Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
"Send More Men"/Won't You Answer the Call "No. 1" Image of a Canadian soldier, in a forest clearing, kneeling on one knee and using a field telephone to call for assistance Stone, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Central Recruiting Committee, No. 2 Military Division, Toronto 97 x 63.5 |
CAN REC 01 | |
Your Chums Are Fighting/Why Aren't You? "No. 2" Image is a silhouette of soldiers, with bayonetted rifles, moving forward in battle Stone, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Central Recruiting Committee, No. 2 Military Division Toronto 97 x 63.5 |
CAN REC 02 | |
Here's Your Chance/It's Men We Want "No. 3" Full-length image of a Canadian soldier facing the viewer; he holds his rifle, with the butt resting on the ground, in his right hand; with his left hand he is pointing to soldiers, in silhouette, with rifles on their soldiers marching toward the horizon Stone, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 97 x 63.5 |
CAN REC 03 | |
You/Are/No/Exception/Join Now/I Should Go/But!!! "No. 4" Image is a silhouette of a man, dressed in a suit scratching his head and saying: "I should go but !!!" Stone, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 97 x 63.5 |
CAN REC 04 | |
Here's Your Chance It's Men We Want [#3] You Are No Exception Join Now But Should I Go!!! Stone, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division 97 x 127 |
CAN REC 03/04 Joined |
[no form] | CAN REC 05(?) | |
Loyal Talk Won't Beat/Kaiser/Krupp/Kultur/Trained Men Will!/Enlist Now! Image is a full-length silhouetted profile depiction of an infantryman, without a hat or helmet, going into battle; he has his bayonet attached to his rifle, as do four other infantrymen, with hats, visible behind him Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 53.5 x 71.5 |
CAN REC 06 | |
If You Were a German/Aged 18-50/You/Would Be Fighting/for the Kaiser!/What Are You Doing/for the King? Image of British and Canadian flags crossed Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 70.5 x 53 |
CAN REC 07 | |
If You Were a German/Aged 18-50/You Would Be Fighting/for the Kaiser!/What Are You Doing/for the King[?] Image of a British flag (same text and similar layout as CAN REC 07) 69 x 49 |
CAN REC 08 | |
Have You Asked Yourself/1. Is British Freedom Worth/Defending?/2. Am I Helping to Defend It?/3. If Not, Why Not? Image of a British flag in the upper-left corner and of a hand, in the lower right corner, pointing at the questions Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 53.5 x 71.5 |
CAN REC 09 | |
Have You Asked/Yourself/1. Is British Freedom/Worth Defending?/2. Am I Helping to De-/fend It?/3. If Not, Why Not? Image of a British flag above the text and of a hand with a finger pointing toward the questions. 69 x 49 |
CAN REC 10 | |
Did You Do Anything to/Beat Germany/Last Year! [sic]/You Can Do Something/This Year/Enlist At Once! Image of crossed British and Canadian flags Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 70.5 x 53.5 |
CAN REC 11 | |
Did You Do Anything/to/Beat Germany/Last Year?/You Can Do Something/This Year/ Fight Or Pay! Image of crossed British and Canadian flags 68.5 x 49 |
CAN REC 12 | |
Facts for Canadians/Who Enlist for Overseas Service/…/1. How Long am I to Serve? …/2. What Pay Shall I Receive? …/3. What will my wife receive during/my absence? …/4. What will happen if I am wounded,/sick, or taken prisoner? …/5. What will be done for my wife and/children if I die on active service? …/Kitchener Wants More Canadians!/Enlist Now! Image of crossed British and Canadian flags Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 77 x 53 |
CAN REC 13 | |
You Said/You Would Go/When You Were/Needed/You Are Needed/Now! Image of a British flag Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 72 x 53 |
CAN REC 14 | |
The Thin Khaki Line/Keeps/the Fate of Belgium/from/Your Hearth and Home/Get into Khaki/Now! Image is a full-length profile depiction, in silhouette, of an infantryman, without a hat or helmet, going into battle; he has his bayonet attached to his rifle, as do four other infantrymen, with hats, visible behind him Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 52.5 x 71.5 |
CAN REC 15 | |
How Can You Cheer/for the Boys When They/Come Home/If You Sit on the Fence/and Let Them/Fight Your Battles/for You! (text only; no images) Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 71 x 52.5 |
CAN REC 16 | |
4/Questions to Men/Who Have Not Enlisted/1. If you are physically fit and/between 18 and 45 …/2. Do you feel happy as you walk/along the streets and see other/men wearing the King's uniform?/3. What will you say in years to/come …/4. What would happen to the/Empire and Canada if every/man stayed at home?/Your King and Country Need You/Enlist To-day/God Save the King and the Boys! (text only; no images) Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 107 x 71 |
CAN REC 17 | |
To the Women of Canada 1. You have read what the Germans have done …/2. Do you realize that the safety of your home …/3. Do you realize that the one word "GO" from you …/4. When the War is over and/someone asks our husband …/Won't You Help and Send a Man to Enlist Today? (text only; no images) Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 75 x 50.5 |
CAN REC 18 | |
To the Women of Canada 1. You have read what the Germans have done …/2. Do you realize that the safety of your home …/3. Do you realize that the one word "GO" from you …/4. When the War is over and/someone asks our husband …/Won't You Help and Send a Man to Enlist Today? Duplicate of CAN REC 18 except for background color (text only; no images) Central Recruiting Committee No. 2 Military Division, Toronto, Canada 75 x 50.5 |
CAN REC 19 | |
Canadiens Francais Enrolez-vous au 150ieme Carabiniers Mont Royal sous le Commandement du Lt. Colonel H. Barré Un Regiment d'Elite Compose d'Hommes de Choix, et des Officiers d'Experience Revenus du Front de la Guerre Bureau de Recrutement Arsenal du 65ieme Regiment Coin Avenue des Pins et Rue Henri Julien Montreal / [French Canadians, enlist with the 150th Mont Royal Carbineers. Under the command of Lt-Col H. Barré. An elite regiment made up of handpicked men and experienced officers back from the war front. Recruiting Office. Arsenal of the 65th Regiment, intersection of Avenue des Pins and Rue Henri Julien, Montreal] (In French) Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a Canadian infantryman, his right arm raised, gesturing to the title The Mortimer Co., Limited, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Canada Bureau de Recrutement Montreal Canada 105.5 x 70.3 |
CAN REC 20 | |
