Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Field Day Benefit/American [Red] Cross/Saturday, November 23rd, 1918/Golf …/Lawn Tennis …/Tea – Dinner – Dance/Register Today/For the Boys/at the Front/Time sheets for golf and tennis and for dinner reservations at Pratt & Co's 215 San Martin (Pencil note: Argentina from Steve Burnett) Sailor and soldier standing in front of two trucks, one of which has a Red Cross on its side, in foreground; munitions factory, shipyard and airplane in background Herbert Pus American Red Cross 70.5 x 50 |
ARG 01 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Britishers/Enlist Today
Image of the Union Jack dominates the poster; NYSL copy has blank space at bottom for insertion of address |
BAH 01 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
A moi les/Belges!/Votre place/est/sous les drapeaux!/Rejoignez la/Compagnie Belge/Bureaux:/73, Rue St-Denis,/904, Rue Ste-Catherine Est,/870, Rue Ontario Est. Image of King Albert in foreground; soldiers marching and on horseback in background La Compagnie d'Imprimerie Moderne, Montreal, [Quebec, Canada] 53 x 70 (mounted on cloth) |
BEL 01 | |
Souscrivez emprunt à lots Fédération des Coopératives pour Dommages de Guerre Image of man, woman and child in foreground; man and woman are pointing to the distance; bombed-out buildings in background La Masui-Castricque Imp. Lith. Ed. Van Looy 84.5 x 60 |
BEL 02 | |
Belgen tot my!/Vlaandren moet vry!/Komt toe met de/Belgische Kompany/Bureelen:/73, St. Denis Straat/904, Ste. Catherine Straat, Oost/870, Ontario Straat, Oost (same image as BELG 01; text in Flemish [?]) La Compagnie d'Imprimerie Moderne, Montreal, [Quebec, Canada] 70 x 54 |
BEL 03 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Upisujte/Pátou/Válećnou Půjćku Melantrich, Prague, Czechoslavakia Źivndstenƃká Banka 142.5 x 82 |
BOH 01 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
[Photographic facsimile of a document (in German), dated Oct. 13, 1913, found in German East Africa showing German anti-Mohammedan attitude, with translation in Chinese; photographic facsimiles of the German governor, the government house and the mosque] (on rice paper?0 102 x 66 (several really bad tears) |
CH 01 | |
[Duplicate of CHI 01] 100 x 66 (several really bad tears) |
CH 02 | |
[Photographic facsimile of a letter (in Arabic); text in Chinese; photographic facsimile of Sharif Hussein ibn Ali of the Hejaz] (See CH 05) 99 x 75 (several bad tears) |
CH 03 | |
[Duplicate of CHI 01] 102 x 66 (several bad tears) |
CH 04 | |
[Duplicate of CH 03] (Pencilled on back: Proclamation on the capture of Jerusalem by the British – Hejaz) 97 x 75 (several bad tears) |
CH 05 | |
[Tissue sheet with printed Chinese characters]/ (English translation hand-lettered on a separate sheet of tissue paper: The great powers joined all over the world.The German emperor went away to Holland. The German enemy was totally defeated/The armistice was signed. They hope the peace conference will be succeed [sic]/The great war is finished and all thepeoples will enjoy the peace] (black and white) 27 x 16 Box 8 |
CHI 06 | |
[Chinese characters printed on tissue paper] (black and white) 55 x 40 |
CHI 07 | |
[Photograph of a tank; text in Chinese] (black and white) (3 copies) 78 x 54 |
CHI 08 08a 08b |
[Editorial-style cartoon of two frames showing caricatures of a French general using a red-white-and-blue slingshot to catapult Kaiser Wilhelm away from him; text in Chinese] (2 copies) 101 x 75 |
CHI 09 09a |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Compre bonos de la libertad/Tío Samuel le devolverá du dinero/y ademá le pagará el interés del 4¼% annual/Liboroio: Prestando tu dinero al tío Ssamuel/serás buen aliado y contribuirás/a aplastar al enemigo/Cualquier banco recibirá tú suscripción. Image of Uncle Sam handing money to a young man who holds a paper labeled "Bono de la libertad" in his hand; Uncle Sam's other hand is on the young man's shoulder. Massaguer Compaña Litográfica de la Habana, Havana, Cuba Editado por el LComité del Empresitito para Cuba 65 x 45 |
CUB 01 | |
