GEN 942
US WWI poster (general): Great War Film Great War Film/to Be Shown for the Benefit of/the American Ambulance Field Service/Our American Boys/in the/European War/Copyrighted 1916 by the American Ambulance

Image, captioned "Americans Working under a Hot Rain of Shells," shows American Ambulance vehicles and staff; one staff member is helping a man with his arm in a sling; another is wheeling a cart

Victor Tardieu

United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

American Ambulance Field Service

104 x 70
US GEN 943
US WWI poster (general): Officially Designated Officially Designated by/American Red Cross/as a Member of the/Allied Theatrical/and Motion Picture Team/for the Second American Red Cross War Fund/This theatre is rendering a patriotic service, in sending/a message of mercy and aid to the American heroes who are fighting for us on the battlefields of France.

Image of a Red Cross nurse and two soldiers on a battlefield; the soldiers are carrying an empty stretcher and looking at the nurse who, by pointing her finger, is directing them; the nurse is transllucent; the caption of the image: "Not One Shall Be Left Behind!"

James Montgomery Flagg

H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

American Red Cross

104 x 68
US GEN 944
  "Lafayette, We Come!"/– Pershing 1917
(advertisement for the motion picture of that name)

Image of an eagle, with outspread wings perched on an American soldier's helmet that is atop a wooden frame on which the text is printed along with a profile of Pershing's head; an American flag is draped behind the frame and eagle

J.V. Ritchey[president]/Greenwich Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

101 x 67
US GEN 945
  A Super Patriotic/Motion-Picture/Spectacle/Leonce Perret/Presents/E.K. Lincoln and Dolores Cassinelli/"Lafayette, We Come!"/– Pershing 1917
(advertisement for the motion picture)

Image of a nurse kneeling and praying; behind her is a huge red cross and below the red cross are soldiers being lighted by exploding bombs

J.V. Ritchey [president]/Greenwich Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

101 x 67
US GEN 946
  Sweethearts and Wives/will see how citizens/of New York have been/made into soldiers/at Camp Upton./Hippodrome/Sunday Dec. 9/Afternoon and Evening/305th Infantry, National Army/will present/"A Day at Camp Upton"/Popular Prices/and the Best Cause in the World
(advertisement for the motion picture)

Cartoon image of an officer saluting a private who is standing at attention

P.L. Crosby

J.V. Ritchey [president]/Greenwich Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

102 x 67.5
US GEN 947
US WWI poster (general): U.S. Official War Pictures U.S. Official/War Pictures
(dated: 1917)

Image, in silhouette, of a soldier operating a motion picture camera

Louis Fancher

The Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

103 x 70.5
US GEN 948
US WWI poster (general): World Pictures World Pictures/Present/Carlyle Blackwell and Evelyn Greeley/in/The Road to France/Story by Harry O. Hoyt/Directed by Dell Henderson
(advertisement for the motion picture)

Image of a ship and a destroyer (or destroyer escort) on the high seas; includes World Pictures logo

Chelsea Litho. Co. Inc., New York, N.Y.

World Pictures

102 x 70
US GEN 949
  The Road to France/ Starring/Carlyle Blackwell/and/Evelyn Greeley/Story by Harry O. Hoyt/Directed by Dell Henderson/A World Picture
(advertisement for the motion picture)

Image of a very large ship and a smaller ship passing the Statue of Liberty; includes World Pictures logo

Chelsea Litho. Co. Inc.

102 x 70
US GEN 950
US WWI poster (general): Official US War Films Official United States/War Films

Image of American soldiers, with bayonetted rifles, running into battle


Alpha Litho. Co. Inc., New York, N.Y.

102 x 70
US GEN 951
US WWI poster (general): Pershing's Crusaders Pershing's/Crusaders/Auspices of the/United States Government/The First Official American War Picture/Taken by U.S. Signal Corps and Navy Photographers
(advertisement for the motion picture)

Image of General John J. Pershing, on horseback, leading troops who are marching on foot; beside him ride the spirits of Crusaders from the Middle Ages leading their soldiers, also on foot; in the upper-righthand corner is an American shield upon which is perched an eagle; across the shield, on a scroll: "Official U.S. War Film/Committee on Public/Information/ George Creel, Chairman

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

102 x 70
US GEN 952
US WWI poster (general): Pershing's Crusaders Pershing's/Crusaders/Auspices of the/United States Government/The First Official American War Picture/Taken by U.S. Signal Corps and Navy Photographers
(advertisement for the motion picture)

(smaller version of US GEN 952)

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

55.5 x 34.5
US GEN 953
US WWI poster (general): U.S.A. Series U.S.A. Series/If Your Soldier's Hit/Presented by the Division of Films/Committee on Public Information/George Creel, Chairman/Distributed through the/World Film Corporation/See how your government rescured your wounded on the battle/fields and how they were cared for and moved to places of/comfort and safety. Produced under the supervision of the/Surgeon General. U.S.A.

Image of a Red Cross nurse [?], sitting on a wooden-and-canvas camp stool, holding a small basket of apples; sitting on a camp stool near the nurse is a soldier with his left arm wrapped in bandages and in a sling; he is reaching for an apple; behind the nurse stands an army officer; in the upper left-hand corner of the poster is a caduceus; along the right-hand side of the poster is a flag pole from which fly an American Red Cross banner and the American flag; in the lower left-hand corner of the poster is the seal of the Division of Films, Committee on Public Information

E.M. Gran Jackson

Standard Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Division of Films, Committee on Public Information, Washington, D.C.

106 x 70
US GEN 954
US WWI poster (general): The Second Official The Second Official/United States War Picture/America's/Answer/Presented by/Division of Films/Committee on Public/Information/George Creel, Chairman/Taken by/U.S. Signal Corps,/A.E.F.

Image of soldiers climbing out of a trench and moving into battle; one of the soldiers carries an American flag; includes an American shield upon which is perched an eagle; across the shield, on a scroll: "Official U.S. War Film/Committee on Public/Information/George Creel, Chairman"

Committee on Public Information

104.5 x 69.5
US GEN 955
US WWI poster (general): Second United States Second United States/Official War Picture/America's/Answer /Presented by/The Division of Films/Committee on Public Information/George Creel, Chairman/Photographed by the/U.S. Signal Corps A.E.F.

Image of a female allegorical figure of America holding a sword; behind her is a battle scene where a Red Cross nurse is comforting a mother and baby, an American soldier is urging his men forward into battle, other American soldiers are manning a machine gun; further in the background, from left to right is a city, presumably New York City, and a number of ships and biplanes flying toward the right where a city is burning; over all the scene is a huge American flag

J.H. Tooker Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Committee on Public Information

102 x 70
US GEN 956
US WWI poster (general): Official US War Films United States Official War Films

Image, in silhouette, of soldiers firing a cannon and other soldiers with bayonetted rifles; the background is red, white, blue and black


The Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

103 x 70.5
US GEN 957
US WWI poster (general): Third United States Third/United States Official War Picture/Under/Four Flags/Presented by Division of Films/Committee on Public Information/George Creel, Chairman,/Taken by the Official Photographers/of the Allied Armies

Upper left-hand corner: "Distributed by/World Film/Corporation"; upper right-hand corner: "Unis pour la pais/avec la victoire"

Image of four soldiers, with bayonetted rifles, running forward into battle; includes image of the "Official Seal of/the People's films"

[Philip?] Martiny

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Committee on Public Information

103 x 70.5
US GEN 958
US WWI poster (general): Third United States Third/United States Official War Picture/Under/Four Flags/Presented by Division of Films/Committee on Public Information/George Creel, Chairman,/Taken by the Official Photographers/of the Allied Armies

Centered at top of poster: "Distributed through/World Film/Corporation"

Image of four soldiers, with bayonetted rifles, running forward into battle; includes image of the "Official Seal of/the People's films"

(smaller slightly different version of US GEN 958)

[Philip?] Martiny

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Committee on Public Information

55 x 34.5
US GEN 959
[paper is fragile and torn]

The National Printing, Engraving, Lithographing Co.

92 x 142

[not in folder]
US GEN 960
  U.S. Army & Navy Bazaar/Grand Central Palace/October 27 – November 3/Do Your Bit for Your Own Boys at the Front Now

(text only; no images)

19.5 x 74
US GEN 961
  Polish Day/at Hero Land/December 4th, 1917/Polish Christmas Festival in the Afternoon/Pageant of Poland in the Evening

Image of a woman and three children: a baby the woman is cradling in one arm as she reaches out in supplication with the other hand, a boy resting his head on her lap, and a girl sleeping (dead?) at her side; in the background are German troops

W.T. Benda

93 x 51.5
US GEN 962
  50c. to $2.50/Thrift/Prices/Will Prevail at the/War Thrift Concert Metropolitan Opera House Tuesday, March 12th, 1918 … /To Show Their Interest in/War Savings Stamps/the Following Famous Opera Stars and Musicians Will Appear:/Lucien Muratore/Louise Homer/Percy Grainger and/15th Coast Artillery Band/Riccardo Stracciari/Helen Stanley/Grace Hoffman/Alice Nielsen/Mabel Garrison/Giovanni Martinelli/Georges Baklanoff/Leo Ornstein/Florence Macbeth/Sascha Jacobson/Orchestra Direction, Nahan Franko …

(text only; no images)

M.B. Brown Printing & Binding Co., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Committee of Greater New York

81 x 58.5

several tears; some mended by Scotch tape
US GEN 963
US WWI poster (general): Song and Light Song and Light/In Central Park/Community Chorus/September/13 and 14 1917/at 8 pm/Take Service/1 2 3 4 or 6 to/E72nd St

Text surrounded by mosaic designs

42 x 106.5

torn in two; one piece also torn off (in envelope)
US GEN 964
  Sing For/Victory/Thanksgiving Day/Madison Square Garden/Thursday, Nov. 28th, 1918 – 4 p.m./The National Victory Sing/Auspices of the National Council of Women

Image of female allegorical figure of Victory holding a laurel wreath in her left hand and a sword in her right hand

National Council of Women

69 x 102
US GEN 965
  Stop – Look – Listen!/The "Yankee Specials"/Soldiers of the A.E.F./will give their Big/Vaudeville/Minstrel Show/To-Night/Everybody Welcome/Show Staged and Produced by Mary Lawton, Y.M.C.A.
(dated: 1918)

(text only; no imags)

Hand-lettered on poster: "At/8 P.M./All Seats Free"

A.G. Printing [De]pt. G.H.Q. A.E.F.

65 x 50
US GEN 966
US WWI poster (general): Free War Exhibit Free War Exhibit/Commemorating the First Anniversary/of the Declaration of War/by the United States/A Special Train filled with interesting things that/every loyal American will want to see!/ Hundreds of War Relics, right from the Battlefields!/Guns, shells, bombs, shrapnel, helmets, gas masks,/trench tools, clothing, war curios, etc., in charge of/French, Canadian and U.S. Soldiers, who will demonstrate/the use of machine guns, rifles and other light ordnance!/Speeches by men who have been "over there."/Martial Music and Patriotic Songs! Don't miss it!/Bring the Children!/Bring Everybody!

The New York State Library copy has no text regarding place and time of exhibit in the area at the bottom of the poster

Image of American soldiers firing pistols, a machine gun and bayonetted rifles; one soldier is carrying an American flag

Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo.

69 x 51.5
US GEN 967
US WWI poster (general): The Greatest Spectacle The Greatest Spectacle/the World Has Ever Seen/for the Greatest Need/the World Has Ever Known/Hero Land/Grand/Central/Palace/Nov. 24th/to Dec. 12th/Admission 50¢

Caption: British Tank "Britannia" in Action

Image of a tank plowing into a trench of German soldiers; the Germans are fleeing the trench; behind the tank are British [?] soldiers with rifles; caption for image: British Tank 'Britannia' in Action"

J. Carl Mueller

The Hegeman Print

69 x 103.5
US GEN 968
US WWI poster (general): Hero Land Hero/Land/The Greatest Spectacle/the World Has Ever Seen/for the Greatest Need/the World Has Ever Known/Grand Central Palace/Nov. 24th to Dec. 12th/Admission 50¢

Image of a tank plowing into a trench of German soldiers; the Germans are fleeing the trench; behind the tank are British [?] soldiers with rifles; caption for image: British Tank 'Britannia' in Action"

J. Carl Mueller

The Hegeman Print

56 x 36
US GEN 969
US WWI poster (general): Come and Sing Come and Sing/with the/Soldiers and Sailors/at the/New York/Community Chorus/Harry Barnhart, Director/71st Regiment Armory Park Ave. and 34th St./Sunday Evenings/Beginning Nov. 11th at Eight/Admission/FREE/All/Welcome

(text only; no images)

New York Community Chorus

28 x 53.5
US GEN 970
  Military Ball/in Aid of/Navy Relief/Given by/Yeowomen, Boston Navy Yard/Monday, July Second, 1917/at 8 p.m./ Condit's Ball Room/Revere Beach, Massachusetts …

Image of an American flag

Buck Printing Co., Boston, Mass.

56 x 35.5
US GEN 971
US WWI poster (general): U.S. Army and Navy Bazaar U.S. Army and Navy/Bazaar Grand Central/Palace/Oct. 27-/Nov. 3/Do Your Bit for Our Own Boys/at the Front Now/Open Every Day Including Sunday 11 a.m. to 12 p.m./Adm./50¢/Auspices of/Army & Navy/Field Comfort/Committee

Image, in partial silhouette, of a soldier offering a cigarette to a wounded soldier; the soldiers are outlined by the light from an explosion in the background

Will B. Johnstone

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

Army & Navy Field Comfort Committee

56 x 36
US GEN 972
US WWI poster (general): Hero Land Hero Land/or Over the Top with Uncle Sam and His Allies/for Benefit of Dependents of Soldiers/from America and for Allied War Relief/Grand/Central/Palace/Opening/Nov. 24th … Patrons … Governor Charles S. Whitman/Hon. John Purroy Mitchel … Offices 360 Madison Ave. New York

Image of Marianne, the female allegorical symbol of the French republic, holding a shield with her left hand and a sword with her right hand; behind her is a small burned-out home

A. Rapeño

The Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

56 x 36
US GEN 973
  This is a Cheap War Poster. Knock or Boost, but Read! Remember!/Come! Bring and Send Others!/Why Not/Buy Your/War/Supplies/and/Christmas/Gifts/here and help/Purchase,/Equip and/Maintain/an/Ambulance?/St. Nicholastide Festival/December 7th and 8th … /Tea Served a la carte … Zuni Ritual Dance; Athletics; Marionettes; and many Novel Features/Admission 50 cts.

Image of a lion with his front claws on top of a scroll; text on a sticker attached to poster, covering original text, reads "'An Ambulance at the Front' Bearing Inscription 'St. Mark's, Venice, from St. Mark's, New York.'"; original text on the scroll: [partly obscured by pasted-down part of sticker] "in the name of Old St. Mark's-in-the-Bouwerie

42 x 26
US GEN 974
  "Over Here"/See/America's great achievement – a virgin forest converted into a/military city for 40,000 men in 52 days./See/thousands and thousands of men working at top speed, breaking/all construction records for our boys./See/three huge buildings, accommodating nine hundred men, erected/in 37 minutes – its [sic] Uncle Sam Punch./"Over Here" – The Great Military Film of the Hour

(advertisement for a military film)

(text only; no images)

28 x 61
US GEN 975
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of several barracks in various stages of construction

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 976
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a close-up view of several barracks in various stages of construction

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 977
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of farm fields and wooded areas; labeled: #1/6-20-17/Ewing, Inc./Little Rock [Ark.]

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 978
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of farm fields and wooded areas; scattered around the area are a few tents, horses, wagons and men

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 979
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of farm fields and wooded areas; labeled: #3/6-20-17/Ewing, Inc./Little Rock [Ark.]

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 980
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of several barracks in various stages of construction; the barracks are surrounded by trees

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 981
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of piles of lumber in fields and the floors for several barracks

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 982
  "Over Here" Released by World-Pictures
(advertisement for a military film)

Image is a black-and-white photoprint of a panoramic view of several cars of a train and of men gathered around the train in a large field; woods in the background

J.C. Stewart & Co.

World Pictures

28 x 61
US GEN 983
US WWI poster (general): Welcome 77th Argonne Welcome 77th/Argonne Conquerors/Illustration from Official History, Designed/and Written in the Field, France. – Published/by 77th Division Association

Image of soldiers fighting in the Argonne forest; over them looms a male allegorical figure of War (Spirit of Argonne) with a shield over his left arm and a sword in his right hand; caption: "The Spirit of the Argonne"

Augustus Kaiser

Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co.

77th Division Association

55 x 35
US GEN 984
US WWI poster (general): The War's Challenge The War's Challenge/to the Worker/Friday, November 16, 1917/8 p.m./Washington Irving High School Auditorium/Irving Place and 16th Street/Speakers/Mar Chamberlain, The Survey – "English Women and the War"/Melinda Scott, American Federation of Labor – "The War's Challenge: Its Dangers"/Charles Stelzle, Federal Council of Churches – "The War's Challenge: Its Opportunities"/Meeting Open to All/Under Auspices of Junior Board of Consumers' League of New York City

Two images: (1) at top, silhouette of a regiment of cavalry soldiers; (2) at bottom, silhouette of people in a classroom [?]


Junior Board of Consumers' League of New York City

55 x 35.5

cardboard; corner cracked and could break off
US GEN 985
  Ten Allies/Costume Ball/Madison Square Garden/Tuesday Night/November/28th 1916/Moonlit Scenes of the Mystic Romantic Orient/Pageantry and Dancing in a Rajah's Palace/Not Only a Ball and Pageant But –/An Event in History/Admission $5.00 – Boxes $100.00 to $500.00/Tickets-at-All-Agencies

Image of a woman in a white crinolined dress holding face masks that are to be tied around one's face; she is flanked by squares with the national colors of the ten allies suspended from multi-colored ribbons

The Hegeman Print, New York, N.Y.

55 x 35
  Ritz-Carlton – Roof Garden/December 5th to 31st/Hours 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. – Admission Free/Allies of Sculpture/Exhibition/for the Benefit of/Art War Relief Committee … Belgian Prisoners of War …/Le Bien-Étre du Blessé … Motor Transport Volunteers … Over 200 Recent Works of/Foremost Contemporary/Sculptors on View/Committee …

Image of a female allegorical figure of Columbia wearing a Phrygian cap and an artist's smock, working on a sculpture of a female allegorical figure of Victory; Columbia wields a mallet and chisel; Victory holds a flag and a laurel wreath; caption: "Columbia Carving Victory"

James Montgomery Flagg

Art War Relief Committee

49.5 x 35.5
US GEN 987
US WWI poster (general): Patriotic Rally Patriotic Rally/The War and the Worker/Speakers/Sergeant-Major Bramhall/of the/Famous "Princess Pat" Regiment …/Captain A.P. Simmonds …/Music by Senior Orchestra of Music School Settlement …/Friday, May 17, 1918, …/Washington Irving High School Auditorium/Irving Place and 17th Street/Come and Bring Your Friends/Under the Auspices of Junior Board of Consumers' League of New York City/Courtesy of War Camp Community Service

Two images: (1) image at the top of the poster is a silhouette of a cavalry regiment; (2) image at the bottom of the poster is a silhouette of people in a classroom setting (?)

Junior Board of Consumers' League of New York City

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 988
US WWI poster (general): Do Your Duty! Do Your Duty!/Full Information at/50 East 42nd Street/Mayor's Recruiting Committee
(advertisement for a Globe Theater play; also recruiting poster)

Image is a photograph of Laurette Taylor hanging, on a door, a recruiting poster with a head-and-shoulders' portrait of a soldier with text, "Enlist To-day. He's Happy and Satisfied, Are You?" At the bottom of the door are the words: "Laurette Taylor/in/ 'Out There'/Her New Play by J. Hartley Manners/Globe Theatre – Now"

Mayor's Recruiting Committee

56 x 35.5
US GEN 989
  Patriotic Meeting/Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale/of the/United States Food Administration/will speak at [space to fill in place and time]/Food Will Win the War

Image of a photographic portrait of Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale flanked by the seal of the United States Food Administration

U.S. Food Administration

43 x 28
US GEN 990
  Keep His Knapsack Full/Dakota Tractor Show/and Demonstration/Bismarck, July 3-6 '18/30 Tractors Already Entered – The Greatest/Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery in the History of/the State Assured/20,000 Farmers Coming …/An Abundance of Good Hotels/Extraordinary Entertainment for Everyone … Bismarck/Three Big Days – July 3-6/Let's Go! Feed the Fighters

Image of a soldier kneeling on one knee and holding rifle

North Dakota Council of Defense

North Dakota Commission of Agriculture

61 x 45
US GEN 991
  Smileage Book


Seiter & Kappes Litho. Co.

Military Entertainment Council

88.5 x 139

[not in folder]
US GEN 992
  New York Spring Horse Show
(dated: April 1919)

Howard Chandler Christy

The Motor Corps of America

108.5 x 85

[not in folder]
US GEN 993
  National/Horse Show/Every Dollar Taken In/A Donation to/United War Work Campaign/Madison Square Garden/Nov. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1918

Image of a man dressed in English riding garb, including top hat, leading a horse with blinders

The Miner Litho. Co.

United War Work Campaign

98.5 x 65.5

several tears
US GEN 994
  Hippodrome/Sunday Eve'g. October 7/Charles Dillingham Announces/British Empire/Rally/in Aid of the Wives and Families/of British Recruits in the United States/Kiltie Band …/The Wake Up America Military Band of 125 Men …/Captain & Mrs. Vernon Castle …/Seats on Sale at British Recruiting Mission, 280 Broadway/and Hippodrome Box Office

(text only; no images)

Empire City Job Print, New York, N.Y.

104.5 x 73.5

several bad tears
US GEN 995
US WWI poster (general): Hero Land Admission Hero/Land/Admission 50¢/Grand/Central/Palace/Nov. 24th/to/Dec. 12th
(advertisement for a movie)

Image of tableau of people dressed in Middle Eastern garb

J. Carl Mueller

The United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

104.5 x 71

several very bad tears
US GEN 996
  War Relief Dance/Auspices Main Office – Eastman Kodak Company/Kodak Park Assembly Hall/Friday, November 16, '17/8:30 P.M. Tickets/50 Cents/Damon's Orchestra

Image, in silhouette, of soldiers, carrying rifles and flags, heading into battle

Eastman Kodak Company

33 x 43
US GEN 997
  Miss Harriet Patchin/Pupil of/Pavlowa/Will Dance for the/Red Cross/at Ontario Beach Park/Red Cross Night/Tuesday Evening, August 28/"Your Little Bit" 10c
(pencil note: "For Red Cross Headquarters/from Mrs. J.E. Ottaway")

Image of a non-traditional Red Cross, i.e., a white cross outlined in red

35.5 x 28
US GEN 998
  New York Division (27th U.S.A.)/Presents/"You Know Me/Al"/a Farce with Music/Lexington Theatre/Fifty-first Street and Lexington Avenue/April 11th to 20th, 1918

Image is a person with too much make-up in an after-the-party scene

Same as US GEN 940

C.C. Beall [Cecil Calvert Beall]

New York Division (27th U.S.A.)

56 x 35.5
US GEN 999
  There Is No Such Word as Impossible, See the Second Pan-American Aero Show Grand Central Palace February 16 to 23, 1918 Admission 50 cents

Image of Uncle Sam piloting a tri-plane which is flying a banner with the words "On to Kiel"; behind him come a long string of planes; below the planes is an ocean

49.5 x 38
US GEN 1000
  Hochstein Memorial Concert Given by the Musicians of Rochester Convention Hall Saturday Evening, April 5th [1918] … Seat Sale … at Smith's Book Store, 44 East Ave., and Scrantom, Wetmore & Co.'s, State St.

(black and white)

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of David Hochstein in his army uniform

Musicians of Rochester

55.5 x 35
US GEN 1001
  Your Uniform Is Your Pass/Going?/Roof Garden/Show/for Soldiers, Sailors, Marines/Vaudeville/Jazz Band and/Moving Pictures/Madison Square Garden/Roof Garden/Entrance 26th Street Side/Madison Square Garden/Coolest Spot in New York City/Every Saturday and Sunday, 8 p.m./In case of rain, performance will be held in Madison Square Theatre/New York War Camp Community Service

(black and white)

Image is a small cartoon of a sailor, a marine and a soldier, all smiling and walking with arms linked

New York War Camp Community Service

21 x 13.5

Box 3
US GEN 1002
  "America Day"/Meeting/under the Auspices of the/American Defense Society/Pledge of Allegiance/ "I pledge allegiance to my Flag,/and to the Republic for which it/stands; one Nation, indivisible, with/Liberty and Justice for all."/Carnegie Hall, New York/Sunday, May 18, 1919

(printed both sides; a program, not a poster)

Program included music by the City of New York Police Band and "A Prayer by George Washington"

Image of a 48-star American flag

American Defense Society

27 x 20

Box 3
US GEN 1003
  Twenty-fourth Annual/New York Spring/Horse Show/for the Benefit of/the/Motor Corps/of/America/Durland's Riding Academy/5 West 66th Street at Central Park West, New York City/Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings/April 29th, 30th and May 1st, 1919

Image of a female member of the Motor Corps carrying a stretcher and the logo of the corps (See US GEN 577)

Howard Chandler Christy

The Motor Corps of America

36 x 26
US GEN 1004
  Our American Boys in the European War (American Ambulance Corps)
(movie advertisement)
(dated: 1916)

Victor White

Triangle Film Corp.

207.5 x 104.5

(3 sheets – overall size)

[not in folder]
US GEN 1005
  Dancing for Men-in-Uniform Every Saturday Night Beginning/Saturday Eve., Nov. 3rd /Orchestra Music/Dancing Partners Provided/Refreshments/Admission Free/National Service Home Club/Corner 39th Street & 7th Avenue

(black and white)

National Service Home Club

35.5 x 27.5
US GEN 1006
US WWI poster (general): Sure! We'll Finish Sure! We'll Finish the Job Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1918)

The text and image of the poster held by the New York State Library is the same but the layout of the text is different.

Image of a man in hat and overalls reaching into his pocket; he wears buttons from previous Liberty Loan campaigns

Gerrit A. Beneker

27 x 52

cardboard; may crack
US GEN 1007
  Sure We'll Finish The Job
(U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass)
(dated: 1918)

(Billboard size – several sheets; too large and too fragile to unfold and measure)

Gerrit A. Beneker

Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 1008
US WWI poster (general): For Home and Country For Home and Country/Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1918)

Image of a soldier holding a child in one arm and embracing a young woman with the other; he has a German soldier's helmet hanging from a cord around his neck; she is admiring the medal pinned to his jacket

Same as US GEN 760

Alfred Everitt Orr

American Lithographic Co.

101 x 75
US GEN 1009
US WWI poster (general): For Home and Country For Home and Country/ Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1918)

(smaller version of US GEN 1009)

Alfred Everitt Orr

75 x 50
US GEN 1010
US WWI poster (general): V Invest V/Invest

(text only; no images)

Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio

74 x 49
US GEN 1011
US WWI poster (general): V [sic] V [sic]

Image of the letter V

74 x 48.5
US GEN 1012
US WWI poster (general): V Invest V Invest
(window sticker)

(smaller version of US GEN 1011)

Regensteiner Colortype Co.

21 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 1013
US WWI poster (general): Americans All! Americans All!/Honor Roll/Du Bois/Smith/O'Brien/Cejka/Haucke/Pappandrikopolous/ Andrassi/Villotto/Levy/Turovich/Kowalski/Chriczanevicz/Knutson/Gonzales/Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1919)

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Print, Boston, Mass.

100 x 67
US GEN 1014
US WWI poster (general): Americans All! Americans All!/Honor Roll/Du Bois/Smith/O'Brien/Cejka/Haucke/Pappandrikopolous/
Andrassi/Villotto/Levy/Turovich/Kowalski/Chriczanevicz/Knutson/Gonzales/Victory Liberty Loan
(dated: 1919)

(smaller version of US GEN 1014)

Same image as US GEN 763

Howard Chandler Christy

American Lithographic Co., N[ew York], N.Y.

Victory Liberty Loan

28 x 19

Box 3
US GEN 1015
US WWI poster (general): And They Thought We Couldn't Fight And They/Thought We/Couldn't/Fight/Victory Liberty Loan

Image of a smiling American soldier with a head wound and a wound on his arm carrying his bayonetted rifle and three German helmets

Clyde Forsythe

Ketterlinus Print, Philadelphia, Pa.

103 x 77
US GEN 1016
US WWI poster (general): And They Thought And They/Thought We/Couldn't/Fight/Victory Liberty Loan

(smaller version of US GEN 1016)

Image of a smiling American soldier with a head wound and a wound on his arm carrying his bayonetted rifle and three German helmets

Clyde Forsythe

Ketterlinus Print, Philadelphia, Pa.

