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World War I Posters (SC23360) - Germany

Thumbnail Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) Item Number
German WWI poster: Tretet der Antibolschewistischen... Tretet der Antibolschewistischen Liga bei/[Join the Anti-Bolshevist League]

Image of an oversized, full-length depiction of Death, dressed all in red striding over a burning town; behind him black smoke from the flames billows high into the air; Death is breking off part of a building with his right hand and carries a bomb in his left hand. In the background right, three men hang from wooden scaffolds.


Propaganda Verlag

69 x 96
GER 01
German WWI poster: Schützt Heimat Weib und Kind! Schützt Heimat Weib und Kind!/Meldet Euch bald zu den Waffen!/[Protect Home Wife and Child! Report soon to arms!]

Image of a soldier standing in front of his wife who is sitting and holding a baby on her lap; a young child is standing next to her


Kunstanstalt F. Pietsch, Brewlaw, Germany

Schlesische Notwehr

88 x 56
GER 02
German WWI poster: Weihnachten im Felde "Weihnachten im Felde"/1916./Für unsere türkischen Kameraden/[Christmas in the Field/1916./For our Turkish comrades.]

(text only; no images)

New York State Library's edition does not include the word "Mannschaft" at bottom

K.U.K. Kriegsministerium [The Imperial and Royal Minister of War (title used until 1911)]

Kriegsfürsorgeamt [War Welfare Office]


20 x 28.5

Box 8
GER 03
  Bolshewismus Keist


Heymann u. Schmidt A-G, Berlin, Germany

Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschwewismus


114 x 90
GER 04 ++
  Bolschwewismus Bringt Krieg/[Bolshevism Brings War]

F.M. Sugelhard

Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschwewismus

122.5 x 92.5
GER 05 ++
  Arbeit der Schutzgegen/[Work: The Protector]

Siegm. V. Suchodolski

Oscar Consee, Munich, Germany

123.5 x 93
GER 06 ++
  Sturm Batailion/[Storm Battalion]


Wetzel & Krämer, Berlin, Germany



140 x 93.5
GER 07 ++
German WWI poster: Du siehst zu... Du siehst zu,/während deutsche Männer für/dich kämpfen und bluten?/Es werden noch tausende von/tüchtigen Unteroffizieren und/Mannschaften für den Ostschutz/gebraucht./[Are you looking on, while German men are fighting and losing blood for you? Thousands more hard-working non-commissioned officers and men are needed for eastern defense.]

Image is a full-length depiction of a German civilian standing on the street watching a column of soldiers march past; he wears a pinstripe suit and has his hands in his pockets.

Tomitzek, Breslau

Kunstanstalt & Pietsch, Brewslau, Germany

Schlesische Notwehr Zentrale Breslau

88 x 59
GER 08
German WWI poster: Uwe Jens Lornsen... Uwe Jens Lornsen/"Meine Sache ist/so klar wie die Sonne"/Stimmt für das/deutsche Vaterland/…/[Uwe Jens Lornsen/"My Cause Is As Clear As the Sun"/Vote for the German fatherland …]

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of a man with short, curly hair and very long sideburns; below the portrait are drawings of upraised hands, with two fingers extended [V for victory?].

Eric Langren


102 x 65
GER 09
  Unsere Grenzjäger/[Our Border Rifleman]

Walther Gasch

Rau u. Sohn, Dresden, Germany

Recruiting Office – Dresden

107 x 78
GER 10 ++
  Wer Leipzig lieb hat melde sich zum/[Who Loves Leipsig Has Announced Himself]


Meissner & Buch, Leipzig, Germany

Zeitfreim Regt.

119 x 89
GER 11 ++
  Raus mit Guch

Siegm. V. Suchodolski

Kunstanstalt, Munich, Germany

123.5 x 93
GER 12 ++
German WWI poster: Ausstellung Deutschland... Ausstellung/Deutschland/und der/Friedensvertrag/Liga zum Schutze der deutschen Kultur/[Exhibit/Germany and the Peace Treaty/League for the Protection of German Culture]

Image of a map of Germany wrapped in chains with a lock that reads "Friedensvertrag" [peace treaty]


W. Bükenstein, Berlin, Germany

70 x 93
GER 13
German WWI poster: Freiwillige für Grenzschutz Ost Freiwillige für Grenzschutz Ost/Offiziere-/Unteroffiziere-Mannschaften/schützt Eure Heimat/im Osten/die Weiterleitungsstelle befindet sich nur/Friedrichstr.112a (Heidelberger Krug)/[Volunteers for the Border Defense Force in the East. Officers, non-commissioned officers, men. Defend your country in the East. The Forwarding Office is located only at [address].]

Image is a shoulder-length depiction of a young man, holding a sword aloft in his right hand against a red sky; in the background, two men stand alongside a plough and two horses; further in the background, a line of people walk behind a covered wagon, and two buildings are on fire; the smoke and flames rise high into the sky above.

H. Wigankow, Berlin, Germany

92 x 56
GER 14
German WWI poster: Wer schützt uns? Wer schützt uns?/Kameraden der Nachrichtentruppe!/Funker – Fernsprecher – Fahrer/Helft das deutsche Vaterland vor Bolschewismus und die Ostmarken vor /den räuberischen Überfällen und den Annexionsgelüsten der Polen schützen./Ihr erhaltet: mobiles Gehalt, eine tägliche Zulage von Mark 5, - und freie/gute Verpflegung, Ausrüstung sowie Unterbringung, Entlassungsgeld usw./Ihr werdet nur innerhalb der Grenzen des deutschen Reiches verwendet. Uniform und Papiere mitbringen./Zaudert nicht, Gefahr ist gross!/Meldet Euch sofort freiwillig zum Eintritt in die/Deutsche Schutz-Division (31.J.-D.)/Werbebüro: Berlin-Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstrasse 18./[Who is defending us? Comrades of the Signal Corps! Radio operators – Telephone operators – Drivers/Help defend the German Fatherland from Bolshevism and the Eastern Marches from the marauding attacks and the annexation desires of the Poles. You will receive: field pay, a daily supplement of 5 marks, and free good board, kit and lodgings, discharge payment, etc. You will be deployed only within the frontiers of the German Reich. Bring your uniform and papers with you. Don't hang back, the danger is great! Report immediately as a volunteer entrant into the German Defense Division (31st J.-D. [Jäger Divison - Rifle Division]). Recruiting Office: Berlin-Charlottenburg [address].

Image, in silhouette, of four distressed figures set in a war-ravaged landscape ; one figure stands looking upwards, with arms upraised, while the others kneel; in the background, there is a large, red rising/setting sun.

Lotte Reiniger


83 x 64
GER 15
German WWI poster: Kamerad! Hilf mir! Kamerad!/Hilf/mir!/gegen/Bolschewismus/Polengefahr und Hungersnot./Melde Dich sofort/bei der/Deutschen Schutzdivision/ …/[Comrade! Help me! Oppose Bolshevism, danger from Poland and starvation. Report immediately to the German Defense Division…]

Image is a half-length depiction of a German soldier struggling with an oversize griffin; the soldier is looking back over his left shoulder as he fights the creature

F.A. Günther & Sohn, Berlin, Germany

Werbebüro Berlin/[Recruiting Office]

89.5 x 59.5
GER 16
German WWI poster: Kamerad komm zum Detachement Tüllmann! Kamerad/komm/zum/Detachement Tüllmann!/Bekannte Bedingungen-Hauptwerbestelle: Charlottenburg-Siemensschule/(Sophie-Charlotte-Platz)/[Comrade. Join the Tüllmann Detachment! Known conditions. Main recruiting office: Charlottenburg-Siemens School (Sophie-Charlotte-Platz)]

Image is a head-and-shoulders depiction of a German Freikorps soldier, looking intently at the viewer.


Geor. Hartkopf, Berlin, Germany

Detachment Tullmann


94 x 66
GER 17
German WWI poster: Hilf auch du Bremen beschützen Hilf auch du/Bremen beschützen!/Tritt ein in die/Stadtwehr/[You too help protect Bremen! Join the Town Defense Force]

Image is the arm of an unseen man, during a thunderstorm, holding a large shield over the city of Bremen, including the cathedral of St. Petri

H. Feldtmann

Wilh[el]m Jöntzen, Bremen, Germany

Bremen Stadtwehr

98 x 66
GER 18
German WWI poster: Zeitfreiwillige heraus! Zeitfreiwillige/heraus!/[Slackers Get Out!]

Image is a snarling, open-mouthed grey-helmeted German soldier with a red face


Merkur Fachreklame, Berlin, Germany

85 x 60.5
GER 19
  Baÿr. Schützen-Korps/Kommandeur Oberst Epp/Ulm a.D./[Bavarian Rifle Corps. Commander Colonel Epp Ulm a.D]

Image of the head of a roaring male lion in profile


Buch u. Steindruckerer Krl Hohn, Ulm A.D., Germany

99 x 65
GER 20
German WWI poster: Bayern auf zvr Volkswehr beim Korps Denk Bayern auf/zvr Volkswehr beim/Korps Denk/…[address]/[Bavarians Get Up and Join the People's Defense in the Denk Corps. ….[address]]

Image is a full-length depiction of a man waving a large blue-and-white checkered Bavarian flag above his head

Sepp. Frank

Wolf u. Sohn, Munich, Germany

98 x 69
GER 21
German WWI poster: Zaudert nicht Sondern meldet Euch Zaudert nicht/Sondern/meldet Euch/bei d. Freiwilligen Division/Lettow Vorbeck/…[address]/[Don't hesitate, but enlist immediately in the Lettow Vorbeck Volunteer Division…]

(Duplicate of GER 55)

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of a German Freikorps soldier


J. Sauer, Berlin, Germany

Freiwilligen Division

94 x 71
GER 22
  Wir Arbeiter und B?rger/schützen unseren freien Volksstaat/gegen Bolfschewismus und Reaktion/durch Eintritt in die/Einwohnerwehr/[We workers and burgers/Protect our free people's state/against Bolshevism and reaction/by entry into the citizens' militia]

Image of a man in a suit wearing a jacket with his hand raised a stern expression; houses and a street are in the background


95 x 60
GER 23
German WWI poster: Kameraden Meldet Euch zum... Kameraden/Meldet Euch zum/Det. Küntzel/Gard. Kav. Sch. Korps/…[address information]/[Comrades/Report to the Küntzel Detachment Horse Guards Defense Corps/…]

Image is a head-and-shoulders depiction of a shouting German Freikorps soldier, surrounded by black storm clouds; behind the portrait is a line of German soldiers, several of whom raise bayonets or their left arm in the air; a regimental badge is in the sky above their heads


Ernst Janetzke, Berlin, Germany

G.K.S.K. [enlistment]

90.5 x 58.5
GER 24
German WWI poster: Vortrag m. Lichtbild... Vortrag m. Lichtbild./des Kapitanleutnant/V. Mücke/Schumanntheater/… 17.Juni 1919 … [address information]/[Lecture with lantern slides by Lieutenant von Mücke. Schumann Theatre …]

Image of the German Imperial war ensign; below it is an image of a three-masted sailing ship in stormy waters, flying the same flag

L. von Schauroth

Kunstast. W?sten & Co., Frankfort am Main, Germany

90 x 57
GER 25
German WWI poster: Helft!/Zeitfreiwillige der Reichswehr! Helft!/Zeitfreiwillige/der Reichswehr!/Anmeldung bei jedem Werbeposten/[Help! Volunteer Time to the Army! Registrations at Each Post]

Image of a soldier, wearing a brown short-sleeved shirt and a helmet; his back is to the viewer; he holds a giant sword with the tip pointing towards the ground

R.W. Boehmer

C. Wolf u. Sohn, Munich, Germany

Reichswehr [recruiting]

104 x 66
GER 26
  Militär Sport/Propaganda-Fussballspiel/Königsberg I.-/O. K. Nord I./Sonntag 13.Juli 19, 5 Uhr nachm. Elisabeth-Park/[Military Sport/Propaganda soccer match/…]

Image of the impressionistic outline of two men playing soccer in t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers



O.K. Nord

97.5 x 73
GER 27
German WWI poster: Nationalversammlung ist... Nationalversammlung ist/die Morgenstunde/unsrer sozialen Republik/[The National Assembly is the dawn of our socialist republic]

Image of sixteen civilians (including workers, professionals, and women) walking in groups of four from right to left; in the background, the sun rises

E. Wohlfahrt

Sozialen Republik

70.5 x98
GER 28
German WWI poster: Fernsprecher/Funker/Blinker Fahrer Fernsprecher/Funker/Blinker Fahrer/auf zum/Grenzschutz-ost!/[Text asks for radio and telephone operators, as well as drivers and men to do flash signaling work on the Eastern border]

Image of a lightning bolt in a stormy sky

Oscar Gehrig

94 x 66.5
GER 29
German WWI poster: Anarchie ist Helfer der Reaktion und Hungersnot Anarchie ist Helfer der Reaktion und Hungersnot/[Anarchy Brings Reaction and Famine]

Image of a heroic-sized angel holding an olive branch and a scroll with the words "National ...amlung" standing in front of a mass of German soldiers and civilians; in front of the angel is an anarchist holding a knife and preparing to throw a bomb


December 1918

124 x 93
GER 30
German WWI poster: Wer verschobenes Heeresgut zur Wiedererfassung... Wer verschobenes/Heeresgut/zur Wiedererfassung/nachweist,/erhält/Belohnung/helft alle!/[Anyone providing information that helps recover missing army property will be rewarded, all help!]

