New York State Library

Hamilton Fish (1926-1996)
Congressional Papers, 1968-1994

Quantity: 101 boxes (101 cubic ft.)
Access: Open to research
Acquisition: Gift of Hamilton Fish (1926-1996), December 1994
Processed By: Pamela J. Cooley, Student Assistant, State University of New York at Albany, August 2005 - May 2006

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Biographical Note | Provenance Note | Scope and Contents Note | Series Description

Biographical Note

Hamilton Fish, Jr., was born in Washington, D.C., June 3, 1926 served as Representative from New York State in the United States Congress from 1969-1994, which continued his family's long tradition of public service that dates back to the 1840s.

Fish attended primary and secondary schools in Washington, D. C, the Newburgh [N.Y.] Free Academy and the Kent School in Connecticut. He did undergraduate work at Harvard University, but in 1943, at the age of 17, he left college to volunteer for service in World War II. He served for two years in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific and was discharged with the rank of second class petty officer. After the war he returned to Harvard, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in American history in 1949, and later received a law degree in 1957 at New York University.

His political involvement began around this same time. From 1958 to 1961 he was vice president of 9th Assembly District Republican Club, and by 1962 he was actively campaigning for both Nelson Rockefeller and Jacob Javits, and serving as an alternate delegate to the Republican state convention. He went on to become the Dutchess County campaign manager for Kenneth Keating in Keating's unsuccessful run for re-election to the U.S. Senate.

In 1964, he threw his own hat into the ring, campaigning in the Hudson River Valley of New York State for the U.S. House of Representatives against Alexander Aldrich (first cousin of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller) in the Republican primary. He won the primary but was beaten in November by the Democratic incumbent, Joseph Y. Resnick.

In 1968, with Resnick out of the race because he was running for a seat in the U.S. Senate, Fish campaigned again for the House seat. In the primary he defeated G. Gordon Liddy, at the time a little-known lawyer who went on to become one of the Watergate burglars. In the tough general election that followed, Fish emerged victorious from a four-way-battle with Democrat John Dyson, Liberal Peter Kane Dufault and Liddy, who had received the Conservative Party's endorsement. For the most part, he held his seat comfortably, winning with increasing pluralities, and from 1974 to 1992, never slipping below 70 per cent of the vote in the general election. At the start of his tenure, Congressman Fish's district included all or parts of Schoharie, Greene, Ulster, Columbia, Otsego and Dutchess counties. Its boundaries changed three times; and when he retired 25 years later, it consisted of most of Dutchess County, all of Putman County and portions of Westchester and Orange counties.

Fish, who served as a Republican in the 91st through the 103rd Congresses (1968-1994), initially aligned himself with moderate Republicans who supported liberal social causes. In 1969, as a freshman Congressman, he was given a seat on the Judiciary Committee (with a ranking of 14th). In 1974, as a junior member of the committee (with a ranking of 8th) he held a swing vote on the panel as it considered impeaching President Richard Nixon. Fish was among the first Republicans to break party ranks. "At the very least," Congressman Fish explained, "[the President] is bound not to violate the law; not to order others to violate the law; and not to participate in the concealment of evidence respecting violations of the law of which he is made aware." Then, against the wishes of many senior members of his party, and to the chagrin of his ultraconservative father, who released a strongly critical "My Dear Son" letter, he voted twice to impeach the president. Speaking of that time, the Congressman later noted, "that's the single most dramatic episode [in my Congressional career], when the impeachment resolution was introduced in the House after the Saturday night massacre."

In 1983 Representative Fish became the ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee and remained so until he retired. He was involved in impeachment proceedings two additional times. In 1986 he was one of the managers appointed by the House of Representatives to conduct impeachment proceedings against Harry E. Claiborne, a judge in the United States District Court for Nevada, calling him, "a disgrace, an affront to the judicial office, and to the judicial branch he was appointed to serve." And again in 1988, the Congressman was appointed manager of the proceedings against Alcee Lamar Hastings, a judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. He also sat on the committee during hearings on crime, handgun control, the Waco incident, and the management of the White House travel office.

Following advice he had been given early in his career, Representative Fish took the stance of a specialist, putting his energy behind selected issues important to him and his constituents. Thus, he served on the House Standing Committee on Small Business from 1975 to 1977, on the Outer Continental Shelf Scientific Advisory Committee (an ad hoc committee established to advise the Department of the Interior on environmental information gathered through research and used to support the decision process of Interior's oil and gas leasing program) from 1975 to 1979, and on the House Committee on Science and Technology (later, the House Committee on Science) from 1977 to 1983.

The Congressman served for two years (1983-1985) on the House Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, and moved to the Joint Economic Committee in 1987 where he remained until retirement. His interests in this committee focused on reforming laws relative to banking and bankruptcy.

As time went on, his moderate stance on most legislative matters and his penchant to work with people on both sides of the aisle to resolve issues, increasingly made him a minority within the ranks of the Republican minority at the time. In the early 1990s, though he didn't often agree with the more conservative Republican block on the Judiciary Committee, Representative Fish was able to maintain their trust largely on the strength of his good word and decency. As the committee's senior Republican he found himself its sole defender of the Republican Party's tradition of supporting civil rights and he presided awkwardly over this Republican group without seeming to share many of its values.

But while the Congressman was in the minority on his own side of the aisle, his vote was important as it brought credibility to the points of view he supported. By his own admission, Representative Fish was never particularly adept at political infighting and was quoted in 1994 as saying that he felt he "was better suited to the less confrontational more pragmatic political style of a minority leader. I'm not a confrontational person so I don't know if I would have been a more successful person as a member of the majority. I doubt it."

As party leaders reorganized for the 103rd Congress, Fish was among a group of senior, old-style Republicans mentioned as potential coup targets by the more conservative legislators rising through the Republican ranks. But the Congressman avoided ouster attempts, largely on the strength of his good work and decency. And, he was appreciated by fellow Republicans for his willingness to free the committee staff to pursue the party line on key issues, rather than his own view.

Throughout his career, Congressman Fish concentrated his legislative efforts in the areas of civil rights, crime, the handicapped, and business regulation. He was considered a major figure in the passage of legislation concerning Fair Housing (1979-1992), the 1982 Voting Rights Act extension, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act , the 1990 Civil Rights Act, and he was the Republican sponsor of the 1991 Civil Rights Act that provided monetary damages for women and minorities in cases of intentional employment discrimination. He was also an advocate for human rights, immigration reform, and refugee reauthorization, particularly in regards to efforts to change immigration laws on behalf of Soviet Jews.

Under his leadership, many national issues took on local importance. His stance on nuclear energy and environmental issues can be seen in his concerns about the nuclear power plant at Indian Point and his advocacy for a clean Hudson River. His abiding interest in healthcare reform, the quality of healthcare, and the business of healthcare came to the fore at a Hudson Valley Healthcare Reform Conference he hosted in 1992, and was reflected in his involvement in the affairs of area hospitals, especially the two veterans' hospitals in his district, Castle Point and Montrose. The Congressman's interest in veterans' affairs was brought home in numerous speeches, his involvement in area veterans' groups, and his advocacy for issues that affected the veterans of his district. His long-standing participation on the United States Military Academy's Board of Visitors (1982-1994) kept him informed on the policies and activities of the academy which was located at West Point in his district. And the importance of a sound transportation policy was amplified through his involvement with Stewart Airport and the two rail lines in his district, Amtrak and Conrail. He received four honorary degrees and numerous local, regional and national awards throughout his career.

In early 1994, Representative Fish started his campaign for a 14th term in office, but in March he announced that he would not seek re-election due to recurrence of prostate cancer stating that, although he enjoyed a fight, he was retiring "in fairness to everyone." He previously had undergone successful treatment for prostate cancer in 1982, but it had returned in 1994 as well having spread to his lungs. Tributes to him were lavish in their praise and the gala event that marked his retirement was attended by 750 well wishers, both Republicans and Democrats.

Hamilton Fish married Julia Mackenzie in 1951 in Montreal, Canada. They had four children: Hamilton, III (b. September 5, 1951), Julia Alexandra (Mrs. Thomas Ward) (b. June 24, 1953), Nicholas Stuyvesant (b. September 30, 1958), and Peter Livingston (b. September 8, 1959). Julia Fish died in an auto accident in 1969. In 1971, the Congressman married Billy Laster Cline in Millbrook, NY. She brought two sons from a previous marriage (James and John) into the family. She died in May 1985. In December 1989 in Garrison, NY, the Congressman was married for a third time to Mary Ann Tinklepaugh Knauss, a deputy assistant secretary of commerce in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

Hamilton Fish died on July 23, 1996, in Washington, D.C. and was interred in the cemetery of St. Philip's Church-in-the-Highlands, Garrison, N.Y. At the time of his death, he had eight grandchildren.

Provenance Note

These papers were transferred to the New York State Library by a deed of gift upon the retirement of Hamilton Fish from Congress. Originally, these papers included many published books and government documents that were removed for consideration for other collections in this library or to be returned to the Fish family. Likewise, duplicates of papers, photographs, and other materials were to be returned to the family. The papers have been organized into ten series. These series were based on the archival principles of provenance and original order. Where original order was impossible to determine, the material was organized according to current archival theory and practice. If possible, current folder titles have remained true to the original title. In most cases where this proved counter-productive, the original title, if available, has been noted on the folder. During processing, materials were placed in acid-free folders and basic holdings maintenance was performed on the collection.

Scope and Content Note

The bulk of these records document the years Hamilton Fish, Jr. spent in the U.S. House of Representatives, January 3, 1968 through January 3, 1994. Included are photographs; film, sound and video recordings; scrapbooks, and ephemera, including awards, official passes and campaign buttons. The collection is divided into ten series. The first series documents the personal activities of Representative Fish and his family. Following this series are five series (Legislative files, Nixon Impeachment files, Correspondence files, Subject files and Press/Constituent Relations files) which document the work of Representative Fish and his staff. The seventh series (Political files) includes material representing the Congressman's political activities. The eighth series (Photographs) along with the ninth (Audio/Visual files containing audio tapes, film, video tapes, and floppy discs), and tenth (Scrapbooks, Ephemera and Artifacts), contain non-paper material, all of which adds depth to the paper records in the collection.

Hamilton Fish put his personal stamp on the material collected here. His easily recognizable annotations illustrate his hands-on approach to the business of legislation. Handwritten in pencil, these annotations appear time-after-time, giving the reader a unique perspective on the Congressman's thoughts and philosophy, as well as his communications (in the form of reminders, lists and notes) to himself and with his staff. Taken as a whole this material illustrates Representative Fish's evolving views and particular areas of interest during the 25 years he served the people of his country and his district in the Hudson River Valley of New York State.

In writing, the Congressman's office staff consistently referred to him as "HF." Those initials appeared in numerous folder titles and documents throughout the collection. This finding aid reflects this practice. Therefore, whenever "HF" appears, it is to be read, "Hamilton Fish."

Series Description

Series 1: Personal Files
through 1994
9 cu. ft., Boxes 1-9

The Personal Files contain biographical material about Hamilton Fish, Jr. and his family; genealogical information on his ancestors; documentation (including correspondence and annotated acceptance speeches) of the awards and honors he received, and in some cases the actual awards; schedules, and schedule and appointment cards for the years he was in office; documentation of his official trips (1970-1989); and a small collection of his official photographic portraits.

Series 2: Legislative Files

Legislative Files document the work carried out by Representative Fish and his staff in his offices in Washington and at home in his district.

Series 2: Legislative Files
Sub-series 1: Legislative Subject Files (A-Z)
8 cu. ft., Boxes 10-17

Issues of particular interest to Representative Fish can be deduced from these Legislative Subject Files. They cover a wide range of subjects including: Americans with disabilities, the AT&T consent decree hearing, the Bottlers' Bill, the Brady Bill and gun control, civil rights, copyright protection, crime, the death penalty, the Equal Rights Amendment, habeas corpus, health care reform, immigration, the Iraq investigation hearings, the Judiciary Committee, legal services, nuclear energy, the Outer Continental Shelf, refugees, the Savings and Loan Bill, Soviet Jewry, Travelgate, voting rights, the Waco hearings, and the Wetlands Bill.

This series is arranged alphabetically by subject then chronologically (Intellectual Property 1990, 1991 or Soviet Jewry 1975-1981, for instance).

Series 2: Legislative Files
Sub-series 2: Legislative, Briefing and Conference Binders
7 cu. ft, Boxes 18-24

The contents of this sub-series consists of materials distributed to legislators by the Government Printing Office documenting legislative activity, legislative profiles and voting records; briefing materials for various hearings, committees and commissions; and material received by Representative Fish as a participant in Aspen Institutes for Humanistic Studies held between 1987 and 1994.

Of particular interest are eight Campaign Binders - briefing books prepared for Representative Fish's use during his 1974, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1988 election campaigns. They were organized by issue/subject and contain a wealth of information on the Congressman's stand on, and votes for or against, issues of the day, including abortion, banking, busing, campaign reform, capital punishment, civil rights, consumer issues, crime, defense, district matters, drugs, the economy, education, energy, the Equal Right Amendment, the environment, health, housing, labor, senior citizens, small business, social services, veterans, and women and families. Also included are two Category Books which list the roll call number, date, member (Representative Fish's) vote and description for all bills acted upon during the 94th Congress. These books are organized categorically ("Agriculture," "Handicapped," or "Southeast Asia," for example).

As it was received, the collection contained many binders compiled by subject. Material in these binders was rehoused in folders and labeled as the binders were labeled (Legislative Activity Guide 1991-1994, for instance).

Series 2: Legislative Files
Sub-series 3: Floor Statements/Remarks/Speeches/Tributes
4 cu. ft., Boxes 25-27

This sub-series is comprised of floor statements, remarks, speeches and tributes--in effect, all the public orations made by Representative Fish on the House Floor. In most cases, annotated drafts and background material accompany the final versions of each address. This sub-series is organized chronologically.

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files

This series is made up of files generated by Representative Fish while a member of the House Judiciary Committee during hearings on the impeachment Richard Nixon (1973-1974). These have been filed separately from other Legislative Files due to their bulk, and to the importance that the Nixon impeachment played in Representative Fish's career.

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z
4 cu. ft., Boxes 28-31

Material throughout this sub-series is annotated by Representative Fish. Of major interest are the 15 folders of the Congressman's handwritten notes (HF's Notes) made during the hearings and organized by month or subject; 6 folders of his annotated speeches, reports and statements; an annotated Report on Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment, an annotated Standard for Presidential Impeachment issued by the White House; and the annotated transcripts of Recorded Presidential Conversations (1971-1973). Newspaper articles about the impeachment that mention Fish were assiduously clipped and are included here, as is a video recording of Representative Fish's statement before the House, delivered on July 25, 1974.

Impeachment Subject Files are organized alphabetically by topic and, in a few cases, by name (last name first).

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 2: Correspondence (Incoming)
1 cu. ft., Box 32

As a member of the Judiciary Committee, Representative Fish received letters and telegrams from constituents, from people around the country, and from legislators, urging him to consider their opinions on the impeachment, the hearings, and President Nixon. Nineteen folders of this correspondence are included here and organized chronologically (1973, January - July 1974, After Vote). The twentieth folder contains correspondence on the impeachment from his congressional colleagues.

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 3: Government Publications
7 cu. ft., Boxes 33-39

The federal government issued masses of well-indexed documentation during this time to aid the Judiciary Committee in their work. This material, contained in the seven boxes of Government Publications, is arranged alphabetically by subject. The bulk of the sub-series is made up of "Books" that begin with material from 1969 focusing on events prior to the Watergate break-in and conclude five boxes later with "Impoundment of Funds; Government Expenditures on President Nixon's Private Properties at San Clemente and Key Biscayne." Only a few documents in this sub-series were annotated by the Congressman.

Series 4: Correspondence Files

See also:
Series 1: Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 40-49 (Correspondence)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 2: Correspondence (Incoming), Box 32:Folders 1-20
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series, 1. Election Campaigns, Box 85:Folders 8-19 (Congratulations)
Series 1. Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 40-49 (Correspondence)

Series 4: Correspondence Files
Sub-series 1: General
10 cu. ft., Boxes 40-49

This General sub-series runs intermittently from 1968-1994 and contains constituent letters to Representative Fish and the Congressman's responses as handled by him and his staff. The letters address matters of local, national, and international concern and often urge votes for or against specific issues. Also included are "case files" of letters requesting that the Congressman intervene in matters of importance to individual constituents.

