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Questions from each New York State Census

This page contains questions from the following New York State Census years: 1825; 1835; 1845; 1855; 1865; 1875; 1892; 1905; 1915 and 1925.


Name of head of family; number of males in family, including its head, if male; females in family, including its head, if female; males subject to militia duty between the ages of 18 and 45; males eligible to vote; male aliens, not naturalized; paupers; colored not taxed; colored taxed; colored taxed and qualified to vote for state and county officers; married females under 45; unmarried females between the ages of 16 and 45; unmarried females under 16; marriages occurring in the same family, where such female married person resided, during the preceding year; male and female births in the same family during the preceding year; male and female deaths in the same family during the preceding year; family's acres of improved land, animals, cloth manufactures, mills, carding machines, factories, iron works, trip hammers, distilleries, asheries; deaf and dumb, idiots and lunatics.


Name of head of family; number of males in family, including its head, if male; females in family, including its head, if female; males subject to militia duty; males eligible to vote; male aliens, not naturalized; paupers; colored not taxed; colored taxed; colored taxed and eligible to vote; married females under 45; unmarried females between the ages of 16 and 45; unmarried females under 16; marriages occurring in the same family, where such female married person resided during the preceding year; male and female births in the same family during the preceding year; male and female deaths in the same family during the preceding year; family's acres of improved land, animals, and cloth manufactures; deaf and dumb, blind, idiots and lunatics.


Name of head of family; number of males in family, including its head, if male; females in family, including its head, if female; males in family subject to militia duty; persons entitled to vote; aliens, not naturalized; paupers; colored not taxed; colored taxed; colored voters; married females under 45; unmarried females between the ages of 16 and 45; unmarried females under 16; marriages in the family during the preceding year; male and female births in family during year; male and female deaths in family during year; family members born in New York State; born in New England; born in any other state of the Union; born in Mexico, or South America; born in Great Britain, or its possessions; born in France; born in Germany; born in other parts of Europe; children between the ages of 5 and 16; children attending common schools; children attending private or select incorporated schools; children attending academies or unincorporated seminaries of learning other than colleges; children attending colleges and universities; family's cloth manufactures, acres of improved land, crops and animals.


Dwelling numbered in order of visitation; material of which dwelling is built; value; family numbered in order of visitation; name; age, sex and color (black or mulatto); relation to head of family; place of birth (county of New York State, other state or foreign country); married; widowed; years resident in this city or town; profession, trade or occupation; native and naturalized voters; aliens; colored not taxed; over 21 who cannot read and write; owners of land; deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic.


Dwelling numbered in order of visitation; material of which dwelling is built; value; family numbered in order of visitation; name (including that of anyone absent in army or navy); age, sex and color (white, black or mulatto); relation to head of family; place of birth (county of New York State, other state or foreign country); parent of how many children; number of times married; whether now married, widowed or single; profession, trade or occupation; usual place of employment; native and naturalized voters; aliens; colored not taxed; owners of land; over 21 who cannot read and write; deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotic; servicemen (lists those now or formerly in the army or navy of the United States).


Dwelling numbered in order of visitation; material of which dwelling is built; value; family numbered in order of visitation; name; age, sex and color (white, black, mulatto or Indian); relation to head of family; place of birth (county of New York State, other state or foreign country); whether now married, widowed or single; profession, trade or occupation; usual place of employment (those in military service list former home); native and naturalized voters; aliens; owners of land; over 21 who cannot read and write; deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotic.


Name; sex, age and color; country of birth; citizen or alien; occupation.


Address; name; relation to head of family; color, sex and age; place of birth (U.S. or foreign country); number of years in United States; citizen or alien; occupation; inmates of institutions (residence at time of admission).

1915 and 1925

Address; name; relation to head of family; color, sex and age; place of birth (U.S. or foreign country); number of years in United States; citizen or alien; if naturalized, when and where (1925); occupation, inmates of institutions (residence at time of admission); infants under one year.

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Last Updated: February 18, 2022