Canadiens-français/Enrolez-vous!/L'Angleterre, rempart de nos/libertés, est manaçée/Resterons-nous Indifférents?/ … / [French Canadians, enlist! England, the bulwark of our freedoms, is being threatened. Will we remain aloof? Will we prefer Prussian militarism to the regime that has preserved our faith, our language, our institutions and our laws? France's heart is bleeding. The voice of blood speaks. Don't forget, French Canadians, that you are the descendants of the companions of Dollard, the soldiers of Montcalm and Lévis; the sons of the victors of Châteauguay and the brothers of the heroes of St. Julien and Festubert. Re-form Salaberry's armoured regiment.] (In French) Image of a Canadian infantryman and a French poilu standing side by side; the Canadian soldier has his cap raised in his right hand and the French soldier holds their rifles; in the background a brown-silhouetted column of Canadian troops, with one cavalry man, march left to right. A.H. Hilder 104.5 x 68.5 |
CAN REC 21 | |
Jump into Your Place/in the/Sportsman's Company/of the/Irish Canadian/Rangers/Overseas/Battalion/Headquarters:/91 Stanley St./Montreal/Under/Lt. Col. H.J. Trihey Image of a man with a shamrock on his track suit jumping into a space in the line of a group of marching soldiers; also includes the emblem of the Overseas Irish Canadian Rangers (Quis Separabit) on left side of poster; in a maple leaf on the emblem is the number 199 Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 199th Irish Canadian Rangers 89 x 62 |
CAN REC 22 | |
Canadian/Mounted Rifles/Canada's/Crack Cavalry/Corps/Headquarters/Hamilton, Ont./Quick Service/Overseas Image of four cavalry soldiers on their horses; one is looking through binoculars (a monocular?); in the far background are a church and a house NYSL copy printed in a rust color on white Howell Litho., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Canadian Mounted Rifles 68 x 50.5 |
CAN REC 23 | |
Canadian/Mounted Rifles/Canada's/Crack Cavalry/Corps/Headquarters/Hamilton, Ont./Quick Service/Overseas (duplicate of CAN REC 23 except that it's printed green on white) Howell Litho., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Canadian Mounted Rifles 68 x 50 |
CAN REC 24 | |
We/Go/Next!/Be One of the/Irish Canadian/Rangers/Overseas Battalion/Under Lt. Col. H.J. Trihey/Headquarters 91 Stanley St., Montreal Image of a soldier, in silhouette, gesturing to a fleet of ships leaving a port and heading out to sea; also includes the emblem of the Overseas Irish Canadian Rangers (Quis Separabit) on left side of poster; in a maple leaf on the emblem is the number 199; a large British flag, flying in the breeze dominates the left side of the poster Montreal Litho., Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 199th Irish Canadian Rangers 105 x 70 |
CAN REC 25 | |
48th Highlanders/Home Battalion/Recruits Wanted/It is a Real Duty & a Real Service/Do Your Bit/Recruit Classes Now Beginning/Apply at the Armouries Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings Image may be the same one used in ENG REC 147 53 x 31 |
CAN REC 26 | |
"The Call"/N.C.O. Class/Now Enrolling/for the/244th Batt. C.E.F./Lieut.-Colonel McRobie/High School Barracks/197 Peel Street/Join Now! Image of a a bust-length depiction of a Canadian bugler, with his right hand raised, blowing into a bugle Desbarats Printing Company Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 244th Battalion C.E.F. 48.5 x 30 |
CAN REC 27 | |
Join the Artillery/Immediate Overseas Service/"C" Battery/Royal Canadian/Horse Artillery/Offers best of training/Most congenial company/Quickest route overseas … Image of cavalry soldiers and six horses pulling a caisson carrying a cannon Royal Canadian Horse Artillery "C" Battery 28.5 x 53.5 |
CAN REC 28 | |
Join the/Artillery/No. 2 Sec., D.A.C./Apply at/16 Adelaide St. West (black and white) (text only; no images) 35.5 x 56 |
CAN REC 29 | |
McGill/Auxiliary Battalion/Infantry Training/Summer Course for the Untrained/Offered by/McGill Contingent C.O.T.C./…/There is no excuse for not training/Hand in your name at once … (text only; no images) Gazette Printing Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada McGill Contingent C.O.T.C. 56.5 x 36 |
CAN REC 30 | |
Heavy and Siege/Artillery/Is Winning the War for/the Allies/What made the advance/on the Somme possible?/Heavy and Siege/Artillery/Come and Serve/The Big Guns/Headquarters – Orderly Room/Montreal Heavy Brigade/Drill Hall, Craig St. (text only; no images) Montreal Heavy Brigade 57 x 36 |
CAN REC 31 | |
Join the/Royal Canadian/Dragoons/Only Cavalry Reg't/Now Recruiting in Ontario/for Overseas Service at/Stanley Barracks/or/152 Street W.S. Johnston & Co'y Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Canadian Dragoons 56.5 x 36 |
CAN REC 32 | |
Join the/Royal Canadian/Dragoons/Only Cavalry Reg't/Now Recruiting in Ontario/for Overseas Service at/Stanley Barracks/or/152 Street (same as CAN REC 32 plus two more lines of text at bottom of poster: For further information …/Recruits will be granted Free Transportation to Toronto) W.S. Johnston & Co'y Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Canadian Dragoons 56 x 36 |
CAN REC 33 | |
Fall in/the Grenadiers/Our 78th Battalion/Needs Reinforcements/Apply Grenadier Headquarters/Corner Main and York Full-length image of a grenadier, in parade dress, standing at attention and facing the viewer 78th Battalion – Grenadiers 28 x 53 |
CAN REC 34 | |
R.C.H.A./The Elite of the Service/Artillery/Good/Men/Wanted/At Once/Overseas Service/"C" Battery/Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Kingston … (text only; no images) National Printing Company Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 57.5 x 36 |
CAN REC 35 | |
Forward!/To Victory with/the/245 Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards Battalion/In Command: Lt. Col. C.C. Ballantye/Now Recruiting/Grenadier Guards Armoury/Esplanade Avenue, Montreal/and Windsor Arcade Building, 149 Peel Street Image of soldiers charging forward; behind them is the number "245" (same image and similar text to CAN REC 37) 245th Canadian Grenadier Guards 55 x 35 |
CAN REC 36 | |
Forward!/To Victory with/the/245 Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards Battalion/In Command: Lt. Col. C.C. Ballantye/Recruiting Base/Grenadier Guards Armoury/Esplanade Avenue, Montreal/ (same image and similar text to CAN REC 36) Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 245th Canadian Grenadier Guards 106.5 x 71.5 |
CAN REC 37 | |
Cavalry/A Few Good Men Wanted/for the/Royal Canadian/Dragoons/(Now in France)/Canadian Rates of Pay, etc./Apply 667 St. Catherine St. West,/near Bishop/Montreal/Phone Uptown 8255 (text only; no images) Royal Canadian Dragoons 43.5 x 36.5 |
CAN REC 38 | |
Artillery/Immediate Overseas/Service/"C" Battery/Royal Canadian/Horse Artillery/Offers You/Best of Training/Best of Company/Quickest Route Overseas/Apply At Once/Local Headquarters:/Royal Canadian Horse Artillery/143 Peel Street, Montreal (text only; no images) Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 70.5 x 47.5 |
CAN REC 39 | |