75 x 50.5
US GEN 1017
US WWI poster (general): They Kept the Sea Lanes They Kept the/Sea Lanes/Open/Invest/in the/Victory Liberty Loan

Image of two (three?) ships and a submarine

L.A. Shafer

Niagara Litho Co., Buffalo, New York

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

73.5 x 98
US GEN 1018
  They Kept the/Sea Lanes/Open/Victory Loan Campaign
Reproduced for the United States Treasury Department by The W.F. Powers Co./Lithographers/New York
(advertisement for a calendar using L.A. Shafer's poster "They Kept the Sea Lanes Open")
(dated: 1920)

Includes facsimile of note from L.A. Shafer of New Rochelle, New York, to W.F. Powers Co.; facsimile serves as a cover for a 1920 calendar

Image on the calendar is the same image on US GEN 1018: two (or three?) ships and a submarine

L.A. Shafer

78 x 54

Paper is very brittle; tears
US GEN 1019
US WWI poster (general): Honor Button Honor Button/Every American Should/Consider It an Honor to/Wear This Button/Secretary of the Treasury/Carter Glass/Victory Liberty Loan

Image is a pin on which there is the letter "V" and the words "Liberty Loan"

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

36 x 26.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 1020
US WWI poster (general): Feelings of the Man Feelings of the Man Who Delays Buying/His Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1917)

(black and white)

"Reproduced by the Liberty Loan Committee, Second Federal Reserve District, through the courtesy of The Globe (New York) and the associated newspapers"

Image is a series of six cartoons of a man changing in appearance over a 14-day period, looking more like a German soldier with each passing day, until he finally purchases Liberty Bonds on the 15th day and returns to his normal self

Duplicate: US GEN 1263

H.T. Webster

The Globe (N.Y.) (newspaper)

Liberty Loan Committee

45.5 x 35
US GEN 1021
US WWI poster (general): V The Victory V/The Victory/Liberty Loan/Industrial Honor Emblem/Awarded by the/United States Treasury Department

(text only; no images)

Layout of lettering on the New York State Library poster is slightly different

Grinnell Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

86.5 x 75

US GEN 1022
  Household/100%/Honor Emblem/Victory/Liberty Loan/Awarded by the/United States Treasury Department

(window sticker)

Image is a blue circle surrounding a white circle; in the white circle, printed in red, is "100%"

Regensteiner Colortype Co., Chicago, Ill.

21 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 1023
US WWI poster (general): Honor Roll Honor Roll/The Following Patriotic Men and Women/in This Organization Have Invested in the/Victory Liberty Loan

Image of a flag on a flagpole; the flag is a blue "V" on a white background surrounded by a red border

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co.

50 x 50
US GEN 1024
  (Billboard size – 16 sheets – too large and too fragile to handle)

Victory Liberty Loan

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 1025
  (Billboard size – 8 sheets – too large and too fragile to handle and to measure)

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 1026
US WWI poster (general): Remember and Invest Remember/and/Invest/Argonne/Chateau-Thierry … /Victory/Liberty Loan/Woman's/Liberty Loan/Committee

Image of a kneeling man presenting a sack of large coins to an allegorical helmeted female with a sword. The names of French battlefields are listed behind the figures; in the background are a smokestack and a building


Sackett & Wilhelms Corp.

Victory Liberty Loan

Woman's Liberty Loan Committee

75 x 50
US GEN 1027
US WWI poster (general): The Victory Loan The/Victory/Loan/Flyers/Watch/for the/Airplane Special
(dated: 1919)

Image of four biplanes flying over a speeding train

K. Watkins

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp.

Victory Liberty Loan

74 x 49
US GEN 1028
  Lithuanian Day/Lithuanians All!/Sign Up for/Victory Liberty Loan/Americans All!/Sign up for/Lithuanian Freedom/Members of the Motor Corps of America Will Take Your Signature/(Major H.R. Bastedo)/To-day

(text only; no images)

J.H. Tooker Printing Co., New York, N.Y.

101 x 72.5
US GEN 1029
US WWI poster (general): Wear Your Button Wear Your/Button/V/Liberty Loan

Image of a blue pin upon which is printed, in white lettering, "V Liberty Loan"

Ketterlinus Print, Philadelphia, Pa.

75 x 50
US GEN 1030
  Back the Victory Loan/The Liberty Loan Committee realizes that the display window is a valuable medium for obtaining publicity and that its systematic and intelligent use can be of great assistance in furthering the interest of the Victory Liberty Loan …/No. 1. The "V" Centerpiece …/No. 2. The Palm of Victory Trim …/No. 3. A Star Centerpiece …/ No. 4. Use of Three Posters …/No. 5. A Simple Decorative Screen …/No. 6. The Liberty Statue …/No. 7. Utilizing a Large Shield …/No. 8. The Three-Panel Effect …/No. 9. Eagle and Poster Design

(black and white)

Images of nine window displays described in the text

Victory Liberty Loan

52.5 x 39
US GEN 1031
  You Can Trust Your/Uncle Sam!/Subscribe to the Victory/Liberty Loan
(black and white)

Image is a head-and-shoulders line drawing of a smiling, coquettish-looking Uncle Sam looking directly at the viewer

Rogers Peet Company, Clothiers, New York, N.Y.

60 x 50
US GEN 1032
US WWI poster (general): The Most Popular Button The Most Popular Button/in/America/Buy Victory/Bonds/Button/Merchants/Ass'n/of/America

Image of a winged woman in a field standing on a sword while holding a branch in one hand and a large "V Liberty Loan" button in the other; behind her, in silhouette, is a farmer with two horses pulling a plow

Arnold Binger

Button Merchants Association of America

69.5 x 53.5
US GEN 1033
US WWI poster (general): V Invest V Invest

(text only; no images)

60 x 60
US GEN 1034
  Invest! Invest!

(text only; no images)

9.5 x 60
US GEN 1035
  Finish The Job

(text only; no images)

9.5 x 60.5
US GEN 1036
  Invest in the Future of America

(text only; no images)

9.5 x 120
US GEN 1037

(text only; no images)

14 x 57
US GEN 1038
US WWI poster (general): V Invest V Invest

Image of the word "INVEST" flanked by a soldier and a sailor, each of whom is resting an arm on the first and last letters of the word

U.S. Printing & Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y.

52 x 140
US GEN 1039
US WWI poster (general): Don't Let Swindlers Don't Let/Swindlers/Persuade You/to Part with Your/Liberty Bonds/or/War Savings Stamps

(text only; no images)

75 x 49
US GEN 1040
  Disonesti Speculatori Cercheranno di Indurvi a Vendere I Vostri Liberty Bonds/e/War Saving Stamps/Non Fatelo!/Diffidate di Truffatori!

(Italian version of US GEN 1040)

(text only; no images)

70.5 x 52.5
US GEN 1041
זאדצו אייד איבעררעדעו איהר
זאדט זיד שיידעז מיט אייערע
ליבערטי באגדם
וואר םייװינגם
היט זיד פאו פואצענמניקעם

(Hebrew/Yiddish version of US GEN 1040)

(text only; no images)

70 x 52
US GEN 1042

(Russian version of US GEN 1040)

(text only; no images)

70 x 52
US GEN 1043
Pozor na Špekulantov!

(Slovak version of US GEN 1040)

(text only; no images)

70 x 52
US GEN 1044

(Polish version of US GEN 1040)

(text only; no images)

70 x 52
US GEN 1045
  For Your Protection/Read!/Wage earners are being robbed/Dishonest men are tempting people to exchange their Liberty Bonds/and invest their hard-earned savings in "get-rich-quick" schemes that/promise big returns but are worthless./Hold fast to your Liberty Bonds/Don't exchange them for anything. Don't sell them unless absolutely/necessary [sic]. Keep them in a safe place or have them registered (free) in your name./If in doubt, consult nearest bank/before selling or exchanging your Liberty Bonds./Beware of the man/who tempts you to part with your Liberty Bonds – they are the safest and best investment in the world./Carter Glass/Secretary, United States Treasury Department,/Washington, D.C.

(text only; no images)

70.5 x 50.5
  Nel Vostro Stesso Interesse: Leggete!/Onesti Lavoratori Sono Stati Derubati …/Tenete I Liberty Bonds. Non Vendeteli! …/Se In Dubbio Consultate Con Il Vostro Banchiere/Carter Glass/Secretary, United States Treasury Department

(Italian version of US GEN 1046)

(text only; no images)

70 x 50
US GEN 1047
! לעזט
ארבײטער װערעז בערױבט ...
האדט זיד פעםט בײ אײעךע דיבעךטי באגדם! ...
אױב איהך זײט איז צװײפעל, ...
היט זיד פזו דעם טאו ...

Carter Glass …

(Hebrew/Yiddish version of US GEN 1046)

(text only; no images)

70 x 50
US GEN 1048
/…/Carter Glass …

(Slovak version of US GEN 1046)

(text only; no images)

70 x 50
US GEN 1049

(Polish version of US GEN 1046)

70 x 50
US GEN 1050
US WWI poster (general): Straight from German Straight from Germany/A Poster originated and produced for the/Victory Liberty Loan by members of the/American Expeditionary Force./To the Folks Back Home –/We are finishing/our job./Are You finishing/yours?/Private A.E.F./On the Rhine/1919/Victory Liberty Loan

Includes the word "INVEST!" superimposed on the letter "V"

Image of a soldier leaning on his rifle

C. Leroy Baldridge

Robert Gair Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.

74 x 49.5
US GEN 1051

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co.

103.5 x 26
US GEN 1052
US WWI poster (general): I Am New York and Th I Am New York/and This Is My Creed/I am New York: all men know my fame and outward aspect, but few there are who know my heart …/"A City that hath foundations" – whose corner-stone is Faith/New York Will See It Through!...

[written by Bruce Barton]

(text only; no images)

Government Loan Organization

59 x 40
US GEN 1053
  Germans thought/there were two kinds/of Americans – white/and colored. They/found one kind – the/All-Americans. The/All-Americans will back to the limit the/Victory Liberty Loan."/Col. William Hayward

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

(text only; no images)

103 x 70
US GEN 1054
US WWI poster (general): New York is cosmopol New York is/cosmopolitan, but/all-American. In the/same all-American way/that it went into the/war it will support the/Victory Liberty Loan."/Mayor/John F. Hylan

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70.5
US GEN 1055
US WWI poster (general): When New York witnessed... When New York/witnessed the parade of/the 27th Division it saw/25,000 living reasons/for supporting the/Victory Liberty Loan."/Major General/John F. O'Ryan

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103.5 x 71
US GEN 1056
US WWI poster (general): New York Will See It Through New York/Will See It/Through!

(text only; no images; white lettering in a red oval)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

55 x 80.5
US GEN 1057
US WW1 poster (general):Albany Will See It Through! Albany/Will See It/Through!

(text only; no images; white lettering in a red oval; same design as US GEN 1057)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

54 x 79
US GEN 1058
US WW1 poster (general):Newark Will See It Through! Newark/Will See It/Through!

(text only; no images; white lettering in a red oval; same design as US GEN 1057)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

55.5 x 81

several tears
US GEN 1059
מהענקם־ א

(In Hebrew/Yiddish)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

69.5 x 51.5
US GEN 1060
(In Russian)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

69.5 x 51.5
US GEN 1061

(In Polish)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

69.5 x 51
US GEN 1062
  Non scordiamoci del nostro debito di gratitudine! Compriamo Victory Bonds / [Do not forget our debt of gratitude! Buy Victory Bonds]

(In Italian)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co.

69.5 x 51
US GEN 1063
  Ön dolgozik a pénzéért. Hadd dolgozzék a pénze önért! FEKTESSE A PÉNZÉT az Egyesült Államok Victory Liberty Bond-Jába!

(In Hungarian)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

69.5 x 51.5
US GEN 1064

(In Greek)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1065

(In Greek)

(text only; no images)

(smaller version of US GEN 1065)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

70 x 51.5
US GEN 1066
  "Long after this war is over,/we shall continue in the/struggle to achieve liberty/for all mankind. To do it/effectively, we must bind our-/selves together as a nation,/and there is no surer bond/between a man and his/country than that he shall be/a bondholder of his country."/Theodore Roosevelt

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1067
  "To own bonds of/the United States/is a badge of honor."/Theodore Roosevelt/Invest in the Victory Loan

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1068
  The four Liberty/Loans put the punch/into Victory. The/Victory Liberty Loan/will put the punch/into prosperity."/C.M. Schwab.

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 69
US GEN 1069
  "Government re-/education of wounded/man depends on the/Victory Liberty Loan./This should be/sufficient reason for/all who believe in/education to support/the Loan."/Nicholas Murray Butler

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1070
  "The success of the Victory Liberty Loan is not only vital to America. The success of the Victory Liberty Loan is vital to the world and civilization." William H. Taft

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

104 x 70
US GEN 1071
  "One of the most attractive investments ever offered to the public." Walter E. Frew President Corn Exchange Bank. Invest in the Victory Loan.

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1072
  "Are you going to refuse to pay the insurance for getting your 2,000,000 lads safely across the Atlantic? Because that is what you are paying – insurance." Admiral Sims.

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1073
  "The one important matter before America today is the Victory Liberty Loan. Let us push it through and get it off our minds. Then we can roll up our sleeves and take a new start on a normal business basis." Thomas A. Edison

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1074
  "From John Paul Jones down to Admiral Sims the American Navy has kept faith with the American people. Keep the faith with the Navy by supporting the Victory Liberty Loan." Franklin D. Roosevelt, Acting Secretary of the Navy.

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co., New York, N.Y.

103 x 70
US GEN 1075
US WWI poster (general): New York Will See It Buy Your/Victory Notes/Here/Partial Payments Plan/…/Invest/and Finish/the JOB!

(text only; no images)

106.5 x 70
US GEN 1076
  Got One? Get One! Buy Another Victory Note

Image of a red feather

70.5 x 53
US GEN 1077
  Where Is Your [red feather pictured]?

49 x 34

[not in folder or box]
US GEN 1078
  [image of a red feather; no text]

105.5 x 25.5
US GEN 1079
  Americans Never Show/the White Feather –/Buy the Biggest Victory Note You Can/and Stick a/Red Feather/in your hat to show that you/have done your part/Finish the Job

Image of a red feather; behind it is the letter "V"

46.5 x 39.5
US GEN 1080
US WWI poster (general): Home At Last Home At Last from Overseas!/Loaded with German trophies, this boy finds in his mother's joy and pride full compensation for the hardships and dangers of fighting in France …/Invest in the Victory Loan!/Victory Loan/Pictorial News

(black-and-white photoprint)

Image of a woman, wearing an apron, hugging a soldier who has a knapsack and three German helmets slung over his shoulder

Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. from Elliott Service Co., New York

42.5 x 34.5
US GEN 1081
  Invest V

209.5 x 104.5

[not in folder]
US WWI poster (general): Why Victory Notes? Why Victory Notes?/Victory Notes will make your dollars do double duty …/If the signing of the Armistice had been delayed by several months or longer …/A Victory Note is a Short-time/Liberty Bond. Buy Victory Notes

(black and white)

New York State Library copy has, attached to the bottom of the poster, names of chief executive officers of 25 unions, associations, etc.

(text only; no images;)

Labor Bureau of the Liberty Loan Committee, 949 Broadway, New York City

54.5 x 35
US GEN 1083
  The Bulletin Albany, Saturday, May 3, 1919 Vol. 1, No. 2 Weather Fair … The City's Only Newspaper Troubles of the Printers and Newspaper Publishers Not Being Adjusted, Liberty Loan Committee Gets Out Its Second Number …Liberty Loan Jumps to Over $6,000,000

(black and white)

Publicity Bureau for Victory Liberty Loan

41 x 32
US GEN 1084
  State of New York/Executive Chamber/Albany/April 11, 1919/New York State has rallied to every call of the Nation. In the same splendid way it will rally to the call for the Victory Liberty Loan./[signature of Alfred E. Smith]/Governor

(text only; only image is a silhouette of the seal of the State of New York)

State of New York Executive Chamber for Victory Liberty Loan

103 x 70
US GEN 1085
  Home from France – for the Victory Loan/The famous military band known as "Pershing's own", [sic] whose stirring music cheered our soldiers in France, is parading along Victory Way in New York, through crowds of people gathered to hear it and to buy Victory Notes. The band is going to tour the country to help the Victory Loan./Our Country Needs the help of every boy and girl to raise the money it must have to pay our war debts. Do your bit for Uncle Sam!/Ask Your Parents to Buy Victory Notes

(black-and-white photoprint)

Image of a military band preceding rows and rows of soldiers as they march by a row of columns topped with eagles; in the background can be seen a pyramid made of German helmets; to the right of the picture can be seen one of the German artillery guns that were on display the day of the parade

Elliott Service Co.

Victory Liberty Loan

43.5 x 35

US GEN 1086
  Are You In It – Line Up
(Billboard size – 24 sheets; too large and too fragile to measure)

Victory Liberty Loan

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 1087
  Your Buy and Mine
(Billboard size – many sheets; too large and too fragile to unfold for reading and measurement)
Victory Liberty Loan

[not measured]

[not in folder]
US GEN 1088
  Sergeant Jim Says – "If you could have seen those Jerrys make tracks for Berlin – you'd know what the money was spent for and why you've got to kick in and help make the Victory Loan a success."

Image is a cut-out of a man's head and hands; he is holding and pointing to the words on the paper

Victory Loan Drive

35 x 92
US GEN 1089
  Let's Go to It!/Victory Loan/Mon., April 21-Sat., May 10/Safest Investment/in the World

Image of hands reaching upward

United Cigar Stores Co.

68 x 45

several tears; very brittle
US GEN 1090
  Victory Loan/ April 21-May 10/ 1919/Safest Investment/in the World

Image of a female allegorical figure representing America; she holds a sword in her left hand and a sheaf of Victory Bonds in her right hand

United Cigar Stores Co.

67.5 x 41.5

several tears; piece missing; very brittle
US GEN 1091
  Forward! Forward to Victory Enlist Now


[Published in Great Britain?]

59 1/2 x 39

[not in folder]
US GEN 1092a
  You –/Who Have/Sound Limbs,/and Eyes/That See –/Finish/the Job/Be Thankful/That You Can/Invest in the/Victory Liberty Loan/and Do It

(black, white and gray)

Image of a soldier missing one arm, using a cane and wearing sunglasses

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 1092b
  You Must Help/to Build the Bridge/If Your Expect to Get/Across/Invest in/the Future/of America/Victory/Liberty Loan

Image of a construction crew building a bridge across a body of water toward a mountain, labeled "National Prosperity," across the water; the bridge is labeled "Victory Liberty Loan"

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 1093
  New/York/Will/See It/Through/New York Has/Never Failed –/She Will Not/Fail Now –/Victory/Liberty/Loan

(text only; no images)

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 1094
  Subscriber/V/Victory/Liberty Loan/Awarded by the United States Treasury Department

(window sticker)

"Moisten top and bottom and apply to glass. Easily removed with cold water."
United States Treasury Dept.

(text only; no images)

21 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 1095
  Invest! V
(irregular shape)

(text only; no images)

25 x 25

Box 3
US GEN 1096
  Invest! V

(text only; no images)

Round – diameter: 20 cm

Box 3
US GEN 1097
  There's a Call/for You – from/the boys still over there/Invest in the/Victory Liberty Loan

(text only; no images)

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

18 x 27

Box 3
US GEN 1098
  Real Estate Honor Emblem/The Quota of This Property/of the Victory Liberty Loan/(Based on Its Assessed Valuation)/Has Been Subscribed/Real Estate Division/Victory Liberty Loan

Image of a banner with a blue "V" printed on a background of five vertical red stripes and four vertical white stripes; above the letter "V" is a blue right triangle with the 90-degree corner pointing toward the "V"; in the blue triangle are the letters "RE"

35 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 1099
US WWI poster (general): Honor Button Honor Button

Image is a pin on which there is the letter "V" and the words "Liberty Loan"

(same as US GEN 1020)

Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

35.5 x 27

Box 3
US GEN 1100
  The True/American/is one who/sticks by America/in peace as well/as in war./The coming Victory/Liberty Loan will/be a test of your/Americanism

(Text is printed over a background of scattered large and small stars)

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 3
US GEN 1101
  The Red Badge of Honor worn by every regular American./Where's Yours?/Get one – Get it today!/Wear it!/Wear it where it shows and/let the rest of the World/know you have finished your job – and a little bit more …
(printed on both sides; not a poster)

Verso: Three Ways to Buy /Victory Notes/I. You can pay in full …/II. You can pay on the Government plan …/III. You can pay in weekly installments …/Buy the biggest Victory Note you/can, and put a feather in your cap/Be a regular American

Image of a red feather superimposed on a gray "V"

Includes a "Victory Coupon" in the lower right-hand corner which "with $2 may be exchanged for your Red Feather at any bank or Victory Loan Booth in Greater New York."

25 x 18

Box 3
US GEN 1102
  Household/100%/Honor Emblem/Victory/Liberty Loan/Awarded by the/United States Treasury Department
(window sticker)

"Moisten top and bottom and apply to glass. Easily removed with cold water"

(same as US GEN 1023)

Image is a blue circle surrounding a white circle; in the white circle, printed in red, is "100%"

Regensteiner Colortype Co.

U.S. Treasury Department

20.5 x 16

Box 3
US GEN 1103

Image is a blue circle surrounding a white circle; in the white circle, printed in red, is "100%"

10 x 10

Box 3
US GEN 1104
US WWI poster (general): McGraw-Hill Company McGraw-Hill Company, Inc./Tenth Avenue at 36th Street/New York/To Every Employer and/Every Employee Everywhere … Liberty has a message for all of us … How can we keep the faith? … Sincerely yours/Engineering News-Record/Power/American Machinist …Ingenieria Internacional

(text only; no images)

McGraw-Hill Company Inc.

15.5 x 10

Box 3
US GEN 1105
  Keep The Faith/If ye break faith/with us who die/We shall not sleep,/though poppies grow/In Flanders fields

Image of a field of poppies in the foreground; in the field are a couple crosses; in the distant background is farmland with farm buildings; overhead are clouds and in the clouds can be seen a regiment of American soldiers marching forward following an American flag

Text is last two lines of the poem "In Flanders Fields" by Lieut. Col. John McCrae

18 x 11.5

Box 3
US GEN 1106
  In Flanders Fields (poem)
(Lt. Col. McCrae)

Printed on both sides; not a poster; poem on one side; verso: "Every Victory Note we buy – you and I – is the best possible investment … The killing is over. It lasted four years, three months and fourteen days … Seventy-two thousand Americans died in France and left a job for us to finish …"

(text only; no images)

18.5 x 11.5

Box 3
US GEN 1107
  If ye break faith with us who die/We shall not sleep, though poppies grow/In Flanders fields
(printed on both sides)

Verso: V Invest! Printed in a diamond

Image of a soldier standing in front of and gazing at a cross; his hands rest on his rifle

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

18.5 x 11

Box 3
US GEN 1108
  These additional honor emblems may/be obtained from the local Victory/Liberty Loan Committee, free of charge,/upon proper evidence being presented/that they have been earned … This will help to stimulate healthy rivalry between various departments.
(printed on both sides)

Verso: "Application for/Industrial Honor Flags" which is to be mailed to the Industrial Honor Flag Division, Advisory Trades Committee, Room 2534, 120 Broadway, N.Y.C.

Image is the one used in US GEN 1024

20 x 10

Box 3
US GEN 1109
  Industrial Honor Flag/of the/Victory Liberty Loan/Industrial Honor Flags will be given in recognition of unusual patriotic service … Concerns that are eligible …To qualify … To Obtain the Flag … Additional Honor Emblems …
(printed on both sides)

Image is the one used in US GEN 1022

20 x 10

Box 3
US GEN 1110
US WWI poster (general): McGraw-Hill Company It Sustained Him –/and It Supported the War-time/Agencies That Helped Him!/Victory Fund Campaign/The New Era Movement of the Presbyterian Church/in the U.S.A.
(dated: 1919)

Image of a soldier crouching on a battlefield; he is clutching at his chest from which it appears blood is coming; in the background is an artillery field piece and, in the sky, illuminating his upper torso, a large cross

M. Leone Bracker

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

Presbyterian Church for Victory Fund Campaign

76 x 48

tears; piece missing (in envelope)
US GEN 1111
  Behold! The Way to Victory
(dated: 1919)

M. Leone Bracker

Lith. of Petre. Schmidt & Bergman

Presbyterian Church for Victory Fund Campaign

110 x 70

[not in folder]
US GEN 1112
US WWI poster (general): Shall Chaos Triumph? Shall/Chaos/Triumph?/Victory Fund Campaign/The New Era Movement of the Presbyterian Church/in the U.S.A.
(dated: 1919)

(black and white)

Image of Jesus Christ in a battlefield; he is gazing toward the sky; behind him are the remains of a bombed-out building, artillery pieces and bodies

M. Leone Bracker

American Lithographic Co.

Victory Fund Campaign of the Presbyterian Church

76.5 x 48.5

US GEN 1113
  V Invest
(printed both sides; not a poster)

(black and white)

Verso: Victory Notes/A Victory Note is a short-time Liberty Bond …/Why Victory Notes are a good business/investment for YOU …

Image is a white-lettering-on-grey-background version of the image in US GEN 1034

10.5 x 8

Box 3
US GEN 1114
US WWI poster (general): A word of caution from the One man that knows A word of caution/from the One man/that knows/"Don't Be Too Sure!"/Foch fought the Germans through four years and no man in the world is better able to judge of Teuton treachery and Prussian perfidy than he …/Victory Liberty Loan Committee/This Space Patriotically Contributed By by Benjamin W. Arnold [donor of the New York State Library's collection of World War I posters]

(black and white)

Full-page ad from The [Albany] Argus, April 21, 1919.

Image is a head-and-shoulders charcoal drawing of Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Victory Liberty Loan Committee

54 x 41
US GEN 1115
  Here's Another/Don't Strike Out/You/Can Help/to/Bring the Boys Home/
(dated: 1919)
(not a poster; baseball schedules for National and American leagues for the 1919 season on inside of item)

Verso: Mr. Fan, there's one more inning to play in the Great War Game. Four runs have come across the plate - four Liberty Loans that knocked the Kaiser's pitchers out of the box … Play the Game – Invest in the Victory Loan

Image of a baseball game; in the foreground is a player holding a bat labeled "Victory Loan"; in the background are ball players on the field with the pitcher winding up to throw the ball

Government Loan Organization – Liberty Loan Committee

13 x 12

Box 3
US GEN 1116
  Aero-Gram Message/We helped make Germany quit./You must Finish the Job/Invest in Victory Loan Bonds and get all the/boys back home./103rd Aero Squadron/Lafayette Escadrille/P.S. We're glad to be here.

(text only; no images)

13 x 21

Box 3
US GEN 1117
US WWI poster (general): $1 a Week for a Share $1 a Week/for a/Share in/Victory/That's the proposition. A dollar a week for a share in the Victory by right of which you are living in the freedom of the United States of America … Buy Your Share in Victory – Today!/Make your weekly payments at any of the undersigned Banks

(black and white)

Image of the cover of a "Receipt Book for Payments/on Subscription/to/United States Government/Victory/Liberty Loan/$50 Notes …"

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/Liberty Loan Committee

29.5 x 19.5

Box 3
US GEN 1118
  4¾ Percent Interest

(text only; no images)

Victory Liberty Loan

35 x 27

Box 3
US GEN 1119
US WWI poster (general): Boys And Girls! You can Help... Boys And Girls!/You Can Help your Uncle Sam/Win the War/Save Your Quarters/Buy War Savings Stamps

In a box are the logo of "The Torch of Liberty" with the text: W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government

Image of Uncle Sam with two children; Uncle Sam holds the girl in his right arm and a sheet of paper labeled W.S.S.; the boy stands in front of and is looking at Uncle Sam

James Montgomery Flagg

American Lithographic Co.

War Savings Stamps

101 x 75
US GEN 1120
US WWI poster (general): I Am Telling You I Am Telling You/On June 28th I expect you/to enlist in the army of/war savers to back up my/army of fighters./W.S.S. Enlistment

Image of Uncle Sam with arms akimbo and looking at the viewer; also logo of "The Torch of Liberty"

James Montgomery Flagg

American Lithographic Co.