Image of a large hand grasping at an automobile to such an extent that it seems to be becoming amorphous under the grip


Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany


59.5 x93.5
GER 31
German WWI poster: Heimkehrende Krieger! Heimkehrende Krieger!/Ungehörige des Gardekorps!/Baut Euch Siedlungshäuser!/ …/[Returning Warriors! Members of the Guard! Build your homes! …]

Image of a window with a potted plant sitting on the windowsill; a birdcage hangs from the top of the window frame


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

68 x 93
GER 32
German WWI poster: Revolutions Feier November 1919 Revolutions Feier/November/1919/.../[Revolution Holiday November 1919…]

Image of a heroic-sized male figure holding a red flag and a plate with the logo of the Independent Social Democratic Party; he is wearing an open white shirt, brown pants, and a red covering on his head; a long procession of small figures, some also holding red flags, winds through the poster towards the vague outline of a city landscape


U.S.P. Unashängige Sozialdemokratische Partei


92.5 x 64
GER 33
German WWI poster: Die Heimat ist in Gefahr! Die Heimat ist in Gefahr!/Grosse Geldmittel für den Ostschutz sind nötig/Helft sofort! Eile tut not!/Ein Überfluten der bolschewistischen Welle über/unsere östlichen Grenzen droht von Russland her, und/im eigenen Lande regen sich bolschewistische Kräfte der/Zersetzung - Sämtliche Depositenkassen und Zweigniederlassungen der Berliner Gross-Banken sind/bereit, Beiträge unter dem/Stichwort "Osthilfe" anzunehmen/…/ [The country is in danger! Major financial resources are needed for the defense of the East. Help straight away! Speed is urgent! The Bolshevist wave threatens to flood over our eastern borders from Russia, and in our own country Bolshevist forces of sedition are stirring. All deposit banks and branches of the Berlin major banks are willing to accept contributions marked Osthilfe.]

Image of an oversized human skull, with a moustache and wearing a Russian fur hat, looming over a huddled mass of civilians who lie in front of a ruined city.

N. Arnaud

R. Barnick, Berlin, Germany

Die Freiwillige Wirtschaftschilfe f?r den Ostschutz


93.5 x 9
GER 34
German WWI poster: Freiwillige vor zum Schutz... Freiwillige vor/zum/Schutz/für/Ordnung/Freiheit/Recht!/Es werden auch/ungediente Freiwillige angenommen/Zum/Trutz/wider/Terror/und/Anarchie!/…/Landessch?tzenkorps/[Volunteers step forward! For the defense of order, freedom, right! Volunteers with no service record are also accepted. For defiance against terror and anarchy!]

Image is a full-length depiction of a German Freikorps soldier with his rifle across his back

Hans Schweitzer

Hauck & Hartmann, Berlin, Germany



94 x 70
GER 35
German WWI poster: Freiwillige aller Waffen sichert Berlin Freiwillige aller Waffen sichert Berlin/Tretet ein in die Brigade/Reinhard/…/ [Volunteers with all weapons will secure Berlin. Enlist in the Reinhard Brigade ...]

Image of a soldier, holding a sword and shield with the letter R on it, facing flames.

Helmuth Stockmann

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

Brigade Reinhard

94 x 71
GER 36
German WWI poster: Landes-Schützen-Korps... Landes-Schützen-Korps/Freiwillige vor!/Wir schützen/die jetzige Regierung!/Wir schützen die/Nationalversamm-/lung!/Wir kämpfen gegen/den Bolschewismus/u. spartakistischen/Terror! Tretet uns bei!/ …/Es warden auch ungediente Freiwillige angenaommen/[Regional Defense Corps. Volunteers step forward! We are defending the present government! We are defending the National Assembly! We are fighting against Bolshevism and Spartacist terror! Join us! ...]

Image is a face portrait of a German Freikorps soldier


Nauck & Hartmann, Berlin, Germany


71 x 94.5
GER 37
German WWI poster: Fernsprecher Funker... Fernsprecher Funker/auf zum/Grenzschutz Ost/Berlin-Treptow Garde Nachrichten-Bataillon/[Telephone operators, radio operators, join the Defense of the Borders in the East. Berlin-Treptow Guards Signals Battalion]

Image of a German Reichswehr radio operator running toward the viewer urgently gesturing; in the background, two radio masts are visible against the night sky

N. Arnaud

Selmar Bayer, Berlin, Germany

Garde Nachrichten-Bataillon


94 x 70
GER 38
German WWI poster: F?rs Vaterland! F?rs Vaterland!/Freikorps/Loeschebrand/der Garde-Kav.-Schützen-Division/Annahmestelle für Freiwillige/…[address]/[For the Fatherland! Loeschebrand Volunteer Corps of the Horse Guards (Rifles) Division. Enlistment Office for Volunteers…]

Image is a half-body three-quarter depiction of a German Freikorps soldier, looking at the viewer and holding a bugle in his raised right hand

Otto Sager Bun-Steglitz

Grack & Aron, Berlin, Germany

Annahmestelle f?r Freiwillige

94 x 69.5
GER 39
German WWI poster: Freiwillige vor! Freiwillige vor!/Das Vaterland ist in Gefahr!/Kommt zum/Grenzschutz Ost…[address]/[Volunteers step forward! The Fatherland is in danger! Join the Defense of the Borders in the East…]

Image is a head-and-shoulders depiction, in profile, of a German Freikorps soldier blowing a bugle

A.M. Cay

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


94.5 x 70
GER 40
German WWI poster: Auf zum freiwilligen Grenzschutz Auf zum freiwilligen/Grenzschutz/…/[Join the Volunteer Border Defense Force…]

Image of a half-length depiction of a German Freikorps soldier gesturing to a Freikorps recruiting center behind him; a line of civilian men are queuing to enter the center

C. Smpekoven

Weyland, Berlin, Germany


94.5 x 70.5
GER 41
  Freiwillige vor!/Es gilt/den Schutz unserer/Ostgrenze!/Meldet Euch bei Euren/Bezirkskommandos!/Mobile Löhnung und 5 Mark,/freie Verpflegung u. Unterkunst./ [Volunteers Step Forward! The Defense of our Eastern Border is at stake! Report to your district commands! Mobile pay plus 5 marks, free board and lodging.]

Image is a half-length depiction of a German soldier holding a blackboard above his head; the soldier's rifle hangs around his neck, and he looks directly at the viewer

A.M. Cay

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

95 x 69
GER 42
German WWI poster: Burschen heraus Deutschland... Burschen heraus/Deutschland mu? leben/und wenn wir sterben müssen/Kommst zur Einwohnerwehr/[Students to the fore. Germany must live even if we must die. Join the local militia]

Image of a fraternity student with the characteristic hat and ribbon decoration across the chest, wearing a suit and looking to his right and his right outstretched hand; behind him is an image of a man – in the distance – reaching toward him


Propaganda Stuttgart

93 x 61.5
GER 43
German WWI poster: Erw?rgt nicht die Junge Freiheit... Erw?rgt nicht die Junge Freiheit/durch/Unordnung/und/Brudermord/Sonst verhungern Eure Kinder/[Don't strangle young freedom through disorder and fratricide. Otherwise your children will starve]

Image is a full-length depiction of a baby protectively holding a red flag

99 x 66.5
GER 44
German WWI poster: Not, Elend, Hunger... Not, Elend, Hunger, Zerst?rung/bringt/der/Bolschewismus/darum haltet Euch allen/bolschewistischen/Umtrieben fern/ …/[Bolshevism brings distress, adversity, hunger and destruction …]

Image of a family watching in distress as their farm is burned and animals confiscated; the father of the family in in the foreground is wearing a vest over a white shirt and has a bushy moustache

Heymann & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Vereinigung zur Bekampfung des Bolschewismus

62 x 45
GER 45
German WWI poster: Freischar Loeschebrand... Freischar/Loeschebrand/der Garde Kavallerie Schützen Division/Offiziere Unteroffiziere und Mannschaten Aller Waffen/Meldet Euch … /[Loeschebrand Volunteer Corps of the Horse Guards (Rifles) Division…]

Image is a full-length depiction of a drummer, in medieval costume, standing with legs spread and arms raised, poised to strike his drum

New York State Library's edition includes writing on the bottom as well.

Helmuth Stockmann

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Der Garde Kavallerie

70.5 x 46
GER 46
German WWI poster: Wie verhalte ich mich bei Fliegergefahr? Wie verhalte ich mich bei Fliegergefahr/[How should I behave in an air raid?]

Ten images, each with a caption: (1) A family looking through an open window – Fort vom Fenster!/Neugier ist Tod!/[Keep away from the window! Curiosity is fatal!]; (2) A man and woman standing by a country road, looking up at biplanes in the sky – Nie auf offener Strasse/stehen bleiben!/[Never stay standing out on the open street!]; (3) A man and woman hiding behind a closed door – Nicht hinter der Haustüre!/[Not behind the door of the house!]; (4) A family climbing down stairs by candlelight, with one child fallen at the foot of the stairs – Panik ist schlimmer als/Fliegerangriff!/[Panic is worse than an air raid!]; (5) A family grouped in the center of a bedroom, with one child looking out the window – Nie in der Mitte des/Zimmers aufhalten!/[Never stay in the middle of the room!]; (6) A woman standing against a wall between two windows – Nur einzeln hinter Pfeilern!/[Only one person behind a pillar!]; (7) A smiling man, lying in a dale – Stets Deckung suchen!/[Always seek shelter!]; (8) A man, smoking a cigar, and a woman each standing against a pillar wall forming a corner – Möglichst an starken Pfeilern!/[If possible by strong pillars!]; (9) A person sleeping in bed – Nachts kümmere Dich/um keinen Angriff!/[Don't worry about any attack at night!]; (10) A young man standing in a corner of post walls in his bedroom, part of which has been demolished – Nach richtigem Verhalten!/[If you've behaved the right way!]

37 x 65.5
GER 47
German WWI poster: Hauptmann Bölctes Feldberichte Hauptmann Bölctes Feldberichte…/[Captain B?lctes Field Report…]

(New York State Library's edition has purple text and includes more writing on the bottom)

Image of the cover of the book Hauptmann Bölctes Feldberichte.


Rotophot AG, Berlin, Germany

71.5 x 47
GER 48
German WWI poster: Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte/[The Ludendorff Appeal for the War-Disabled.]

(larger version of GER 64 and GER 65)

Image is a half-length depiction of an injured German soldier, standing with a crutch and holding a pair of pliers and a hammer in his right hand

Ludwig Hohlwein

Fritz Maison, Munich, Germany

61.5 x 88
GER 49
German WWI poster: Wollen Sie Lebensmittel ... Wollen Sie/Lebensmittel/aus/Amerika?/Haben Sie Angehörige oder/Freunde in den Vereinigten/Staaten?/Die können Ihnen helfen!/Die American Relief Administration hat in/Wien Lager f?die Abgebe amerikanischer Lebensmittel errichtet. .../[Do You Want Food from America? Do you have relatives or friends in the United States? They can help you!...]

Duplicate of GER 58

Image of text offset in rectangular text boxes on an American flag background describing how to obtain food from the American Relief Administration warehouses in Vienna.

J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria

American Relief Administration Warehouses

95 x 56
GER 50
German WWI poster: U-Boot Kalender U-Boot Kalender/…/[Submarine Calendar…]

(Duplicate of GER 245)

Image of four smaller images. In the upper left, an oversized John Bull holds a large ship and a small German man holds a small ship. In the upper right, a German man kneels to launch toy submarines into a lake, where they sink toy ships. In the lower left, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George and John Bull look shocked as they read from a piece of paper which points out Britain's lack of merchant shipping. In the lower right, Lloyd George gives a speech in the House of Commons.

November 1917

51 x 64
GER 51
German WWI poster: Zeichne! 5% Deutsche Reichsanleihe Zeichne!/5% Deutsche Reichsanleihe/…/[Subscribe! Five percent German Imperial Loan securities...]

(Duplicate of GER 196)

Image of a hand using a large fountain pen to enter an investment sum onto a war loan form

Louis Oppenheim

W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany

Deutsche Reichsanleihe

69 x 46
GER 52
German WWI poster: Das Vaterland braucht die Soldaten... Das Vaterland/braucht die Soldaten/Landleute bedient euch/der Jungmannenhilfe/Jungmannen helft/dem Vaterland…/[The fatherland needs soldiers. Country folk, make use of Youth Aid. Youths, help your Fatherland...]

(Duplicate of GER 214)

Image of a woman watching a man and young boy engaged in conversation; several more boys, in the background, surround the figure of a kneeling woman


Anforderungen an Kriegswirtschaftamt


61.5 x 93.5
GER 53
German WWI poster: Wer kauft am Vorteilhaftesten? Wer kauft am/Vorteilhaftesten?/.../[Who gets the best deal?...]

