Content Index: Excerpts from New York State Law and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education pertaining to Libraries, Library Systems, Trustees and Librarians
Links below will open in a new window. Links in bold / italic type (for example §90.3(n)) are to regulations; other links are to statutes.A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W |
SEE ALSO Dissolution
Adult Literacy Library Services Grant Program, §273 h(2), §90.3(n)
allowable costs, §90.3(n)
annual report, §90.3(n)
criteria, §90.3(n)
definition, §90.3(n)
grants, §90.3(n)
payment schedule, §90.3(n)
public library system plan of service, §90.3(n)
reports, §90.3(n)
SEE: State Aid
Annual Reports, §215, §263, §11.4
adult literacy services, §90.3(n)
central libraries, §90.4(c)
coordinated outreach, §90.3(m)
failure to report, §11.4
payment of local library services aid, §90.9(d)
reference and research library systems, §90.5(d)
school library systems,§90.18(f)
Appeals to the Commissioner
SEE: Handbook 1, Regulations of the Commissioner of Education
Apportionment, §90.14(d)
definition, §1.1(b)
schools, §3602
definition, §1.1(c)
grant eligibility under Historical, §140
records program, §140
Area Served
by reference and research library system, §272(2)(b)
by public library system, §272(1)(b)
Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, SEE: Statutes
Association Libraries, §253(2)
SEE ALSO Public Libraries
contracting out services, §256
definition, §1.1(d)
election of chairman, §226(7)
standards, §90.2
surplus books and materials, §226(6)(b)
Automation Program
Reference and Research Library Systems
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Bay Park Library District
Board of Cooperative Education Services, §284(2), §3602, §90.18
Board of Education
absentee ballots for qualified voters, §2018
appointing a school librarian, §275
budget vote for libraries, §260(7)
budget vote for schools, §259(1)
city school districts, §2503
common school districts, §2018
levying taxes without vote, §2023
oath of office, §10
public officers, §10
reporting, §274
residency requirement, §2102
school district clerk, §2102
school district treasurer, §2102
school library system governance, §282
special district meetings, §2008(2)
union free school districts, §2018
Brooklyn Public Library, §273(j)
Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, §273(k)
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Census, §54, §90.9(c)(2)
federal population, §272(b)
Central Library Aid, §272(j)(2)
reduction of, §272(j)(1)
Central Library Development Aid, §273(1)(b)
maintenance of effort, §272(j)(1)
ownership of materials purchased with
central library development aid, §273(b)(2)
Central Libraries, §90.4
acquisition plan, §90.4(d)
annual report, §90.4(c)
criteria for designation, §90.4(a)
definition, §90.4
hours of service, §90.4(a)
plan, §90.4(b)
standards, §90.4
staffing requirements, §90.4(a)
Certificates for the educational leadership service, §80-3.10
SEE: Public Librarian Certification
Certification of copies, §10.2
Charters, §216
amendments to charters, §219, §90.9(c)(2)
endorsement by Commissioner, §404(d)
foreign education corporations, §219(1)
higher education institutions, §272(2)(c)
incorporation, §216
overlap, §90.9(c)(2)
petition to dissolve, §220
distribution of assets, §220
provisional, §217
termination of, §217
restoration of, §222
revocation of, §219
surrendering of, §217
University of the State of New York, §216-a
SEE ALSO State University of New York
City School Districts, §2503, §90.18
board of education, §2503
powers and duties, §2503
City University of New York
coordinated collection development, §273(5)
grant eligibility under Historical Records Program, §140(c)
Civil Service Law
duties of public officers, §95oath upon appointment, §62
removal and other disciplinary action, §75
voting, §2601-a(2)
Columbia University, §273(7)(a)
Commissioner of Education
approval of central library plan of service, §273(b)
approval of cooperative library system, §255(2)
approval of interstate library district plan of service, §295
approval of libraries for membership to public library systems, §272(1)(c)
approval of public library system plan of service, §272(1)(d)
approval of public library system plan of service to correctional facilities, §284
approval of reference and research library system plan of service, §272(2)(d), §90.5(c)