War Savings Stamps

76 x 50.5
US GEN 1121
US WWI poster (general): Boys And Girls! Boys And Girls!/You Can Help your Uncle Sam/Win the War/Save Your Quarters/Buy War Savings Stamps

In a box are the logo of "The Torch of Liberty" with the text: W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government

Image of Uncle Sam with two children; Uncle Sam holds the girl in his right arm and a sheet of paper labeled W.S.S.; the boy stands in front of and is looking at Uncle Sam

(smaller version of US GEN 1120)

James Montgomery Flagg

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

75 x 50.5
US GEN 1122
US WWI poster (general): An Appeal to All An Appeal/to All Our Patriotic People/by the President, the Governor and the Secretary of the Treasury …/Friday, June 28, 1918/ Has Been Designated as National War Savings Day/Pledge and Buy Your Limit

(text only except for head-and-shoulders photoprints of President Woodrow Wilson, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo and New York State Governor Charles S. Whitman)

New York State Library copy is whole

The Matthews Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

104 x 68
US GEN 1123
US WWI poster (general): An Appeal to All An Appeal to All Our Patriotic People
(Woodrow Wilson; Maine Gov. Milliken; (U.S.Treasury Secretary William G. McAdoo)

Mostly the same text as US GEN 1123; text related to and photoprints and signatures of the governors is different; slightly different layout and different photographs of Wilson and McAdoo

Printwell Printing Company, Portland, Maine

War Savings Stamps

104 x 72
US GEN 1124
US WWI poster (general): War Thrift Meeting War Thrift/Meeting/Carnegie Hall/Wednesday January 30/at 8 p.m./The following Prominent Speakers/will address the audience:/Hon. Elihu Root/Mr. Patrick Francis Murphy/Mrs. F. Louis Slade/Hon. Almet F. Jenks/Celebrated Opera Soloists will sing/national anthems of Italy, France,/England and America

(text only; includes box with "The Torch of Liberty" logo with this text: W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States/Government)

War Savings Stamps

102.5 x 73
US GEN 1125
US WWI poster (general): Thanksgiving Week Thanksgiving Week/Is Pershing/Tribute Week/The name of every person who/buys War Stamps on or before/Thanksgiving Day will be sent/to General Pershing in France/on a Christmas Greeting to/our Boys over there Pershing is from Missouri/You Must Show Him/In Celebration of Victory

Image of head-and-shoulders portrait of John Pershing plus an image of page from a calendar for November 1918 with the date 28 circled

H.H. Green

Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

106 x 70
US GEN 1126
US WWI poster (general): War-Savings Stamps War-Savings Stamps/America's/"Bow of Promise"/W.S.S./…/After the flood, the rainbow appeared in the sky, …/So we must create a Rainbow of Victory …/You can help …/War Savings Stamps/Make 1918/The Greatest Year in History

Image of a rainbow bearing the words "War-Savings Stamps" stretches across the top of the poster over an image of the U.S. Capitol and between two two-handed cauldrons, each bearing the initials "W.S.S."; on the left is a female allegorical figure of America holding a baby; an eagle is perched on a stone beside her; on the right are two men, two women and a boy getting ready to donate money to the W.S.S. cauldron; at the bottom of the poster is an eagle clutching a ribbon on which is printed "Win the War."

Urquhart Wilcox

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

96 x 62
US GEN 1127
  War-Savings Stamps/America's/"Bow of Promise"/W.S.S./…/After the flood, the rainbow appeared in the sky, …/So we must create a Rainbow of Victory …/You can help …/War Savings Stamps/Make 1918/The Greatest Year in History

(smaller version of US GEN 1127)

Urquhart Wilcox

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

48 x 32
US GEN 1128
  Keep On/Buying/W.S.S./1919/Issue now on sale/Everywhere

(text only; no images but "W.S.S. … Everywhere" are printed on a red shield outlined in white)

Alles Printing Co., Los Angeles, Calif.

War Savings Stamps

70.5 x 52
US GEN 1129
US WWI poster (general): I Have Never Seen I Have Never/Seen My Daddy!/"I am George, Jr., and I live in Albany County. My Daddy is/'over there' fighting the Germans. I have never seen my Daddy./He has never seen me. Won't you help me to see him?"/Pledge and Buy the Limit of W.S.S./before June 28th

Image of a baby in a jumper seat; a service-star banner is tied to the front of the jumper seat

Robert R. McGeorge

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

70.5 x 54.5
US GEN 1130
US WWI poster (general): Keep the Hun Out! Keep the Hun Out!/Buy Home Protection with/War Savings Stamps

Image of a German soldier with a menacing face climbing through a window; behind him are flames

[William Addison?] Ireland

The New-Columbus Lithograph Co., Columbus, Ohio

War Savings Stamps

68 x 50.5
US GEN 1131
US WWI poster (general): Girls Do Your Duty Girls/Do Your Duty/You Can Help Big Sister/by Buying Thrift Stamps/Fill Your Card

Image of two girls wearing dresses and hats in the foreground; in the background an image of a nurse cradling a wounded soldier

[Harry James?] Westerman

War Savings Stamps

71 x 47.5
US GEN 1132
US WWI poster (general): They Took My Daddy "They Took/My Daddy/and/This/from Me."/Help /Bring the/Hun to/Justice/Buy War/Savings/Stamps

Image of a girl showing the viewer her hand-less arm; in the background are the ruins of a battle

[Harry James?] Ireland

The New-Columbus Lithograph Co., Columbus, Ohio

War Savings Stamps

68 x 50
US GEN 1133
US WWI poster (general): Our Soldiers in Siberia Our Soldiers in Siberia!/They Have Gone Over the Top for Us./Let Us Go Over the Top for Them./Buy War Savings Stamps./Merry/Christmas/with the/?echo-Slováks/1918

Image of a ?echo-Slovák soldier with his arm around the shoulder of an American soldier, gesturing him toward a log cabin from which light is coming through the windows; in the background is a church; includes a box with the logo for "The Torch of Liberty" and the text: W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government"

[August?] Petrtyl

Illinois Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.

War Savings Stamps

82 x 58
US GEN 1134
US WWI poster (general): Your War Savings Pledge Your War/Savings/Pledge/Our Boys Make Good/Their Pledge/Are You Keeping/Yours?

Image of Uncle Sam with his arms on the shoulders of a soldier and of a man dressed in a business suit; the soldier has his right hand raised, as in making a pledge; the businessman holds a piece of paper on which are printed "W.S.S."; includes a box with the logo for "The Torch of Liberty" and the text: W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government"

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

81 x 53
US GEN 1135
  Your War/Savings/Pledge/Our Boys Make Good/Their Pledge/Are You Keeping/Yours?

(smaller version of US GEN 1135)

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

40.5 x 26.5

Box 3
US GEN 1136
US WWI poster (general): Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Saved France/Women of America/Save Your Country/Buy War Savings Stamps/United States Treasury Department

Image of Joan of Arc with her sword raised; includes a box with the logo for "The Torch of Liberty" and the text: "W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government"

Haskell Coffin

United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

War Savings Stamps

101 x 75
US GEN 1137
  Joan of Arc Saved France/Women of America/Save Your Country/Buy War Savings Stamps/United States Treasury Department

(smaller version of US GEN 1137)

Haskell Coffin

United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

War Savings Stamps

75 x 50
US GEN 1138
US WWI poster (general): Save Your Child Save Your Child/from Autocracy/and Poverty/Buy/War Savings/Stamps/United States Treasury Department

Image of a nude child – except for socks and shoes – standing next to the hand and torch of the Statue of Liberty

Herbert Paus

The United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

War Savings Stamps

101 x 75
US GEN 1139
US WWI poster (general): Save Your Child from Autocracy Save Your Child/from Autocracy/and Poverty/Buy/War Savings/Stamps/United States Treasurty Department

(smaller version of US GEN 1139)

Herbert Paus

The United States Printing & Lithograph Co.

War Savings Stamps

75.5 x 51

several tears
US GEN 1140
US WWI poster (general): Save Your Child Save –/Buy –/For Victory/ W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government/for sale here

(black and white)

(text only; includes a box with the logo for "The Torch of Liberty" and the text: "W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government")

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

60.5 x 43
US GEN 1141
US WWI poster (general): Save and Invest Save and Invest/in the/Safest/Simplest/Security/Buy/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government/Jan. 1, 1918/$4.12/will equal/Jan. 1, 1923/$5.00

(text only; includes a box with the logo for "The Torch of Liberty" and the text: "W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government")

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

61 x 42
US GEN 1142
  All About W.S.S./What Are They?/They Are War Savings Stamps issued/by the United States Government/They Are of Two Kinds …/Why Should I Buy Them? Because We Are at War …/How Can I Buy Them? …/When Shall I Buy Them? …/Where Can I Buy Them? … Every Stamp Helps to Save a Life/Every Stamp Helps to End the War … United States Treasury Department
(dated: 1918)

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

60.5 x 48
US GEN 1143
US WWI poster (general): My Soldier Now I lay My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./How Can You Help?/SAVE/Buy War Stamps – Keep on Buying

(smaller version of US GEN 1144)

Image is the same as used in US GEN 936; text at the bottom is different

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

H.H. Green

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, Cleveland and New York

War Savings Stamps

111 x 70
US GEN 1144
US WWI poster (general): My Soldier Now I lay My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./Buy War Savings Stamps/and Thrift Stamps/4% Compounded Quarterly

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

Instead of biplanes flanking the image in the oval, the letters W.S.S. flank it

H.H. Green

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, Cleveland, and New York

War Savings Stamps

55 x 35
US GEN 1145
  My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./Buy War Savings Stamps/and Thrift Stamps/4% Compounded Quarterly

(smaller version of US GEN 1145)

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

Instead of biplanes flanking the image in the oval, the letters W.S.S. flank it

H.H. Green

The Matthews-Northrup Works

War Savings Stamps

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1146
  My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./How Can You Help?/SAVE/Buy War Stamps – Keep on Buying

(smaller version of US GEN 1144)

Image is the same as used in US GEN 936; text at the bottom is different

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

H.H. Green

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

27.5 x 18.5

Box 3
US GEN 1147
US WWI poster (general): My Soldier Now I lay My Soldier/Now I lay me down to sleep/I pray the Lord my soul to keep./God bless my brother gone to war/Across the seas, in France, so far./Oh, may his fight for Liberty,/Save millions more than little me/From Cruel fates or ruthless blast, - /And bring him safely home at last./How Can You Help?/SAVE/Buy War Stamps – Keep on Buying

(smaller version of US GEN 1144)

Image is the same as used in US GEN 936; text at the bottom is different

Image of a mother and child in a bedroom; the mother is sitting on a chair; the child, in pajamas, is kneeling in front of her with her head bowed, eyes closed, and hands in prayer; a bed is to one side; on the wall is a photograph of a soldier in a frame; biplanes flank the image of the bedroom scene

H.H. Green

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, Cleveland, and New York

War Savings Stamps

56 x 36
US GEN 1148
US WWI poster (general): Help Them Keep Help/Them/Keep Your/War Savings/Pledge/Issued by U.S. Treasury Dept.

Image of soldiers manning machine guns; from the front of the poster, War Savings Stamps are falling toward the back of the poster like dominos, morphing into bullets that are being fed into the gun

Casper (Caspar Hjalmar) Emerson, Jr.

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

75 x 49.5
US GEN 1149
US WWI poster (general): Beware of the Wrath Beware/of the Wrath of/a Patient Man!/Keep Your/War Savings/Pledge

Image of Uncle Sam, arms akimbo, looking at the viewer

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government"

James Montgomery Flagg

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

76 x 50.5
US GEN 1150
US WWI poster (general): June 28th June 28th/Is/National/War Savings Day/Pledge Yourself to/Save and Buy/War Savings Stamps/That There May Be More/Money, Labor and Materials/to Provide/for Those Who/Fight for You

The poster, in the style of a stock certificate, features an eagle with its wings outspread perched on fasces; over the eagle's head, between its wings, is the hand of the Statue of Liberty holding the torch; beneath one of the eagle's wings are a sailboat and a steamship; beneath the other wing are the skyscrapers and port of a city, presumably New York City

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

80 x 52
US GEN 1151
US WWI poster (general): They Give Their Lives They Give/Their Lives/Do/You/Lend/Your/Savings?

Image of graves marked with crosses on a hill, much like views of Calvary.

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government"; also includes the logo of the Committee on Public Information Division of Pictorial Publicity (DPP)

H. DeWitt Welsh

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp.

War Savings Stamps

75 x 50
US GEN 1152
US WWI poster (general): Help Stop This Help/Stop/This/Buy W.S.S./& Keep Him Out of America/Salesmen's War Savings Drive/Direction National Council of Traveling Salesmen/

Huge, beastly looking German soldier carrying a rifle in one hand and a bloody dagger in the other; he is stepping over the tiny body of a woman from which blood is flowing; in the background are the ruins of a city

Text at bottom of New York State Library poster differs from that of image

Includes a box in which are the letters W.S.S. and an oval in which is the arm of the Statue of Liberty holding up the torch

Adolph Treidler

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

National Council of Traveling Salesmen

70 x 51.5
US GEN 1153
US WWI poster (general): Help Him Win Help Him Win by/Saving and Serving/Buy/War Savings Stamps
(dated: 1918)

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Image of an American military officer, probably Gen. John J. Pershing, solemnly clasping the hands of a little girl and a little boy, who are looking up at him

American Lithographic Co.

War Savings Stamps

76 x 50
US GEN 1154
US WWI poster (general): This Couldn't Happen This Couldn't Happen!/Just because our boys have won the war, they're/not running away now in order to get home for/Christmas. Instead they're marching right ahead/into Germany./But are you running away? …/Don't YOU ran away! Hang on to your War Savings Stamps and march into Germany with the boys …/Keep Your/War Savings Stamps!

Image of a signpost and soldiers; the signpost points to "America" and to "Germany"; three of the soldiers are running in the direction of America; the marjority are marching in the direction of Germany

War Savings Stamps

70.5 x 55
US GEN 1155
  Announcement/Regarding/Thrift and War Savings Stamps/Our Government has again called upon each of us to help in financing the war …/Mr. Small Saver/Buy Thrift Stamps!/…/Mr. Big Saver/Buy War Savings Stamps!/…/Our General Office will act as the agent of the Treasury Department/and will keep on hand, for the convenience of its employees, a supply/of both Thrift and War Savings Stamps, also cards and certificates. It/also will gladly answer any questions on the subject …

(mostly text except for a small spread-winged eagle grasping a laurel branch and arrows)

War Savings Stamps

70 x 53.5
US GEN 1156
  War Savings Stamps/and Thrift Stamps/Buy Them Here

Image is of a stock certificate in which are the words "United States/of/America/War-Savings/Certificate"; in the "stock certificate" is an image of an eagle that is the same as that used in US GEN 1151

War Savings Stamps

63 x 45
US GEN 1157
  Your Stamp/of Approval/Buy/War Savings Stamps/Help Win the War

Image of two hands pasting down a 25-cent Thrift Stamp

T.O. McGill

War Savings Stamps

57 x 42
US GEN 1158
US WWI poster (general): United States United States/of/America/War Savings Stamps/and/Thrift Stamps/On Sale Here

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

55 x 35.5
US GEN 1159
  United States/of/America/War Savings Stamps/and/Thrift Stamps/On Sale Here

(smaller version of US GEN 1159)

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

28.5 x 18.5

Box 3
US GEN 1160
US WWI poster (general): Honor Flag Pioneer Honor Flag/Pioneer Division/1918/W/S/S/Our Quota is $_____/Buy W.S.S. Here Now/and/Help Us Win This Flag

Image of a banner with grommets on which is printed "1918 WSS" in blue on a gold background that is surrounded by a blue border

War Savings Stamps

41.5 x 29
US GEN 1161
US WWI poster (general): Keep Him Free Keep Him Free/Buy War Savings Stamps Issued by the United States Treasury Dept.

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of "The Torch of Liberty"

Image of a monumental-size eagle sitting on the edge of its nest; flying by the eagle are eight biplanes

Charles Livingston Bull

Ketterlinus Print, Philadelphia, Pa.

War Savings Stamps

75 x 50
US GEN 1162
  Stamp!/Stamp!!/Stamp!!!/The Boys Are Marching/Buy/War Savings Stamps

Image, in silhouette, of a platoon of men with bayonetted rifles marching; in the background are houses being bombed

T.O. McGill

War Savings Stamps

45.5 x 34
US GEN 1163
  Stamp!/Stamp!!/Stamp!!!/The Boys Are Marching/Buy/War Savings Stamps

(duplicate of US GEN 1163)

T.O. McGill

War Savings Stamps

46 x 34.5

US GEN 1164
  "Stamp"/It Out/Buy/War Savings Stamps

Image of a man's foot, in a boot, just about to stamp on a snake that is wearing a German soldier's helmet

T.O. McGill

War Savings Stamps

45 x 34
US GEN 1165
  "Stamp" It Out

(duplicate of US GEN 1165)

T.O. McGill

War Savings Stamps

46 x 34

US GEN 1166
US WWI poster (general): Keep Him Free "Two Souls with/But a Single/Thought/Two Hearts/That Beat/the Hun"/Buy/More/W.S. Stamps/Here/Now!

Two images: (1) a woman, dressed in rags, reaching up to a soldier who is coming out of the sky; at the woman's feet is a dead woman; in the background is a village and a battle scene; (2) Uncle Sam with a bass drum; on the drum's skin is an image of a German soldier holding his hands over his ears; the drum sticks in Uncle Sam's hands are shaped liked Valentine's Day hearts; on one heart: W.S. Stamps; on the other heart: Thrift Stamps

(smaller version of US GEN 702)

Arthur E. Rice

J.B. Lyon Company Printers, Albany, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

35 x 53
US GEN 1167
  "Two Souls with/But a Single/Thought/Two Hearts/That Beat/the Hun"/Buy/More/W.S. Stamps/Here/Now!

(duplicate of US GEN 1167)

Arthur E. Rice

J.B. Lyon Company Printers

War Savings Stamps

34.5 x 51.5

US GEN 1168
  Give/[US]/Our Daily/Bread/Buy War Savings Stamps! Buy Thrift Stamps!/For 25 cents our Government can make 5 bullets …/Help While the Helping Is Good!/1892/Kaiser William called himself the War Lord …/Hang this in a conspicuous place.
(dated: 1917)

[US]: The letter S is entwined with the letter U

(text only; no images; the letters in "bread" form the red stripes of a red-white-and-blue shield where the words "Give US Our Daily" are in the blue part of the shield

War Savings Stamps

43 x 28
US GEN 1169
US WWI poster (general): Save That 25 Cents Save/That 25 Cents/and make it work for/you and Uncle Sam/It will buy/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the U.S. Government/at any Post office, bank or/authorized business house

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

45 x 35
US GEN 1170
  What Can You Do/to Help Win the War?/You can start a thrift card for/25 cents to-day/Uncle Sam needs that quarter and YOU ought/to save it./Buy Thrift Stamps/and/War Saving Stamps/Buy them at any post-office, bank or authorized business house./Buy a Thrift Stamp – War Won't Wait!/Albany County War Savings Committee

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

50 x 39.5
US GEN 1171
US WWI poster (general): Army Shoes Army Shoes/There'll Soon Be/5,000,000 of These/Stout Tan Shoes/Marching Their Steady Way to the Rhine/A Thrift/Stamp/a/Day/Will Pay for a Pair in Less Than a Month

"Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 1"

Image of marching feet clothed in tan shoes and spats

Schulte Cigar Stores for War Savings Stamps

73 x 52
US GEN 1172
US WWI poster (general): 4 Every Day 4 Every Day/Every 6 Hours a Ship Is Launched to Carry/Our Boys "Over There"/A Thrift Stamp/A Day Will Help to Pay the Freight

"Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 2"

Image of a ship, labeled Liberty, being launched at a shipyard; people on the ship and on the dock are waving hats in the air

Schulte Cigar Stores for War Savings Stamps

72 x 52.5
US GEN 1173
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam's Standard Uncle Sam's/Standard/Gas Mask/With This Mask/Adjustable in/4 Seconds/Gas Has No Terror/for Our Boys/Equipment/Costs Money/A Thrift/Stamp/a Day/Will Help Pay the Bills

"Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 2"

Image of a man and an eagle; the man, on the left of the poster is wearing a gas mask; the eagle, on the right of the poster, is flying toward the man

Schulte Cigar Stores for War Savings Stamps

72 x 52
US GEN 1174
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys in Blue Our Boys in Blue/Uncle Sam's Man Power on the Seas/January, 1917 – 87,000/To-day – 350,000/Help to Equip Them and Bring Them Back to Us/by Buying/a Thrift/Stamp/Every/Day

"Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 5"

Image of four sailors standing at attention with rifles at their sides

Schulte Cigar Stores for War Savings Stamps

72 x 52
US GEN 1175
US WWI poster (general): The Browning The Browning/Uncle Sam's Official Machine Gun/Fires 400 Shots a Minute/Fired 39,000 Shots/without a Break …./A/Thrift/Stamp/a/Day/Will Help to Keep It Barking

"Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series – Poster 6"

Image of two soldiers and a Browning machine gun; caption on the image: "Belt Holds/ 350 Cartridges/Gun Weights 34½ Pounds"

Schulte Cigar Stores for War Savings Stamps

72.5 x 52.5
US GEN 1176
US WWI poster (general): United States Government United States Government/War Savings Stamps/…/Save Your Quarters – They Will Grow to Dollars/Get Stamps at Any Postoffice,/Bank or at This Office/Every 25¢ Thrift Stamp You Buy/Helps Win the War

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

52 x 34

US GEN 1177
US WWI poster (general): Christmas Give Christmas/Give/U.S. Government/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/or/Thrift Stamps/Instead of Money/For Sale Here

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

49 x 35.5

US GEN 1178
US WWI poster (general): Buy U.S. Government Buy U.S. Government War Savings Stamps/25¢/Starts/You/…/This Is a Thrift Card/Fill this Card with sixteen 25¢ Thrift Stamps …/This Is a War Savings Certificate/Fill this Card with $5 War Svings Stamps …/Let Your Quarters Help Win the War

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Images of the outside and inside of a United States Government Thrift Card and of a United States War-Savings Certificate

War Savings Stamps

52.5 x 57

cardboard; cracked
US GEN 1179
US WWI poster (general): Help Us Make It Hot Help Us/Make It Hot/for/the Kaiser/Buy your/Stamps here/now and see the/Thermometer/go up/An idle/Quarter is a/slacker Quarter/Invest in Thrift Stamps/now and save some Lad's/Life in No Man's Land

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Image of thermometer going from 25 [sic] to $1000

War Savings Stamps

70.5 x 27
US GEN 1180
US WWI poster (general): Save and Serve Save and Serve/Buy W.S.S./War Savings Stamps

Image of an eagle with the U.S. shield over its breast, a laurel branch in one talon, and a sheaf of arrows in the other talon

War Savings Stamps

30.5 x 42.5
US GEN 1181

(In Greek)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

30.5 x 42.5
US GEN 1182
  TILL SALU HÄR/[For Sale Here ]
/[War Savings Stamps]
Äfvensom Sparmärken/[Also Thrift Stamps]

(In Swedish)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 41.5
US GEN 1183
  ITT KAPHATÓK/[For Sale Here]
War Savings Bélyegek/ [Stamps]
Valamint Thrift Bélyegek/[As well as Thrift Stamps]

(In Hungarian)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 41.5

cardboard; one corner cracked
US GEN 1184
  DO SPRZEDA?Y TUTAJ/[For Sale Here]
OSZCZ?DNO?CIOWE/[Savings] (Thrift Stamps)

(In Polish)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 41.5
US GEN 1185
US WWI poster (general): For Sale Here For Sale Here/Also Thrift Stamps

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 41

US GEN 1186
US WWI poster (general): In vendita qui In vendita qui/[For Sale Here]
Anche Francobolli di Economia/[Also Thrift Stamps]

(In Italian)

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 41
US GEN 1187
US WWI poster (general): ?? ????? ??????? דא ווערט  פערקױפט  ...

(Yiddish version of US GEN 1186)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

War Savings Stamps

29.5 x 42
US GEN 1188
US WWI poster (general): $500 di W.S.S. $500 di/W.S.S./[$5.00 in W.S.S.]
Francobolli di risparmio per la Guerra/[War Savings Stamps] …

(In Italian)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

44 x 34
US GEN 1189
  French Girls Work for Uncle Sam!/These are French girls in the service of Uncle Sam at the American army/supply base, Tours, France. They are proud to wear uniforms marked/"U.S." and like to be called "Yanks."/Every boy or girl who keeps on buying Thrift Stamps is serving Uncle/Sam, too, because he or she helps to buy the food and clothing which/these girls pass on to our soldiers "over there."/Save and Buy More Thrift Stamps


Image is a photoprint of three girls dressed in uniforms and hats that are too big for them.

Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. from Elliott Service Co., N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

43 x 36
US GEN 1190
  The Heroes of the 27th March/Here are some of New York's gallant soldier-boys as they appeared/in the great Victory Parade, when 20,000 bronzed veterans just back/from France marched up Fifth Avenue, New York, amid the cheers of millions of people./As a patriotic boy or girl, aren't you proud that by buying Thrift/Stamps you can help Uncle Sam bring home from across the ocean such/heroes as these, and care for those who have been wounded fighting for Liberty?/Keep on Buying Thrift Stamps


Image of soldiers, with bayonetted rifles resting on their shoulders, marching in a parade; large building in background

Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y. from Elliott Service Co., N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

44 x 36
US GEN 1191
  School Thrift/Day/Special Edition/October 3,/1919/Penny Books by Aeroplane/Douglas Campbell, the first American Ace, is helping the school thrift/campaign. He is here shown at Albany, N.Y., after landing a load of/Penny School Savings Books, brought all the way from New York by/aeroplane. In his hand is the original copy of Governor Smith's procla-mation declaring October 3 to be Thrift Day in the schools throughout the State./The group, from left to right, are Gardiner B. Perry, Chairman, Government Loan Or-/ganization, Albany County; Douglas Campbell; Augustus S. Downing, Deputy Commis-/sioner of Education, who has just purchased one of the new Treasury Savings Certifi-/cates, and F.C. Witsell, Manager of the School Bureau of the Government Loan Or-/ganization, who made the flight with Mr. Campbell./Buy Thrift Stamps Regularly

(black and white)

Attached to the poster were four blue stamps on which was imprinted: "Government/Loan/Organization"; these stamps are now in an envelope in the folder with the item

Image is a photoprint of four men standing next to a biplane

Thrift Stamps (War Savings Stamps)

43 x 35.5
US GEN 1192
  W.S.S./100%/Club/W.S.S./School Campaign/100% Club/This is to Certify/That the Teacher and All Pupils/of [line on which to write in name of school]/Own a War Savings Thrift Card./W.S.S. Committee/for [space to be filled in plus a space for the chairman to sign]/Chairman

(certificate for schools)

Item is a certificate

War Savings Stamps

38 x 27.5

Box 3
US GEN 1193
  W.S.S./100%/Club/W.S.S./Household Campaign/100% Club/This is to Certify/That Every Member of this Household/Owns a War Savings Thrift Card./W.S.S. Committee/for [space to be filled in plus a space for the chairman to sign]/Chairman

(certificate for households)

Item is a certificate

War Savings Stamps

38 x 27.5

Box 3
US GEN 1194
  W.S.S./100%/Club/W.S.S./ 100% Club/This is to Certify/That the Management and all Employees of [line on which to write in name of business]/Own a War Savings Thrift Card./W.S.S. Committee/for [space to be filled in plus a space for the chairman to sign]/Chairman

(certificate for businesses)

Item is a certificate

War Savings Stamps

38 x 27.5

Box 3
US GEN 1195
US WWI poster (general): Buy United States Buy United States Government/War Savings Stamps/Your Money Back with Interest from the United States Treasury

Image of Uncle Sam and immigrants; Uncle Sam is at a window above which is a sign: "W.S.S. For Sale Here"; his hat can be seen hanging on a hook; the immigrants are standing in line to buy stamps; there is one child in the image and she is waving an American flag

Image also on verso – in black and white – like a bleedthrough
Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
War Savings Stamps
76 x 101

several bad tears; some pieces missing
US GEN 1196
US WWI poster (general): We Are Buying W.S.S. We Are/Buying/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States Government/to Help the/Army & Navy/Win the War

"Treasury Department Thrift Service"

(sticky at top and bottom to paste on window; includes instructions on how to affix it to the window; at end of directions: Keep This Poster in Your Window Until the War Is Won! "Every Time You Buy a War Savings Stamp You Defend Old Age and Old Glory.")

War Savings Stamps

27.5 x 19

Box 3
US GEN 1197
  Save and/Invest/Buy/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States/Government

(text only except for the logo of "The Torch of Liberty" which shows the torch of the Statue of Liberty surrounded by the words]

Parker-Brawner Co., Washington, D.C.

War Savings Stamps

22 x 18

Box 3
US GEN 1198
  Christmas Give U.S. Government W.S.S. War Savings Stamps or Thrift Stamps Instead of Money For Sale Here

(text accented with small images: a sprig of holly and a candle in a candleholder)

32 x 25

Box 4
US GEN 1199
  Save a Little/Every Day –/ Buy/War Saving/Stamps/Get 4% interest/compounded quarterly/Help win/the War!