(Duplicate of GER 147)

Image of six small simplified images – a cart horse, a truck, coal trolley, steel turning, the head of a cow, and a plough – describing how it is best to get/use war bonds


W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany


70 x 46
GER 54
German WWI poster: Zaudert nicht Sondern meldet Euch... Zaudert nicht/Sondern/meldet Euch/bei d. Freiwilligen Division/lettow vorbeck/…[address]/[Don't hesitate, but enlist immediately in the Lettow Vorbeck Volunteer Division…]

Duplicate of GER 22

Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of a German Freikorps soldier


J. Sauer, Berlin, Germany

Freiwilligen Division

94 x 71
GER 55
  Ein Film für Alle/[A Film for All]

H.R. Erdt

Kriegsanleihe VII

138 x 92
GER 56 ++
German WWI poster: Reichsverein National... Reichsverein National - Flugwehr/zu Gunsten der hinterbliebenen gefallener Flieger/[National Air Force Association to Benefit Pilots Fallen Behind Enemy Lines]
(black and white)

Image of the head and shoulders of an air force

D. Fenncher

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

87 x 56
GER 57
German WWI poster: Wollen Sie Lebensmittel aus Amerika? Wollen Sie/Lebensmittel/aus/Amerika?/Haben Sie Angehorige oder/Freunde in den Vereinigten/Staaten?/Die konnen ihnen helfen!.../[Do You Want Food from America? Do you have relatives or friends in the United States? They can help you!...]

Duplicate of GER 50

Image of text offset in rectangular text boxes on an American flag background describing how to obtain food from the American Relief Administration warehouses in Vienna.

J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria

American Relief Administration Warehouses

95 x 56
GER 58
  Der Feldarzt/[The Field Physician]


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

139 x 94
GER 59 ++
  Kriegerheim/Nachmittagsheim/für die Verwundeten/"Harmonie"…[Veterans Home/Afternoon home for the wounded/"harmonious"…]

Image of a soldier, with a moustache, resting in a wicker chair, reading a book and smoking; his broken arm is in a sling; a Red Cross is in the top right corner of the image space

Hammerschlag u. Kahle

Red Cross

62.5 x 49
GER 60
  Vertriebene/aus/Elsass Lothringen/Organisiert Euch im Hilfsbund/für die Elsass-Lothringer im Reich…/[Deportees from Alsace Lorraine/Organized in Hilfsbund for the Alsace Lorrainians…]

Image of four people grouped closely together and sitting amid their belongings; an old, discouraged-looking man, wearing a hat and crumpled blazer, is shaking hands with a younger man; a tall man has his hand on the old man's shoulder and is looking behind them with his arm raised to the sky; a woman is sitting and looking at the younger man who is shaking the hand of the old man; their belongings include baskets made of wicker, as well as other household goods

W. Krain

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

Hilfsbund für die Elsass-Lothrineen

71 x 48
GER 61
German WWI poster: Gefangenen-Opfertag Gefangenen-Opfertag/28.September./Helft den Gefangenen!/[Prisoners' Flag Day. 28 September. Help the Prisoners!]

Image of a German prisoner of war sitting on the ground next to a barbed wire fence; his hand is bandaged and he is looking sadly down at his feet

W. Dittrich

Freiburger Werkstatten, Freiburg, Germany

74 x 52
GER 62
German WWI poster: 4 Bremer Soldaten-heime hinter der front 4/Bremer/Soldaten-/heime/hinter der front/[4 Bremen Soldiers' Recreation Centers behind the Front]

Image is a full-length depiction of a German soldier carrying a heavy backpack; he is looking up at a signpost that points the way to a soldier's service club in the distance, across a snow-covered landscape, with a Bremen flag flying on the roof and smoke rising from its chimney

M. Koll

H.M. Hauschild, Bremen, Germany

89 x 63
GER 63
German WWI poster: Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte/[The Ludendorff Appeal for the War-Disabled.]

(smaller version of GER 49; larger version of GER 65)

Image is a half-length depiction of an injured German soldier, standing with a crutch and holding a pair of pliers and a hammer in his right hand

Ludwig Hohlwein

Fritz Maison, Munich, Germany

59 x 83
GER 64
German WWI poster: Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte/[The Ludendorff Appeal for the War-Disabled.]

(Smaller version of GER 64 and GER 49)

Image is a half-length depiction of an injured German soldier, standing with a crutch and holding a pair of pliers and a hammer in his right hand

Ludwig Hohlwein

Fritz Maison, Munich, Germany

29 x 44
GER 65
German WWI poster: Helft! Den braven Soldaten... Helft!/Den braven Soldaten, die auf der Rückfahrt nach/der Heimat, nach schwerer Not, Berlin passieren,/muss Unterstützung werden - Überweist der/Soldatenratshilfe/Geld - die Kommandantur von Berlin schafft/damit den Bedürftigen Hilfe! Eile tut not!/…/[Help! The worthy soldiers who pass through Berlin on their journey home, after severe privation, must be given support - remit money to the Soldiers' Council Assistance - the Berlin command will use it to give assistance to the needy! Speed is essential!]

Image is a half-length depiction of a German soldier walking through rain; he carrying a large backpack and has a walking stick in his right hand


Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

Goldaten Ratshilfe

69 x 46.5
GER 66
German WWI poster: Helft den Flüchtlingen aus unseren... Helft/den Flüchtlingen aus unseren/Grenzlanden, den Ausgewiesenen/und schwerster Gefahr Entronnenen!/Gebt alle und gebt reichlich/f?r unsere deutschen Volksgenossen, die alles im Stich lassen mussten.../[Help the refugees from our border areas, those who have been expelled and those who have escaped from extreme danger!...]

Image of a man and a young girl pulling a small cart filled with sacks and boxes past a rural setting; a woman pushes the cart from behind; all three are dressed in worn clothes; the girl is barefoot

59 x 70.5
GER 67
German WWI poster: Helft den Vertriebenen aus unseren... Helft/den Vertriebenen/aus unseren/Grenzlanden!/Gebt alle und gebt reichlich/für unsere deutschen Volksgenossen, die alles im Stich lassen mussten!/ …/[Help the Refugees from our Border Regions. All give and give generously for our German fellow countrymen, who had to abandon everything!]

Image of a family of five German refugees leaving Alsace; the group includes a woman holding a baby, an elderly man with a walking stick, and a girl carrying a doll in traditional Alsace costume; a man at the rear glances back at Strasbourg Cathedral, silhouetted in the distance

W. Krain

Anton Bertinetti, Berlin, Germany

71.5 x 61
GER 68
German WWI poster: P G Deutsche, vergesst uns nicht! P G/Deutsche, vergesst uns nicht!/Volksbund zum Schutze der deutschen/Kriegs und Zivilgefangenen/[(Abbreviation for) Prisoners of War. Germans, don't forget us! People's League for the Protection of German Prisoners of War and Civilian Prisoners.]

Image is a full-length depiction of a German prisoner of war facing the viewer and resting on his pick; a spade lies immediately behind him and a ruined house stands in the background

Siegm. V. Suchodolski

Gebrüder Reichel, Augs burg, Germany

Schutze der Deutschen Kriegs – und Zivilgefangenen

37 x 26
GER 69
  Der eiserne/Georg/Krefeld/Stiftung/für/Witwen u. Waisen/Gefallener/Krefelder/Krieger/[Iron George Krefeld. Foundation for the widows and orphans of deceased Krefeld servicemen]

Image is a silhouette depiction of Saint George slaying a dragon with a lance

P. Wolbrandt

68 x 50
GER 70
German WWI poster: Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte/[The Ludendorff Appeal for the War-Disabled]

Image of a German soldier with a peg leg; his right hand is on a plow; a nurse is taking his crutch from his left hand

Fritz Maison, Munich, Germany

29.5 x 42
  Krieger – Heim – Stätten/in/W?rttem-berg/…/[Servicemen's Homes in Württemberg…]

Image is a half-length depiction of German soldier wearing a Pickelhaube; he appears either to hold or stand in front of red-roofed house

Ludwig Hohlwein

U. Levi, Stuttgart, Germany

Landesverein für Kriegerheim

67.5 x 48.5
GER 72
German WWI poster: Heraus mit unseren Gefangenen Heraus/mit unseren/Gefangenen/Helft!...[Release Our Prisoners, help!]

Image of the head and hands of a solider peering through barbed wire and wearing a hat with a red band at the bottom of it; behind him stands the face of other men and children, many of whom are wearing the same hat

Carl Tips

Julius Jahl, Mannheim, Germany

86.5 x 53.5
GER 73
German WWI poster: August-Oktober 1916 August-/Oktober/1916/Kriegs/Ausstellung/Frankfurt A.M/Holzhausenpark/…/[August – October 1916. War Exhibition. Frankfurt on the Main, Holzhausen Park]

Image of a stylised artillery gun; a Red Cross is in the upper right of the poster

Otto Linnemann

Wüsten & Co., Frankfort am Main, Germany

Red Cross

88 x 56.5
GER 74
  Jan Vermuellen: Der Müller aus Flandern/[Jan Vermuellen: The Miller of Flanders

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

140 x 94

[not in folder]
GER 75
  Unterhaltungsabend/[Evening of Entertainment]

Black and white


Mandruck, Munich, Germany

Infantry Reg. No. 2

August 1917

118.5 x 80.5
GER 76 ++

(advertisement for the movie What Cannot Be Atoned For)

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

139.5 x 93
GER 77 ++
  Konzert für Hinterbliebene/der 81er/../[Concert for Bereaved Relatives of the 81st…]

Image is a half-length depiction of a German soldier with his rifle over his shoulder; most of his face is hidden by a shadow cast by his helmet

L.V. Schaurath


89 x 58
GER 78
  Weltbrand/Kriegsrevue/1914/[Weltenbrand War Review 1914]

Image of a large blimp-like ship shining lights down on a burning city from a night sky

Note: The corner where the artist usually signs is torn off from the poster.


96 x 59
GER 79
German WWI poster: Militärisch amtl. Militärisch amtl. Film/Die/XIIte/Isonzo/Schlacht/Tauentzien Palast/[The 12th Isonzo Battle]

Image of what appears to be a movie advertisement which includes the vague shape of a cityscape with a yellow sky above it and yellow skull wearing a blue hat imposed on top of the vague cityscape.

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

69 x 94
GER 80
German WWI poster: Württ-Kriegsausstelllung Württ-Kriegsausstelllung/Stuttgart/…/[Württ War Display …]

Württ. Kriegsausstellung/1916 Stuttgart/Mai-September/…/[Württemberg War Exhibition 1916. Stuttgart May-September…]

Image of a German Imperial eagle perched on an oversized sword driven into a hillock; at the foot of the hillock a man and a woman plough and sow; a large flame leaps from behind the sword; a factory occupies the background left; text flanked by two Red Cross symbols


M. Seeger, Stuttgart, Germany

Roten Kreuz/[Red Cross]


95.5 x 69.5
GER 81
German WWI poster: Grosses militär Konzert Grosses militär Konzert/ausgeführt von der aus dem Felde beurlaubten gesamten Kapelle/des Minen-Werfer-Bataillons IV…/[Grand Military Concert. Performed by the whole band of the 4th Minethrowers' Battalion, on leave from the field,…]

Image of a German military band playing beside a huge mortar; an artilleryman stands by the barrel preparing to fire the gun.


Minen – Werfer – Bataillons IV

88 x 67
GER 82
  Ein Film für Alle/[A Film for Everyone]

H.R. Erdt

Richard Labisch, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe VII

137.5 x 93
GER 83 ++
German WWI poster: Arbeit und Kultur in Oberschlesien Arbeit und Kultur/in Oberschlesien/Ausstellung/in Breslau/1.-31. Oktober 1919 /…/[Work and Culture in Upper Silesia. Exhibition in Breslau 1-31 October 1919…]

Image of a number of factories, with smoke rising from their chimneys; in the background, a church and a palace are visible


Schenkalowski, Breslau, Germany

Jahrhunderthalle/[Century Hall]


91 x 56.5
GER 84
  Der Kampf im Alpenrot/[The Battle in Alpenrot]

(advertisement for a movie)

Theo Matejko


Sasha Film


124 x 93
GER 85 ++
  Die englischen Tanks bei Cambrai/[The English Tanks at Cambrai]

(advertisement for a movie)

Otto Troitzsch

141.5 x 94
GER 86 ++
German WWI poster: Kriegsbilder Josef Engelhart Kriegsbilder Josef Engelhart/…[War Pictures by Josef Engelhart…]

Image of a stylized flames behind the text

K-1 für Kriegsblinde

24.5 x 47
GER 87
German WWI poster: Das grosse Filmwerk Schwert und Herd Das grosse/Filmwerk/Schwert/und Herd/von/Fritz Skowronnek/[The great film Sword and Hearth by Fritz Skowronnek]

Image is a full-length depiction of an Austrian infantryman, standing in a field, holding a scythe; a cottage is in the lower right-hand corner, with fields and a village in the background (movie advertisement)

V. Santho

61 x 46.5
GER 88
German WWI poster: Deutsche Kriegsausstellung Deutsche Kriegsausstellung…/[German War exhibition…]

Image of a soldier, possibly a member of the Landwehr (a German equivalent of the Home Guard), wearing a Prussian shako-style military hat and holding a rifle with attached bayonet; he stands amid a collection of military equipment, including two hats, a large artillery gun and a drum; some of the equipment is French, presumably captured during the Franco-Prussian War


Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

Roten Kreuz/[Red Cross]

71 x 94
GER 89
German WWI poster: Feindliche Werbearbeit Feindliche Werbearbeit/und Kriegshetze/Ausstellung/…[Enemy Propaganda and Warmongering Display…]

Image of the silhouettes in red of (roughly ten) men prodding a large fire with long sticks as the fire grows and black smoke billows upward


Hartung & Co., Hamburg, Germany



69 x 49
GER 90
German WWI poster: Freie K?nstlervereinigung ver! Freie K?nstlervereinigung ver!/Karikaturen/der Habsburger/und Hohenzollern/Ausstellung Leopold Löwy/.../[Caricatures of the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollers/… Leopold Löwy …]

Image is a caricature and the poster is an advertisement for an exhibit

Leopold Löwy


63 x 47
GER 91
German WWI poster: Grosses Militär-konzert Grosses Militär-konzert/ausgeführt von der aus dem Felde beurlaubten gesamten Kapelle/des Minenwerfer-Bataillons IV./…/[Grand Military Concert/Performed by the whole band of the 4th Minethrowers' Battalion, on leave from the field./…]

Image, in the style of a medieval woodcut, is of three German soldiers pulling, and a fourth pushing, a mortar

Minenwerfer-Bataillons IV

44 x 56
GER 92
German WWI poster: Ausstellung des Flieger Hilfs Komitees Ausstellung/des Flieger/Hilfs Komitees/…/[Exhibition by the Airmen's Relief Committee…]

Image of a biplane flying over the Austrian military academy in Wiener Neustadt


Hilfs Komitee


95 x 61
GER 93
German WWI poster: Kanin-felle abliefern! Kanin-felle/abliefern!/an Händler und Zuchtvereine/Das Heer braucht sie!/[Supply rabbit furs! To dealers and breeding associations. The Army needs them!]