approval of school library system plan of service, §284
authorization of grants for Historical Records Program, §140
awarding grants for adult literacy program, §273(h)(2)
awarding grants for conservation preservation, §273(7)
awarding grants for hospital library service, §273(4)(b)
awarding grants for family literacy program, §273(h)
certifying copies, §10.2
direct access modification, §90.3
defined, §1.1
endorsement of charters, §404(d)
establishing advisory council for conservation preservation, §273(7)(f)
establishing office for conservation preservation, §273(7)(f)
establishing school library systems, §282
foreign corporations, §219
maintenance of effort waivers, §272(j)(3)
publications supervision, §186.1
qualifications of school librarians, §275
records management program, §185.1(b)
regulations, setting of, §273(b)(2), §273(h)(3), §273(7)(b), §273-a(5), §11.1, §90.3
requesting reports, §272(j), §273(6), §274
revocation of public library system plan of service, §272(1)
revocation of reference and research library system plan of service, §272(2)(f)
revocation of school library system plan of service, §284(4)
standards for public library systems, §272(1)(h)
standards for records retention and preservation, §185.6
standards for reference and research library systems, §272(2)(e)
standards for school library systems, §284
standards waivers under Local Library Services Aid, §273(f)(5)
visitation to chartered institutions, §215
withholding public school moneys, §284
Comptroller, Office of
annual reports, §30
report forms, §31
Confidentiality of Library Records, §4509
Conflict of Interest, §800, §801
Conservation and Preservation, §273(7), §90.16
advisory council, §273(7)(f), §90.16(g)
cooperative program, §90.16(a)(4)
comprehensive research libraries, §273(4), §273(7)(a), §90.16(a)(1)
coordinated approach to, §273(7)(c), §90.16(a)(3)
discretionary grants, eligibility, §273(6)(b)
eligible expenditures, §90.16(e)
establishment of program office, §273(7)
five year plan, §273(6)(b)
grants, §90.16
ineligible expenditures, §90.16(e)
national standards, §273(7)(c)
reports, §90.16(f)
unique library research materials, §273(7)(d), §90.16(a)(7)
Consolidation, §223
Continuing Education, §283
control of property by trustees, §226(6)
SEE: Public Library
Contracts, §256, §273(6)(b)
Cooperative Library Systems
SEE: Public Library Systems
Coordinated Collection Development, §273(5), §90.15
annual application, §90.15(c)
eligibility, §90.15(a)
maintenance of effort, §90.15(e)
waivers, §90.15(e)
plan, §90.15(b)(3)
report, §90.15(b)(2)
Coordinated Outreach, §273(1)(h)(1), §90.3(k)(1)
advisory council, §90.3(l)(2)(iv)
aid, §273(1)(h)(1), §90.3(k)(1)
annual report, §90.3(l)(2)
definition, §90.3(l)(1)
enriched, §90.3(m)
public library system plan of service, §90.3(l)(2)
staffing requirements, §90.3(l)(2)
Cornell University, §273(7)(a)
consolidation of two or more, §223
educational, §216-a
municipal corporation establishing a free public library, §61.05
non profit, §216-a, §272(2)(a)
Correctional Facilities,
SEE ALSO Public Library Systems
Co-Central Libraries
SEE: Central Libraries
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Data Communications, §273(6)(c)
Department of Education
seal, use of, §10.2
surplus books, §270
Direct Access, §90.3
modification of, §90.3
SEE ALSO Abolition
Document Delivery, §273(6)(c), §283
Documentary Heritage Grants, §189.1
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Educational Institutions, §216-a, §220(4), §272(2)(a)
SEE ALSO Meetings
common school districts, §2018
union free school districts, §2018
Electronic Doorway Library, §90.19(a)(9)
Employees of System minimum requirements §90.3(f), §90.3(l)(2)(g)
Enriched Coordinated Outreach,§90.3(m), §273(1)(h)
SEE ALSO Coordinated Outreach
allowable costs §90.3(m)(7)
criteria, §90.3(m)(2)
definition, §90.3(m)(1)
grants, §90.3(m)(3)
payments, §90.3(m)(8)
Excuse of Default, §90.8(a)(e)
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Family Literacy Library Services grant program, §273(h)(3), §90.3(m)
Federal Regional Medical Library Program, §273(4)(b)a
Fees, §279
public librarian certification, §279
Filters, Internet , §260(12)
Fines, §259(1)(a)
Free Library
definition, §1.1
establishing, §61.05
fiscal year §272(1)(j), §273(2)(d)
standards, §90.2
Fund Raising, §171-a
registration of charitable organizations §172