Field Day del Ejercito/Hipódromo de Marianao/Bajo los auspicious del "Team" Georgina Giquel de Silva/de la "Roosevelt Memorial Association."/Lunes, Marzo 22 de 1920. (advertisement for a field day) Image of three soldiers on horseback jumping a hurdle in the foreground; overhead are two biplanes Compañia Litografica de la Habana, Havana, Cuba 72 x 51 (a couple tears) |
CUB 02 | |
A Cuba deben defenderla los cubanos/alístate en el ejército/allí serás bien atendido y bien pagado/pide referencias en el cuartel más próximo. Soldier shouldering a rifle with one hand and holding a second rifle, in an offering position in the other; crossed Cuban flags in background mostly obscured. R. Lillo Compañia Litográfica de la Habana, Havana, Cuba 72 x 51.5 (several tears) |
CUB 03 | |
Otros han cuidado hasta ahora/tú vida y tus propiedades, a/tí te toca cuidar ahora la de/los demás./Alístate en el ejército/en el cuartel mas próximo te informarán de las ventajas y/beneficios que te proporcionará ser soldado. Image of a soldier on horseback in foreground; soldiers on horseback in background; the Shield of Cuba below image of soldier R. Lillo Compañia Litográfica de la Habana, Havana, Cuba 71.5 x 50 (several tears) |
CUB 04 | |
Partido popular Cubano/triunfador ante la conciencia publica Image of the Statue of Liberty Compañia Litográfica de la Habana, Havana, Cuba 50.5 x 35.5 |
CUB 05 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Bôh do krivdy hromom/A junák gul'ami / [God's thunderbolts and heroes' bullets to punish injustice!] "Wentworth Poster No. 11" Image of a Czech patriot, in peasant dress, wielding a long-handled axe in his left hand and carrying a blunderbuss in his right, pursuing, to left, three Austro-Hungarian infantrymen, depicted in silhouette; behind them are black clouds from which are coming red lightning bolts [F.T. Chapman?] [Vojtech Preissig?] Wentworth Institute School of Printing and Graphic Arts, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, New York 85 x 58.5 |
CZE 01 | |
Czechoslovaks! Join Our Free Colors Image of soldiers, in silhouette, carrying bayonetted rifles and flags, in color, of Czechoslovakia Wentworth Institute School of Printing and Graphic Arts, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, New York 85 x 58 |
CZE 02 | |
Kdo jste božíbojovníci/Č.S. armada ve francii/[Those Who Are God's Warriors/The Czechoslovak Army in France] Wentworth Poster, No. 6 Image of a soldier on horseback carrying a rifle and a version of the Hussite war flag [Vojtěch Preissig?] School of Printing and Graphic Arts of Wentworth Institute, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, Tribune Building, New York 85 x 59 |
CZE 03 | |
Za Našisamostatnost!/Hrr na vraha!/Za demokracii!/Československá armada/[For Our Independence!/Down with the Murderers!/Up With Democracy!/The Czechoslovak Army] Wentworth Poster, No. 7 Images of a Czech soldier in hand-to-hand combat with a German soldier [Vojtěch Preissig?] School of Printing and Graphic Arts of Wentworth Institute, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, Tribune Building, New York 85 x 59 |
CZE 04 | |
Manifest/K Československému lidu v Americe! …/Sjezd zástupců lidu československého ve spojených státech/severoamerických, Chicago, dne 11. Února 1918/[ Manifesto to the Czechoslovak People in America …] Wentworth Poster, No. 8 Image of soldiers charging over a hill with fixed bayonets; three flags: United States flag; the four-star Czechoslovakian flag; and the Slovakian banner-of-arms cross and the Huttite war cross on the same flag School of Printing and Graphic Arts of Wentworth Institute, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, Tribune Building, New York 85.5 x 59 |
CZE 05 | |
Už Slovenskovstáva/Putási strháva:/[Now Slovakia Arises. It's Pulling Off Its Shackles] Image of soldiers storming over hills. Shown behind and beneath the central image of the poster is a variant of a flag that Vojtěch Preissig created as a possible new national flag for Czechoslovakia. Wentworth Poster, No. 10 [Vojtěch Preissig?] School of Printing and Graphic Arts of Wentworth Institute, Boston, Mass. Czechoslovak Recruiting Office, Tribune Building, New York 85 x 59 |
