Thumbnail | Description (title, image, artist, printer, publisher, size, condition) | Item Number |
Zeichnet vierte österreichische Kriegsanleihe/ [Subscribe to the Fourth Austrian War Loan] Image is a three-quarter length depiction of a male standard bearer, dressed in Medieval or Renaissance military costume. The flag bears the coat of arms of the Habsburgs. Adolph Karpellus K.u.k. Hofl.J.Weiner, Wien, Austria Kais. Kön. Privilegirte [sic] Österreichische Länderbank 94 x 62 |
AUS 01 | |
Un Ihr?/Zeichnet/7. Kriegsanleihe/bei der/k.k. pr. öst. Creditanstalt f. H. u. G./I. Am Hof 6 und VII. Mariahilferstr.60./[ And you? Subscribe to the 7th war loan at the imperial royal privileged Austrian Credit-Institute for commerce and industry...] Image of a soldier sitting on the embankment of a military trench in a combat uniform and holding a grenade, with barbed wire fencing behind him; the poster promotes Austria's Seventh War Loan at the Creditanstalt bank in Vienna, Austria [Alfred Roller?] Druck der Gesellschaft für graphische Industrie, Wien VI. 46 x 30 |
AUS 02 | |
Zeichnet die siebente Kriegsanleihe/[ Subscribe to the 7th War Loan] (dated: 1917) Image of four men, representing various classes of Austrian society (professional, laborer, farmer, and student(?)), holding a flag pole Maximilian Lenz K.u.k. Hofl.J.Weiner, Wien, Austria 94 x 49.5 |
AUS 03 | |
8. Kriegsanleihe/[8th War Loan] Image of soldiers, some holding laurel wreaths, celebrating beneath two large columns decorated with laurel and having eternal flames [?] on top. W. K?hn Wagner'sche K/K. Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, Innsbruck, Austria 8th War Loan 94 x 62 |
AUS 04 | |
Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe!/ [Subscribe to the War Loan] Image of a farmer plowing his field; a barefoot woman is guiding the two horses that are pulling his plow; a soldier is talking to the farmer and gesturing to members of the army who are in the background. R. Ledl K.u.k. Hofl.J.Weiner, Wien, Austria K.k. privilegirte [sic] Österreichische Länderbank 37 x 48 |
AUS 05 | |
Wiener Kommerzial-Bank Image of a biplane dropping leaflets J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Wiener Kommerzial-Bank 94 x 61.5 |
AUS 06 | |
Zeichnet 6te Kriegs-Anleihe Ein jeder Leiste das Seine zum guten Ende Wiener Kommerzial-Bank 1.kohlmarkt 8 [Subscribe to the Sixth War Loan - May Each and Everyone Do His Bit Towards the Good End!] (black and white) Image of an Austrian soldier peering from a trench; only his head visible; behind him in the sky an angel stands holding a palm frond. Willy Stieborsky J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Wiener Kommerzial-Bank 94 x 61.5 |
AUS 07 | |
Deutsche!/Zeichnet/8. Kriegsanleihe/bei Eurer eigenen Zeichnungsstelle, dem/Bund der Deutschen/in Niederösterreich …/[ Germans! Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan at your own subscription point, the Federation of Germans in Lower Austria …] Image of an ancient Germanic chieftain, seen in profile, holding a blue-and-gold striped flag; inset: coat-of-arms of the Bund der Deutschen in Nied. Oest. Ezel Dom Habernal & Co., Vienna, Austria 8. Kriegsanleihe Bund der Deutschen in Niederösterreich 94 x 62 |
AUS 08 | |
Union-Bank/8. Kriegsanleihe/Durch Sieg/zum Frieden/[ Union Bank, 8th War Loan; on altar: Peace through Victory] Image of a full-length female, wearing medieval dress, offering a bowl of gold coins atop a classical plinth decorated with the Austrian [Hapsburg empire?] coat of arms; atop the altar sits a larger bowl of gold coins; in the background are pink blossoms. Th. Zasche J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 8. Kriegsanleihe Union-Bank 93 x 61.5 |
AUS 09 | |