Recruits Wanted/Royal Canadian Dragoons/(Cavalry)/Enlistment for Duration of War/Pay $1.10 per Day/Married Men Draw $20 a month Separation Allowance/To Be Trained as Cavalry in Toronto/Drafts Go Overseas Frequently/Apply – 152 Bay St. or Stanley Barracks/Foot of Strachan Ave. The word "Frequently" was pasted on the poster, possibly covering up another word or a misspelled word. Image of seven cavalrymen, in silhouette, with drawn swords; they charge across a battlefield on horseback from right to left W.S. Johnston & Co'y, Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Canadian Dragoons 72 x 56.5 |
CAN REC 40 | |
Attendrons-nous que/les Nôtres Brûlent?/Enrôlons nous et tout de suite/dans le/178ième /Bataillon/Canadien Français/Commandé par le/Lt Col. Girouard … (In French) Image of Marianne, the personification of France, reaching out, as a cathedral burns under artillery attack W.H.T. Howell Lith., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 178ieme Batailon Canadien-Français 110 x 68.5 |
CAN REC 41 | |
Canadiens francais/venez avec nous dans le/150ieme Bataillon C.M.R./Aider a la Victoire du Coq Gaulois sur/l'Aigle prussien/Lt. Col.H.Barré/Chev de la legion d'honneur/Arsenal du 65ieme Ave des Pins/Salle d'exercice Rue Craig / [French Canadians. Join us in the 150th Battalion C.M.R. Help achieve the victory of the Gallic cockerel over the Prussian eagle. Germany. France. Lt. Col. H. Barré, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, Arsenal of the 65th, Avenue des Pins. Drill hall, Rue Craig] The birds are labeled "Allemagne " and "France" Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a smiling Canadian soldier beckoning to the viewer; he also gestures towards a globe, upon which a Prussian eagle and a French cockerel are fighting A.R.C. [A.C.R.?] Consolidated Lithographing & Mfg. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 150ieme Bataillon C.M.R. 106 x 69 |
CAN REC 42 | |
The/244th/Overseas/Battalion/C.E.F./Lt. Col. F.M. McRobie/Commanding Officer/Will Give You/This [image of a soldier's cap] for [image of homburg hat]/This [image of a rifle] for [image of a walking stick]/and Everything Else/You Need to be a Soldier/at High School Barracks/ 197 Peel Street Four main images: (1) a soldier's cap, (2) a homburg hat, (3) a rifle, and (4) a walking stick; the other image is of a British coat of arms in front of two Union flags and two red ensigns, with a branch of maple leaves Consolith, Montreal, Canada 244th Overseas Battalion C.E.F. 106.5 x 72 |
CAN REC 43 | |
Canadian/Grenadier 245th Guards/Overseas Battalion/Lt.-Col. C.C. Ballantyne, Officer Commanding/"Fall in/the/Guards"/"The Call"/for/Men of Courage/Training Class for Non-/Commissioned Officers/Now Recruiting/Recruiting Depots:/Canadian Grenadier Guards' Armoury, Esplanade Ave., Montreal/Windsor Arcade Building, 149 Peel Street, Montreal Image of a grenadier holding a drum and holding a bugle to his lips 245th Grenadier Guards 107 x 70 |
CAN REC 44 | |
Canadian/Grenadier 245th Guards/Overseas Battalion/Lt.-Col. C.C. Ballantyne, Officer Commanding/"Fall in/the/Guards"/"The Call/for/Men of Courage"/Training Class for Non-/Commissioned Officers/Now Recruiting/Recruiting Depots:/Canadian Grenadier Guards' Armoury, Esplanade Ave., Montreal/Windsor Arcade Building, 149 Peel Street, Montreal/Witness Building, Cor. Craig and St. Peter Sts., Montreal Image is the same as that in CAN REC 44 Southam Press Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Grenadier Guards 80.5 x 57.5 |
CAN REC 45 | |
The Women of/Canada Say –/Go!/Enlist/Now/"I could not/love thee,/Dear, so much,/loved I not honor more"/Lovelace Image of a young woman standing next to a soldier carrying a rifle over his right shoulder J.E. Mortimer Howell Litho. Co. Designed, Lithographed, and Donated by Employees of Howell Litho. Co. 69 x 51 |
CAN REC 46 | |
Why Don't/I Go?/The/148th Battalion/Needs Me/Headquarters/197 Peel St./A.A. Magee, Lt., Col. The main image is a man sitting in a recliner with his feet (in slippers) resting on a table; he has paused from reading the newspaper; the image in the smoke from his pipe is a soldier in battle; the image in the smoke from the soldier's rifle is a hockey game being played in an arena; behind him are cannon firing; six images flank the text: a couple dancing; a minstrel performer on a stage in a theater; a hockey game; a man and a woman ice skating; a baseball batter and catcher; a man and a woman having dinner in a restaurant; in the upper left corner of the poster is an image of the 148th Overseas Battalion J.J. Gibbons Limited, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg 148th Overseas Battalion Affiliated with McGill University contingent Canadian Officers Training Corps 103.5 x 68.5 |
CAN REC 47 | |
148th "Overseas"/Battalion/Canadian Expeditionary Force/… / Will You and Your Friends/Come Overseas?/If so send us one of your best men now to/be trained as a N.C.O., bayonet fighter or/physical instructor/Come and be Together and Make/Your Home Town Proud of You/Rates of Pay … (text only; no images) Southam Press Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 148th Overseas Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force 71.5 x 53 |
CAN REC 48 | |
"Why Don't/They Come?"/Why Be/a Mere Spectator Here/When You Should Play a Mans [sic] Part/in the Real Game Overseas?/Join/the/148th Battalion/A.A. Magee/Lt. Col./Headquarters/197 Peel St./Montreal Image of a soldier on a battlefield; in the smoke from his rifle is an image of a hockey game begin played in an arena; behind him are cannon firing; in the lower left corner of the poster is an image of the 148th Overseas Battalion J.J. Gibbons Limited, Montreal-Toronto 148th Overseas Battalion Affiliated with McGill University Contingent Canadian Officers Training Corps 106 x 69.5 |
CAN REC 49 | |
Read This [from image] Somewhere in France/Dear George,/If the boys at/home knew what we/are up against they/would not expect us/to do it alone, we need/more men, that is the/only way to beat these/Huns./Yesterday I/[end of letter]Join Now/ The/244th/Overseas/Battalion/F.M.McRobie,/Lt. Col./197 Peel Street Image is a fragment of a letter pinned to a Union flag Consolith Montreal 244th Overseas Battalion 102 x 69 |
CAN REC 50 | |
Le 178ieme Bataillon Canadien-Français/des cantons de l'est/"Les Purs Canayens"/Pour le roi/Pour la patrie/Pour l'humanité/ … [The 178th French Canadian Battalion from the Eastern Townships "Les Purs Canayens". As always, we are there. For King, Country and Humanity. "You've understood me, Son, duty calls." "I'm going..." Do what you must, come what may. Let's prove that we are a proud and loyal race. The 178th from the Eastern Townships will be commanded by Lieutenant Colonel de la Bruère Girouard and at least five officers from the valiant 22nd, which is the pride and honour of French Canada at the front. (In French) Image of a farmer bidding good-bye to his son; they are standing on a hill overlooking their farm; the father is dressed in work clothes and holds a scythe; the son is dressed in a civilian suit and carries a suitcase; a battalion of soldiers marches by on the road running by the farm; two girls are watching the soldiers march by; the soldiers are greeting the girls; includes the insignia for the Canadien Français 178 The Mortimer Co. Limited, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto Le 178ieme Bataillon Canadian-Français 105.5 x 68.5 |