registration exemptions, §172-a
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General Municipal Law
finances (effective after 6/30/95) §10
investments, §11
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Historical Records, Division of, §140
grants, eligibility, §140
historical records, §140
program, §140
retention of, §140
regional advisory assistance agency, §140
Historical Societies
grant eligibility under Historical records program, §140
Hospital Libraries, §254, §272(2), §273(4)(b)
grants awarded to, §273(4)(c), §90.17
membership into reference and research library systems, §272(2)(c)
standards, §254, §272(2)(g)
Hospital Library Service Program, §90.17
applications through reference and research library systems, §90.17(d)
eligibility criteria, §90.17(b)
five year plan, §90.17(c)
reports, §90.17(d)
standards, §90.17(g)
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SEE: Charters
Indian Libraries, §253(3)
SEE ALSO Public Libraries
abolition, §268
contracting out services, §256
membership into reference and research library systems, §90.5(b)
service area, §90.13(a)
standards, §254
Interlibrary Loan, §273(5)(2), §283, §284
cooperative collection development, §283
coordinated collection development, §273(5)
regional bibliographic data base, §273(6)
Internet Filters, §260(12)
Interstate Library Districts, §293
commissioner of education as administrator, §296
funding, §295
plan of service, §295
withdrawal from, §297
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Joint Public Libraries, §259(2)
Jury Duty, SEE: P. M. memo 12/2/96 and Eisner Change No.9, 3-60c
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Liability Insurance, §52
Libraries, §245
SEE ALSO Public Libraries
charters, §219
grant eligibility under Historical records program, §140
instructional materials for school districts and libraries to protect against Lyme disease and tick-borne infections, §305
higher education, §249-a
registration, §90.1
standards, §90.2
state law library, §247
state library, §245
state library, use of books, §249
state medical library, §246
suspension of state or local grants, §90.1
Library Card
issued by library, §90.3(3)
issued by system, §90.3(3)
Library Council, §11.5
Library Extensions §11.1
Library Records, §4509
Library Standards
SEE: Standards
Library Taxes
SEE: Taxes
Library Trustees Association of New York State (formerly New York State Association of Library Boards; originally Library Trustee Foundation of New York State), §260(6)
Literacy Grants, §273(h)
SEE ALSO Adult Literacy; Family Literacy
Local Consolidated System Aid, §273(f)(7)
Local Government Records, §57.19
SEE ALSO Records Management
Local Government Records Law, Title U-Art 57-A
advisory council, §57.21
definitions, §57.17
exclusions, §57.33
grants, §57.35
legislative intent, §57.13
local government records management program, §57.21
records retention and disposition, §57.25
regional records offices, §57.37
reporting requirements, §57.39
Local Library Incentive Aid, §273(1)(f)
distribution, §273(1)(f)
Local Library Services Aid, §273(1)(f)(5), §90.9
chartered service area defined, §90.9(a)
changes in, §90.9(c)
criteria for aid, §90.9(b)
library system defined, §90.9(a)
distribution, §273(1)(f)(5)
distribution by public library system, §90.9(d)
population counted, §90.9(c)
changes in, §90.9(c)
waivers, §273(f)(5)
Local Services Support Aid, §273(f)(7), §90.10
Local Sponsor Support, §272(1)(j)
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Maintenance of Effort, §272(1)(j)(2)
coordinated collection development aid, §273(5)
waivers, §272(1)(j)3)
Medical Information Services Program, §273(4)(b)
SEE: Consolidation
Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency (METRO; now Metropolitan New York Library Council), §31-c
charters, §216
grant eligibility under Historical §140(c)
records program, §140(b)
state museum, §232
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Nassau County,
public library membership into reference and research library system, §272(2)(4)
Nassau Library System, §273(l)
National Endowment for the Humanities, §273(h)(4)
New York Academy of Medicine, §273(4)(b)
New York Documentary Heritage Act
New York Public Library, §273(g), §273(h)(7)
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, §273(i)
Research Libraries, §273(g)
Schomburg Center, §273(i)
New York State Association of Library Boards (NYSALB)