8. Kriegsanleihe/Friede/Wiener-Kommerzial-Bank I. Kohlmarkt. 8/[8th War Loan/Peace] Image of two Austrian infantrymen pushing open a large metal door to reveal a bright yellow sky bearing a white cloud and the word FRIEDE/[Peace] Kurt Libesny J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Wiener Kommerzial-Bank 94 x 62 |
AUS 10 | |
Österreichische/8./Kriegsanleihe/Kurzfristige Anleihe …/Langfristige Anleihe …/ [Austria 8th War Loan] (dated: 1918) J.N. Vernay, Vienna, Austria War Loan 93.5 x 60 |
AUS 11 | |
Zeichnet/8./österreichische steuerfreie/Kriegsanleihe/Anmeldungen/werden hier/zu Originalbedingungen/entgegengenommen / [Subscribe to the 8th Austrian tax-free War Loan …] J.N. Vernay, Vienna, Austria 8. Kriegsanleihe 91 x 60 |
AUS 12 | |
Zeichnet/8./Kriegsanleihe/[ Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan!] (black and white) (text only; covers the whole, arranged down the centre in black against a white background) [Emil] E. Ranzenhofer J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 8. Kriegsanleihe 93.5 x 63 |
AUS 13 | |
Zeichnet achte Kriegsanleihe/Kais. Kön. Privilegiche österreichische/Länderbank/ [Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan …] In the foreground two Austrian army officers are looking at the landscape in the background that includes a river; several soldiers sit or stand around them. [Emil] E. Ranzenhofer J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Länderbank 94 x 62 |
AUS 14 | |
Zeichnet/8/Kriegs-Anleihe/ [Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan] Image of a girl reaching through the top loop of a large golden number "8" to drop a gold coin onto a pile of coins in front of the "8". Alf Offner J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Wiener Kommerzial-Bank 94 x 62.5 |
AUS 15 | |
8/Kriegsanleihe/[8th War Loan] Image of a dragon/snake, with its neck through the upper part of the number 8, pierced by eight arrows. Julius Klinger J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 8th War Loan 94 x 62.5 |
AUS 16 | |
Zeichnet/8./Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe 8th War Loan] Image of a woman garbed in Greek/Roman dress, holding a sword in one hand and the scales of justice in the other. One side of the scale has a dove of peace, which is heavier than the side which contains coins. R.K. J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria War Loan Drive 124 x 93 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 17 | |
Fünfte Kriegs-Anleihe/[Fifth War Loan] (dated: 1916) Image of soldiers, with rifles and bayonets, charging [Franz] Püchingen J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria War Loan 116 x 78 |
AUS 18 | |
Allgemeine/Wäschesammlung/1917/Kriegsfürsorgeamt, Wien 9. Bez./ [Universal Laundry Collection 1917 …] Image of a girl carrying a load of laundry in her arms Griessler Paul Gerin, Vienna, Austria 94.5 x 62 |
AUS 19 | |
Allgemeine/Wäschesammlung/1917/Kriegsfürsorgeamt, Wien 9. Bez./[Universal Laundry Collection 1917 …] (Smaller version of AUS 19 with image and text arranged horizontally) Paul Gerin, Vienna, Austria 11 x 30 Box 7 |
AUS 20 | |
Heute versorgt Amerika/[Today America Provides (for Austrian children)] Bernd Steiner 187.5 x 123.5 |
AUS 21 ++ |
Ungarn! Gebet den Wienerkindern! Bècsi Magyar Ujság Wiener Ungarische Tageszeitung …/[Hungary! Gives to Viennese Children] (dated: 1919) Image of a grandmotherly-looking woman with two small children [girls?]; one of the children is barefoot; the other has a tear coming from one eye; in the background is the silhouette of buildings of a cityscape Vèrles J.Weiner, Vienna, Austria Wiener Ungarische Tageszeitung [newspaper] 124 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 22 | |