Image of a white rabbit with red eyes peering over the top of the text panel


Hollerbaum & Schmidt

Sammel-Zentrale Kriegs-fell

70 x 46
GER 94
  Frauendank 1914/beschafft Kriegsgetrauten/"Möbel auf Abzahlung"/[Thank the women of 1914 for creating the war home by buying "furniture on the installment plan"]

Image of a chair, a couch, and a table on a wooden floor in front of a window in a home

Heinrich Meichsner


81.5 x 60
GER 95
German WWI poster: Juwelen- und Goldankaufs-woche Juwelen- und/Goldankaufs-/woche/16.-23. Juni/[Jewelry- and gold-buying week June 16-23]

Image of a cornucopia overflowing with jewelry and gold objects


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

68 x 94
GER 96

Image of two profiles in a circle. The profile closest to the viewer is of a young, unclothed woman with her hair up. Her profile extends to almost midway down the breast and her features are delicate. She appears either largely emotionless or cold and detached. The profile behind her is of a garishly unattractive man. The man is also nude and visible to about halfway down the breast. He does not appear to have any hair and his nose takes up the majority of his face which, as well as his oversized lips, seem to imply a sort of happiness that he is feeling. The man's eyes are closed, and his skin appears to be of a darker color. Under the portraits is the word 'Deutschland,' which seems to be on a plaque of sorts. Above the circle containing the images are two swastikas. One is on each side above the image. The whole image is in black and white and gives the impression of a charcoal drawing.


85 x 62
GER 97
German WWI poster: Deutschland wach auf... Deutschland wach auf,/deine Schictsalsstunde is gekommen/Deutsche Vaterlands-/Partei/…[Wake up Germany, your hour of destiny has arrived…]

Image of a church bell decorated with a depiction of a medieval knight holding a sword and cross; the names of World War I battles, and of German military heroes, are inscribed on the bell's wooden support


Lehmannische Buchdruckerei, Dresden, Germany

Deutsche Vaterlands-Partei


89.5 x 57
GER 98
German WWI poster: Nationalratswahlen/ Wählt Sozialistisch! Nationalratswahlen/Wählt Sozialistisch!/[Vote Socialist!]

Image of a hand waving a red flag



123.5 x 90.5
GER 99
German WWI poster: 1 Mai 1919/Der Rechtsfriede bringt den Völkerfrühling 1 Mai 1919/Der/Rechtsfriede/bringt/den Völkerfrühling/[May 1, 1919/Law Brings Peace to the People's Spring]

Image of a man holding an olive branch in his left hand and a large red flag in his right hand; he is standing on a grassy hill and looking happily to the right; behind him is a large sun; also behind him and to his right and left are images of people with their arms reaching out for each other through the distance


Dinse & Eckert

May 1919

99 x 68.5
GER 100


Meissner & Buch, Leipzig, Germany

Deutsche Luft-Reederei/[German Air Freight]

148.5 x 45
GER 101 ++
  Bismarck = Feier/Dienstag, 8. April 1919, abends 7 uhr, Saal des Deutschen Garten:/Bismarcks Geist in und nach dem Weltkriege/…[Bismarck = Celebration/April 8, 1919 at 7 o'clock, Hall of the German Garden/Bismarck's spirit during and after the World War…]

Image is a profile, from the shoulders up, of Bismarck

Robert Grounberg

Görgitzer, Nachrichten, und Anzeiger

Deutschnationaler Volksverein Görlitz


98 x 65
GER 102
German WWI poster: Deutsches Volk! Deutsches Volk!/Willst du diesem/Schicksal entrinnen,/so wähle/national -/demokratisch!/[German People! Will you escape this fate, so decide National Democratic Party of Germany!]

Image of a priest leading a procession of a man pulling a cart with a coffin on it with another man following




89 x 65.5
GER 103
German WWI poster: Freiheit Friede Arbeit... Freiheit/Friede/Arbeit/Wählt die/Deutsche Volkspartei in Bayern/(Deutsche Demokratische Partei)/[Freedom Peace Work/Vote for the German People's Party in Bavaria …]

Image is a full-length depiction of a farmer sowing seeds from a large bag hanging from his right shoulder; the sun shines brightly in the background, sending out rays across the sky

O. Consee

Zietara, Munich, Germany

Deutsche Volkspartei

94 x 70
GER 104
German WWI poster: Christliches Volk! Christliches Volk!/Darf Spartakus/deine Kirchen Niederreissen?/Gib Antwort am Wahltag!/Bayerische Volkspartei/[Christian people! Will you allow Spartakus to tear down your churches? Answer on election day! Bavarian People's Party….]a huge figure in a Roman helmet tearing down the towers of Munich's Frauenkirche. Text: Christian people! Will you allow Spartakus to tear down your churches? Answer on election day! Bavarian People's Party.huge figure in a Roman helmet tearing down the towers of Munich's Frauenkirche. Text: Christian people! Will you allow Spartakus to tear down your churches? Answer on election day! Bavarian People's Party.huge figure in a Roman helmet tearing down the towers of Munich's Frauenkirche. Text: Christian people! Will you allow Spartakus to tear down your churches? Answer on election day! Bavarian People's Party.

Image of a huge, muscular, nude figure in a Roman helmet tearing down the towers of Munich's Frauenkirche; in the background is a blue-and-white checkered pattern representing the Bavarian flag

Bayerische Volkspartei

99 x 72
GER 105
German WWI poster: Der Wahlsturm fegt durch's Land! Der Wahlsturm fegt durch's Land!/Bayrisch-Weissblau/Gegen Russisch-Rot/Bayerische Volkspartei/[The election storm is sweeping the land! Bavarian blue and white against Russian red! Bavarian People's Party]

Image of a man in red running from a deluge of blue and white checkered pieces of paper (representing the Bavarian flag) marked Bayerische Volkspartei

Anstalt, Munich, Germany

Bayerische Volkspartei

99 x 74
GER 106
German WWI poster: Was will Spartakus? Was will/Spartakus?/[What Does Spartacus Want?]

Image is a full-length depiction of a young man, wielding a sword in his raised hands, preparing to attack a six-headed serpent; two of the heads have already fallen; three of the four remaining heads are labeled Neuer Militarismus, Kapitalismus, and Junkertum

K.P.D. (Spartakusbund) [Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands]


96 x 71
GER 107
  Moloch Kapitalismus/Bekämrst ihn!/Vereint/Euch gegen ihn/in der U.S.P./[Juggernaut capitalism. Resist Them! Unite against him in the U.S.P.]

Image of a giant octopus-esque creature reaching into various parts of a factory; the arms of the octopus read, from left to right, "Profit," "Gier" [greed], "Wucher" [daylight robbery], "Profit"; the octopus has a face with a large mouth with sharp, triangular teeth and a percent sign on his forehead


84 x 62
GER 108
  Melden Sie sich/sofort/bei der deutschen/demokratischen Partei/[Apply straight away to the German Democratic Party.]

Image is a full-length caricature of a German soldier wearing a Pickelhaube helmet and a large sword; he has a pencil behind his ear, is reading from a notebook, and pointing to the poster's title

A.Bagel, Düsseldorf, Germany

110.5 x 83.5
GER 109
German WWI poster: Wählt die Liste treu Wählt/die/Liste/treu/[Elect the faithful]

Image of a hand holding a red ballot card above the red silhouette of a large urn, set against a background of factories with smoking chimneys

(New York State Library's edition does not include the words here that are at center right lower half and, instead, includes the words "die Liste treu")

C. Schmidt

E. Nister, Nuremburg, Germany



114 x 83.5
GER 110
German WWI poster: Ich wähle deutsch nationale Volkspartei Ich wähle/deutsch/nationale/Volkspartei/[I Vote for the German National People's Party]

Image of a hand with the thumb pressing a red-white-and-blue pleated ribbon button

C. Egler

Otto Troitzsch, Berlin, Germany

Deutsch Nationale Volkspartei

70 x 49.5
GER 111
German WWI poster: Helft Alle! Helft Alle!/Wer verschobenes Heeresgut zur/Wiedererfassung nachweist, erhält Belohnung./ …/[All Help! Anyone providing information that helps recover missing army property will be rewarded./…]

Image of a hand grasping the throat of a dragon sitting on a collection of army supplies; a second hand is grabbing some of the supplies

C. Wolfram Kiesslich

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany



72 x 46
GER 112
German WWI poster: Hinein in die K.P.D.! Hinein in die/K.P.D.!/(Spartakusbund)/[Join the K.P.D. (German Communist Party)!]

Image is a half-length depiction, in profile, of Karl Liebknecht pointing to the right while addressing a crowd of workers

Kommillions druck der K.P.D.

61.5 x 47.5
GER 113
German WWI poster: Mädchen u. Frauenheraus aus der Finsternis! Mädchen u. Frauen/heraus/aus der/Finsternis!/Entscheidet/Euch/für die/National/Versammlung/f?r/Freiheit des Einzelnen/und Ordnung der Gesamtheit/in einer/Freien sozialistischen Republick/[Girls and women emerge from the dark! Decide in favor of the National Assembly…]

Image is a full-length depiction of a woman waving a red flag above her head; the woman is wearing a red scarf and a white blouse with red, vertical stripes, and a black skirt with a white apron over it


Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

Sozialistischen Republik


71 x 46.5
GER 114
German WWI poster: Bleibe treu mein Vaterland! Bleibe treu mein Vaterland!/"Los von Dänemark!"/…/700 Jahre/…/Darum wanke nicht stehe fest bleibe treu mein Vaterland./[Keep Faithful My Fatherland! "Free Denmark!"…700 years…Therefore waver not and stand firmly faithful and true to my fatherland.]

(text only; no images)

Aug. Westphalen Flensburg

51 x 30
GER 115
German WWI poster: Deutsch Deutsch Deutsch Deutsch/Deutsch/Deutsch/[German German German]

(text only; no images)


February 1920

60 x 39
GER 116
German WWI poster: I tusind Aar har vi været Slesvigere I tusind Aar har vi været Slesvigere/Vi vil vedblive at være Slesvigere/derfor stemmer vi/tysk./[For a thousand years we have been Slesvigers. We will continue to be Slesvigers therefore voting German.]

Image of an older man with his left hand across his chest and his right arm raised to the sky and a stern, powerful, obstinate look on his face; he is wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, a black vest, and he has a beard; behind him is a largely indiscriminate crowd of people wearing suits and ties and doing the same arm/hand gesture; in the background is a body of water and grass

Note that the poster is in Danish. Slesvig is the Danish spelling of Schlesvig

A. Eckener

Aug. Westphalen, lith. Inst. Flensborg

78 x 55
GER 117
  An die Berliner!/Berlin soll nicht zur Ruhe kommen!/…/Damit diese Hetzer ihren Hunger nach Macht befriedigen können, sollte die unschuldige Bevölkerung/Berlins dem/Elend und Untergang/…/Berliner, wisst Ihr, was das heist?/…/Berlin muss wieder zur Ruhe kommen!/…/[On Berlin! Berlin Shall Not Get Any Peace! In order for these agitators to satisfy their hunger for power, the innocent people of Berlin will have misery and downfall….Berlin, you know what that means?...Berlin has come to rest again!]

(text only; no images)

Technischen Nothilfe

94 x 69
GER 118
German WWI poster: Der polnische Wolf... Der polnische Wolf/begehrt eure Heimat!/Duldet das nicht1/[The Polish wolf covets your country! Don't tolerate it!]