New York State Education Department, §273(5), §273(6)
New York State Health Department, §273(4)(b)
New York State Library, §249, §273, §273(8), §92.1
borrowing materials, §92.1(b)
restricted materials, §92.1(e)
special permission, §92.1(b)(5)
New York State Talking Book and Braille Library, §273(8)
New York University, §273(h)(7)
New-York Historical Society, §273(j)
Nonprofit Corporations, §216
charters, §216
grant eligibility under Historical records program, §140(c)
Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, §216-a; see also §404; §712-a; §715-a; §715-b
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Oaths of Office, §25
SEE ALSO Memo from C.A.D.8/8/97 and J.Nichols 10/11/96
Obscenity, §235.10
Open Meetings, §100, §101, §102, §103, §104, §105, §106, §107, §108, §109, §110, §111
Opioid Overdose Prevention, §1309; §922, §136.8
Overlap of Service Area, §90.9(c)(1)
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Parent and Child Program
SEE: Family Literacy
Pioneer Library System, §31-d
Plan of Service, §272(1)(d), §272(2)(d), §284
approval for correctional facilities, §285
approval for interstate library district, §295
approval for public library system, §272(1)(e)
approval for reference and research library system, §272(2)(c)
approval for school library systems, §282
provisional approval for public library system, §272(1)(e)
provisional approval for school library systems, §284(4)
revocation of plan for public library system, §272(1)(i)
revocation of plan for reference and research library system, §272(2)(f)
revocation of plan for school library system, §284(4)
Population figures, §90.9(c)(2), §90.10
SEE: Confidentiality
Property, §226(5-6)
Public Librarian Certification
conditional certification, §90.7
fees, §90.7(a)
requirements, §90.7(a)
Public Libraries, §253
SEE ALSO Association Libraries
branches, §255, §272(k)(7)
establishment of, §253
Indian libraries, §253(3)
interstate library districts, §293
local library services aid, §273(f)(6), §90.9
local neglect, §267
membership in reference and research library systems, §272(2)(c), §90.5
minimum weekly hours open, §90.2(a)
past due materials, §265
personnel requirements, §90.2(a), §90.8
property damage, §264
reports to Regents, §215, §263
school district public library, §2018-a
service area overlaps, §90.9(c)
surplus books and materials, §226(6)(b), §270
surplus funds, management of, §255(5)
tax support, §255
transfer of property, §266, §278
unauthorized possession of library materials, §265-a
withdrawal from system, §272(1)
Public Library Construction, §273-a, §90.12
aid formula for grants, §273-a
application procedure, §90.12(b)
construction defined, §90.12
criteria for approval of application, §90.12(d)
eligible costs, §90.12(e)
ineligible costs, §90.12(e)
payment schedule, §90.12(f)
reallocation of unused funds, §273-a(4)(c)
report to Governor, §273-a(2), §90.12(g)
school district public library, §260(10)
state aid, §273-a
system approval of grant applications, §273-a(2)
Public Library Standards
SEE: Standards
Public Library Systems, §255, §272, §273, §90.2
adult literacy, §273(1)(h)(2)
approval of, §90.3
area served, §272(1)(b), §90.3(4), §90.9(b)(2)
automation program, §273(1)(d)(2)
budget preparation, §90.2
central libraries, §272(1)(j)(2), §273(1)(b), §90.4
census, §272(1)(b)
construction, §273-a
contracting services, §256, §273(6)(c)
Cooperative Library System, §255, §90.6
audit, §90.6(c)(16)
Board of Trustees, §255, §90.6
compensation, §90.6(b), §90.6(c)(12)
meeting requirements,§255(3)(c)
number, §255(2)(c)
petition to join, §255(2)(j)
surplus funds, management of, §255(5), §90.6(c)(19)
terms and limitations, §255(3)(b)
treasurer, §255(2)(e), §90.6
financial accounting, §90.6
appointment of financial clerk, §90.6(c)(1)
appointment of treasurer, §90.6(c)(1)
audit, §90.6(c)(16)
bonding financial clerk and treasurer , §90.6(c)(11)
budget filing, §90.6(c)(7)
duties of board of trustees, §90.6(c)
duties of secretary, §90.6(c)(1)
financial report filing, §90.6(c)(19)
petty cash fund, §90.6(c)(18)
coordinated outreach services, §273(h)(1), §90.3(l)
correctional services cooperation, §285, §90.14
apportionment, §90.14(d)
eligibility, §90.14(a)(2)
plan of service, §90.14(c)
reports, §90.14(e)
variance, §90.14(c)(2)
definition, §272(1)(a), §90.3(a)
direct access, free, §90.3
direct access, modification, §90.3