Österr./Flotten-/verein/unter dem A.H. Protektorate/Seiner Maj. D. Kaisers/Marinebilder-/ausstellung/im Säulenhofe des/K.K. österr. Museums/f. Kunst/u. Industrie/i. Stubenring 5/Mitte Oktober/bis/Ende November/geöffnet an Wochentagen v. 9-4h/an Sonn- und Feiertagen von 9-1h/Eintritt frei/[Austrian Navy Association. Under the distinguished protection of His Majesty the Emperor. Exhibition of Naval pictures. In the pillar courtyard of the Imperial Royal Austrian Museum for Art and Industry [address]. Mid-October to end of November. Open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays and public holidays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free admission] Image of a ship sailing to the front of the poster upon a stylised design of waves; image in the lower left is the Austrian war ensign flag; image in the upper left is an Austrian naval coat-of-arms E. Ranzenhofer Druck der Gesellschaft für Graphische Industrie, Vienna, Austria Österr. Flottenverein 124.5 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 23 | |
Kriegsausstellung/Wien 1917/Kaisergarten K.K. Prater/Mai-Oktober/Trophäen Industrie Gewerbe/Technik Kunst Wissenschaft/Hygiene Kriegsfürsorge/Bundestheater, Kriegskino, Marinespiele/Panorama – Konzerte/ [War Exhibition Vienna 1917. Kaisergarten Imperial and Royal Prater Park. May-October. Trophies, Industry, Crafts, Technology, Art, Science, Hygiene, War Welfare Federal Theatee, War Cinema, Naval Plays. Panorama – Concerts] Image of an allegorical female figure, standing against a background of storm clouds, holding a laurel wreath in each outstretched hand; in front of her is a collection of howitzers and smaller machine guns. [Josef, József] Divéky J.Weiner, Vienna, Austria Bundestheater 123 x 93 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 24 | |
Kunstausstellung/und/Auktion/im/Palais Auersperg/…/[Art exhibition and auction at Palais Auersperg [address]. For the benefit of Red Cross Welfare for Tuberculosis patients for Lower Austria. 14 to 22 May. Admission prices: 14 May 20 kronen - 15 May 10 kronen - 16 May 3 kronen - 17 May 2 kronen. Auction days: 18, 19, 21 and 22 May. Open on 14 May from 11 am. to 7 p.m., on the other days from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.] At top of poster: Image of the exterior of the Palais Auersperg in Vienna, Austria S M Waldheim-Eberle AG Tuberkulosenfürsorge vom Roten Kreuze für Niederösterreich [Red Cross Welfare for Tuberculosis Patients for Lower Austria] 92 x 61 |
AUS 25 | |
Unter dem Allerhöchsten Ehrenschutz Seiner/kaiserl. u. königl. Apostolischen Majestät/Kaiser Karls I./Komittee für die/Kriegsgräber-Fürsorge/in Österreich./ Hauptleitung: Wien, IX/4, Canisiusgasse 10./ Allerheiligen,/Allerseelen/31.Oktober-3.November 1918./Kriegsgräber-/Tag genehmigt mit Erlass des K.K. Ministeriums/für soziale soziale Fürsorge vom 31.Mai 1918,zh.12194./Mitbürger/Gedenket der Grabstätten/unserer für das Vaterland/gefallenen Helden./1914-1918./Jede, auch nur die kleinste Gabe bildet einen Baustein/für dieses vaterländische, pietätvolle Werk. / [Under the Supreme Patronage of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, Emperor Karl I Committee for the Care of War Graves in Austria. Head Office - Vienna IX/4 Canisiusgasse 10. All Saints' Day All Souls' Day 31 October - 3 November 1918. War Graves Day Approved by order of the Imperial and Royal Ministry for Social Welfare of 31 May 1918, ZH. 12194. Fellow citizens Think of the graves of our heroes who have died for the Fatherland.1914-1918. Any donation, even the smallest, forms a building brick for this work of piety for the Fatherland] Image of a wreath; at the bottom of the wreath are a soldier's helmet and crossed swords plus a ribbon which is inscribed: 1914-1918 Hermes Druckerei, Vienna, Austria Komittee für die Kriegsgräber-Fürsorge in Österreich/[Committee for the Care of War Graves in Austria] 62 x 47 |
AUS 26 | |