The correspondence from Representative Fish's offices in this sub-series are actually carbon copies on either pink, yellow, green or white onion skin paper and are sometimes referred to in the records as "pinks" or "greens," etc. The initials of the staff member who drafted the letter are noted at the end of the text (HF:pjb, for instance). The series is organized chronologically by year, and in most instances, alphabetically by the first letter of the sender's last name (1982 (A-S), for

Series 4: Correspondence Files
Sub-series 2: Topical
8 cu. ft., Boxes 50-57

This Topical sub-series illustrates the range of subjects addressed by the 91st to 103rd Congresses (1968 -1994), and of concern to the public during the Congressman's tenure. The bulk consists of 63 folders of correspondence on Legislative Issues (1974-1994), primarily in the form of letters summarizing the Representative's opinion on a given issue, and is arranged chronologically, then for the period of 1981 to 1983, alphabetically by staff member's initials (Legislative Issues, 1981 January (TAS), for instance). Correspondence for 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1988 is missing and, compared to the 28 folders for 1981 most other years are sparsely covered.

There are 15 folders of correspondence sent by well-wishers at the time of Representative Fish's announcement of his illness and subsequent retirement in March 1994, and 30 folders of appreciative correspondence to Representative Fish (1976-1994) thanking him for votes cast and services rendered. Twenty-two folders of correspondence from people the Congressman's staff considered very important are included in this sub-series. These folders contain letters from presidents, CEOs, congressional colleagues and other "VIPs."

Other topics of interest include congratulatory letters from Representative Fish's office to constituents; "Dear Colleague" letters to legislators; clippings of letters to the editor about the Congressman, and from him; telegrams received from 1966 to 1985; and correspondence with several U.S. Presidents.

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by topic, location or sender/recipient (last name first). The wording on the original folders' labels has been retained as faithfully as possible. Individual items on a given topic are filed alphabetically in general topical correspondence by first letter of the topic, location or sender/recipient (e. g. -S- General topical correspondence). Because of the attempt by the processor to keep the original order in the collection, the researcher is as apt to find correspondence to and from government officials, lobbyists and organizational interests filed among the contents in folders in Subject Files (Series 5) and Legislative Files (Series 2, Sub-series 1) as here.

See also:
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1:Election Campaigns, Box 85: Folders 6-19. (Congratulations)

Series 5: Subject Files
9 cu. ft., Boxes 58-66

Information in this series covers international, national and local topics, with the bulk of materials focused on issues of concern at the local level. Here is to be found evidence of the local issues which Representative Fish concentrated on: health care provision and hospital management, especially at the two Veterans Administration hospitals (Montrose and Castle Point) in his district; regional rail and air transportation (Amtrak, Conrail and Stewart Airport); energy (Iroquois Pipeline and the Marcy-South power line); the Hudson River; veterans' affairs; education, and issues concerning specific cities and towns in his district as well as New York State as a whole. He also served on the West Point Board of Visitors, the U.S. Military Academy being in his district, for 12 years and this series contains 19 folders of his board papers. These files also include papers related to Representative Fish's appointment to the F. D. R. Memorial Commission, which suggest there is now a congenial relationship between the Roosevelt and Fish families. Hamilton Fish Sr. (1888-1991) and Franklin D. Roosevelt were bitter political enemies.

Of interest perhaps to the researcher seeking background information, are a number of folders, compiled from miscellaneous items by the processor to give insight into the workings of the Congressman's Washington and district offices. These folders contain office policy and management documents and staff member lists, as well as office expense and schedule material, and maps of the 25th and 28th Congressional districts.

The folders in this series were garnered from the collection and arranged alphabetically rather than chronologically by year as they were found. The researcher will find subjects organized under one of three types of folder titles: 1) name titles (last name first), 2) location titles (Poughkeepsie, N.Y. or Haiti, for example) and 3) subject titles (Flag Decision, Supreme Court or Hudson River, 1984 Gasoline Spill, for example).

See also:
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 28: Folders 9-12

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations

Grouped in this series are the materials that document Representative Fish's relations with both the press (Clippings, Press Releases and Radio and TV Appearances) and his constituents (Events, Guest Books/Intern Cards, Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires, and Civic Speeches).

See also:
Series 4: Correspondence Files, Sub-series 2: Topical, Box 50: Folders 64-66 (Letters to the Editor).

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 1: Clippings
2 cu. ft., Boxes 67-68

The newspaper, magazine and newsletter articles collected here document Representative Fish's public image as reported by the press. These clippings either feature articles on Representative Fish or mention his involvement with a certain issue, and chronicle his activities both in Washington and in his home district. They are arranged in chronological order by year. Numerous tributes and profiles, written at the time of his retirement (1994), provide an overview and analysis of his political career.

See also:
Series 1: Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 10, 11(Genealogical and family history, Father) 15 (Genealogical and family history, Sons) and 1 (Genealogical and family history, Wives).
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 28:Folders 7-12.(Clippings)
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns, Box 85:5. (Clippings, 1974, 1978)

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 2: Events
2 cu.ft., Boxes 69-70

During his tenure Representative Fish hosted events, many of them annual, designed either to draw attention to, or to provide a forum for, special constituencies in his district. Apple farmers were annually invited to Washington to promote New York State apples (1969-1979). Also in Washington, seminars, speeches and photo sessions were scheduled for Chamber of Commerce Day (1975-1990), Leadership Days (1971-1978) for both Labor and Business, and the longstanding Women's Leadership Day (originally called "Ladies' Leadership Day") from 1972-1994.

Also included in this sub-series are materials documenting the testimonials, roasts and galas held in Representative Fish's honor and for "Steer and Beer," a picnic for constituents of all political stripes the Congressman hosted for at least nine years in the 1970s and 1980s. In his district he convened senior citizens task forces (1973-1980) and held town and neighborhood meetings, and veterans' meetings. This sub-series documents these events as well.

See also:
Series 5: Subject Files, Box 59: Folders 42-46. (Health Care Reform, 1992 Hudson Valley Conference)

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 3: Guest Books/Intern Cards
1 cu. ft., Box 71

The complete run of guest books, signed by visitors to his Washington office, is included in this sub-series, as are file cards with contact information for the many student interns he mentored.

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances
1 cu. ft., Box 72

Representative Fish's office produced newsletters, questionnaires and reports to constituents in his district to keep them up-to-date on issues he deemed important, and to poll their opinions on those issues. These are included in this sub-series along with, in some cases, annotated drafts; three folders documenting his radio and TV appearances; and eight folders of special interest mailers.

See also:
Series 8. Audio/Visual Materials. Sub-Series 2: Audiotapes, Box 93:Folders 1,2,15,16,26 and 27. (Radio Broadcasts)
Series 8. Audio/Visual Materials, Sub-Series 3: Videotapes, Box 95:Folders 2-11, Box 96:Folders 4-14, Box 97:Folders 2 and 7-17, Box 98:Folders 1-3.(Television Broadcasts)

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 5: Press Releases
3 cu. ft., Boxes 73-75

The Press Releases Series consists of copies of news releases on letterhead issued by Representative Fish's office along with some background materials. Arranged by date, they provide a year-by-year chronicle of Fish's activities, opinions, statements, and positions; and a window on the issues Fish deemed newsworthy.

The chronological arrangement is accomplished by year, month and day, and the individual press releases are arranged with the final version first, followed any accompanying materials. Six of the 27 years covered by the series are indexed by subject. The early years are more sparsely represented than the late 1980s and 1990s, there is no material at all for 1976.

See also:
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns, Box 86:Folder 13. (Releases)

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 6: Speeches, Civic
9 cu. ft., Boxes 76-84

Contained in this series are copies of the speeches that Representative Fish delivered to civic groups, organizations and institutions. The majority of them were delivered in his district. Typical of the addresses that legislators are expected to give, they commemorated patriotic holidays and groundbreakings, and were delivered at commencements, tributes, award presentations, and dedications. The Congressman addressed special interest groups (veterans, senior citizens, chambers of commerce, various ethnic groups, etc.) on issues of concern to them, and brought the affairs of Washington home to his district, always with an eye to their effect on his constituents. The folder list that follows notes the topics of special interest covered by speeches in all years except those that have been indexed.

Most speeches are the result of several drafts, many of them copiously annotated in pencil in the Congressman's handwriting. These drafts are included, along with the research material (clippings, reports, notes, etc.) used in the speechwriting. The chronological arrangement of the series is accomplished by year, month and day of the speech; and the individual speeches are arranged with the final version first, followed by previous drafts and background material.

See also:
Series 1:. Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 17-39 (Awards, citations and honors, 1973-1994)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 29:Folders 17-18 (Speeches)
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series 1. Election Campaigns, Box 86:Folders 20-23 (Speeches)
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series 2. Republican Party, Box 86:Folders 33-35 (Speeches) and Box 87:Folders 1-25 (Speeches)

Series 7: Political Files
Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns
1 ½ cu. ft., Boxes 85-86

Representative Fish ran unsuccessfully for the House in 1966. Following that early defeat, he successfully ran for office every two years, until he retired in 1994. This sub-series consists of material that documents those fourteen campaigns and is weighted heavily towards items related to campaign fundraising matters. Also included are fourteen folders of the congratulatory correspondence from constituents and colleagues that followed each re-election. Campaign speeches for 1980, 1984, and 1992, and Representative Fish's withdrawal speech (1994) are housed in this sub-series.

Arranged alphabetically by subject and then chronologically, the Election Campaign Sub-series is not complete. Some materials document each of Representative Fish's election campaigns, but no single campaign comes even close to being documented thoroughly.

See also:
Series 2: Legislative Files, Sub-series 2: Legislative, Briefing and Conference Binders, Box 18: Folders 3-20 (Campaign Books) and Box 19:Folders1-4 (Campaign Books)

Series 7: Political Files
Sub-series 2: Republican Party
1 ½ cu. ft., Boxes 86-87

Representative Fish's affiliations to the GOP are documented in this sub-series, the bulk of which consists of the speeches made to GOP groups and organizations. As in Series 6, Sub-series 6, most speeches are the result of several drafts, many of them copiously annotated in pencil in Representative Fish's handwriting. These drafts are included, along with the research material (clippings, reports, notes, etc.) used for the speechwriting. The sub-series also contains a small amount of material from when Mr. Fish served on Senator Jacob Javits's re-election campaign committee.

Series 8: Photographs
5 cu. ft., Boxes 88-92

The eighth series contains print photographs and negatives. The bulk of the images have Representative Fish in the frame, and range from photographs of Fish as Grand Marshall leading a St. Patrick's Day Parade, to posing with apple queens, with school children on the steps of the Capitol, or with visiting constituents in his Washington office. There are also images of the Congressman attending functions at the White House, debating on the House floor, talking with refugees during a fact-finding mission, and accepting honors at award banquets. In short, the five cubic feet of photographs richly illustrate the life (1960s) and congressional career (1968-1994) of Representative Fish.

The photographs are arranged chronologically by year, followed by sixteen folders of images with unknown dates, and four folders of black and white negatives in labeled envelopes. There are a number of photographs of Representative Fish with well-known individuals. Their names, and the corresponding date of the photograph in which they appear, are indicated in the folder list.

See also:
Series 1, Personal Files, Box 9:5-8. (Photographs, Portraits of HF)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 30:Folder 10. (Photographs)

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 1: Audiotapes
1970-1989 and undated material
2 cu. ft., Boxes 93-94

Representative Fish's office began adding audiotapes to their records in the 1970s and this sub-series contains a total of seventy. They were not played back during processing. Therefore the information written on or accompanying each item, if it existed, was not verified, but copied into this finding aid verbatim. Media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration.

The sub-series is arranged first chronologically when a date is given. When no date is given, tapes are arranged alphabetically by subject as indicated. Finally, when no information is available, items are arranged by medium.

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 2: Motion Picture Film
1969-1971 and undated material
½ cu. ft., Box 94

There are eleven items in this sub-series, dating from 1969-1971. They were not projected during processing. Therefore the information written on or accompanying each item, if it existed, was not verified, but copied into this finding aid verbatim. When the subject is unclear or non-existent, the first few frames were inspected and described in a note.

Media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration. The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by subject as indicated.

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 3: Video Tapes
1982-1995 and undated material
4 cu. ft., Boxes 94-98

These video tapes were not played back during processing. Therefore the description in this finding aid was copied verbatim from information written on or accompanying each tape. Since without viewing then, there is no way of knowing if the data on any single tape is accessible, no duplicate copies have been culled. Multiple copies are arranged together and a note indicates that there are multiple copies of a given tape. In all cases, the media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration.

First, when the date is available, this sub-series is arranged chronologically. When no date is given, tapes are arranged alphabetically by subject. The final arrangement - a chronological one - is for a monthly program hosted by Representative Fish, Fact and Comment. The program was taped in the House Recording Studio and copies were mailed to television news directors with the "hope that you have found a regular time slot in your local-origination programming" for the show. The collection includes Fact and Comment tapes for 11 programs, dating from October 1987 - March 1989. Tapes for a given show may be in more than one format.
A folder of the printed, descriptive material that accompanied some of the tapes is also included in the sub-series.

See also:
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 31:Folder 9. ( Videotape)
Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations, Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances, Box 72:17-19 (Radio and TV Appearances)

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 4: Floppy Discs
ca. 1994
Box 98

This series consists of seven floppy discs, all entitled "Legislative Mail, Congressman Hamilton Fish," thought to be from 1994. These discs were not examined during processing. Therefore the description in this finding aid was copied verbatim from information written on or accompanying each disc.

Series 10: Scrapbooks, Ephemera and Artifacts
3 cu. ft., Boxes 99-101

The bulk of this series is made up of paper documents, including twelve scrapbooks. There are also numerous award certificates and organization membership cards; an autographed bill and some annotated or autographed programs; the calling card of Fidel Castro; a poster and a Congressman Ham Fish, Jr. Circus Coloring Book from a circus presented by the Friends of Fish; the Congressman's member pass and his 1970 passport; and several folders of campaign ephemera including bumper stickers, handouts, posters, and an Our Congressman Ham Fish, Jr. grocery bag.

Nine of the thirteen scrapbook albums either contained the typical 1970s sticky pages or their covers were in poor condition. In those nine cases, the material was removed from the scrapbook and placed, in its original order, in folders entitled with the dates and/or subject of the scrapbook in question. In the case of newspaper clippings particularly, when it was impossible to remove them from the sticky pages, the sticky pages were copied and the copy included in the folder.

Some miscellaneous artifacts (three dimensional objects) were also found among the Congressman's papers. They were retained for the collection and include: a gavel, two license plates, a Re-elect Ham Fish, Jr. litter bag, a 45 rpm record, numerous campaign and issue buttons, and a red felt Youth for Fish banner.

See also:
Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations, Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances, Box 72:17-19.


Series 1: Personal Files
through 1994
9 cu. ft.

The Personal Files contain biographical material about Hamilton Fish, Jr. and his family; genealogical information on his ancestors; documentation (including correspondence and annotated acceptance speeches) of the awards and honors he received, and in some cases the actual awards; schedules, and schedule and appointment cards for the years he was in office; documentation of his official trips (1970-1989); and a small collection of his official photographic portraits.

Box Folder Description
1-5  Biographies, biographical sketches, obituaries 
Genealogical and family history, Family 1972-1978 
Genealogical and family history, Ancestors 
Genealogical and family history, Cousins 
Genealogical and family history, Daughter - Alexandra Fish Ward (1953 -) 
10-11  Genealogical and family history, Father - Hamilton Fish (1888-1991) 
12  Genealogical and family history, Grandchildren 
13  Genealogical and family history, Political History 
14  Genealogical and family history, Family Photos, 1991 
15  Genealogical and family history, Sons - Hamilton (1951- ), Nicholas Stuyvesent (1958- ), Peter Livingston (1959- )  
16  Genealogical and family history, Wives - Julia Mackenzie Fish, Billy Laster Cline Fish, Mary Ann Tinklepaugh Knauss Fish 
17-39   Awards, citations and honors (1973-1994) 
40-44  Correspondence - Birthday (1971, 1984, 1989-1991) 
45-46  Correspondence - Condolences (1986-1994) 
47  Correspondence - Fish for Governor 
48  Correspondence - Miscellaneous 
49  Correspondence - Significant [actual folder title] 
50  Desk, [Items left on last day in office on HF's ] 
51  Essays 
52  Eulogy, T. G. Belcher August 1990 [written and delivered by HF] 
53  Eyeglasses, HF's 
54  Hamilton Fish Park 
55  Happiness [quotes by HF on,] 
56  Health [documentation concerning HF's,] 
57  Home, Millbrook, NY 
58  Political, early 1994 
59  Robbery [1981] 
1-29  Appointment and Schedule Records (1969, 1970, 1972-1982) 
1-22  Appointment and Schedule Records (1982-1984, 1986-1988, 1990-1992) 
1-12  Appointment and Schedule Records (1992-1994) 
1-3  Schedule Cards, in envelopes (1981-1983) 
4-6  Schedule Cards, in file boxes (1987-1989) 
1-3  Schedule Cards, in file boxes (1990-1992) 
1-3  Schedule Cards, in file boxes (1993-1994) 
Travel, August 1970 - Israel 
2   Travel, May 1970 - Geneva 
Travel, May 1975 - USSR 
Travel, February 1976 - Geneva/Brussels 
Travel, November 1976 - Middle East 
Travel, November 1976 - Geneva (ICEM) [Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration] 
Travel, February 1977 - Ottawa 
8-9  Travel, November 1977 - Geneva/Belgrade/Cyprus 
10  Travel, 1978 - United States 
11  Travel, May 1978 - Virgin Islands (Immigration) 
12  Travel, August 1978 - Ireland/England 
13  Travel, November 1978 - Geneva/Rome 
14-15  Travel, December 1978 - Geneva (UNHCR) [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees] 
16  Travel, 1979 - United States  
17-18  Travel, February 1979 - Thailand/Malaysia 
19  Travel, July 1979 - Geneva (United Nations Conference on Refugees) 
20-21  Travel, January 1980 - Central and South America 
22  Travel, January 1980 - Ottawa 
23  Travel, May 1980 - Key West (Cuban refugees) 
24  Travel, 1981 - United States 
25  Travel, August 1981 - Southeast Asia/Europe 
26  Travel, January 1982 - Cuba 
27  Travel, November 1982 - Paris 
28  Travel, 1983 - United States 
29  Travel, January 1983 - Italy 
30  Travel, February 1983 - Frankfurt (with Peter Regis) 
31  Travel, May 1983 - Europe 
32  Travel, November 1984 - Italy/Switzerland 
33  Travel, 1986 - United States 
34  Travel, July 1986 - Southeast Asia (declined) 
35-36  Travel, April 1987 - Central America 
Travel, November 1987 - Geneva/Paris 
Travel, January 1989 - Jamaica 
Travel, August 1989 - Yugoslavia 
Travel, Rome/Geneva (Immigration) 
5-8  Photographs, Portraits of HF 

Series 2: Legislative Files

Legislative Files document the work carried out by Representative Fish and his staff in his offices in Washington and at home in his district.