CZE 06 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Det lyder som et eventyr,/et sagn fra gamle dage:/en røvet datter, dybt begrædt,/er kommet frelst tilbage!/Hil dig; vor moders øjesten,/I nytids=morgenrøde! (dated: March 6, 1920) Image of two women standing on a wooden bridge consoling each other; in the background is a house, a windmill and two Danish flags; the black-and-white image is framed on three sides by a border of green leaves. [Joakim Skovgaard ?] Jens M. Ferdinand, Fl;ensborg, Denmark Der Zensurausschus bei der Internationalen Kommission 82 x 57.5 |
DEN 01 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
ΕΝΤΟΚΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΑ/4½% ΠΟΛΟΥΝΤΑΙ ΕΙΣ ΤΑΣ ΤΡΑΓΕΖΑΣ 5%/[Interest Bearing Notes [Treasury Bonds ?] Sold in All the Banks] Image of a large, black bird trampling the Ottoman flag ΛΙΘ, ΓΡΟΥΝΔΜΑΝ & ΣΚΟΥΝΤΗ/[Groundman and Skounti] Coq Rouge 82 x 54 |
GR 01 | |
Η ΠΑΤΡΙΣ/ΕΔΩ ΣΑΣ ΚΑΛΕΙ/ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΑΙ/ΑΝΔΡΕΙΟΙ Greek soldier blowing a bugle; other hand is holding a large Greek flag ΛΙΘ. ΛΟΥΡΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΥ &[?] ΛΟΥΜΑΚΗ-ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΠΑΤΡΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΙΣ/ΒΟΥΚΟΥΡΕΣΤΙΟΥ 9 57 x 82 |
GR 02 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Be a vörö/Hadseregbe!/[Join the Red Army!] Man wearing no shirt with a fierce look on his face holding a rifle with a fixed bayonet and stepping forcefully forward. Dankó [Ödön] A Grafikai Intézet Nyomása 94 x 62 |
HUN 01 | |
Brázay sósborszesz/[Hungarian Witch Hazel] On wooden box: Golyótüzön, sturmon, ha végre túlestünk,/ Brázay sósborszesz üditi fel testünk./ Egy ü Brázay 1000 pengöt ér itt,/ A fíúk hazulról mindig cask ezt kérik./[Once we're over the hail of bullets and the attack,/ Brázay sósborszesz refreshes our bodies./One bottle of Brázay is worth 1,000 pengö here./This is all the boys ask for from home." Image of soldiers in a trench rubbing themselves with witch hazel; a box of bottles of witch hazelis in the forefront of the image; in the background are rifles and men in the trench holding rifles Nyomt Kellner és Mohrlüder, Budapest, [Hungary] 93 x 62 (some tears) |
HUN 02 | |
2 Két Korona/Bárki kivánságára minden lapárusitó azonnal ad egy/példányt a "hogyan csináljak pénzt" cimü folyóiratból/Két Korona … 1919 (Cenzupat: Gavrilsecu) Image of 2 ket korona with propaganda message Kultura Nyomda R.T., Budapest, [Hungary] 61.5 x 93 |
HUN 03 | |
1915-1918 Statisztika/[1914-1918 Statistics) Bokros Fejes Kultura, Budapest, Hungar 106 x 88 |
HUN 04 ++ |
Köztársaságot! Biró Seidner, Budapest, Hungary 124.5 x 94 |
HUN 05 ++ |
Vörös Parlamentet! Biró Seidner, Budapest, Hungary Socialdemokratára 124 x 93 |
HUN 06 ++ |
1919/Május 1/[May 1, 1919] Biró 125 x 93.5 |
HUN 07 ++ |
Dukacsics! Vèrtes Kultura, Budapest, Hungary 93 x 125 |
HUN 08 ++ |
Segitsetek a diadalmas békéhez/[Help Us Toward a Triumphant Peace ? ] (dated: 1917) (black and white) Athenaeum R.T., Budapest, Hungary 125 x 93 |
HUN 09 ++ |
Szociális termelés/[Socialist Production (dated: 1919) Gusztav Folders Vegh Kunossy 187 x 124 |
HUN 10 ++ |
Világ proletárjai egyesülsetek!/[Workers of the World Unite!] (dated: 1919) [Bertalan?] Pór Seidner, Budapest, Hungary 246 x 181 |
HUN 11 ++ |
Búcsuztató/[Farewell?] Biró Kultura R.T., Budapest, Hungary 123 x 94 |
HUN 12 ++ |
Jegyezzetek hadikölcsönt/Hogy mielöbb/visszatérhessenek/[Buy War Bonds So That They May Return as Soon as Possible?] (dated: 1917) (black and white) Image of a woman with her arms reaching toward the sky as if ready to embrace someone; she wears a kerchief and the decoration on her skirt is hearts. [György?] Kürthy Athenaeum R.T., Budapest, Hungary 94 x 62 |
HUN 13 | |
Nein!/Nein!/Niemals!/[No! No! Never!] Image of a map of a country [Austria-Hungary?] that has been separated into five pieces. [Ernö Jeges?] Kultura, R.T., Budapest, Hungary Országos Propaganda Bizottság |
HUN 14 | |