Ausstellung/Österreichischer und Ungarischer/Kriegs-/graphic/Mährischer Kunstverein Brünn/Künstlerhaus/November 1918 …/Militär vom Feldwebel abwärts freier Eintritt /[Exhibition of Austrian and Hungarian War Pictures …] Image of a Roman soldier standing in a chariot pulled by four horses; in his right hand he holds a spear; in his left hand he holds a shield. [Viktor] V. Schufinsky Steindruck: A.Berger, Vienna, Austria Künstlerhaus 81 x 57 |
AUS 27 | |
50./Ausstellung/Secession/1918 April-Juli KR 1 20-/[50th Secession Exhibition 1918. April-July. 1.20 Kronen] Image is a full-length depiction of a naked man, seen in profile, walking from right to left, carrying a laurel branch in his right hand; in the background is a stylized depiction of a bonfire O F. [Otto Friedrich?] Steindruck A.Berger, Vienna, Austria 62 x 46 |
AUS 28 | |
Kriegsausstellung/Wien 1916/Mai-October K.K. Prater/Kaisergarten/ [War Exhibition, Vienna1916 May-October K.K. Prater Kaisergarten] Image is a stylized depiction of a neo-classical building Gesellschaft für graphische Industrie, Vienna, Austria 94 x 61 |
AUS 29 | |
Deutsch-Oestereich hungert! 1919-20/[Germans-Austrians Starve! 1919-20] Image is the same as AUS 22: Image of a grandmotherly-looking woman with two small children [girls?]; one of the children is barefoot; the other has a tear coming from one eye; in the background are the silhouette of a cityscape Verles Lith. u. druck J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 124.5 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 30 | |
Handel/Kunst/Industrie/Kultur/für den Wirtschftlichen, Geistigen und Kulturellen/Neuaufbau/eines Unabhaengigen Freien/Oesterrich/mit Wien als Brücke zwischen West v. Ost/arbeitet die/'WIKUG' [Wiener Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft]/Wien IV. Mayergifgasse 11 Tel. 54197 [Trade Art Industry Culture 'WIKUG' [Wiener Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft – Viennese Institute for Church and Society] is working for the economic, intellectual and cultural reconstruction of an independent, free Austria with Vienna as a bridge between East and West [address]. (Every u in the text on the poster is written as a v since the image is supposed to mimic Roman lettering on a monument. Image of four male nudes lifting the fourth heavy, carved stone to the top of a column, positioned on top of a stone plinth; each stone has one word carved on it: Kvltvr [Kultur]; Indvstrie [Industrie]; Kvnst [Kunst]; Handel. The Austrian flag is draped behind the column and a classical building is in the background. In an inset is an image of an oversized male figure fitting the last section of stone into a bridge; two farm workers and a plough are at his feet. Theo Matejko Lith. u. Druck J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 124.5 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 31 | |
Die B?rgerlich-Demokratische Partei/[The Democratic Party of the Middle Class] Image of three working-class male figures struggling to raise a large flag and flagpole Theo Motejko 94 x 125 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 32 | |
Unsere Armee braucht/Metalle! Kriegsmetall-Einkauf/Reinnickel Kupfer Messing/werden zur Munitionserzeugung dringend benötigt und zu/behördlich genehmigten Preisen gegen Barzahlung angekauft/[Our Army needs metals! Purchase of war metals. Pure nickel, copper, brass are urgently needed for munitions production and are being bought for cash at officially approved prices.] Image of a howitzer, being operated by four Austro-Hungarian soldiers, silhouetted against a stylized red-orange-and-yellow sky. [Rudolf] R. Geyer Christoph Reisser's Söhne, Vienna, Austria Kriegsmettal-Einkauf 124.5 x 93 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 33 | |