CAN REC 51 | |
No Waiting/If You Want to Get/Overseas Quickly/Join the/213/Th.O.S./B.C.E.F.The Legion/Base Batt./Every Man American/from the Colonel/to the Cook/50 Men Go Each Week/in Overseas Drafts/No Delay-Recruits Get to/Europe as Soon as They Learn/the Drill/American Officers and N.C.O's/Promotions from the Ranks (text only; no images) 213th O.S. B.C.E.F. 105 x 71.5 |
CAN REC 52 | |
No Waiting!/Go with the Weekly/Platoon Drafts/of Americans/Overseas as Soon as You are Ready/No Waiting for a Battalion to "Fill-Up"/213th/"The Base Battalion" "Every Man American from the Colonel to the Cook"/Platoons will not be broken up … Join/with your Pal and go through the fight with him (homemade poster; text only; no images) 213th "The Base Battalion" 100 x 71 |
CAN REC 53 | |
No Waiting/Go with/the Weekly/Platoon Drafts/of Americans/Overseas as Soon as You/Are Ready – No Waiting/for a Battalion to Fill Up/213th – The Base B'T'N (homemade poster; text only; no images) 213th "The Base Battalion" 71 x 52.5 |
CAN REC 54 | |
"Every Man/American/from the Colonel/to the Cook"/Platoons will not be/Broken Up - /Join with your/Pal and go/through the Fight/with him (homemade poster; text only; no images) 70.5 x 52 |
CAN REC 55 | |
For/Immediate Service/Drafts/of Americans/Officered by Americans/in Platoons/Not To Be "Broken Up"/213th/Overseas/Bn. C.E.F./Base Battalion/"Every Man American/from the Colonel to the Cook" (homemade poster; text only; no images) 213th "The Base Battalion" C.E.F. 107 x 71 |
CAN REC 56 | |
For/Immediate/Service/Drafts of Americans/Officered by Americans/in Platoons/Not to Be "Broken Up"/213th/Overseas/Bn. C.E.f./Base Battalion/"Every Man American from/the Colonel to the Cook" (homemade poster; text only; no images) 213th "The Base Battalion" C.E.F. 71 x 52.5 |
CAN REC 57 | |
Tous les vrais/poil-aux-pattes/S'enrôlent/au/163e C.-F./Ct en chef:/Henri Des Rosiers/ci-devant du 14e, F.E.C./Ct en second:/Olivar Asselin … (In French) Image is a full-length portrait of a soldier smoking a cigarette and saying "Victoire! Les Poil-aux-pattes s'en viennent. " Howell Lith., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 163e C.-F. 104 x 66 |
CAN REC 58 | |
"C" Battery/Royal Canadian/Horse Artillery/Require Good Men for/Immediate/Overseas Service/Apply/at once/143 Peel St./Montreal Image of four soldiers on horseback guiding a wagon being drawn by six horses away from a battleground Montreal Lithographing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada "C" Battery R.C. Horse Artillery 44.5 x 66 |
CAN REC 59 | |
Beat Your Pals to It!/and/Join the 227th To-day/Men o' the North (text only; no images) 227th [Battalion?] 30 x 61.5 |
CAN REC 60 | |
Recrues demandees/pour le/167 ieme Regiment Canadien-Français/L'engagement est pour le temps/de la Guerre/et six mois apres la signature de la paix … (In French) (text only; no images) 167ieme Regiment Canadien-Français 92.5 x 61.5 |
CAN REC 61 | |
Canadiens/c'est le moment d'agir/N'attendez pas que les Boches/viennent mettre tout a feu/et a sang au Canada/ Canadiens soyez hommes! Ne restez pas en Arrière/Enrolez-vous dans nos regiments Canadiens-Français/Adressez-vous au Comité de Recrutement Canadien-Français/Montreal … Quebec … Ottawa …/Sherbrooke … Trois-Rivieres … Joliette … Chicoutimi … / [Canadians, it's time to take action. Don't wait until the Germans come and lay waste to Canada. Canadians, be men! Don't hang back, enlist in our French-Canadian regiments. Apply to the French-Canadian Recruitment Committee: Montreal … Quebec … Ottawa … Sherbrooke …Trois-Rivières … Joliette … Chicoutimi …] (In French) (black and white) Image is the body of a woman lying on a snow-covered village street near a war-damaged home, a young child in her arms; she has been shot by a German soldier who stands over them and looks at the viewer; a group of German soldiers walk past the damaged building toward a village in the background Comité de Recrutement Canadien-Français 92.5 x 62 |
CAN REC 62 | |
War!!/Defence of Your Home/Hearth/and Women Folks/Think It Over Men/Will You Go as a Volunteer/Now or Wait a Short Time/and Go Under Compulsion …/Join Now/Go as a Volunteer/Dominion National Recruiting Committee (black and white) (text only; no images) Dominion National Recruiting Committee 60 x 44.5 |
CAN REC 63 | |
Canadiens/suivez l'exemple de/Dollard des Ormeaux/N'attendez pas l'ennemi au coin du/feu, mais allez au devant de lui/En Avant! Canadiens-Francais[sic]/Enrolez-vous dans les Régiments/Canadiens-Français/Addressez-vous au/Comité de Recrutement Canadiens-Francais[sic]/ Montreal … Quebec … Ottawa …/Sherbrooke … Trois-Rivières … Joliette … Chicoutimi / [Canadians, follow the example of Dollard des Ormeaux. Don't await the enemy at your fireside, but forestall him. Forward march! French Canadians, enlist in French-Canadian regiments. Apply to the French-Canadian Recruitment Committee, Montreal … Quebec, Place Jacques-Cartier, intersection of rue St-François and rue de la Couronne … Ottawa … Sherbrooke … Trois-Rivières … Joliette … Chicoutimi … (In French) Image is a depiction of Adam Dollard resisting an attack by Iroquois; Dollard's dead comrades lie at his feet Comité de Recrutement Canadien-Français 92 x 61.5 |
CAN REC 64 | |
Cavalry/A Few Good Men Wanted/for the/Royal Canadian Dragoons/(Now in France)/Canadian Rates of Pay, etc./Apply (text only; no images) Royal Canadian Dragoons 43 x 36 |
CAN REC 65 | |
Recruits Wanted/for Overseas Service/Men Are Needed to Reinforce the Canadian Divisions at the Front/Conditions of Enlistment …/The Patriotic Fund … /Pensions …/God Save the King (text only except for the coat of arms of the king) Chief Recruiting Officer Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 45 x 30.5 |
CAN REC 66 | |
Big Men/for/Big Guns/Wanted/100 Recruits as Reinforcements/for Siege Artillery/Bright intelligent men of good physique have a chance/here of joining the most interesting branch of the Service/Apply at/The Armoury, Craig Street (opposite City Hall) between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m./Join Now Image of three men manning a piece of siege artillery Dominion Press Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Siege Artillery 56 x 36 |
CAN REC 67 | |
The Royal Naval Canadian/Volunteer Reserve/Overseas Division/Men of good character and physique are required/in the above force for Service Overseas with/the Imperial Royal Navy for the period of the war/… Age … Minimum Height … Chest …/A Free Kit is Provided/Pay and Allowances are as follows:/ … (text only; no images) Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 69 x 51.5 |