(text only except for United Cigar Stores Co. logo)

United Cigar Stores Co. for War Savings Stamps

49 x 25.5
US GEN 1200
US WWI poster (general): Begin War Savings Begin/War Savings/Today/This Is Your Country –/Prove It!
(irregular shape)

Image of an American eagle in front of a piece of bunting

In the New York State Library copy, the eagle is facing in the opposite direction

War Savings Stamps

75 x 27
US GEN 1201
  What You Can/Do to Save/Summer is the Best of All Seasons for/You to Earn Money with Which to Buy/Thrift & War Savings Stamps/ … Bank Your Savings with Uncle Sam/Use a Vacation Thrift Bank

At top of poster are the letters WSS in an oval surrounded by patriotic shields, eagles and flags; at bottom of poster are boys and girls engaging in various kinds of work, including beating a rug, sweeping, pushing a baby carriage, carrying golf clubs, carrying newspapers, and pushing a wheelbarrow; below that image is an image of Vacation Thrift Bank (i.e., box)

Stacy H. Wood

War Savings Stamps

55.5 x 36
US GEN 1202
  Going Down to Repair a Battleship/A Navy diver is going over the side of the U.S. battleship/"Pennsylvania" to make repairs on the ship's bottom. A telephone is/attached to his helmet, so that he can talk from far below the waves to men on the battleship's deck/…/Keep Buying Thrift Stamps!
(dated: 5/10/19)


Image is a photoprint of men on a ship; one man is in diving gear and is going over the side of the ship; the other men are dressed in raincoats and rainhats

Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y., from Elliott Service Co., New York

Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps

43.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1203
  Off for Europe through the Air/The U.S. Navy seaplane "NC-1" and the brave men who are flying her across the Atlantic Ocean to win for America the glory of the first trip to Europe through the air …/Keep Buying Thrift Stamps


Image is of men on and in front of a seaplane that is sitting in water

Copyright Underwood & Underwood, N.Y., from Elliott Service Co., New York

War Savings Stamps

43.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1204
US WWI poster (general): Fighting in France Fighting in France for Freedom! – Are You Helping at Home?/Greatest of All Parades Demonstrate That America Is Acting as One in This War/The mammoth parades held all over the country on Fourth of July …/Now Buy W.S.S./On June 28th, Thousands in Connecticut Pledged Themselves to/Save and Economize for Victory/Keep That Pledge …


Image is a photoprint of a large parade in a large city

Paul Thompson

Illustrated Current News, New Haven, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense for W.S.S.

39 x 48.5
US GEN 1205
US WWI poster (general): Share in the Victory Share in the Victory/Save for Your Country/Save for Yourself/Buy War Savings Stamps

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Image of an allegorical figure of Victory holding a palm frond in her left hand and a sword in her right; she also has wings and a wreath of leaves in her hair

Haskell Coffin

Rusling Wood Advertising

War Savings Stamps

76.5 x 51
US GEN 1206
  Have the/Courage/of Your/Convictions/You Know It/Pays to Save/Buy/WSS

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

71.5 x 51
US GEN1207
  We Have/Tried It/Now Let's/Adopt It/Buy/WSS

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

71.5 x 51
US GEN 1208

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

71 x 50.5
US GEN 1209
  Save Quarters/Now/Spend Dollars/Later/Buy/WSS

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

71 x 51
US GEN 1210
US WWI poster (general): Patriotism and Profit Patriotism/and/Profit/Buy/WSS

(text only; no images)

Lutz & Scheinkman Inc. Litho., New York, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

71.5 x 51
US GEN 1211
US WWI poster (general): Thrift Is Stored-Up Thrift Is/Stored-Up Happiness/Join/the Government/Savings Association/Ask Your Local/War Savings Committee

Image, in a circle, of Benjamin Franklin; around the circle are the words "Thrift Is Power – Save and Succeed – Buy WSS"

War Savings Stamps

71 x 54

US GEN 1212
  America's Part in the Great War/The Greatest Effort of the American Nation from April 1917 to Nov. 1918 … [map]
(dated: 1919)

The map of Europe is surrounded by inset maps of "The Western Front"; "The World"; and "The Italian Front"; also included is a list entitled "Chief Events of The Great War 1914 … 1918 …"; also a chart showing, by nation, the number of men mobilized, dead, wounded, prisoners or missing, and total casualties for both sides of the conflict

G. Fattorusso, New York, N.Y.

Victory Liberty Loan

55.5 x 83

US GEN 1213
  "You are asked to exercise/a glorious privilege, the/privilege of doing your small/part by merely lending some/money to your Government on/the most admirable security/on earth with an adequate/interest return." [U.S.Treasury Secretary William G.] McAdoo

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

National Ptg. & Eng. Co.

Liberty Loan

104.5 x 71

several tears
US GEN 1214
  Confectionery Division/W.S.S./War Savings Stamps/Issued by the/United States/Government/For Sale Here

(text only except for "The Torch of Liberty" logo)

17 x 18.5

Box 4
US GEN 1215
  National War Savings Committee/Confectionery Division/Headquarters: 431-443 Hudson St./New York/United States Army/United States Navy/They who go forth to fight have the right to expect those at home to save and invest in United States Government Thrift and War Savings Stamps, so that with ample supplies of food, clothing and ammunition we will win the war, which will make the world safe for democracy./25c Thrift and $5.00 War Savings Stamps For Sale Here

Image of a soldier holding a rifle at port arms and of a sailor saluting

National War Savings Committee

Confectionery Division

28.5 x 22

Box 4
US GEN 1216
  National War Savings Committee/Confectionery Division/Headquarters: 431 to 443 Hudson St., N.Y./United States Government/Thrift Plan/… Sixteen 25 Cent Thrift Stamps, Value $4.00/… Will Purchase a $5.00 War Savings Stamp …
(dated: 1918)

(text only; no images)

National War Savings Committee Confectionery Division

34 x 22

Box 4
US GEN 1217
US WWI poster (general): To the Woman
Questions about Saving in War Times
To the Woman in/a Hurry/Remember your country needs your/personal saving in money, material,/and labor now …/The Dollars Saved by Wives/May Save the Husbands' Lives
(printed on both sides)

(black and white)

Verso: Questions About Saving in War Times. 1. Is it necessary? … 2. Will it cause hardship? … 3. Will this cause unemployment? … 4. Which will you choose? … 5. Is it worth while for me to save small amounts when I see those about me continuing large extravagances? … 6. Is it needed at once? Would it be better done gradually? … Save Our Men – Save Our Country by Self Denial Now./[Hang This Up.]

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan

26.5 x 20.5

Box 4
US GEN 1218
  [In characters of an Asian language]

(text only; no images)

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

War Savings Stamps

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1219
  The Broad Highway/of Success Is Reached/by the Well-beaten/Footpath of Small/Savings/Hold on to Your/W.S.S./and Buy More
(dated 5/12/19)

Image of a road wending its way through a bucolic scene toward a rising sun

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/War Savings Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1220
  You need/to save/because if/you do not/save/you'll need/Hang on to the/W.S.S. you now/have – they are/drawing interest/ Buy more W.S.S.

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

36 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1221
  Five/Pay Days/This Month/Make W.S.S./Your First/Purchase/Each Pay Day Save and Succeed

Image is a man's hand and a calendar dated March 1919; the hand is holding a pencil and is putting an X through the date of the last Saturday of the month, similar to the dates of the previous Saturdays

War Savings Stamps

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1222
  War Stamps/Buy Them Here

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

17.5 x 27.5

Box 4
US GEN 1223
  Bought/Your/Supply of/W.S.S./This/Week?

Text is in a box which is set against a red-and-white checkerboard background


Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/War Savings Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1224
US WWI poster (general): Your Postman Your/Postman Sells/War Savings Stamps/Give him your order/for a weekly supply –/he will deliver them/to you regularly
[date: 1919?]

Image of a mailman carrying a leather satchel full of mail over his shoulder; in his right hand is a Thrift Stamps saving card

Poster was also used as an advertisement in newspapers

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/War Savings Committee

35.5 x 27.5

Box 4
US GEN 1225
US WWI poster (general): Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!/Yes, my new agency/is right near your home/they're there to serve you/drop in and buy your supply of/W.S.S. today
[date: 1919?]

Image of Uncle Sam, hatless, talking on a telephone

Poster was also used as an advertisement in newspapers

C.D. [Charles Dana?] Gibson

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/War Savings Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1226
  Theodore/Roosevelt once said:/"Thrift is merely hard-/headed common sense/applied to spending"/The regular purchase of W.S.S./is the surest indication of/common-sense Americanism

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of Theodore Roosevelt

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District/War Savings Committee

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1227
  [Main body of text is in characters of an Asian language]

Includes a box in which is the text (in English): "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Also: "$5.00 for $4.14"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

35.5 x 28
US GEN 1228
US WWI poster (general): Will Silver Serve Will Silver Serve/To Employees:/Make that 25 cents work for/you and Uncle Sam – interest/for you – war supplies for/him – BUY – thru/this Company's branch offices/War Savings Stamps

Image of a short man in a vested suit and wearing a derby hat handing a quarter to a tall Uncle Sam who has a sheet labeled "W.S.S." in his hand

New York State Library poster is in color


War Savings Stamps

56 x 35.5

Box 4
US GEN 1229
  $1,000/for One Dollar Hurry Hurry Hurry/Here's the Chance of a Lifetime/73 Other Prizes to be Awarded/in the/Great Thrift Stamp Drive/… Here's the Big Idea/Money for the prizes has been given by Albanians/Buy a thrift card with four stamps costing $1.00/You give nothing – you get value for value

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Thrift Stamp Drive

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1230
  War Savings Certificates/A Patriotic Investment/ …/High Interest Return/ …/ How Your Money Grows/ …/Surrender Value/…/Registration …/Buy War Savings Certificates

(black and white)

Image of a hand holding the neck of a bag of money on which is printed "Make/Your/Dollars/Fight at/the Front!"

Department of Finance Ottawa [Canada?]

25.5 x 19.5

Box 4
US GEN 1231
US WWI poster (general): Your Tips Your Tips/They will be as much appreciated/if given in/Thrift Stamps/and you'll be/helping Uncle Sam

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

18 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1232
  Save Serve/Your Country Needs Your/Savings Now/Serve by buying –/U.S. War-Savings Stamps/On Sale Here

Image is the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

War Savings Stamps

28 x 35.5

Box 4
US GEN 1233
  We Will Win with/Silver Bullets/furnish your share for Victory/Buy War-Savings Stamps/On Sale Here

Image of a bag with a pull string to open and close; the bag is in the colors of an American shield with red-and-white stripes on the bottom and blue with white stars at the top

War Savings Stamps

28 x 35.5

Box 4
US GEN 1234
US WWI poster (general): Take Your Change Take/Your/Change/in/Thrift/Stamps

Image of a woman wearing a coat and a hat walking away from a cashier's window

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"


War Savings Stamps

34 x 24

Box 4
US GEN 1235

(text only; no images; text printed in the center of a shield)

War Savings Stamps

35 x 27

Box 4
US GEN 1236

Image of the Statue of Liberty torch in an oval

War Savings Stamps

26.5 x 36

Box 4
US GEN 1237
  Buy/United States Treasury Department

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

War Savings Stamps

27 x 35

Box 4
US GEN 1238

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

10.5 x 18

Box 4
US GEN 1239
US WWI poster (general): This is to certify This is to certify that the/War Savings Society/is affiliated with the/National War Savings Committee …

Blank certificate with the logo of "The Torch of Liberty"

New York State Library copy does not have the name of the Gillette Safety Razer Co. written on it

National War Savings Committee

28 x 35.5

Box 4
US GEN 1240
  Columbus Day/Be A Discoverer/Find the Value in Savings./Buy W.S.S./Regularly

Image of one of Columbus's ships

Stacy H. Wood

Government Loan Organization/Second Federal Reserve District

35.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1241
US WWI poster (general): If an American Soldier If an American Soldier or Sailor Needed/Twenty-Five Cents/You Would Be the First to Give It/Every Quarter You Invest in/War Savings Stamps/Helps an American Soldier or Sailor

(black and white)

Includes a box in which is the text: "W.W.S./War Savings/Stamps/Issued by the /United States/Government" plus the logo of the "The Torch of Liberty"; above the box is "Save"; below the box is "Serve"

Image, in silhouette, of two soldiers, wearing dress hats (not helmets), with bayonetted rifles, heading into battle

Clark University Library, Worcester, Mass.

War Savings Stamps

21 x 14.5

Box 4
US GEN 1242
  Spend Sensibly/and Buy/WSS

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

16 x 15

Box 4
US GEN 1243
  Get Back of This – and Push … Every Stamp You Lick Helps to Lick the Kaiser!

(8-page pamphlet explaining what War Savings Stamps are)

Image of a soldier standing next to a large artillery piece; also image of a boy holding up a 25-cent Thrift Stamp and yelling "Hi Kids"

War Savings Stamps

9.5 x 24 (unfolded)

Box 4
US GEN 1244
  Notice of Enlistment To All Adults of New York State A Proclamation, issued jointly by the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of New York, Friday, June 28, 1918, has been named as National War Savings Day …

(text only; no images)

The Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N.Y.

War Savings Stamps

105.5 x 71

several tears; corner missing
US GEN 1245
US WWI poster (general): Keep On Saving Keep On Saving/Buy/United States/Thrift/Stamps/Buy/War Savings Stamps/1919/Series/Keep on: Keep up your Savings Society: Keep Your Pledge:/Your Government Needs the Money: You Need/the Savings: Keep on Saving./Issued by the United States Government, Treasury Department,/Washington, D.C./January 1919

(text only except for "The Torch of Liberty" logo)

War Savings Stamps

20.5 x 27

Box 4
US GEN 1246
  United States of America/This Is to Certify That/[blank left for name]/Has Been Appointed to Act as/County Chairman of War-Savings/for/[blank for name] County, State of [blank for name]/under the/National War-Savings Committee …

(black and white)

Certificate to be filled in and signed by the federal and state directors; images of the eagle with branch of laurel and arrows in its talons plus the logo of "The Torch of Liberty"

National War Savings Committee

25.5 x 34.5

Box 4
US GEN 1247
  United States of America/This Certifies That/[blank for name]/Has Been Appointed an/Authorized Agent of the Treasury Department/for the Year Ending December 31, 1918/to Receive and Issue at the Cost Prices Indicated Thereon/United States/War-Savings Certificate Stamps/and/United States Thrift Stamps/[signed] W.G. McAdoo/Secretary of the Treasury

Certificate to be filled in; signed by the Secretary of the Treasury; images of the eagle with branch of laurel and arrows in its talons plus the logo of "The Torch of Liberty"

War Savings Stamps

28 x 38

Box 4
US GEN 1248
  Mail Carrier/War/Savings Stamps/Wanted/To-Day

(a window card; not a poster)

Verso: "This Card is to be used the same as an Ice or Express Card. Place on your mail box, in window nearest door where mail is delivered, or any place where carrier can readily see it, and he will then summon you to the door and fill your order for War Savings or Thrift Stamps or give you full information concerning same. E.A. Purdy, Postmaster. TURN OTHER SIDE OUT."

(text only; no images)

War Savings Stamps

18 x 28.5

Box 4
US GEN 1249
  "Be a Pershing Patriot"/Enroll Here/W.S.S.

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of Gen. John J. Pershing

War Savings Stamps

18.5 x 55
US GEN 1250
  Syracusan/"I Gave My Best. What/will you give?"/Syracuse University/War Fund

Image of a non-U.S. soldier kneeling in a battlefield; one eye is covered with a bandage and he is reaching out to the viewer in a supplicating way

Charles Bracker

Syracuse University War Fund

28 x 21

Box 4
US GEN 1251
Folder card US WWI poster (general): United States
Folder card US WWI poster (general): United States
United States Government Thrift Card
(not a poster but a folder card in which to collect savings stamps)

(black and white)

New York State Library copy does not have any stamps pasted on the card

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

19 x 17.5

Box 4
US GEN 1252
Folder card US WWI poster (general): Thrift Card
Folder card US WWI poster (general): Thrift Card
Thrift Card
(not a poster but a folder card in which to collect savings stamps)

(black and white)

Similar to but not exactly like US GEN 1252

Government Printing Office

War Savings Stamps

11 x 15

Box 4
US GEN 1253
US WWI poster (general): Carry on! Stamp! Carry on!/Stamp! Stamp! Stamp! Who'll Buy a Stamp?

Image of little ethnic-dressed men/boys carrying a large trunk labeled "U.S. Government W.S.S."

Dorothy Clogston

War Savings Stamps

100 x 72.5

pieces torn off; several bad tears
US GEN 1254
US WWI poster (general): Our Duty – and Yours Our Duty – and Yours/To back up our 1260 Men in the/Service of Uncle Sam we have subscribed/$4,000,000 in Liberty Bonds. Won't/You, too, Buy a Liberty Bond?/[signed] Theodore P. Shonts/President/Interborough Rapid Transit Company

(all text except or a line drawing of a transit car labeled "Interborough"; text is black on white stock with red-and-blue stripes running across the top and bottom of the poster)

Interborough Rapid Transit Company, [New York City]

33 x 53
US GEN 1255
US WWI poster (general): She Does Not Ask She Does Not Ask for Contributions/She Asks You to Invest Your Money at 4%/in U.S. Government Bonds

Image of an allegorical female figure of Liberty standing on a sphere (probably the globe); she is dressed in a Roman-style white gown and wears a red-white-and-blue Phrygian hat; her upraised left arm holds a Statue of Liberty-style torch; in her right hand is a sheet of paper with writing related to the Liberty Loan; in front of the sphere is an American eagle with out-stretched wings; it is flanked by two huge American flags

Frances Adams Halsted

Liberty Loan

50.5 x 35
US GEN 1256
US WWI poster (general): Woman's Liberty Loan Woman's Liberty Loan/She Does Not Ask for Contributions/She Asks You to Invest Your Money at 4%/in U.S. Government Bonds

This poster differs from US GEN 1256 in that it has a line at the top of the poster: "Woman's Liberty Loan Committee"

Frances Adams Halsted

Woman's Liberty Loan Committee

54 x 35.5
US GEN 1257
US WWI poster (general): Free Storage Free Storage/of/Liberty Bonds/Owners of small amounts of Liberty Bonds, with no/safe place to keep them, should go to any bank,/trust company or safety deposit company. Where/possible they will store them without charge./Beware of Speculators …/Keep those/you have/and buy more/Liberty Loan Committee of New England

(black and white)

Includes a box in which is: "Save to/buy/and buy/to keep

(mainly text except for a black-and-white image of US GEN 836)

Liberty Loan Committee of New England

71 x 54
US GEN 1258
US WWI poster (general): German Slavery German Slavery/or/Liberty Bonds

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Drive

31.5 x 71
US GEN 1259
US WWI poster (general): For the Safety For the Safety of Womanhood/For the Protection of Childhood/For the Honor of Manhood/and For Liberty Throughout the World/Help 'Till It Hurts

Caption of image: "From The Delineator, April 1918 issue"

Image of a mother holding a child; she is transparent; behind her is an unfurled American flag; in front of and around her are sailors and soldiers carrying bayonetted rifles; one of the soldiers has a bandage on a head wound

Balfour Ker

Liberty Loan Committee of Washington

49.5 x 32
US GEN 1260
US WWI poster (general): Lend Him a Hand "Lend Him a Hand"/Buy/Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1918)

Image of a soldier, holding a rifle in his right hand, climbing up a steep hill; his left hand is grabbing the hand of someone who is helping him up; other soldiers in the background



Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District

47.5 x 29
US GEN 1261
US WWI poster (general): Bonds – Which? Bonds – Which?

Image of a grim-looking Uncle Sam – hatless – holding handcuffs labeled "Prussia" in his right hand and a sheet of paper labeled "Liberty Bond" in his left hand


"Originally published in the New York Evening Post. Extra copies ten cents each."

55 x 35
US GEN 1262
US WWI poster (general): Feelings of the Man Feelings of the Man Who Delays Buying/His Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1917)

(black and white)

Duplicate: US GEN 1021

H.T. Webster

"Reproduced by the Liberty Loan Committee, Second Reserve District,through the courtesy of The Globe (New York) and the associated newspapers"

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Reserve District

45.5 x 35.5

corner torn off; corner in envelope in folder
US GEN 1263
US WWI poster (general): After a Zeppelin Raid After a Zeppelin Raid in London/"But Mother had done nothing wrong, had she, Daddy?"/Prevent This in New York/Invest in/Liberty Bonds
(dated: 1917)

(black and white)

Image of a man and a girl in a hospital room; the man, distraught, with his arm on his knee, is covering his eyes; the girl, leaning against his other knee, is crying; in the background is a bed on which is the corpse of the man's wife; also in the background are a nurse and a doctor

Louis Raemaekers

Brown, Robertson Co.

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve Distict, 120 Broadway, New York

48 x 30
US GEN 1264
US WWI poster (general): Will you be ready Will you be ready to-morrow to make/munitions for Germany? If not/Invest in/Liberty Bonds To-day
(dated: 1917)

(black and white)

Image of German soldiers surrounding a civilian man with a white beard; one soldier is pointing a gun at his face; in the background is a troop of German soldiers

Louis Raemaekers

Brown, Robertson Co.

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve Distict, 120 Broadway, New York

47.5 x 29
US GEN 1265
US WWI poster (general): I Own a Liberty Bond I Own a/Liberty/Bond

Image of the Liberty Bond pin which featured an image of the upper torso of the Statue of Liberty

Liberty Bond Drive

33 x 33.5
US GEN 1266
  I Own a Liberty Bond
(smaller version of US GEN 1266)

Liberty Bond Drive

20.5 x 19

Box 4
US GEN 1267
US WWI poster (general): Your Country Calls Your Country Calls/Enlist/Plow – Buy Bonds

Image of a soldier shouldering a rifle; he is flanked by a farmer resting his hands on a shovel and by a businessman holding a pouch of money

Lloyd Myers

Design by Albert Frank & Co.

Hamilton Press

Liberty Bond Drive

70.5 x 56
US 1268
US WWI poster (general): If You Can't Enlist "If You Can't Enlist,/Invest!/Buy a/Liberty Bond"

Imge of Uncle Sam holding a bayonetted rifle in his right hand and offering a "Liberty Bond" to the viewer with his left hand

Liberty Bond Drive

74 x 52
US GEN 1269
  Ring It Again/Have you/bought your/bond/?/United States 3½%/Liberty Loan/Safest Investment in the World/Ask Your Employer/or any bank how to subscribe

The image of the Liberty Bell, with the phrase "Ring It Again" is the same as that used in US GEN 672

Ketterlinus, Philadelphia, Pa.

Liberty Loan Drive

73 x 54
US GEN 1270
US WWI poster (general): Remember The Bond Remember/The Bond

Image of a soldier tangled in barbed wire; with an upraised arm, he is signaling for help for the soldier laying next to him

"Cartoon by Cesare, in the New York Evening Post"

"Color Plates made and donated by Powers Engraving Co., N.Y."

The Nation Press, Inc.

Liberty Bond Drive

63.5 x 48

fold needs to be humidified and flattened
US GEN 1271
US WWI poster (general): 1918 Spring Drive 1918 Spring Drive Liberty Loan

Image of a woman, wearing a hat, carrying and offering "50" and "100" coupon bonds

Wilson Craig

Greenwich Litho. Co.

Liberty Loan Drive

69.5 x 51.5
US GEN 1272
US WWI poster (general): Lend As They Fight Lend As They Fight/Buy More/Liberty Bonds

Image of two soldiers on a battlefield; one, from a kneeling position, is firing a rifle; the other, with a bloody bandage around his head, is firing a pistol while leaning on his arm and against the knee of the other soldier

Sydney H. Riesenberg

Ketterlinus Press, Philadelphia, Pa.

Third Federal Reserve District/Liberty Bond Drive

75 x 50
US GEN 1273
US WWI poster (general): Ammunition! "Ammunition!" And remember – Bonds buy Bullets!

Image of a soldier on the battlefront; his helmet is unstrapped; he has a bayonetted rifle slung over his chest; he's manning a machine gun and reaching back toward the viewer looking for more bullets for the machine gun

[Vincent Lynel?] (illegible)

Ketterlinus Press, Philadelphia, Pa.

Liberty Bond Drive

76 x 50.5
US GEN 1274
US WWI poster (general): Strike Now! Strike Now!/He's Fighting/for You/Buy/Liberty Bonds/Designed, Printed and Donated by Gorbert Gair Co. Brooklyn, N.Y.
(dated: April 22, 1918)

(black and white)

Image of an American soldier about to bayonet a German soldier; in the background, in silhouette, are American soldiers moving forward in battle

Robert Gair Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

75 x 50.5
US GEN 1275
US WWI poster (general): My Soldier My Soldier/"A boy," said the kindly old doctor, as he felt his way down the stair-rail. …/"A smart boy," said the teacher …/"A wonderful boy," said the maiden …/"My boy," said his Country, …/"Our boy," said his mother and father …/The American Soldier Goes Forth to Fight/Back Him Up with All Your Might/Buy a Liberty Bond/Compliments of/Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation

The tag on the New York State Library poster is for Curtiss

Image of the head-and-shoulders of a soldier in a circle; the circle is flanked by images of biplanes; includes the logo of the Curtiss corporation

Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation for Liberty Bond Drive

107.5 x 70
US GEN 1276
US WWI poster (general): The Spirit of '17 The Spirit of /'17 '76/Your Forefathers/Died for Liberty/in 1776 – What/Will You Do for/It in 1917? …./Buy Liberty Bonds

Image of a Minuteman aiming a flintlock.


The Ohio Litho. Co., Toledo, Ohio

Liberty Bond Drive

108.5 x 66
US GEN 1277
US WWI poster (general): An Echo from France An Echo from France/"Buy Liberty Bonds"/Space Donated by/Parfumerie ED. PINAUD
(dated: 1918)

Image of a woman standing in front of a huge French flag planted in front of a barbed-wire fence; the woman is dressed in a military uniform and is waving her arms toward an unseen viewer; on the flag can be read the words Honneur, Pat[r], Auster[litz], Sebastop[ol]
F.A. Crepaux

H. & G. Klotz & Co.

Parfumerie Ed. Pinaud for Liberty Bond Drive

115 x 75
US GEN 1278
US WWI poster (general): Buy a Liberty Bond Buy a/Liberty Bond/Help Our Boys at/the Front by/Joining the Patriotic/Service League

Samuel Nelson Abbott

Standard Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Patriotic Service League
106 x 69.5
US GEN 1279
  Remember/The Bond

Image of a soldier tangled in barbed wire; with an upraised arm, he is signaling for help for the soldier laying next to him

Duplicate of US GEN 1271

"Cartoon by Cesare, in the New York Evening Post"

"Color Plates made and donated by Powers Engraving Co., N.Y."

The Nation Press, Inc.

Liberty Bond Drive
US GEN 1280
  Liberty/Bonds/Are/Fighting/Bonds/Buy Them!

(text only; no images)

W.F. Powers Co. Litho.

Liberty Bond Drive

103.5 x 67
US GEN 1281
US WWI poster (general): Borrow and Buy Borrow and Buy/The Time for Argument Has Passed. The Time for/Action Has Arrived …/Delay Costs Blood – The Blood of Our Own Sons/The Undersigned Banks Pledge Themselves to make loans … [names of 75 banks]

Image, in silhouette, of soldiers moving forward on a battlefield

Facsimile of page 7 of the New York Evening Post, Saturday, October 20, 1917

Liberty Bond Drive

125 x 95
US GEN 1282
US WWI poster (general): Back Him Up Back Him Up/with your/Liberty Bonds/The Safest/Investment in the/World

Head portrait of President Woodrow Wilson

Liberty Bond Drive

70.5 x 55.5
US GEN 1283
  New York Guard Day Saturday, April 20, 1918 Do Your Bit! Lend a Hand – Help Your Country Buy Liberty Bonds

Image is a parade of the New York Guard on horseback; the lead rider is holding a red-and-white pennant; in the background is another group of soldiers, a red-and-white pennant and an American flag; the image is labeled: "By Courtesy of Collier's Weekly"

Liberty Bond Drive

62 x 46.5
US GEN 1284
US WWI poster (general): The Road to France The Road to France –/He Is Keeping It Open/The Road to Berlin –/He Is Building /The Guns That Do It –/He Is Making Them/But –/The Liberty Bond/You Buy –/It Backs Them/All

(black and white)

Head-and-shoulders images of a sailor, a soldier and a laborer

James Montgomery Flagg

Liberty Bond Drive

61 x 44.5
US GEN 1285
US WWI poster (general): The $3,000,000,000 The $3,000,000,000 Punch

(black and white)

Image of Uncle Sam punching a German soldier in the stomach; wrapped around Uncle Sam's torso is a Liberty Bond

Jo Davidson

Liberty Loan Committee, New York, N.Y.

63 x 47
US GEN 1286
  Read the Kaiser's Words/"From childhood I have been under the influence of five men … My Mailed Fist Shall Succeed."/Those words, written by the German Kaiser … Buy Your Liberty Bond Today – at Any Bank or at/Liberty Loan Committee, 302 Main Street/This Space Donated by [list of about 125 individuals and businesses]

(black and white)

At head of poster: Buffalo Evening News, Saturday, October 13, 1917

Image of a hand and arm in a metal glove using a feather pen to sign a name


Buffalo Evening News [newspaper], Buffalo, N.Y.

Liberty Loan Committee

58 x 42.5
US GEN 1287
US WWI poster (general): Liberty Bonds Liberty Bonds/Are United States Government Bonds/The Safest Investment in the World

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee/2nd Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York, N.Y.