Einkaufstellen der/Metallzentrale A.-G. Wien/in den inneren Bezirken:/ … [a list of companies and addresses where metal can be sold ]/ [Marketing Department of the Metals Center] (black and white) (appears to be bottom half of a poster) According to the Imperial War Museum Website, this item is the bottom of AUS 33. 61 x 94.5 |
AUS 34 | |
Damit die Schlachtfelder/Aufgeackert Werden/Können Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe/[Thus the Battlefields Will Be Able to Be Cultivated] (dated: 1918) Image of a man without a hat plowing a field with a plow yoked to two oxen. Haranghy Jenö Kunossy R.T. Lith. Müintézet, Budapest, Hungary War Loan 124 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 35 | |
1914-1917/Zeichnet die Sechste/Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the Sixth War Loan] Image of a knight on horseback, with the Austro-Hungarian banner behind him, slaying a dragon M. Lenz K.u.K. Hofl. J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 74 x 53 |
AUS 36 | |
Zeichnet Fünfte/österreichische/Kriegsanleihe/K.K. Pr. Oesterreichische Lænderbank/[Subscribe to the Fifth War Loan] Image of a half-length depiction of a classically dressed female figure holding a cornucopia in her left hand and a sword embellished with a wreath in her right hand. K.u.K. Hofl. J. Weiner, Vienna Austria K.K. Pr. Oesterreichische Lænderbank 119 x 87 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 37 | |
Zeichnet/5½% dritte/Kriegs-/anleihe/[ Subscribe to the Five-and-a-Half Percent Third War Loan] Image of an Austrian medieval knight carrying a large shield protecting a woman and child from lances bearing Italian and Russian flags Erwin Puchinger J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 124 x 93.5 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 38 | |
Zeichnet 4. Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the 4th War Loan] Image of a two-headed eagle perched on a plinth and clutching a blue sword in one of its talons H.L. K.u.K. Hofl. J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria 4th War Loan 124.5 x 94 too big for 36" x 48"folder; folded in half |
AUS 39 | |
Zeichnet die 7. oesterreich. Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the 7th Austrian War Loan] Image of an Austrian infantryman standing on a cliff overlooking a port; a biplane flies overhead J.N. Vernay Kriegsanleihe 67.5 x 94 |
AUS 40 | |
Zeichnet/5½% dritte/Kriegs-/anleihe/ [Subscribe to the 5½% Third War Loan] Image is a stylized knight's head, with his helmet's crest flowing down to his shoulder H.L. [Heinrich Lefler] J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 62 x 94 |
AUS 41 | |
Zeichnet/die/6. Kriegsanleihe!/Centralbank der deutschen Sparkassen/[Subscribe to the 6th War Loan …] Image of a U-Boat captain and crew member standing in a conning tower looking to the left; the captain is using binoculars; an Austrian flag flies behind them J.N. Vernay, Vienna, Austria Zentralbank der Deutschen Sparkassen 94 x 60 |
AUS 42 | |
Kriegsanleihetag/der Österr-Bühnen 1. Dezember/Ihr Stichwort:/Kriegsanleihe zeichnen! [Inset: Zum/siebenten/Male./Die/Kriegsanleihe,/vaterländisches Heldengedicht/in 7 Akten./[War Loan Day on the Austrian Stages, December 1/Your Keyword: Subscribe to the War Loan. For the Seventh Time. The War Loan, the Fatherland's Heroic Poem in 7 Acts] [Emil] E. Ranzenhofer J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria War Loan 62 x 94 |
AUS 43 | |
Zeichnungen/auf die/Fünfte/Österreich./ Kriegs-/anleihe/zu Original-bedingungen/nimmt entgegen die/K.K. Priv./Allgemeine/Verkehrsbank/Filiale Mähr. Trübau, Kaiser Franz Josefsplatz 26 / [Fifth Austrian War Loan …] The New York State Library's copy has text in the yellow bar at the bottom of the poster: Filiale Mähr. Trübau, Kaiser Franz Josefsplatz 26 Basically text except for swords flanking the words; one sword is labeled 1914, the other is labeled 1916. There also is a small image of a double-headed eagle. Allgemeine Verkehrsbank 89.5 x 66 |
