New York State Library
book: The Story of the Dulcimer

Dulcimer and Folk Music Books

March 2019

This month's exhibit featured items from the Jean Ritchie collection in the New York State Library. These include books of dulcimer music, books on dulcimer building and books on folk music throughout the world.


Dulcimer and Folk Music exhibit: center case with dulcimer books

Jean Ritchie (pictured on the cover of the center book) was an American folk music singer, songwriter, and Appalachian dulcimer player. Her career formed a bridge between the traditional and modern forms of folk music.


Dulcimer and Folk Music exhibit: right case with dulcimer and folk song books

Jean was part of the Greenwich Village folk music revival, described in Greenwich Village: The Happy Folk Singing Days, 1950s and 1960s by Ralph Lee Smith (top left).


Dulcimer and Folk Music exhibit: left case, with more dulcimer books

The State Library's collection includes many books of music including books on Irish, Scottish, Canadian, and other types of folk music.  Children's songs and nursery rhymes are also included. While the State Library has a sheet music collection, the items in this exhibit are all in book format.

Composite of five books about dulcimers or folk music from the exhibit

Exhibit curated by Stephanie Barrett

Last Updated: November 2, 2021