25 x 75.5
US GEN 1288
  Your Opportunity/Help Your Country/Buy Your/Liberty Bond/from Any Bank or Banker/Today

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

45 x 58.5
US GEN 1289
US WWI poster (general): Let's End It – Quick Let's End It – Quick/with Liberty Bonds

Image is a female allegorical figure of Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap with her arms stretching out toward the viewer; in the background are smoke, fire and the remains of a bombed city

Maurice Ingres

The Central Litho. Co., Cleveland, Ohio

Liberty Bond Drive

104 x 70
US GEN 1290
US WWI poster (general): Give All in One Hat Give/All in One Hat

Image of an Uncle Sam hat into which are falling coins and paper money

Sweeney Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

115.5 x 73
US GEN 1291
US WWI poster (general): Dig In Dig To-day Dig In/Dig To-day – Reap Tomorrow

Three images: (1) farmer plowring a furrow using a hand plow being pulled by two horses; (2) soldiers in foxholes on a battlefield; (3) men, reaching into their pockets for money, standing in line to buy Liberty Bonds

H.F. Rawll, New York, N.Y.

Liberty Loan Drive

103.5 x 71
US GEN 1292
US WWI poster (general): Buy Early Buy/Early

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

48 x 69
US GEN 1293
  Get into the Fight!/Buy Liberty Bonds!

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

22.5 x 76
US GEN 1294
US WWI poster (general): Buy Liberty Bonds Buy/Liberty Bonds/Today/U Means You/S Means Subscribe/A Means At Once …/Do Your Duty Help Your Country

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

56 x 35
US GEN 1295
  Buy Your/Liberty/Bond/To-day/at Any Bank/Pay In Installments

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

52 x 36
US GEN 1296
US WWI poster (general): This Is Your War This/Is/Your/War/Help win it by/Subscribing to the/Liberty Loan/See your Bank or write to/Liberty Loan Committee/108 So. 4th St.

(black and white)

Image of a family looking fearfully at a ghoulish silhouette of a soldier labelled "Prussianism"

Frank Godwin

Liberty Loan Committee

25.5 x 44
US GEN 1297
US WWI poster (general): Liberty Bonds Liberty/Bonds/Are/Fighting/Bonds/Buy Them!

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive/Second Federal Reserve District

52.5 x 35
US GEN 1298
US WWI poster (general): Liberty Loan Liberty Loan/Become/a/Patriotic/Bond/Holder/Subscribe/at Your Bank Today

Image of the hand of Uncle Sam holding a piece of paper on which is: "The/Bond of Loyalty/Backed by All of/the Resources of/the Richest Nation/in the World/As Good/as Cash/and Pays/Interest"; in the background is a silhouette of the U.S. Capitol

Liberty Loan Drive

70.5 x 53
US GEN 1299
  All About Liberty Bonds/What Are They? …/Why Should I Buy Them? …/How Can I Buy Them? …/Where Can I Buy Them? …/When Shall I Buy Them?/Buy them Now. Subscriptions close October 27, 1917/Our soldiers and sailors will GIVE their lives. You are asked only to LEND your money. …/Buy Your Bonds Today

(text only except for a small image of the Statue of Liberty)

Liberty Bond Drive

57.5 x 43
US GEN 1300
  All About Liberty Bonds/What are they? …/How is my interest collected? …/Best investment in the world …/Why they are issued in $50 bonds …/How can I get my money back? …/Where can I get a bond and how? …/Our city will do its share. Go to any bank and enter your/subscription/Newark Liberty Loan Committee

(text only; no images)

Newark Liberty Loan Committee

71.5 x 52

several tears
US GEN 1301
US WWI poster (general): U.S. War Loan Subscriptions U.S. War Loan/Subscriptions Taken Here/We Make No Charge for This Service

Image of a U.S. shield with red-and-white stripes at the bottom and white stars on a blue background at the top

Liberty Loan Drive

62 x 62
US GEN 1302
  All Minnesota/must back up/the boys who/are "somewhere/in France"/Buy/Liberty Bonds/Get Behind the Man/Behind the Gun

(all text except for, at the top and bottom of the poster, rows of soldiers, in silhouette, marching)

Liberty Bond Drive

76 x 54
US GEN 1303
US WWI poster (general): The Best and Safest The Best and Safest/Investment/for Everybody is/Liberty Bonds/paying 4% interest

Image of men, women and children giving money to the Statue of Liberty who is encouraging them to buy Liberty Bonds

Liberty Bond Drive

69 x 49.5
US GEN 1304

(Liberty Bonds)

(In Greek)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

71 x 55.5
US GEN 1305
  Amerika szabadsága
ami szabadságunk.
Védelmezzük meg hát és
Liberty Bond-ot

(in Hungarian)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

70 x 54
US GEN 1306

Liberty Bonds

(in Greek)

(text only; no images)

The International Press, New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

106.5 x 71

several bad tears
US GEN 1307
Wilson Elnök
Liberty Bonds

(In Hungarian)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

105 x 72

several tears
US GEN 1308
  "Americani ed Italiani
Combattono Spalla
a Spalla per un
Unico Scopo."

Liberty Bonds

(in Italian)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

107 x 71.5

several tears
US GEN 1309
  "Powinno być zbudo-
wane niepodległe
państwo Polskie!"
-Prezydent Wilson

Liberty Bonds

(in Polish)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

107 x 72

several tears
US GEN 1310

Liberty Bonds

(in Russian)

(text only; no images)

The International Press, New York, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

106 x 72

several bad tears;
US GEN 1311
  Liberty Loan Honor Roll/Make Our Town the First to/Be Able to Say That Every/Family Has Purchased a/Share of This Liberty Loan./These are the men and women of our town who are help-/ing win the war by investing in the Liberty Loan –/The Best and Safest Investment on Earth

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Drive

56 x 71
US GEN 1312
  Buy Your Share in Victory/Liberty Bonds

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee/2nd Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York

25.5 x 76
US GEN 1313

(text only; no images)

Stobbs Press, 25 Foster Street, [no city]

Liberty Bond Drive

57.5 x 37
US GEN 1314
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys in the Trenches Our Boys/in the Trenches/Is there anything they need …/Liberty Bond Owner

Image of an American eagle with outspread wings perched on an American shield (red-and-white stripes on bottom; blue with white stars on top); text on streamer below the shield

Liberty Bond Drive

40.5 x 28

Box 4
US GEN 1315
US WWI poster (general): U.S.A. Liberty Loan U.S.A./Liberty Loan

Image of an American eagle getting ready to land


Liberty Loan Drive

49 x 34
US GEN 1316
US WWI poster (general): Our Boys in the Trenches Our Boys/in the Trenches/Is there anything they need/that you would not give/them? Every/Liberty Bond/you buy helps them win/the war. Buy more Liberty Bonds!

Image of soldiers with bayonetted rifles climbing out of trench and heading into battle

Includes an image of an "I Owns a Liberty Bond" pin with caption: "Owners wear this badge of honor"

Liberty Bond Drive

28 x 53

cardboard; piece of corner missing
US GEN 1317
US WWI poster (general): You Help My Boy Win "You/Help My Boy/Win the War"/Buy a/Liberty Bond

Image of a soldier with shouldered rifle and his mother; she is holding his hand which is resting on her shoulder

Liberty Bond Drive

28 x 53
US GEN 1318
US WWI poster (general): Germany Watches! Germany Watches! The War ends quickest with the Liberty Loan soonest sold. Do your bit, and do it now!

Any bank, banker or trust company will furnish full details …

Image of a German helmet (Pickelhaube) with a question mark superimposed on it

Liberty Loan Committee/Third Federal District/108 South Fourth St., Philadelphia

28 x 53.5

cardboard; tear
US GEN 1319
US WWI poster (general): We Fire a Shell We Fire/a/Shell/with/Every/(Liberty)/Bond/We Sell –/Get Yours/To-day!

Image of a shell in trajectory; the shell is labeled "shell"

Liberty Bond Drive

87 x 50

tear; needs humification and flattening
US GEN 1320
  To Our Employees/To give our employees the fullest opportunity to subscribe for/Liberty Bonds out of current savings/We Will Accept Subscriptions/on the follow basis … Post this in your office.

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

40.5 x 25.5

Box 4
US GEN 1321
US WWI poster (general): The Widow's Mite The Widow's Mite Behind the Soldier's Might/A Liberty Bond

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee/2nd Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York

25.5 x 76
US GEN 1322
  Buy Bonds for America

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

14 x 79.5
US GEN 1323
  Gold Fights for Victory

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

12 x 79.5

torn into three pieces
US GEN 1324
  No Red Tape/4% Liberty Bonds/on Sale at Our Stores located at/Flatiron Bldg. B'way. Cor. 23rd St./No. 1 Wall St./Broadway cor. 42nd St./Broadway cor. 72nd St./125th St. cor. 8th Ave./Fulton St. cor. Myrtle Ave., Bkln./delivered to Patriots/at Time of Purchase/Bring in Your $50./Take Home Your Bond/United Cigar Stores Co.

(text only; no images)

United Cigar Stores Co. for Liberty Bond Drive

68 x 36
US GEN 1325
  Button! Button! Who's Got the/Liberty Button?

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee/ 2nd Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York

25.5 x 76
US GEN 1326
  [blank data-entry form] US GEN 1327
US WWI poster (general): Pro-Prussian Pro-Prussian or Pro-Pershing/Buy Liberty Bonds

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Committee/2nd Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York

25.5 x 76
US GEN 1328
US WWI poster (general): Are You a Patriot? Are You a Patriot?/If You Cannot/Fight for Your/Country/What Can You Do?/Uncle Sam asks you to help by/Buying United States Government/3½ per cent/Liberty Bonds …/ Liberty Loan Club …/Consult Your Nearest Bank

Three images: (1) crossed American flags; (2) crossed rifles; (3) bag with a $ on it

Liberty Bond Drive

48 x 23
US GEN 1329
  Buy Liberty Bonds

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

14 x 80

most of letter "B" in "Buy" is torn off as is the poster number
US GEN 1330
  Buy a/Liberty/Bond/of the U.S. Government

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

27 x 50.5
US GEN 1331
  I Am a Liberty Loaner/and This Is My Creed/I am a Liberty Loaner: all men know my name and purpose, but few there are who know my heart …/The Liberty Loaners Will See It Through!

(text only; no images)

Liberty Loan Drive

42 x 30
US GEN 1332
US WWI poster (general): The Secretary The Secretary of the Treasury/to/Liberty Loan Workers/"The one thing that impresses me in this great time and gives me a stimulus and intensity of feeling …/
William G. McAdoo

(black and white)

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York

48 x 35.5

cardboard; tears
US GEN 1333
  Ausfűhrliches űber Liberty Bonds/[About Liberty Bonds]/(United States Government 4% Bonds)/Was sind "Liberty Bonds"? …/Wehalb sollt Ihr diese kaufen? …/Wieso könnt Ihr diese kaufen? …/Wo könnt Ihr diese kaufen? …/Wann sollt Ihr diese kaufen? …/Kauft Euere Bonds Heute!
(in German)

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1334
  Avviso concernente i/Titoli della Libertá/(United States Government 4% Bonds)/Cosa sono questi Titoli? …/Perché dovrei acquistarli? …/Come posso acquistarli? …/Dove posso acquistarli? …/Quando debbo acquistarli? … Acquistate I Titoli oggi stesso
(in Italian)

(black and white)

Same layout and text as US GEN 1334

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

56 x 35
US GEN 1335
  אלעם װעגעז ליבערטי באנדט

קדיפט אײעלע באנדם הײנמ

(in Hebrew)

(black and white)

Same layout and text as US GEN 1334

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1336
  Tudnivalók a Liberty Bond-ról/(United States Government 4% Bonds)/ …/Vegye Kötvényeit MéMa!
(in Hungarian)

(black and white)

Same layout and text as US GEN 1334

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

56 x 35.5
US GEN 1337
  (in an Asian language)

(black and white)

Same layout and text as US GEN 1334?

Liberty Bond Drive

61 x 45.5
US GEN 1338
US WWI poster (general): Agli Americani Agli Americani d'origine straniera … Comprate dei "Liberty Bonds"
(In Italian)

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

99 x 75
US GEN 1339
  Liberty Loan/Every Patriotic American Is Helping Uncle Sam/$100 Denominations/We Arrange Your Subscription in Small Payments/Interest at 3½ per cent./Trust & Deposit Co. of Onondaga/100 and 104 North Salina Street, Syracuse, N.Y.

(text only; no images)

Trust & Deposit Co. of Onondaga for Liberty Loan

28 x 53
US GEN 1340
  Liberty Loan Bonds/Subscribe Now/The Syracuse/Trust Company/330 So. Warren St.

(text only; no images)

Syracuse Trust Company for Liberty Loan

28 x 53
US GEN 1341
  Liberty Bonds/$100 Denomination/Our Country Needs Money/Trust & Deposit of Onondaga/100 N. Salina/Syracuse, N.Y.

(text only; text set in a red-white-and-blue shield)

Trust & Deposit of Onondaga for Liberty Bonds

28 x 53
US GEN 1342
  We Have/Subscribed/for a/Liberty Bond/Have You?

(text only; text surrounded by a decorative border)

Brate Printer, Albany, N.Y.

Liberty Bond Drive

26.5 x 21.5

Box 4
US GEN 1343
  Give Your/Little Ones/an Interest/in the Future/Some day your children, now too young to realize the meaning and the purpose of this war …/Invest in/Liberty Bonds/for Your/Little Ones
(black and white)

Three images: (1) a man holding up a toddler to look at the Statue of Liberty; (2) a box of Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream and a child brushing his/her teeth; (3) a black-and-white copy of the "Lend Him a Hand" US GEN 1261 image

Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream for Liberty Bonds

Prepared and submitted by Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District

58.5 x 48
US GEN 1344
  "Once more we shall make good with our lives and fortunes/the great faith to which we were born." – Woodrow Wilson/What Are You Doing/While American Soldiers/Are Giving Their Lives/for Our Country?/America Asks Her Women to Serve by Saving …/Do Your Part … Buy a Liberty Bond …/If You Want to Help Yourself/and Serve Our Country/Buy a Liberty Bond To-day …

(text only; no images)

National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee

24 x 15.5

Box 4
US GEN 1345
US WWI poster (general): Lend Him a Hand Here Lend/Him/a Hand/Here Is Your Boy …/This Boy Is the Symbol of/Fighting America …/He is the Symbol of the Liberty Loan/Lend Him a Hand! Buy Liberty Bonds!

(black and white)

Black-and-white image of US GEN 1261

Printed on newsprint; extremely brittle

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District

22.5 x 15

Box 4
US GEN 1346
US WWI poster (general): Buy Liberty Bonds Buy/Liberty/Bonds/Give Them for/2½ Million/Starving/Armenians - Syrians – Greeks/Every Penny for Relief/Expenses Met Privately/Cleveland H./Dodge, Treasurer/1 Madison Avenue New York

(text only; no images)

Armenian & Syrian Relief

Liberty Bond Drive

30 x 45
US GEN 1347
  The United States/Wants to/Borrow Money from You/to Carry on the War./It Will Pay It Back and/4% Interest Besides./Help Yourself by Saving./Help Your Country/by Lending/to It./Help Win the War/Buy Liberty Bonds/Ask Your Employer or Any Bank

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

48 x 32
US GEN 1348
  You/Are Riding Here in Safety/Will/You Help the Boys Ride to Victory?/Buy/Liberty Bonds

(black and white)

(text only; no images; text in fonts and size to also read: "You Will Buy Liberty Bonds"

Liberty Bond Drive

54 x 48.5
US GEN 1349
US WWI poster (general): There Is a Liberty There Is a/Liberty Bond/in This House

Image is a female allegorical figure of Liberty advancing, with a sword in her right hand and a shield in her left hand: inscribed: "To make the world safe for democracy."

Commercial Art Class, Maryland Institute

Liberty Bond Drive

53.5 x 35.5

several tears
US GEN 1350
US WWI poster (general): Help Win with Your Help Win with Your Financial Support Buy Liberty Bonds
[on a pebbly feeling [hand-made?] paper; deckle edge]

Image of a soldier, in silhouette, planting an American flag (in color) on a hill; note the flag has 80 stars

Japan Paper Company, New York, Boston, Philadelphia

Liberty Bonds

44.5 x 32.5
US GEN 1351
  Buy Liberty/Bonds
[printed on a cloth banner]

Image of the Liberty Bell

The cloth banner is made of red, white and blue strips sewn together; the cloth is deteriorating

Liberty Bond Drive

85 x 59
US GEN 1352
US WWI poster (general): Uncle Sam Needs Mone Uncle Sam Needs Money/to Feed and Clothe/Our Boys "Over There" … Buy a/Liberty Bond/of the United States Government/Boy Scouts of America Campaign October 20-25 …

The New York State Library copy is printed in red, white and blue

Several images: (1) two Boy Scouts hawking Liberty Loan Bonds; (2) the Statue of Liberty; (3) a woman sitting in a chair with a toddler at her knee and, behind her, a young girl hugging Uncle Sam who is waving his hat in a salute to a sailor and a silhouetted troop of soldiers marching by; (4) a map of the united States showing the names of the states, each state associated with a number in the thousands

F. Rigney

Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Boy Scouts of America for Liberty Bond Drive

34.5 x 24.5

Box 4
US GEN 1353
  Buy/Buy/Liberty Bonds/Bye/Bye/Kaiser

Verso: Don't Buy Liberty Bonds!/I hereby award/all American citizens/who can afford/to/and do not/Buy Liberty Bonds to wear/this honorable insignia in proof/of/their devotion/and/loyalty/to me./(signed)/
Kaiser William

(shaped like a German Iron Cross)

(printed on both sides; not a poster)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

15.5 x 15.5

Box 4
US GEN 1354
  Don't Buy Liberty Bonds!/I hereby award/all American citizens/who can afford/to/and do not/Buy Liberty Bonds to wear/this honorable insignia in proof/of/their devotion/and/loyalty/to me./(signed)/
Kaiser William

(black and white)

(shaped like a German Iron Cross)

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

15.5 x 15.5

Box 4
US GEN 1355
  Investing in Government Securities Encourages Sensible Spending

Text is printed in circles of blue and white with a red circle in the center

Round – diameter 23

Box 4
US GEN 1356
US WWI poster (general): Hello! This Is Liberty Hello!/This Is Liberty Speaking/Billions of Dollars Are Needed/and Needed Now/Supplement to Electrical Merchandising, September 1918/Buy Liberty Bonds/Through the/Electrical Industries Committee/Subscriptions Received Here

The New York State Library's copy has a strip added to it that reads: Buy Liberty …Received Here

Image of the Statue of Liberty talking on a telephone

Z.P. Nikolaki

Liberty Bond Drive

37 x 22

Box 4
US GEN 1357
US WWI poster (general): Save to Bring Them Home Save to Bring Them Home Keep Your Liberty Bonds
(calendar for 1919)

The image on the New York State Library poster matches this image but the text is different; also, there is a 1919 calendar on the State Library's copy

Image of a female allegorical figure of America above a naval gun crew in action
America above naval gun crew in action America above naval gun crew in action
Howard Chandler Christy

American Lithographic Co.

22 x 14

Box 4
US GEN 1358
US WWI poster (general): They Are Over There They Are "Over There" Our friends, our brothers, men we worked and played with here, before they started for the front. Clean, hard-hitting American fighting men! … Back them up! Lend them a hand! Buy Liberty Bonds Buy All You Can Buy Now

(black and white)

Image, in silhouette, of men crawling along a fox hole; bombed-out buildings in the background

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District

28 x 21.5

Box 4
US GEN 1359
US WWI poster (general): Putting a Bond "Putting a Bond in Every Home"

Image of a woman selling Liberty Bonds to two well-dressed gentlemen, one of whom is wearing a top hat; the woman is dressed in red-white-and-blue bunting, including a Phrygian hat; on her arm is a bag labeled "U.S. Treasury Dept."; in herhands are Liberty Bonds; in the background are men and women who had either bought or are about to buy bonds

Reprinted from Saturday Globe, Utica, N.Y., May 26th

Liberty Bond Drive

20.5 x 25

Cardboard; torn

Box 4
US GEN 1360
US WWI poster (general): The Kaiser Was Gratified The Kaiser Was "Gratified"/ A letter from the Kaiser …/A letter from Lincoln …/Buy Liberty Bonds/to Your Utmost/Paper is scarce. Don't destroy this hand-bill. Pass it on and help win the war.

(black and white)

Head-and-shoulder images of Kaiser Wilhelm and Abraham Lincoln

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District

28 x 20.5

Box 4
US GEN 1361
US WWI poster (general): One Hundred Million One Hundred Million/Americans Must/Enlist to Win/the War/Be one of the hundred million Americans to help win the war./Plan to buy all the bonds you can./This is your part and no one else can do it for you./Get into the fight! Join the crowd! Do it Now!/Invest in Liberty Bonds/Contributed to the Cause by/Benjamin W. Arnold, [one of the two major donors of World War I posters to the New York State Library]

(black and white)

At head of poster: The Albany Evening Journal, Wednesday, May 1, 1918

Image of a sailor carrying a rifle and of a soldier carrying an American flag; behind them are "one hundred million" people, including a Roman Catholic nun, and a sign reading "Liberty/Bond/Owners"

Includes lack-and-white image of US GEN 1261

Liberty Loan Committee/Second Federal Reserve District/120 Broadway, New York City

53.5 x 46
US GEN 1362
  You Buy the Bonds!/We'll Do the Rest/This Space Patriotically Contributed/by/Benjamin W. Arnold, [one of the two major donors of World War I posters to the New York State Library]

(black and white)

At head of poster: The Albany Evening Journal, Monday, October 14, 1918

Image of a Red Cross nurse with outstretched arms; this image is flanked by an image of a sailor saluting and of a soldier saluting

Liberty Loan Committee

54 x 46

extremely brittle newsprint;actual newspaper page; several tears and missing pieces
US GEN 1363
  To Our Employees/Compare working conditions in the United States with those in any country you know about. Are they not better? … Buy Liberty Bonds

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

35 x 27.5

Box 4
US GEN 1364
  If You Can't Enlist/Invest/Buy Liberty Bonds!

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

21.5 x 36

Box 4
US GEN 1365
  Is Your Name on the Honor Roll?

(text only; no images)

Liberty Bond Drive

6.5 x 96
US GEN 1366
US WWI poster (general): 1919 War Chest 1919/War/Chest/60 Funds in One/Local and/War/Relief

Image of a wooden-and-metal chest; on the war chest: Give/Your Share/Minneapolis

J. Almars

1919 War Chest (Minneapolis)

52 x 34
US GEN 1367
US WWI poster (general): One Campaign Instead One/Campaign/Instead of 60 Drives/One Pledge – 12 Installments/for All 1919

Image of a wooden-and-metal chest; on the war chest: Give/Your Share/Minneapolis

1919 War Chest (Minneapolis)

71 x 53
US GEN 1368
US WWI poster (general): Help Fill the War Chest Help Fill the/War Chest/Humanity Calls

Image of a golden stream of coins flowing, from the upper left, into a chest, directed by a female figure in the center; flanking that image are images of war scenes, casualties and refugees

B.A. Osnis

War Chest Campaign

45 x 41
US GEN 1369
US WWI poster (general): It's Our War Chest It's Our/War Chest/Against His/The Men and Women/of Belgium and North-/ern France Are Forced/to Fill/His/We Must/Determine to/Fill Ours

Image of Kaiser Wilhelm II standing over a war chest while hands representing Belgium and Northern France – at bayonet point – put coins and bags of money into the chest

W.A. Ireland

The New Columbus Lithograph Co., Columbus, Ohio

Community War Service

70 x 55
US GEN 1370
  Get Ready/to/Fill the/War Chest

(text only; no images)

War Chest Campaign

63 x 48
US GEN 1371
US WWI poster (general): Wanted! 50,000 Members Wanted!/50,000 Members/$600,000/for/Syracuse/War/Chest/If You Can't Go/Across with a Gun/Come Across/with Your Part of the/Syracuse War Chest/"Fight Or Give"/Headquarters Onondaga Hotel

The New York State Library copy has been modified to draw attention to the Syracuse War Chest drive.

Image of a man with his arm in a sling standing amid the rubble of war; he is gesturing toward a Red Cross in the upper left-hand corner of the poster; beside him are a woman and child; in the background, in silhouette, are the Statue of Liberty and buildings of a city

C.W. Love

Syracuse War Chest

55 x 34
US GEN 1372
  Fight Or Give!/$600,000/50,000 Members/for the/War Chest We Are in to Win/Fight or Give!/Headquarters, Onondaga Hotel

Image of a wounded soldier being helped by a Red Cross nurse; in the background are artillery pieces and the smoke of battle

J. Lambdin

Syracuse War Chest

58 x 23.5
US GEN 1373
US WWI poster (general): We're Helping Fill We're/Helping/Fill the/War/Chest

(text only; no images)

War Chest Drive

20 x 15

Box 4
US GEN 1374

(text only; no images)

War Chest Drive

[Albany, N.Y.]

17.5 x 17.5

Box 4
US GEN 1375
  100%/in the/War Chest

Image of a trunk filled with coins and paper money

War Chest Campaign

[Albany, N.Y.]

28 x 35.5

Box 4
US GEN 1376

Image of the City of Albany's coat of arms; printed on cardstock that is colored in the orange, white and blue of the Dutch flag

Albany [N.Y.] War Chest

25.5 x 35

tear; piece missing

Box 4
US GEN 1377
  [Duplicate of US GEN 1377; on paper]

Albany War Chest

25.5 x 35

Box 4
US GEN 1378
US WWI poster (general): Warning! No American Warning!/No American can, in time of peace, oppose reasonable prepar-/ation against War, without betraying his country/… A Nation that is rich and unprotected provokes War and hastens its own ruin./A Nation wide Campaign for Preparedness is being conducted by the/National Security League,/31 Pine Street,/New York City/We Need Funds – We Need Your Membership

Image is pictorial representations of the armies, navies, aviation and wealth of the United States with Japan, Italy, Austria, England, France, Germany and Russia

National Security League

52 x 32
US GEN 1379
  Warning!/No American can, in time of peace, oppose reasonable prepar-/ation against War, without betraying his country/… A Nation that is rich and unprotected provokes War and hastens its own ruin./A Nation wide Campaign for Preparedness is being conducted by the/National Security League,/31 Pine Street,/New York City/We Need Funds – We Need Your Membership

(card-stock version of US GEN 1379)

National Security League

52 x 32

cardboard; cracked
US GEN 1380
  Save for/"Save A Soldier"/Sunday/September 16th/Aid for the Wounded – Comforts for the Fit

Image is the profile of the face of a soldier wearing a dress hat

28 x 53.5

cardboard; could crack
US GEN 1381
US WWI poster (general): Share Your Christmas Share Your Christmas/with a Soldier Boy/Subscribe to the/Judge/Trench Christmas Fund/for American Soldiers Abroad … Judge's Trench Christmas Fund/and addressed to/Leslie-Judge Co., Fifth Avenue, New York City

Albert Hencke

Leslie-Judge Co., New York, N.Y.

43 x 25.5

Box 4
US GEN 1382
  The Globe/Testament Fund/Help Place the Word of God in the/Hands of Every Soldier and Sailor Boy/in Uncle Sam's Service/All Creeds/Do it to-day even if it is only fifty cents

Image of a wounded U.S. soldier reading a Bible while being treated for a head wound in the field; a shadowy mother figure is bending over him and resting her hand on his shoulder; in the background are an American Red Cross vehicle and a yellow cross on a red rising/setting sun

E. Fuher (?)

The Globe [newspaper]

56 x 35.5
US GEN 1383
  1914/1776/La Fayette Fund/This winter on the Aisne, along a battle line extending a hundred miles, in trenches of frozen earth, the men of France and of her allies … /Won't you help us? For every $2.00 that you forwad to Archer M. Huntington, Treasurer, Vanderbilt Hotel, New York. A French soldier at the front will receive a La Fayette kit with your name in it.

Two images: (1) Image of a man carrying a dead man toward where there are at least three other dead men and a dead horse; (2) head-and-shoulders portrait of Lafayette

Geo. Bellows

54 x 36
US GEN 1384
  If You Can't Put the "I" in Fight/You Can Put the "Pay" in Patriotism

(text only; no images)

28 x 95

several tears; pieces missing; two pieces torn off, in envelope
US GEN 1385
US WWI poster (general): Give to the American Give to the/American/Chocolate/Fund for/U.S. Forces/in France/Send subscriptions to/4 West 57th St./Depository-Equitable Trust Co./Colonial Branch

Image, in profile, of a smiling soldier with both hands on his belly, as if in anticipation of getting some chocolate

Dot King

Sackett & Wilhelms Corp., New York, N.Y.

68 x 52
US GEN 1386
  $750,000 /Needed/February 18th to 26th/The Church's Service/to 165,000 of Her Boys/National Lutheran Commission/for Soldiers' and Sailors' Welfare/437 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Image of a cross, a map of the United States, a map of France, a sailor, two marines and several soldiers; emanating from the cross, superimposed in the upper left-hand corner of the U.S. map, are lines leading to stars in various places on the U.S. map and to one star on the map of France; each member of the service is holding a book, probably a Bible, in his hands

National Lutheran Commission for Soldiers' and Sailors' Welfare

70 x 45
US GEN 1387
US WWI poster (general): For Our Aviators For Our/Aviators/Send Us Something/to Melt or Sell –/Gold, Silver, Plate/The Government pays/for the metal – We buy/comforts for the men/Treasure and/Trinket Fund/259 Fifth Avenue/National Special Aid

Image of an eagle in flight

Carey Print, New York, N.Y.