Image of a white wolf positioned against an illustration of the border between Germany and Poland; the wolf is on the Polish side of the border; small industrial towns and a railway are on the German side

E. Leo Stahl

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

62.5 x 47
GER 119
German WWI poster: Wer Du auch bist... Wer Du auch bist/ob/Arbeiter, Bürger, Bauer, Soldat:/Frau oder Mann/Sozialist oder Demokrat/ohne/Nationalversammlung/hörst Du auf ein Deutscher/zu sein. Nur die/Nationalversammlung/schützt das Deutsche Reich vor/dem Zusammenbruch/[Whoever you are, whether a worker, citizen, farmer, soldier, woman or man, socialist or democrat, without a National Assembly you will cease to be a German. Only the National Assembly protects the German Reich from collapse.]

(text only; no images)




69 x 50
GER 120
German WWI poster: Bauer hilf, die Städte hungern! Bauer hilf, die Städte hungern!/Die Töpfe drunten/voll von Goldgewicht-/Zieh' Deinen Pflug und/ackre sie an's Licht!/[Farmer, help, the towns are going hungry! The pots below are full of the weight of gold. Pull your plough and dig them to the light!]

Image is a full-length depiction of a farmer ploughing a field; in the background, the sun rises over a village

W. Jaeckel


70 x 94
GER 121
  Vereinigte Lotterie/der Hülfsgesellschaft in Menzingen/Motto: Im Dienste der Nächstenliebe/[United Lottery, Hülfsgesellschaft at Menzingen /Motto: In the Service of Charity]
(black and white)

Image of mostly text in an ornate border resembling the carving one sometimes sees around furniture edges/legs; slightly above center is a relatively small image of soldiers in a field and abstract-looking figures that questionably represent the heads of state of different countries in the background catching money from the sky.

70 x 49.5
GER 122
German WWI poster: Hans Hellers Höllenfahrt Hans Hellers/Höllenfahrt/von/Otto von Gottberg/[Hans Heller's Journey in Hell by Otto von Gottberg]

Image, in silhouette, of a German soldier peering into the flames of Hell; his hand is raised and held in a grasping posture (advertisement for a book)

34.5 x 23.5

Box 8
GER 123
German WWI poster: Flensburg 14.März 1920 Flensburg/14.März/1920/[Flensburg, March 14, 1920]

Image of Flensburg Gate—a brown building with a roof that goes in square steps and windows with white checkered panes over them; behind the building is the flag of what is now Schlesvig-Holstein


65.5 x 45
GER 124
German WWI poster: Soll Schleswig wirklich zerrissenwerden! Soll Schleswig/wirklich zerrissenwerden!/Sind wir nicht seit ?ber/1000 Jahren/ein Volk von Br?dern?/Besinnt Euch doch!/[Schleswig Really Torn Apart! …]

Image of a torn yellow shield with blue walking lions on it on top of black shading

Jon Holtz

38x 29
GER 125
  Die besten Bücher/über/unsere/Luftwaffe/…[The Best Books about Our Air Force…]

Advertisement for books


Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

47 x 26.5
GER 126
  Weltkriegs Geschichten/[History of the World War]

Image of a grey airship flying through a swirling sky with a raucous seascape below (advertisement for a book)

Ludwig Berwald


30 x 23

Box 8
GER 127
German WWI poster: In Berlin gibt es wenig Essen... In/Berlin/gibt es/wenig Essen,/keine Arbeit./darum/kein Verdienst/u. schlechte Stim-/mung!/draussen/gibt es/gutes, reichliches/Essen u. Arbeit./darum/guter Verdienst/u. gute Stim-/mung!/Wendet euch an den/nächsten/Arbeitsnachweis!/[In Berlin there is little to eat, no work. Therefore, no earnings and a bad atmosphere! Outside, there is good plentiful food and work. Therefore, good earnings and a good atmosphere! Apply to the nearest Employment Agency!]

Image on the left is a full-length depiction of a German infantryman, standing with his hands in his pockets in the rain, against the backdrop of the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin; image on the right is a full-length depiction of a smiling infantryman, wearing a civilian cap, carrying a loaf of bread in his right arm and holding up a bundle of bank notes in his left hand, against the backdrop of a country town

Joe Loe

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany


47 x 33
GER 128
German WWI poster: Kameraden Achtung! Kameraden/Achtung!/Störungen des/Verkehrs/bringen/Hungersnot!/[Comrades beware! Transport disruptions lead to starvation!]

Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a German sailor, with his arms raised and holding a red flag in each hand

44.5 x 35
GER 129
German WWI poster: Verlag August … Berlin Verlag August … Berlin/Seine Hoheit der Kohlentrimmer …/[… His Highness the Coal Trimmer …]

Image is the side profile from the shoulders up of a coal miner (advertisement for a book)


Nauch & Hartmann, Berlin, Germany

47 x 35
GER 130
German WWI poster: Verlag August … Berlin Verlag August … Berlin/Z 181 gegen Bukarest/… [… Z 181 Against Bucharest …]

Image is an airship flying through a bright light that is being beamed from the ground; the landscape features silhouettes of large buildings and is topped by low-hanging clouds (adverstisement for a book)

Dinse Eckert & Co., Berlin, Germany

47 x 34.5
GER 131
  Ein Segelboot/über den/indischen ozean…/…/Letzte Fahrt/[A sailboat in the Indian Ocean….Final Journey]

Image of an ocean with massive waves and a silhouette of a sailboat. (advertisement for a book: Letzte Fahrt [Final Journey]

Dinse Eckert & Co.

34.5 x 46
GER 132
German WWI poster: Graf Dohna's Moewebuch … Graf Dohna's Moewebuch …

Image of a large, white seagull flying over a grey, stormy sea; in the background, in silhouette, is a sinking ship against the sunset (advertisement for a book)


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

70 x 47
GER 133
  Messias/Ein Spiel vom Menschentum/in 3 Aufzügen von Max Schilling/Spielleitung: Karl Kaufmann/[Messias/A play of humanity in three acts by Max Schilling, Producer Karl Kaufmann]

Image of a man with his arms outstretched to the sky being lifted by a woman and children as they walk up a staircase; other people, mostly older, with canes and walkers, are also walking up the staircase (advertisement for a book)

E.T. Bauer

Propaganda Stuttg., Stuttgart, Germany

83 x 61. 5
GER 134
  Paulchen "Paul Heidemonn" Millionen Kuss

(advertisement for a play or movie)

H.R. Erdt

Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin, Germany

135 x 93
GER 135 ++
  Arbeiter lest Die Freiheit/[A Worker Reads Die Freiheit]

(advertisement for a newspaper)

Karl Holtz

143.5 x 94.5
GER 136 ++

(advertisement for a newspaper)

142.5 x 92
GER 137 ++
German WWI poster: Ein Weihnachtshoffen zittert durch die Welt Ein Weihnachtshoffen/zittert durch die Welt./.../Weihnachts-/Spende/für die Kinder der Erwerbslosen/von Hamburg-Altona/.../[A Christmas Hope shivers through the world. Christmas donation for children of unemployed persons of Hamburg – Alton]

Image of a mother and her child huddled together under a blanket; in the background is a big pine tree, in silhouette; snow is falling

48.5 x 39.5
GER 138
German WWI poster: Lest die Freie Zeitung erscheint jeden Abend Lest die Freie Zeitung/erscheint jeden Abend[Read the Free Newspaper …]

Image is a full-length depiction of a French and a German soldier shaking hands; the French soldier is gesturing with his left hand and the German soldier is holding his helmet in his left hand (advertisement for a newspaper)

H. Becker

Nauck & Hartmann, Berlin, Germany

72 x 47
GER 139
  Das Neueste!/[The News!]

Image of a newsboy holding up a newspaper (advertisement for a newspaper)


Wilnaer Zeitung

34 x 23

Box 8
GER 140
German WWI poster: Die Wochenschrift 'Der Volksstaat' Die Wochenschrift/"Der Volksstaat"/will zu allen sprechen./[The Weekly Publication "The People's State" wants to address everyone.]

Image is a half-length depiction of a man standing behind a lectern, with his left arm raised; a crowd of people pass by him on the street below, some of whom are reading newspapers (advertisement for a newspaper)
(black and white)

H. Werthner

Fritz Schneller & Co., Nurenburg, Germany

59 x 44.5
GER 141
German WWI poster: Frankfurter Weihnachts-spende 1918 Frankfurter/Weihnachts-/spende 1918/…/[Frankfurt's Christmas Collection 1918 …]

Image of two German Stahlhelm (steel helmets) flanking three lit candles in a fir tree, silhouetted against a purple sky

L. von Schauroth

Konstanstalt Wüsten u. Co., Frankfurt am Main, Germany

89 x 59
GER 142
German WWI poster: Bis zum letzten Hauch… Bis zum/letzten Hauch/…/[Until the Last Breath…]

Image of an eagle perched on a flagpole with a German flag


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

86.5 x 57
GER 143
German WWI poster: Volksspende für die deutschen Kriegs- und Zivil- gefangenen Volksspende/für die deutschen/Kriegs- und Zivil-/gefangenen/[People's fund for German war and civil prisoners]

Image of a man wearing an open army jacket showing suspenders holding up his pants; he is gripping the bars of a prison cell; a large red heart is in the background

Ludwig Hohlwein

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

86 x 58
GER 144
German WWI poster: Gold gab ich zur Wehr Gold gab ich zur Wehr/Eisen nahm zur Ehr/Bringt euren Goldshmuck den Goldankaufsstellen!/[I gave gold for defense. I took iron for honor. Bring your gold jewelry to the gold purchasing centers!]

Image, in silhouette, of a kneeling woman facing right; she is wearing a long dress, is holding a jewelry case under her arm and is offering a gold medallion in her outstretched left hand


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

69.5 x 94
GER 145
  Das Gold dem Vaterland!/(Gold to the Fatherland!)


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

137.5 x 89
GER 146 ++
German WWI poster: Wer kauft am Vorteilhaftesten? Wer kauft am/Vorteilhaftesten?.../[Who gets the best deal?...]

(Duplicate of GER 54)

Six small simplified images: (1) a cart horse, (2) a truck, (3) a coal trolley, (4) steel turning, (5) the head of a cow and (6) a plough, illustrating how best to get/use war bonds


W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany


70 x 46
GER 147
German WWI poster: Rette die Abstimmungsgebiete! Rette die Abstimmungsgebiete!/Gib Deine/Grenz-Spende!/…/[Save the plebiscite regions. Give your boundary donation. …]

Image of a rainbow, bearing the title, rising above three figures kneeling behind a low fence; the central female figure has her arms raised towards the rainbow; a small village occupies the background left


Werbedienst, Berlin, Germany

Deutscher Schutzbund

46 x 68
GER 148
German WWI poster: Wer Kriegsanleihn zeichnet... Wer Kriegsanleihn zeichnet,/macht mir die schönsten/Geburtstagsgeschenke!/Von Hindenburg/[He who buys a war bond gives me the prettiest birthday gift! Von Hindenburg]

[Text is a quote written in Von Hindenburg's own hand. (]

Image of the face of Paul Von Hindenburg in almost a pointillism style in shades of brown and black.

Louis Oppenheim

Kunstanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

69 x 46
GER 149
German WWI poster: Spende für deutsche Soldatenheime Spende für deutsche/Soldatenheime …/Aufruf/zur Spende/für die deutschen/Soldatenheime und Marineheime/ …/[Give to the German Soldiers' Home/ Appeal for contributions to the German soldiers' homes and sailors' homes ...]

Image of, on the left half of the poster (the "Spende für deutsche Soldatenheim" half), two German soldiers sitting at a table; one is smoking a pipe; the other is receiving a bowl of food from a woman in a white apron; above their heads, a caged bird sings. Image of, on the right half of the poster (the "Aufruf zur Spende für die deutschen Soldatenheime und Marineheime" half), Paul Von Hindenburg from the shoulders up.

J. Sauer, Berlin, Germany

Frau Generalfeldmarschall Von Hindenburg

45 x 64
GER 150
German WWI poster: Landwirte! Bauern! Landwirte! Bauern!/Pferde Fahrzeuge Geschirre…/[Landowners! Farmers! Horses, vehicles, tackle…]

Image consists of nineteen two-tone images of the equipment and produce of agriculture and industry


Kunstanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

68 x 46
GER 151
  Gemeinnützige/Brockensammlung/Kauft Altmaterial aller art gegen bar/…/[Charitable chunks collection. Buys scrap of all kinds for cash]

Image of a man at the top of a very large ladder emptying salvage into a large chute that leads to a city


Prägerwerk, Lubeck, Germany

77 x 54.5
GER 152
German WWI poster: Hamburgische Juwelen – und Gold – Ankaufswoche Hamburgische/Juwelen – und Gold –/Ankaufswoche/…/[Hamburg Jewelry and Gold Purchase Week…]

Image of a cornucopia, filled to the brim with gold and coins


Hartung & Co., Hamburg, Germany


28 x 18.5

Box 8
GER 153
German WWI poster: Aluminium Kupfer Messing... Aluminium/Kupfer Messing/Nickel Zinn/is genug im Lande!/Gebt es heraus/das Heer braucht es!/[Aluminum Copper Brass Nickel Tin…]

(larger version of GER 155)

Image of a blacksmith holding a bag of household items made of metal and surrounded by household items made of metal

Louis Oppenheim

Kunstanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

69.5 x 93
GER 154
German WWI poster: Aluminium Kupfer Messing ... Aluminium/Kupfer Messing/Nickel Zinn/…/[Aluminum Copper Brass Nickel Tin…]

(Smaller version of GER 154)

Image of a blacksmith holding a bag of household items made of metal and surrounded by household items made of metal

Louis Oppenheim

Kunstanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

47 x 71
GER 155
  Annahme/von Kriegsanleihe/an Zahlungs Statt!/…/[Adoption of war bonds in lieu of payment!...]