Nemzeti ujság/[National Newspapers?] Image, in foreground, of a man in medieval-style clothes (round hat with upturned brim and a feather; tights and soft, flat, pointed shoes) leaning against a pole from which wires are connected to an alarm/light and gazing into distance; he holds a pen/pencil in his hand and is preparing to write on a piece of paper. In background is the skline of a city with several buildings with spires and one very large building with a dome and spires; above the cityscape and a cross [of Hungary?] Husz (?) Kellner és Mohrlüder, Budapest, [Hungary] 89 x 62 |
HUN 15 | |
England!/You/lift/them/up! (black and white) Image of a map of Austria-Hungary mimicking a hole in which a large number of skulls and bones have been tossed. Federation of the Friends of Hungary 94 x 62.5 |
HUN 16 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Irishmen/Avenge the Lusitania/Join an Irish Regiment/To-day. (dated: May 1915) Image showing the Lusitania in flames and sinking, with people in the water and lifeboats in the foreground. W.E.T. John Shuley & Co., Dublin, [Ireland] Central Council for the Organisation [sic] of Recruiting in Ireland 75 x 49 |
IRE 01 | |
Declaration of/Irish Independence/Proclaimed by the/Dail Eireann/Dublin, January 21, 1919 (dated: Jan. 31, 1919) (black and white) The poster consists of the text of the declration plus a table comparing Ireland to countries in Europe in size, population and "annual bills" quotations of principal figures related to the fight for independence. Dail Eireann 52 x 40 |
IRE 02 | |
Join the/Irish "300"/for France/with 69th Regiment/Apply at Armory/25th St. and Lex. Ave./September 17th, 18th, and 19th. (At head of title: Spirit of 19-17-76/"Mr. President We Are Ready" Image of three colonial soldiers marching and playing drums and a fife with the American eagle over them carrying two U.S. flags. A modern soldier and sailor face each other in the foreground. 69th Regiment. U.S. Army 49.5 x 38 |
IRE 03 | |
An Irish Hero!/1 Irishman Defeats/10 Germans/Sergeant/Michael O'Leary, V.C./Irish Guards/Have You No Wish to Emulate the Splendid/Bravery of Your Fellow Countryman/Join/an Irish Regiment/To-day. British Army Irish recruitment poster showing the highest bravery award in the British Army (the Victoria Cross) with a portrait of VC winner Sgt. Michael O'Leary at the centre. James Walker (Dublin) Ltd., Printers, Dublin, Ireland Irish Guards 76.5 x 50.5 |
IRE 04 | |
Erin's Appeal to America/"Help My Irish Disabled"/ Shamrock Fund/185 Madison Ave., New York City Image of a wounded soldier, attended by a friend who is appealing to the Statue of Liberty for aid. In the background is the New York City skyline with the statue in the harbor. From Internet, Jan. 7, 1915: A World War I poster in support of Irish servicemen in America described as "extremely rare" was sold at auction by vintage poster specialist Swann Auction Galleries in Manhattan this week [Aug. 14, 2011] for $1,400 (€989) exceeding its estimate of $800-$1,200 (€565-€848). Jagger Shamrock Fund 76.5 x 50 |
IRE 05 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Young Man!/Are You Between/19 and 35?/If You Are/Your Duty/Is Clear./Enlist To-day/God Save the King! Poster includes a small portrait of England's King George V above the text. Gleaner Co., Ltd., Printers, Kingston, Jamaica 93 x 59.5 |
JAM 01 | |
Young Men/of the Bahamas/The British Empire is engaged in a life and death/struggle. Never in the history of England, never since the misty distant past of 2,000 years ago … Come forward to fight … What is the matter with You? … Enlist To-day. (text only; no images) Gleaner Co., Ltd., Printers, Kingston, Jamaica 93 x 60 |
JAM 02 | |
Come Men! Come!/Fight for Justice! Fight for Truth!/What higher ideal can a man fight/for than justice and truth. No need/for us to say more./Come forward and enlist now./Emulate the example of Bahamians who/have gone before and are upholding the/honor of our colony. Photographic images of President [Raymond] Poincare of France, President Woodrow Wilson, Kin George V of England, King Albert of Belgium and Sir Douglas Haig are dwarfed by the text. Gleaner Co., Ltd., Printers, Kingston, Jamaica |