CAN REC 68 | |
Canadian/Mounted Rifles/Headquarters/Hamilton, Ont./ Canada's/Crack/Cavalry/Corps/Quick Service/Overseas Image of four cavalrymen of the Canadian Mounted Rifles on horseback; one of the soldiers is looking through a pair of binoculars; in the background right is a small village Howell Litho, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Canadian Mounted Rifles 68.5 x 50 |
CAN REC 69 | |
Jeunes gens/Enrolez-vous/dans le nouveau/Corps de Cyclistes/Donnez votre nom au-/jourd'hui/Pour informations adressez-/vous au / [Young Men …] (In French) (black and white) (text only; no images) Corps de Cyclistes 62 x 46 |
CAN REC 70 | |
Wanted/Thirty Young Men of the Eastern/Townships for/Motor Cyclist Section …/Intelligent young men should grasp this op-/portunity. Three months course of study at/Toronto before leaving for Overseas …/ Headquarters …/ Richmond, Que. … (black and white) (text only; no images) [TG] Print, Richmond, Quebec, Canada Motor Cyclist Section 53 x 35 |
CAN REC 71 | |
Horsemen Wanted/for the/Canadian/Mounted Rifles/Apply/Recruiting Office: 89 King St. W./or/Headquarters: Hamilton (black and white) (text only; no images) Canadian Mounted Rifles 67 x 55 |
CAN REC 72 | |
The 239th/Overseas Railway Construction Corps/Headquarters: Valcartier/Lt.-Col. J.W. Stewart, Commanding/Wanted – Men/for/Railway Construction Work/A Corps which is urgently required at the front for most important/Railway Construction and Repair Work in connection with the big advance/…/Recruiting Headquarters 120 St. Antoine St. (near Windsor) Two images: (1) coat of arms of the King of England; (2) black-and-white drawing/painting of a train moving through the countryside; people and dog in the foreground watch it go by Canadian Government Recruiting 86 x 55 |
CAN REC 73 | |
Canadian/Engineers/for/Overseas/Service/Tradesmen/of all/Kinds/Also/Teamsters/ Drafts Leave Continuously/Apply: Canadian Engineers/South Side Armouries, Toronto (text only; no images) Canadian Engineers 91 x 58 |
CAN REC 74 | |
Canadian Engineers/Many More Men Needed/Mechanics, Tradesmen, Mining Men, Horsemen, Clerks, Storemen and Others/…/There is a Place for You in the Canadian/Engineers – Enquire about it/ … 6th Field Company/Canadian Engineers/North Vancouver, B.C. … Two images; (1) Three soldiers on horseback, madly galloping, and six horses pulling a wagon in which other soldiers are sitting and guiding cable unwinding from a wheel in the back of the wagon; in the background are a fire and the blackened remains of buildings; caption: "Canadian Engineers Laying Telegraphic Cable at the Gallop"; (2) An explosion on a stone bridge; buildings in the background; caption: "Destroying & Re-building Bridges Is Only One of the Interesting Brnches of Military Engineering" S.R. Lowe The News-Advertiser [printer], Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Canadian Engineers 107 x 70 |
CAN REC 75 | |
Wanted At Once/150 Men/for Draft/Field Artillery Howitzer/Ammunition Column/Lieut. H.M. Stairs, O.C./Drivers Saddlers/Shoeing-smiths/Wheelwrights Gunners …/The column is now mobilizing at the Citadel, Halifax, N.S. … (text only; no images) Field Artillery CEF 62 x 33 |
CAN REC 76 | |
Skilled/Mechanics/Urgently Needed/Imperial/Royal Flying Corps/Apply The Armories/See small bills for/further particulars Image is an air battle between two French biplanes with two German planes; the French biplanes have a red-white-and-blue roundel painted on their wings; the German planes have the iron cross painted on their wings Sampson Imperial Royal Flying Corps 89 x 63 |
CAN REC 77 | |
Wanted Immediately/500 Men/for the Inland Water Transport Section/Imperial Royal Engineers/Men of the following trades are required for service on the Rivers, Canals and Inland/Waterways of the various War Zones/Master Mariners/Marine Engineers …/ Bargemen/Scowmen/Freight Handlers/Firemen … /Recruits Will be Despatched/Overseas at Once …/God Save the King Three images: (1) insignia of the I.W.T./I.R.E.; (2) photograph of a flotilla of canal packet boats; (3) line drawing of a member of the I.W.T. standing on the deck of a canal packet boat Inland Water Transport Section Imperial Royal Engineers 61 x 41 |
CAN REC 78 | |
Fight Or Pay!/The British War Office Has Written/That Aviators Trained in Canada/"Would be of Material Assistance/in Providing the Necessary Pilots/for the Royal Fying Corps."/…/The Objects of/the Canadian/Aviation Fund/are to train Canadians as Pilots in Canada,/and if possible, to promote the gift of Aero-/Planes made in Canada for the/Purposes of the War …/Help Win the War Sketch of a dirigible that is burning and soon to crash; above and near it are a biplane and a couple monoplanes Press of the Hunter Rose Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Flying Corps 53.5 x 35 |
CAN REC 79 | |
5th Pioneer/Battalion/Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force/Commanded by Lt.-Col. H.R. Lordly, C.E./Is Now Recruiting/This Is a Special battalion/To Build Anything/and/To Fight Anything/Engineers, Engineer Students/and Artisans! This Is Your Chance./We will build bridges, railroads and highways./You will have money in the bank on your return./Now is the golden opportunity./Apply to … (text only; no images) Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force 92 x 61.5 |
CAN REC 80 | |
Are You/Interested/in the/Defence/of Your/Country/?/If You Are/Join the/8th Batt. "Royal Rifles"/(Canadian Defence Force) … /Drill Hall, Quebec (text only except for the King's coat of arms) Chronicle Print, Quebec, Canada 8th Battalion "Royal Rifles" 53 x 36 |
CAN REC 81 | |
Recruits Wanted for C.E.F. Canadian Engineers Two images: (1) Canadian Engineers cap badge; (2) a sphere, topped with eight leaves, below which is a ribbon on which is the word "Canada" Canadian Engineers 56 x 35.5 |
CAN REC 82 | |
Cavalrymen/Wanted/Canadian/Mounted Rifles/CEF/Apply: Barracks Hamilton … (two sided; both sides same message) (black and white) (text only; no images) Canadian Mounted Rifles 18 x 28.5 Box 7 |
CAN REC 83 | |
Ride To Berlin/with/the Canadian/Mounted Rifles/CEF/Apply Headquarters/Hamilton, Ontario …/or/89 King Street West, Toronoto, Ontario (text only; no images) Philip Davis Printing Co. Limited, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Canadian Mounted Rifles 18 x 28.5 Box 7 |
CAN REC 84 | |
Horsemen Wanted/the Canadian/Mounted Rifles/CEF/Apply Headquarters/Hamilton, Ontario …/or/89 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario (text only; no images) Philip Davis Printing Co. Limited, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Canadian Mounted Rifles 18 x 28.5 Box 7 |
CAN REC 85 | |
