New York State Library

Databases in Local History and Genealogy

This list of databases may be useful to those researching local history or genealogy. Databases in the Local History/Genealogy area of the library are designated LH/G. Databases at the Electronic Reference Station (behind the Reference Desk) are designated ERS.  A complete list of our databases is available at the Electronic Reference Station. Databases which list no date are the most recent versions available.

1854 Map of Albany County & 1855 New York State Albany County Census. Albany County names from the 1855 state census transcribed and indexed by the Capital District Genealogical Society. Includes Shakers. Note that database does NOT include the City of Albany. Census information is completely searchable. 1854 Map includes index to names on map. LH/G

19th Century Masterfile. Online service that provides access to citations from Poole's Index to Periodical Literature (1802-1906), Stead's Index to Periodicals (1890-1906) and more. Newspaper indices include New York Times Index (1863-1905), New York Daily Tribune Index(1875-1906) and more. Various government indices are also included. Available online at ERS and LH/G.

Accessible Archives. Contains six databases:

  • Godey's Ladys Book (1830-1880),
  • The Pennsylvania Gazette (1728-1800),
  • The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective (November 1860-April 1865),
  • African American Newspapers: The 19th Century,
  • The Pennsylvania Newspaper Record: Delaware County (1819-1870), and
  • The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalogue: Chester County (1809-1870).

Available online at ERS and LH/G.

America's Newspapers - New York. Full text coverage of a wide range of New York State newspapers from:

  • Albany (Times Union),
  • Batavia,
  • Binghamton,
  • Buffalo (Buffalo News),
  • Glens Falls (Post-Star),
  • Lewisboro,
  • Long Island (Long Island Advance),
  • New York City (New York Post),
  • Plattsburgh (Press-Republican),
  • Saratoga Springs (Saratogian),
  • Schenectady (Daily Gazette),
  • Syracuse (Post Standard),
  • Troy,
  • Utica (Observer-Dispatch),
  • Watertown (Watertown Daily Times), and
  • Westchester county.

Dates of coverage vary with the newspaper. Available online at ERS and LH/G.

Ancestry Library Edition. Ancestry contains family and local histories, family trees, directories, periodical and newspaper articles on genealogy, immigration and naturalization records, birth marriage and death records, and federal census records. While not every state or country is represented for every publication, the majority of the United States as well as many foreign countries are included. Available online at ERS and LH/G

Family Histories.  Bibliographic records of family histories, genealogies and related works held by various libraries and historical societies in the United States. Includes links to the holding libraries and historical societies. Via Genealogical Library Master Catalog. LH/G

FamilySearchexternal link.  Published by the Family History Department of the Church of Latter-day Saints. Includes Ancestral File, U.S. Social Security Death Index, International Genealogical Index and Family History Library Catalog. ERS and LH/G

Genealogical Library Master Catalog. Citations to holdings in 18 U.S. libraries. Databases include Family Histories, Genealogical Sources and Local Histories. For more information see the individual descriptions on this list. LH/G

Genealogical Sources. Bibliographic records of original and transcribed genealogical records, how-to-guides, family histories, and related works held by various libraries and historical societies in the United States. Includes links to the holding libraries and historical societies. Via Genealogical Library Master Catalog. LH/G

Genealogy Web Sites. Bibliography of genealogy sites chosen by the staff at the New York State Library. Categories include cemeteries, census, civil war, foreign genealogy, genealogy associations and organizations, general, immigration and naturalization, military and New York. Available online at ERS and LH/G.

Index to Griffith's Valuation of Ireland, 1848-1864. Index to survey of private land and buildings in Ireland. Searchable by name. Database provides name, county, parish and location.  Additional information, such as occupation, religious affiliation, etc., may be included.  LH/G

Local Histories.  Bibliographic records of local histories and related works held by various libraries and historical societies in the United States. Includes links to the holding libraries and historical societies. Via Genealogical Library Master Catalog. LH/G

New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (1847-1994) Index and text of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Includes genealogical and historical articles, biographies, memoirs, diary transcriptions, and church, cemetery, Bible and vital records. LH/G

Proquest Historical Newspapers.  Digital archive for leading newspapers in North America. Full text of the New York Times, the newspaper of record for the United States, is currently available, from its first issue in 1851 through 1999. Available online at ERS and LH/G.

Sanborn Maps Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970. Provides access to large-scale maps (50 feet to an inch) of towns and cities in the United States. The State Library subscribes to the New York subset of these maps. Available online at ERS and LH/G.

Casualties of the Korean and Viet Nam Warsexternal link. Includes records of U. S. military personnel who died in Vietnam or Korea between 1950 and 1975. LH/G

Last Updated: July 11, 2022