Sub-series 1: Legislative Subject Files (A-Z)
8 cu. ft., Boxes 10-17

Issues of particular interest to Representative Fish can be deduced from these Legislative Subject Files. They cover a wide range of subjects including: Americans with disabilities, the AT&T consent decree hearing, the Bottlers' Bill, the Brady Bill and gun control, civil rights, copyright protection, crime, the death penalty, the Equal Rights Amendment, habeas corpus, health care reform, immigration, the Iraq investigation hearings, the Judiciary Committee, legal services, nuclear energy, the Outer Continental Shelf, refugees, the Savings and Loan Bill, Soviet Jewry, Travelgate, voting rights, the Waco hearings, and the Wetlands Bill.

This series is arranged alphabetically by subject then chronologically (Intellectual Property 1990, 1991 or Soviet Jewry 1975-1981, for instance).

Box Folder Description
10  Abortion 
10  Access to Justice Act 
10  Agriculture 1971-1972 
10  Agriculture 1979-1980 
10  Agriculture Committee 1992 
10  Airport Development Aid Program 1980 
10  Airport Safety and Noise Abatement  
10  Air Traffic Controllers 1981 
10  Americans with Disabilities Bill 1989  
10  10-11  Americans with Disabilities 1990 
10  12-13  Americans with Disabilities, Final House 1990 
10  14  Americans with Disabilities Act 1991-1992 
10  15  Anticrime Assistance Act  
10  16  Antitrust Reform 
10  17  Armed Services Salaries 1980 
10  18-20  AT&T Consent Decree Hearing 1992 
10  21  Balanced Budget Hearing 1979 
10  22  Balanced Budget Amendment 1992 
10  23  Banking 1979 
10  24  Banking Committee 
10  25  Banking Reform 1991 
10  26  Banking Scandal, House 
10  27-28  Bankruptcy 
10  29  Baseball Anti-Trust Exemption Hearing 
10  30  Billboards 1993 
10  31  Bills Introduced by HF 1971 (92.1) 
10  31  Bills Introduced by HF 1977 (Assorted Information) 
10  32  Bills Sponsored by HF 1977 
10  33  Bills Sponsored by HF 1978 
10  35  Bills Introduced by HF 1980  
10  36  Bills Sponsored by HF (99.1-102.2) [1985-1992] 
11  Bork, Judge Robert 
11  Bottle Bill 1975 
11  3-4  Bottlers' Bill 1979-1980 
11  10  Brooks Telecom Bill 
11  11  Budget Proposal - 92 Group 
11  12  Cable Television Consumer Protection 1991 
11  13-15  Campaign Finance Reform 1990 
11  16  Child Abuse in the Military 
11  17  Child Snatching 1977-1978 
11  18  Chrysler Loan Guarantee 1979-1981 
11  19-26  Civil Rights Act 1977, 1982, 1984, 1990, 1991 
11  27-28  Civil Rights Restoration Act  
11  29  Civil Rights Subcommittee 
11  30  Clayton Act 
11  31  Clinical Laboratory Improvements 
11  32  Committee Rules 
11  33  Communications Act 1993 
11  34  Community Sports Protection Act 1982 
11  35  Competition in the Computer Industry 1993 
11  36-37  Copyright Protection 1992 
11  38  Copyright Reform Subcommittee Hearing 1993 
11  39-40  Crime Bill 1990 
12  1-5  Crime Bill 1991-1994 
12  Crime Control Act 1984 
12  Criminal Justice Subcommittee 
12  8-9  Death Penalty 
12  10  DC Statehood 
12  11  Department of Defense Authorization 
12  12  Department of Justice Authorization 
12  13  Design Protection Bill 1991 
12  14  Digital Performance Rights 
12  15  DNA Amendment 
12  16  Eating Disorder Awareness 
12  17  Economic and Commercial Law 
12  18  Energy Tax Act, Business 1982 
12  19  Energy Crisis 1979 
12  20  Environment 1978-1979 
12  21-22  Equal Rights Amendment 1978 
12  23  ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ] Multi-employer Pension Plan  
12  24  Ethics in Government Act 1978 
12  25  Exportation of Fresh Water 
12  26-32  Fair Housing 1979, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1992 
12  33  Fairness in Product Liability 1991 
12  34  Federal Elections Campaign Act 1990 
12  35  FDR [Franklin D. Roosevelt] 
12  36-37  FDR [Franklin D. Roosevelt] Commemorative Coin 
12  39  FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] Food and Shelter 1992  
13  Film Disclosure Act 1992 
13  Financial Disclosure Act 1975 
13  Flag Burning constitutional amendment 1990 
13  Food Stamps 1980 
13  4a  Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances 1993 
13  Fuel Stamps 1979 
13  GM-Toyota 1983 
13  Grant's Tomb 
13  Gun Control (BATF) [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] 1979 
13  Gun Control 1993 
13  10-12  Habeas Corpus 1990-1992 
13  13  Handgun Control 
13  14-15  Health Care Reform 
13  16  Hospital Cost Containment 
13  17  Housing 
13  18  Hudson Estuary 
13  19  Hyde Special Order 
13  20  Illegal Aliens 1978 
13  21-22  Illinois Brick 1978, 1979 
13  23-26  Immigration 1971, 1978, 1979 
13  27-28  Immigration and Naturalization Act 1993 
13  29  Immigration Reform 1989 
13  30-36  Immigration Bill 1990, 1991 
13  37  Immigration, Chinese Nationals 1989 
13  38  Immigration Conference, Legal 1990 
13  39  Immigration Control, Subcommittee on  
13  40  Immigration Technical Corrections Act 1991 
14  Impact Aid 
14  Independent Counsel 
14  Inslaw [case] 1992 
14  Institutionalized Persons 
14  5-7  Insurance, Competitive Pricing 1990, 1991 
14  8-9  Intellectual Property 1990, 1991 
14  10  Iran 1979 
14  11-12  Iraq Investigation Hearings 1992 
14  13  Irish Bill  
14  14  Irish Immigration Reform 
14  15   Israeli Inquiry 1980 
14  16  Joint Economic Committee 
14  17  Joint Production Venture 1991 
14  18  Judgeships 
14  19-29  Judiciary Committee 1973, 1979, 1986-1989, 1991-1994 
14  30  Law of the Sea 1979 
14  31-33  Legal Services 
14  34  Liability Standards Reform Act 1993 
15  Lobby Bill 1979 
15  Lobbying Disclosure Act 1993 
15  Lobbying Reform Bill 1979 
15  Lyme Disease Action Plan 
15  Mass Transit 1979 
15  Metropolitan Transit Authority 1985 
15  Middle East Arms Sale 1978 
15  Military Construction 1980 
15  Myers, Michael 
15  10  National Commission on Judicial Discipline and Removal 
15  11  National Cooperative Production Amendments 1993 
15  12  National Film Preservation Act 1991 
15  13  Nazi Bill 1977 
15  14  New York City Debt 1975 
15  15  Northern Ireland 
15  16  Nuclear Energy Reappraisal Act 1979 
15  17  Nuclear Freeze 1982-1983 
15  18  Nuclear Power 
15  19  Nuclear Waste 
15  20  Offshore Oil Spill Pollution 
15  21  Olympic Village 
15  22  Olympics, Winter 1980 
15  23-25  Outer Continental Shelf 1975-1978 
15  26  Parole 1972 
15  27  Pay Compatibility Act 1991 
15  28  Performance Rights 1993 
15  29  Police Retirement Act (Operation Jude) 
15  30  Pre-Trial Services 1980 
15  31  Price Fixing 1991 
15  32  Prison Construction 
15  33  Prison Reform 
15  34  Prisoners of War, Former 
15  35  Privacy, Press 1980 
15  36   Private Bills 
15  37  Product Liability Reform 
16  RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act] 
16  2-6  Refugee Act 1977, 1979, 1987 
16  Refugee Act Reauthorization 
16  Refugees 1979 
16  Refugees, Cambodian 
16  10  Refugees. Chinese - Undo 
16  11  Refugees, Haitian 
16  12  Refugees, Indo-Chinese 
16  13  Religious Freedom Restoration Act 1992 
16  14  Retail Price Maintenance 1990 
16  15  Retransmission/TV Hearings 
16  16  Revenue Act 1992 
16  17  RTC [Resolution Trust Corporation] Completion Act 1992 
16  18  Rules Committee 1991 
16  19-21  Savings and Loan Bill 1989, 1990 
16  22  Select Commission Consultation 1980 
16  23  Select Commission Dinner Meetings 
16  24  Select Commission Lawsuit 1980 
16  25  Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy 1979-1980 
16  26  Select Commission Newsletter 
16  27  Select Commission Regional Hearings 1979-1980 
16  28  Senior Citizen Interns 1980 
16  29  Simulcast NYRA [New York Racing Association] Racing 
16  30  Small Business Amendment 1979 
16  31  SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas) 
16  32  Soft Drink Bill 1979-1980 
16  33-39  Soviet Jewry 1975-1981 
16  40  Special Orders and Tributes 
16  41  Sports Lottery Bill 1991 
16  42  Sports Standards Meeting 1993 
16  43  Superfund 
16  44  Surface Transportation Act 1980 
16  45  Survivor Benefit Plan 1985 
17  Taxation 
17  Telephone Advertising Consumer Rights Act 1991 
17  Trade Act 1988 
17  Transportation 1979 
17  5-6  Travelgate 1993 
17  Unilever/P&G Olestra  
17  US-Canada Trade Act1988 
17  US Sentencing Guidelines 
17  10  Urban Trees 
17  11  Vertical Price Fixing 
17  12  Veterans 
17  13  Victims of Crime 
17  14  Vietnam Veterans 
17  15  Violence Against Women Act 1992 
17  16  Visa Waiver Extension 1990 
17  17  Visas 1993-1994 
17  18  Visas, O & P Non-Immigrant 
17  19  Volunteers 
17  20-22  Voting Rights 1982 
17  23-24  Voting Rights Extension Act 1992 
17  25-29  Waco Hearings 1993 
17  30  Weapons Act, Restricted 1990 
17  31  Welfare Reform 
17  32  Westway 
17  33-34  Wetlands Bill 1981-1982 
17  35  Whitewater Independent Counsel 
17  36  Wilderness Protection Bill 
17  37  Youth Employment and Unemployment 
17  38  Zionism Equals Racism, UN [United Nations]1990 

Series 2: Legislative Files
Sub-series 2: Legislative, Briefing and Conference Binders
7 cu. ft, Boxes 18-24

The contents of this sub-series consists of materials distributed to legislators by the Government Printing Office documenting legislative activity, legislative profiles and voting records; briefing materials for various hearings, committees and commissions; and material received by Representative Fish as a participant in Aspen Institutes for Humanistic Studies held between 1987 and 1994.

Of particular interest are eight Campaign Binders - briefing books prepared for Representative Fish's use during his 1974, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1988 election campaigns. They were organized by issue/subject and contain a wealth of information on the Congressman's stand on, and votes for or against, issues of the day, including abortion, banking, busing, campaign reform, capital punishment, civil rights, consumer issues, crime, defense, district matters, drugs, the economy, education, energy, the ERA, the environment, foreign policy, health, housing, labor, senior citizens, small business, social services, veterans, and women and families. Also included are two Category Books which list the roll call number, date, member (Representative Fish's) vote and description for all bills acted upon during the 94th Congress. These books are organized categorically ("Agriculture," "Handicapped," or "Southeast Asia," for example).

As it was received, the collection contained many binders compiled by subject. Material in these binders was rehoused in folders and labeled as the binders were labeled (Legislative Activity Guide 1991-1994, for instance).

Box Folder Description
18  1-2  Category Books 1975-1976 
18  3-4  Campaign Book 1974 
18  5-6  Campaign Book 1976 
18  7-9  Campaign Book 1978 
18  10-13  Campaign Book 1982 
18  14-16  Campaign Book 1984 
18  17-20  Campaign Book 1986 
19  1-4  Campaign (Briefing) Book 1988 
19  5-22  Legislative Activity Guide 1985-1990 
20  1-7  Legislative Activity Guide 1991-1994 
20  8-17  Legislative Digest 1991-1992 
20  18-21  Legislative Profile 1987-1990 
21  1-5  Legislative Profile 1991-1994 
21  Legislative Profile, Human Rights 1988-1992 
21  Roll Call Subject Guide 1969-1970 
21  8-27  Voting Record 1969-1986 
21  28  Voting Record (103.1& 103.2) [1993-1994] 
22  Briefing Materials - Gerald Ford Conference 1974 
22  2   Briefing Materials - HR 2816, 1979 (96.1) 
22  Briefing Materials - HR 3480, 1981 
22  Briefing Materials - Voting Rights, 1981 (97.1) 
22  Briefing Materials - HR 1, 1983 (98.1) 
22  Briefing Materials - Patent Extensions 1992 
23  International Committee for European Migration - Executive Committee 1972 
23  Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy Commission Meeting 1979 
23  Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy Hearing 1979 
23  4-8  Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy Hearings 1980 
23  Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy Second Semi-Annual Report (Draft) 1980 
24  Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies - U.S.-Soviet Relations Building a Congressional Cadre 1987 
24  2   Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies - U.S.-Soviet Relations Building a Congressional Cadre/The Gorbachev Era 1990 
24  Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies - U.S.-Soviet Relations Building a Congressional Cadre /Eastern Europe 1990 
24  Aspen Institute - The Soviet Crisis and the Western Response 1991 
24  Aspen Institute - Politics, Economics and Western Policy in the Post-Communist Era 1991 
24  Aspen Institute - The End of the Soviet Union 1992 
24  Aspen Institute - US Relations with Central and Eastern Europe 1993 
24  Aspen Institute - Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus and the US Response 1994 

Series 2: Legislative Files
Sub-series 3: Floor Statements/Remarks/Speeches/Tributes
4 cu. ft., Boxes 25-27

This sub-series is comprised of floor statements, remarks, speeches and tributes--in effect, all the public orations made by Representative Fish on the House Floor. In most cases, annotated drafts and background material accompany the final versions of each address. This sub-series is organized chronologically.

Box Folder Description
25  1969 
25  1970 
25  1971-1972 
25  1974-1975 
25  1976 
25  6-7  1977 
25  8-10  1978 
25  11-13  1979 
25  14-17  1980 
25  18-19  1981 
25  20-22  1982 
25  23-25  1983 
26  1-4  1984 
26  5-6  1985 
26  7-8  1986 
26  9-12  1987 
26  13-16  1988 
26  17-19  1989 
26  20-24  1990 
26  25  1991-1993 
26  26-27  1991 
27  1-3  1991 [continued] 
27  4-8  1992 
27  9-15  1993 
27  16-19  1994 

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files

This series is made up of files generated by Representative Fish while a member of the House Judiciary Committee during hearings on the impeachment Richard Nixon (1973-1974). These have been filed separately from other Legislative Files due to their bulk, and to the importance that the Nixon impeachment played in Representative Fish's career.