JAM 03 | |
B.W.I.R./The Boys Are Doing Splendidly/in/Egypt/Mesopotamia/France/Another Bahamas Contingent Will Be Sailing Soon./Roll Up/Men/Make It/the Best/God Save the King! Recruiting poster for the British West Indies Regiment, showing a small portrait of King George V. Gleaner Co., Ltd., Printers, Kingston, Jamaica 93 x 60 |
JAM 04 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Nederlandsche Vereeniging/ons leger/ontwaakt/secretariat Rotterdam/[Dutch Club/Our Army/Wake Up/Secretariat Rotterdam Image of the national flag of The Netherlands flying from a fasces; beneath the flag is a roaring lion; in silhouette behind the lion are men with rifles marching, with one man on horseback Lith. J.H. de Bussy, Amsterdam, [The Netherlands] Secretariat Rotterdam 100 x 72.5 |
NET 01 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Oh Please/Do!/Daddy/Buy Me a/Victory/Bond Pencilled on poster: Newfoundland 1918 Little girl dressed in white with a red ribbon in her hair with her hands grasping the front of her dress, standing behind a set of alphabet blocks spelling out "Buy Me a Victory Bond." Sampson 90 x 61 (several bad tears) |
NEWF 01 | |
Bring Him Home/with the/Victory Loan Pencilled in: Newfoundland 1918 Image of a soldier sitting on a dock holding his rifle between his legs; he is flanked by a gas mask and knapsack. In the background are the silhouettes of two ships. 90 x 61.5 (several bad tears) |
NEWF 02 | |
[not in folder] |
NEWF 03 | |
[not in folder] |
NEWF 04 | |
[not in folder] |
NEWF 05 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Dominion of New Zealand./National Recruiting Board./Arm-Badges/Attention is called to the following system of arm-badges officially/adopted throughout the Empire with the object of indicating to the public those men who have honourably served their country in crisis, and those who are willing or are awaiting the opportunity to do so … (dated: 3/1916) Basically text with crossed flags of New Zealand and Great Britain at the top of the poster. John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington, [New Zealand] National Recruiting Board 57 x 42.5 |
NZ 01 | |
Dominion of New Zealand./Military Service Act, 1916./Enrolment [sic] of/Expeditionary Force Reserve/… (dated: 8/16) (black-and-white copy of NZ 03) (text only; no images) 33.5 x 21 Box 8 |
NZ 02 | |
Dominion of New Zealand./Military Service Act, 1916./Enrolment [sic] of/Expeditionary Force Reserve/By proclamations dated respectively 1st and 2nd September, 1916, the enrolment of the Reserve is directed. Enrolment MUST be made not later than 15th September (First Division or 16th September (Second Division) … Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington, [New Zealand] 74 x 50 |
NZ 03 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
[words at top of poster torn in half] 1920 Victory Carnival and Exposition/January 31 to February 8, Inclusive [Artwork and text on the NYSL poster is somewhat similar to the poster below]: Ramon Montes, Manila, Philippine Islands 109.5 x 64.5 |
PHIL 01 | |
The United States Army/Needs You!/Enlist/Now!/Serve Your/Country/During/the War/by Enlisting/in/the Philippine Scouts/of the United States Army/Now Organized as/the Philippine Engineers/The Philippine Signal Corps/the Philippine Artillery/the Philippine Infantry Image of a soldier holding, in his right hand, the American flag above his head; his left hand rests on the head of a woman holding a baby. Reynolds U.S. Army Recruiting 121 x 96.5 |
PHIL 02 | |
The Greatest Mother in the World/She's Warming Thousands, Feeding Thousands/Healing Thousands from Her Store/The Greatest Mother in the World - /The Red Cross Red Cross nurse dressed like a Madonna cradling a soldier on a stretcher as a mother would cradle a baby; behind the drawing is the Red Cross. [Artwork and text on the NYSL poster is somewhat similar to the poster below]: Bureau of Printing, Manila, [Philippine Islands] Red Cross 72 x 49.5 |
PHIL 03 | |
Honor This Home/Every Member of This Family Has Joined the American National Red Cross Pencilled in: "Issued in the Philippine Islands" Image of the Red Cross Red Cross 30.5 x 30.5 |