Treasure and Trinket Fund

103 x 73
US GEN 1388
  [G]rand Mass Meeting/and Rally/of the/Cathedral Parishioners/to help raise our part of the Fund to care for the/Souls of our Soldiers and Sailors/Sunday, March 10th, 8 p.m./Century Theatre/62nd Street and/Central Park West/The following speakers will address the meeting:/His Eminence John Cardinal Farley …/Concert will precede the addresses/[A]ll members of the Parish Invited. Tickets free. No reserved seats./Apply immediately to the verger.

Note clipped to poster from Cuyler Reynolds: "This card [i.e., poster] was removed from a brick wall where it had been pasted, and was not obtained by me in any better shape. Years from now it would be appreciated, as it tells a portion of the poster war story."

(text only; no images)

Cathedral Parish

67.5 x 53

cardboard; several tears and pieces missing
US GEN 1389
US WWI poster (general): Are You Your Brother's Keeper Are You Your/Brother's Keeper?/Rochester/Community Chest
(dated: 1919)

Image of a heroic-size man in a business suit facing the viewer; in front of and below him is a line of refugees, including a Roman Catholic nun and a child

Charles Bracker

Rochester Community Chest

64 x 49
US GEN 1390


US WWI poster (general): Will She Find It Filled?

Will She/Find It Filled?/The Rochester/War Chest

Image of a female allegorical figure opening a large wooden chest trimmed in brass; she is wearing a red Phrygian cap and a dress made up of a white-stars-on-blue-background bodice and a red-and-white-stripe skirt; across her breast is a banner labeled "Humanity"

Lillian O. Titus

Rochester War Chest

62 x 47
US GEN 1391
US WWI poster (general): When Men Go Over the Top When Men Go Over the Top/Many Must Be Carried Back/$500,000 Ambulance Fund/to be raised by the/Billiard Players of America/English Players Bought & Equipt 300 Ambulances/They Did It in England – We Can Do It Here/Sanctioned by/the War Department/Indorsed [sic] by/Surgeon General Gorgas … /The American Billiard Players Ambulance Fund/Contributions Received Here

Two images: (1) Soldiers advancing on a battlefield amid explosions; captioned "Stormed at with shot and shell,/Into the jaws of Death,/Into the mouth of Hell"; (2) ambulance labeled "American Billiard Players Ambulance"

Carey Print Lith., New York, N.Y.

American Billiard Players Ambulance Fund

100 x 69.5
US GEN 1392
US WWI poster (general): BFB Permanent Blind BFB Permanent Blind Relief War Fund 590 Fifth Ave BFB

Image of a woman with a shawl-like headcovering guiding a blind soldier through a devastated village

Albert Sterner

Permanent Blind Relief War Fund

53.5 x 67
US GEN 1393
US WWI poster (general): While He Is Doing This While He Is Doing This for Us/We Must Do This for Him/That's Why/New York Infirmary/for Women and Children Needs $200,000/Campaign Headquarters Hotel McAlpin

An address flanks the two images: 321 East 15th Street/New York City

Two images: (1) Soldier leading a group of soldiers forward, into the battle; (2) Nurses in a hospital; one is tending to a woman in bed and two are tending to babies


New York Infirmary

81 x 58
US GEN 1394
  This Is the Only Ambulance/Now Saving Lives In Russia/Send Contributions to 527 Fifth Avenue, Room 501

(black and white)

11.5 x 66.5
US GEN 1395
US WWI poster (general): ??????? ВОЕННЫЙ

(in Russian)

Affixed to the bottom of the poster is a strip, which is the same as US GEN 1395

Image of Russian soldiers with bayonetted rifles moving forward into battle

78.5 x 105

several tears; pieces missing; Scotch tape yellowing and brittle
US GEN 1396
  The American Ambulance in Russia/527 Fifth Avenue, New York

(text only; no images)

9.5 x 67
US GEN 1396a
US WWI poster (general): The American Ambulance The American Ambulance in Russia/527 Fifth Avenue, New York This Is the Only American Ambulance/Now Saving Lives in Russia/Send Contributions to Executive Office, 527 Fifth Ave., New York City, Room 501

Image of a Russian soldier with a look of dismay and gesturing towards an ambulance in the background; two Red Cross workers, under the eyes of a Russian soldier, are loading a stretcher with a wounded soldier into the ambulance; the ambulance has room for six stretchers

On the side of the hospital is a circle in which there is a Red Cross and the words "АМЕРИКАНСКІИ ГОСПИТАЛЬ"/[American Hospital]

B (initial only)

Erie Lithograph Co., Erie, Pa.

103 x 70
US GEN 1397
  Your Uncle Sam Wants Your/Eye and and Hand Trained in/First Aid/Six Intensely Interesting Thursday Evenings on Theory and Practice of/First Aid, Body Building, Physical/Efficiency and Accident Prevention … To Enroll, Call, Write or Phone … /West Side Y.M.C.A./318 West 57th St., New York

Image of hands rolling a bandage; between the hands and above the bandage is an eye

West Side Y.M.C.A.

35.5 x 28

tears; pieces missing

Box 4
US GEN 1398
US WWI poster (general): [no text] [no text]

Image of a Red Cross nurse holding on to her cape with her left hand and reaching out to the viewer with her right hand; behind her is a regiment of soldiers marching; at the head of the troops is a soldier carrying an American flag

Harrison Fisher

Red Cross

53 x 63

several tears
US GEN 1399
US WWI poster (general): Have You Answered Have You Answered the Red Cross/Christmas Roll Call?
(dated: 1918)

Image of a Red Cross nurse holding on to her cape with her left hand and reaching out to the viewer with her right hand; behind her is a regiment of soldiers marching; at the head of the troop is a soldier carrying an American flag

Harrison Fisher

American National Red Cross

74.5 x 69
US GEN 1400
US WWI poster (general): Universal Membership Universal Membership Week/Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, Dec. 16-23rd

Two images: (1) Image from US GEN 1399; (2) Image from PHIL 03

Harrison Fisher

Red Cross

20.5 x 105
US GEN 1401
  [Smaller version of US GEN 1399]

Harrison Fisher

Red Cross

21.5 x 20

Box 4
US GEN 1402
  [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1402; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.]

Harrison Fisher

Red Cross

16.5 x 21.5

Box 4
US GEN 1403
US WWI poster (general): Make Good the Promise Make Good the Promise/Second War Fund/One Hundred Million Dollars/May 20th-27th/Over Here/Over There

Image of a Red Cross superimposed on a rainbow connecting North America with England, France and Italy; the rainbow's end in America touches a pot of gold labeled "Keep It Full"; the end in Europe touches a Red Cross ambulance

Red Cross-Second War Fund

87 x 140.5
US GEN 1404
US WWI poster (general): Make Good the Promise Make Good the Promise/Second War Fund/One Hundred Million Dollars/May 20th-27th/Over Here/Over There

Same image as US GEN 1404 with attached directions on how to effectively use the image plus Red Cosses

Red Cross-Second War Fund

29.5 x 42.5
US GEN 1405
  Make Good the Promise/Second War Fund/One Hundred Million Dollars/May 20th-27th/Over Here/Over There

Smaller version of US GEN 1404

Red Cross-Second War Fund

28 x 53.5
US GEN 1406
US WWI poster (general): Keep This Hand of Mercy Keep This/Hand of/Mercy at/Its Work/War Fund Week/One Hundred Million Dollars

Image of a monumental arm of a Red Cross worker reaching from the sky and cupping its hand around a group of refugees to protect them from the devastation of war on their left and the bombing of a battle on their right

P.G. Morgan

Red Cross-Second War Fund

69 x 51.5
US GEN 1407
US WWI poster (general): [Black-and-white photo [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1407; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.]

P.G. Morgan

Red Cross-Second War Fund

22 x 16.5

Box 4
US GEN 1408
US WWI poster (general): The Greatest Mother The/Greatest Mother/in the World

Image of a monumental Red Cross nurse cradling a wounded soldier on a stretcher; behind the nurse is a large Red Cross

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross-Second War Fund

205 x 97
US GEN 1409
US WW1 poster (general):The Greatest Mother in the World The/Greatest Mother/in the World

(smaller version of US GEN 1409)

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross-Second War Fund

69 x 51
US GEN 1410
US WWI poster (general): The Greatest Mother The/Greatest Mother/in the World/Red Cross/Christmas/Roll Call/Dec. 16-23rd
(dated: 1918)

Same image and layout as US GEN 1409 with the added text about the Christmas roll call

A.E. Foringer

American National Red Cross

104.5 x 69.5
US GEN 1411
US WWI poster (general): (No text] (No text; Image of a monumental Red Cross nurse cradling a wounded soldier on a stretcher; behind the nurse is a large Red Cross)

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross

21.5 x 18

Box 4
US GEN 1412
  The/Greatest Mother/in the World/Red Cross/Christmas/Roll Call/Dec. 16-23rd
(stand-up cut-out card)

Same image and layout as US GEN 1409 with the added text about the Christmas roll call

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross-Christmas Roll Call

40.5 x 28.5

Box 5
US GEN 1413
US WWI poster (general): The Greatest Mother The Greatest Mother in the World/Join the/Red Cross/All You Need Is a Heart/and a Dollar

Same image as US GEN 1409; New York State Library copy is in color

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross

24.5 x 15.5

Box 5
US GEN 1414
  [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1409; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.)

A.E. Foringer

Red Cross

21.5 x 16.5

Box 5
US GEN 1415
  10,000,000 New Members by Christmas/for the/American Red Cross/$1.00

Two images: (1) Image of the head and shoulders of a Red Cross nurse in a frame surrounded by holly; (2) image of a Red Cross ambulance on a battlefield; two men are carrying a man on a stretcher to the ambulance

L.L. Wilbur

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

American Red Cross

154.5 x 102
US GEN 1416
  Here Join [sic]

Above each word are crossed flag staffs; each crossed grouping is a U.S. flag and a Red Cross flag

Red Cross

77.5 x 50
US GEN 1417
US WWI poster (general): Put Fighting Blood "Put Fighting Blood in Your Business./Here's His Record! Does He Get a Job?"/- Arthur Woods, Assistant to the Secretary of War/List Your Employment Needs with the U.S. Employment Service/American Red Cross Co-operating with/The Department of War/The Department of Labor

Image of U.S. Marines engaged in battle in France; includes a badge listing battles in which the Marines fought: Cantigy; Chateau Thierry; St. Mihiel; Argonne; Marne

Dan Smith

Thomsen-Ellis Company, Baltimore, Md.

Red Cross and Department of War and Department of Labor

47.5 x 70
US GEN 1418
US WWI poster (general): Motherless Fatherless Motherless/Fatherless/Starving/How Much/to Save These Little Lives?/War Fund Week/One Hundred Million Dollars/May 20th-27th

Image of a Red Cross nurse standing amid children, several of whom are shoeless; one boy is using a crutch and other children have visible wounds; two of the children have French flags; in the foreground a mother is offering a baby to the nurse


Red Cross – War Fund Week

69 x 51
US GEN 1419
  [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1419; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.]


Red Cross – War Fund Week

21.5 x 16.5

Box 5
US GEN 1420
US WWI poster (general): 100% 1919 100%/1919

The New York State Library's copy of the Red Cross Service Flag has been embellished with 11 small Red Crosses, each neatly cut out of paper and glued to the flag; the "100%" also has been neatly cut out of paper and glued to the flag; the date "1919" is printed in the lower right-hand corner of the flag

Red Cross

29 x 18.5

Box 5
US GEN 1421
US WWI poster (general): 1920 1920

The New York State Library's copy of the Red Cross Service Flag has been embellished with 11 small Red Crosses, each neatly cut out of paper and glued to the flag; the date "1920" is printed at the bottom of the flag

Red Cross

29 x 18.5

Box 5
US GEN 1422
US WWI poster (general): Help Your Red Cross Help Your Red Cross/"Inasmuch as ye have done it/unto one of the least of these"/Federal Council of the Churches of Christ/in America

Image of Christ, a Red Cross, and a cathedral looming over a scene of ruins and casualties where a Red Cross nurse is helping

Hubert Chapin

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America for Red Cross

55 x 34.5
US GEN 1423
US WWI poster (general): Ten Million New Members Ten Million/New Members/by Christmas/Join the/Red Cross/and on Christmas Eve/a Candle in Every/Window, a Service/Flag for Every Home

Image of a Christmas scene: a window, with snow on the outside sill, through which one can see a Christmas tree and a candle in a candle holder sitting on the sill; hanging in the window is a Red Cross "service flag" styled after the military blue-star service flag

L.N. Britton

Red Cross

75 x 50
US GEN 1424
US WWI poster (general): What Can You Do? What Can You Do?/Join Our Red Cross/Membership Including Red Cross Magazine $2.00/No Field Service Required

Image of a Red Cross nurse escorting a wounded man (soldier?) and a woman with two children, one of whom is a babe in arms

Red Cross

106 x 69
US GEN 1425
US WWI poster (general): General Pershing General Pershing Cables: "No other organization since the world began has ever done such great constructive work with the efficiency, dispatch and understanding, often under adverse circumstances, than has been done in France by American Red Cross in the last six months."

Image of the face of General John J. Pershing looking at the viewer; the image is flanked by Red Crosses

Red Cross

94.5 x 63
US GEN 1426
US WWI poster (general): In the Name of Mercy In the Name of Mercy Give!

Image of a Red Cross nurse comforting a soldier with a head wound

Albert Herter

Red Cross

95 x 61
US GEN 1427
US WWI poster (general): Men Wanted Over 31 Men Wanted/Over 31 Years of Age for/American Red Cross/Foreign Service
(dated: 1918)

The New York State Library's copy has a strip added to the bottom on which is printed: 222 Fourth Ave./New York City

Image of a wounded soldier looking toward the horizon, where a Red Cross ambulance approaches and the Red Cross emblem rises like the sun; in the background a battle wages


National Printing & Engraving Co., Chicago, Ill.

Red Cross

102 x 70
US GEN 1428
US WWI poster (general): Caliban Harvard Stadium Caliban/Harvard Stadium/July 2nd to July 14th/Benefit American Red Cross/and Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Harvard Univ.

The poster is promoting a performance of the play Caliban by the Yellow Sands by Percy Mackaye. The play is loosely based on Shakespeare's play The Tempest and centers on the character Caliban, the monster son of Sycorax, and his desire for knowledge.

Libbie Printing Co., Boston, Mass.

Red Cross & R.O.T.C. – Harvard University

106 x 73
US GEN 1429
US WWI poster (general): We Need You We Need You

Image of a Red Cross nurse appealing to a young well-dressed woman for help, as another nurse tends to a wounded man

Albert Sterner

American Lithographic Co.

Red Cross

98.5 x 76
US GEN 1430
US WWI poster (general): Third Red Cross Roll Call Third Red Cross Roll Call

Image of three-quarters portrait of a Red Cross nurse with her arms reaching toward the viewer

Haskell Coffin

Third Red Cross Roll Call

98 x 73.5
US GEN 1431
  Third Red Cross Roll Call

Image of three-quarters portrait of a Red Cross nurse with her arms reaching toward the viewer

(smaller version of US GEN 1431)

Haskell Coffin

Third Red Cross Roll Call

75 x 50
US GEN 1432
US WWI poster (general): Will You Help? Will You Help? The Red Cross Counts on You

Image of a [French?] soldier with a woman and a child; a large crucifix lies on the ground next to them; in the background a wrecked house/barn burns

P. Tillay (?)

Woodward Print, St. Louis, Mo.

Red Cross

100 x 69
US GEN 1433
US WWI poster (general): Go to the Army Go to the/Army and Navy/Comfort Department/and Hear New 4 to 1 Scheme/for Helping to Keep Our Boys Warm/American Red Cross/Baltimore Chapter Eutaw St. and Druid Hill Ave.

Image of a winter scene in which three soldiers are warming themselves over a bonfire; a Red Cross is in the bonfire and steam is coming out of the top of the cross; in the background are snow-covered trees on a hillside; a huge Red Cross dominates the top of the poster

S. Ruth Allen

Commercial Art Place, Maryland Institute

A.Hoen & Co., Lith., Baltimore, Md.

Red Cross – Baltimore Chapter

106 x 69.5
US GEN 1434
US WWI poster (general): I Summon You "I Summon You/to Comradeship/in the Red Cross"/Woodrow Wilson
(dated: 1918)

Image of a young woman clutching an American flag as she calls out; in the background are images of a Red Cross and the U.S. Capitol

Harrison C. Fisher

American Lithographic Co.

Red Cross

100 x 74.5
US GEN 1435
US WWI poster (general): They Fight for You They Fight for You/Protect Them/Help the Red Cross/Raise $100,000,000 at Once

Image is Liberty, modeled on the Statue of Liberty complete with upraised torch, offering a shield with the Red Cross on it to a wounded soldier

Same image, text and layout as US GEN 1495

W.G. Sesser

Latham Litho & Printing Co.

Red Cross

102.5 x 69.5
US GEN 1436
US WWI poster (general): If You Can't Go If You Can't Go/Across with a Gun/Come Across/with Your Part of the/Red Cross War Fund

A wounded soldier, a woman and a child are standing on a battlefield, probably in France; the soldier is gesturing toward a Red Cross in the sky; across a body of water are the silhouette of the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. Capitol and other buildings of a cityscape; also in the sky is an eagle

C.W. Love

United States Printing & Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross War Fund

103 x 70
US GEN 1437
  If You Can't Go/Across with a Gun/Come Across/with Your Part of the/Red Cross War Fund

(smaller version of US GEN 1437)

C.W. Love

United States Printing & Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross War Fund

54.5 x 34

US GEN 1438
US WWI poster (general): Help Your American Red Cross Help Your American Red Cross $1.00 Enroll To-day $1.00

The New York State Library copy has an added strip about enrolling.

Image of a Red Cross nurse standing next to an insured soldier on a stretcher; behind here is an attendant working on a Red Cross ambulance; in the background are scenes of a battle


Red Cross

116 x 76
US GEN 1439
US WWI poster (general): Join Join/All You Need/Is a Heart/and a Dollar

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

49.5 x 35
US GEN 1440
US WWI poster (general): Red Cross Support Red Cross Support/of the War Against Tuberculosis/This Christmas season the usual sale of Red Cross Seals will be omitted, and the anti-tuberculosis forces of the country will join with the Red Cross in the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call …/The Problem …/Its Solution …/Join the Red Cross and help to make America truly safe for democracy,/by first making it healthy.

Image of a Red Cross Seal for 1918; the image on the seal is the face and torch of the Statue of Liberty; in her other hand she is holding a shield; above her head is a Red Cross flanked by sprigs of holly

Red Cross

52 x 34.5
US GEN 1441
  Caring for the Families of/America's Fighting Men/The American Red Cross is helping not alone to care for our fighting men in the war, but for loved ones left at home …/Bulletin No.1, issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the American people how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity.

Image of a Red Cross
Red Cross

56 x 34
US GEN 1442
US WWI poster (general): American Prisoners American Prisoners of War/Cared for by the Red Cross/Every American who is confined in a German prison camp receives nourishing food and warm clothing from the American Red Cross immediately and until such time as he is released … Christmas Parcels for Prisoners of War …/Bulletin No. 3 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the American people how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity.

Image of Red Cross

Red Cross

52.5 x 34
US GEN 1443
  How Your Red Cross/Is Seeking to Aid the French/-by caring for her thousands of refugees …/Refugee relief and/reconstruction of devastated areas …/Fighting Tuberculosis …/Caring for children …/Other Disbursements/Bulletin No. 4 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the American people how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity.

Image of an outline map of France in the middle of which is a Red Cross surrounded by red rays, emulating a sun

Red Cross

52.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1444
US WWI poster (general): It Is a Remarkable Story "It Is a Remarkable Story"/said President Wilson, writing of the ac-/complishments of the American Red Cross in mobilizing Americans …/There are splendid chapters of the American/Red Cross actively engaged in helpful work in/Porto Rico – Hawaii – Canal Zone … Uruguay – Venezuela/Bulletin No. 5 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to tell the story of Red Cross activities to the American people.

Red Cross

52 x 35
US GEN 1445
US WWI poster (general): Your Boy, Your Red Cross Your Boy,/Your Red Cross/and France/From the time American troops arrive in France every energy of the American Red Cross is spent in their behalf …/ Bulletin No. 6 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the American people how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity.

Four images: (1) A Red Cross nurse writing a letter being dictated by a soldier laying in a bed; caption: Red Cross workers write letters home for wounded soldiers; (2) soldiers drinking coffee being served by Red Cross volunteers outside a Red Cross canteen; caption: Whever there are "Yanks" in France, are Red Cross canteens; (3) soldiers gathered around a kitchen/stove on wheels; caption: Rolling canteens supply warm food immediately behind the lines; (4) Red Cross volunteer standing behind a counter from which she is waiting on a long line of soldiers; caption: More than 2,000,000 ratoins have been given to our boys by American Red Cross canteens.

Red Cross

52 x 35
US GEN 1446
US WWI poster (general): Caring for American Caring for/American Soldiers/in England/More than three hundred thousand American troops went to France during September. Half of those boys passed through England on the way …/Bulletin No. 7 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the people of America how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity.

Image of an American soldier not on the battlefield; behind this image is an image of Trafalgar Square showing Nelson's statue and the National Gallery; the square is filled with horse-drawn wagons as well as a bus and some automobiles; in the upper left is a Red Cross

Red Cross

52 x 35
US GEN 1447
US WWI poster (general): The Queen of Belgium The Queen of Belgium/appealed to the Red/Cross to aid in saving/the children/The children are the hope and the future of Belgium …/Bulletin No. 8 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the people of America how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity./Post in a conspicuous place – A.S. Burleson, Post-Master General

Image of a Red Cross nurse with her hands on the shoulders of a little girl and a little boy; the little girl has a tear under her eye; behind them is a house with its roof and chimney destroyed; over the image is a Red Cross


Red Cross

52 x 34.5
US GEN 1448
US WWI poster (general): Eight million patriotic Eight million/patriotic/Red Cross/workers have made 291,004,000/necessary articles for war purposes/The tireless fingers of more than eight million women have made the American Red Cross one of the greatest manufacturing concerns in the world. Since the United States has taken its place beside its valiant Allies, this volunteer industrial army has produced:/253,196,000 Surgical Dressings/14,089,000 Knitted Articles/1,464,000 Refugee Garments/22,255,000 Hospital Garments and Supplies …/Bulletin No. 9 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the people of America how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity./Post in a conspicuous place – A.S. Burleson, Post-Master General

Image of the head-and-shoulders of a Red Cross nurse


Red Cross

53 x 35.5
US GEN 1449
US WWI poster (general): The Red Cross The Red Cross supplies 30,000 people/each week with information con-/cerning relatives in the fighting forces/at home and overseas/Keeping then men in service in touch with their families is one of the obligations assumed by the Red Cross in its charter …/Bulletin No. 10 – issued by the War Council of the American Red Cross, to show the people of America how their generous contributions are being expended in the interest of humanity./Post in a conspicuous place – A.S. Burleson, Post-Master General

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

51 x 34
US GEN 1450
US WWI poster (general): Help the Red Cross Help/the/Red Cross

Image of a Red Cross nurse and a soldier with a head wound; the nurse has her free hand raised in the air in a hailing motion

Herman Roeg

Red Cross

70 x 47
US GEN 1451
US WWI poster (general): The Roll Call The Roll Call/A Masque of the Red Cross/by Percy Mac Kaye

Image of a draped female figure reaching toward a Red Cross

Arnold Genthe

Red Cross

82 x 48
US GEN 1452
US WWI poster (general): The First Three! "The First Three!"/Give till it Hurts/– They gave till they died/War Fund/Week/One Hundred/Million Dollars

Three head-and-shoulder portraits of soldiers, captioned [Merle] Hay, [Thomas] Enright, and [James] Gresham, against an American flag; also a Red Cross


Red Cross Second War Fund

69.5 x 52
US GEN 1453
  [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1453; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.]


Red Cross War Fund Week

21.5 x 16.5

Box 5
US GEN 1454
US WWI poster (general): Enrolls for National Enrolls for/National Service/Members/Feb. 12th Feb. 22nd

At bottom of poster: Instructions for Use. To the Principal or Teacher: Have the school children draw in the name of the school at the top of the poster after careful lettering under your direction. Exhibit the poster at the Lincoln's Birthday Exercise, and hang it in a prominent place during the enrollment period which ends on Washington's Birthday. At Washington's Birthday Exercise let some of the children, as part of the ceremony, paste in figures representing the number of children enrolled above the word Members.

Poster for Red Cross student membership drive, including blank spaces for the name of the school and the number of members enrolled, American and Red Cross flags, and portraits of Woodrow Wilson, Lincoln, and Washington.

Red Cross

75 x 50.5
US GEN 1455
US WWI poster (general): Answer the Red Cross Answer the/Red/Cross/Christmas Roll Call/All You Need Is a Heart/and a Dollar
(dated: 1918)

Image of a winter scene with a snow-covered house and trees.

Ray Greenleaf

Red Cross Christmas Roll Call

Committee on Public Information/Division of Pictorial Publicity

75.5 x 50
US GEN 1456
US WWI poster (general): All They Ask All They Ask/Is Your/Old Clothes/Send everything you/can spare to the nearest/Red Cross Chapter or Branch/The Clothing is for all suffering/Allied Countries of Europe, including/Poland, Servia, France, Montenegro,/Jugo Slavia, Roumania, Belgium, Albania,/Czecho Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Palestine/American Red Cross

Image of two monumental hands reaching toward the viewer; behind the hands are a large body of water behind which is, in silhouette, a bombed-out landscape

Red Cross

70 x 52
US GEN 1457
US WWI poster (general): Hold Up Your End! Hold Up Your End!/War Fund Week/One Hundred Million Dollars

Image of a Red Cross nurse holding up one end of a stretcher, with the other end extended toward the viewer and its legs are on the ground; in the background is an image of an exploding bomb; also image of the Red Cross

W.B. King

Red Cross Second War Fund

69 x 51
US GEN 1458
  [Black-and-white photograph of US GEN 1458; photo by Brown Brothers, New York, N.Y.]

W.B. King

Red Cross War Fund Week

21.5 x 16.5

Box 5
US GEN 1459
US WWI poster (general): Have You a Red Cross Have You a/Red Cross Service Flag?/1918

Image of a boy sitting on a window sill, putting a Red Cross service flag in a window pane; a Christmas wreath hangs in the window above the service flag

Jessie Willcox Smith

Edwards & Deutsch Litho Co., Chicago, Ill.

Red Cross

70 x 53
US GEN 1460
  The American Red Cross/Must Raise/$100,000,000./At Once/to Take Care of the Sick and Wounded in the/War, and to Care for those left at Home/Won't You Give Your Part

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

60 x 87
US GEN 1461
  Government Rules/Red Cross/Christmas Parcels Committee for/Soldiers Overseas … No parcel can be sent without label from the soldier/Articles Prohibited/1.No printed nor written matter. 2.No spirituous, vinous, malted, fomented or other intoxicating liquors … 9. No liquids nor articles packed in glass./Suggestions/Nothing should go in a Christmas Parcel which will not keep fresh … No soft chocolates … Dried fruits … Hard candy … Several dainties packed in oblong tin boxes …/For wrapping the gifts, use a khaki-colored handkerchief twenty-seven inches square

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

70.5 x 55
US GEN 1462
US WWI poster (general): The America of Tomorrow The America of Tomorrow/American Red Cross/Crusade for/Community Health

Image of a Red Cross nurse cuddling a baby while an older child cuddles on the arm of the nurse and gazes at the baby

Blanche Greer

Red Cross

69.5 x 51.5
US GEN 1463
  I Summon You to/the comradeship/Woodrow Wilson Answer the Red Cross/Christmas Roll Call for/Universal Membership
(dated: 1918)

Pencilled note: Newton Kansas Feb 14 – 1919

Head-and-shoulders portrait image of Woodrow Wilson

L.M. Mielziner

U.S. Prtg. & Lith. Co., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross

69.5 x 51
US GEN 1464
  Over Here Too/Red Cross will help/with information regarding medical care,/compensation, War Risk Insurance, re-education/by Federal Board for Vocational Education./See Your Service Section/Address Telephone

Image of post-war wounded soldiers, in line, facing the viewer

W.F. Monks

Geo. F. McKiernan & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Red Cross

80.5 x 55
US GEN 1465
US WWI poster (general): December 16th to 23d December 16th to 23d/Where/Columbia/Sets Her Name/Let/Every One/of You/Follow/Her/Red Cross/Christmas Roll Call
(dated: 1918)

Image of a female allegorical figure of Columbia holding a pen, and a Red Cross nurse with a scroll, on which is written "Where Columbia sets her name, let every one of you follow her."