Six small simplified images: (1) a cart horse, (2) a truck, (3) a coal trolley, (4) steel turning, (5) the head of a cow and (6) a plough, illustrating how best to get/use war bonds


Wilhelm Greve, Berlin, Germany

31.5 x 22.5

Box 8
GER 156
German WWI poster: Zahle bargeldlos durch Überweisung von Konto zu Konto... Zahle bargeldlos/durch Überweisung/von Konto/zu Konto/Jede Überweisung,/jeder Scheck/verringert den/Notenumlauf/und stärkt die deut-/sche Geldwirtschaft/Also: Lege Dir ein Konto an bei einer Bank, Sparkasse, Genossenschaftskasse, Gemeindegirokasse oder/der Post, zahle dort alles nicht benötigte Bargeld ein - Du schaffst Dir selbst den grössten Vorteil/[Pay without cash. By remittance from account to account. Every remittance, every cheque reduces banknote circulation and strengthens the German monetary economy. Therefore: open an account with your bank, savings bank, cooperative bank, community giro bank or the post office, pay in all the unneeded cash – you yourself will benefit to the utmost.]

Image of two bank forms connected by a curved arrow, representing the transfer of money from one bank account to another

Kunstanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

70 x 93
GER 157
German WWI poster: Gebt für die U-Boot-Spende Gebt für die U-Boot-Spende/[Give to the U-boat collection.]

Image of the conning tower of a surfaced U-Boat, with five crew members on board; a German naval ensign flies from the tower

Willy Stöwer

Pass & Garleb, Berlin, Germany


65 x 47
GER 158
  Gegen Krankheit und Not/Gebt der/L?becker Wohlfahrtsspende/[Against Disease and Want…]

Image of a man dressed all in black on a horse; the horse is standing on his hind legs and has an aggressive look on his face; the man on the horse has a long sword which he is using to slay a dragon that has a long tongue stuck out


Lübecker Wohlfahrtsspende

96 x 65
GER 159
  Vergesst uns nicht/[Don't Forget Us]

Nic & Karl Sauer

Opferwoche Essen


125 x 87
GER 160 ++
German WWI poster: Deutsche Frauenhaar-Sammlung vom Roten Kreuz, Gitz Magdeburg Deutsche Frauenhaar-Sammlung vom Roten Kreuz, Gitz Magdeburg/[Collection of German Women's Hair]

Image of a young woman wearing a black sleeveless dress with a red belt; she is combing her long, blonde hair

New York State Library's edition does not include the block of text shown at center.


A.Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany

Red Cross

73 x 48.5
GER 161
German WWI poster: Ausgekämmtes Frauenhaar, ein wichtiger Kriegsrohstoff! Ausgekämmtes Frauenhaar,/ein wichtiger Kriegsrohstoff!/…/[Combed-out women's hair, an important war raw material!]

Image of a comb, with long strands of hair caught in it; image of the Red Cross emblem

Louis Wöhner

A.Wohlfeld,Magdeburg, Germany

Roten Kreuz/[Red Cross]

83 x 54
GER 162
German WWI poster: Frauen und Mädchen! Sammelt Frauenhaar! Frauen und Mädchen!/Sammelt Frauenhaar!/…/[Women and girls! Collect women's hair!]

Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a woman, with very long, black hair, looking directly at the viewer; her arms are extended out to the sides, and she holds some of her hair in each hand; behind her is a large Red Cross emblem

Jupp Wiertz

A.Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany

Red Cross

46.5 x 71.5
GER 163
German WWI poster: Deutsche Volksspende zum Ankauf von Lesestoff... Deutsche Volksspende/zum Ankauf von Lesestoff/für Heer und Flotte /Wir brauchen B?cher/Spendet Geld!/[German Popular Appeal for the Purchase of Reading Material for the Army and Navy. We need books. Give money!]

Image of German soldiers reading books in a trench

Max Antlers

Dinse, Eckert & Co., Berlin, Germany

93.5 x 67.5
GER 164
German WWI poster: Bremer Buch Woche Bremer/Buch Woche/20.-26.Mai 1917/[Bremen Book Week May 20-26, 2017]

Image is a full length depiction of a knight wearing a suit of armor and standing on an oversized book; he holds his sword vertically in front of him, pointing to the ground; behind him is the Red Cross emblem


Red Cross


86 x 63.5
GER 165
German WWI poster: Sammelt Obstkerne fur Ölgewinnung Sammelt/Obstkerne/fur Ölgewinnung/Nächste Sammelstelle:/[Collect fruit stones to extract oil/Nearest collection center: …]

Image is a full-length depiction of two cartoon characters, whose bodies are made from fruit stones, walking from right to left; each is wearing a straw boater


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsausschutz für Öle und Fette

57 x 43
GER 166
  Sammelt Kartoffelschalen/…/[Collect potato peelings…]

Image of a bright yellow Z-shaped slash on a black background

Carl Strohmeyer

Dragerwerk, Lübeck, Germany

38 x 55
GER 167
German WWI poster: Arbeiter/ Burschen, Frauen, Mädchen... Arbeiter/Burschen, Frauen, Mädchen/arbeitet kurze Zeit/aus dem Lande!/Ihr erhaltet ausser gutem/Lohn und Verpflegung/für Euren Winterbedarf /[Workers/Lads, women, girls/Work for a short time on the countryside! You will receive on top of good wages and food, for your winter needs…]

Image of a small pile of potatoes and a sugar loaf


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

68.5 x 94.5
GER 168
German WWI poster: Kohle bringt Korn Kohle bringt Korn/Ohne Kohle/die Not!/Kohle ist Brot/[Coal brings wheat. Without coal, hardship! Coal Is Bread]

Image of an ear of wheat and a lump of coal

Carl Lange, Verlag, Duisberg, Germany

61 x 49
GER 169
German WWI poster: Sammelt Obstkerne! Sammelt Obstkerne!/[Collect fruit pits!]

Image of a full-length depiction of a girl holding a pole across her right shoulder; two baskets, filled with fruit pits, are suspended from either end of the pole; the contents of the left basket are spilling to the ground


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

57.5 x 43
GER 170
German WWI poster: Kohle ist Brot Kohle ist Brot/[Coal Is Bread]

(text only; no images)

Carl Lange, Verlag, Duisberg, Germany

43 x 61
GER 171
German WWI poster: Wir wollen leben Wir/wollen/leben/Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[We Want to Live. Subscribe to the war loan.]

Image of the head and shoulders of a bearded man with a clenched fist, depicted in the style of a woodcut; a cityscape of Stuttgart and a mother and child form the background

K. Sigrift

Propaganda Stuttgart, Germany

94 x 59
GER 172
  Wenn du/in Zivil/bist/Brauchst du einen/spargroschen/darum zeichne/Kriegsanleihe!/[When You Are in Civvies (Mufti)/You need a way to save, get a war bond!]

Image of a roundish-looking gentleman wearing green pants, a black coat with a long tail, black shoes, and a black derby; he is holding a pink cane and smoking a green cigarette/cigar

J. Lunkebain

Art. Flg. Schule

Kriegsanleihe/[War Loan]

83 x 52.5
GER 173
  Die beste Sparkasse:/[The Best Savings Bank:]

(larger version of GER 175)

Louis Oppenheim

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe/[War Loan]

139 x 93
GER 174 ++
German WWI poster: Die beste Sparkasse Die beste Sparkasse:/Kriegsanleihe!/[The Best Savings Bank: The War Loan!]

[Smaller version of GER 174)

Image of a soldier's helmet filling with bank notes that are being dropped from above

Louis Oppenheim

Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe/[War Loan]

34 x 23

Box 8
GER 175
  Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the War Loan]
K. Sigrift

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe/[War Loan]

138 x 92
GER 176 ++
  Soll und Haben/[Duty and Possessions (?)]

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


140 x 94
GER 177 ++
  Ich klinge Krieg …

Otto Lietz

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

8 Kriegsanleihe [8th War Loan]

140 x 94
GER 178 ++
  Und eure Pflicht?/Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[And Your Duty? Subscribe [to the] War Loan]

(larger version of GER 180)


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe [War Loan]


139 x 92
GER 179 ++
German WWI poster: Und eure Pflicht? Und eure Pflicht?/Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[And Your Duty? Subscribe to theWar Loan]

(Smaller version of GER 179)

Image of soldier with a bloody bandage covering his left eye; he is looking straight at the viewer


W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany

Kriegsanleihe [War Loan]


32.5 x 22

Box 8
GER 180
German WWI poster: Harret aus! Harret aus!/ "Zeichnet die Neunte!"/[Hold out! "Subscribe to the ninth!"]

Image is a full-length depiction of a German infantryman, standing on a wall, calling out with his hand raised to his mouth; the war-torn landscape in which the soldier stands features the Eiffel Tower on the lower left

T. Walch

Ch. Seitz, Mannheim, Germany

9th War Loan

99 x 68.5
GER 181
  Zeichne die Kriegsanleihe!/[Subscribe to the War Loan]
(black and white)


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, German


137 x 91
GER 182 ++
  Der 9te Pfeil/[The Ninth Arrow]

(larger version of GER 184 and GER 185)

Fritz Erler

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


139 x 93
GER 183 ++
German WWI poster: Der 9 Pfeil Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe Der 9 Pfeil/Zeichnet/Kriegsanleihe/[The ninth arrow draws war loans]

(smaller version of GER 183; larger version of GER 185)

Image of a man, surrounded by flames, straddling a rock and aiming a bow and arrow

Fritz Erler

Niedersedlitz, Dresden, Germany


57 x 43
GER 184
German WWI poster: Der 9 Pfeil zeichnet Kriegsanleihe Der 9 Pfeil/zeichnet/Kriegsanleihe/[The ninth arrow draws war loans]

(Smaller version of GER 184 and GER 185)

Image of a man, surrounded by flames, straddling a rock and aiming a bow and arrow

Fritz Erler

Fritz Maison, Munich, Germany


33 x 22

Box 8
GER 185
  Helft den Hütern eures Glückes/[Help the Guardians of Your Happiness]

(larger version of GER 187 and GER 188)

W. Georgi



141 x 93.5
GER 186 ++
German WWI poster: Kriegs anleihe helft den Hütern eures Glückes Kriegs/anleihe/helft den Hütern eures Glückes/[War loans help the guardians of your happiness]

(Smaller version of GER 186 and GER 188]

Image of a man holding a sword with his other arm around his wife and baby.

W. Georgi



33 x 23

Box 8
GER 187
German WWI poster: Kriegsanleihe, helft den Hütern eures Glückes Kriegsanleihe, helft den Hütern eures Glückes/[War loans help the guardians of your happiness]

(smaller version of GER 186; larger version of GER 187)

Image of a man holding a sword with his other arm around his wife and baby.

W. Georgi

Selmar Bayer, Berlin, Germany



70 x 46
GER 188
  Für einen guten Frieden/[For a Good Peace]


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


133 x 84
GER 189 ++
  Für einen guten Frieden/[For a Good Peace]


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


116.5 x 85.5
GER 190 ++
  Helft uns siegen!/[Help Us Win!]

(larger version of GER 192 and GER 193]

[Fritz] Erler

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


137 x 92.5
GER 191 ++
German WWI poster: Helft uns siegen! Helft uns siegen!/Zeichnet/die/Kriegsanleihe/[Help Us Win! Subscribe to the war loan]

(smaller version of GER 191; larger version of GER 193)

Image of a German soldier, with gas mask hanging from his neck, gazing into the distance.

Fritz Erler

Eckstein & Stähle, Stuttgart, Germany


57 x 43
GER 192
German WWI poster: Helft uns siegen! Helft uns siegen!/Zeichnet/die/kriegsanleihe/[Help Us Win! Subscribe to the war loan]

[Smaller version of GER 191 and GER 192]

Image of a German soldier, with gas mask hanging from his neck, gazing into the distance

Fritz Erler

Eckstein & Stähle, Stuttgart, Germany


33.5 x 22.5

Box 8
GER 193
German WWI poster: Ich gehe hinaus an die Front! Ich gehe hinaus an die Front!/Hast du die/6. Kriegsanleihe/schon gezeichnet?/[I Go Out There to the Front! Have you subscribed to the 6th war loan yet?]

Image of a German soldier with his rifle over his shoulder looking and pointing at the viewer.

M. Koll


113.5 x 66.5
GER 194
German WWI poster: Zeichnet die Neunte! Zeichnet die Neunte!/Es geht um/Alles was wir/lieben!/[Subscribe to the Ninth! All we love is at stake!]

Image of a quarter-length depiction of a mother and child in the style of a medieval woodcut; a German soldier is standing in the background left overlooking a town on the right


O. Consee, Munich, Germany



71 x 47
GER 195
German WWI poster: Zeichne! 5% Deutsche Reichsanleihe Zeichne!/5% Deutsche Reichsanleihe/…/[Subscribe! Five percent German Imperial Loan securities...]