PHIL 04 | |
Which Do You Prefer – Your Own Independence or Slavery to Germany?/If the Former, Join the National Guard/See the World/Save Money/Serve Your Country/Filipinos!/Fight for Independence and Liberty!/Freedom Worth Having Is Worth Fighting for!/Jose Rizal and Tomas Claudio/Died for Your Freedom/Preserve It by Enlisiting in the/National Guard/the Future National Army/of the Philippines/Join Now/ Enlist in the National Guard In the foreground is an image of a woman and her son who is dressed in a military uniform and holding a rifle with a bayonet. With her left hand, the woman is pointing to a German soldier slaughtering a woman and three babies; with her right hand she is encouraging the soldier toward that slaughter. In the background is the Statue of Liberty. F. Amorsolo J. Fajardo, Manila, [Philippine Islands] National Guard 75 x 53 |
PHIL 05 | |
National Guard (Philippine) of the United States (same image as PHIL 05) Mainly text consisting of several paragraphs explaining the War Insurance Law and the rates of monthly pay of enlisted men. F. Amorsolo 75 x 53 |
PHIL 06 | |
Food Campaign/Grow/Your Own/Food/Be/a Soldier/of/the Soil/Philippine Food Commission (dated: 1917) (Government Food Poster No. 1 (not subject to tax)) Image of harvesting scene with a woman holding a scythe in one hand and a sheaf of wheat in the other as she looks out a men harvesting wheat in the background; six labeled images surround this image: Select Your Seed; Plant a Garden; Raise Hogs; Raise Chickens; Do Your Part (man hoeing garden); Do It Now (woman carrying coconuts [?]; coconut and banana trees [?] in background) J.M. Zamora Philippine Food Commission 56 x 36 |
PHIL 07 | |
El salvaje alemán en acción/[The German Savage in Action] Bureau of Printing, Manila, [Philippine Islands] 72.5 x 57 |
PHIL 08 | |
[Text in Chinese] (same image and textual messages as PHIL 08) Bureau of Printing, Manila, [Philippine Islands] 72.5 x 57 |
PHIL 09 | |
Sus Bonos de/la Libertad/ayudarán á dar/fin con esto/Your/Liberty Bond/Will Help Stop This Image of a German soldier using a sledge hammer to stake a soldier to a tree; in the background a group of soldiers under and American flag are coming to the rescue F. Amorsolo Bureau of Printing, Mania, [Philippine Islands] 72.5 x 57.5 |
PHIL 10 | |
Make This/A [Red Cross cross]/Christmas/Remember/the/World's/Unfortunates/Denying Ourselves Only a/Little Means Life to Them/We Must Feed Them/Insular Government Campaign Image of Santa Claus with a sack full of money and a large Red Cross emblem Bureau of Printing, Manila, [Philippine Islands] Red Cross/Insular Government Campaign 71 x 53.5 |
PHIL 11 | |
Make Your Dollars/End the War/Your Liberty Your/Forefathers Died for/Is at Stake/If You Can't Fight/Your Money Can/Buy a Liberty Bond/and/Uncle Sam Will Do the Rest (dated: 1917) (text only; no images) Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 96.5 x 61 (a couple bad tears) |
PHIL 12 | |
Before Sunset Buy a U.S. Government Bond of the 4th Liberty Loan The poster in the NYSL collection has a sticker with "4th" pasted over "2nd" Image of the Statue of Liberty; backdrop is a part of the U.S. flag Eugenie LeLand Sackett & Wilhelms, New York City, N.Y. 76.5 x 51 |
PHIL 13 | |
Help Our Town/Win This Flag/Honor Flag/4th Liberty Loan/Honor Roll of Subscribers Image of a flag of four vertical blue stripes on a white ground with a wide red border, with spaces below numbered 1 to 100 to record names of bond purchasers. Edwards & Deutsch Litho Co., Chicago, Ill. 69 x 50 |
PHIL 14 | |
That Liberty Shall Not/Perish from the Earth/Buy Liberty Bonds/Fourth Liberty Loan Image of the Statue of Liberty in ruins and the New York skyline in flames; a number of biplanes are flying toward (away from?) the city Ioseph [sic] Pennell, Del. Heywood, Strasser & Voigt Litho. Co., New York, N.Y. 104 x 71.5 (several bad tears) |
PHIL 15 | |
Come on!/Buy More/Liberty Bonds (dated: 1918) Image of wounded Allied soldier with bayonet ready standing over dead German soldier Walter Whitehead Strobridge Litho Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 74.5 x 50.5 |