Smaller version of US GEN 1509

E.H. Blashfield

Red Cross – Christmas Roll Call

70 x 47
US GEN 1466
US WWI poster (general): Five Thousand Five Thousand/by June/Graduate Nurses/Your Country Needs You

Image of a Red Cross nurse with a red-and-blue cape over her shoulders; in the background are barracks-style buildings in rows; an American and a Red Cross flag fly in the camp

C. Rakeman

Rand, McNally & Co.

Red Cross

69.5 x 49.5
US GEN 1467
US WWI poster (general): You Can Help America You Can Help/American Red Cross

Image of a woman knitting

W.T. Benda

Alco-Gravure, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross

75 x 50
US GEN 1468
US WWI poster (general): While someone gives While someone gives/his Life – what/are you giving?/Think A Minute/All of the Red Cross War Fund/goes for War Relief

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross War Fund

68.5 x 50.5
US GEN 1469
US WWI poster (general): Think what you can Think what you can/afford to give/– then double it/A life/may depend on it/- do you dare do less?/All of the Red Cross War Fund/goes for War Relief

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross – Second War Fund

69 x 51.5
US GEN 1470
US WWI poster (general): If you knew a day's pay If you knew/a day's pay would/save a life/– would you give/one day a month?/All of the Red Cross War Fund/goes for War Relief

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross – Second War Fund

68 x 52
US GEN 1471
US WWI poster (general): A little Starving Child A little/Starving Child/brought back/to life/because/you went without/some luxury/All of the Red Cross War Fund/goes for War Relief

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross – War Fund

71.5 x 50.5
US GEN 1472
US WWI poster (general): America called her America called/her men to fight/She now calls her women/to help her fighting men/Enroll for service if you are a nurse/Release a nurse if you employ one/Enter a training school to/become one – if you can/The/American Red Cross

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

70 x 52.5
US GEN 1473
US WWI poster (general): Nurses of America!!! Nurses of America!!!/– The lives of/our soldiers/and sailors/depend on you/Will you enroll?/The/American/Red/Cross

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

70 x 52
US GEN 1474
US WWI poster (general): Young Women! Nurses Young Women!/Nurses are needed/You are needed too/Prepare for Nursing/by entering/training schools

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

70.5 x 53
US GEN 1475
US WWI poster (general): Nurses of America Nurses of America/Humanity/Calls You/What is/your answer?/Enroll now with/the American Red Cross/for Army or Navy service

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

70 x 52
US GEN 1476
US WWI poster (general): Nurses the call Nurses/the call from/No Man's Land/is/"Come Across"

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

70 x 53
US GEN 1477
US WWI poster (general): Loyalty to One Loyalty to One Means/Loyalty to Both

Image of a soldier holding an American flag and a male Red Cross volunteer holding a Red Cross flag

Gordon Grant

Red Cross

64 x 45
US GEN 1478
US WWI poster (general): The Comforter The Comforter

Image of a Red Cross nurse holding an infant and comforting a woman amid the destruction left by war; the woman is sitting on the ground with her hand up to and covering her face; she is wearing wooden shoes

Gordon Grant

Red Cross

60.5 x 45.5
US GEN 1479
US WWI poster (general): We Belong 100% We Belong/100%/Strong

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

59.5 x 44.5
US GEN 1480
  Give One Day's Pay/to American Red Cross/Ask Your Employer for Details/Red Cross Has Advised Him

Two images: (1) Red Cross nurse offering a glass of water to a man with a bandage on his head and his arm in a sling; behind them is a giant Red Cross; (2) Men and women, in a line, passing the cashier's window at their place of employment

Robert P. Graef

Red Cross

75 x 51.5
US GEN 1481
  Join the/Red Cross

(black and white)

Homemade sign

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

20.5 x 67
US GEN 1482
US WWI poster (general): The Red Cross Needs The Red Cross/Needs You/Join Now/Be Patriotic – Be Humane
(on cloth)

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

55 x 91
US GEN 1483
  The Red Cross Needs You/Join Now/President Wilson says: …/Ex-President Taft has said: …/Ex-President Roosevelt has said: …/Annual Membership, $1.00 a year … Patron Membership, 100 one payment

Image of a Red Cross

S.L. Parsons & Co., Inc.

Red Cross

36 x 56
US GEN 1484
  Wont [sic]/You/Help/"Out/There"/Red Cross/War/Fund

(black and white)

Image of Uncle Sam holding his hat upside down, soliciting donations; a Red Cross arm band is on his other arm, which is gesturing back toward a battle


Red Cross War Fund

36 x 37.5
US GEN 1485
  The American/Red Cross/Needs/$100,000,000/Give Your Bit

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

34 x 46
US GEN 1486
  The American/Red Cross/Needs/$100,000,000/Give Your Bit

Smaller version of US GEN 1486

Red Cross

36 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1487
US WWI poster (general): America Calls America Calls/Join To-day

Image of a Red Cross on a white cloth; cloth is being furled by a breeze

Dorothy Whitcomb

Commonwealth Press

Red Cross

50.5 x 33
US GEN 1488
  [blank scroll]/officially designated by/American Red Cross/as a member of/Allied Theatrical/and/Motion Picture Team/for the/Second American Red Cross War Fund/The Proprietor of this Theatre is/performing a patriotic service. He/asks his patrons to join 100 per/cent strong in sending a message/of mercy and aid to the brave/American boys who are fighting/for us on the Battlefields of France/May 20th to 17th Inclusive

Images of Red Cross

The H.C. Miner Litho. Co.

Red Cross

53.5 x 34.5
US GEN 1489
  June 18-25/Red Cross/Week/New England/Must Give a/Million a Day

Image of a Red Cross

The Libbie Printing Co., Boston, Mass.

Red Cross

66 x 47
US GEN 1490
  10,000,000 Members/by Christmas/on Christmas Eve/A Candle in Every/Window and/Red Cross Members/in Every Home

Horizontal version of US GEN 1493

Red Cross

28 x 53.5
US GEN 1491
  10,000,000 Members By Christmas

Red Cross

75 x 50

[not in box or folder]
US GEN 1492
US WWI poster (general): 10,000,000 Members 10,000,000 Members/by Christmas/on Christmas Eve/A Candle in Every/Window and/Red Cross Members/in Every Home

Image of a holly-bedecked candle in a window, with the Red Cross symbol in its glow.

Red Cross

75 x 50
US GEN 1493
  Auxiliary No. 272, New York County Chapter/Knitted Garments Wanted/Wool Sold/at Reduced Rates/Knitting Taught by/Hand and Machine/Rainbow Division Workers/7 East 73rd Street/Court Yard Entrance

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

44.5 x 36
US GEN 1494
  They Fight for You/Protect Them/Help the Red Cross/Raise $100,000,000 at Once

Same image, text and layout as US GEN 1436

W.G. Sesser

Latham Print

Red Cross

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1495
  National/Horse Show/for Benefit American Red Cross/Madison Square Garden/Nov. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1917

Image of a horse and rider jumping over a fence; rider is wearing English riding clothes, including a red coat and top hat

Max Klepper

H.C. Miner Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross

53 x 35
US GEN 1496
  "For All Humanity"/A vivid three reel story/taken at the front/Lt. Col. Cecil G. Williams/– a speaker from overseas,/representing the War Council/of the American Red Cross/will take you with/our boys to France (movie)

Image of a Red Cross nurse at a window; she is opening/closing the window; behind her, sitting a a chair next to a bed is a man

Red Cross

55.5 x 35.5
US GEN 1497
  … National Red Cross/Pageant/An Epic Drama – The Story of/The Fighting Allies/A Personal Offering to the Cause of the Red Cross by/500 of the World's Most Eminent Players/Headed by/a Notable Cast including/E.H. Sothern/Ethel Barrymore/John Barrymore … Rita Jolivet/Helen Ware/Irene Fenwick …

(a play in the Rosemary Open-air Theater in Huntington, Suffolk County, N.Y.)

Image is a photoprint of the Rosemary Open-air Theatre

Red Cross

41.5 x 26

Box 5
US GEN 1498
  2500 Men/+/Albany/Must Take Care of/Its Own/It Wants $100 to Protect Each/Soldier in Service Through the/Red Cross + $250,000

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

106.5 x 70.5

several bad tears
US GEN 1499
  Humanity Calls!/What Is Your Answer/Are You a Member/of the Red Cross?/If Not – You Should Be …/Help the Big Christmas Drive/10,000,000 Additional Members

(black and white)

Image of a Red Cross nurse leading by hand a man whose has a bandage over this head, including his eyes, and his other arm in a sling

Red Cross – Christmas Drive

69 x 48.5

really brittle paper
US GEN 1500
US WWI poster (general): Are You a Member Are You a Member/of the/Red Cross/If Not – Then You Should Join at Once!/Lend Your Weight to the Great Christmas Drive for/10,000,000 Additional Members/You will be asked to join – You know you will join./So Why Wait Until Your Are Asked/Send In Your Dollar to Red Cross Headquarters/Let Your Christmas Present to the/Men at the Front Be/A Bigger Red Cross

(black and white)

Image of a Red Cross (in gray)

Red Cross – Christmas Drive

69 x 48.5

really brittle paper
US GEN 1501
US WWI poster (general): If You Can't Go If You Can't Go Across/Then/Come Across/with Your Membership in/the Red Cross/Let Your Dollar Membership Make Your Christmas/Gift to the Men at the Front/A Bigger Red Cross

(black and white)

Black-and-white image of image used on US GEN 1372

Red Cross – Christmas Drive

68 x 48.5

really brittle paper
US GEN 1502
US WWI poster (general): Don't Wait Till You're Asked Don't Wait Till You're Asked/Join the Red Cross To-day/Send in Your Dollar to Red Cross Headquarters/Help the Great Drive for 10,000,000 Additional Members/If You Can't Go Across/Then Come Across/Join the Red Cross/Get Ahead of the Man Who Is Going to Persuade/You to Join Anyway

(black and white)

Black-and-white image of image used in US GEN 1425

Red Cross

69 x 48.5

really brittle paper
S GEN 1503
  All Right Mother,/We'll Take Care/of Him/But You Must Take Care of Your Share/Join the Great Christmas Drive for 10,000,000 Extra Members/in the Red Cross/Send your dollar to Red Cross Headquarters To-day. Don't wait until you are asked to join – Beat your friends to it./Let your Christmas Gift to the men at the Front be/A Bigger Red Cross

(black and white)

Image of a Red Cross nurse, a soldier and the mother of the soldier; the soldier is behind the nurse, looking away from his mother; the nurse is looking at the mother, who is kneeling on the ground holding her hands out in a supplicating manner

Red Cross

69 x 48.5

really brittle paper
US GEN 1504
  Let Your Candle Shine Brightly on Christmas Eve/Behind the Red Cross Service Flag/To Show the Passerby that Every Member of Your Household Is/Enrolled in the American Red Cross/10,000,000/New Members Will Be Enrolled Dec. 17th to 24th/Grand Patriotic Demonstration to Our Boys in France That America/Is Unitedly Behind Them/It Is Your Duty to Join the Red Cross

(black and white)

Black-and-white image of the image used in US GEN 1493

Red Cross

69 x 48.5

really brittle paper
US GEN 1505
  American Red Cross/Home Service – Information Bureau/Co-operating with/Mayor's Committee on National Defense/Hall of Records, Room 604/Men, and Families of Men, who are in the Military and/Naval Service of the United States, can obtain at this/Bureau Full Information in regard to the Allowances/and Insurance which the Government will give them

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

43.5 x 56
US GEN 1506
  Have You/a Red Cross/Service/Flag in/Your Home?/Classes of Membership/Annual without Magazine $1.00/Subscribing or Magazine per annum 2.00 …

Image of a Red Cross Service Flag

Red Cross

50.5 x 56

several tears
US GEN 1507
US WWI poster (general): Is There A Red Cross Is There A Red Cross Service/Flag In Your Home?/A Heart and a/Dollar Are All/You Need/Join the Red Cross
(dated: 1917)

Image, in silhouette, of the profile of an old woman seen through a window; a Red Cross Service Flag hangs in the window


Seiter & Kappes Litho. Co., New York, N.Y.

Red Cross

Wells Fargo & Co.

89.5 x 139
US GEN 1508
  December 16th to 23d/Where/Columbia/Sets Her Name/Let/Every One/of You/Follow/Her/Red Cross/Christmas Roll Call
(dated: 1918)

Image of a female allegorical figure of Columbia holding a pen, and a Red Cross nurse with a scroll, on which is written "Where Columbia sets her name, let every one of you follow her."

(larger version of US GEN 1466)

E.H. Blashfield

Red Cross – Christmas Roll Call

215 x 141.5
US GEN 1509
  December 16th to 23d/Where/Columbia/Sets Her Name/Let/Every One/of You/Follow/Her/Red Cross/Christmas Roll Call
(dated: 1918)

Smaller version of US GEN 1509

E.H. Blashfield

Red Cross

70.5 x 48
US GEN 1510
US WWI poster (general): He Can Win! He Can Win!/The Federal Board Provides Training/Consult the Local/Red Cross Home Service Section

Image of a soldier sitting at a table; on the table are a bottle of ink and mechanical-drawing tools; he holds a pencil in his right hand and a pipe in his left hand; behind him is a crutch and a Red Cross

Dan Smith

Thomsen-Ellis Co., Baltimore, Md.

Red Cross

69 x 47.5

brittle paper
US GEN 1511
US WWI poster (general): What Are You Doing What Are You/Doing to Help?/Join Your/American Red Cross/Subscribing Memberships $2.00 up

Image of a Red Cross nurse holding the hand of a wounded man; his head and eyes are bandaged and his left arm is in a sling

Gordon Grant

Red Cross

96 x 63
US GEN 1512
US WWI poster (general): Help Them to Bear Help/Them/to/Bear/Their/Cross/Join Now/American/Red Cross

Image of male and female Red Cross workers standing in front of a Red Cross upon which is superimposed an image of Jesus Christ in a Crucifixion-style pose; the female worker is unrolling a bandage; the male worker is holding a rolled-up stretcher

Urquhart Wilcox, Buffalo, N.Y.

Niagara Litho Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

Red Cross

106 x 71

several bad tears
US GEN 1513
US WWI poster (general): Wanted 25000 Student Wanted/25000 Student/Nurses/U.S. Student Nurse/Reserve/Enroll at the nearest recruiting station of the/Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense

Milton Bancroft

John H. Eggers Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense

106 x 71
US GEN 1514
US WWI poster (general): Second Red Cross Second/Red Cross/War Fund

Image of a soldier carrying another soldier on a battlefield amid some barbed-wire fence; the soldier, who is walking, has a pouch with a Red Cross on it; the upper torso of the walking soldier, his backpack and the body of the wounded soldier form a red cross

W.F. Barclay

Second Red Cross War Fund

80.5 x 56

several bad tears
US GEN 1515
  State of New York/Executive Chamber/Proclamation/Each day we have a further record of the valor of our American boys over-seas …The cause is our cause. I bespeak for it your earnest and immediate cooperation … (signed) Charles S. Whitman
(dated: May 1918)

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

86 x 66

several tears
US GEN 1516
US WWI poster (general): Inasmuch As Ye Have "Inasmuch As Ye Have Done It/Unto One of the Least of These"/Help Your Red Cross

Image of Christ, a Red Cross, and a cathedral looming over a scene of ruins and casualties where a Red Cross nurse is helping

Hubert Chapin

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Red Cross

56 x 36
US GEN 1517
  Albany Calendar/"The Red Cross Spirit Speaks"/Dedicated to/the Women of the/Albany County Chapter/Every Day/a/Red Cross Day
(dated: 1918)
(tied at top with red ribbon; deckle-edged)

The entire proceeds from the sale of this calendar are to go to the Albany County Chapter. This has been made possible by the generosity of … The picture in the cross is that of a daughter of Albany who is a Red Cross nurse in France. The verses were written by Mr. Finley, chairman of the Albany Chapter, and are copyrighted by the Red Cross Magazine.

C.F. Williams & Son, Inc., Albany, N.Y.; Hudson Valley Paper Co., Albany, N.Y.; Austin Engraving Co., Albany, N.Y.

Red Cross – The Women of Albany County Chapter

31 x 24

Box 5
US GEN 1518
  Only Red Cross Members Are Permitted to Display This Service Flag … Instructions for Display of Red Cross Service Flag …

Image of a Red Cross Service Flag

Red Cross

37 x 19

Box 5
US GEN 1519
  Red Cross/School Day

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

11 x 41

Box 5
US GEN 1520
US WWI poster (general): The Spirit of America The Spirit/of/America/Join
(dated: 1919)

Image is a stylized three-quarters portrait of a Red Cross nurse with an American flag and a Red Cross

Howard Chandler Christy

Forbes Printing, Boston, Mass.

Red Cross

75.5 x 50
US GEN 1521
US WWI poster (general): Avenue of the Allies Avenue of the Allies/Painted by Childe Hassam during the great Red Cross victory drive

Page from the February 26, 1919, issue of the New York Tribune

Image of three Red Cross banners strung across the street; they are flanked by Red Cross banners, U.S. flags and the flags of severaal nations hanging from the high-rise buildings that line the street; at the bottom of the image are people and vehicles on the sidewalks and street

Childe Hassam

New York Tribune

Red Cross

54.5 x 41.5

tears; one piece torn off
US GEN 1522
  The American Red Cross/Atlantic Division/New York City/Junior Red Cross Suggestions for Enrollment Week/Lincoln's to Washington's Birthdays, 1918/…

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

57 x 30
US GEN1523
US WWI poster (general): There! In Peace "There!"/In Peace As in War/Your membership does it – Join/Third Red Cross Roll Call/Nov. 2-11 (Armistice Day)

Image is a photoprint of a Red Cross truck parked on a street; behind it are billowing clouds of smoke from a fire; a Red Cross is superimposed on the photo; caption: Photographed at the $5,000,000 Oil Refinery fire, Brooklyn, Sept. 13, 1919

Red Cross

76.5 x 50
US GEN 1524
US WWI poster (general): Make Our American Make Our/American Red Cross/In Peace/as in War/"The Greatest Mother/in the World"/Third Red Cross Roll Call/Nov. 2-11, 1919

Image of a monumental Red Cross nurse cradling a wounded soldier on a stretcher; behind the image is an image of the Red Cross

Red Cross

76 x 49.5
US GEN 1525
  Friends/for/Fighters/Families/Home Service Sections of the American Red Cross are organized with just one purpose … Any soldier or sailor who knows or fears that his family is in trouble … Relations between Home Service workers and families are as confidential as those between doctors and their patients …/Apply at American Red Cross

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

36 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1526
US WWI poster (general): Read These Facts Read These Facts/about your/American Red Cross/Its Purpose/To Care for our Soldiers and Sailors …/To Shorten the War …/To Lay Foundations for an Enduring Peace … It Is Working for/Your Army – Your Navy – Your Allies – and You

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

71 x 53.5

bad tear
US GEN 1527
  Red Cross Roll Call/Nov. 2 to 11 – 1919/Join for 1920

Image: Two Red Crosses

Red Cross Roll Call

26 x 109
US GEN 1528
US WWI poster (general): Universal Membership Universal Membership Week/Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, Dec. 16-23rd

Two images: (1) Image of a Red Cross nurse reaching her arm toward the viewer while behind her a troop of soldiers, one of whom is carrying a flag, are marching; (2) Image of a monumental Red Cross nurse cradling a stretcher on which is a wounded soldier

Red Cross Christmas Roll Call

21.5 x 106.5
US GEN 1529
US WWI poster (general): Wear Your Button Wear/Your/Button/It is an evidence/of your loyalty

Image is a pin with a Red Cross and the date "1919"

Red Cross

20 x 9.5

Box 5
US GEN 1530
  Wear/Your/Button/It is an evidence/of your loyalty
(dated: 1919)

(larger version of US GEN 1530; designed to stand on a counter)

Red Cross

40.5 x 19

Box 5
US GEN 1531
US WWI poster (general): Welcome! Welcome!/You Are Cordially Invited/to Come Here at All Times/The American Red Cross/will gladly give you full information/and answer all questions in/connection with its work

(black and white)

Image is a black-and-white copy of the image in US GEN 1425

Red Cross

27 x 20.5

Box 5
US GEN 1532
  Red Cross/Christmas Seals/One Cent Each/Every one you buy helps/in the fight against/Tuberculosis

Text is surrounded by a Christmas wreath made of holly leaves and berries with a large Red Cross at the top of the wreath in place of a red ribbon

Red Cross Christmas Seals

35 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1533
US WWI poster (general): Join All You Need Join/All You Need Is/a Heart and a Dollar

Image is a face of a Red Cross nurse


Red Cross

16 x 25

Box 5
US GEN 1534
  [Clipping from The Red Cross Magazine?]; image is a black-and-white photoprint of the head and shoulders of a Red Cross nurse]

Red Cross

12 x 17

Box 5
US GEN 1535
  [Clipping from The Red Cross Magazine; image is a black-and-white photoprint of W.T. Benda's drawing of Red Cross nurses and a Red Cross ambulance]
(dated: Feb. 1919)

W.T. Benda

Red Cross

10 x 17.5

Box 5
US GEN 1536

Image of a Red Cross

Commonwealth Press Printers

Red Cross

35.5 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1537
  Instructions for Sending Christmas Boxes/to Our Soldiers Overseas/…/One Package for Every Soldier/Procedure to be followed when you receive a Christmas/Parcel Label from abroad …/Articles barred by Post Office Regulations …/Bear these facts in mind when packing your Christmas Parcel …

(black and white)

(text only; no images)

Red Cross

31.5 x 21

Box 5
US GEN 1538
US WWI poster (general): The Greatest Brotherhood The Greatest Brotherhood of All/Answer the/Red Cross Christmas Roll Call/December 16-23/All You Need Is/a Heart and a Dollar
(attached to US GEN 1540)

Image of a Red Cross surrounded by hundreds of people; in the multitude is a Red Cross nurse; in the foreground are a man and a woman, each of whom has a Red Cross pin in their lapels

Red Cross

16 x 25

several tears

Box 5
US GEN 1539
  The Greatest Mother in the World/Join the/Red Cross/All You Need Is a Heart/and a Dollar
(Attached to US GEN 1539)

Image is a black-and-white drawing of the image used in US GEN 1409

Red Cross

25 x 16

several tears

Box 5
US GEN 1540
  The Greatest Brotherhood of All/Answer the/Red Cross Christmas Roll Call/December 16-23/All You Need Is/a Heart and a Dollar

Duplicate of US GEN 1539

Red Cross

15.5 x 24

Box 5
US GEN 1541
  [A Red Cross Service Flag similar to US GEN 1421 but with 10 small Red Crosses instead of 11; also no date on this item]

Red Cross

29 x 19

Box 5
US GEN 1542
  Join the Red Cross/Wear Your Button/1919

Image is the same used in US GEN 1400 (without the multitude behind the Red Cross nurse) plus an image of the 1919 Red Cross pin

Red Cross

25 x 15.5

Box 5
US GEN 1543

(black and white)

Image of Uncle Sam holding an American flag in one hand and a Red Cross flag in the other; in the background are thousands of thousands of U.S. soldiers upon which has been imprinted the word "America"

Harry Murphy

New York American [newspaper]

Red Cross
29 x 20

Box 5
US GEN 1544
US WWI poster (general): My Pledge My Pledge
(calendar for June-September 1918 with detachable "Red Cross Pledge Installment" slips to mail with checks to the Second Red Cross War Fund)

Red Cross

18.5 x 13

Box 5
US GEN 1545

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

15 x 15.5

Box 5
US GEN 1546
  2nd [image of Red Cross] War Fund 1918

Red Cross

21 x 20.5

Box 5
US GEN 1547
US WWI poster (general): [item of the Red Cross logo] [item of the Red Cross logo]

Red Cross

34.5 x 34.5
US GEN 1548
US WWI poster (general): [item of the Red Cross logo] [item of the Red Cross logo]

Red Cross

16.5 x 16.5

Box 5
US WWI poster (general): Will You Be One Will You Be One/of a Million Workers/to Secure Members for/the American Red Cross/Volunteer Now at Your/Chapter Headquarters/Third Red Cross Roll Call/November 2-11
(in pencil: 1919)

In tiny print: "Postmasters will display this poster conspicuously in the post office lobby. A.S. Burleson, Postmaster General"

Image of a Red Cross

Red Cross

76 x 50

torn into three pieces; other tears
US GEN 1550
US WWI poster (general): Help the Horse to Save the Soldier "Help the Horse/to/Save the Soldier"/Please Join/the American Red Star Animal Relief/National Headquarters, Albany, N.Y.

Label on image: "Good-Bye, Old Man"/Drawn by F. Matania/© From the London Sphere/In U.S.A. by N.Y. Herald Co."

Image of a soldier holding in his arms the head of a dying horse; in the background is a shelled house and branchless trees; another soldier is urging him to come; an artillery wagon, pulled by two other horses, is struggling in the mud

F. [Fortunino] Matania

W.F. Powers Co. Litho., New York, N.Y.

American Red Star Animal Relief

76 x 51.5
US GEN 1551
US WWI poster (general): Help Him to Help U.S. Help Him to Help U.S.!/Help the/Horse to/Save the/Soldier/The American Red Star Animal Relief/National Headquarters, Albany, N.Y.

Image of Uncle Sam, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing front, with a horse; also a red five-pointed star

James Montgomery Flagg

W.F. Powers Co., Litho., New York, N.Y.

American Red Star Animal Relief

82.5 x 57.5
US GEN 1552
  Help Him to Help U.S.!/American/Red Star/Animal/Relief/A drawing contributed by James Montgomery Flagg/to the American Red Star Animal Relief, National Headquarters, Albany, New York/Anticruelty societies and individuals are invited to organize branches and auxiliaries where none now exist/Supplement to The National Humane Review, Albany, N.Y., for its February issue, 1918 (Vol. VI No. 2)/Please place this in your window

Black-and-white image of US GEN 1552

James Montgomery Flagg

National Humane Review, Albany, N.Y.

American Red Star Animal Relief

30 x 23

Box 5
US GEN 1553
US WWI poster (general): American Red Star Animal Relief American/Red Star/Animal Relief

In tiny print: "This and other literature supplied by the National Headquarters Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, New York."

Image of a red five-pointed star

Goodwin Lith., Albany, N.Y.

American Red Star Animal Relief

81.5 x 56
US GEN 1554
  American/Red Star/Animal Relief/National Headquarters, Albany, New York

Smaller version of US GEN 1554

In small print: "The Red Star Flag/may be displayed by members of the American Red Flag Star Animal Relief only./Any person contributing one dollar or more to the American Red Star Animal Relief is entitled to display this Red Star Flag in the window indicating that a member of the household is assisting in army animal relief work …"

American Red Star Animal Relief

31.5 x 23.5

bad tear in center of poster

Box 5
US GEN 1555
US WWI poster (general): [Image of a Red Star] [Image of a "Red Star shield" to cut out]

In tiny print: "Additional copies of this Red Star shield may be secured at the rate of six cents each, with postage. Special prices in lots of 25 or more. National Headquarters, The American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y.

The shield is navy blue at the top and white at the bottom; on the white part is imprinted a red five-pointed star

American Red Star Animal Relief

81.5 x 63
US GEN 1556
US WWI poster (general): Red Star Red Star
(shaped like a wedge)

In small type along the edge: "Reproduction of official pennant. May be made in any size out of suitable cloth – felt or linens recommended. Stripe of red and white tape, long enough for tying purposes, should be fastened at intervals to the broad end of the pennant. National Headquarters, American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y."

Image of a red five-pointed star

American Red Star Animal Relief

30 x 83
US GEN 1557
US WWI poster (general): All Food Supplies All Food Supplies/are carried to/the men in the/trenches by Horses/Join the/Red Star/and help to return/every wounded/Horse to his work/National Headquarters, American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y./No. 27

(text only; no images)

Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky.

American Red Star Animal Relief

106 x 71.5

several bad tears
US GEN 1558
US WWI poster (general): All Food Supplies Horses Transport/All Munitions/from Supply Bases/to the Trenches/Join the Red Star/and Help/Defeat the Enemy/National Headquarters, American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y./No. 28

(text only; no images)

Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky.

American Red Star Animal Relief

106.5 x 71
US GEN 1559
US WWI poster (general): American Horses American Horses/and Mules Are Fight-/ing Your Fight on/the Firing Lines of/Europe. Thousands/more are going./Join the/Red Star/Relief for Sick/and Wounded/War Horses/ National Headquarters, American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y./No. 29

(text only; no images)

Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky.

American Red Star Animal Relief

106.5 x 71.5

several bad tears; one piece detached
US GEN 1560
US WWI poster (general): Your Country Appeals Your Country/Appeals for/Humanity/Join the/Red Star/and/help to care for sick/& wounded Horses/ in U.S. Service/ National Headquarters, American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y./No. 30

(text only; no images)

Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky.