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z
4 cu. ft., Boxes 28-31

Material throughout this sub-series is annotated by Representative Fish. Of major interest are the 15 folders of the Congressman's handwritten notes (HF's Notes) made during the hearings and organized by month or subject; 6 folders of his annotated speeches, reports and statements; an annotated Report on Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment, an annotated Standard for Presidential Impeachment issued by the White House; and the annotated transcripts of Recorded Presidential Conversations (1971-1973). Newspaper articles about the impeachment that mention Fish were assiduously clipped and are included here, as is a video recording of Representative Fish's statement before the House, delivered on July 25, 1974.

Impeachment Subject Files are organized alphabetically by topic and, in a few cases, by name (last name first).

Box Folder Description
28  American Civil Liberties Union - Cause for Impeachment 
28  American Civil Liberties Union - Committees of Correspondence 
28  Articles of Impeachment - Articles I-III 
28  4-5  Articles of Impeachment - Draft 
28  Cox, Archibald 
28  7-8  Clippings 
28  Clippings, New York Times 
28  10  Clippings, Nixon and Democrats 
28  11  Clippings, Washington Post 
28  12  Clippings, Washington Star News 
28  13  Columbia Law School Impeachment Research Committee 
28  14  Committee Hearings 
28  15  Common Cause 
28  16  Danielson, George  
28  17  Doar, John 
28  18  Dutchess County Impeachment Committee 
28  19  Exhibit - Bittman, William O. 
28  20  Exhibit - Colson, Charles 
28  21  Exhibit - Kalmbach, Herb 
28  22  Exhibit - Mitchell, John 
28  23  Exhibit - Petersen, Henry 
28  24  Full Committee Minutes October 1973-July 1974 
28  25  Grounds for Impeachment April 17, 1974 
29  HF's (Hamilton Fish's) Notes undated 
29  HF's Notes 1973 
29  3-4  HF's Notes January 1974 
29  HF's Notes February 1974 
29  HF's Notes March 1974 
29  HF's Notes April 1974 
29  8-9  HF's Notes May 1974 
29  10  HF's Notes June 1974 
29  11-13  HF's Notes July 1974 
29  14  HF's Notes - Kalmbach/Colson Cross Examination 
29  15  HF's Notes - Watergate 
29  16  HF's requested material 
29  17-18  HF's Speeches 
29  19  HF's Special Report 
29  20-21  HF's Statements 
29  22  HF's Talk File 
29  23  Hilton Head 
29  24   Houston Plan 
30  1-2  Investigative Files, Index to 
30  List of Names 
30  Media Coverage 
30  Memo to Minority Members 
30  Memo, Potential Impeachable Offences 
30  Nixon Impeachment 
30  Nixon's Last Days 
30  Notices of Meetings 
30  10  Photographs 
30  11  Proceedings, Impeachment Inquiry 
30  12  Proceedings, Taking Depositions 
30  13  Publication List 
30  14  Report - Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment [annotated] 
30  15  Report - The EOB [Executive office Building] Tape of June 2, 1972 
30  16-20  Report - Proceedings, Impeachment Inquiry, Business Sessions, July 1974 
30  21  Report - Taxes and Emoluments 
30  22  Report - Wiretaps 1969-1971 
30  23  Report - Work of the Impeachment Inquiry Staff as of March 1, 1974 
30  24  Report Summary - Watergate Special Prosecution Force May 1973-September 1975  
30  25  Responses to Specifics 
30  26   Rodino, Peter 
30  27  Special Prosecutor for the Watergate Case 
30  28  Standard for Presidential Impeachment, The White House's [annotated] 
30  29-30  Subpoena, Richard Nixon 
30  31  Testimony - Dean, John 
33  32  Testimony - Erlichman, John 
30  33  Testimony - Magruder, Jeb 
31  Transcripts, Analysis of Presidential 
31  2-4  Transcripts, Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations [Appendices 1-29 missing] 
31  5-8  Transcripts of Recordings, Judiciary Committee 1971-1973 [annotated] 
31  Videotape - "Statement of the Honorable Hamilton Fish, Jr. Member of Congress Twenty-Fifth District, New York . . . [on] whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States. July 25, 1974, a television recording, compliments of CBS." (one ¾" video tape) 
31  10  Watergate, 20th Anniversary 
31  11  Yale Committee on Impeachment 

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 2: Correspondence (Incoming)
1 cu. ft., Box 32

As a member of the Judiciary Committee, Representative Fish received letters and telegrams from constituents, from people around the country, and from legislators, urging him to consider their opinions on the impeachment, the hearings, and President Nixon. Nineteen folders of this correspondence are included here and organized chronologically (1973, January - July 1974, After Vote). The twentieth folder contains correspondence on the impeachment from his congressional colleagues.

Box Folder Description
32  1973
32 2-13 January - July 1974 
32 14-19 After Vote
32  20 Congressional

Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files
Sub-series 3: Government Publications
7 cu. ft., Boxes 33-39

The federal government issued masses of well-indexed documentation during this time to aid the Judiciary Committee in their work. This material, contained in the seven boxes of Government Publications, is arranged alphabetically by subject. The bulk of the sub-series is made up of "Books" that begin with material from 1969 focusing on events prior to the Watergate break-in and conclude five boxes later with "Impoundment of Funds; Government Expenditures on President Nixon's Private Properties at San Clemente and Key Biscayne." Only a few documents in this sub-series were annotated by the Congressman.

Box Folder Description
33  1-2  Appendices I and II 
33  Brief on Behalf of the President of the US 
33  Comparison Between the White House and Judiciary Committee Transcripts 
33  Errata 
33  6-17  Executive Sessions July 2-22, 1974 [annotated] 
33  18  Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon 
33  19  Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon, Draft 
33  20  Minority Memorandum on Facts and Law 
33  21-23  Statement of Information Submitted on Behalf of President Nixon, Books I-II 
34  1-4  Statement of Information Submitted on Behalf of President Nixon, Books III-IV 
34  5-7  Testimony of Witnesses, Books I-III 
34  Transcripts of Eight Recorded Presidential Conversations 
35  Statement of Information, Books I-V - Table of Contents 
    Book I - Events prior to the Watergate break-in, December 2, 1969-June 17, 1972. 
35  Book I, Index 
35  3-6  Book I, Tabs 1-20 
    Book II - Events following the Watergate break-in, June 17, 1972-February 9, 1973 (allegations involving Presidential interference with the official Department of Justice investigation). 
35  Book II, Index 
35  8-19  Book II, Tabs 1-58 
    Book III - Events following the Watergate break-in, June 20, 1972-March 22, 1973 (allegations concerning the payments of "hush" money to Watergate defendants to insure their silence, offers of leniency and executive clemency, and the making of causing to be, of false statements to persons connected with an official investigation of Watergate; chronology of events between February 9 and March 22, 1973). 
35  20  Book III, Index 
35  21-30  Book III, Tabs 1-47 
36  1-4  Book III, Tabs 48-74 
    Book IV - Events following the Watergate break-in, March 22, 1973-April 30, 1973 (events relating to the President's investigation of the alleged Watergate break-in and cover-up between March 22 and April 30, 1973). 
36  Book IV, Index 
36  6-21  Book IV, Tabs 1-90 
    Book V - Testimony of Richard Kleindienst before the Senate Judiciary Committee I February 1972 regarding the commencement, prosecution and settlement of the anti-trust action against the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. 
37  Book V, Index 
37  2-9  Book V, Tabs 1-58 
    Book VI - Political contributions pledged and made by milk producers' cooperatives from 1969 through 1972 for the benefit of the President's re-election campaign and the Administration's decision to increase price supports on dairy products. 
37  10  Book VI, Index 
37  12-21  Book VI, Tabs 1-45 
    Book VII - Domestic surveillance activities directed by the White House. 
38  1-2  Book VII, Index 
38  3-27  Book VII, Tabs 1-125 
39  1-2  Book VII, Tabs 126-133) 
    Book VIII - Alleged efforts by White House officials to acquire information from the Internal Revenue Service and to direct certain IRS activities. 
39  Book VIII, Index 
  4-9  Book VIII, Tabs 1-28 
    Book IX - Events following the Watergate break-in, April 25, 1973 - present (the history of the Special Prosecutor's activities and the President's continuing investigation). 
39  10  Book IX, Index 
39  11-25  Book IX, Tabs 1-101 
    Book X - Tax Deduction for Gift of Papers (includes materials submitted on behalf of President Nixon) [53 pp. with attachments C-E] Book XII - Impoundment of Funds; Government Expenditures on President Nixon's Private Properties at San Clemente and Key Biscayne [89 pp.] 
39  26  Books X and XII, portions of 

Series 4: Correspondence Files

See also:
Series 1: Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 40-49 (Correspondence)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 2: Correspondence (Incoming), Box 32:Folders 1-20
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series, 1. Election Campaigns, Box 85:Folders 8-19 (Congratulations)

Series 4: Correspondence Files
Sub-series 1: General
10 cu. ft., Boxes 40-49

This General sub-series runs intermittently from 1968-1994 and contains constituent letters to Representative Fish and the Congressman's responses as handled by him and his staff. The letters address matters of local, national, and international concern and often urge votes for or against specific issues. Also included are "case files" of letters requesting that the Congressman intervene in matters of importance to individual constituents.

The correspondence from Representative Fish's offices in this sub-series are actually carbon copies on either pink, yellow, green or white onion skin paper and are sometimes referred to in the records as "pinks" or "greens," etc. The initials of the staff member who drafted the letter are noted at the end of the text (HF:pjb, for instance). The series is organized chronologically by year, and in most instances, alphabetically by the first letter of the sender's last name (1982 (A-S), for instance).

Box Folder Description
40  1-2  1968 
40  1969 
40  1973 
40  1974 
40  6-16  1975 (A-Z) 
40  17-28  1977 (C, F-H) 
41  1-28  1977 (H-S) 
42  1-15  1977 (S-Z) 
42  16-30  1978 (C, G, L-S) 
43  1-6  1978 (S-Z) 
43  7-26  1979 (A-Z) 
44  1-28  1980 (A-S) 
45  1-6  1980 (S-Z) 
45  7-28  1981 (A-S) 
46  1-4  1981 (S-Z) 
46  5-24  1982 (A-S) 
47  1-2  1982 (T-Z) 
47  3-21  1983 (A-Z) 
48  1-16  1984 (A-Z) 
48  17-25  1985 (A-M) 
49  1-5  1985 (N-Z) 
49  5-12  1986-1988 "Sample staff correspondence from 'Green File'" 
49  13-14  January, August-December, 1993 

Series 4: Correspondence Files
Sub-series 2: Topical
8 cu. ft., Boxes 50-57

This Topical sub-series illustrates the range of subjects addressed by the 91st to 103rd Congresses (1968 -1994), and of concern to the public during the Congressman's tenure. The bulk consists of 63 folders of correspondence on Legislative Issues (1974-1994), primarily in the form of letters summarizing the Representative's opinion on a given issue, and is arranged chronologically, then for the period of 1981 to 1983, alphabetically by staff member's initials (Legislative Issues, 1981 January (TAS), for instance). Correspondence for 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1988 is missing and, compared to the 28 folders for 1981 most other years are sparsely covered.

There are 15 folders of correspondence sent by well-wishers at the time of Representative Fish's announcement of his illness and subsequent retirement in March 1994, and 30 folders of appreciative correspondence to Representative Fish (1976-1994) thanking him for votes cast and services rendered. Twenty-two folders of correspondence from people the Congressman's staff considered very important are included in this sub-series. These folders contain letters from presidents, CEOs, congressional colleagues and other "VIPs."

Other topics of interest include congratulatory letters from Representative Fish's office to constituents; "Dear Colleague" letters to legislators; clippings of letters to the editor about the Congressman, and from him; telegrams received from 1966 to 1985; and correspondence with several U.S. Presidents.

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by topic, location or sender/recipient (last name first). The wording on the original folders' labels has been retained as faithfully as possible. Individual items on a given topic are filed alphabetically in general topical correspondence by first letter of the topic, location or sender/recipient (e. g. -S- General topical correspondence). Because of the attempt by the processor to keep the original order in the collection, the researcher is as apt to find correspondence to and from government officials, lobbyists and organizational interests filed among the contents in folders in Subject Files (Series 5) and Legislative Files (Series 2, Sub-series 1) as here.

See also:
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1:Election Campaigns, Box 85:Folders 6-19. (Congratulations)