The/Divisional/Cyclists/Want/Men/Interesting and Instructive Training in/Scouting, Map Reading, Despatch Riding, Field Work, etc./The Cyclists are busy every day at the/Front as Guides and Intelligence Workers/and are used to a large extent for Patrolling and/Motorcycle Despatch Riding/You Can Find Out All About the Cyclists/without Obligation, at/98 King Street West (text only; no images) W.S. Johnston & Co'y Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cyclists 35.5 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 86 | |
Will You/Fill the/Empty Saddle?/Join the/Royal Canadian Dragoons/for Overseas Service/ Apply Stamped: "667 St. Catherine St. West … Montreal" Image is a profile of saddled horse W.S. Johnston & Co'y Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Canadian Dragoons 35.5 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 87(a) CAN REC 87(b) |
The 12th Forestry Bn./Wanted/Men/for Lumbering/Work in/France/Special Rate of Pay for Men Skilled in This/Work after Arrival in England/Sawyers …/Millwrights …/Engineers …/Saw Sharpeners …/Overseas without delay. No previous military training necessary … Why Wait for Conscription/Do Your Bit with an Axe/Headquarters/858 Yonge St. Toronto (text only; no images) 12th Forestry Battalion 68 x 50.5 |
FRA 88 | |
Bushmen & Sawmill Hands/Wanted/for the/Canadian/Forestry/Units/Overseas/ Headquarters:/105 Queen St., West Image of a soldier carring an ax in his right hand and a pike [?] resting on his left shoulder; also, image of the Forestry Overseas Battalion [of] Canada insignia, which includes an image of a pine tree and a beaver Mortimer Co., Limited Forestry Overseas Battalion 103 x 68 |
CAN REC 89 | |
Recruits Wanted 60th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force Overseas/…/You/Are Wanted/Now/Enlist To-day (text only; no images) National Printing Company Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Light Infantry 73 x 57 cardboard; broken into two pieces |
CAN REC 90 | |
Recruits/Wanted for/3rd Universities Company/Reinforcing the/Princess Patricia's/Canadian Light Infantry/ … Active Service/Rates of Pay …/All Students and Graduates of any University, as well as personal friends/of those enlisting and who are not University men, are eligible for this company … (text only; no images) National Printing Company Limited, Montreal, Canada Canadian Expeditionary Force 72 x 57 cardboard; broken into two pieces |
CAN REC 91 | |
"Fall in/the Guards"/245th Battalion/Canadian Grenadier Guards/Overseas Service/Lt-Col. C.C. Ballantyne, Officer Commanding/Recruiting for the Non-commissioned Officers Class Will Commence/Tuesday, 5th September, 1916 …/Send post card, and provision will be made for your railway fare to Montreal Image is a Canadian Grenadier Guard playing the bugle; he is wearing full dress uniform and holding a side drum on his left hip attached to a belt. Southam Press Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Grenadier Guards 70 x 108 |
CAN REC 92 | |
Help the Boys/to Keep Them/Running/Enlist with/the 245th Batt/Overseas/Canadian Grenadier Guards/Lt. Col. C.C. Ballantyne/Apply at/The Armoury, Esplanade Ave. or -/Windsor Arcade Blds. 149 Peel St., Montreal/Now Recruiting Image of German soldiers fleeing amid explosions Mortimer Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Canadian Grenadier Guards 71 x 106.5 |
CAN REC 93 | |
Join the/Canadian/Grenadier/Guards/for Overseas Service/under General Meighen/A Special/Regiment of Picked Men/from Ontario & Quebec/Headquarters -/Grenadier Guards Armoury -/Montreal Image is a full-length depiction of a soldier of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, in full dress uniform, standing at ease; behind him is the headquarters of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, above which appears a vision of soldiers charging into battle Montreal Lithographing Co. Limited Canadian Grenadier Guards 105 x 70 |
CAN REC 94 | |
"It's Always Fair Weather/When Good Fellows Get Together"/You'll Find a Lot/of Good Fellows/in/The Kilties/Why Not/Join /for Service Overseas?/The Men of the/73rd Royal/Highlanders/of Canada/Want You for a Pal/Apply at/The Armoury, 429 Bleury Street/Montreal/God Save the King (text only; no images) 73rd Royal Highlanders of Canada 96 x 61 |
CAN REC 95 | |
Young Man/"The Privilege of/Service Is Yours/That Your Country May/Live, and That Freedom/May Not Disappear from/the Earth"/Therefore/Join Now/The 73rd/Royal Highlanders/of Canada/for Service Overseas/Apply at/The Armoury – 429 Bleury Street/Montreal/God Save the King (text only; no images) 73rd Royal Highlanders of Canada 96.5 x 60.5 |
CAN REC 96 | |
The Happy Man Today /Is the Man at the Front/Join/the/73rd./Now/ Royal/Highlanders/of/Canada/Allied with the/Black/Watch … /Apply at the Armoury of/Royal Highlanders of Canada/ 429 Bleury Street/Montreal Image of a soldier of the Royal Highlanders Battalion, looking at the viewer, wearing a kilt and carrying a rifle on his shoulder Rolph and Clark Printers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Royal Highlanders of Canada 106 x 68 |
CAN REC 97 | |
The Famous/13th, 42nd and 73rd/Battalions C.E.F./Royal Highlanders of Canada/Allied with the Black Watch/Require Reinforcements/250 Men/Will Be Sent Overseas Immediately/Here is a chance for YOU to join Battalions/that have already won fame at the Front./Apply at once to Armoury/429 Bleury Street, Montreal Royal Highlanders of Canada 79.5 x 58 |
CAN REC 98 | |
Third Contingent/Answer the Call of Your King/Lads of Desk, and Wheel, and Loom,/Farmer and Trader, Squire and Groom;/Come where the Bugles of Britain play/Over the Hills and Far Away!/Royal Highlanders of Canada/allied with/42nd Regt. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)/Vacancies for Desirable Recruits/Apply at Headquarters, 429 Bleury Street Image is a photograph of a member of the Royal Highlanders of Canada holding a rifle with its butt on the ground; the photo is in the center of a line drawing of a thistle; the image, with text, is backed by a British flag The Gazette Printing Company, Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Royal Highlanders of Canada 79.5 x 54.5 |
CAN REC 99 | |
"Faith, There's No Wan Could Be Bolder"/Come on Boys!/Join the/Irish Canadian/Rangers/Overseas/Battalion/Headquarters/91 Stanley St./Montreal/Under/Lt. Col. H.J. Trihey Image of a smiling soldier, with a pipe in his mouth, walking up a road toward the viewer; in his up-raised right hand he carries a bouquet of shamrocks; a sprig of shamrocks peeks from the barrel of the rifle he carries on his shoulder; in the background can be seen a farmhouse and parts of other buildings in an agricultural setting; includes the insignia of the Overseas Irish Canadian Rangers, [No.] 199, with its slogan "Quis Separabit" Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Irish Canadian Rangers 105 x 69 |
CAN REC 100 | |
Irish Canadians/Enlist in an/Irish & Canadian/Battalion/199th Battalion C.E.F./Irish Canadian Rangers/Recruiting 91 Stanley St./Montreal/Lt. Col. H.J. Triey, O.C. Small Nations Must Be Free Image of soldiers shaking hands, as one points to the motto, "Small nations must be free"; background features maple leaf (in autumnal colors) and green shamrocks Nutter Irish Canadian Rangers 98.5 x 60.5 |