American Red Star Animal Relief

106.5 x 71

bad tears
US GEN 1561
US WWI poster (general): Do Your Bit Do Your Bit for/the Faithful/War Horse/Send in One Dollar/and Receive/Red Star/Membership/and/Button/National Headquarters American Red Star Animal Relief, Albany, N.Y./No. 30

(text only; no images)

Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky.

American Red Star Animal Relief

106.5 x 71

bad tears
US GEN 1562
  YMCA/War Work Week/Give

Image is the logo of the Y.M.C.A.


52.5 x 35
US GEN 1563
US WWI poster (general): The Letter to Mother The Letter to Mother
(dated: 1917)

Image of a mother reading a "Red Triangle" letter from her soldier son; she is sitting in a chair beside a table on which is a framed photograph of her son; the red triangle on the letter is the only color on the poster

C. Clyde Squires

Fred Sanger, Litho., New York, N.Y.

National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States

69 x 54.5
US GEN 1564
US WWI poster (general): Cabled from France Cabled from France August 21st, 1918 "A Sense of Obligation for the varied and useful service rendered to the army in France … I wish unreservedly to commend its work for the Army." Pershing/United War Work Campaign/November 11-18, 1918

Image is an upper-torso portrait of General John J. Pershing, painted in March1918; includes Y.M.C.A. logo

S.J. Wauk


82.5 x 55
US GEN 1565
  "If too old to fight, and too young to sit quiet while/others die for your country, the Y.M.C.A. is the/answer." Apply at: 347 Madison Avenue

Image of a sorrowful soldier sitting, with his rifle leaning on his arm between his legs, on a rock; his helmet is on the ground in front of him; a Y.M.C.A. volunteer is comforting him; in the background is a building with the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle logo over the doorway

Ralph P. Coleman


70.5 x 55
US GEN 1566
  Big Men/Wanted/for/Over Seas/Service/Y.M.C.A./Apply at: 347 Madison Avenue

Image is the face of an older, portly male with a mustache; also includes the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle logo



70.5 x 55
US GEN 1567
US WWI poster (general): Workers Lend Your Strength Workers/Lend Your Strength/to the Red Triangle/Help the "Y" Help the/Fighters Fight/United War Work Campaign – November 11 to 18

Image of profiles of three men; in the foreground is a laborer lifting a box labeled with the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle; behind him stands an older man, with white hair and a white mustache; behind both of them is the silhouette of a soldier with a bayonetted rifle

Gil Spear


68.5 x 50
US GEN 1568
US WWI poster (general): For Your Boy For/Your/Boy/United War Work Campaign/November 11-18, 1918

Image of an older man, a Y.M.C.A. volunteer, serving coffee from a coffee pot to a soldier; the soldier's helmet is on the ground by his feet and his rifle is laying across his knees; behind them, on a signpost, is the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle logo; includes logo of the Committee on Public Information Division of Pictorial Publicity

Arthur William Brown

Ketterlinus Print, Philadelphia, Pa.


75 x 50
US GEN 1569
  Couple Up/Home Ties with the RRY/Wanted/150,000 members in/one week May 18-24/Put Your/[image of a heart]/in It

Image of a family – mother, father, son and daughter – coming out of a building in the foreground and heading for a large Y.M.C.A. RRY [Railroad Y] building in the background; several people are outside the building; the engine of a train can be seen on a lower level than the buildings


R.R.Y. (Railroad Y.M.C.A.)

70.5 x 54.5
US GEN 1570
  His/Home/Over There/YMCA/YWCA

Images of the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle and the Y.W.C.A. Blue Triangle

Y.M.C.A. – Y.W.C.A.

54.5 x 104
US GEN 1571
US WWI poster (general): War-Zone Home War-Zone/Home for Our Boys "Overthere" [sic]/Always at the Service of/Our Brave Troops/If our boys, tired and mud-stained, could only knock at your door tonight … $35,000,000 at least needed to carry on this Y.M.C.A. work here and overseas to July 1, 1918 …/Help Keep These/Home Fires Burning …/National Campaign November 11 to 19
In box: $12,500 will provide a hut for a year … $100 will provide stationery a month for a hut. $50 will provide a talking machine and records …

Two images: (1) Exterior of a Y.M.C.A. "hut" with soldiers making their way to it through a snowstorm; (2) interior of the "hut" showing men gathered around a pot-belly stove, a "talking machine" with records on the lower shelf of the table, and tables on which are scattered books; includes several Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle logos

John F. Butler

Globe Lithographing Company

National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States

96.5 x 59
US GEN 1572
  Wilson/Taft, Roosevelt and other National Leaders/ Indorse To "Keep the Home Fires Burning" in the hearts of our soldier boys … $35,000,000 needed/at least to conduct this work to July 1st, 1918/You Can Help/National Campaign/November 11-19 …

Image of exterior of a Y.M.C.A. "hut" in a summer setting similar to the one in US GEN 1572; includes head-and-shoulders portrait of President Woodrow Wilson and the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle

J.F. Butler

Globe Lithographing Company, New York, N.Y.


97 x 60
US GEN 1573
US WWI poster (general): One of the Thousand One of the Thousand Y.M.C.A. Girls in France United War Work Campaign Nov. 11th to 18th

Image of a woman in a Y.M.C.A. uniform offering a steaming cup of coffee and books to the viewer; large Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle is behind her

[Neysa] McMein

Grinnell Litho. Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.


70.5 x 106
US GEN 1574
US WWI poster (general): At the Sign At the Sign of the/Red Triangle/The Y.M.C.A. Keeps the/Home Ties from Breaking/Think what it means during the bitter, discomforting days to have the Y.M.C.A. hut – a home where our boys can safely spend the off-duty hours of temptation - … At least $35,000,000 needed to carry it to July 1, 1918 …/ Help take the Red Triangle/to Our Boys…/Write for Free Illustrated Booklet giving further information

In a box: "Each Million Men Will Require/500 Y.M.C.A. Centers … 500 pianos … 10,000 Pens a Day. 25,000 Chess and Checker Boards …"

Image of soldiers near the entrance to a dugout with a sign reading "Y.M.C.A. Dugout"; a sign on the wall reads: "Hot Cocoa/Served"

John F. Butler

Grinnell Litho. Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.

National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States

96 x 59.5
US GEN 1575
US WWI poster (general): The Last Evidence "The Last Evidence That/Anybody Cares"/Says a/Soldier/"Overthere" [sic]/of the/Y.M.C.A./Dugout/The Y.M.C.A. Is Our Boys' "Big Brother" from Enlistment to Front-line Trench …/At least $35,000,000 needed/to maintain this work to July 1, 1918. Titanic Giving Is Required/

Image of soldiers near the entrance to a dugout with a sign reading "Y.M.C.A. Dugout"; a sign on the wall reads: "Welcome/Free Stationery/to Write Home/Games-Books"

John F. Butler

Grinnell Litho. Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.

National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States

95.5 x 60
US GEN 1576
  "The Last Evidence That/Anybody Cares"/Says a/Soldier/"Overthere" [sic]/of the/Y.M.C.A./Dugout/…At least $35,000,000 needed to comduct this work to July 1, 1918./You Can Help. Do It Today …

Includes a box with quotations by President Wilson, Ex-President Taft, Ex-President Roosevelt and General Pershing

Image is a black-and-white smaller version of the image in US GEN 1576

John F. Butler

National War Work Council of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States

35.5 x 21.5

Box 5
US GEN 1577
US WWI poster (general): YMCA His Home Over There YMCA/His Home/Over There/YWCA/More than 2000 Such Homes for Our Boys/United War Work Campaign, November 11th-18th

Image of a group of soldiers approaching a warmly lit Y.M.C.A. facility, through the snow, at night

Albert Herter


102.5 x 69.5
US GEN 1578
US WWI poster (general): Your Boy in the Movies "Your Boy in the Movies!"/See Him in Uniform in The Red Triangle/See the big scenes in this stirring picture photographed in the camps of your own state; it brings the boy you love back to your home … /The Greatest Military Motion Picture Ever Made/"Your Theatre Will Show It! Ask When!"/Released under the auspices of the United War Work Campaign: Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., National Catholic War Council, Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Community Service, American Library Association, Salvation Army

Image of thousands of saluting soldiers arranged in the shape of the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle as if photographed from an airplane; superimposed on the mass of men is the outline of a "Y"; flanking the triangle are single sailors standing at attention

Illinois Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill.


102.5 x 70.5
US GEN 1579
  The "Y" Has More Than 2000 Such Homes for Our Boys

Albert Herter

Latham Litho & Ptg. Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.


151.5 x 103

[not in folder]
US GEN 1580
US WWI poster (general): Big Men Wanted Y.M.C.A. Big Men/Wanted/Y.M.C.A./Service/Overseas/Demands Real Men/who can endure/hardship/who have attractive/personalities/who have an unselfish/purpose;/men of strong/Christian character/with capacity for/ - friendship/Can You Qaulify?YMCA/Needs You
(dated: 1918)

The New York State Library copy has the lower right-hand-corner text.

Image of an older man, a Y.M.C.A. volunteer, warmly inviting a soldier into a Y.M.C.A. hut; includes images of the Y.M.C.A. Red Triangle logo

Stockton Mulford

Robert Gair Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.


56 x 36
US GEN 1581
  "The Y.M.C.A. Hut" [poem] by Abbie Farwell Brown, of the Vigilantes … United War Work Campaign/November 11th to 18th

(black and white)

First stanza: You who sit at home/Cozy, warm and dry,/In your jolly city club,/Or your library;

At bottom of item: "These poems may be used in your publication in any form, either with or without illustration."

Three images: (1) a Y.M.C.A. hut in a forest setting; (2) a man sitting in a chair, reading a newspaper, in a room with a fireplace; (3) a soldier wearing a greatcoat on a battlefield, where it appears to be raining

Abbie Farwell Brown


46 x 29
US GEN 1582
US WWI poster (general): Avez vous place Avez vous place/dans votre Coeur/pour nous?/"Have You Room in Your Heart for Us?"/Fatherless Children of France, Inc.

Smaller version of US GEN 176

Image of a seated peasant girl comforting a weeping boy who is resting his head on her lap; in the background, in flames, are the destroyed buildings of a village

Walter De Maris

American Lithographic Co.

Fatherless Children of France, Inc.

75 x 50
US GEN 1583
US WWI poster (general): Side By Side Side By Side –/Britannia!/Britain's Day Dec. 7th 1918

Image of Uncle Sam arm-in-arm with Britannia, accompanied by an eagle and a lion; in the background is the ocean and skylines of cities

Same image as US GEN 239

James Montgomery Flagg

67 x 49.5
US GEN 1584
  Three cheers for the cow,/She fights for health/in war or peace

Image is a photograph of a little girl wearing a white hat and a white dress

Originally labeled: US GEN 242

51 x 40.5

cardboard; cracked into two pieces
US GEN 1585
US WWI poster (general): Plant Corn The President Plant Corn/The President of the United States to Farmers …/Corn must help Win the War/Plant More Corn …/The Winter Wheat Crop Is Short …/Eat More Corn, Less Wheat/U.S. Department of Agriculture/Washington, D.C./Cooperating with State Agricultural Colleges

(text only; no images)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Originally labeled: US GEN 243

60 x 40
US GEN 1586
US WWI poster (general): Preserve Preserve

Image of Uncle Sam, minus his hat, with rolled-up shirt sleeves, emptying the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables from a horn of plenty; in the foreground are several jars of canned fruits and vegetables


Geo. P. Thomas, New York, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 244

103 x 70
US GEN 1587
US WWI poster (general): Preserve Co-operation Preserve/Co-operation

Image of a heroic-size Uncle Sam, without his hat, standing behind two men and a woman, representing, as indicated by the labels on their hats, farmers, produce dealers and housewives; in front of the figures is a bushel basket overflowing with fresh fruits and vegetables; on either side of the basket are jars of canned fruits and vegetables


Geo. P. Thomas, New York, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 245

103 x 70
US GEN 1588

Image of a hatless Uncle Sam holding three jars of canned fruits/vegetables


Geo. P. Thomas, New York, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 246

103 x 70
US GEN 1589
US WWI poster (general): Preserve Preserve

Image of a hatless Uncle Sam, with rolled-up shirt sleeves and mucking boots with a white star on a blue background at the top of the boot, holding, one in each hand, a basket of tomatoes and a basket of peaches; on the ground behind him are piles of fruits and vegetables; on the table behind him are jars of canned fruits and vegetables; behind the table are 10 women, all wearing plain blue dresses


Geo. P. Thomas, New York, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 247

103 x 70
US GEN 1590
  Closed/because/we violated/the/regulations/of the/food administration/but have pledged/full obedience/in the future/Posted by direction of/the U.S. Food Administration

(text only; no images)

[name of printer has been torn off], Ithaca, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 248

61 x 40.5

pieces missing; several bad tears
US GEN 1591
US WWI poster (general): Missouri Leads Missouri Leads/in Food Increase …/Are we back of the boys at the Front?/Yes!!!/How Missouri Responded to the Call for Food … Missouri Council of Defense/Jefferson City

Image of an outline map of Missouri upon which is superimposed a farmer and a plow being pulled by two horses; in the upper part of the map is an image of American soldiers in a trench on a battlefield; also bar and picture graphs showing increases in crop production between 1916 and 1918

Originally labeled: US GEN 249

91.5 x 61

pieces missing; several tears
US GEN 1592
US WWI poster (general): What are YOU doing? What are YOU doing?/The Kaiser/Is Canned –/Can Food/Can/Vegetables/Fruit and/the Kaiser Too/Write for Free Book to/National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President; P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary
(dated: 1918)

Image of the Kaiser scrunched into a canning jar with a helmet perched on the cover of the jar and a military sword hanging from the jar; the jar, labeled "Monarch Brand/Unsweetened," is flanked by a jar labeled "Tomatoes" and another jar labeled "Peas"

J. Paul Verrees

Gatchel & Manning, Engravers, Philadelphia, Pa.

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 250

84 x 56

pieces missing; several tears
US GEN 1593
US WWI poster (general): Don't [sic] Waste Don't [sic] Waste/Any Food/We Will Need It Next Winter/Thousands/Are Starving/in Europe/The Gospel/of the/Clean Plate/Take/Only Such/Food As You/Will Eat/New York State Department of Health/Hermann M. Biggs, Commissioner

Image of several tree trunks that are still standing after a fire

L. Mallory

New York State Department of Health

Originally labeled: US GEN 251

35.5 x 25.5

Box 5
US GEN 1594
US WWI poster (general): The Gospel The Gospel/of the/Clean Plate/Don't [sic] Waste Any Food/Leave a Clean/Dinner Plate/Take Only Such Food as You/Will Eat/Thousands Are Starving/in Europe/New York State Department of Health/Hermann M. Biggs, Commissioner

Image of an empty dinner plate

L. Mallory

New York State Department of Health

Originally labeled: US GEN 252

35.5 x 25.5

Box 5
US GEN 1595
  American Fish Eat Us Instead of Meat

Image of two fish facing each other

SS [first S is flipped to the left]

National Printing & Engraving Company, Tribune Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

Food Conservation Committee of the War Emergency Union of Lake Forest, Ill.

Originally labeled: US GEN 253

63 x 61.5
US GEN 1596
Window Display US WWI poster (general): Window Display
Window Display US WWI poster (general): Window Display
Window Display Suggestions/for Food Conservation Week/November 21 to 28 …/
(black-and-white two-sided sheet)

Ten photoprint images of displays with a written description of each

National War Service Committee on Window Displays, Division of Advertising, Committee on Public Information, in co-operation with Retail Stores Section of the United States Food Administration

Originally labeled: US GEN 254

48 x 30.5
US GEN 1597
  United States Food Administration/Washington, D.C./Retail Stores Section/October, 1918/Advertising Suggestions for Food Conservation Week, Nov. 21-28/ … Put out no advertising matter during Conservation Week which does not include some of this material … [two-page collection of advertisements of various sizes, slogans and inserts]


(text only; no images)

United States Food Administration

Originally labeled: US GEN 255

46.5 x 30.5
US GEN 1598
US WWI poster (general): War Gardens Victorious War Gardens Victorious Every War Garden a Peace Plant – National War Carden Commission Charles Lathrop Pack, President/Washington, D.C.
(dated: 1919)

Image of an army of potatoes, carrots, beets and pumpkins marching with a child carrying a hoe; the child has a small American flag in his hat and one of the vegetables is carrying a large American flag

Maginel Wright Enright

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 256

74 x 57
US GEN 1599
US WWI poster (general): War Gardens War Gardens/Over the Top/The Seeds of Victory/Insure the Fruits of Peace/For Free Books Write to National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President/Percival S. Ridsdale, Secretary

Image of a turnips, tomato, potato, pumpkin, beet, red onion and carrots running in terror from a child, wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat, with a hoe; the pumpkin is carrying an American flag

Maginel Wright Enright

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 257

74 x 57
US GEN 1600
US WWI poster (general): Help Uncle Sam Help Uncle Sam/Put Your Corn/in a Silo/and Save/Millions/of Dollars/A Silo/Saves Food/for Stock as/the Can Saves/for Man/Buy Early/Ship [Early]/Erect [Early]

Image of Uncle Sam pointing to a silo attached to a barn, outside of which a few cows are standing.

The New York State Library's copy has a sheet passed over the silo; the text begins: "To the Famers of Iowa" and indicates it was prepared by the Iowa Council of National Defense under the chairmanship of Lafayette Young

Originally labeled: US GEN 258

Gugler Litho Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.

55.5 x 40.5

US GEN 1601
US WWI poster (general): A Little American's Promise A Little American's Promise/I'll eat corn-meal, oatmeal, and rice …/

Four-stanza poem flanked by images of a little girl and a little boy eating, with a spoon, food in a bowl; above the poem is a spread-winged eagle; below the poem is a table set with plates and serving containers of food

There are lines for the child to sign and put his address

"Reprinted by special permission of John Martin's Book, The Child's Magazine"

Originally labeled: US GEN 259

36 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1602
  Your Country Calls/Save Food/with a Silo –/40% of the crop is wasted/when left in the field …/It's to Your Interest to/Buy Early & Put It Up Early

Two images: (1) Soldiers with bayonetted rifles, led by a soldier with a raised sword and carrying a pistol; in the background a mortar has just fired off a round; (2) a silo

The New York State Library's copy has a sheet pasted over the silo; the text begins: "To the Famers of Iowa" and indicates it was prepared by the Iowa Council of National Defense under the chairmanship of Lafayette Young

Gugler Litho Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.

Originally labeled: US GEN 260

55.5 x 40.5
US GEN 1603
US WWI poster (general): Will you have a part Will you have a part/in/Victory?/"Every Garden a Munition Plant"/Charles Lathrop Pack, President/Write to the/National/War Garden/Commission -/Washington, D.C./for free books on/gardening, canning/& drying
(dated 1918)

Image is a female allegorical figure of the United States spreading seeds from a basket she cradles in her left arm; she is wearing a red Phrygian hat, sandals and a dress replicating an American flag

James Montgomery Flagg

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 261

84 x 56

several tears; pieces missing
US GEN 1604
US WWI poster (general): Join Join the/United-/States/School/Garden/Army/Enlist Now/Write to the United States School Garden Army,/Bureau of Education, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C.

Image of a girl pushing a garden hand plow

Edward Penfield

United States School Garden Army, Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior

Originally labeled: US GEN 262

76 x 51

US GEN 1605
US WWI poster (general): Helping Hoover Helping Hoover in Our/U.S. School Garden

Image of a bare-footed boy and a bare-footed girl in a garden; each child wears a U.S.S.G. pin dated 1919; the boy holds a rake; the girl is pushing a wheelbarrow full of fresh vegetables; the wheelbarrow has the U.S.S.G. logo painted on it

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

United States School Garden Army, Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior

Originally labeled: US GEN 263

76 x 51
US GEN 1606
US WWI poster (general): Raised 'em myself in my U.S. School Garden Raised 'em myself/in my/U.S. School Garden

Image of a boy proudly standing behind a basket of fresh vegetables; he is wearing a U.S.S.G. pin dated 1919

American Lithographic Co., New York, N.Y.

United States School Garden Army, Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior

Originally labeled: US GEN 264

76 x 51

US GEN 1607
US WWI poster (general): Free Milk for France Free Milk for France

Image of a baby, wrapped in swaddling, laying on its back; since it was drawn from an overhead point of view, it appears the baby is standing and looking at the viewer

Albert Sterner

Originally labeled: US GEN 265

63.5 x 40.5

US GEN 1608
US WWI poster (general): Volunteers Wanted Volunteers Wanted. Enlist Now. No Age Limit./Grain Savers' League/of the United States/ … I hereby gladly promise, on my honor as a Patriotic American Citizen, that for the duration of the war (and as long thereafter as the shortage of food shall persist), I will not drink, buy, accept, sell or give away any intoxicating liquor …
(dated: 1917)

Image of a bottle of "Booze" sitting in a chair; facing the bottle is Uncle Sam, standing next to a bag of "Grain," which is sitting in a chair, saying: "You are accused of wasting the grain supply of the United States."

Cesare [in the Saturday Evening Post]

Originally labeled: US GEN 266

18.5 x 23.5

Box 5

cardboard; piece missing
US GEN 1609
US WWI poster (general): Member Member of United States Food Administration Home Card

The New York State Library copy has the words "Home Card" in the lower left-hand corner

Image is the logo of the United States Food Administration

United States Food Administration

Originally labeled: US GEN 267

22.5 x 15

Box 5
US GEN 1610
  Free/Canning Demonstration/by/Miss Bliss of Cornell University/in/Women's Rest Room/Friday, June 29, 1917/…

(text only; no images)

Originally labeled: US GEN 268

35.5 x 30.5
US GEN 1611
US WWI poster (general): Are You a Victory Canner Are You a/Victory Canner?/Write for Free Book to National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President/P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary

An allegorical image of Columbia stands behind bottles and jars of preserves and assorted farm produce; she holds one jar in her hand; she wears a blouse that is blue with white stars and a red-and-white-striped skirt; a red-white-and-blue Phrygian cap is on her head

G. Leonebel Jacobs

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 269

56 x 25.5
US GEN 1612
US WWI poster (general): Women of America Women of America/Work for/Victory/ Write for Free Book to National War Garden Commission/Washington, D.C./Charles Lathrop Pack, President/P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary

An allegorical image of Columbia stands behind bottles and jars of preserves and assorted farm produce; she holds one jar in her hand; she wears a blouse that is blue with white stars and a skirt that is red and white stripes; a red-white-and-blue Phrygian cap is on her head

G. Leonebel Jacobs

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 270

56 x 25.5
US GEN 1613
US WWI poster (general): The Seeds of Victory The Seeds of Victory/Insure the/Fruits of/Peace/"Victory Gardens Help the Hungry"/Charles Lathrop Pack, President/Write to the/National War Garden/Commission/Washington, D.C./for free books on/gardening, canning/& dairying
(dated: 1918)

Image is a female allegorical figure of the United States spreading seeds from a basket she cradles in her left arm; she is wearing a red Phrygian hat, sandals and a dress replicating an American flag (Same image used in US GEN 1604)

James Montgomery Flagg

National War Garden Commission

Originally labeled: US GEN 271

84 x 56

several bad tears
US GEN 1614
  Grayfish/Rich-flavored/Nutritious/Low-priced/The/Newest/Sea-food/Recommended by/U.S. Bureau of Fisheries/Department of Commerce/Ask for Cook Book
(dated: 1916)

Image is a photoprint of the Bureau of Fisheries Schooner Grampus

Government Printing Office

U.S. Bureau of Fisheries

Originally labeled: US GEN 272

28 x 43

cardboard; one corner broken
US GEN 1615
  Help/Your Country/by Patronizing Only the/Hotels and Restaurants/That Observe the Orders of the/Food Administration/Every Tuesday to be Meatless Day …/Every Monday and Wednesday to be Wheatless Days …/Every Saturday to be Porkless Day …

(text only except for logo of the United States Food Administration)

United States Food Administration

Originally labeled: US GEN 273

56 x 35.5
US GEN 1616
US WWI poster (general): Connecticut State Connecticut State Council of Defense/Committee of Food Supply/United States Food Administration/Save Wheat …/Save Meat …/Save Fats …/Save Sugar …/Use Perishables …/Use Local Supplies …/General Rules/Preach the "Gospel of the Clean Plate" Full garbage pails in America mean empty dinner pails in/America and Europe. Take an interest in the wastes in the Community. Don't limit the plain food of/growing children. They are growing, up to 25./Win the War by Service in the Home/Begin Now!/Herbert Hoover …

(text only except for a logo of sorts)

Manternach Company, Hartford, Conn.

Connecticut State Council of Defense Committee of Food Supply

United States Food Administration

Originally labeled: US GEN 274

59 x 45.5

US GEN 1617
US WWI poster (general): Putting the Boche Putting the Boche Where He Belongs/Food Will Do It/Muscle, Vigor, Virile Strength, the Fighting Brain – All Essentials of/the Soldier – Depend on Food/Eat Less – Send More Across

Image of an American soldier, with a rifle (stamped U.S.) slung over his shoulder, tossing a German soldier into a river labeled "The Rhine"; the German soldier's rifle has already hit the water

"Reproduced through the courtesy of "New York Herald" from drawing by W.A. Rogers"

W.A. Rogers

Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, Cleveland and New York

Originally labeled: US GEN 275

55 x 40
US GEN 1618
  Be/Patriotic/by Conserving Wheat/The Waldorf Lunch System/are observing the orders of th/United States Food/Administration/At their request this Lunch Room will/serve Bread, Rolls and Muffins made of/Substitutes as far as possible and will only/serve wheat products when specially ordered/by the customer./Food Will Win the War/Kinney & Woodward Co., Proprietors

(text only except for United States Food Administration logo)

J.B. Lyon Company, Albany, N.Y.

Originally labeled: US GEN 276

56 x 35.5
US GEN 1619
  The United States Food Administration This certifies that [line for name to be inserted] has enlisted in the service of the Nation and as a dealer in the necessaries of life Pledges … Save Food for Our People. Our Armies and those of the Allied nations/The United States Food Administration/per Herbert Hoover

Verso: Instructions to Dealers/Every loyal Food Merchant in America who receives one of these certificates is expected to place it on display in a comspicuous place in his FRONT WINDOW …

(text only except for United States Food Administration logo)

Originally labeled: US GEN 277

16.5 x 24

Box 5
US GEN 1620
US WWI poster (general): Stop Save Prune pits Stop/Save/Prune pits/Plum pits/Cherry pits/Date seeds/Olive pits/Peach stones/Apricot pits/the shells of/Hickory nuts/Butternuts and/Walnuts/The carbon produced from these materials when/placed in respirators will/Save Soldiers' Lives/by absorbing/German Poison Gas/Dry Materials Thoroughly and Deliver to Points Designated by/The American Red Cross/Do Your Bit – Save the Pit

Image of a woman standing next to an open garbage can, getting ready to scrape dinner-plate remains from a plate into the can

Gas Defense Division – Chemical Warfare Service USA

Originally labeled: US GEN 278

27.5 x 35

Box 5
US GEN 1621
  Garbage Is Valuable/Don't Waste It/United States Food Administration/Explosives/Fertilizers/Soaps/Vital War/Necessities/Are Being/Made from/Kitchen/Refuse/Clean Garbage is also/excellent for hogs./Keep it free from broken Crockery – Glass/-Tin Cans – Sweepings/and other household/Rubbish/Use every ounce of food fat for/human consumption, then - /Make the Garbage Pail Do Its Part

(text only except for the United States Food Administration logo)

Originally labeled: US GEN 279

21.5 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1622
  The United States/Food Administrator/has ordered that starting December 10th/our Bread must be made in 1-lb. and/1½ lb. loaves' prices starting on that day will be 1-lb. Loaf 10c. and 1½-Loaf 14c. delivered./To further carry out the wishes of/THE ADMINISTRATOR, our prices when/you pay cash and take the Bread with/you will be:/1-lb. Loaf 9c. and 1½-Loaf 13c./Chushman's Sons, Inc.

(text only; no images)

Originally labeled: US GEN 280

35.5 x 28

Box 5
US GEN 1623
  Come and Learn/Food Conservation/Household Efficiency/Demonstrated and Exhibited/at the/Ethical Culture School/Central Park West & 63rd Street/November 12th to 23rd/10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily/Free to You

(text only; no images)

Originally labeled: US GEN 281

28 x 35.5

Box 5
US GEN 1624
  You can help the starving people in/Europe by avoiding waste in this kitchen./Don't throw away good food./Westchester County Commission of General Safety/Please Hang This in Your Kitchen

(text only; no images)

Originally labeled: US GEN 282

10 x 23

Box 5
US GEN 1625
  United States Food Administration/Win the War by Giving Your Own Daily Service/Save the Wheat …/Save the Meat …/Save the Milk …/ Save the Fats …/Save the Sugar …/Save the Fuel …/Use the Perishable Foods …/Use Local Supplies …/General Rules/Buy less, serve smaller portions …/Home Card/

(text only; no images)

Originally labeled: US GEN 283

23 x 15

cardboard; corner of card weak; may come off

Box 5
US GEN 1626
Last Updated: March 22, 2022