PHIL 16 | |
Remember/Belgium/Buy Bonds/Fourth/Liberty/Loan Image of a German soldier, wearing pointed helment, leading a girl by the hand; burning city in background Ellsworth Young United States Printing & Lithograph Co., New York, N.Y. 77 x 51 |
PHIL 17 | |
Hun or Home?/Buy More/Liberty/Bonds Image of a woman clutching an infant as a German soldier with bloody hands approaches. Raleigh Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill. 76 x 51 |
PHIL 18 | |
Keep/These/Off/the U.S.A./Buy More Liberty Bonds Image of blood-stained boots each of which has the German imperial eagle insignia; one boot has a spur John Norton Strobridge Litho Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 103 x 77 (several bad tears) |
PHIL 19 | |
The Hun – His Mark/Blot It Out/with/Liberty/Bonds Image of a bloody hand print J. Allen St.John Edwards & Deutsch Litho. Co., Chicago, Ill. 106 x 71 (tears) |
PHIL 20 | |
For Victory Buy More Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan Image of woman (symbolizing America) with sword, shield, and U.S. flag in front of an eagle and marching soldiers J. Scott Williams Morgan Litho Co., Cleveland, Ohio 140 x 92.5 really, really, really, really bad shape |
PHIL 21 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Polska/Pożyczka Rzadowa/Polish Government Loan/Pomóż Polsce!/Kupuj Bondy! Poster is dominated by the image of a woman dressed in festival dress holding sheaves of wheat; factories and city in silhouette in lower background; Polish eagle in each of upper corners Witold Gordon 63 x 36 |
POL 01 | |
Polacy! Kościuszko i Pułaski walczyli/za wolność Polski i innych narodów!/Idźmy w ich ślady! Hej na bój z/wrogiem odwiecznym Polski i wolności!/Poles! Kosciuszko and Pulaski Fought for the Liberty/of Poland and Other Nations. Follow Their Example./Enlist in the Polish Army! Image of Kosciuszko and Pulaski in foreground; U.S. and Polish flags in background W.T. Benda Stacyja No. 27/Rekutacyjna/1003. Arcade, St./St. Paul, Minn. 103 x 68 (several bad tears) |
POL 02 | |
Hej!/Kto Polak/na bagnety!!/[Hey! Whoever Is a Pole, to Your Bayonettes!] (dated: 1920) Image of three Polish soldiers, one holding a pike, one holding a rifle and one preparing to throw a hand grenade. Kamil Mackiewicz 107 x 70 (several bad tears) |
POL 03 | |
Nie dajmy sie!/Znów ciężka chmura/zawisla nad Polska … (text only; no images) Drukiem Wydawnictwa Bialego Orla, New York, N.Y. Nakladem Komisyi Wojskowej, New York, N.Y. 38 x 17.5 Box 8 (small tears) |
POL 04 | |
Kampania Majowa At head of title: 3-ci Maj/Wychodźctwo-ojczyźnie/1918 27 x 18 Box 8 |
POL 05 | |
Niech żyje cała Wolna i Niepodległa Polska/[ Long Live Wholly Free and Independent Poland] Translation of Polish text on rest of poster: "Diaspora to Fatherland. On the day of 3rd of May 1918. On the golden lists there mustn't be missing one Polish name. Funds needed for: 1. To help out soldiers. 2. Field hospitals and help for the wounded on battlefields. 3. National objectives." Image of Polish white eagle 44 x 20.5 |
POL 06 | |
Co zrobią dolary zloźone na Czerwony Krzyż Two-sided document printed in Polish with a map showing the areas of Europe and Guatemala receiving aid from the American Red Cross. American Red Cross 15.5 x 26.5 Box 8 |
POL 07 | |
Polacy! Idźcie na bój na prawy – za ziemię Polską za pokrzywdzoną!/Poles! Under the Polish Flag on to the Fight/"For Our Liberty and Yours!" Enlist To-day Image of a soldier, without a helmet, moving forward holding a rifle in his left hand and the Polish flag in his right hand; U.S., French and British flags in background. Witold Gordon 96.5 x 56 |
POL 08 | |
Š/zołnierzy naszych stoi w szeregach/armii polskiej/ …"Wychodźctwo ojczyznie/w dniu 3-go Maja 1918" 96 x 63 |
POL 09 | |
Arma Polska we Francyi/Polish Army in France/Centrum Rekrutacyjne/Recruiting Centre/No. Image of Polish soldier charging into battle with his rifle prepared to shoot; in background are an image of the Polish flag and images of other soldiers moving forward with fixed bayonets. W.T. Benda 91 x 68.5 (several large bad tears) |