director qualifications, §90.3(5)(f)
employee requirement for entire system §90.3(4)(f), §90.3(l)(2)(g)
interlibrary loan, §273(5), §90.3(3)
plan for sharing with member libraries, §273(1)(b)
interstate library districts,§293
local library incentive aid, §273(1)(f)
local system support aid, §90.10
membership in reference and research library systems, §272(2)(c)
membership into system, §272(1)(c)
ownership of materials purchased with central library development aid, §273(2)
plan of service, §272(1)(d), §90.3(a)(2)
full approval, §90.3(g)
provisional approval, §90.3(g)(2)
revisions to, §90.3(j)
population by census, §272(1)(b)
population outside service area, §90.9(c)(2)
regional bibliographic data bases, §273(6)
staffing requirements, §90.2, §90.3(f)
state aid, §272, §273, §273-a, §284
state aid, maintenance of effort, §272(1)(j)(1)
state aid, revocation of, §272(1)(j)2)
state aid, waivers, §272(1)(j)(3), §273(6)
withdrawal of member library, §272(1)(c)
Public Officers Law
defense and indemnification, §18
oaths of office, §10
qualifications of holding office, §3
Public Records, Division of
contributions, §186.1
law reporting, §434
legislative law, §47
public documents, §12(2)
use in department, §186.1
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Quorum, §226(1)
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definition, §185.1
designation of, §185.2
notification to Commissioner, §185.2(b)
vacancy filled, §185.2(b)
Reference and Research Library Systems, §272(2), §273(4), §90.5 - §90.6
audit, §90.6(c)(16)
contracting services, §273(6)(c)
coordinated collection development, §273(5), §90.15
maintenance of effort, §273(5)(3), §90.15(e)
director qualifications, §90.5(a)
federal regional medical library program, §273(4)(b)
financial accounting, §90.6
appointment of financial clerk, §90.6(c)(1)
appointment of treasurer, §90.6(c)(1)
audit, §90.6(c)(16)
bonding financial clerk and treasurer , §90.6(c)(11)
budget filing, §90.6(c)(7)
duties of board of trustees, §90.6(c)
duties of secretary, §90.6(c)(2)
financial report filing, §90.6(d)
petty cash fund, §90.6(c)(18)
historical records program, §140(2)(a)
hospital libraries, §273(4)(c)
hospital library service program, §90.17
interlibrary loan, §273(5)(c)
membership in, §272(2)(c), §90.5(b)
New York Academy of Medicine, §273(4)(b)
plan of service, §272(2)(d), §90.5(c)
revisions, §90.5(d)
public library systems, §90.3(k)
regional bibliographic data bases, §273(6)
annual plans, §273(6)
regional library automation program, §273(6)(b)
five year plan, §273(7)(b)
reports, §273(4)
special libraries, §272(2)
standards, §272(e)
standards for member libraries, §272(2)
state aid
overpayment, §273(4)
revocation of, §272(f)
underpayment, §273(4)
surplus funds, management of, §255(5)
trustees, §255
compensation, §90.6(b), §90.6(c)(12)
defense and indemnification, §18
financial duties, §90.6
meeting requirements, §255(3)(c)
member make up, §255(3)
terms and limitations, §255(3)(b)
SEE ALSO Trustees
voting, §90.5(b)(2)
Regents, Board of
abolition of public library, §268
approval of loan of material from state library, §92.1(c)
awarding of certificates, diplomas and degrees, §208
chartering, §216
Duplication Department, responsibility, §250
filling trustee vacancies, §226(4)
local neglect, §267
petition to dissolve charter, §219
removal of trustees from office, §226(4), §267
requesting reports, §215
standards, set by, §140(c), §254
state museum, established by, §232
state library, established by, §232
suspension of charter, §222
transfer of property, §278
visits to chartered institutions, §215
Regional Bibliographic Data Bases, §273(6), §90.19
annual plan, §273(6)
definition, §90.19(a)(8)
grants, §90.19
criteria for approval, §90.19(d)
reports, §90.19(f)
Regional Library Automation Program, §273(6)(b), §90.19(b)(2)
five year plan, §273(7)(b), §90.19(c)
SEE ALSO Interlibrary Loan
Regional Medical Library Network, §90.5(c)(2)
Regional Medical Library Program, §90.17(e)
definition, §1.1
Registration, §11.3
standards, §90.1
suspension, §90.1
visits, §11.2
Regulations, §273(7)(a)
set by Commissioner, §11.1
calendar year, §272(j)(2), §273(1)(b)(2)
fiscal year, §272(j)(1), §273(d)(1)
annual, §215, §263, §273(6), §30(3), §11.4, §90.6(c), §90.14(e)
general participation, §30(c)
participation by Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency (METRO; now Metropolitan New York Library Council), §31-c