CAN REC 101 | |
Fight/For Her/Come with the/Irish Canadian Rangers/Overseas Battalion/Lt. Col. H.J. Trihey – O.C./Montreal Image is of the Whistler's Mother painting Hal Ross Perrigard Harris Lithograph Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Irish Canadian Rangers 89 x 57 |
CAN REC 102 | |
All In One/with the /Irish Canadian Rangers/199th Overseas Battalion/91 Stanley Street, Montreal/Lt.-Col. H.J. Trihey, O.C. Image of a map labeled Ulster, Connaught, Leinster and Munster; includes the insignia of the Overseas Irish Canadian Rangers, [No.] 199 Gazette Printing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Irish Canadian Rangers 92.5 x 62 |
CAN REC 103 | |
Heroes of St. Julien/and Festubert/Here's to the Soldier who bled/To the Sailor that bravely did fa'./Their fame is alive, though their spirits have fled/On the wings of the Year that's awa'./Shall We Follow Their Example?/Apply at Recruiting Station Image is a profile of a soldier laden with various pieces of his kit and shouldering a rifle; behind him is the British flag, which is flanked by branches of maple leafs. Gazette Printing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Recruiting 93 x 62 |
CAN REC 104 | |
Les heros de St-Julien et/de Festubert/Oui, vous avez raison ; c'est hideux le carnage ;/Oui, le Progrès blessé recule et se débat;/Notre siècle en fureur retourne au moyen-âge,/Mais sachons donc nous battre au moins puisqu'on se bat./Suivrons-nous leur example ?/S'adresser au Bureau de Crecrutement French version of CAN REC 104 Gazette Printing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Recruiting 93 x 61.5 |
CAN REC 105 | |
Nous defendrons le precieux joyau de la liberte/Le tambour bat, le clarion sonne;/Qui reste en arrière? … Personne!/C'est un people qui se defend./En avant!/Aiderons-nous a ecraser la tyrannie?/S'adresser au Bureau de Recrutement / [We Uphold the Priceless Gem of Liberty … ] (In French) Image of a soldier standing at attention; image if flanked by British flags French version of CAN REC 107 Gazette Printing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Recruiting 94 x 62 |
CAN REC 106 | |
We Will Uphold the Priceless Gem of Liberty/"For Gold the Merchant Ploughs the Main/The Farmer Tills the Manor/But Glory Is the Soldier's Prize/The Soldier's Wealth Is Honour"/Shall We Help to Crush Tyranny? Apply at Recruiting Station Image of a soldier standing at attention; image if flanked by British flags Gazette Printing Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Recruiting 93.5 x 62 |
CAN REC 107 | |
Overseas Canada Battalion/148/Now Recruiting at/197 Peel St., Montreal/Affiliated with McGill University Contingent/Canadian Officers Training Corps/A.A. Magee, Lt. Col. Image of a soldier standing on the back of a gigantic black eagle; the soldier is aiming his bayonetted rifle at the throat of the eagle; a very large plume of gray smoke is pouring out of the eagle's beak; also the insignia of the Overseas Canada Battalion 148, which includes its slogan: Grand Escunt/Aucta Labore P.E.N. J.J. Gibbons, Limited, Printer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Overseas Canada Battalion 148 107 x 70 |
CAN REC 108 | |
Overseas Service/Scale of Pay/Sergeants …/Corporals …/Privates …/Monthly Separation Allowance …/From Patriotic Fund/Is Paid Monthly in Case of Need/For Wife … For Each child …/How to Enlist/…Citizens' Recruiting Association … (text only; no images) National Printing Company Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Citizens' Recruiting Association 106 x 70 |
CAN REC 109 | |
"Let His Heart a Thousandfold/Take the Field Again!"/Are YOU/Interested/in the/Defence/of Your/Country/?/If You Are/Join the/8th Batt. "Royal Rifles"/(Canadian Defence Force) … The NYSL copy has been repurposed: The poster below the words "Are YOU" are covered with a blue-white-and-red piece of print encouraging men to join the 8th Battalion "Royal Rifles" (Canadian Defence Force) Image of Lord Kitchener pointing a finger at the viewer; the Kitchener portrait is backed by the British flag Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 8th Battalion "Royal Rifles" Canadian Defence Force 105 x 68 |
CAN REC 110 | |
"Let His Heart a Thousandfold/Take the Field Again!"/Are YOU/One of/Kitchener's/Own?/Now Recruiting/under/Lt.Col. F.M. McRobie/High School Barracks/197 Peel Street, Montreal Image of Lord Kitchener pointing a finger at the viewer; the Kitchener portrait is backed by the British flag; includes insignia of Kitchener's Own Overseas Canada 244 with the slogan "Thorough" Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 244th (Kitchener's Own) Overseas Battalion 103 x 68 |
CAN REC 111 | |
You Are Needed/to Take My Place/Go with/"Kitchener's Own"/The 244th Batt./Lt. Col. F.M. McRobie/Officer Commanding/Enlist/at 197 Peel St., Montreal Image of a soldier, with a bandaged arm and hand in a sling, pointing at the viewer Mortimer Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Kitchener's Own 244th Battalion 71 x 106 |
CAN REC 112 | |
Canadian Field/Artillery/400 Gunners & Drivers/Wanted/Overseas with Horses and Guns/Apply – District Artillery Depot, Toronto Armouries Image of four soldiers manning an artillery; a plane flies overhead W.S. Johnston & Co. Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Canadian Field Artillery 71 x 52.5 |
CAN REC 113 | |
Young Men/Enlist –/Jeunes Gens/Enrolez-vous (text only; no images) 35 x 76 |
CAN REC 114 | |
Recruits Wanted for the Permanent Force of Canada/Enlistment …/Pay …/Free Rations, Barrack Accommodation and Medical Attendance/Clothing …/Regimental Necessaries …/Pensions … Image of soldiers in a variety of uniforms standing or sitting on horses; in the background are tents; at the top of the poster is the King's coat of arms Permanent Force of Canada 100 x 63 |
CAN REC 115 | |
The Jews the World Over Love Liberty/Have Fought for It and Will Fight for It/Britain Expects/Every Son of Israel/to Do His Duty/Enlist with the Infantry Reinforcements/for Overseas/Under the Command of/Capt. Freedman/Headquarters/786 St. Lawrence Boulevard/Montreal Image of a soldier cutting the bonds from a man, who strains to join a group of soldiers running in the distance and says, "You have cut my bonds and set me free - Now let me help you set others free!" Above are portraits of Rt. Hon. Herbert Samuel, Viscount Reading, and Rt. Hon. Edwin S. Montagu, all Jewish members of the British parliament. Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canadian Recruiting 105 x 69 |
CAN REC 116 | |
די אידען פון דער... |
CAN REC 117 |