(Duplicate of GER 52)

Image of a hand using a large fountain pen to enter an investment sum onto a war loan form

Louis Oppenheim

W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany

Deutsche Reichsanleihe

69 x 46
GER 196
German WWI poster: Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/Die Zeit ist hart, aber/der Sieg ist sicher/[Subscribe to the war loan. Times are difficult but victory is certain.]

Image is a profile of Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


69 x 43.5
GER 197
German WWI poster: Einen Grundstein für deiner Familie... Einen Grundstein/für/deiner Familie/und/deines Volkes/Zukunft/legst du/mit einer/ Kriegsanleihe/"Versicherung"/…/[You are laying a foundation stone for the future of your family and your people with a War Loan 'Insurance'…]

Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a bearded civilian man holding a hammer above a block of stone


U. Levi, Stuttgart, Germany


62 x 48
GER 198
German WWI poster: Wer die 7. Kriegsanleihe... Wer/die 7. Kriegsanleihe/zeichnet/bahnt/den/Weg/zum/Frieden/[Those who subscribe to the 7th War Loan clear the way to peace! Lithography Studio Wilhelm Jöntzen, Bremen.]

Image of a German labourer hacking at thorns with a sickle

A.W. Wurthmann

Wilhelm Jöntzen, Bremen, Germany

7te Kriegsanleihe

85 x 67
GER 199
German WWI poster: Wie eine Bombe muss das Ergebnis der 8 Kriegs-anleihe dei Pläne des Feindes vernichten Wie eine Bombe/muss das Ergebnis der 8 Kriegs-/anleihe dei Pläne des Feindes/vernichten! - Darum zeichchnet/Kriegsanleihe/[The result of the Eighth War Loan must destroy the enemy's plans like a bomb! So subscribe to the War Loan.]

Image of a golden bomb falling on and crushing Italian, French, Japanese, American and British flags


A.Bagel, Düsseldorf, Germany



100 x 66.5
GER 200
German WWI poster: Vaterland Familie Zukunft Vaterland/Familie Zukunft/…/8 Kriegsanleihe/[Fatherland Family Future…]

Image of a full-length depiction of a German soldier carrying an infant; behind him stand two partially obscured female figures

Walter Ditz

8te Kriegsanleihe

64 x 49.5
GER 201
German WWI poster: Für die/Kriegsanleihe! Für die/Kriegsanleihe!/[For the War Loan!]

Image of a smiling cherub, wearing a ribbon in the German Imperial colours around its waist, holding an inverted Stahlhelm [steel helmet] filled with coins


W. Hagelberg, Berlin, Germany


57 x 43
GER 202
German WWI poster: Gold gab ich zur Wehr Gold gab ich zur Wehr/Eisen nahm zur ehr/bringt euren/goldshmuck/den goldankufs-/stellen!/[I gave gold for defense. I took iron for honor. Bring your gold jewelry to the gold purchasing centers!]

Image, in silhouette, of a kneeling woman facing right; she is wearing a long dress, is holding a jewelry case under her arm and is offering a gold medallion in her outstretched left hand

(smaller version of GER 145; used to enhance a postcard)

8.5 x 13.5

Box 8
GER 203
German WWI poster: Vier Wochen neunte Kriegsanleihe Vier Wochen/neunte Kriegsanleihe-/vier Schicksalswochen/des Vaterlands!/Deutscher!/Erkenne das Gebot/der Stunde:Zeichne die Neunte/Deutschland zur Wahr--/dem Feind zur Lehr'!/[Four fateful weeks to subsribe to the the 9th war loan...Germany will persevere--the enemy will be taught a lesson!]

(text only; no images)


Hermann Schött

69.5 x 46
GER 204
German WWI poster: Und Ihr? Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe Und Ihr?/Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[And You? Support war loans]

(larger version of GER 206)

Image of a wounded German pilot standing in the cockpit of an airplane.

Fritz Erler

Eckstein & Stahl, Stuttgart, Germany

57.5 x 42
GER 205
German WWI poster: Und Ihr? Und Ihr?/[And You? Support war loans]

[Smaller version of GER 205]

Image of a wounded German pilot standing in the cockpit of an airplane.

Fritz Erler

Eckstein & Stahl, Stuttgart, Germany


34 x 22.5

Box 8
GER 206
German WWI poster: Das goldene Bremer Herz Das/goldene Bremer Herz/bewährt bei 53 haussam-/lungen, b?rgt f?r den Erfolg/der letzten!/Der 9. März ist der letzte/Sammelsonntag./[The Golden Bremen Heart… Last Sunday for collecting donations is March 9.]

Image of a golden heart and a key (presumably to the city of Bremen


Wilhelm Jöntzen, Bremen, Germany


44 x 34
GER 207
German WWI poster: Helft! Zeichnet die Neunte! Helft!/Zeichnet die Neunte!/[Help! Subscribe to the ninth!]

Image of a man with a large hammer and a soldering iron working on the number nine.

Fritz Bode

Gerstung, Offenbach, Germany

Ninth War Loan

62 x 45
GER 208
German WWI poster: Der Letzte Hieb ist die 8. Kriegsanleihe Der Letzte Hieb/ist die/8. Kriegsanleihe/[The Eighth War Loan is the Final Blow]

Image of an idealized soldier swinging a large sword

Paul Neuman

Fritz Schneller, Nuremburg, Germany

Eighth War Loan

57.5 x 44
GER 209
German WWI poster: So hilft dein Geld Dir kämpfen! So hilft dein Geld Dir kämpfen!/In U-Boote verwandelt, halt es Dir feindliche/Granaten vom Leib! Darum:/zeichne Kriegsanleihe!/[Your money helps the fighting! Transformed into submarines… Draw war bonds!]

Image of the ghost of a sailor with his arm around a soldier; the sailor is pointing to a sinking submarine.


Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany


42.5 x 28.5
GER 210
German WWI poster: Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär... Und wenn die Welt/voll Teufel wär..…/es soll uns doch gelingen!/Komeraden,/zeiche Kriegsanleihe!/[And if the world is filled with devils…..we are to succeed! Comrade, subscribe to the war loan!]

Devilish-looking creatures


Weylandt, Berlin, Germany


46 x 69
GER 211
German WWI poster: Das ist der Weg zum Frieden Das/ist der Weg zum Frieden/Die Feinde wollen es so!/Darum zeichne/Kriegsanleihe!/[This is the Way to Peace. That is How our Enemies Want it! Therefore draw war bonds!]

Image of a clenched, ironclad fist.


Otto Troitzsch, Berlin, Germany


84.5 x 57
GER 212
  Soll diesesElend weitergehen?/[Should This Misery Continue]


Rotophot, Berlin, Germany

142 x 93.5
GER 213 ++
German WWI poster: Das Vaterland braucht die Soldaten Das Vaterland/braucht die Soldaten/Landleute bedient euch/der Jungmannenhilfe/Jungmannen helft/dem Vaterland…/[The fatherland needs soldiers. Country folk, make use of Youth Aid. Youths, help your Fatherland...]

(Duplicate of GER 53)

Image is a half-length depiction of a woman watching a man and adolescent boy engaged in conversation; several more boys are in the background, surrounding the figure of a kneeling woman


Anforderungen an Kriegswirtschaftamt


61.5 x 93.5
GER 214
German WWI poster: Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe! Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe!/Für einen guten Frieden!/[Subscribe to the War Loan! For a good peace!]

Image of two German soldiers, depicted in profile; the nearer solider has removed his helmet


Hollerbaum und Schmidt Berlin N. 65

115 x 83
GER 215
German WWI poster: Was England will! Was England will!/…/[What England Wants!...]

Image of a swarm of British planes bombing a factory

Egon Tschirth

Selmar Bayer, Berlin, Germany


97 x 65
GER 216
German WWI poster: So löh es aus in deutschen Landen... So löh es aus in deutschen Landen/Köm' der Franzose an den Rhein/…[This is how it would look in Germany if the French crossed the Rhein]

Image of cannons firing; destruction in the background

Egon Tschirch

Selmar Bayer, Berlin, Germany


92 x 65.5
GER 217
German WWI poster: Was wir verlieren sollen! Was wir verlieren sollen!/…/[What We Shall Lose!]

Image is a picture graph of what Germany will lose if Silesia becomes part of Poland: land mass, population, coal production, grain and potato production, steel production, all colonies and the merchant marine.

Louis Oppenheim

Dinse & Eckert, Berlin, Germany

70 x 95
GER 218
German WWI poster: Der ist schuld... Der ist schuld,/Wenn ihr noch kämpfen/und bluten mü?t/Wenn ihr noch entbehren/mü?t/Wenn ihr Kohle und Licht/sparen mü?t/Wenn ihr Lebensmittelkarten/und Bezugsscheine braucht/Wenn Ihr Eurer friedlichen/Arbeit noch nicht nachge-/hen könnt!/Der Hauptfeind ist/England!/Darum/Bleibt einig!/Bleibt stark!/Damit verbürgt Ihr/Deytscgkabds/Sieg!/[He is to blame, when you have to struggle and bleed, when you have to do without, when you must save light and coal, when you need ration-books, when you cannot return to your peacetime work. The arch enemy is England! So, remain united! Remain strong! And you will assure Germany's victory!]

Image is a smug-looking caricature of a man looking over his shoulder; a pitbull, standing between his legs, is looking at the viewer


Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

72 x 57
GER 219
German WWI poster: Es wird das Jahr stark u. scharf hergehn Es wird das Jahr stark u. scharf/hergehn - Aber man muss die Ohren/steif halten u. Jeder, der Ehre u./Liebe für das Vaterland hat/muss alles daran setzen./Friedrich der Grosse – 1757/[The year will be taxing and bitter – but we have to keep our chins up and everyone who honours and loves the Fatherland has to stake everything on it. Frederick the Great – 1757]

Image is a three-quarter-length depiction of Frederick the Great, facing the viewer; behind him is a white cloud

A.M. Cay

Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany


74.5 x 50
GER 220
  Unerreichbar den Feinden bleibt unser schöner Rhein/[Our Beautiful Rhein Will Remain Out of Enemy Reach]

[Von Hindenburg]

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

139 x 92.5
GER 221 ++
German WWI poster: Die Raubzüge Frankreichs... Die Raubzüge Frankreichs/Deutschland der Tummelplatz der "friedliebenden" Franzosen/…[France's Robbery Series]

Image is a map of Europe illustrating French military campaigns in Germany, under Louis XIV, during the Seven Years War and under Napoleon
Otto Troitzsch, Berlin, Germany

77 x 75
GER 222
  Mackensens Siegeszug durch Rumänien/[Mackensen's Victory Tour through Romania]

H.R. Erdt

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

138 x 91.5
GER 223 ++
German WWI poster: Alles fürs Vaterland! Alles fürs Vaterland!/Alles für die Freiheit!/ …/[Everything for the Fatherland! Everything for freedom!]

Image of a German soldier with rifle in one hand and the other hand raised, with two fingers in the "V" sign; in background are a factory and a town

Römmler & Jonas, Dresden, Germany

75 x 49.5
GER 224
German WWI poster: An euch in der Heimat An euch in der Heimat/[poem follows]/ Schafft rastlos Granaten!/An euch an der Front/[poem follows]/Wir schaffen Granaten!/[To You at Home/To You at the Front]

Two images: (1) A battle, in which artillery shells are being passed between pairs of hands; two soldiers, one of whom carries a bayonet, are partially visible in the background (2) A munitions worker and the hands of another unseen worker, holding artillery shells; they prepare to pass them on to another worker, who is also already holding a shell; a factory is visible in the background

[Poem about the] Front: Otto Riebicke
[Poem about] Heimat: Friedrich Balzert


Imberg & Leffon, Printer, Berlin, Germany

55 x 68
GER 225
German WWI poster: Deutschland und seine Feinde... Deutschland und seine Feinde am Ende des dritten Kriegsjahres/1 Kilo Brot kostet …/1 Kilo Zucker kostet …/1 Kilo Kartofflen …/Dis Schiffsverluste der Entende: … Steigen der Frachtrate in England …/Menschenverluste der Entente …/Die feindlichen Verluste …/Von Deutschland besetztes feindl. Gebiet …/[Germany and Her Enemies at the End of the Third Year of War]

Eleven images comparing the relative military and economic strengths of the major nations involved in the war. The first three images are of bread, sugar and potatoes, marked with price tags, illustrating price differences between various countries. The fourth and fifth images are of silhouettes of merchant ships and warships, illustrating the number of ships sunk. The sixth image is a bar chart showing the rise of freight costs in England. The seventh image is of a large crowd of Entente prisoners. The eighth image is of a soldier being carried on a stretcher, illustrating the number of dead or wounded Entente soldiers. The ninth image is of a large howitzer and a small artillery gun, illustrating the large number of artillery guns and machine guns captured by the Germans, compared to the small number of artillery guns possessed by the American army at the start of the war. The tenth image is of a crashed British biplane, illustrating the number of Entente aircraft shot down. The eleventh image is of a German soldier standing on a map, illustrating the amount of land occupied by the Germans, and of an Entente soldier standing on a much smaller area, illustrating the amount of land gained by the Entente..