participation by Pioneer Library System, §31-d
participation by school district public libraries, §30(c)
participation by Upper Hudson Library System, §31-b
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School Administrator Certification, §80.4
School District Meetings, §2008
SEE ALSO Special School District Meetings
absentee ballots, §2018
tax levy without vote, §2023
voter qualifications, §2012
School District Public Library, §2018-a
SEE ALSO Public Libraries, School District Meetings
number of trustees, §260
petitons to run for office of trustee # of signature, §260
retirement system participation, §31-a
voter qualifications, §2008
voting- city school districts, §2601-a(3)
School Districts, §1805
budget vote for [school district public] libraries, §260(7)
budget vote for school districts, §259
School Library, §274
as a circulating library to residents of district, §274
Board of Education appointing a librarian, §275
establishment and maintenance, §91.1
librarian at high school, §275
principal teacher as librarian, §275
reports, §274(4)
school library media specialist, §91.2
teacher of english as librarian, §275
transfer of property to free library, §278
trustees appointing librarian, §275
use of by school, §274
withholding moneys from school district, §277
advisory committee, §284(2)
automation grant, §284(1)
certified school library media specialist, §90.18(6), §91.2
city school districts, §90.18(b), §90.18(f)(2)
continuing education, §283
cooperative collection development, §283
coordinator, §90.18(a)(7), §90.18(e)
council, §90.18(b)
compensation, §90.18(b)(2)(i)
meetings, §90.18(b)(2)(i)
vacancies, §90.18(b)(2)(i)
definition of, §90.18(a)
establishment, §282
functions, §283
governance, §90.18(b)
maintenance of effort, §90.18(g)
membership criteria, §284(1), §90.18(f)
membership in reference and research library systems, §90.5(b)
membership of non-public schools, §284(1)
mergers, §284(f)
plan of service, §282, §90.18 (c)
revisions, §90.18(c) (3)
regional bibliographic data base, §273(6)(c)
regulations, §284(2)
reports, §284
staffing, §90.18(d)
standards, §284
state aid, §284
variance, §90.18(f)(5)
Service Areas, overlap, §90.9(c)
prohibited in libraries, §1399-o
Social Security
SEE: Mc Kinney Consolidated, Book 50 1/2
Special School District Meetings
SEE ALSO School District Meetings
by district superintendent, §2008
by district voters petition, §2008
Special Libraries
membership in reference and research library systems, §272(2)(5)
approved by Commissioner, §90.2(a)
automation projects, §90.19(e)
central libraries, §90.4
failure to comply, §254
historical record program, §140(b)
hospital libraries, §254, §273(4)(c)
Indian libraries, §254
public libraries, §254, §273(f)(5), §90.2
public library systems, §272(1)(i)
reference and research library systems, §272(2)
school library systems, §284
set by Regents, §254
variances, §90.2(c)
waivers, §273(f)(5)
State Aid, §273
Brooklyn Public Library, §273(j)
Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, §273(j)
central library aid, §272(j)(2), §273(1)(b)
central library development aid, §273(1)(b)
Columbia University, §273(7)(a)
conservation and preservation, §273(7)
coordinated collection development, §273(5)
coordinated outreach services, §273(h)(1)
Cornell University, §273(7)(a)
correctional facilities, §285
hospital libraries, §273(4)(c)
Indian libraries, §272(1)(c)
library construction, §273-a
local consolidated system aid, §273(f)(7)
local library services aid, §273(f)(5)
local services support aid, §273(f)(6)
maintenance of effort, §272(j)(1), §273(5)(3)
maintenance of effort, waivers, §272(j)(3)
Nassau Library System, §273(l)
New York Academy of Medicine, §273(4)(b)
New York Public Library, §273(i)
Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, §273(i)
Research Libraries, §273(7)(a)
Schomburg Center, §273(i)
New York State Library, §273(7)
New York State Library for the Blind and Visually Handicapped, §273(8)
New York University, §273(7)(a)
New York Historical Society, §273(i)
per capita defined, §54
public library systems, §272(1), §273, §284
reduction of, §272(j)(1)
reduction of, due to maintenance of effort, §272(j)(1)
reference and research library systems, §273(4)
regional medical library program, §273(4)(b)
reporting, §272(j)
revocation of for public library system, §272(1)