Box Folder Description
50  -A- and -B- General topical correspondence 
50  Abcede, Ed 
50  Ag Yearbook 1990, 1992 
50  AIDS 
50  Air Bags 
50  Air Bridge, Hudson Valley Economic District 
50  Amateur Radio Mailing, 4/27/88 
50  Ambulances 
50  Appalachian Trail 
50  10  Aspin, Les [Secretary of Defense] 
50  11  Arab Boycott of Israel, 6/93 
50  12  Army, Secretary of 
50  13  Attorney General 
50  14  Audubon Art Project 
50  15  Ballistic Knives, 4/29/86 
50  16  Banking 
50  17  Bankruptcy 
50  18  Bayh, Senator Birch 
50  19  Bedford Bicentennial 
50  20  Bendix Corporation 
50  21  B-Factory 
50  22  Bell, Griffin (Attorney General) 
50  23  Black Americans in Congress publication 2/90 
50  24  Black Minister Thank Yous 12/93 
50  25  Bloomer, Leonard 
50  26  Boy Scouts, Eagle Awards 
50  26a  Brawley, Tawana 
50  27  Brinks Trial 
50  28  Bush, George H. W. (President) 
50  29  Busing, Judiciary Correspondence File 
50  30  -C- and -D- General topical correspondence  
50  31  Calendars, 1990, 1992-1994 
50  32  Carlin, Jim - ICEM [Intergovernmental Commission on European Migration] 
50  33  Caribbean Basin Initiative 
50  34  Carter, Jimmy (President)  
50  35  Carter-Begin Meetings 
50  36  Castle Point 
50  37  Castro, Fidel (President)  
50  38  Census 
50  39-40  CETA [Comprehensive Employment and training Act] Funds 
50  41  Chernenko, Secretary General Konstantin 
50  42  Civil Rights 
50  43  Clinton, Hillary (First Lady) 
50  44  Clinton, William (President)  
50  45  College Debate Books 
50  46-48  Congratulations (from HF) 1980s-1994 
50  49-50  Conrail 
50  51  Consumer Protection 
50  52  Corrigan, Joseph 
50  53  Cuomo, Mario (Governor) 
50  54  Cyprus 
50  55-57  Dear Colleague 1970s-1990s 
50  58  Dear Friend 
50  59  Dislocated Workers 
50  60  Dissosway, Carolyn 
50  61  Dobrynin, Ambassador Anatoly 
50  62  Duchess County 
50  63  -E- and -F- General topical correspondence 
50  64  Editor, Letters to the (about HF) 
50  65-66  Editor, Letters to the (from HF) 
50  67  Edwards, Representative Don 
50  68  Election Day 
50  69  Empire State Petroleum Association 
50  70  Equal Rights Amendment  
51  F.D.R. {Franklin D. Roosevelt] Memorial Commission 
51  Federal Judgeships 
51  Federal Rules of Evidence 
51  Firemen 
51  Fishermen 
51  Fleet Reserve Association 
51  Form Letters, 1979 
51  -G- and -H- General topical correspondence 
51  General Electric 
51  10  General Montgomery's Sword 
51  11  Geneva, 1977 
51  12  Gerard, James (Brigadier General) 
51  13  Harambee students, Fish meets with [1989] 
51  14  Health Care 
51  15  HF-Friend of Sportsmen 
51  16  High School Debate Books, 1988-91, 1993 
51  17  Home Health Care 
51  18  Home Port Designation, Staten Island 
51  19  Hospital Cost Containment 
51  20-23  H. R. (Legislative and Constituent Correspondence) 1975-78 
51  24  Hudson Labor Problem 
51  25  ICEM, [Intergovernmental Commission on European Migration]1972 
51  26  IMF [International Monetary Fund] Authorization 
51  27  Immigration Booklet 
51  28  Immigration, Citizenship and International Law Subcommittee 
51  29  Immigration/Refugees 
51  30  Inauguration 
51  31  INS [Immigration and Naturalization Service] and Border Patrol 
51  32  Intergovernmental Commission for European Migration 
51  33  International Chiropractors Association 
51  34  Invites 
51  35  Iran 
51  36  Iraqi Arms Sale 
51  37  Irish King Letter 
51  38  Jewish Chapel 
51  39  Judiciary, 1974 
51  40  Judiciary, received 
51  41  Judiciary, sent 
51  42  -K- and -L- General topical correspondence 
51  43  Kemp, Jack (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) 
51  44  Killings, Buffalo and Atlanta 
51  45  Kingscott, Tafty 
51  46  Koch, Edward (Mayor) 
51  47  Labor 
51  48  Lasdon Park 
51  49  LEAA [Law Enforcement Assistance Administration] Conference Report 
51  50  Legislative Issues, 1974-1980 
51  51  Legislative Issues, 1981-1982 (97th Congress) 
51  52  Legislative Issues, 1981, January (PAB) 
51  53  Legislative Issues, 1981 January-May (SGP) 
51  54  Legislative Issues, 1981 January (TAS) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 February (MF) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 February (PAB) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 February (TAS) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 March (MF) 
52  5-6  Legislative Issues, 1981 March (PAB) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 March (TAS) 
52  Legislative Issues, 1981 April (CRM) 
52  9-10  Legislative Issues, 1981 April (MF) 
52  11-12  Legislative Issues, 1981 April (PAB) 
52  13-15  Legislative Issues, 1981 April (TAS) 
52  16  Legislative Issues, 1981 May (MF) 
52  17  Legislative Issues, 1981 May (PAB) 
52  18  Legislative Issues, 1981 May (TAS) 
52  19-20  Legislative Issues, 1981 June (KLG) 
52  21-22  Legislative Issues, 1981 June (MK) 
52  23  Legislative Issues, 1981 June (PAB) 
52  24  Legislative Issues, 1981 June (TAS) 
53  Legislative Issues, 1983 (ach/acw)  
53  2-3  Legislative Issues, 1983 (plh/plw) 
53  4-9  Legislative Issues, 1984 January-December 
53  10  Legislative Issues, 1986 
53  11  Legislative Issues, 1989 
53  12-24  Legislative Issues, 1990 January-August 
54  1-4  Legislative Issues, 1990 September-December 
54  Legislative Issues, 1991 
54  Legislative Issues, 1992 
54  7-10  Legislative Issues, 1993 January-December 
54  11-12  Legislative Issues, 1994 January-October 
54  13  Levinson, Peter 
54  14  Libraries 
54  15  Liddy, G. Gordon 
54  16  Lindenwald 
54  17  -M- General topical correspondence 
54  18  Marino, Ralph (Senator) 
54  19  Mazzoli, Ron 
54  20  Medicare Waiver, NYS  
54  21  Meese, Attorney General Edwin 
54  22  Member-General 1990 
54  23  Merchant Marine Charter, Vets 
54  24  M. I. A.'s 
54  25  Michel, Representative Bob 
54  26  Middle East 
54  27  Mid-Hudson Coalition 
54  28  Miner, Roger 
54  29  Mint, Gold Bullion 
54  30  Miscellaneous 1981, 1983, 1984 
54  31  Morris, Victor 
54  32  National Association of Black Social Workers 
54  33  National Gallery 
54  34  Neuendorffer, Ruth 
54  35  Newsmen's Privileges 
54  36  New York City 
54  37  New York-New Jersey Waterfront Airport 
54  38  New York State Association of Renewal and Housing Officials 
54  39  New York State Inspection Program 
54  40  New York State Bankers 
54  41  New York State Department of Parks and Recreation 
54  42  New York State Republican Congressional Delegation 
54  43  New York State School Boards 
54  44  Nobel Peace Prize 
54  45  Northern Ireland 
54  46  Nuclear Energy 
54  47  Nudel, Ida 
54  48  Oneonta, N.Y. 
54  49  Orange County 
54  50  OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] 
54  51  Our Flag 
54  52  Outer Continental Shelf Committee 
54  53  -P- General topical correspondence 
54  54  Panama Canal 
54  55  Pataki, George (Governor) 
54  56  Patents 
54  57  Peanut-gate 
54  58  Peekskill, NY 
54  59  Postal Problems 
54  60  Poughkeepsie, NY 
54  61  Powers, Donald E. 
54  62  -R- General topical correspondence 
54  63  Reagan, Ronald (President) 
54  64  Recommendation, Letters of 
54  65  Recommendations, 1994 
54  66  Regrets 
54  67  Refugees 
54  68  Renal Diseases 
55  1-13  Retirement/Get Well, March-May, 1994 
55  14  Retirement/Get Well, Personal 1994 
55  15  Retirement, Tribute Dinner 1994 
55  16  Rodino, Peter (Representative)  
55  17  Roosevelt, Curtis 
55  18  Rossides, Eugene - Crete 
55  19  -S- General topical correspondence 
55  20  Schatz Federal Bearings Company 
55  21  Schecter, Harry 
55  22  Schultz, George (Secretary of State)  
55  23  Schweiker, Richard (Secretary of Health and Human Services) 
55  24  Science and Technology Committee 
55  25  Secretary of Defense 
55  26  Senior Citizens 
55  27  St. Simeon Foundation 
55  28  Social Security 
55  29  Social Studies Classes 
55  30  Soviet Jewry 
55  31  Steele, Jaimy 
55  32  Stewart Airport 
55  33  Tax Reform 
55  34  Telegrams 1966, 1968 
55  35  Telegrams 1969, 1979-1983, 1985 
55  36  Thailand 
55  37-40  Thank Yous, 1976-1979 
56  1-9  Thank Yous, 1980-1984 
56  10-25  Thank Yous, 1986-1993 
57  Thank Yous, 1994 
57  Thomas H. Slater Center 
57  Tolstoy Foundation 
57  UIC [Unemployment Insurance Corporation] Pension Upset 
57  Ulster County 
57  Union Matters 
57  United States Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 
57  United States Military Band 
57  -V- and -W- General topical correspondence 
57  10  Vance, Cyrus (Secretary of State) 
57  11  Van Buren, Diane - Columbia University Press 
57  12  Veterans 
57  13  Vietnam 
57  14-35  VIP Correspondence, 1973-1994 
57  36  Voice of America 
57  37  Voting Rights 
57  38  Walden, NY 
57  39  Watertown and Lockport Correctional Facility 
57  40  Weinberger, Casper (Secretary of Defense) 
57  41  Westchester County 
57  42  White House 

Series 5: Subject Files
9 cu. ft., Boxes 58-66

Information in this series covers international, national and local topics, with the bulk of materials focused on issues of concern at the local level. Here is to be found evidence of the local issues which Representative Fish concentrated on: health care provision and hospital management, especially at the two Veterans Administration hospitals (Montrose and Castle Point) in his district; regional rail and air transportation (Amtrak, Conrail and Stewart Airport); energy (Iroquois Pipeline and the Marcy-South power line); the Hudson River; veterans' affairs; education, and issues concerning specific cities and towns in his district as well as New York State as a whole. He also served on the West Point Board of Visitors, the U.S. Military Academy being in his district, for 12 years and this series contains 19 folders of his board papers. These files also include papers related to Representative Fish's appointment to the F. D. R. Memorial Commission, which suggest there is now a congenial relationship between the Roosevelt and Fish families. Hamilton Fish Sr. (1888-1991) and Franklin D. Roosevelt were bitter political enemies.

Of interest perhaps to the researcher seeking background information, are a number of folders, compiled from miscellaneous items by the processor to give insight into the workings of the Congressman's Washington and district offices. These folders contain office policy and management documents and staff member lists, as well as office expense and schedule material, and maps of the 25th and 28th Congressional districts.

The items in the folders in this series were garnered from the collection and arranged alphabetically rather than chronologically by year as they were found. The researcher will find subjects organized under one of three types of folder titles: 1) name titles (last name first), 2) location titles (Poughkeepsie, N.Y. or Haiti, for example) and 3) subject titles (Flag Decision, Supreme Court or Hudson River, 1984 Gasoline Spill, for example).

See also:
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 28:Folders 9-12

Box Folder Description
58  Abortion 
58  Advisory Council on Human Concerns 
58  Aging 
58  Agriculture 
58  Air Bags 
58  Albany HUD [Housing and Urban Development] Office 
58  American Health Foundation 
58  7a  Appointments, Academy 1990, 1992 
58  Army 
58  Army National Guard, N.Y. 
58  10  Arson 
58  11  ASCAP [American Society of Composers, Authors, & Publishers] 
58  12  Baldridge, Malcolm 
58  13  Barry, John - List 
58  14  Base Realignment and Closure 
58  15  Beacon, NY 
58  16  Bedford, NY 
58  17  Biebel, Kevin 
58  18  Bingaman, Ann K. 
58  19  Bioscience 
58  20  Bosnia 
56  21a  Brawley, Tawana 
58  21  Budget, Fiscal 1972 
58  22  Budget Summit, 1990 
58  23-24  Burton Towers and Varick Homes, HUD Audit 
58  25  Cambodia 
58  26  Caglioti, Michael 
58  27  Camp LaGuradia 
58  28-29  "Car King" (Nader Report) 
58  30  Central America, Contra Aid 
58  31  Ceremonies, Naturalization 
58  32  Chambers of Commerce 
58  33  Champagne 
58  34  Charities 
58  35  China 
58  36  Citizen Stamp Advisory Commission 
58  37  Civil Rights 
58  38  Clearwater, Sloop 
58  39  Cold Springs, NY 
58  40  Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 
58  41  Committee Assignments 
58  42  Committee on Committees 
58  43-48  Congressional Art Competition, 1987-1990, 1993 
58  49  Conservation 
58  50  Conferences 
58  51  Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) 
58  52  Council of Industries, 5/10/93 
58  53  Croton Gorge 
58  54  Cuba 
58  55  Curtis Place/North Tower Hill Problem 
58  56  Cyprus 
58  57  Department of Education 
58  58  Doherty, Joseph 
58  59  Dutchess County 
58  60  Dutchess County Action Agency, Kay Cambone 
58  61-62  Eagle Scouts, 1992-1993 
59  1-2  Eagle Scouts, 1992-1993 (continued) 
59  Eastern Europe, Partnership for Peace 
59  Education, Aid to 
59  El Salvador 
59  Energy 
59  Environment 
59  Environmental Protection Act, 1979 
59  Epilepsy 
59  10  Ethics 
59  11  Exit Polls 
59  12  Fair Labor Standards 
59  13  Falkland Islands 
59  14  Federal Communications Commission - Chairman Sikes' Meeting 
59  15-16  F. D. R. Memorial Commission 
59  17  Finkelstein, Arthur 
59  18  Fish, Hamilton, A day with 
59  19  Fish and Game Clubs, Duchess County 
59  20  Flag Decision, Supreme Court 
59  21  Foreign Direct Investment 
59  22  Freedom Gardens 
59  23  Freshman Orientation 
59  24  General Motors 
59  25   Ginsburg, Douglas (Judge) 
59  26  Glenclyffe, Historic Preservation 
59  27  Gomez Mill House 
59  28  Grants 
59  29  Grants: Education, Lakeland 
59  30  Grove City College 
59  31  Growing Equity Mortgages 
59  32  Gypsy Moth Problem 
59  33  Hair Dressing Schools, "Ability to Benefit" 
59  34  Haiti 
59  35  Harlem Valley Psych. Center 
59  36  Harvest with Heart 
59  37  Health, Breast Coalition 
59  38  Health, Breast Implants 
59  39  Health, Cable TV Show 
59  40  Health Care Policy Management Competition 
59  41  Health Care Reform 
59  42-46  Health Care Reform, 1992 Hudson Valley Conference  
59  47  Health Care Reform Meetings 
59  48  Health Center, Beacon Community 
59  49  Health Center, Peekskill Area (Ann Nolan) 
60  Health Insurance, Blue Cross-Blue Shield 
60  Hemophilia 
60  High Tech Services 
60  Highways 
60  HIV/AIDS (see also: AIDS) 
60  Hoffa, Jimmy 
60  Home Heating 
60  Home Recording Rights Coalition 
60  Honoraria 
60  10  Hospital, Butterfield 
60  11  Hospital, Dutchess County 
60  12  Hospital, Mid-Hudson Medical Center 
60  13  Hospital, Northern Duchess 
60  14  Hospital, St. Francis 
60  15  Hospital, State Reimbursement 
60  16-19  Hospital, VA [Veterans Administration]- Castle Point 
60  20-25  Hospital, VA [Veterans Administration]- Montrose 
60  26  Hospital, Vassar Brothers  
60  27  Hospital Association, Northern Metropolitan 
60  28  Hospital Reimbursement, 1991 Medicare  
60  29  Hostage (Pohill) 
60  30  Hudson-Catskill Central Labor Council, 4/27/93 
60  31-32  Hudson River 
60  33  Hudson River, 1984 Gasoline Spill 
60  34  Hudson Valley Coordinating Council 
60  25  Hungary 
61  Immigration and Naturalization Service 
61  IBM 
61  3-4  Inauguration, Presidential 
61  Independent Counsel 
61  Inflation 
61  Insurance Agents 
61  8-10  Irish 
61  11  Irish, Birmingham Six 
61  12  Israel 
61  13  Italian American Congressional Delegation 
61  14  Johnson, Jeh C., [Recommendation for] 
61  15-18  Judicial Discipline and Review Commission 
61  19  Justice Department 
61  20  Katonah Well Site 
61  21  Kavanaugh, Mike 
61  22  Kingman, Woodward 
61  23  Klinghoffer, Marilyn 
61  24  Korea 
61  25  Labor Task Force 
61  26  Law of the Sea 
61  27  Liddy, G. Gordon 
61  28  Linnas, Karl 
61  29  Lobisco, Vincent 
61  30  Local 445 
61  31  Lockheed Loan 
61  32  Lyme Disease 
61  33  Mandatory Minimums 
61  34  Mandel Project 
61  35  MagLev 
61  36  Maps, 25th Congressional District 
61  37  Maps, 28th Congressional District 
61  38  Marine Transfer Facility 
61  39  Martin Luther King Institute 
61  40  McArtor Meeting 
61  41  McHugh, Matt (Representative) 
61  42  Medical Society, Orange County 
61  43  Memorial, Korean War 
61  44  Memorial, Vietnam Veteran's 
61  45  Memos 
61  46  Memo, Washington Meetings 
61  47  Middle East 
61  48  Molinari, Guy (Representative) 
61  49  Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) 
61  50  Model Cities 
61  51  Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 
61  52  Mount Saint Mary College 
61  53  Muslims 
62  National Association of Broadcasters 
62  National Fair Trade Agreement 
62  National Science Foundation 
62  National Victims of Crime 
62  New York, Port of 
62  New York and New Jersey Port Authority 
62  New York Consortium for Worker Education 
62  8-9  New York Historical Society 
62  10  New York Medical College 
62  11  New York State, General Problems 
62  12  New York State Association of Fire Chiefs 
62  13  New York State Census 
62  14-17  New York State Congressional Delegation 
62  18  New York State Costal Zone Management Program 
62  19  New York State Department of Health 
62  20  New York State Festival 
62  21  New York State Power Authority 
62  22  Newburg, NY 
62  23  Newburgh-Beacon Bridge 
62  24  Newman, Mark (High School History Teacher) 
62  25  Nicaragua 
62  26  Nuclear 
62  27  Nuclear Accident, Chernobyl 1986 
62  28  Nuclear Accident, Three Mile Island 
62  29  Nuclear Power Plant, Indian Point 
62  30  Nuclear Waste Site, Sharon, CT [Conn.] 
62  31  Office Expenses 
62  32  Office Hours, Constituent 
62  33  Office Hours, District 
62  34  Office Management 
62  35  Office Policies, Fish 
62  36  Office Staff 
62  37  Operation Rescue 
62  38  Out of the Wilderness 
62  39  Perot, Ross 
62  40  Persian Gulf War 
63  Persian Gulf War Troops 
63  2-4  Pipeline, Iroquois 
63  Planned Parenthood 
63  Poetry 
63  Poland 
63  Porto, D. W.  
63  Post Offices 
63  10  Prison Industries 
63  11-12  Poughkeepsie, NY 
63  13  Power Lines, 765KV 1977 
63  14-15  Power Lines, Marcy South Transmission Line 
63  16  Prayer in School 
63  17  Press Calls 
63  18  Press List (Old) 
63  19  Psychiatric Society, Westchester 
63  20  Puerto Rico 
63  21  Putnam County 
63  22  Railroad 
63  23  Railroad, Amtrak 
63  24-28  Railroad, Conrail 
63  29  Railroad Strike 
63  30-31  Ratings, 101st and 102nd Congress 
63  32  Ratings, Nader Congress Project - Citizens Look at Congress 
64  Refugees 
64  Refugees, African 
64  Refugees, Cuban 
64  Reno, Janet (Attorney General) 
64  Republican Conference 
64  Resolution Trust Corporation 
64  Red Cross 
64  Redistricting 
64  9-10  Revenue Sharing 
64  11  Right to Life 
64  12  Rodino, Peter (Representative) 
64  13  Rwanda 
64  14  Schnur, Joel AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee ] 
64  15  Schoharie County 
64  16  School to Work Transition 
64  17  Senior Citizens 
64  18  Senior Citizen Intern Program 
64  19-23  School, Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery 
64  24  School, Newburgh Magnet 
64  25  School, Poughkeepsie Magnet 
64  26  Social Security 
64  27  Society of Friends 
64  28  Soil Conservation Service 
64  29  Somalia 
64  30  Sons of American Revolution 
64  31  South Africa 
64  32  Southeast, Town of 
64  33  Southeast Asia 
64  34  Soviet Minorities, Religious 
64  35  Soviet Jewry 
64  36  Soviet Union 1991-1993 
64  37  Space Station 
64  38  State of the Union Speech 1992 
64  39  Statue of Freedom 
64  40  Statue of Liberty 
64  41  Stewart Gardens 
64  42-45  Stewart Airport 
65  Stoll, Ed 
65  Surinam 
65  Tallie, Sadie 
65  Term Limits 
65  Tidewater Conference 1978 
65  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 
65  Tompkins Terrace, Beacon, NY 
65  Travers, Martin [see also: Travel: May 1978-Virgin Island, Immigration] 
65  Tylenol 
65  10  Ukraine Famine 
65  11  Unemployment 
65  12  United Nations 
65  13-15  US Association for International Migration 
65  16  USSR, Assistance to  
65  17  Venice, Italy 
65  18  Veterans 
65  19  Veterans Advisory Committee 
65  20  Veterans, Eastern Paralyzed 
65  21  Vietnam 
65  22  Vietnam, Orphans 
65  23-24  Vietnam Veterans 
65  25  Visconti, June - Problem 
65  26  Visiting Nurses Association 
65  27  Voting Attendance Record 1969-1976 
65  28  Wage Index 
65  29  Walmart 
65  30  Wappingers Falls, NY 
65  31  Watershed 
65  32  Wednesday Group 
65  33  Weed and Seed 
65  34  West Point Academy Advisory Committee 
65  35-43  West Point Board of Visitors 1982-1989 
66  1-9  West Point Board of Visitors 1990-1994 
66  10  West Point Coin 
66  11  West Point, Milcon 
66  12  West Point, Prime Contracting 
66  13  West Point, Special Events Request 
66  14  Westchester County 
66  15-16  White Plains District Court 
66  17  Women's Resource Center 
66  18  Yugoslavia 
66  19  Yorktown Bicentennial 
66  20  Zumwalt, (Admiral) Luncheon 

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations

Grouped in this series are the materials that document Representative Fish's relations with both the press (Clippings, Press Releases and Radio and TV Appearances) and his constituents (Events, Guest Books/Intern Cards, Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires, and Civic Speeches).