The Small Man at Last/Has an Opportunity/The 216th/Bantam/Battalion/Needs Men/from This/District/Who Have a Spirit to Aid the Empire/Requirements/5 Ft. 2 in. and Under/Age 45 Years and Under … / Local Headquarters/216th Bantam Battalion Hand-painted: 147 Peel St., Montreal Image of a Bantam rooster wearing a British soldier's cap proudly standing, with his one leg resting on a sword, on a dead eagle with splayed wings and a German helmet laying at its side 216th Bantam Battalion 35.5 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 118 | |
The Small Man's Opportunity /The 216th/Bantam/Battalion/Needs Men/from This/District/Who Have a Spirit to Aid the Empire/Requirements/5 Ft. 2 in. and Under/Age 45 Years and Under … / Local Headquarters/216th Bantam Battalion Hand-painted: "147 Peel St." Image of a Bantam rooster wearing a British soldier's cap proudly standing, with his one leg resting on a sword, on a dead eagle with splayed wings and a German helmet laying at its side 216th Bantam Battalion 35.5 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 119 | |
237th/The/New/American/Legion/Battalion, to Be Brigaded with the/211th, 212th, 213th/If You Are an American/(Native Born, Naturalized or of American Parentage)/Come Overseas/with Your Countrymen/to Defend Liberty/and Civilization/Join Now/at Our Recruiting Stations/282 St. Catherine St. West/or Bleury cor. Craig (text only; no images) 237th The New American Legion 34 x 26.5 Box 7 |
CAN REC 120 | |
There/Are Gaps/in the/Ranks/Today –/Will You Fill One of Them? (text only; no images) Canadian Recruiting 28 x 22 Box 7 |
CAN REC 121 | |
The Boys/You Meet/Are/Wondering/If You/Are 18 (text only; no images) Canadian Recruiting 28 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 122 | |
Getting/to Be/a/Frequent/Question –/How Old Is He? (text only; no images) Canadian Recruiting 27.5 x 23 Box 7 |
CAN REC 123 | |
Don't/Hold/Back/The Other/Fellow May Be/Waiting for/You (text only; no images) Canadian Recruiting 27.5 x 23 Box 7 bad tear almost all the way through the poster |
CAN REC 124 | |
How/Old Are/You? (text only; no images) Canadian Recruiting 27.5 x 23 Box 7 |
CAN REC 125 | |
[Too fragile to unfold] Navy Recruiting [not in box or folder] |
CAN REC 126 | |
The Royal Naval Canadian/Volunteer Reserve/Overseas Division/Men of Good Character and Physique Are Required/in the Above Force for Service Overseas with the/Imperial Royal Navy for the Period of the War/…/The standard of height and chest measurement is as follows …/A Free Kit Is Provided … (black and white) (text only; no images) Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 33.5 x 20.5 Box 7 |
CAN REC 127 | |
Men of Good Character and Physique (black and white) Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve [not in box or folder] |
CAN REC 128 | |
Naval Service/of Canada/The Canadian Navy Presents/Great Attractions to Men and Boys/Only Strong, Healthy and Well Educated Men and Boys Are Required and They Must Be of Good Character/Seaman Class Boys …/Stokers …/Few Vacancies for Sick Berth Ratings, Writers and Stewards …/Trades/A Few Vacancies for Engine Room Artificers, Joiners …/Officers' Mess …/God Save the King Six images: (1) At the top of the poster is an image of "arms of four provinces on one shield granted to Canada for a Great Seal in 1868"; (2) The dominating image is one of the H.M.C.S. Rainbow at sea with smoke billowing out of its stacks; (3) Left of the Rainbow image is an image of an officer looking through a spyglass while a sailor uses a searchlight aimed at the sky; (4) Right of the Rainbow image are two sailors using a signal device of some sort; (5) In the bottom lefthand corner is an image of about a dozen sailors coming to shore in rowboat; steamships can be seen on the horizon; (6) In the lower righthand corner are four sailors manning an artillery piece on a ship Naval Service of Canada 70 x 104 |
CAN REC 129 | |
Royal Naval Canadian/Volunteer Reserve/Overseas Division/Wants Men Ages/18 to 38/Seamen & Stokers/Join To-day/No Previous Experience Necessary/Apply at Nearest Recruiting Office (black and white) Image, in silhouette, of a sailor and gun turret on a battleship; in the background is another ship Mortimer Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 70 x 107 |
CAN REC 130 | |
[Vo]lontaires de la Reserve/[Ma]rine Royale Canadienne/Divisoin d'Outre-Mer/On a besoin d'Hommes/de 18 à 38 ans/Matelots et chauffeurs/Expérience non indispensable/Enrôlez-vous aujourd'hui/… (black and white) French-language version of CAN REC 130 Mortimer Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 72 x 107 several bad tears |
CAN REC 131 | |
The Navy/Wants/Men/The Royal Canadian/Volunteer Reserve/Overseas Division/Men of Good Character and Physique Are Required in/the Above Force for Service Overseas with the/Imperial Royal Navy for the Period of the War/…/For Further Particulars Apply:/Naval Recruiting Officer/129 Commissioner Street, Montreal, Que. Image of three white-uniformed Canadian sailors and a petty officer, in a blue uniform, standing on a warship's "crow's nest"; one of the sailors is looking through a spyglass; a series of pennant flags fly from a rope to the right Mortimer Co. Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 106.5 x 70 |
CAN REC 132 | |
Volontaires de la Réserve/de la Marine Royale Canadienne/Division d'Outre-mer/On demande des hommes … Le minimum de taille et de poitrine exigé …/La solde et l'allocation sont comme suit: … / [The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve Overseas Division …] NYS Library copy is in French (text only; no images) Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve 69 x 52.5 |
CAN REC 133 | |
Men Wanted/in the/Royal Canadian Navy/For Information Apply to/6 Youville Place/Montreal Image is a head shot of a smiling Canadian sailor wearing a cap with the letters R.N.C.V.R. in a blue band of a sailor's cap Paul Caron Royal Canadian Navy 83 x 45 |
CAN REC 134 | |
Protect/Your/Flag/Navy Needs You/Apply Recruiting Station or Navy League Five images: (1) British flag; (2) U.S. flag; (3) French flag; (4) head-and-shoulders image of a sailor wearing a hat imprinted with "H.M.S. ENT"; (5) head-and-shoulders image of a sailor wearing a hat imprinted with "FRANCE" Navy Recruiting 17.5 x 28 Box 7 |
CAN REC 135 | |
5th/Royal Highlanders of Canada/Black Watch/2nd Reinforcing Company/Men Wanted At Once/to Reinforce the Famous/13th, 42nd & 73rd Battalions/C.E.F./Apply Armoury – 429 Bleury St./Montreal Image of soldiers, in kilts, pressing forward, with a piper and a flag bearer; in the background a cannon is firing Montreal Litho. Co. Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada C.E.F. 107 x 70.5 |
CAN REC 136 | |
To Build Anything/To Fight Anything/A Golden Chance for the Artisan & Mechanic 1916 Image of soldiers, using man- and horse-power, building a wooden bridge over a river, with battle scenes in the background and overhead; two biplanes fly overhead Mortimer Co. Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada C.E.F. (Canadian Expeditionary Force) 105 x 69 |
CAN REC 137 |