61 x 47
GER 226
German WWI poster: Freiheit der Meere Freiheit der Meere/ …/[Freedom of the Seas]

Image of a map of the world, with Great Britain depicted as an abstract octopus whose tentacles reach out over the world to grab colonies

43.5 x 55.5
GER 227
German WWI poster: Wir Barbaren! "Wir/Barbaren!"Analphabeten …/Ausgaben f?r Schulwesen …/B?cher-Erzeugung …/Wissenschaftliche Nobelpreise 1901-15 …["Us Barbarians!"]

Image is a series of contrastingly sized diagrams used to illustrate the differences between German, British and French society. The first is a depiction of the heads of three infantrymen. The second is the heads of three civillian males. The third is of three stacks of books. The fourth is of three invalids. The fifth is of three laurel wreaths. The lower images are portraits of German historical figures, including Dürer, Beethoven, Kant, Bismarck, Gutenberg, von Humboldt and Goethe
Louis Oppenheim

Similar images and text as GER 229; different layout

Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

64 x 49
GER 228
German WWI poster: Sind wir die Barbaren? Sind wir die Barbaren?/… Analphabeten …/Ausgaben f?r Schulwesen … …/B?cher Erzeugugung …/Nobelreise … Patente … [Are We the Barbarians?]

Image is a series of contrastingly sized diagrams used to illustrate the differences between German, British and French society. The first is of three invalids. The second is a depiction of the heads of three infantrymen. The third is the heads of three civillian males. The fourth is of three stacks of books. The fifth is of three laurel wreaths. The sixth is of three stacks of money

Similar images and text as GER 228; different layout


Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

64 x 49
GER 229
German WWI poster: Wer ist Sieger? Wer ist Sieger?/ …/[Who Is the Victor?]

Image of, on the left, a German soldier standing behind a large shape representing the land mass controlled by the Central Powers; on the right a British soldier with his foot on a tiny piece representing the land mass held by the Entente. In the center, under the title "Who is the Victor?" is a chart showing how much territory the Central Powers gained between May 1915 to June 1917 and how, in the same period, the Entente lost territory.


Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

49 x 64
GER 230
German WWI poster: Jede Viertelstunde ein solcher Güterzug! Jede Viertelstunde ein solcher Güterzug!/…/[Every Fifteen Minutes Such a Goods Train!...]

Five images: (1) A long cargo train falling from a partially demolished bridge; (2) A map of Europe, outlining the route from Berlin to Constantinople; (3) Two artillery guns, one contemporary and one from cs.1870; (4) A series of contrastingly sized German and Allied biplanes; (5) A large ship

57.5 x 49.5
GER 231
German WWI poster: Der erste Monat deutsche Westoffensive! Der erste Monat/deutsche Westoffensive!/127000 Gefangene/1600 Gesch?tze/ca. 200 Tanks/Viele 1000/Maschinengewehre/Ungeheure/Mengen an/Munition u./zahlreiche/Flugzeuge/Geländegewinn/4100 Kilometer/[The First Month of the German Western Offensive…]

Image of, in upper portion, the portraits of a large group of Allied soldiers. The central images depict artillery guns and a tank. The lower image is a map of territory gained in northern France and Belgium


Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

64 x 49
GER 232
German WWI poster: Wer ist Militarist? Wer ist Militarist?/…/[Who is a Militarist?...]

Image is a full-length depiction of a British, a German and a French soldier, each standing in front of warships of their own nation's navy. The men and the ships are different sizes to represent their nation's different amounts of military spending. The smaller images are of artillery guns, again sized to represent different levels of military spending by the two alliances

Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany

45 x 60
GER 233
German WWI poster: Deutschland Schicksal einem Zukünstigen Kriege... Deutschland Schicksal/in einem/Zukünstigen Kriege,/wenn/Belgien/die Basis englischer Luftangriffe ist!/…/[Germany's fate in a future war, if Belgium becomes a base for English air attacks!]

Image of the main image is a map of Belgium and western Germany, illustrating German industrial areas.The upper images are depictions of French Nieuport biplanes. The lower image is a depiction of a German industrial works which has been heavily bombed and is now ablaze

Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany

79.5 x 60
GER 234
German WWI poster: Wie unsere Ostafrikaner Munition erhielten Wie unsere Ostafrikaner/Munition erhielten/Blockade-brecher/[As our East Africans received ammunication. Blockade Buster]

Image of a ship, in silhouette, at sea; three warships, visible on the horizon, are firing shells at the ship, one of which has caused an expolsion on the deck; two other shells fall into the sea.


Dinse, Ecker & Co., Berlin, Germany

43.5 x 27
GER 235
German WWI poster: Die brennende Wunde Frankreichs Die brennende Wunde Frankreichs/…/[The Burning Wounds of France…]

Image is a map of northern France as a blood-red conflageration.

Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, Germany

64 x 48
GER 236
German WWI poster: Englands Not Englands Not/[England's Torment]

Image is a map of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and North Seas, marked to show the sinking of Entente ships by German submarines

Admiralstab der Marine


98 x 64
GER 237
German WWI poster: Darf Belgien Englands Aufmarschgebiet werden? Darf Belgien/Englands Aufmarschgebiet werden?/…/[Can Belgium be Allowed to Become England's Deployment Area?]
Image is a map of northern Germany, Belgium, Holla
GER 238
  Sachsen, schützt die Heimat!/An allen Grenzen/drohen Feinde/.../[Saxony protects the homeland!...]

Image of a soldier, holding a rifle with a bayonet attached, looking to the right; he is superimposed on top of a black map with a few cities labeled and the trejactories of different troops

39 x 29
GER 239
German WWI poster: U-Bootswirkung im Mittlemeer U-Bootswirkung/im Mittlemeer/…/[U-Boat Operation in the Mediterranean Sea]

Image is a map of southern Europe and northern Africa

Admiralstab der Marine

64 x 84.5
GER 240
German WWI poster: Wer ist schuld am Weltkrieg? Wer ist schuld am Weltkrieg?/Und wer verlängert ihn noch heute? …/[Who Is Responsible for the World War? And who made it extend this long?]

Images of political and military leaders and a brief description of the following countries: England, France, Russia, Italy and America. Leaders portrayed: Grey, Churchill, Edward VII, Asquith, Lloyd George, Northcliffe, Delcassé, Poincaré, Sukhomlinov, Iswolski, Hartwig, Victor Emmanuel III, Salandra, Bissolati, Roosevelt, Gerard, and Wilson


Selmar Baner, Berlin, Germany

79 x 50
GER 241
German WWI poster: Der Weg zum Frieden! Der Weg zum Frieden! …/[The Way to Peace!]

Image of nine maps depicting campaigns dating from August 1914 to spring 1918

Von Sartor

Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany


113 x 80
GER 242
German WWI poster: Garde-Kav. (Schützen) Division... Garde-Kav. (Schützen) Division/Wer rettet/das Vaterland?/Das ist Lützow's/wilde, verwegene Jagd/Deutsche Männer! Soldaten/Aller Waffen!/Auf in unsere Reihen!/Freikorps Lützow/…/[Who Will Save the Fatherland?...]

Image is a shoulder-length depiction of Freiherr Adolf von Lützow, a Prussian officer of the Napoleonic era, looking intently at the viewer; he is holding a sword in each of his hands


Kunsanstalt Weylandt, Berlin, Germany

Freikorps Lützow


89 x 58
GER 243
German WWI poster: Kameraden Aller Waffen ... Kameraden Aller Waffen meldet Euch beim Detachement/"Oven"/Charlottenburg Kurfürstendamm 193/94/[Comrades from all braches of services, enlist in the "Oven" Detachment]

Image of a pair of hands, holding drumsticks, playing a snaredrum; a German eagle is perched on the edge of the drum

E. John

S. Malz, Berlin, Germany

71 x 94.5
GER 244
German WWI poster: U-Boot Kalender U-Boot Kalender/…[Submarine Calendar…]

(Duplicate of GER 51)

Four images: (1) An oversized John Bull holding a large ship and a small German man holding a small ship, illustrating the greater size of the British merchant fleet; (2) A German man kneeling to launch toy submarines into a lake, where they sink toy ships, illustrating the German submarines success against Entente shipping; (3) British Prime Minister David Lloyd George and John Bull looking shocked as they read from a piece of paper which points out Britain's lack of merchant shipping; (4) Lloyd George giving a speech in the House of Commons
(November 1917)

51 x 64
GER 245
  Der magische Gürtel/[The Magical Belt]

H.R. Erdt

Otto Troitzsch, Berlin, Germany

138 x 90
GER 246 ++
German WWI poster: Die Fahrt der Deutschland Die Fahrt der Deutschland/von/Paul König/ …[The Journeys of "Deutschland"]

Image of a boat, in silhouette, in the sea (advertisement for a book by Paul Rönig).

(New York State Library's copy has coloring that varies slightly)

40.5 x 20
GER 247
German WWI poster: Der U-Boot Krieg Der "U"-Boot Krieg/ Die durchschnittliche Monats-leistung im 1. Halbjahr 1918/… Neubau … Versenkung …[The "U"-Boat War. Average monthly performance in the first 6 months of 1918]

Image of a seascape in which a German U-Boat, flying the German war ensign, is just visible above the waves; several of her crew are crowding on the viewing platform to watch a ship sinking in the distance; a smaller image is of a set of scales, weighing a pair of barrels



Selle & Co., Berlin, Germany

49 x 64
GER 248
German WWI poster: So sprechen unsere bisherigen Feinde So sprechen/unsere bisherigen Feinde./…[Statements of our previous enemies…]

(text only; no images)

Hans Ohlfsen, Flensburg, Germany


31 x 23.5

Box 8
GER 249
  So/sprechen unsere/bisherigen/Feinde./…[Statements of our previous enemies…]

(text only; no images; similar to but not the same the same as GER 249)

23 x 15

Box 8
GER 250
  Preissteigerung/und Arbeitslohn/in Dänemark./…[Inflation and wages in Denmark…]

(text only; no images)

Hans Ohlfsen, Flensburg, Germany


28 x 22

Box 8
GER 251
  Die dänische Landwirtschaft/ist überflügelt/Der englische Markt für Dänemark geschlossen/ … [Danish Farming Is Surpassed]

(text only; no images)

Hans Ohlfsen, Flensburg, Germany


34.5 x 25
GER 252
  An das deutsche Volk!/[To the German People!]

Image is a three-quarter-length depiction of Germania wearing armor and holding a sword; an eagle is about to land next to her; in the background, a crowd of German workers and families is gathered

Franz Stassen


45 x 31
GER 253
  Die Abzutretenden Abstimmungsgebiete/weiterhin/zur Wiedergutmadhung verpflichtet!/…/[The ceded plebiscite areas continue to make good obligation!...]

(text only; no images)

Hans Ohlfsen, Flensburg, Germany


16.5 x 24

Box 8
GER 254
  Abstimmungsgebiet in Schleswig/[Plebiscite in Schleswig]

Image is a map of the Schleswig plebiscite


49 x 49
GER 255
  Wiedergutmachung von Unrecht?/"Wiedergutmachung von Unrech/ist die grundlegende Bedingung/für einen dauernden Frieden."/Lloyd George am 5. 1. 18. …/[Compensation for injustice? 'Compensation for injustice is the fundamental condition for a lasting peace.' Lloyd George on 5/1/18…]

Image is a map of Europe, Africa and Asia, with British, American, French and Italian territories indicated with different colors

Hermann Bergmann, Berlin, Germany


46 x 62
GER 256
  Kriegsziele der Entente nach den/Geheimverträgen …/[War objectives of the Entente according to the secret treaties.]

Image of four maps illustrating various parts of Europe or the Middle East. The countries are colour coded to indicate the territories of France, Russia, Romania, Italy and Britain

A.Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany

98.5 x 64
GER 257
  "C666"/Das neue Fliegerbuch/…/["C666": The New Aviation Book…]

Image of an airplane, in silhouette, flying (advertisement for a book)

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

69 x 46
GER 258
  Ostpr. Freiwilligenkorps/Bei den Werbestellen Annahme/von Freiwilligen für/Kraftwagen Flakformationen!/[Volunteer Corps accepting volunteers…]

Image is a cartoon-like drawing of men in an army vehicle in uniform

F. von Zig

Adolph Wilutzky, Konigsburg, Germany

49 x 46
GER 259
  Wer sucht Arbeit?/[Who Wants Work?]

Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Berlin, Germandy

137 x 94
GER 260 ++
  Durch Arbeit zum Sieg!/Durch Sieg zum/Frieden!/[Through work to victory! Through victory to peace!]

Image of a German infantryman and a munitions worker shaking hands beside a lathe turning an artillery shell

A.Wohlfeld, Magdeburg, Germany

94.5 x 63
GER 261
  Arbeit/in/Stadt und Land!/Der eine sät die Saaten/Und bindet Garben, schwer,/Der andre dreht Granaten/Und waffnet unser Heer./So geht's durch harte Zeiten/Zum Friedenserntefest,/Wenn keiner von den beiden/Die Hand vom Werke lässt. [Work in town and country!/[One man works hard sowing the seeds and tying up sheaves, the other turns shells and arms our army. Thus things go through hard times to the harvest festival of peace, if neither of the two takes his hand off the wheel.]

Three images: (1) An agricultural worker in a cornfield, sharpening his scythe; (2) A munitions worker in a factory, holding a large artillery shell; (3) The breech-end of an artillery piece

Hanns Anker

Meisenbach Riffarth & Co., Berlin, Germany


70.a5 x 46.5
GER 262
Last Updated: March 22, 2022