AUS 44 | |
K.K. Priv. Allgemeine Verkehrsbank, Wien/Zeichnet die Siebente österr./Kriegsanleihe/bei der K.K. Priv./Allgemeinen Verkehrsbank/Wien/[Subscribe to the Seventh Austrian War Loan …] (dated: 1917) Image of a kneeling Austrian infantryman poised to throw a grenade [Walt] W. Kühn Wagner'sche K.K. Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, R. Kiesel, Innsbruck, Austria K.K. Priv. Allgemeine Verkehrsbank 104.5 x 68.5 |
AUS 45 | |
K.K. Priv. Allgemeine Verkehrsbank Zeichnet die achte österr. Kriegsanleihe bei der K.K. Priv. Allgemeinen Verkehrsbank Wien/[… Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan …] (dated: 1918) Image of a soldier in a military overcoat, standing, with a shouldered black-and gold flag; in the background are mountains; images of double-headed eagles in the upper-right and upper-left corners [Walt] W. Kühn Wagner'sche K.K. Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, Innsbruck, Austria K.K. Priv. Allgemeine Verkehrsbank 104 x 68.5 |
AUS 46 | |
Zeichnet/5. Kriegsanleihe!/Bankhaus/Schelhammer & Schattera/Wien, I. Stefansplatz 11./[Subscribe to the Fifth War Loan! Schelhammer and Schattera Bank …] The whole design is framed by a border of black and gold ribbon. The image is an Austrian Imperial eagle, both heads turned to the viewer, perched overlooking Vienna Paul Gerin, Vienna Austria War Loan 94 x 61.5 |
AUS 47 | |
Zeichnet/8./ Kriegs-/anleihe/K.K. Priv. Wiener Bank-Verein/[ Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan …] Image is a head-and-shoulders portrait of a female facing the viewer and wearing a crown shaped like a castle; the figure is set against a background of radiating sunbeams and stylized red fir trees. K. Sterrer Orig-Lith. K. Sterrer, Wien Druck A.Berger, Vienna, Austria K.K.Priv. Wiener Bank-Verein/[Imperial and Royal Chartered Viennese Bank Association] 94 x 62 |
AUS 48 | |
Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe! K.K. Priv. Wiener Bank-Verein/[ Subscribe to the War Loan …] (dated: 1917) Image is a three-quarter-length depiction of an Austrian soldier holding a rifle; behind him are a woman, an infant and a boy. K. Sterrer Orig-Lith. K. Sterrer, Wien Druck A.Berger, Vienna, Austria K.K. Priv. Wiener Wiener Bank-Verein/[Imperial and Royal Chartered Viennese Bank Association] 98 x 65 |
AUS 49 | |
Hilft uns im Kampfe um/den Frieden! Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe./[Help Us in the Fight for Peace] (dated: 1918) Image of a soldier using a large coin as a shield with one hand, defending himself from five spears, at least three of which are broken, and throwing a grenade with the other; in the lower background are the smoke and destruction of a battle [Bela?] Moldován Kunossy, R.T. Müintézet, Budapest, Hungary War Loan 125 x 94.5 |
AUS 50 | |
Zeichnet die Sechste … /[Subscribe to the Sixth … (War Loan)] A.S. J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 168.5 x 74 |
AUS 51 ++ |
6./Kriegsanleihe/10. Mai/bis 8 Juni 1917/[6th War Loan, May 10 to June 8, 1917] The image is a woman and a man, each holding a cornucopia of fruits, flanking a flame; at their feet, cherubs sit on a bed of flowers. W. Dachauer J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 123 x 91 |
AUS 52 | |
Zeichnet Achte Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the Eighth War Loan] Image of a winged goddess, in a chariot pulled by four horses that are crushing three dragons; she's holding a laurel wreath in her right hand [Maxmilian] M. Lenz J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 61 x 93.5 |
AUS 53 | |
Austrian WWI poster: Zeichnet die Sechste | Zeichnet die Sechste Kriegsanleihe/[Subscribe to the Sixth War Loan] (text only; no images) J. Weiner, Vienna, Austria Kriegsanleihe 28 x 74.5 |
AUS 54 |