revocation of for reference and research library system, §272(2)(f)
revocation of for school library systems, §284
school districts, §2503
school library systems, §284
State University of New York
at: Albany, §273(7)(a)
Binghamton, §273(7)(a)
Buffalo, §273(7)(a)
Stony Brook, §273(7)(a)
suspension of, for libraries, §90.1
surplus funds, no limit, §259(1)
Syracuse University, §273(7)(a)
systems, §273(f)(7)
University of Rochester, §273(7)(a)
use of, §11.3
State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries, §10.2
approving the loan of materials from the state library, §92.1(c)
certifying copies, §10.2
at: Albany, §273(7)(a)
Binghamton, §273(7)(a)
Buffalo, §273(7)(a)
Stony Brook, §273(7)(a)
coordinated collection development, §273(5)
grant eligibility under Historical
records program, §140(b)
Statewide Data Base Development, §273(6)(b)
Statewide Electronic Library Network, §90.19(a)(10)
Suffolk County, §272(2)(4)
public library membership into reference and research library system, §272(2)(4)
Surplus Library Books, §226(6)(b), §270
Syracuse University, §273(7)(a)
SEE: Public Library Systems; Reference and Research Library Systems; School Library Systems
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Talking Book and Braille Library
appropriations, §259
changes, §259
collection, §259
petty cash fund, §259(4)
refunds by lib because of tax reduction 45-comp op 95-5
school district public library special meeting, §260(7), §2008
separate fund, §259
surplus funds no limit, §259
transfer to library treasurer, §259
treasurer, defined, §800(6)
use of, by trustees, §259
voting on, §259
abolition of a public library, §268
annuities, §260-b
annuities, tax deferred, §260-c
board sizes, §260
by laws, §226(10)
charters, §216
amendments, §219
application of, §261
compensation, §226(7), §90.6(b)
continuing in office after dissolution, §219(3)
control of property, §226(6)
custodians of records, §219(4)
defense and indemnification of, §18
distribution of assets, §220
election of chairman for Free Association library, §226(7)
elections, §260
eligibility, §260(4)
executive committee, §226(2)
forming a cooperative library system, §255(2)
terms and limitations, §255(2)(f)
holding of property, §266(5)
Indian libraries, §260(2)
interstate library districts, §294
joint public library, §260(3)
liability insurance, §52
Library Trustee Foundation of New York State
meetings, §226(3), §255(2)(k), §255(3)(b), §260(5), §2008
absentee ballots for qualified voters, §2018-a
failure to attend, §226(4)
notices, §226(4)
special meeting of school district public libraries , §260(9), §2008(4)
methods of election or appointment, §260(2), §294
minimum age, §3
oath of office, §10
open meetings to public, §260-a
petitions for running for office, §260(8)
plans of service, §272(1)(d)
powers of, §226
public library construction, §273-a
public officers, §3
quorums, §226(1)
reference and research library system, §255(3)
removal by Regents, §226(4)
removal and suspension of trustees and employees by board, §226(4), §226(8), §267
residency requirement, §3
resignation, §226(4)
salary setting for employees, §226(7)
sale of books and materials, §226(6)(b), §260(11)
school board, serving on at the same time, §260(4)
school librarian appointment, §275
surplus funds, management of, §255(5)
taxes, control of, §259
term of office, §260(2)
transfer of property, §266
treasurer of joint public library, §259(b)(3)
compensation of, §259(b)
cooperative library system, §255(2)(e)
library fund separation, §259(2)
3R's (Reference and Research Library Resources System), §90.6
school district, §2102
use of library, §262
use of library tax monies, §259(1)(a)
vacancies and elections, §226(4)
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Union Catalog, §283, §90.3(4)(h)
United States Newspaper Project, §273(4)
University of Rochester, §273(7)
Unserved §90.3(a)(10)
Upper Hudson Library System, §31-b
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Visitation and Reports, §215
for registration, §11.2
Voting City School Districts, §2601-a(4)
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Waivers, §273(3), §273(5), §90.15(e)
central library aid, §272(j)(2)
maintenance of effort, §272(j)(1)
coordinated collection development, §90.15
maintenance of effort, §90.15(e)
local library service aid, §273(4)
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