See also:
Series 4: Correspondence Files, Sub-series 2: Topical, Box 50: Folders 64-66 (Letters to the Editor).

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 1: Clippings
2 cu. ft., Boxes 67-68

The newspaper, magazine and newsletter articles collected here document Representative Fish's public image as reported by the press. These clippings either feature articles on Representative Fish or mention his involvement with a certain issue, and chronicle his activities both in Washington and in his home district. They are arranged in chronological order by year. Numerous tributes and profiles, written at the time of his retirement (1994), provide an overview and analysis of his political career.

See also:
Series 1: Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 10, 11(Genealogical and family history, Father) 15 (Genealogical and family history, Sons) and 1 (Genealogical and family history, Wives).
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 28:Folders 7-12.(Clippings)
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns, Box 85:5. (Clippings, 1974, 1978)

Box Folder Description
67  1-2  1966 
67  3-5  1968 
67  6-12  1969-1975 
67  13  1977 
67  14-17  1978 
67  18-24  1979-1985 
67  25-26  1986 
67  27  1987-1988 
67  28-29  1989 
68  1-2  1990 
68  1991 
68  4-5  1992 
68  1993 
68  7-9  1994 
68  10  March 15, 1994, Retirement announcement 
68  11  1994, Retirement aftermath 
68  12  1994, Tribute 

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 2: Events
2 cu.ft., Boxes 69-70

During his tenure Representative Fish hosted events, many of them annual, designed either to draw attention to, or to provide a forum for, special constituencies in his district. Apple farmers were annually invited to Washington to promote New York State apples (1969-1979). Also in Washington, seminars, speeches and photo sessions were scheduled for Chamber of Commerce Day (1975-1990), Leadership Days (1971-1978) for both Labor and Business, and the longstanding Women's Leadership Day (originally called "Ladies' Leadership Day") from 1972-1994.

Also included in this sub-series are materials documenting the testimonials, roasts and galas held in Representative Fish's honor and for "Steer and Beer," a picnic for constituents of all political stripes the Congressman hosted for at least nine years in the 1970s and 1980s. In his district he convened senior citizens task forces (1973-1980) and held town and neighborhood meetings, and veterans' meetings. This sub-series documents these events as well.

See also:
Series 5: Subject Files, Box 59: Folders 42-46. (Health Care Reform, 1992 Hudson Valley Conference)

Box Folder Description
69  1-2  Apple Day 1969-1973 
69  Apple Day 1975-1979 
69  4-7  Businessman's Leadership Day 1972-1973  
69  8-9  Chamber of Commerce Day 1975-1977 
69  10-11  Chamber of Commerce Day 1980-1984 
69  12-14  Chamber of Commerce Day 1986-1990 
69  15  Conservation Task Force 1973 
69  16  Dinner honoring HF, May 1978 
69  17  Dinner, Fish Fry Roast, April 20, 1979 
69  18  Dinner, Hamilton Fish, June 1974 
69  19  Dinner, Testimonial March 19, 1972 
69  20  Gala Twenty Year Salute September 1988 
69  21  IBM 1972 
69  22  Jerry [sic] Ford Luncheon 1969-1984 
69  23-26  Labor Leadership Day 1972-1978 
69  27  Leadership Day 1971 
69  28  Leadership Day 1973 
69  29  Neighborhood Meetings 1969 
69  30  Press Day 1970-1972 
69  31  Poughkeepsie Open House 1982 
69  32  Senior Citizen Task Force 1973-1974 
69  33  Senior Citizen Task Force 1978-1980 
69  34  Steer and Beer 1974 
69  35  Steer and Beer, 9th Annual, 1982 
70  Tax Legislation Committee-Duchess County Pomona 
70  Town Meetings 
70  Transportation Taskforce, Putnam &Westchester 
70  Tribute June 12, 1994 
70  Veterans' Meetings 
70  6-16  Women's Leadership Day 1972-1994 

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 3: Guest Books/Intern Cards
1 cu. ft., Box 71

The complete run of guest books, signed by visitors to his Washington office, is included in this sub-series, as are file cards with contact information for the many student interns he mentored.

Box Folder Description
71  1-13 Guest Books January 2, 1969 - December 12, 1994
71  14  Washington Interns 1980-1994

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances
1 cu. ft., Box 72

Representative Fish's office produced newsletters, questionnaires and reports to constituents in his district to keep them up-to-date on issues he deemed important, and to poll their opinions on those issues. These are included in this sub-series along with, in some cases, annotated drafts; three folders documenting his radio and TV appearances; and eight folders of special interest mailers.

See also:
Series 8. Audio/Visual Materials. Sub-Series 2: Audiotapes, Box 93:Folders 1,2,15,16,26 and 27. (Radio Broadcasts)
Series 8. Audio/Visual Materials, Sub-Series 3: Videotapes, Box 95:Folders 2-11, Box 96:Folders 4-14, Box 97:Folders 2 and 7-17, Box 98:Folders 1-3.(Television Broadcasts)

Box Folder Description
72  Cards 
72  Mailers 
72  Mailers, Addresses - Doctors 
72  Mailers, Addresses - Black  
72  Mailers, Addresses - Black 1990 
72  Mailers, Breast Cancer 
72  Mailers, Dear Friend 
72  Mailers, Senior 
72  Mailers, Veteran 
72  10-11  Newsletters 
72  12  Opinion Poll 
72  13  Postal Service Delivery Stats 
72  14  Questionnaires 1973-1994 
72  15  Reports, Special  
72  16  Reports, Washington  
72  17-19  Radio and TV Appearances 

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 5: Press Releases
3 cu. ft., Boxes 73-75

The Press Releases Series consists of copies of news releases on letterhead issued by Representative Fish's office along with some background materials. Arranged by date, they provide a year-by-year chronicle of Fish's activities, opinions, statements, and positions; and a window on the issues Fish deemed newsworthy.

The chronological arrangement is accomplished by year, month and day, and the individual press releases are arranged with the final version first, followed any accompanying materials. Six of the 27 years covered by the series are indexed by subject. The early years are more sparsely represented than the late 1980s and 1990s, there is no material at all for 1976.

See also:
Series 7: Political Files, Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns, Box 86:Folder 13. (Releases)

Box Folder Description
73  1-3  1968 
73  4-8  1969-1973 
73  9-10  1974 
73  11  1975 
73  12  1977, Index to Press Releases 
73  13-14  1977 
73  14a  1977, Special Press List 
73  15  1977, Washington Reports 
73  16  1978-1980, Energy/Various 
73  17-18  1978 
73  19  1979, Index to Press Releases 
73  20-21  1979 
73  22  1980, Index to Press Releases 
73  23-24  1980 
73  25-26  1981 
73  27-28  1982 
73  29  1983 
73  30  1984 
73  31-36  1985 
74  1986, Index to Press Releases 
74  2-8  1986 
74  9-13  1987 
74  14-18  1988 
74  19-25  1989 
74  29-30  1990, January - June 
75  1-5  1990, July - November 
75  1991, Index to Press Releases 
75  7-11  1991 
75  12  1992, Index to Press Releases 
75  13-15  1992 
75  16-17  1993 
75  18-19  1994 

Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations
Sub-series 6: Speeches, Civic
9 cu. ft., Boxes 76-84

Contained in this series are copies of the speeches that Representative Fish delivered to civic groups, organizations and institutions. The majority of them were delivered in his district. Typical of the addresses that legislators are expected to give, they commemorated patriotic holidays and groundbreakings, and were delivered at commencements, tributes, award presentations, and dedications. The Congressman addressed special interest groups (veterans, senior citizens, chambers of commerce, various ethnic groups, etc.) on issues of concern to them, and brought the affairs of Washington home to his district, always with an eye to their effect on his constituents. The folder list that follows notes the topics of special interest covered by speeches in all years except those that have been indexed.

Most speeches are the result of several drafts, many of them copiously annotated in pencil in the Congressman's handwriting. These drafts are included, along with the research material (clippings, reports, notes, etc.) used in the speechwriting. The chronological arrangement of the series is accomplished by year, month and day of the speech; and the individual speeches are arranged with the final version first, followed by previous drafts and background material.

See also:
Series 1:. Personal Files, Box 1:Folders 17-39 (Awards, citations and honors, 1973-1994)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 29:Folders 17-18 (Speeches)
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series 1. Election Campaigns, Box 86:Folders 20-23 (Speeches)
Series 7. Political Files, Sub-series 2. Republican Party, Box 86:Folders 33-35 (Speeches) and Box 87:Folders 1-25 (Speeches)

Box Folder Description
76  Undated 
76  2-6  1963-1967 Contains speeches on civil defense, the economy, education, the environment, senior citizens, the 2-party system, Vietnam, volunteerism, welfare, as well as for patriotic holidays, Boy Scout Eagle award ceremonies, and commencements. 
76  1968 Contains speeches on agriculture, civil defense, the economy, education, German-Americans, housing, MIAs/POWs, national defense, nuclear energy, poverty, senior citizens, Vietnam, volunteers, as well as for patriotic holidays. 
76  1968, miscellaneous 
76  9-10  1969 Contains speeches on the Congress, the economy, energy, government spending, healthcare, housing, inflation, Israel, the Middle East, national defense, tax relief, Vietnam, volunteerism, youth alienation as well as for patriotic holidays, Boy Scout Eagle Award ceremonies, and commencements. 
76  11-14  1970 Contains speeches on agriculture, inflation, education, energy, Environment, healthcare, Israel, MIAs/POWs, the Middle East, national defense, Soviet Jews, Soviet Union, youth, as well as for patriotic holidays and commencements.  
76  15-19  1971 Contains speeches on agriculture, civil service, the economy, the environment, healthcare, housing and redevelopment, MIAs/POWs, the Middle East, revenue sharing, senior citizens, Soviet Jewry, teamwork, transportation, Vietnam veterans, as well as for patriotic holidays, Boy Scout Eagle Award ceremonies, and commencements. 
76  20-23  1972 Contains speeches on the correction reform, the economy, education, employment, environment, Indian Point, nuclear energy, Poland, senior citizens, Soviet Jewry, Stewart Airport, and tax reform.  
    1973 Contains speeches on campaign financing, civil rights, congressional reform, economy, education, employment, energy crisis, environment, Hudson River, Israel, lumber shortage, MIAs/POWs, Middle East, prison reform, senior citizens, Social Security, Soviet Jewry, Vietnam, veterans' affairs, Victor Morris, Watergate, women as well as for patriotic holidays, dedication ceremonies, and commencements. 
76  24-29  1973, February - May  
77  1-5  1973, June - December 
77  1974, Index to Speeches (speeches are indexed but of special note are speeches on Nixon impeachment and Watergate.) 
77  7-10  1974, January - August 
77  11-13  1974, October 
77  14  1975, Index to Speeches 
77  15-20  1975 
77  21  1976, Index to Speeches 
77  22-26  1976, January - May 
78  1-7  1976, June - December 
78  8-18  1977 Contains speeches on the Arab boycott, banking, bankruptcy, civil defense, civil rights, the Constitution, the construction industry, crime, education, energy, the EPA, healthcare, the Holocaust, jobs, the Middle East, nuclear energy, nursing, public works, senior citizens, Soviet Jewry, urban renewal, as well as for patriotic holidays, and commencements. 
78  19-29  1978 Contains speeches on ACLU, agriculture, arms sales, civil rights, disabled veterans, the economy, education, fiscal responsibility, immigration/illegal aliens, inflation, the Middle East, NAACP, Nazi war crimes, Poland, the Preservation Act, Social Security, urban redevelopment, as well as for patriotic holidays, dedication and Boy Scout Eagle Award ceremonies, and commencements. 
79  1-7  1979 Contains speeches on anti-Semitism, Denmark, the economy, education, food stamps, healthcare, the Holocaust, hydropower, immigration, Ireland, Israel, Masonry, national defense, nuclear energy, population growth, prisoner's rights, refugee issues, Salt II, senior citizens, solar energy, Soviet Jewry, tax reform, veteran's affairs as well as for patriotic holidays, and commencements. 
79  8-18  1980 Contains speeches on abortion, anti-Semitism, Cuban refugees, defense spending, the economy, education, the energy crisis, ERA, the Holocaust, immigration, Ireland, Israel, the Middle East, nuclear energy, refugee issues, right-to-life, the state of the Union , as well as for patriotic holidays, dedication and Boy Scout Eagle Award ceremonies. 
    1981 Contains speeches on anti-Semitism, civil rights, crime, disabled veterans, the economy, education, energy, the Holocaust, immigration, India, Ireland, Israel, MIAs/POWs, the Middle East, murdered and missing children, Poland, railroads, refugee issues, the Revolutionary War, Soviet Jewry, tax cuts, veterans' affairs as well as for patriotic holidays, and commencements. 
79  19-23  1981, January - May 
80  1-5  1981, June - December 
80  6-12  1982 Contains speeches on acid rain, anti-Semitism, defense, disabled veterans, drunk driving, the environment, gun control, the Holocaust, illegal aliens, immigration, MIAs/POWs, mine safety, New Federalism, Poland, Reaganomics, senior citizens, Social Security, veterans' affairs, voting rights well as for patriotic holidays. 
80  13-18  1983 Contains speeches on anti-Semitism, bankruptcy, crime, the economy, education, ERA, the Holocaust, immigration, Israel, the Middle East, Poland, refugee issues, the Revolutionary War, Soviet Jewry, veterans' affairs, Vietnam, voting rights, youth employment, as well as for patriotic holidays, and commencements. 
    1984 Contains speeches on the anti-trust/patents, bankruptcy, the deficit, the economy, Immigration, India, Israel, the Middle East, Soviet Jewry, veterans' affairs, as well as for the Martin Luther King holiday. 
80  19-22  1984, January - April 
81  1-3  1984, May - December  
81  4-10  1985, February - December Contains speeches on anti-apartheid, anti-Semitism, the budget, civil rights, corporate mergers and acquisitions, democracy, the economy, education, government regulations, Greek-Americans, immigration, Ireland, MIAs/POWs, the Middle East, national security, Poland, refugee issues, security, tax relief, Vietnam veterans, Zero Tolerance as well as for patriotic holidays, dedication and Boy Scout Eagle Award ceremonies. 
81  11-17  1986 Contains speeches on anti-Semitism, civil rights, the construction industry, crime, democracy, the economy, education, the EPA, families and children, foreign oil, German-Americans, housing, immigration, intellectual property, Israel, Latvia, Libya, MIAs/POWs, national security, Poland, social issues, Soviet Jewry, urban development, veterans' affairs as well as for patriotic holidays. 
81  18-28  1987 Contains speeches on copyright, the economy, education, the environment, healthcare, immigration/refugee issues, Iran-contra Affair, Ireland, monopolies, Soviet Jewry, veterans' affairs, Vietnam veterans, Watergate and impeachment, as well as for patriotic holidays and dedication ceremonies. 
82  1-7  1988, January - November Contains speeches on acid rain, agriculture, bankruptcy, broadcasting issues, gun control, healthcare, Poland, Soviet Jewry, veterans' affairs, US/Canada free trade as well as for dedication and commencement ceremonies. 
82  8-16  1989 
82  17-28  1990 Contains speeches on anti-Semitism, anti-trust, civil rights, Eastern Europe, education, fair housing, handicapped rights, healthcare, the Holocaust, illiteracy, immigration, intellectual property, Iraq, Israel, kids-at-risk, labor issues, MIAs/POWs, South Africa, Soviet Jewry, veterans' affairs, Vietnam as well as for patriotic holidays. 
83  1-12  1991 Contains speeches civil rights, handgun control, insurance competition and the Persian Gulf War. 
83  13-25  1992 
    1993 Contains speeches on the baseball anti-trust exemption, Car King, copyright, crime, handgun control, Indian Point, Travelgate and the Waco oversight hearings. 
83  26-27  1993, January - March 
84  1-7  1993, April - December 
84  8-11  1994, January - November 
84  12  Copies of speeches, Commencement 

Series 7: Political Files
Sub-series 1: Election Campaigns
1 ½ cu. ft., Boxes 85-86

Representative Fish ran unsuccessfully for the House in 1966. Following that early defeat, he successfully ran for office every two years, until he retired in 1994. This sub-series consists of material that documents those fourteen campaigns and is weighted heavily towards items related to campaign fundraising matters. Also included are fourteen folders of the congratulatory correspondence from constituents and colleagues that followed each re-election. Campaign speeches for 1980, 1984, and 1992, and Representative Fish's withdrawal speech (1994) are housed in this sub-series.

