New York State Library

Exhibit: Tide Magazine

Image of a bulldog's face on a red background, with the word 'Grip' above.

August 2012

Before "Mad Men"...

What was the fast-paced, high-stakes world of advertising like in the mid-1900s? The bound volumes of a leading trade journal of the day--The Tide of Advertising and Marketing-- capture it all in the original format, with great content and rich graphics. Interestingly, some of the covers bear the rubber stamp of Young and Rubicam, one of the leading Madison Avenue ad firms.

The Tide was on exhibit on the 7th floor of the New York State Library during August 2012.

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Catalog records for Tide:


Exhibit curated by Shawn Purcell

Last Updated: November 2, 2021