POL 10 | |
Šladami Ojców Naszych/w Szeregach Armii Polskiej/za Ojczyznę i Wolność/Following the Paths of Our Fathers in the Ranks/of the Polish Army for Motherland and Freedom (black and white) Image of a winged knight on a horse, heading into battle W.T. Benda 90 x 77.5 |
POL 11 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
На Литературно – ХудожестЬеннЬій … "1914 Год [?]" ("Наше Воскресенье"/["Our Sunday") … (dated 1917) Image of a knight with a sword and shield, a man holding a torch astride a rearing horse, and a man in Russian peasant garb steadying a wheel with one hand and holding a mallet in his other hand. 105.5 x 70.5 |
RUS 01 | |
Заемъ Своъоды/ Война до победы. (dated: 1917) Pencilled in: Russian war loan Image of a man holding a large red flag on which is written: Война до победы Д. Бучкин [Printed in Petrograd] 103 x 69 (small tears) |
RUS 02 | |
ВоениЬіи ЗдемЪ Image of a soldier on horseback carrying a Russian flag. Pencilled in: Russian war loan The NYSL copy does not have the English text. А.О. Максимов 106 x 70.5 |
RUS 03 | |
Заём Свободы (dated: 1917) Pencilled in: War loan Image of a man in a Russian army officer's uniform standing on a wooden box holding a rifle parallel to the ground; behind him are men marching, carrying rifles and red flags on which are slogans. Б. Кустодиев [Printed in Petrograd] 100 x 67 |
RUS 04 | |
Подписывайтесь на/Военныѝ 5½% Заемъ/Чҍмь больше денегъ Тҍмъ больше снарядовъ/[Subscribe … The More Money/The More Shells!] Battle scene: Russian soldier in foreground; men manning a cannon in the background Pencilled in: Russian war loan Е. ЧЕПЦОВ/[E.M. Cheptsov] 106.5 x 71 |
RUS 05 | |
[No caption] (dated: 1919) Image of a boy with his father (?) and grandfather (?) in the foreground; all three have rifles with bayonets. In the background is a burning building (village?) Pencilled in: "Published in Arcangel [sic] – shows boy + father + grandfather defending home burning at left" Also penciled in: "Erastus Corning" B.H.D. 61 x 55.5 |
RUS 06 | |
Сраженіе [Cражение] подъ Серпецомъ/Второй нѣмецкій … (dated: 1915 Pencilled in: Battle near Serpetch Image of a battle: men on the ground, men on horseback, men walking away from the battle in the background 64 x 83 |
RUS 07 | |
Военныи/5½% Эаемъ./Наше доьлестное воинство,/пролиеая кровь за родину,/свято исполняетъ свой/долгъ/Исполните и Вы свой – подпишитесь на заемь/[Our Brave Soldiers Are Doing Their Duty Shedding Their Blood for the Fatherland. Do Your Duty Also by Subscribing to the War Loan] Image of a man, on a white horse, slaying a dragon. Янковскіи [Jankovski] 59 x 48 |
RUS 08 | |
Свѣтит(?), да не грѣет(?)./ьрест(?)-ли овскі мйр(?) Image of a man in tattered clothes with no shoes standing in the cold looking in a window where three army officers are drinking a toast Pencilled in: "It gives light but no warmth – it refers to the feeling of Russian peoleto the Brest Litovsk [treaty] circulated in central Russia" Pencilled in: Erastus Corning 76 x 50 |
RUS 09 | |
Военный 5½% Эае м[?]/[Military 5½% Bond] Image of soldiers advancing with bayonnets extended The NYSL copy does not have the English caption at the top. 71 x 106 |
RUS 10 |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
SWIT 01 ++ |
Zugunsten der/deutschen Kriegsgefangenen./Konzert/in der protestantischen Kirche Luzern/(hinter dem Hotel Schweizerhof)/Donnerstag, den 24. Februar …/[For the Benefit of German Prisoners of War/Concert/in the Protestant church in Lucerne (behind the Schweizerhof Hotel), Thursday, February 24 …] (advertisement) Image of a soldier with one arm in a sling supporting himself standing with a crutch; in background are a paddle steamboat and the sun rising/setting over mountains Autographie Ed. Zeder, Luzern, [Switzerland] 41 x 31 |
SWIT 02 | |
SWIT 03 ++ |
SWIT 04 ++ |
Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
[Text in Arabic] Images of a large British flag, flanked by smaller U.S. and French flags 100 x 74 |
SYR 01 | |
[Text in Arabic] Images of two British flags, a U.S. and a French flag plus two other flags 100.5 x 75 |
SYR 02 |