Arranged alphabetically by subject and then chronologically, the Election Campaign Sub-series is not complete. Some materials document each of Representative Fish's election campaigns, but no single campaign comes even close to being documented thoroughly.

See also:
Series 2: Legislative Files, Sub-series 2: Legislative, Briefing and Conference Binders, Box 18: Folders 3-20 (Campaign Books) and Box 19:Folders1-4 (Campaign Books)

Box Folder Description
85  Announcement Speech, 1992 
85  Brochures and Fliers 
85  Campaign, 1970, 1978, 1980, 1982 
85  Campaign, 1990, 1992 
85  Clippings, 1974, 1978 
85  Congratulations, 1974 
85  Congratulations, Members and Others, 1974 
85  Congratulations, Thank Yous, 1976 
85  Congratulations, Thank Yous, 1978 
85  10  Congratulations, 1980 
85  11  Congratulations, Thank Yous, 1980 
85  12-13  Congratulations, 1982 
85  14  Congratulations, 1986 
85  15  Congratulations, 1988 
85  16-17  Congratulations, 1990 
85  18-19  Congratulations, 1992 
85  20  Conservative Party 
85  21  Contributions Thank Yous, 1966 
85  22  Contributions Thank Yous, 1970 
85  23  Contributions, 1984 
85  24  Contributions Thank Yous, 1984 
85  25  District Maps 
85  26  Districts, 1992 
85  27  Endorsements 
85  28  Endorsements, 1990, 1992 
85  29  Filings, Financial Disclosure, 1977-1979 
85  30  Filings, Oaths 1980-1993 
85  31  Fundraisers, 1974, 1977 
85  32  Fundraisers, 1980 
85  33-35  Fundraisers, 1982-1984 
85  36  Fundraisers, 1992 
86  1-2  Fundraisers, Invitations, 1971, 1977, 1985-1994 
86  Fundraising, 1966, 1991 
86  Fundraising, Correspondence, 1982  
86  Handbook 
86  Letters, Campaign 
86  List, Contributors, 1970 
86  List, Contributors, 1976-1977 
86  List, Postal Patrons, 1991 
86  10  Opponent, Sanford Cohen, 1974 
86  11  Opponent, Dennis Mehil, 1994 
86  12  Opponent, Guy Parisi, 1994 
86  13  Recommendations 
86  14  Releases 
86  15  Results, 1969 
86  16  Results, 1970-1980 
86  17  Results, 1987-1992 
86  18  Schedules, 1980-1982 
86  19  Songs, 1968 
86  20  Speeches, 1980 
86  21  Speeches, 1984 
86  22  Speeches, 1992 
86  23  Speeches, Withdrawal, 1994 
86  24  Statements, 1968, 1986, 1990 
86  25  Successors, 1994 
86  26  Surveys, 1978, 1992 

Series 7: Political Files
Sub-series 2: Republican Party
1 ½ cu. ft., Boxes 86-87

Representative Fish's affiliations to the GOP are documented in this sub-series, the bulk of which consists of the speeches made to GOP groups and organizations. As in Series 6, Sub-series 6, most speeches are the result of several drafts, many of them copiously annotated in pencil in Representative Fish's handwriting. These drafts are included, along with the research material (clippings, reports, notes, etc.) used for the speechwriting. The sub-series also contains a small amount of material from when Mr. Fish served on Senator Jacob Javits' re-election campaign committee.

Box Folder Description
86  27  Bush, George [H.W.], Campaign 
86  28  Conference, GOP, 1991 
86  29  Conventions, GOP 
86  30  Javits, Jacob (Senator), Campaign Committee 
86  31  Newsletter 
86  32  Republican Majority, 1992 
86  33-35  Speeches, 1969-1971 
87  1-14  Speeches, 1972-1983 
87  15-19  Speeches, 1985-1988 
87  20-21  Speeches, 1990 
87  22  Speeches, 1992 
87  23  Speeches, GOP 1965-1985 
87  24-25  Speeches, GOP 1991-1994 
87  26  Swearing-In, 1993 New York State Delegation  
87  27  Yearbook, 1983 Orange County 

Series 8: Photographs
5 cu. ft., Boxes 88-92

The eighth series contains print photographs and negatives. The bulk of the images have Representative Fish in the frame, and range from photographs of Fish as Grand Marshall leading a St. Patrick's Day Parade, to posing with apple queens, with school children on the steps of the Capitol, or with visiting constituents in his Washington office. There are also images of the Congressman attending functions at the White House, debating on the House floor, talking with refugees during a fact-finding mission, and accepting honors at award banquets. In short, the five cubic feet of photographs richly illustrate the life (1960s) and congressional career (1968-1994) of Representative Fish.

The photographs are arranged chronologically by year, followed by sixteen folders of images with unknown dates, and four folders of black and white negatives in labeled envelopes. There are a number of photographs of Representative Fish with well-known individuals. Their names, and the corresponding date of the photograph in which they appear, are indicated in the folder list.

See also:
Series 1, Personal Files, Box 9:5-8. (Photographs, Portraits of HF)
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 30:Folder 10. (Photographs)

Box Folder Description
88  1960s 
88  2-4  1968 
88  No date, 1969? 
88  6-7  1970s 
88  8-9  1970 
88  10  1971 
88  11-12  1973 
88  13-20  1974 Photos of HF with Nelson Rockefeller and Gerald Ford are among those included. 
88  21-65  1975 Photos of HF with Archbishop Makarios, Ralph Nader, and Hugh Carey, and a photo of HF smoking, are among those included.  
88  66-113  1976 Photos of HF with Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, and Hugh Carey, as well as HF in Jordan and Israel are among those included.  
88  114-156  1977 Photo of HF with Jacob Javits is among those included.  
88  157-192  1978 Photos of HF with Peter, Paul and Mary, Martina Navratilova, Menachem Begin and the FDR Commission, as well as HF in Ireland, Geneva and Italy with Soviet Jews are among those included.  
89  1-33  1979 Photos of HF with Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, and Jack Lynch, as well as HF on an Asian Refugee Trip are among those included. 
89  34-69  1980 Photos of HF with Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter are among those included. 
89  70-92  1981 Photos of HF with Ronald Reagan, and Space Shuttle astronauts are among those included. 
89  93-115  1982 Photos of HF with Ronald Reagan, and Nancy Reagan are among those included. 
89  116-172  1983 Photos of HF with Alfonse D'Amato, Elizabeth Dole, the "El Salvadoran President," the Space Shuttle astronauts, and Hamilton Fish, Sr., and at the White House are among those included. 
89  173-181  1984  
89  182-227  1985 Photos of HF with Edwin Meese, and Bob Geldof are among those included. 
90  1-55  1986 Photos of HF with Anatoly Sharansky, Hamilton Fish, Sr., and Shimon Peres are among those included. 
90  56-96  1987 Photos of HF with Barry Goldwater, and Hamilton Fish, Sr., are among those included. 
90  97-133  1988 Photos of HF with Ronald Reagan, and Alan Greenspan are among those included. 
90  134-179  1989 Photos of HF with George H. W. Bush, Mary Ann Fish, William Bennett, and the New York Congressional Choir are among those included. 
90  180-237  1990 Photos of HF with Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush, Mary Ann Fish, and as Grand Marshall of the St. Patrick's Day Parade are among those included. 
91  1-109  1991 Photos of HF with Norman Schwarzkopf, Queen Elizabeth II, Boris Yeltsin, Red Auerbach, Frank Robinson, Crime Dog McGruff, Oprah Winfrey, and Dan and Marilyn Quayle, and at a Rose Garden Ceremony are among those included.  
91  110-130  1992 Photos of HF with Dan Quayle, George H. W. Bush, Mary Ann Fish, Bill Clinton and James Earl Jones are among those included. 
91  131-261  1993 Photos of HF with David Dinkins, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Al Gore, Tipper Gore, Mary Ann Fish, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Carla Hills, Claiborne Pell, and Jane Alexander are among those included. 
92  1-35  1994 Photos of HF with Gerry Adams and Nelson Mandela are among those included. 
92  36-51  Undated and/or unidentified photos Photos of HF with Mickey and Minnie, and Hamilton Fish, Sr., and with Fidel Castro during a Cuba trip are among those included. 
92  52  Material found in folders and envelopes labeled to indicate that a photograph was enclosed when, in fact, it was missing 
92  53  1971 30 negatives (2 ½ x 2 ½ black and white negatives in individual labeled envelopes)  
92  54  1972 36 negatives (2 ½ x 2 ½ black-and-white negatives in individual labeled envelopes)  
92  55  1974 35 negatives - photos of HF with "Rocky," and the "Cardinal," along with a "headshot" are among those included. (2 ½ x 2 ½ black-and-white negatives in individual labeled envelopes)  
92  56  1977 82 negatives - photos of HF with Hamilton Fish, Sr., and Griffin Bell are among those included (2 ½ x 2 ½black-and-white negatives in individual labeled envelopes)  

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials

The ninth series contains the audio/visual materials created by and for Fish and are included here as an enhancement to the written record.

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 1: Audiotapes
1970-1989 and undated material
2 cu. ft., Boxes 93-94

Representative Fish's office began adding audiotapes to their records in the 1970s and this sub-series contains a total of seventy. They were not played back during processing. Therefore the information written on or accompanying each item, if it existed, was not verified, but copied into this finding aid verbatim. Media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration.

The sub-series is arranged first chronologically when a date is given. When no date is given, tapes are arranged alphabetically by subject as indicated. Finally, when no information is available, items are arranged by medium.

Box Tape Description
93  '70 [sic] "Fish Master I Radio Spot Samples '70." (5" open reel) 
93  August 1, 1974 "Interview H. Fish & NY Times Reporter T. Lucas." (Scotch C-90 audio cassette) 
93  3-9  November 1976 " Tapes of Middle East Trip" 3. November 9, 1976 "Sadat." (Scotch Dynarange 2x30min audio cassette) 4. November 9, 1976 "Cairo Taxi Driver / Sadat." (D:C90 TDK audio cassette) 5. November 12, 1976 "Alon." (D:C90 TDK audio cassette) 6. November 12, 1976 "Peres." (D:C90 TDK audio cassette) 7. November 13,1976 "Hussein." (D:C90 TDK audio cassette) 8. November 15, 1976 "Absorbtin Celter." [sic] (DC90 Compact Cassette) 9. n/d "Rabin." (Scotch C-90 cassette) 
93  10  October 31, 1976 at 8:00 am "Paid for by The President Ford Committee, Speaker: Hamilton Fish (Sr.)," Length: 12:30 (Scotch AV176-1/4-600, 7 ½ IPS, 1.5 mil. Polyester, 5" open reel) 
93  11-13  September 28, 1978 "Situation in Northern Ireland." Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr. and Brendan Gallagher, Length: 14:53 (three Scotch 176-1/4-600, 1.5 mil. Polyester, 5" open reels)  
93  14  October 25, 1979 "Rep Fish Interview with Denis Hayes, Executive Director, Solar Energy Research Institute." Length: 14:58 (Scotch 176-1/4-600, 1.5 mil. Polyester, 5" open reel)  
93  15  October 25, 1980 WGHQ tape - Face To Face: an "hour program involving several ministers." Note from HF dated 3/12/81 enclosed. (Scotch C-60 audio cassette)  
93  16  ca. 1983 "The Associated Press Special Report The House of Representatives: A Contemporary Look." (unmarked audio cassette) 
93  17  July 8, 1983 "Fishkill Debate-gate - CBS-TV Time 2:50 Monroe Benton." (Scotch AVC audio cassette)  
93  18  May 1989 "Congressman Fish . . . NAACP Award." Note: letter from Dick Novik, WKIP dated 5/18/89 enclosed. (unmarked audio cassette)  
93  19-20  October 28, ? "To: Father R. Murray. . .for October 28th Breakfast." length:35 minutes, Fish master and edited tape (two Scotch Dynarange S-C-60 audio cassettes)  
93  21  n/d "#1 Rep Fish 31:09." (Scotch 176-1/4-1200 1.5 mil. Polyester, 7" open reel) 
93  22  n/d "#2 Rep Fish 20:00." (Scotch 176-1/4-1200 1.5 mil. Polyester, 7" open reel) 
93  23  n/d "Cong. Hamilton Fish, Jr. Clean Master 6-Spots." (Scotch 176-1/4-300, 5" open reel) 
93  24  n/d "Fish 2-30s" (Brand Five No. 1503 Ferrodynamics ¼", 3" open reel) 
93  25  n/d "Fish 2-30s" (Nassau 3x1 Acetate, ¼", 3" open reel) 
93  26-27  n/d "From Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr. Program: Washington Vista - The Federal Buildings." Length: 20:00 (two 7" open reels) 
93  28  n/d "Ham Fish." (BASF 60 SM audio cassette) 
93  29  n/d "Ham Fish Jr." (Scotch 176-1/4-300 PR-5, 5" open reel) 
93  30  n/d "Part One Master Allon." (Scotch 111-1/4-1200, 1.5 mil Acetate backing, 7" open reel) 
93  31-32  n/d "Part Two - Allon." (two Scotch 111-1/4-6000, 1.5 mil Acetate backing, 5" open reels) 
93  33-35  n/d "Rep. Fish 9-spots 30 sec." (three Scotch 176-1/4-300 PR5, 5" open reels) 
93  36  n/d "Rep. Fish :48 PSA." (3M 806-1/4-300 PR5, 5" open reel audio mastering tape) 
93  37  n/d "Rep. Fish :48 PSA." (3M AVX46 Professional audio cassette) 
93  38  n/d "Solar Workshop." (Scotch Dynarange 211-R-7.5 LL, 3" open reel)  
93  39  n/d WAVA 780AM/105.1 FM "Richard Snyder Interview Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr." ( ¼ ", speed: 7 ½, 5" open reel)  
93  40  n/d "You Know Me :30, Spending :30, I Need Your Help :30." ( ¼ ", 7 ½ I. P. S. Full Track, 5" open reel) 
93  41  unidentified (Tracs 60 Compact Cassette) 
93  42-45  unidentified (four Scotch 211-R-7.5 LL, 1.5 mil Polyester, 3" open reels) 
93  46-47  unidentified (two Scotch Living Letters 111-R-1/4 LL, 1.5 mil Acetate backing, 3" open reels) 
93  48  unidentified (Scotch 111-1/4-150, 1.5 mil Acetate, 3" open reel) 
93  49  unidentified (Scotch, 3" open reel) 
94  1-2   unidentified (two Scotch 176-1/4-300 PR-5, 5" open reels) 
94  3-4   unidentified (two Scotch, 5" open reels) 
94  5   unidentified (AIWA Type 5, 5" open reel) 
94  6   unidentified (7" open reel) 
94  7   unidentified Note that reads, "Congressman Fish's office will call for this" enclosed. (Lafayette, Cat. No. 28-01199, .5 mil Tensilized Mylar, 7" open reel) 

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 2: Motion Picture Film
1969-1971 and undated material
½ cu. ft., Box 94

There are eleven items in this sub-series, dating from 1969-1971. They were not projected during processing. Therefore the information written on or accompanying each item, if it existed, was not verified, but copied into this finding aid verbatim. When the subject is unclear or non-existent, the first few frames were inspected and described in a note.

Media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration. The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by subject as indicated.

Box Reel Description
94  "Apollo Pix & S/T 1230 Fish." Note: Fish at desk, American flag and the Capitol are behind him (16 mm color film with sound track) 
94  9   "Apple Queen - H. Fish March 30, 1971." (16 mm color film on 4" reel) 
94  10   "Fish." Note: Fish shaking hands with man in suit and striped tie in front of a fireplace, a ca 19th century portrait is over the mantle (16 mm color film on 3" reel) 
94  11   "Fish" Note: Head shot of Fish, outdoors, 1970s style building in background (original, mag, 16 mm color film) 
94  12   "Fish (Sound Track)" Note: soundtrack for 94:11 above (OPT sound track) 
94  13   "Fish - Agnew Orig. Color" (16 mm color film) 
94  14   "Fish - Agnew B&W Work print 1230" (16 mm b&w film) 
94  15   "Fish N.Y." Note: Nixon? and Fish shaking hands, flags in background (16 mm color film on 3" reel) 
94  16   "Golden Bull-Dog Award - Cong Ham Fish 409" (16 mm color film with sound track on 3" reel) 
94  17   "H Fish Train Derailment 8/15/69 News" (16 mm b&w film on 3 ½ " reel) 
94  18   unidentified reel Note: Fish at table with two casually dressed men, guard? and flags in background (16 mm color film with sound track on 5" reel) 

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 3: Video Tapes
1982-1995 and undated material
4 cu. ft., Boxes 94-98

These video tapes were not played back during processing. Therefore the description in this finding aid was copied verbatim from information written on or accompanying each tape. Since without viewing then, there is no way of knowing if the data on any single tape is accessible, no duplicate copies have been culled. Multiple copies are arranged together and a note indicates that there are multiple copies of a given tape. In all cases, the media formats have been described as thoroughly as possible to facilitate transfer and/or migration.

First, when the date is available, this sub-series is arranged chronologically. When no date is given, tapes are arranged alphabetically by subject. The final arrangement - a chronological one - is for a monthly program hosted by Representative Fish, Fact and Comment. The program was taped in the House Recording Studio and copies were mailed to television news directors with the "hope that you have found a regular time slot in your local-origination programming" for the show. The collection includes Fact and Comment tapes for 11 programs, dating from October 1987 - March 1989. Tapes for a given show may be in more than one format.
A folder of the printed, descriptive material that accompanied some of the tapes is also included in the sub-series.

See also:
Series 3: Nixon Impeachment Files, Sub-series 1: Impeachment Subject Files A-Z, Box 31:Folder 9. ( Videotape)
Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations, Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances, Box 72:17-19 (Radio and TV Appearances)

Box Tape Description
95  May 1982 "Conference Roundtable 'Crime.'" July 14, 1982 #2 dub of m/m 28:15 (Scotch UCA30 ¾" videocassette) 
95  April 6, 1983 11:00 PM "WJLA-TV News Seven Segment on the National Victims of Crime." (Fuji ¾" videocassette) 
95  May 12, 1983 "WPIX-TV, Independent Network News, Oct. 6, Wed. 10:00 P.M. WCBS-TV, Channel 2 News, Nov. 16, Tues, 6:00 P.M. WCBS-TV, Channel 2 News, Nov. 17, Wed. 6:00 P.M. Visa U.S.A. Inc." (525 NTSC ¾" cassette) 
95  4-5  September 17, 1984 "Immigration Interview." Length: 28:01 (two Scotch UCA30 ¾" U-matic Colorplus videocassettes) 
95  March 9, 1985 "Ask Congress Show #9, Fish-Towns." Length: 27:45 (¾" videocassette) 
95  July 1986 "Periscope…Cong Ham Fish." (Maxwell ½" VHS videocassette) 
95  June 7, 1987, 12:30 (WHMM) "Ask Congress Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr. (R-NY) Rep. Bill Richardson (D-NM)" Length: 27:16 (½" VHS videocassette) 
95  October 2, 1987 "HF JEC Hearing Air Transportation." (Agfa KCS20 BP U-matic S Broadcast plus ¾" videocassette) 
95  10-11  August 2, 1988 "Fish Interview" Tapes 1 and 2 (two Sony BCT-20K ½" Betacam cassettes) 
95  12  August 3, 1988 "HF Hastings Impeachment House Floor." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  1   August 9, 1988 Hastings Impeachment Begins in Sen." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  2   August 9, 1988 "HF Floor Statement US Canada." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  September 14, 1988' "Ben Hooks on Cong. Fish, PE1031J." (Sony BCT-30M ½" Broadcast Master, Betacam SP cassettes) 
96  4.0   October 24, 1988 "***CBS Sunday Morning***Fish Family 3 Generations." Length: 4 minutes Note: Total of 3 copies (4.0 - 4.2) (three 3M T120 Scotch Color PlusVHS ½" professional videocassette) 
96  5   May 23, 1989 "IBM ICE Orlando, Fla. Insurance II Fish" ( ½ " VHS videocassette) 
96  6   March 1990 "Putman County St. Patrick's Day Parade, Joe Given, Host, HF walking." Stickey note text: "Jim Esch WTZA TV 62" (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" everyday use videocassette) 
96  7   February 5, 1991 "House Floor Coverage 1357-1438." (3M T120 VHS ½" professional videocassette, Master) 
96  8   January 11, 1991 "Floor speech: Gulf war." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" everyday use videocassette) 
96  9.0  February 12, 1991 "Floor Coverage…HF, Sr. Special Order." Length: 40:30 Note: total of 6 copies 9.0-9.5 (six 3M T120 VHS ½" professional videocassettes) 
96  10   January 6, 1992 "Orange Co. Insurance Agents & Professionals Joint Legislative Mtg." (3M T120 VHS ½" professional videocassette) 
96  11   June 24, 1992 "Rep. Ewing Show with Rep. Fish H, re: Civil Justice Reform Act Judiciary matters." Length: 15:06 (3M T120 VHS ½" professional videocassette) 
96  12   April 1993 "HF First Business re Baseball Antitrust, Correspondent: Ochs." (Fuji HQ T-60 VHS ½' videocassette) 
96  13   June 26, 1995 "Hamilton Fish NY State Library." Note: This tape documents the event during which HF presented his gift of papers to the Library. Length: 50+ minutes, "Copy of edited copy." (Maxell P/I Plus T-129 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  14  n/d "60 Minutes 'Justice for Sale?'" (TDK E-HG T-120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96   15  n/d "All About Bedford/Ham Fish." (Radio Shack VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  16  n/d "Cong. Fish TV Spots." (Scotch UCA 20S ¾" U-matic Colorplus videocassette) 
96  17-18  n/d "Cong. Ham Fish - Fundraising [bites]Video Congressmen Interview, Reels #3 and #4.) 
96  19  n/d "Congressman Ron Mazzoli interviewing Hamilton Fish, Jr." (Scotch 3M UCA30 ¾" U-matic videocassette) 
96  20  n/d "Civil Rights Bill - floor HF." (Kodak HS T-120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  21-23   n/d "Ham Fish Jr. 20 Year Salute." Tapes #1-3 (three SONY BCT-30K Betacam ½" Video Cassettes) 
96  24   n/d "Ham Fish Jr. 'A Brave American.'" Length: 0:30 (Ampex 189 T30 VHS Broadcast ½" videocassette) 
96  25  n/d "Ham Fish, Reagan/Bush." (Scotch 3M UCA 20S ¾" videocassette) 
96  26   n/d "Hatchery on the Hudson." ( ½ " VHS videocassette) 
96  27   n/d "Holiday Greeting Congressman Ham. Fish Jr." (TDK Professional Use Super Anlilyn T-30 VHS ½" videocassette) 
96  28  n/d "NAB Congressional Wives, Mary Ann Fish, 2 PSA's Audio-Mixed." (Sony KCA-30BRS ¾" U-matic videocassette) 
96  29  n/d "Paralazied [sic] Veterans, Office Stills, Studio Stills." (SONY BCT-30K Betacam ½" videocassette) 
97  1   n/d "Periscope - Fish." (Maxell VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  2   n/d "Periscope w/ Hamilton Fish, Jr. Dave P-T." (AmpexVHS ½" videocassette) 
97  3   n/d "Rep Fish." (SONY BCT-30K Betacam ½" Video Cassette) 
97  4   n/d "Rep. Fish, 98th Congress, Dan Lungren - Calif., HF a guest, Immigration." (3M T120 VHS ½" Scotch videocassette) 
97  n/d "Tape #3, Congressman Hamilton Fish, From the day before we saw you till approx. 1 month - a small portion." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" everyday use videocassette) 
97  6   n/d ca. 1994 "'The U.S. Congress and You' Rep. Fish, Compliments of State Farm Insurance Companies." w/newsman Howard K. Smith (VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  7   Fact and Comment October 5, 1987 Rep. Fish, (Open 0:21,Close 0:33) (Scotch 3M open reel 1" video tape, Master) 
97  8   Fact and Comment "A Collection of First 4 Shows." (3M T120 VHS ½" Scotch videocassette) 
97  9   Fact and Comment "1) Paul Nitze with Hamilton Fish, US-USSR Arms, 2) James Billington w/H Fish - USSR under Gorbachev." (Scotch EG T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  10.0   Fact and Comment October 6, 1987 "Airline Service and Safety, Guests: Norman Mineta (R-Calif), Pat Goldman, National Transportation Safety Board." Length: 28:30 Note: total of 4 copies (10.0-10.3) (three 3M UCA 60 ¾" U-matic Color Plus videocassettes, one Master) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  11.0   Fact and Comment November 10, 1987 "Arms Control, Guest: Paul Nitze, Chief Administration Arms Control Negotiator." Content note: This program examined, "arms control initiatives between the U.S. and the Soviet Union." Length: 28:09 Note: total of 3 copies (11.0-11.2) (three 3M UCA 60 ¾" U-matic Color Plus videocassettes, one Master) 
97  12.0   Fact and Comment December 8, 1987 "Central America - Rep. Rod Chandler and Amb. Ernesto Rives-Gallant." Content Note: "December's program focuses on 'Prospects for Peace in Central America' . . Chandler was one of the principals involved last year in crafting the bipartisan aid package to Democracies of Central America, a package that included $100 million in humanitarian and military aid to the Nicaraguan contras. With the present state of affairs in Central America, this discussion is particularly timely." Length: 36:28 Note: total of 4 copies (12.0-12.3) (three 3M UCA 60 ¾" U-matic Master broadcast videocassettes, one Master) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97   13.0   Fact and Comment January 6, 1988 "U.S. Economy, Guest: Bob Tosterud, Republican Staff Dir. of the JEC." Length: 28:02 Note: total of 5 copies (13.0-13.4) (four 3M MBR ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassette) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  14.0  Fact and Comment February 16, 1988 "Gorbachev's Russia - Dr. James H. Billington." Content note: "During this edition . . . Congressman Fish and his guest, the Librarian of Congress, Dr. James H. Billington examine Gorbachev's Russia, the prospects for success of his reforms, the role of the Soviet military and what the U.S. response should be." Length: 29:37 Note: total of 5copies (14.0-14.4) (one 3M MBR 60, ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassette, Master) (three MBR ¾" U-matic Color Plus videocassettes) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  15.0  Fact and Comment March 30, 1988 "Health Concerns of Older Americans, Guest: Connie Morella (R-Maryland)." Length: 24:38 Note: total of 6 copies (15.0-15.5) (five MBR ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes, one Master) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97  16.0  Fact and Comment May 23, 1988 "Guest Thomas Simons." Length: 30:23 Note: total of 3 copies (16.0-16.2) (two 3M MBR 30, ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes) (one Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
97   17.0   Fact and Comment July 6, 1988 "Airline Deregulation." Length: 27:43 Note: total of 7 copies (17.0-17.6) (five 3M MBR 30, ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes) (two Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassettes) 
98  1.0  Fact and Comment September 9, 1988 "Daycare, Guest: Rep. Johnson." Length: 27:17 Note: total of 8 copies (1.0-1.7) (five 3M MBR ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes) (three T120 VHS ½" videocassette) 
98   2.0   Fact and Comment October 4, 1988 "Drug Tape." Length: 18:22 Note: total of 10 copies (2.0-2.10) (five 3M MBR 30, ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes) (six Scotch T120 VHS ½" videocassettes) 
98  3.0  Fact and Comment March 16, 1989 Guest: "Drug Enforcement Adminis. (DEA) John C. Lawn." Length: 23 min. Note: total of 4 copies (3.0-3.3) (four 3M MBR 60, ¾" U-matic Scotch Color Plus videocassettes) 
98  Descriptive material that accompanied tapes 

Series 9: Audio/Visual Materials
Sub-Series 4: Floppy Discs
ca. 1994
Box 98

This series consists of seven floppy discs, all entitled "Legislative Mail, Congressman Hamilton Fish," thought to be from 1994. These discs were not examined during processing. Therefore the description in this finding aid was copied verbatim from information written on or accompanying each disc.

Box Folder Description
98 5 "Legislative Mail, Congressman Hamilton Fish"
(seven SONY high density MFD-2HD, 3 ¾ x 3 ¾" floppy discs)

Series 10: Scrapbooks, Ephemera and Artifacts
3 cu. ft., Boxes 99-101

The bulk of this series is made up of paper documents, including twelve scrapbooks. There are also numerous award certificates and organization membership cards; an autographed bill and some annotated or autographed programs; the calling card of Fidel Castro; a poster and a Congressman Ham Fish, Jr. Circus Coloring Book from a circus presented by the Friends of Fish; the Congressman's member pass and his 1970 passport; and several folders of campaign ephemera including bumper stickers, handouts, posters, and an Our Congressman Ham Fish, Jr. grocery bag.

Nine of the thirteen scrapbook albums either contained the typical 1970s sticky pages or their covers were in poor condition. In those nine cases, the material was removed from the scrapbook and placed, in its original order, in folders entitled with the dates and/or subject of the scrapbook in question. In the case of newspaper clippings particularly, when it was impossible to remove them from the sticky pages, the sticky pages were copied and the copy included in the folder.

Some miscellaneous artifacts (three dimensional objects) were also found among the Congressman's papers. They were retained for the collection and include: a gavel, two license plates, a Re-elect Ham Fish, Jr. litter bag, a 45 rpm record, numerous campaign and issue buttons, and a red felt Youth for Fish banner.

See also:
Series 6: Press/Constituent Relations, Sub-series 4: Newsletters/ Mailers/ Questionnaires/ Radio and TV Appearances, Box 72:17-19.

Box Item Description
99  Scrapbook, May 1963-November 1965 [clippings, letters and photos] 
99  Scrapbook, December 1965-June 1966 [clippings] 
99  Scrapbook, June-September, 1966 [campaign literature, photos, clippings and telegrams] 
100  Scrapbook, September 1966-February 1967 [clippings and photos] 
100  Scrapbook, November 1967-July 1968 [clippings and photos] 
100  Scrapbook, 1976, Man of the Year 
100  Scrapbook, 1977, Mercy College 
100  5   Scrapbook, 1978, Campaign 
100  Scrapbook, 1978, Marist College 
100  Scrapbook, 1989, E-Star Award for Exports 
100  Scrapbook, 1994, Westchester County letters of tribute 
100  Scrapbook, n/d, HF Trip to Nicag./[sic.] 
100  10  Award Plaque, 1977 New York State Association of Renewal and Housing Officials 
100  11  Award Plaque, 1994 Southern Westchester Chief of School Administrators 
101  Bags, Paper grocery and plastic litter, Campaign 
101  Banner, Youth for Fish 
101  Bumper stickers, Campaign 
101  Buttons, Campaign 
101  5-6  Buttons, Issue 
101  Calling Card, Fidel Castro 
101  Car magnet sign and License plates, 1983, 1985 
101  Cards, Congressional and member passes 
101  10  Cards, Membership and correspondence 
101  11  Certificates, Awards, 1970s-1980s 
101  12  Certificates, Awards, 1990s 
101  13  Certificates, Board of Election 
101  14  Dinner for HF, Papers to Keep, 1978 
101  15   Drawings, of and by? HF 
101  16  Food-related ephemera 
101  17  Gavel, "Als Ik Kan" ["If I can" or "If I am able"] 
101  18  Handouts, Campaign 
101  19  H. R. 461 Clairborne Impeachment, autographed 
101  20  Nicoderm patch 
101  21  Passport, 1970 
101  22  Postage stamps, Commemorative, FDR [Franklin D. Roosevelt] 
101  23  Phonograph record, 45 rpm 
101  24  Photographs, Miscellaneous large format 
101  25  Poster and calendar, Campaign 
101  26  Posters, 1983 
101  27  Poster, 1990 circus, and coloring book 
101  28  Program, 1976 Washington Press Club, autographed 
101  29  Program, 1988 President's Dinner, annotated 
101  30  State of the Union Address, 1991, annotated 
101  31  Stationery, Calling card 
Last Updated: February 16, 2022